Phrasal verb put. Phrasal verb put Phrasal verb put ___ through ___

The phrasal verb put belongs to the group of irregular transitive verbs. Meanings: put, place, lead, expose, direct, express, make something do, formulate, express (in words). In combination with various prepositions and adverbs, it is widely used in colloquial speech. All 3 forms of the verb put are exactly the same.

Phrasal verb put - examples of combinations with prepositions and adverbs

Even one combination of the phrasal verb put with a preposition or adverb can have up to 20 meanings. The sentence is translated depending on the general meaning. So, for example, the phrasal verb put down in one case is translated as “record”, in another - “to humiliate”, in the third - “to put to sleep”. For an accurate understanding, you need to consider sentences with examples. It is better to learn the meanings by heart, and you can consolidate the learned material with the help of constant practice, as well as doing exercises.

Helpful information :

The phrasal verb put should be mastered gradually. Choose the most used turns in speech, texts. Pay attention to all the nuances. For example, put on involves dressing one item of clothing, while say get dressed means dressing completely. At first, it is very difficult to translate sentences on your own.

Prepositions and adverbs play the main role in transitive phrasal verbs. Their value determines the meaning of the expression. So off indicates a distance, an exception. Aside - to the side, which means that the verb with this adverb will mean to put aside, put aside. Together - together, which means that the actions will be joint (we will think about it, we will make it up). But there are verbs that cannot be translated based on associations and the meaning of prepositions / adverbs. These include: put up with - endure, put up with.

The noun with respect to which the action is performed can be located inside the phrase. Example : to put my expenditures down - cut my expenses. "my expenditures" is used between to put and down. Keep in mind that in English everything is translated literally. Need constant training. And then you will quickly master this interesting and at the same time complex language.

We remember: put on clothes - put on, take off clothes - take off, put off - put off, repel.

Phrasal verb examples table (to put + preposition/adverb)

Writing Translation Examples of using
put on Put on, turn on (actuate mechanisms), gain weight, make fun of CL, stage (on stage); pretend to be (sick), increase (speed) Michelle put on pink socks. – Michelle put on pink socks.

Thomas has put on 7kg. – Thomas scored 7 kg.

You can put on a new play. You can put on a new play.

merry, put on the light, please! – Mary, please turn on the light!

put off Take off, postpone, turn off, repel, disgust Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. (until - before, here used on)

They can put off the court date. They can reschedule (postpone) the trial date.

Lily, most guys are put off by my look. – Oh Lily, most guys repels My appearance.

This rubbish puts me off. This trash can disgusts me.

put out Extinguish (fire, fire, cigarette), publish, publish (in a magazine), dislocate, inconvenience Faster put the fire out! - Faster put out the fire!

I have put out my hand. “I sprained my arm.

I really put out by the unexpected arrival of my neighbors. - I was real upset unexpected arrival of my neighbors. (To me caused inconvenience unexpected arrival of my neighbors.)

put away Clean up, get rid of, hide, turn out, set aside, absorb (of food) I can't put away this stand. - I can not put away this stand.

Paul puts away his pen and went to the garden. - Floor postponed pen and went to the garden.

He put away 3 apples and 2 cakes. - He ate 3 apples and 2 cakes.

put through connect (on the phone), finish Can you put me through to Mr. Grey? - Can you connect me to Mr. Grey?

Can you put it through by Friday? - You can finish with this (do this) before Friday?

put up Build, finance, raise, organize, establish Philip was putting a tent up in the forest. – Philip installed tent in the forest.

They didn't put up price for their cottage. - They are not raised(increased) the price of their cottage.

put up with endure, put up with (something) How can you put up with his pranks? - How can you tolerate his antics?
put down Write down (phone number), humiliate, omit, put to sleep (= kill), fix, interrupt Bella was very sick and she had to be put down. Bella was very sick and had to put to sleep.

Now I see why you had me put down the gun. Now I understand why you made me lower gun.

The results of the experiments are put down in the journal. – Results of experiments fixed (are recorded) In the magazine.

Mr. Alens puts me down! - Mr Alens humiliates me!

We had to put down the work when John came. - We had to interrupt job when John came.

put back Delay, slow down, return, bypass We need to put it back. - We need it return.

We should put this question back to the following month. - Let's put off (= delay) to resolve this issue by next month.

It put me back 50$. - This cost me 50 dollars.

put around Spread out, have fun, hug I want to put around you. - I want you to embrace.

The chainlet is something nice, that you put around your neck. - The chain is such a cute thing that put on on the neck.

put together Compose (put together) Ann makes more money that her friends put together. Anna made more money than all her friends taken together.

Put your heads together. - Let's together let's think.

put aside put aside (aside) Put your dreams aside and listen to me. - Postpone your fantasies aside and listen to me.

I need to put aside potatoes and carrots for winter. - I need stock up (postpone) potatoes and carrots for the winter.

put across Turn the case (with successful completion) My colleague puts this deal across in record time. – My colleague successfully cranked deal in record time.

Idioms and set expressions

Let's get acquainted and learn the following phrases using the phrasal verb to put:

  • put something into practice - put into practice;
  • put a bee in someone's bonnet - incite, submit an idea;
  • put two and two together - (literally: put 2 and 2 together) collect all the information, figure out something, put together a picture of what is happening;
  • put a lid on - veto (on a tsp), stop growth (development);
  • put a spanner in the works - put spokes in the wheels, intends to interfere with k.l. work or business;
  • put in a fix - get into trouble (or in a difficult situation);
  • put something into perspective - rethink (consider cl in perspective);
  • put something into force - to carry out something, to put into force (pr: law);
  • not put a foot wrong - do not take a single wrong step;
  • put one‘s foot down - take a firm stand (in a cl. question);
  • put yourself in my place (or in my shoes) - put yourself in my place;
  • put a stop to something - to finish the job, to end something.

There are still quite a few combinations, let's look at a few more without examples:

  1. Put forward - nominate a candidate, get ahead.
  2. Put in - make a lot of effort, plant (a plant), invest.
  3. Put over - reach the goal.
  4. Put ahead - transfer (date), promote development.

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English-Russian translation PUT OUT

transcription, transcription: [ʹpʋtʹaʋt]

1. 1> pull out, stick out

to put out one "s tongue, to put one" s tongue out - stick out / show / tongue

to put out one "s hand - stretch / stretch / hand

a snail puts out its horns - snail puts out its horns 2> hang out

to put out flags - put out flags

to put linen out to dry - hang / dry / linen 3> lay out (things, etc.)

2. 1> take out; expel; release

to put out the rubbish - take out the trash

put the dog out for ten minutes - let the dog out for ten minutes

to put horses out to grass - let horses graze

he is put out by the constable - the constable kicked him out 2> gouge out (eyes)

to put out smb."s eyes - gouge out someone's eyes

3. extinguish, extinguish

to put out the fight - put out / turn off / light

to put out a fire - put out the fire

he put out his cigarette - he put out a cigarette

4. spend, spend

to put out one "s strength - "give your best", spare no effort

to put out considerable effort - make significant efforts

5. dislocate

to put out one "s shoulder knee joint - dislocate the shoulder knee joint

6. 1> upset, unsettle, unbalance

nothing ever puts him out - nothing can piss him off

she was evidently quite put out with me - she was obviously angry with me 2> to cause inconvenience; hinder

he was very much put out by their arrival - their arrival caused him a lot of inconvenience

please, don "t put yourself out, I" ll look for the book myself - please don't worry, I'll find the book myself

7. 1> releasing; publish

the publishers put out fifty new books last season - last season publishers put out fifty new books 2> distribute

to put out a rumour - start a rumor

the government put out a statement - the government made a statement

8. give (to the side)

to put a baby out to nurse - give the child to the care of the nurse

to put out one "s washing - give laundry to the laundry

9. lend at interest (money)

to have £1000 put out at 5% - give / lend / a thousand pounds at five percent

10. to sprout (of plants)

11. to go; go to sea

12. release, produce

13. sport. tarnish, deprive the opportunity to increase the score (cricket, baseball)

14. rude. "to give" (of a woman)

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English-Russian Dictionaries

More meanings of the word and translation of PUT OUT from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word "PUT OUT" in dictionaries.

  • PUT OUT - * extinter; vexar, iritar PUT UP: * (at) logiar, pernoctar; (~ to) inatigar; (~ with) tolerar
    English interlingue dictionary
  • PUT OUT - verb Date: 14th century transitive verb extinguish , exert , use , publish , issue , to produce for sale, ...
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Merriam Webster
  • PUT OUT - verb Etymology: Middle English putten out, from putten to put + out transitive verb 1. : exert, use put ...
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • PUT-OUT - /poot"owt"/ , n. baseball. an instance of putting out a batter or base runner. [1880-85, Amer.; n. use of …
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • PUT OUT - extinguish; annoy; remove, send out
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • PUT OUT - Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. : extinguish put the fire out 2. : exert , use put out considerable ...
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • PUT OUT—Function: transitive verb Date: 14th century 1: EXTINGUISH< put the fire out >2: EXERT , USE ...
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • PUT OUT - vt (14c) 1: extinguish "put the fire out" 2: exert, use "put out considerable effort" 3: publish, issue …
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • PUT OUT - I. 1. If you put out an announcement or story, you make it known to a lot of people. The …
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • PUT OUT - I. 1. If you ~ an announcement or story, you make it known to a lot of people. The French…
    Collins COBUILD - English Dictionary for Language Learners
    Moby Thesaurus English vocabulary
    Slang English vocab
  • PUT OUT - Function: verb 1 Synonyms: EXERT , exercise, ply, throw, wield 2 Synonyms: EXTINGUISH 1, douse, ||dout, out, quench, ||squench 3 ...
    Collegiate Thesaurus English vocab
  • PUT OUT - 1. Eject, expel, drive out. 2. Extend, protrude, hold out, stretch forth. 3. Emit, send out, throw out, shoot out. …
    Dictionary of English Synonyms
  • PUT OUT - verb 1. Synonyms: exert, exercise, ply, throw, wield 2. Synonyms: extinguish 1, douse, ||dout, out, quench, ||squench 3. Synonyms: ...
    Collegiate Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • PUT OUT—ph verb
    Oxford Collocations Dictionary Second Edition
  • PUT OUT — phr verb Put out is used with these nouns as the subject: fire brigade, firefighter , ship Put …
    Oxford Collocations English Dictionary
    Longman Activator English vocab
  • PUT OUT - v 1) produce (vt); 2) produced; 3) agree to sex (vt)
    Dirty English-Russian vocab
  • PUT OUT—v. 1) (D; refl.) ("to disturb") to put oneself out for (don "t put yourself out for us) ...
    The Bbi Combinatory Dictionary of English - A Guide to Word Combinations
  • PUT OUT - (v.) 1. To make a flame or light stop burning; extinguish; turn off. * /Please put the light out when ...
    Dictionary of English idioms
  • PUT OUT - produce, make The company decided to put out a newsletter to give news to the employees.
    English Idioms vocab
  • PUT OUT - do, function, perform; unhappy, upset Vern's crew really puts out. They do a lot of work in a day. Was …
    English Idioms vocabulary
  • PUT OUT—v. 1. To make a flame or light stop burning; extinguish; turn off. Please put the light out when you …
    American Idioms English vocabulary
  • PUT OUT - 1) expel; remove, remove; remove Syn: be out 10), boot out, bounce out 2), cast out 1), chuck out ...
  • PUT-OUT - "spotting", creating an offside position (baseball, cricket)
    Big English-Russian Dictionary
  • PUT-OUT - Eliminated
  • PUT OUT - Mute
    American English-Russian Dictionary
  • PUT OUT - Extinguish
    American English-Russian Dictionary
  • PUT OUT - Dislocate
    American English-Russian Dictionary
  • PUT OUT - phr v 1. 1> pull out, stick out to put out one "s tongue, to put one" s tongue out - stick out / show / tongue ...
    English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • PUT OUT - eliminate, remove
    English-Russian Scientific and Technical Dictionary
  • PUT OUT - 1) expel; remove, remove; remove Syn:be out 10), boot out, bounce out 2), cast out 1), chuck out 1), eject ...
    Tiger English-Russian Dictionary
  • PUT OUT - (n) creating an offside position
    English-Russian Linguistica"98 dictionary
  • PUT-OUT - n “spotting” creating an offside position (baseball, cricket)
  • PUT OUT - phr v 1. 1) pull out, stick out to ~ one "s tongue, to put one" s tongue out - stick out / show / tongue to ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova
  • PUT-OUT - n “spotting” creating an offside position (baseball, cricket)
    Big new English-Russian dictionary
  • PUT OUT - pull out, stick out; lay out, remove, remove; pry out, eliminate; put out, put out; upset, embarrass; infuriate, annoy; publish
    English-Russian-dictionary - Bed release
  • PUT OUT - 1) expel; remove, remove; remove Syn: be out 10), boot out , bounce out 2), cast out 1), chuck out ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • PUT OUT - 1) expel; remove, remove; remove Syn: be out 10), boot out, bounce out 2), cast out 1), chuck out 1), eject I …
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • PUT OUT - a> expel; remove, remove; take away; Two families who could not pay the rent were put out onto the street. b> ...
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • PUT OUT - a. expel; remove, remove; take away; Two families who could not pay the rent were put out onto the street. b. …
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - bed edition

Harasho, harasho,
I run this freakin' show!
You think I can\"t speak English?
There's nothing I don't know.
I know that World War III
so please EU and USA don't mothersuckers mess with me.
Yes I Ken
cause I'm the president wit the greatest plan,
to make my mother Russia number 1 again,
and by the way I hit better than Jackie Chan,
I\"m gentleman.

Do you want a piece or you want a piece of me?
I've got gas you see
don't play games with me.
Do you want my gas?
Well you can kiss my ass!
When I play chess be quiet or eat my pussy riot!

Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout,

Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout, Putout, Putin, Putout, Putin, Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout, Putout, Putin, Putout, Putin, Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Messin' with Putin
is a sin!

It's great to be president of the biggest country,
you can have Winter Olympic Games in 40 degrees,
and by the way, eurovision is so gay,
just please don't take my soccer world cup 2018 away!

I sang for charity lala
and tranqualized a tiger on a “killing spree”, bangbang,
I fight terrorism with my big army,
I'm nice
why oh why can\"t I get a Nobel peace prize?!

Do you want peace, or do you want a piece of me?
I've got gas you see
don\"t play games with me.
Do you want my gas?
Well you can kiss my ass!
If you are a prick - suck my Moby Dick!

Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout, Putout, Putin, Putout, Putin, Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout, Putout, Putin, Putout, Putin, Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout, Putout, Putin, Putout, Putin, Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Messin' with Putin
is a sin!

Niet I wont stop!
Until I wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!
Putin, Putout, Putout, Putin, Putout, Putin, Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout, Putin, Putout,

Good good,
I'll head the freak show!
You thought I didn't know English?
There's nothing there that I don't know.

I know that no one wants to see the Third World War
So please don't mess with me, EU and US suckers.
Yes. I can
because I am the president who has a grand plan
make my mother Russia number one again
And by the way, I hit better than Jackie Chan himself,
I'm also a gentleman.

So no games needed.
Do you want gas?
Kiss my ass!
When I play chess - don't let it bother you,
Or everything will be with you as with Pussy Raet.

Insert-Take out!
I'm Putin, so you know!
Put-in, put-out
(many times)
Are you against Putin?
Hey hey
It is a sin!

It's good to be the president of the biggest country in the world,
You can host the Winter Olympics in the tropics,
And by the way, you have Eurovision there - gays are everywhere,
So leave the Football Championship to me.

I sing for charity
And I put the tigers to sleep in batches,
I fight terrorism
I'm cute
So why am I not being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

Do you want a truce or do you want a piece of me?
I have gas as you can see
So no games needed.
Do you want gas?
Kiss my ass!
If you're a fool, suck on my Moby Dick.

Insert-Take out!
I'm Putin, you know!
Put-in, put-out
(many times)
Are you against Putin?
Hey hey
It is a sin!

No I won't stop
Until I win!

The English word put means "to put". In addition to being very useful on its own, put also serves as the source material for the formation of a huge number of phrasal verbs.

In this article, we will look at as many as 15 common phrasal verbs with put. Some of them will have meanings that logically follow from the original word (postpone, put in place, etc.). However, others will turn out to be quite exotic (forcing someone to go through trouble, put up with something).

So, let's get down to business!

15 meanings of phrasal verbs with put in English

Read about what phrasal verbs are and how they behave in this article.

1. Phrasal verb put aside #1

Transcription and translation:[pʊtəˈsaɪd] / [put es'aid] - discard, forget

Meaning of the word: Ignore or forget something for the sake of more important things


Be sure to clarify what exactly, even if it's just "it". For example: The group could not discard (put aside) creative differences and broke up. We can forget (put aside) about our disagreements during the competition?


We decided to put aside this incident and continue working together.
We decided forget this incident and continue to work together.

Only if we put aside all personal grudges can we be a productive team!
Only if we discard all personal grievances, we can become a productive team!

2. Phrasal verb put aside #2

Transcription and translation:[pʊtəˈsaɪd] / [put es'aid] - set aside, release

Use: Typically the word is used for money or time. For example: They are long postponed (put aside) money for an apartment. You will have to rid (put aside) an hour a day for exercise.


I try to put aside some time for reading every evening.
I AM I release a little time to read every evening.

I put aside some money from each salary - that "s how I was able to afford a motorcycle.
I AM postponed a little money from every salary - that's how I was able to afford a motorcycle.

3. Phrasal verb put away

Transcription and translation:[pʊtəˈweɪ] / [put eyʻey] - postpone, remove

Meaning of the word: Putting something back in place because the item is no longer in use


We clarify after the word what exactly we are postponing! For example: She postponed (put away) an untied scarf and went to open the door. You are welcome, put off (put away) work and listen to me.


He put away his tools to make room for lunch.
He removed their tools to make room for lunch.

I told children to put away their toys and start doing their homework.
I told the children put away toys and sit down for homework.

4. Phrasal verb put back

Transcription and translation:[pʊt bæk] / [put back] - put in place, put back

Meaning of the word: Putting something in the place where it was before you took it


Don't forget to specify what we put. For example: He turned the box in his hands and put her back (put it back). If you take something from the shelf, please put your luggage it's on place (put it back).


I believe it "s not yours. Please, put it back.
I don't think it's yours. You are welcome, put on the place.

Can I take your pen, please? I "ll put it back, I promise!
Can I have your pen, please? I AM I will put her into place, I promise!

5. Phrasal verb put ___ behind you

Transcription and translation:/ [put ___ bih'aind yu] - leave behind; forget; leave in the past

Meaning of the word: Forget about some unpleasant experience and think about the future


"You" here changes depending on who we are talking about: he put it behind him, she put it behind her, etc. For example: John left v past bad memories put bad memories behind him) and focused on work. It's time for you forget both everyone, what happened (put everything that happened behind you) and move on with your life.


Can we put this behind us and be friends again?
We can leave it behind and be friends again?

You should put it behind you now: what's done is done.
You should leave it v past: what is done is done.

6. Phrasal verb put down #1

Transcription and translation:[pʊt daʊn] / [put d'aun] - put, lower

Meaning of the word:Stop holding something and put it somewhere


Don't forget to specify the subject. For example: He put (put down) pen and re-read what was written. May I put (put down) a bag for this chair?


7. Phrasal verb put down #2

Transcription and translation:[pʊt daʊn] / [put d'aun] - write down

Meaning of the word: Record any information on paper

Use: Let's clarify what we are recording. For example: If you are not sure that you will remember, then it is better write down it ( put it down). He wrote down (put down) her number, but forgot where.


8. Phrasal verb put off #1

Transcription and translation:[pʊtɒf] / [put off] - postpone, reschedule

Meaning of the word: Postpone or reschedule something


If we want to clarify where exactly we transferred something, then we need the word until(before). For example: We decided postpone (put off) wedding before ( until) July. We can postpone (put off) this question before ( until) tomorrow?


We can't put this off any longer! Let's get married!
We can't do this anymore save! Let's get married!

The meeting was put off until Tuesday.
The meeting was postponed until Tuesday.

9. Phrasal verb put off #2

Transcription and translation:[pʊtɒf] / [put off] - turn away, repel, scare away

Meaning of the word: Awaken dislike or distrust of someone or something


We use it when a certain act or quality of an object makes us dislike it. For example: Tom's unsociable character is usually repels (puts off) people. At first, the view of the hotel is somewhat scared away me ( put me off), but inside it was very cozy.


I admit I was first put off by Daniella's rather rude manners, but she turned out to be a kind woman.
Confess me first scared away Daniella's rough manner, but she turned out to be a kind woman.

Don't be put off by the way it looks, this is actually a delicious cake!
Let you not scares away his appearance, in fact it is a delicious pie!

10. Phrasal verb put on

Transcription and translation:/ [put he] - put on

Meaning of the word: Putting on any piece of clothing


It's just about what we put on ourselves! For example: He shouldn't put on (put on) this sweater for passport photo. She put on (put on) the necklace he gave her.


What are you joking?! I won't put this on!
Are you joking? I don't put on!

Sam put on his best suit for the dinner party.
Sam allotment your best dinner party suit.

11. Phrasal verb put out

Transcription and translation:/ [put ʻout] - put out

Meaning of the word: Put out the fire, make something go out


It can be both fire and a burning thing. For example: Firefighters long extinguished (put out) House. Do not forget put out (put out) candles when you go to bed.


He put out his cigarette and headed back to the office.
He extinguished cigarette and headed back to the office.

We should put out the campfire before leaving.
We should put out fire before leaving.

12. Phrasal verb put ___ through ___

Transcription and translation:/ [put ___ thr`y ___] - to put someone through something

Meaning of the word: Making someone experience something unpleasant or difficult


Here we have to clarify two things at once: firstly, the one whom we force to go through something; secondly, what he actually goes through. For example: John spent wife ( put his wife through) across a lot of trouble, but they still love each other. The decision to start a new life spent me ( put me through) across many trials.


Sorry, I didn't want to put you through all this mess, but I had no choice.
I'm sorry, I didn't want conduct you across this whole nightmare, but I had no choice.

He put his family through a lot.
He across much spent your family.

13. Phrasal verb put ___ to ___

Transcription and translation:[pʊt ___ tuː ___] / [put ___ to ___] - offer, present

Meaning of the word: Present an offer to a person or authorities that can accept or reject it


Don't forget to specify what we offer (even if it's just "it"!) and to whom. For example me I will offer this (will put it to) to the others and see what they say. Our team is going to propose a project ( put the project to) to the director tomorrow.


We will put your proposal to the committee.
We imagine your proposal to the committee.

I tried to put this idea to the investors but they were unimpressed.
I tried present this idea to investors, but they were not impressed.

14. Phrasal verb put together

Transcription and translation:[pʊt təˈgɛðə] / [put tugʻethe] - assemble, cut, glue

Meaning of the word: Make or prepare by putting the pieces together


We can talk about both completely material things (constructor, furniture), and about products of human thought (plan, essay, presentation). For example: We must tailor (put together) at least some plan for further action! Scientists have succeeded collect (put together) a complete dinosaur skeleton from the bones found last year.


I put together a draft version of my essay and sent it to the professor.
I AM stuck together a draft version of the essay and sent it to the professor.

How long does it take to put together this puzzle?
And it will take a long time collect this puzzle?

15. Phrasal verb put up with

Transcription and translation:/ [put up y`ith] - put up with

Meaning of the word: Accept something annoying or unpleasant without complaining


Don't forget to specify what we put up with. For example: My colleague cannot put up With (put up with) clutter in the workplace. She long reconciled With (put up with) his bad habits.


I'm not gonna put up with his excuses any longer!
I'm not going anymore put up With his excuses!

You don't have to put up with your neighbors" behavior! Call the police!
You should not put up with neighbor behavior! Call the police!

That's all! I hope this article has helped you understand the most common put phrasal verbs. To test our knowledge, let's do a task to consolidate.

Reinforcement task

Insert the correct word in the gap. Leave your answers in the comments below the article.

1. I ___ this motorcycle from what I found in the garage.
2. You need ___ some time to rehearse the performance.
3. Frank ___ all failures and started a new life.
4. He got tired of digging and ___ a shovel to take a short break.
5. I ___ everything the professor talked about.
6. We had to ___ with bad weather and postpone our walk.
7. A young man in a red shirt, ____ his phone while I am giving a lecture.
8. Me ___ the price of this phone.
9. You can't ___ striped trousers with a plaid shirt.
10. Heavy rain soon ___ fire.
11. She washed the mug and ___ her back in the cupboard.
12. Your stupid ideas ___ through a lot of trouble!
13. For the sake of a common cause, I am ready to ___ my dislike for John and work with him.
14. Can we ___ this proposal to the board of directors?
15. Let's ___ this decision by Wednesday.

English verb put, which we know as " to put, to put, to place, to attach, to attach "and is one of the most commonly used verbs, has many combinations with different prepositions, next to which it acquires new meanings.

The combination of the verb put with various prepositions

Let's start with the most common combination of the verb put with the preposition on, which can act in different meanings.

  • Put on - put on clothes; gain weight; put into action, turn on; put in a ridiculous position; make fun of someone; stage
  • Put on that red dress I have recently bought for you. “Put on that red dress I recently bought you.
  • She has put on 5 kilos - she gained 5 kilograms of weight
  • A new play will be put on by the staff of our theater - a new play will be staged by the troupe of our theater
  • It is getting dark. Please put on the light - it gets dark. Please turn on the light.
  • put out - dislocate (shoulder or arm); extinguish or extinguish a fire, light; exclude, remove, expel; give, for example, to laundry, repair or somewhere else, send the child to kindergarten; produce, produce; cause inconvenience.
  • I have put out the hand and cannot write - I sprained my arm and cannot write
  • Put out the candle when you go to sleep - Put out the candle when you go to sleep
  • We have put you out with our arrival - We caused you inconvenience with our arrival
  • Put off - turn off; distract, interfere, put off until a later date, arouse disgust.
  • I never forget to put off the light when go out - I never forget to turn off the light when I leave home -
  • This work may be put off till tomorrow - This work can be postponed until tomorrow
  • Your talk put me off - Your chatter bothers me
  • Put through - connect by phone; finish, fulfill (a task), pass a law.
  • All the pupils have put the task through quickly - All students quickly completed the task
  • Please put me through with this number - Please connect me to this number
  • The new education law will be put through in a month - The new education law will be adopted in a month
  • put down - disembark passengers; postpone, interrupt work; contribute (part of the amount), cut costs; drink; write down;
  • Please put me down at the city hospital - Drop me off at the city hospital
  • I had to put down the work when guests came - I had to interrupt work due to the arrival of guests
  • Put down the homework - Write down your homework
  • Put across / over - deceive someone
  • You shouldn't put over your small brother
  • Put ahead - change, postpone the date to an earlier date; contribute to the development
  • Hard working has put you ahead - Hard work contributed to your rapid development
  • The plans have changed and we'll have to put ahead our journey - The plans have changed and we will have to reschedule our trip to an earlier date
  • Put about - worry, worry disseminate information.
  • It was put about that it would snow
  • She was put about by the sad news - She was worried about the sad news
  • Put across - to convince of something, to successfully complete a business
  • I could put her across to come with us - I was able to convince her to come with us
  • He put across this difficult case
  • Put apart - save time, money
  • In spite of small salary she could put apart money to buy a new TV - Despite the small salary, she was able to save money to buy a new TV
  • Put aside - postpone for a while; put an end to, stop thinking about something; save, save.
  • I had to put aside the work when my friends came - I had to postpone work when friends came
  • put back - postpone, delay move the hands of the clock;
  • At 12 o'clock time should be put back
  • Put forward - put forward someone's candidacy, offer an idea; move the clock hands forward, speed up.
  • We decided to put your candidature forward for the position of the head of our department - We decided to nominate you for the position of head of department
  • Tomorrow time should be put forward - Tomorrow you need to move the clock forward
  • Put in - to file a complaint, an application; put into action; insert words; install equipment; spend time doing something.
  • Put in the application and it will be considered within two days
  • Put in the missed words - Insert missing words
  • put over - complete, reach the goal; save;
  • We managed to put over the matter - We managed to complete our business
  • Put together - collect, combine.
  • All parts of the construction were put together - All parts of the construction were put together
  • put up - put the play; build a building; post an ad; raise prices; put up for sale.
  • A new play was put up at the stage of our theater - A new play was staged on the stage of our theater
  • A new building was put up in the center of the town - A new building was built in the city center