Soufflé with gelatin at home. Cottage cheese soufflé - recipe with gelatin and fresh fruit. Cooking Tips How to make gelatin soufflé

Since childhood, many have fallen in love with a well-known dessert - curd soufflé. The recipe with gelatin is very simple, and it takes very little time to prepare the dessert. This dish can be made with fruit, cocoa, vanilla, cinnamon. An intricate hostess will always guess to use a curd soufflé with gelatin for a cake.

What should be a properly prepared soufflé?

The right souffle, first of all, literally melts in your mouth. A well-prepared dessert should be incredibly tender and airy. Its texture is ideally velvety and porous. All this is achieved only if the dessert preparation technology is observed, and the process of whipping eggs and cream is especially important.

So, how to cook a real curd soufflé? The recipe with gelatin (and not only) is given below.

Classic curd soufflé

1.5 cups of fatty or semi-fat cottage cheese should be mixed with an incomplete glass of sour cream. To this should be added 3 tbsp. l. sugar and a pinch of vanilla. All these ingredients must be thoroughly beaten until the sugar grains completely disappear and a homogeneous mass is obtained.

15 grams of gelatin are dissolved in a glass of warm milk, the liquid is filtered through a sieve and it must be left alone for a while, since now is the time to beat the curd mass with a mixer. This should be done at high speed for 5 minutes, after which the milk and gelatin should be poured in a thin stream, without stopping mixing all the components.

Next, the mass should be put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes (just at this moment such valuable bubbles form in the soufflé). After that, taking the curd mass out of the refrigerator, you need to beat it well again (at least 10 minutes) - due to this, the finished product will become light and airy.

Now it's time to prepare the cream, which will give the dessert tenderness. To do this, you need to beat a glass of the fattest cream with a mixer until a thick mass is formed - this is a cream with peaks. Next, the finished cream should be smoothly transferred to the curd soufflé, moreover, bring the mass to homogeneity, preferably with a whisk.

Now you need to carefully spread out in forms and send it to the refrigerator - at this stage we have an almost ready-made curd soufflé. The recipe with gelatin provides for the dessert to harden for 1.5-2 hours. After that, the product is ready for use.

The output is curd soufflé - a dietary pleasure for lovers of low-calorie desserts.

Vanilla curd soufflé

For one and a half cups of cottage cheese, you need to take three eggs and a large spoonful of vanilla sugar. All these ingredients should be beaten well, after which a tablespoon of yogurt should be added to the mixture. The resulting mass must be sent to the oven, heated to a temperature of 160 degrees, for baking. It will take a little time - about 15-20 minutes.

Such a soufflé will be very lush and incredibly tasty both warm and cold.

Curd soufflé with gelatin and fruit

The perfect breakfast is not only tasty, but also low in calories. In the morning, you can easily, literally in a matter of minutes, prepare a curd soufflé. The recipe with gelatin is very simple, so even a novice hostess can turn such a work of culinary art into reality.

To prepare it, you should take 1/4 kg of cottage cheese, add one yolk and 2 proteins to it. In this composition, the ingredients should be beaten with a mixer. Following this, fruits cut into small cubes are added to the resulting mixture (you can choose them at your discretion, for example, one banana will be enough). Sugar is also added to taste. After thorough mixing with a spoon or whisk, the dessert is sent to the microwave for 2-3 minutes. After this time, the dish will be ready to eat.

Cottage cheese soufflé with gelatin and cocoa

This dessert will become a favorite for chocolate lovers. To prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of gelatin and dilute it in water, according to the instructions on the package.

400 grams of grated cottage cheese should be placed in a separate bowl, and by adding a couple of tablespoons of cocoa there, the mass can be mixed. Now it is also necessary to add honey here, based on your considerations about the sweetness of the dessert, and, whisking with a submersible blender, pour half a glass of milk into the total mass. After the curd-milk mass acquires a homogeneous consistency, diluted gelatin is introduced into it and whipping continues until ready.

Everything! So easy to prepare chocolate-curd soufflé! The recipe with gelatin and cocoa turned out to be very simple.

Cottage cheese soufflé with semolina

In one bowl, combine half a kilogram of cottage cheese, three yolks, 1/3 cup semolina, 60 grams of sugar, a tablespoon of vanillin and baking powder for dough. All ingredients must be mixed with a mixer. In a separate dry bowl, beat the whites of three eggs until they acquire a thick consistency. They are carefully combined with the rest of the ingredients, preferably with a whisk.

The resulting mixture should be poured into a baking dish and sent to the oven for 40 minutes (cook at a temperature of 160 degrees).

After the soufflé is ready, you need to get it, lightly sue it, put the chopped fruits on top and pour over their jelly. The dessert is sent to the refrigerator until its surface is completely solidified.

If desired, a small amount of chopped fruit can be added to the souffle mass before baking. The curd soufflé prepared according to this recipe is dietary, since it contains very few calories.

Homemade soufflé with pink clouds gelatin.

Such a soufflé can be prepared both for a festive table and for friendly gatherings. It is very gentle and light, and for this soufflé received the affectionate name "Pink Clouds". This is a very delicate and beautiful dessert that your loved ones will appreciate. The finished jelly that is used in this recipe can be anything: strawberry, orange, etc. With a minimum of ingredients, you will prepare original dish with unique taste. The most difficult thing in preparing this soufflé is to wait until it finally hardens, because you really want to try it as soon as possible! Prepare this dessert and appreciate its taste!

In order to make soufflé at home, we need:

  • Ready-made dry jelly with raspberry flavor - 1 pack (45 g)
  • Gelatin - 2 teaspoons
  • Granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Refined sunflower oil - 0.5 tbsp. spoons

Servings - 6
Preparation time - 5 minutes
Cooking time - 30 minutes + time for freezing.

Recipe for soufflé with gelatin at home.

1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients. Powdered sugar can be used if necessary. The oil is designed to lubricate the knife while cutting the dessert.

2. Gelatin pour 50 ml of cold boiled water and leave to swell.

3. Dissolve the gelatin in a water bath and cool to room temperature (Attention! It should never boil).

4. Pour sugar and dry powder of finished jelly into a saucepan and mix.

5. Bring the remaining water (150 ml) to a boil, pour the dry mixture into it, stir until it is completely dissolved, add gelatin and stir again. Cool down the mass.

6. Pour the mixture into the mixer bowl and beat for 12-15 minutes until a very fluffy white-pink mass is formed.

7. Put the resulting mass into a mold lined with cling film, level it, cover with foil and refrigerate to set (for example, overnight).

8. Turn the frozen jelly onto a board sprinkled with powdered sugar and remove the film.

9. Cut the soufflé into cubes, brushing the knife with oil.

10. Soufflé can be rolled in powdered sugar.

11. Put on a plate and can be served with tea.

Delicious and tender soufflé "Pink Clouds" is ready! Bon Appetit! Such a soufflé will decorate both a regular and a festive table.

It seems that there is no need to explain how curd soufflé differs from jelly with cottage cheese? Or is it still necessary? In contrast to the rather dense and elastic jelly, the soufflé always turns out to be more tender, airy and porous. Today we will prepare a healthy delicacy at home - you will certainly appreciate the taste, aroma and velvety of the curd soufflé.

In general, soufflé can be prepared not only in baked form - in the oven, slow cooker or double boiler. Most often, curd soufflé is made without baking, that is, the air mass is gelled with the help of agar-agar or gelatin. At the request of Olesya, who ordered this dessert dish, I am sharing with you a recipe for curd soufflé on gelatin, which does not need to be baked.

The main task in the preparation of curd soufflé (at least for me personally) is to create a porous and airy texture of the finished dessert. To do this, you can use a number of techniques that are not at all complicated. First of all, create the necessary volume with the help of egg whites or whipped cream whipped into a strong foam, which are introduced last into the already prepared curd base. Or, for a rather long time, beat with a mixer the curd mass with gelatin that has already cooled well.

I cook the souffle with cottage cheese in the last way, since it is not always possible to get heavy cream, and my powerful kitchen assistant is always at hand. If you have a weak mixer, it may not withstand long whipping, so use the above method with proteins or cream.

Ready-made curd soufflé can be served as an independent dessert, decorating it with fresh fruit slices, berries, mint or lemon balm. In addition, it is great for making homemade cakes, where it acts as a delicate and velvety layer. From the indicated amount of products, two very decent servings of dessert or a layer for a cake with a diameter of 16-18 centimeters are obtained.


Cooking step by step with photos:

The recipe for a gentle curd soufflé includes the following ingredients: cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, sugar, gelatin and vanillin (optional). I advise you to choose cottage cheese not dry, not grains, preferably bold or fatty, you can paste. Sour cream, like milk, take absolutely any fat content. Adjust the amount of sugar to your liking (I got a moderately sweet soufflé), and you need literally a pinch of vanillin for flavor. It can be replaced with a teaspoon of vanilla sugar or a few drops of vanilla extract.

Option 1. You can beat all the ingredients with a mixer at high speed, but then there will be grains of cottage cheese in the resulting mass. Of course, you can pre-wipe it through a sieve 1-2 times, then the cottage cheese will be much more tender.

Option 2. Punch everything with an immersion blender. I like this method the most, as the result is an absolutely homogeneous curd mixture without a single grain of curd. And besides, the crystals of granulated sugar instantly dissolve.

Now let's take a look at the gelatin. There may also be options for its preparation. In any case, you should always read the instructions on the package. Some types of gelatin need to be soaked in liquid for 30-40 minutes, while others (my version) will dissolve immediately in hot liquid. We need to dissolve 15 grams (that's one and a half tablespoons) of gelatin in 200 milliliters of milk. Instant gelatin is poured into hot (85-90 degrees) milk and, with vigorous stirring, dissolves almost completely. Simple gelatin is soaked in cold milk for 30-40 minutes, after which it is heated over medium heat with constant stirring until it dissolves, and in no case is brought to a boil. This can lead to the fact that the future soufflé will not harden.

Then, in a thin stream, we introduce gelatin dissolved in milk into the curd mass, which has already cooled to a warm state. Just be sure to strain it through a sieve so that there are no grains of gelatin in the finished curd souffle that have not had time to dissolve. Mix everything well with a mixer or a whisk and put in the refrigerator for 5-7 minutes, so that the mixture begins to set, that is, to gel, but only slightly. It is due to cooling when whipping gelatin that the air bubbles we need will appear.

Then beat everything together at high speed for at least another 10 minutes to get an airy mass. If you neglect this step, there will be no necessary airiness in the soufflé, but you will get just delicious curd jelly. After whipping the mass at this stage, if desired, you can add whipped cream to the curd base, which will make the finished dessert even more airy, porous and tender. To do this, first beat 150-200 milliliters of heavy (at least 30%) cream to soft peaks, and then gently fold them in with a spatula or whisk. Just do not beat with a mixer, otherwise there is an option to kill the mixture and then the whey from the cream will begin to move away from it. If heavy cream is not available, use 2-3 fresh egg whites, which are beaten to stiff peaks, then fold into the curd base.

Today I’ll tell you a recipe on how to make the most delicious Bird’s Milk cake with gelatin (agar-agar) without baking, simply and quickly.

This dessert can be eaten even by losing weight girls and women, preferably in the morning, because during the next day you will move and all the calories will burn!

🔸 per 100 grams - 144.18 kcal 🔸 B / W / U - 13.44 / 7.72 / 4.41 🔸


  • Raw chicken egg medium size - 5 pcs
  • Gelatin or Agar-Agar - 18 g
  • Pasteurized milk 1% - 100 ml
  • Oatmeal (own grinding) - 0.5 tbsp. l
  • Sweetener (Fitparad) - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

How to make bird's milk soufflé

Consider the easiest and fastest way to make bird's milk soufflé at home.


Eggs. We carefully separate all the yolks from the proteins so that not a single drop of the yolk gets into the proteins. Then we send all the proteins to the refrigerator for cooling.

Pour gelatin or agar-agar with water at room temperature and leave to swell.

Add Fitparad to the yolks to taste and beat with a mixer at good speed until a fluffy light homogeneous mass, which will turn light yellow.

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder into flour. Then add to the yolks. We also add milk. Mix well. We put in a water bath until it thickens and has a creamy consistency. Then cool to room temperature and put in the refrigerator.

Now let's move on to proteins. We add a little salt to them and beat them with a mixer / blender at high speed until they reach peaks (this is when the proteins turn into a lush dense foam of such a concentration that you need to take them with a spoon and not a single gram of liquid remains from the proteins).

In the process of whipping proteins, add the Fitparad sweetener to taste (remember, this is a concentrate!) And continue to beat, increasing the speed of the mixer.

Mix the yolk cream that has cooled in the refrigerator with a mixer. And we leave.

Gently fold the warm dissolved gelatin / agar-agar into the beaten egg whites with a spoon and gently mix from the bottom up so that the foam does not fall.

Pour the yolk cream here carefully and mix until smooth.

We spread the entire finished mass into a mold (preferably silicone) and send it to the refrigerator overnight.

Diet soufflé for cake Bird's milk according to this recipe is incredibly tender and low-calorie, which is very good for those who are losing weight or maintaining their weight.

Bon Appetit!