Celtic names and their meaning. Celtic male names and their meaning. Scottish male names for the letter with

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Celtic names

Celtic women's names and their meaning

Celtic names - These are the names of the ancient tribes that inhabited almost the entire territory of Ancient Europe.

Celtic tribes treated: Galla, Galats, Gelviet, Belgi, Arvernnas, Boy, Senons, Bituriga, Waist.

Celts occupied the territory of modern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany, almost all Western and Central Europe.

To this day have been preserved traditionally Celtic regions - These are areas in modern Europe, populated by representatives of Celtic culture and Celtic languages: Brittany, Cornwall, Ireland, Isle of Man, Scotland and Wales. In these regions they say or previously spoken at one of the Celtic languages.

Prior to the expansion of the Roman Empire and the increase in the territory of the German tribes, most of Western Europe was Celtic.

Women's Celtic names and their meaning

Avalon - Paradise, apple

AYN. - Shine

Iris (AIRIC) - Pleasant

Alastrio (Alastriona.) - Defender of mankind

Alena (Alena) - Fair of paints, beautiful

Arel (Arala) - Promise

Arina (ARRENE.) - Promise

Arlet (Arleta.) - Promise

Bed (Breeda.) - Strong, independent.

Brenna (Brenna.) - Crow

Brett (Bretta.) - from the UK

Brianna (BRIANNA.) - rising against oppression

Bridhid(Brygid.) - Strong, hardy

Brigitta (Brigitta.) - Strong

Brit (Brit.) - Mighty Virgo who came from the UK

Britt (Britta.) - Strong

Venety (Venetia.) - Happy

Winnie (Winnie.) - Fair

Gwendolen (Gwendolen.) - noble

Gwendoline (Gwendolin.) - born noble

Gwell (Gwenn.) - noble

Ginerva (Ginerva.) - white like foam

Garia(Grania.) - love

Devon (Devona.) - Preaginal

Diva (Diva.

Divona (Divone) - predicted, predocked

Female(Jennyver) - White wave

Feminine (Jennifer) - White wave

Zinerva(Zinerva.) - Pale

Idella(Idelle) - generous, abundant

Ideisa(Ideelisa.) - generous, abundant

Imogen (Imogen.) - impeccable, innocent

And she (Iona) - Born from the king

Carrin (Camryn.) - leaning to freedom

Cassadi (Kassadi.) - Kudryavaya

Kennedy (Kennedy) - force

Kili. (Keely.) - Slender, Miloid

Khira (Khiara.) - Small dark

Lavena (Lavena.) - joy

Leslie (Lesley.) - Gray Fortress

Lynette. (Linette) - polite, taking into account

Mind. (Mabina.) - deft

Mavella (Mavelle) - joy

Mavis (Mavis.) - joy

Menzie (Mackenzie.) - the daughter of the wise leader

Malvina (Malvina.) - Major

Mevi (Maeve.) - Mythical Queen

Merna (Merna.) - sentence

Nara (Nara.) - Satisfied

Narina (Nareena) - Satisfied

Nela (Neala.) - Government

Ov (Ove.) - mythical name

Ofa (OIFA) - mythical name

Penardian (Penarddun.) - mythical name

Righan (Reaghan.) - noble

Rinnon - Big Queen

Roven (Rowena.) - white, pretty

Ryanne (Ryann.) - Little leader

Sabrina - River goddess

Seylan(Caylan.) - Winner

Selma (Selma.) - Milovoid

Sinin (Cinnie) - Beautiful

Tahra (Tahra.) - growing

Three hundred - brave, rash

Ula (ULA) - Gemstone from the sea

Union (Una) - White wave

Fedelm. (Fedelm.) - mythical name

FENELLA (Fenella) - mythical name

Fianna(Fianna.) - mythical name

Fingula (Fingula.) - mythical name

FindaBare (Findabair.) - mythical name

FHINE - Wine

Shavna (Shawna.)

Shaila (Shayla) - Fairy

Shailyah (Shayleigh) - Magic Princess

Shelya (Shaela) - Magic Palace

Evelyn (Evelyn.) - light

Edana (Edana.) - Passionate

Eina. (Aina.) - bringing joy

Alice(Ailis.) - noble

ENA (ENA) - passionate, fiery

Enya - singing elf

Epona - Horse

Eslinn (Aislynn.) - inspiration

Edna (Edna.) - the fire

E.tNA (Ethna.) - the fire

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Celtic names. Celtic women's names and their meaning

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Scottish male names have a lot in common with Irish, as well as Welsh. The difference consists only in pronunciation and small modifications that were used to facilitate their pronunciation. The roots and the value of the names for boys go to the Gallean, Anglo-Saxon and Celtic tribes, who inhabited these northern lands many years ago. But today they were supplemented by a list of traditional Christian names who brought Catholic faith to this land. Scots often use typically English diminutive forms that are used in the same rights as their full version, as well as the names of geographic territories (for example, Atol - "New Ireland", Innis - "Island"). The amount is not limited to them, so you can often find a two-three-digit male name.

List of men's Scottish names

Aarontall, teacher, core ark Alanbeautiful; good-natured; elf Alasterman, defender Alpinewhite Auli.descendence of the family Gillisminister of Jesus Gordongreat, big + fortress Griegerbe awesome Gavinwhite Sokol. DanielGod is my judge Jamiedispense Jamesnext Popots JackYakhwe gracious Donaldworld + law, power Dougaldark, black wanderer Douglasdark, black water or river Duncansveruple War Duffdark, black Ivartice tree + warrior defender Kalum.dove Kentignesupreme ruler Lahlan.country of lakes Liamdecisive defender, volitional Loganslender Lewisloud, nice Malcolmthe minister of St. Columbus Mirrenon behalf of the Sacred - Patron of Football Mungocute, kind Niven.saint Nilechampion; cloud Oliverelf army, shining army, defender Ryanroyal Ranald.higher power; The decision of the ruler Roryred, red + king Rosscape, ledge Tavishtwin Fingalwhite, clean + wanderer Chemicalsholding down Scholtosower Euangborn + Tis


Scottish names of boys

Most Scottish Names have the prefix "Mac": that from the Gael language is translated as a "son." Before the Scottish land came Christianity and appeared on Scott and Celts. Families, the Mack's prefix participated in the formation of the name, she was added to the name of the Father: Angus Mak Jones, Duncan Mac Donald. After some time, such forms became surnames and were fixed behind all members of each clan, the name of the founder of the clan was the basis.

In addition to surnames and names, many members of the clan had personal nicknames, who described the personality of a person, for example: the name of the alpine - "white", the "big", swarm - "Red", the name Alan - "generous", etc. As the Scottish people are deeply faithful to their roots and traditions, there are few fresh-acquired, new names among the people. Wanting to comply with the tradition of naming children, the Scots passed the names from generation to generation, this led to the fact that Scottles called Jock and Jimmy denoting the whole nation. If you plan to give the child to the Scottish name, then learn below the next list of names in which there are a lot of unusual Scottish names. Choosing the Scottish boys names, pay attention to the name of the names. Try to put the child not only by a sonorous name, but also with a deep meaning.

Islay - Island

Ihann - Horse

Ronald - Wise Ruler

Ayomhair - Archer

IGEN - fire

Ross - Cape

Ayomahher - Archer

Cuddy - Vivid Fame

Ruoridh - Red King

Alan - generous

Kyle - thin

Riecert - strong and brave

Allan - generous

Kaioneodh - Born Fire

Rouery - Red King

Allen - generous

Callum - Pigeon

Ruelidh - Red King

Alpine - White

Cam - Curved Nose

Ruerydh - Red King

Campbell - Curved Roth

Raibert - Scottish form Robertfamus

Alann - generous

Kaolin - a little thin

Ranald - English Ruler Reinolddaviz

Keir - Life in dampness

Ranalf - Old Wolf

Keit - Forest

Runef - Wolf

Aodeh - fire

Kelen - a little thin

Sayolyak - fruitful having seed producing a lot of offspring

Aodhagen - Fire

Kester - a cross carrier

Summerld - Summer Traveler

Aodhhen - Fire

Kineed - Born Fire

Sauna - Defender of mankind

AONGAS - one only

Kirk - Church

Sok - God's God

Aongus is one only

Seoras - Earth Worker, Farmer

Seasonh - God will add another son

Coisim - Sustainable

Seumas - shredder

Atol - New Ireland

SIGDX - like hawk

Baxter - Bakers

Cormug - Son Pollution

Sigdha - like a hawk

Ballard - Lysy

Craig - Scala

SIM - listening

Barclay - Birch Forest

Christie - the carrier of the cross

Simidh - listening

Beisitin - Bishop servant

Cenen - a small battle

Skinlair - Holy Clara

Benneit - blessed

Kalein - puppy, young puppy

SynNTGERN - headlord Lord

Bernard - brave like a bear

Somerled - Summer Traveler

Biten - Life

Stones - stone

Blaken - small yellow

Calum - Dove

Artwork - Corona

Boyd - yellow

Cameron - Curved Nose

Stephen - Crown

Camron - Curved Nose

Stoutyard - guard at home, steward

Brody - Place

Cahydhin - Fifth

Stu - Steward

Brody - Place

Caointin - Fifth

Steward - Home Security, Steward

Bruce - Forest or Bowl

Caeola - a little thin

SWIBN - well-running

Bheltair - Army Ruler

LAIN - Good God

Sachery - God remembered

Bhatair - Army Ruler

Laclan - Earth

There - twin

Balfoer - Pasture

Lan - God's God

Terlak - instigator

Le - Poddubov Garden

Tokyl - Torah Boiler

Vili - helmet

Leit - smooth water

Tomakhan - twin

Forks - helmet

Lennox - Elm

Thomas - twin

Willy - helmet

Lenox - Elm

Tomag - twin

Gavin - White Hawk

Leslie - Padubov Garden

Torbern - Torah Bear

LIL - from the island

Torkiwood - Torah Boiler

Glen - Valley

Lindsay, Lindside, Lindsey, Linsey - Wetlands

TEDG - Poet

Glenn - Valley

Logan - emptiness, lowland

Tadhg - Poet

Goeridh - the world of God

Lochann - Earth

Tamhas - twin

Llanal - Wolf

Tesgol - Boiler Gods

Goreydh - the world of God

LEBHREINN - from Lorentum

Willie - Helmet

Lagman - lawyer

Willig - helmet

Grant - big

Lamont - lawyer

Willim - helmet

Grahah - Gravel

Lard - landman

Wapping - Stone island

Greg - careful, vigilant

Lachi - Earth

Evidence - helmet

Louis - famous warrior

Waylin is healthy, strong

Makintosh - Milny, exactly done

Welen - healthy, strong

Mackenzie - Milny, exactly done

Fife - Dude

Gray - Gravel

Maxwell - Flow

Fife - Dude

Greer - careful, vigilant

Mango - the most expensive friend

Ferkuher - Dear Man

Grahem - Gravel

MANRO - Roth roe

Fergus - Strong Personality

Merry - Roth Kosley

Filib - a lover of horses

Davi - Favorite

Marcas - warlike

Fingol - White Stranger

Dallas - living in the meadow

Martain - from Mars

Fingel - White, strange

Duff - Black World

Melville - Bad Settlement

Findlay - Fair, White Warrior

Duffy - Black World

Merchedh - Sea Warrior

Finley - Fair, White Warrior

Devini - Favorite

Certificate - who is like God?

Finley - Fair, White Warrior

Deors - Peasant

Michil - Who is like God?

Foirchern - High Lord or Lord

Monroe - Roth Kosley

Forbes - District, Area

Jamie - shredder

Moraa - Marine Warrior

Fraser - strawberries

Jilcrist - the servant of Christ

Mateland - evil

Frang - free

Gillespie - servant bishop

Moylayos - Jesus servant

Frangeng - free

Jock - God's God

Mastermen - Man owner

Hav - Heart, Mind, or Spirit

Jokok - God's God

MURE - Rough Relief

Heki - Protect, hold on quickly

Jokki - God's God

Muridhak - Sea Warrior

Henderson - Son Hendry

Jamison - Son James

Murich - Sea Warrior

Hendry - Domestorer

Neil - champion

Sheumes - shredder

Donald - World Ruler

Nicol - victory of people

Shug - Heart, Mind, or Spirit

Drammond - Mountain Range

Nicole - victory of people

Ealesir - worker basement

Nical - People Victory

Evan - born from tees

Dugald - Dark, strange

Knox - life on top

Evart - guardian prosperity

Arcs - black, strangest

Norri - Northern Man

Even - born from tees

Douglas - Japanese flow

NEOIS - the only choice

Eiderd - Prosperity Guardian

NEOS - the only choice

Eindraa - man, warrior

Dougal - Dark, strange

Olengus - the only choice

Einsley - Forest

Pal is small

Davy - Favorite

Parlan - Son Talmay

Ellher - worker basement

Dyeggidh - Favorite

Paisley - Higher Class

Errol - wander

Davidh - Favorite

Paul - small

Herroll - wander

Dand - man, warrior

Padraig - nobleman

Ercine - on the knife

Daniel - God - my judge

Slave - Scottish Nickname for Robertfamus

Euon - well born

Imher - Archer

Rabbi - Scottish Reduce Name Robertfamus

Scottish names of boys on the letter

Innes - Island

Ramsey - Wild Garlic

Yudard - Prosperity Guardian

Innis - Island

Ramsey - wild garlic

Yumenn - Protector of prosperity

Inreig - Householder

Rob - famous

Yuen - born from tees

Irwin - Green River

Swarm - red


Scottish names of girls

On the territory of Scotland, you can choose names according to the list proposed by General Register Office for Scotland, that is, this is the main registration office. Scots can endow a child at once in several names. As in England there is First and Middle Name. Every year, the Scottish bodies undergoes changes, as new names are added to it. And also increases the phonetic variation in the name. According to official data, in the list of "Scottish Names of Girls" over the past few years, the name Sophie is the leader.

If you want to give your child a beautiful and unusual Scottish name, we advise you to explore our name list. In it you will find the most original Scottish names of girls, and, of course, pick up for yourself what you need. Choosing a name for your baby, pay attention to its value. It must be positive quality and determine any dignity. For example, the name BITEG means "life", Davina - Favorite, Damilyig - World Governor, and Dina is a maritime warrior. Choosing a name for a child by meaning, you thus take it with good quality. Remember, the meaning of the name plays an important role in the fate of the child.

Isley - Bird competing

Margaret - Pearls

Alin - Bird competing

Marsayley - Military

Alice - Elf victory

Merdina - Sea Warrior

Anssetis - Restoration

MORDEG - Sea Warrior

Atol - New Ireland

Murdenn - Sea Warrior

Beilig - God - my oath

Merront - Fair

Beatris - Traveler (through life)

Moine - Little Water

Bernas - bringing victory

Mor - Big


Morag - Big

Blair - Battlefield

Morne - Favorite

Barebell - Foreign, Strange

Mchiery - Favorite

Glenna - Valley

Magrit - Pearls

Gormlet - Illustrated, Luxury Lady, Princess

Maidi - Young Woman

Grizel - Gray Gerson

Maisi - Pearls

Greer - careful, vigilant

Mary - Favorite

Gavina - White Hawk

Maryd - Pearls

Davina - Favorite

Murayol - Bright Sea

Diyorbhorguil - True Proof

Mureol - Bright Sea

Daiorombhayl - True Proof

Nynina - champion

Devoragella - True Proof

Netta - champion

Deoiridh - Palumnitsa

Normina - a resident of Northern Europe

Jammena - destroyer

NORMANNAN - A resident of Northern Europe

Jessie - God's God

NEndEg - benefit, grace

Gin - God's God

Oairig - New, Pepling

Gin - God's God

Peidji - Pearls

Gini - God's God

Paisley - Church

Ginna - God's God

Motherland - Swamp, Island

Ginny - God's God

Ron - Wise Government

Jeans - God's God

Rhona - Wise Government

Dina - Sea Warrior

Ragneid - fight

Dailyig - World Governor

Sil - Slepay

Valley - World Government

Saine - God's God

Dollag - World Governor

Senga - Thin

DOLEG - World Governor

Seneag - God's God

Dolnah - world government

Semonade - good God

Donalda - World Governor

Silis - blind

Donalina - World Governor

Sinig - God's God

Metello - World Governor

Salin - Health

Donna - World Governor

Sondra - Defender of mankind

DonNEG - World Governor

Terlag - incitement

Devna - Favorite

TisEg - God's God

Ilaceid - God - my oath

Fayonola - White Shoulder

Imhair - ready

FENELLA - White Shoulder

Inu - reduction for longer names ending in "In"

Finella - White Shoulder

Innes - Island

Finola - White Shoulder

Innis - Island

Franngage - free

Ion - Island

Hecatorin - protection, hold on fast

Isibale - God - my oath

Chirasti - a sequence of Christ

Isla Island

Edme - Dear, Favorite

Ishbel - God - my oath

Eilidh - torch, moon or secretly escape

Cam - Curved Nose

EIMHER - ready, fast

Kenzi - Miloid, accurately made

EIMHIR - ready, fast

Kenin - Miloid, precisely made and born fire

Eirik - New, Pepling

Kenna - Miloid, precisely made and born fire

Eitrig - New Pest

Kirsi - the sequence of Christ

Eil - Bird and Competing

Kirsia - the sequence of Christ

Eil - Bird and Competing

Eilie - Bird and Competing

Kirstin - the sequence of Christ

Eilin - Bird and Competing

Kateyona - clean

Eileen - Bird and Competing

Cameron - Curved Nose

Eilis - noble view

Caryishna - the sequence of Christ

Ails - Elf victory

Leslie - Poddubkov Garden

Ails - Elf victory

Lilas - Lilia

Eilsi - Elf victory

Lilis - Lilia

Einli - Forest

Lillias - Lily

Einsley - Forest Hut Hyd

Lindsay - Wetlands

Eitbrik - New, Pekra

Liusadh - Easy

Elspet - God - my oath

Logan - emptiness, lowland

Elspet - God - my oath

Llanal - Wolf.

Elspi - God - my oath

Lamin - land in lakes

Yubh - Live, Living

Mackenzie - Miloid, accurately made

Skha - Live, Living

Mackenna - Daughter.

Yuna - Yagnenok.


Scottish names for boys and their meanings

Page 1 of 2

  • Islay - Island
  • Ayomhair - Archer
  • Ayomahher - Archer
  • Alan - generous
  • Allan - generous
  • Allen - generous
  • Alpine - White
  • Alasdair - Defender of mankind
  • Alann - generous
  • Alhesdair - Defender of mankind
  • Amhladh - Heir, ancestor's descendant
  • Aodeh - fire
  • Aodhagen - Fire
  • Aodhhen - Fire
  • AONGAS - one only
  • Aongus is one only
  • Artair - from the legend about Kole Arthur
  • Archibald - Genuine courage
  • Atol - New Ireland

Scottish names of boys on the letter B

  • Baxter - Bakers
  • Ballard - Lysy
  • Barclay - Birch Forest
  • Beisitin - Bishop servant
  • Benneit - blessed
  • Bernard - brave like a bear
  • Biten - Life
  • Blaken - small yellow
  • Boyd - yellow
  • Bryce - Multicolored, defined, Motley
  • Brody - Place
  • Brody - Place
  • Bruce - Forest or Bowl
  • Bheltair - Army Ruler
  • Bhatair - Army Ruler
  • Balfoer - Pasture

Scottish boys names in the letter in

  • Weston - Western settlement
  • Vili - helmet
  • Forks - helmet
  • Willy - helmet

Scottish names of boys on the letter G

  • Gavin - White Hawk
  • Hamilton - Hill with Flat Top
  • Glen - Valley
  • Glenn - Valley
  • Goeridh - the world of God
  • Gordon - Large Hill or Fort
  • Goreydh - the world of God
  • Grayohyder - careful, vigilant
  • Grant - big
  • Grahah - Gravel
  • Greg - careful, vigilant
  • Gregg - Careful, Vigilant
  • Gregor - Careful, Vigilant
  • Greyn - Careful, Vigilant
  • Gray - Gravel
  • Greer - careful, vigilant
  • Grahem - Gravel

Scottish names of boys on the letter D

  • Dubhaglas - Black, Dark Stream
  • Davi - Favorite
  • Dallas - living in the meadow
  • Duff - Black World
  • Duffy - Black World
  • Devini - Favorite
  • Deors - Peasant
  • Dermid - Honorary Citizen, without envy
  • Jamie - shredder
  • Jilcrist - the servant of Christ
  • Gillespie - servant bishop
  • Jock - God's God
  • Jokok - God's God
  • Jokki - God's God
  • Jamison - Son James
  • Diarmed - Honorary Citizen, without envy
  • Donald - World Ruler
  • Drammond - Mountain Range
  • Dugald - Dark, strange
  • Dugald - Dark, strange
  • Arcs - black, strangest
  • Douglas - Japanese flow
  • Dougal - Dark, strange
  • Dougal - Dark, strange
  • Dewol - Dark, more strange
  • Davy - Favorite
  • Dyeggidh - Favorite
  • Davidh - Favorite
  • Dand - man, warrior
  • Daniel - God - my judge

Scottish names of boys per letter and

  • Imher - Archer
  • Innes - Island
  • Innis - Island
  • Inreig - Householder
  • Irwin - Green River
  • Irving - Green River
  • Ihann - Horse
  • IGEN - fire

Scottish boys names for the letter to

  • Cuddy - Vivid Fame
  • Kyle - thin
  • Kaioneodh - Born Fire
  • Callum - Pigeon
  • Cam - Curved Nose
  • Campbell - Curved Roth
  • Kaolin - a little thin
  • Keir - Life in dampness
  • Keit - Forest
  • Kelen - a little thin
  • Kester - a cross carrier
  • Kineed - Born Fire
  • Kirk - Church
  • Kleemain - gentle and merciful
  • Coinnich - Milny, exactly done
  • Coisim - Sustainable
  • Comnol - strong like a dog, wolf
  • Cormug - Son Pollution
  • Craig - Scala
  • Christie - the carrier of the cross
  • Cenen - a small battle
  • Kalein - puppy, young puppy
  • Coinnech - Milny, exactly done
  • Cainnich - Milny, exactly done
  • Calum - Dove
  • Cameron - Curved Nose
  • Camron - Curved Nose
  • Cahydhin - Fifth
  • Caointin - Fifth
  • Caeola - a little thin

Scottish names of boys on the letter l

  • LAIN - Good God
  • Laclan - Earth
  • Lan - God's God
  • Le - Poddubov Garden
  • Leit - smooth water
  • Lennox - Elm
  • Lenox - Elm
  • Leslie - Padubov Garden
  • LIL - from the island
  • Lindsay - Wetlands
  • Lindsey - Wetlands
  • Lindsey - Wetlands
  • Linsey - Wetlands
  • Lincy - Wetlands
  • Logan - emptiness, lowland
  • Lochann - Earth
  • Llanal - Wolf
  • LEBHREINN - from Lorentum
  • Lagman - lawyer
  • Lamont - lawyer
  • Lard - landman
  • Lachi - Earth
  • Louis - Famous Warrior First Representing 1 2 Next\u003e Last \u003e\u003e


Scottish male names and their meanings

Scottish male names for the letter A

Islay - ostrovAyomheyr - luchnikAyomher - luchnikAlan - schedryyAllan - schedryyAllen - schedryyAlpin - belyyAleysdeyr - chelovechestvaAlenn defender - schedryyAlesdeyr - defender chelovechestvaAmhleydh - heir, descendant predkaAodh - ogonAodhegen - ogonAodhen - ogonAongas - one edinstvennyyAongus - one edinstvennyyArteyr - from the legend of King ArtureArchibald - genuine hrabrostAtol - New Ireland

Scottish male names for the letter B

Baxkin - Biscaryard - Lysnybarklay - Birch Lesbeiste - servant Episcopabenneit - BlessedBurdard - Brave as Medvebiten - Lyrics - Small Yellow Drawing - Yellowbird - Multicolored, Definite, Piengrodi - PlacementBroyer - Putting - Forest or Cupzhalteir - Ruler ArmimiBheat - Governor Armimibeler - Pasture

Scottish male names in the letter in

Weston - Western settlement - Schloberki - Schlemville - Helmet

Scottish male names on the letter G

Gavin - White Yastrebhamilton - Plane Hill - Dolinaglenn - Dolinagoiridh - Mir of Bogarordon - Big Hill or Fortgaid - World of Biggagair - Caution, VisigarGrant - Logging - Graveligreg - Caution, VygutygriGGG - Careful, ValidiaGregor - Careful, Vigilant - Careful, Vigilant - Graveligrir - Careful, vigilantGruheim - Gravel

Scottish men's names on the letter D

Dubhlaglas - Black, Dark Faldavi - Favoromdallas - Living on Lugudaff - Black Middaffi - Black Middevi - Favorite Madrus - Peasant Boat - Honorary Citizen, without Almighty - Shreddzhilkrist - servant of Christadzhillespi - servant of bishopadagok - God Goodjoki - God Goodjokki - God Goodjamison - Son Jamesadiarmen - Honorary Son Citizen, without Alvlovdonald - World Governormond - Mountain Ridgedugald - Dark, more Strangedugald - Dark, More Strangeduga - Black, More Students - Japanese Teshedougel - Dark, More StrangeDell - Dark, more StrangeDyol - Dark, more StrangeDevy - FavomyDeyBhidh - FamilyDeevid Man, Widniel - God - My Judge

Scottish male names for the letter and

Imher - Archersnones - Ostrovinis - Osinreag - Dome-Directorvin - Green Recairving - Green Recaichann - Horsichaegen - Fire

Scottish male names for the letter

Cuddy - Bright famous Cales - TonkayoneoOhOh - Born Ogoncallum - Doves - Curved Nosospbell - Curved Roskolin - A little thin-to-life - Life in the dampness - Leskelin - a little thin-meter - a carrier of the Cresanged - Born Flamekirk - Church Cleamen - Delicate and Mercy and Militaryless, accurately, Like a dog, wolfkormag - Son Pollutation - Rablacritis - Carriage of Gerbaladen - Small Patzhenyekaaila - Puppy, Young PuppyKainnech - Milny, Exactly Makeline - Pigeon-Military, Exactly Makelum - Dovechemeron - Curved Nosochemron - Curved Nosocheydhin - PythyKointein - Pythyolan

Scottish male names on the letter l

Yeahlan-god Goodlaklan - Earthlan - God kindle - Garden pensible - smooth water and Vyazlenoks - Vyazlesli - Garden Padubovlil - from Islands - Wetlands - Wetlands - Wetlands - Wetlands - Wetlands - Wetlands - Emptiness, Lowerness - Frozen Malvollal - Voltolebhreyn Laurentumlagman - Yuritellemont - Jurietary Edge - Zemlevaleeladelechie - Ogroudovik - Famous Warrior

Scottish male names on the letter M

Makintosh - Milny, accurately made Mackenzie - Milny, exactly made by Maxwell - Cosulimaria's most expensive friend - Rota Rotimarcas - Military Martine - from Marsamelville - Poor settlement Relief - Marse-Maritime - who resembles God? Michil - Mother Kosylimoray - Sea Militaryitend - Gloomem Eylayos - servant Jesus Mesterman - Man Ownerman - Rough Timeroniaridhak - Marine Warriors - Sea Warrior

Scottish male names on the letter n

Niel - Championship - Victory Padovol - Victory of People's Personal - Victory People - Life on Vertinenorri - Northern Humanoeois - the only selection - the only choice

Scottish male names for the letter

Olengus - the only choice

Scottish men's names on the letter

Pal - Little Party - Son Talmaypeisley - Supreme Claus - LittlePrade - nobleman

Scottish men's names on the letter R

Rab - Scottish nickname for RobertfemusRabbi - Scottish nickname RobertfemusRamsey - wild chesnokRamsi - wild chesnokRob - izvestnyyRoy - krasnyyRonald - wise pravitelRoss - mysRueridh - Red korolRuisert - strong and hrabryyRueri - Red korolRueridh - Red korolRuereydh - Red korolReybert - Scottish form RobertfemusRenald - English ruler ReinoldvizRenalf - Old Volkranef - Wolf

Scottish male names for the letter with

Sayolytak - Fruitful, having a seed, producing a lot of offsmmermed - Summer traveler - Defender of Human Dankiasoye - God Goodseau seeds - Earth worker, Fermersaidh - God will add another Synseumas - Destroyardhi - like Yastrebusygdha - like Yastrebushim - Holy Clarasydh - Lescribing Lordasäreled - Summer Travelers - Kamenovyfen - Coronastifeng - Coronastyard - House security, stewardy - stewardstyard - home security, Steuartsubn - Good Iduchischery - God remember

Scottish male names for the letter t

There - Twinsterlak - Integration Couthwall - Kotel Toratomakhan - TwinsTomas - TwintimeG - Tornettorburn - Bear Toratorkil - Boiler TorateDG - Poethadhg - Poethemhas - Twinstessgol - Boiler Gods

Scottish male names for the letter

Willie - Schlemillig - Schmelilim - Schlemisdine - Stone Islands - Schleleuille - Healthy, Strong - Healthy, Strong

Scottish male names on the letter F

Fife - Dudochkahharkuh - Dear Mangus - Strong Personal Blind - Amateur HorseFingland - White Stranger - White, More Stranchifindles - Fair, White Warliflee - Fair, White Warlifinley - Fair, White WarpoirChern - High Lord Or Ladytelbes - District, Oblast - Lord-Free - FreeFrangen - Free

Scottish male names on the letter x

Hev - Heart, Mind, or Dukheki - Protect, Hold Rollerflowerson - Son Handriendry - Domegoritor

Scottish Male Names on the letter W

Sheumes - DestroyerShug - Heart, Mind, or Spirit

Scottish male names for the letter

Eallaire - Working Sodahawan - Born from Teessa Woodeavart - Guardian Prosperid - Born from Teessa Holderd - Guardian Proskene Findrea - Man, Warnsley - Lesinsli - Lesnaya Hylnika Elell-worker - Working Sodaharrol - Blowserroll - Blozereskine - Schuouon - Well-born

Scottish male names for the letter

Yudard - Proskene Prometoniamann - Protector prosperity - born from tees


Men's Irish names

Abban - Little Abbot Abracham - Father of ADHAME Land Aengus - One, the only choice of Aerin - Mir Aerinn - World Aern - Lord of Horses Ayomhar - Archer Iionan - God gave Alaois - Famous Warrior Alastar - Defender of mankind Alaster - Defender of mankind Alistar - Defender of mankind Alistir - Defender of mankind Amchlaoibh - Heir, descendant of the ancestor Anraoi - Home ruler Anray - Home Governor - invaluable Anten - A invaluable AODH - Fire Aodkhagan - Fire Aodkhan - Fire Aodhfyonne - White Fire Aodhfin - White Fire Ardal - High Valor Ardgal - High Valor Ahern Lord of Horses Aerin - Lord of Horses Aerh - God Horses

Baile - Sacred Tree Barra - Fair Bartle - Son Talmay Bartley - Favorite Son Talmay Beraac - Skybreak - Acute Bernard - Brave As Bear Bear - Raven Boltlinmor - from the Bolinderry River - from the city with Oak Grown Brdank - Majakbrindan - Prince Brinnen - Prince Brogan - Small Broderick Shoes - Brady's Dream - Breidy Large Chest - Big Sundakbarr - Fair Bertlimid - Son Talmay

Wiel - helmet

Guy - a strong man of God Garbhan - Rough Garrett - Spear Bravery Garrett - Spear Heroid - Ruler Speary Goban - Little Blacksmith Goibniu - Kuznets Gollage - Descendant Holchobhar Holler - Foreign Help Gotfreidh - Mirny Gorfreidh - The World of God Grigoir - Careful, Vigilant Grady - noble

Davin - Little African American Dakay - Tenant, Vassal Dale - Assembly, collecting Dara - Durak Oak - Duin Duin - Dark, Black Devin - Deer Dellai - Dark Descendant Desmond - from Munster Jamison - Son James Jaharlat - Ruler Western Jed - Spear Bravechhead - Spear Bravechilroy - Red-haired Guy Giolleidh - Golden Diarmide - Honorary Citizen, without envy Diarmade - Honorary Citizen, without the envy Diglan - Fully good disc - from Münster Doyle - Dark, more strange Donag - Brown Warrior Donal - World Runer Dono - Brown Warrior Donovan - Little Dark, Blackdonog - Brown Warrior Disamera - Exile, Wanderer Driacol - Messenger Driscoll - Messenger Duan - Dark, Black Daisth - Beloved Datie - Quickly Dali - Collection, Cotener DER - fertile, fruitful

Jarait - the ruler of the Western Jarfhate - the ruler of Western Idbhard - Guardian of prosperity Immon - Protector of prosperity of Ichan - Horseman

Kavan - Hollow Kadan - a small battle Casal - fight against the ruler Kazan - a small battle of Kazehir - Warrior Caseld - Fight against the ruler of Kaionodh - Born Fire Kalbhak - Bald Calwag - Bald Callen - Young Camera Puppy - Dog Square Karray - Dark Carran - Little African American Colddus - fight against the ruler Cateir - Warrior Calhel - fight against the ruler Kakhal - fight against the ruler Kahir - Warrior Kevin - a little milky beloved Kege - Fire Caidn - a small battle of Casey - Vigilant, waking Kenion - a small wolf Keollak - Battle Kerbhol - Amateur Kerbhollan - Small Dieletantkerney - Soldier, Military Kian - Ancient, Remote Kianan - Ancient, Remote Kiaran - Little African American Kean - Fire Killian - Little Warrior Killeen - Little Warrior Kinneidi - Ugly Cyfe Head - Military, Handsome, Beloved Clacken - Red Warrior Classes - Red Warrior Koilin - Puppy, young collage puppy - a little bright Colman - Pigeon Colomb - Pigeon Kom - Dove Comgal - Joint Range - Born together Comin - Dying Commaging - Born together Comhongol - Joint Pledge Conan - Small Dog / Wolf Conway - Yellow Dog / Wolf Conlated - Cleansing Fire Conlands - Cleansing Fire Conlacts - Main Connection Warrior - Cleansing Fire Conn - Chief Confon - Chief Warrior Conollan - A Strong Like Dog Wolf, Wolf CONCERE - Amateur VolkovCouchCobrob - Amateur Wolves Conchrober - Amateur Volkovkobor - Amateur Volkovkombhar - Amateur VolkovCurkhar - Amateur Volkovonchur - Fans of a Volkovkork - Son Pollution Coleman - Pigeon Cowal - Connecting Krysan - Fox Christie - Krogher's Cross Carrier - Loves Dog Ku Bhoudh - Yellow Dog, Wolf Ku Celain - Dog Kulann Kuan - Small Dog, Kuinn Wolf - Coin Fair - Head, Dog , wolf Kuchulyinn - Dog Kalann Carbr - Call

Labchras - Laurentum Lamont - Lawyer Lanti - Saint Sicnol Leader - Shepherd - Coloron - Lev Liam - Helmet Lire - Sea Small Roah - Saint Sicnoloman Adherers - Small Hallonan - Small Black Drozd Lorcan - Some Cruel Lorkkan - Some Cruel Lucas - From Judge Lew - Sveta Lewidh - oath

Mahedok - My Dear Aedh Maeliclain - Supported by Sichlainn Mazuin - Bear Mak Dara - Son Oak Malachi - Adherent Sichlainn Maloun - Descendant of the Manus - Large Maochichlin - Advancer SichlainnMaoylmhin - Gentle Leader Malgfhogmhir - Marcas Manager - Martan Martan - Marshon Marthan - Mael Maedok Bear - Moedk Malelan's supporter - a little zipper Meollan - a little zipper of Marti - Maikammerfi - Maritime Warrior Michil - Who is like God? MANAN - employee of Storm Mainchin - Little Monk Meithiu - a gift to God Martin - from Mars Murgis - Sea, Forbidden Muriatant - Majakmuryuris - Dark-skinned, Mavr Murcher - a qualified sailor

Naiclas - the victory of people Nomohan - a little holy neis - one, the only choice of NIS - one, the only choice Nul - Champion Nolan - a small champion of Nouada - Nuadha - fog

Odkran - a little painful Oizin - a small Olenoylayall - Elf Oille - Elf Oliff - Heir, the descendant of the ancestor Olsandair - Defender of mankind Olsander - Defender of mankind of Ormond - Descendant Ruadh Ormondt - Descendant Ruadachoskar - Family Osseian - a small deer

Padraig - Nobleman Pattern - Son Talmay Partlyan - Son Talmay Partlyan - Son Talmay Party - Son Talmay Parthlan - Son Talmay Patrick - North Padn - Little Noblenic Piatraras - Rock, Stone Pilieb - Horses Lover Paul - LittlePurn Notch - Generous People - Free Paddy Padin - a small nobleman

Raiogbhardan - Little Poet-King Raiganan - Little King Ryan - Little King Regan - Little King Rihan - Little King Rigan - Little King Romann - Wise Protector Ristere - Powerful and Brave Roiberd - Famous Rosimin - Rordan Rordan - Little Surface Poet King Rujuadh - Red Ruadhan - Small Krasnut Rouidry - Red King Rueidhry - Red Korolorieri - Red King

Saiomon - Listening, ListeningSayoterun - The World of God Sullivan - Small Dark Eyes Sknol - Second senan - a little wise seeds - he will enhable Seoirs - Peasant Serlas - Man Si-like Hawk Sigdha - Similar Sycnol Hawk - Low Sycnol - Second Force - Slim Silla - Slim Sillag Shotlands Sillak - Shotlays Syllac - a little shriek mask - Symus shredder - a little wise Syridine - Syfra's seeker - the world of God Sichlainn - Second Scanlon - Herald Scanlan - Skandal Scanon - Scandal Slaoan - Little Raylet Slanen Somcharl raid - Summer traveler Sorseli - Summer Traveler Stoyofan - Crown Stiana - Corona Suibn - Good-Goer Suibnn - Good-Going Suilibhan - Small Dark Eyes

TADG - POET TADHG - POET TEGAN - Little Poet Tyersnak - Lordteiernan - Little Lord Terlo - Pybbot Infrident - Bold Man Tigan - Little Poet Tienernak - Lord Tyjernan - Little Lord Tirdnmaglus - Baritary Prince Tirchilbhak - Inconcient Thomas - Twin Torin - Main Tuacal - Ruler Tadi people - given by God

Ualtar - the ruler of the William Army - Helm Uinsinn - the conqueror Ultran - from Olster Watet - Green

Faolan - a small wolf Fayon - Fair, White Fayonne - Fair, White Fayonnagan - A bit fair, White Fayonnbarr - Fair Filenbarr - Fair Filionntan - A bit fair, White Faohan - Small Farrell Wolf - Man valiant - hostile, malicious Feidchlime - ever Good Feichlinimidh - ever good Faicin - a small raveron Felim - ever good Fergal - a man of valoring Fergas - a strong personality of Fuchene - a small raven Fiakna - Raven Fihacra - Crow Fillin - a small wolf Finbar - Fair Finbarr - Fair Findlant - Fair, White Warrior Finian is a bit fair, white Finn - fair, white Finnbar - Fair Finnegan - the descendant Fionnagan Finn - a bit fair, White Finnian is a bit fair, the White Fitz - the son of the King Fitzroy - the son of King Flann - Red, Ruddy Flannabhra - Red Brown Brown - Small Krasnut Flangeal - Red Valor Flanne Ri - Descendant of Flannabhra Flynn - Red, Ruddy Fleutri - Prince-king FoirChern - High Ruler or Lord

Hanley - Champion Hanraoi - Home Ruler Harbin - Bright Army Hebera - Archer Herley - Descendant of Jarfhalite

Sean - God's God

Zeber - Archer Zybhin - Ready, fast Zinri - Home ruler Zybhilin - a small bird Zybhlin - a small bird Zylbch - White Zylell - Elf Ziell - Elf Zilin - Beautiful Zildrid - Council of Elf Singrias - Man, Warrior Sign, Man, Warrior, Warrior, Warrior Zeline - Champion Glfrid - Council of Elf Zda - like a bird-like sign - Bird Zoin - God Good Zerin - World Zrinn - World Pringer - World


Male and women's Celtic names and their meaning

Celts are the people of Indo-European origin, in ancient times inhabited by a large territory in the center and in the west of Europe. There are a huge number of legends about these people, many are interested in their culture. Parents today often give their children ancient Celtic names. Actually, why not? They sound good. Before considering these names, you should learn more about the Celts.

Celts are wonderful warriors

These people were famous for their fearlessness in battle. They perceived battles like a show, during which they could shove and demonstrate their strength. Before each fight, they mocked enemies, for example, performed mockery songs about them. They also scared opponents. Celts understood that if the enemy was withdrawing to a direct battle, he was already practically defeated. All these moments should be aware of a modern person who is interested in Celtic names, women's or men - no matter.

Easy opponent

Their military clichys sounded very frighteningly, perhaps because many of them were in a state of severe intoxication, it was also possible that they used any odorous substances. Celts have also been pretty loud pipes and mines - it is quite clear that they chased the goal to shock the enemy. Celtic names were also sometimes awesome.

Attentive attitude to physical shape

The more successful the person was in battles, the higher the status he had in society. If Celt wanted to achieve real confessions, he had to strive to become a bold fighter. They seriously treated their physical condition. A peculiar test for obesity was regularly carried out: each community had a special belt, and if it was impossible to fasten it on a person, then everyone treated him with condemnation. Often, even small children sought to attribute good physical qualities. What were Celtic names, female in particular? For example, Iris is cute or alena - charming. This is about many things.

To demonstrate your courage, many warriors fought the way. On the bodies of some bright paint applied, an indelible impression on the Romans. It is possible that they fought naked because it had some kind of mystical meaning. Perhaps it was a kind of ritual - we dump everything and demonstrate the gods as you fight. In addition, the Celts, of course, wanted to make an impression on enemies with their powerful muscles and pictures on the body. And indeed, the opponents were shocked. Studying Celtic male names, surprise, as much among them related to war.

Celtic culture

These people who inhabited such different territories as Turkey, Spain and Ireland were most likely not supported among themselves contacts, but there were many general moments in their culture. In addition, they talked to similar languages. In their art there was a lot in common. Celtic names were also almost the same.

The objects of culture of these peoples found in such different places such as Hungary and Ireland are often distinguished by almost the same style. How is this possible? Archaeologists have not yet definitely answered this question. However, they think that war, moving and trade, contributed to this. So Celtic names, culture and languages \u200b\u200bapplied to distant territories. Quite believable version.

How do we know about the Celts?

Very much about the culture of the Celts, we know quite badly, since this people did not lead any entries - they transferred all the information orally. The information we have taken from the documents of their opponents. In particular, from these records we learned Celtic names.

All we have is the information left by the Greeks and Romans. However, no one will argue that it is difficult to adequately evaluate people when you watch them, hearing a military cry of the enemy and then closing the shield.

Production of weapons

Slava about the Celts spread due to their interesting metal processing method. These people were real weapons production experts. They made large swords of hardened steel, uniforms, shields, as well as vehicles, in particular, chariots, whose huge wheels were equipped with metal rims, therefore were very durable and durable.

Celtic names and their meanings

Male names

  • Abelaionni is an emerald sprout.
  • Ansgar - Fighter.
  • Angus is incredibly strong.
  • Bevan - young warrior.
  • Braid - Twilight Valley.
  • Belus - sparkling.
  • Verkindorix - Ruler.
  • Golwalkhei - a predatory bird.
  • Kayden - Fighter.
  • Kevden - Charming Child.
  • Symon - the territory of the battle.
  • Maponus is a predugal child.
  • Eohann - the child of the teas tree.
  • Trevor is smart.

Women's names

  • Iris is honey.
  • Agron - Dead, who fell in battle.
  • Arina - Vale.
  • Alena is charming.
  • Bedy - powerful, independent.
  • Brigantia is great.
  • Brit is a strong girl who came from England.
  • Grand - love.
  • Hinerva is a snow-white, as if foam.
  • Devon - predicted.
  • Kennedy - power.
  • Mackenzie is a smart leader child.
  • Ronat - Little Print.
  • Ena - Elf, performing a song.
  • ENA - fiery, passionate.

Most of the names sound beautifully, and some of them are quite possible to call a child. Moreover, ordinary names are not interesting, do not attract attention and just tired. What is good, if in the class where the child learns, will there be several children with the same name? Although it is necessary to understand that when choosing a name should not forget about common sense. For example, a boy can be called Braid. This name is easy to pronounce and sounds beautifully. But Golwalkmei is quite another matter, it is unlikely to choose it. It is given more likely to familiarize yourself.

Celts - Ancient Peopleswho inhabited most of the Central and Western Europe. These include Arverns, Belgi, Burgy, Warriors, Wales, Galat, Galla, Gelviet, Senons. They were militant and often conducted internecine wars. For the Celt, the war provided an excellent opportunity to show a personal valor. No wonder that many Celtic names are connected with war.

Celts did not exist in writing. They were transferred all his knowledge orally from the older generation to the younger. Therefore, all the information about Celtic culture and, among other things, are known for their names only thanks to the written sources of peoples ever encountered Celts. For the most part, these documents belong to the Romans. Most often, such clashes were military. Romans describe the Celts as bold and desperate warriors.

The Celts had a tradition to go into battle with naked torso. It is not known for certain for which it was done. Most likely, in order to discourage the enemy before the start of the battle. And indeed, there was something to be afraid: the body with a well-developed muscles, completely covered with intricate patterns of tattoos, as a rule robbed the enemy into a stupor.

Celts attached great importance to their physical form. If someone steadily gained overweight, then he was criticized by the tribesmen.

Male names

Adult healthy men-Celty have not seen yourself without war. Therefore, the frightening Celtic male names were also given with one goal - to intimidate the enemy. Bright representatives of such names:

  • Agro is the literal translation of the "Battle".
  • Barra - "arrows".
  • Brandon - translated as "sword".
  • Kayden - means "warrior".
  • Gilvim - "Helmet", etc.

Women's names

If the male name emphasized the courage and the militancy of their carrier, then the name of the woman most often was based on the basis of other principles. It indicated the most pronounced trait of the nature of the owner or the uniqueness of its appearance. Women's names are:

  • Iris - Translated from Celtic "Pleasant".
  • Gwendolene is "noble".
  • IDRAIS - "generous".
  • Roven - "Miloid".
  • Edana - "Passionate", etc.

But often among celtic women There are such names that emphasize the power of character or the physical strength of their owners. Of which you can make the assumption that they could also participate in battles on a par with men. Several names from such a list:

  • The break - "Strong", "independent".
  • Brigitta is "hardy".
  • Ryann - "Little Leader".
  • Three hundred - "fearless".
  • Edna - "Fire", etc.

Celtic names have a number of features that emphasize their origin. Often, the prefixes are used in their writing. "Mac" (from Scottish) and "O" (at Irish). As an example:

These and other names can be often found in English-speaking documents and literature. But along with them there was a lot of surnames not possessing the prefix:

  • Horan.
  • Kelly.
  • Byrne.
  • Murray.
  • Wilson, etc.

Currently, most Celtic descendants of Britain live in Wales. They have their own language (Welsh), although they own only about 20 percent Welsh residents. At one time, Wales was often influenced by the Roman Empire, Normans and Anglo-Saxons. This is confirmed by such names:

  • Amerontius.
  • Herald.
  • Oswald.
  • Pier.
  • Pierre.
  • Jean, etc.

Although the main Welsh (Wales) names are essential. Many of them are known thanks to the legends of the King Arthur. These include:

  • Guinever.
  • Mirtin.
  • Merlin.
  • Bediveur.
  • Arthur.

At the end of the 15th century, Wales is part of England. From this period, Wales names begin to be replaced by English or written to English manners. Currently, most residents of Wales are carriers of English names.

Galov names

At the territory of modern France, the descendants of the Celtic Galov tribe live. Together with the German tribe of the francs, they became the ancestors of modern French. Among Gallic met:

  • Aiomhair - translated as "archer".
  • Bernard is "such a bear."
  • Datie - means "smart".
  • Kalvaag - has the meaning of "bald".
  • Colin - "Young dog", etc.

Women's names were also no less fortunate. As with other nations, they could describe the character of the hostess, its appearance or even its origin. These names and now in everyday life:

  • Bridzhid means "majestic."
  • Catherine means "clean."
  • Marcelin - meant "Military".
  • Unna - translated as "lamen".
  • Mary - can be translated as "beloved", etc.

What was called Druidov

The various tribes of the Celts professed paganism (politicalism). They worshiped the forces of nature, embodied in numerous patron deities. Distinctive features of Celtic multi-grade are druids - the priests who committed religious rituals, and also often former healers. A small list of names of Druids Men:

  • Agnaman.
  • Gutor.
  • Tuacha.
  • Skandlan.
  • Ruadade, etc.

Traditional Celtic beliefs have existed to 54 years. e. Roman emperor Claudius imposed a ban on the religious activity of the Druids. In Ireland and Britain, paganism persisted up to 5-6 centuries. After that, it was crowded with Christianity.

ATTENTION, only today!

Celts are the people of Indo-European origin, in ancient times inhabited by a large territory in the center and in the west of Europe. There are a huge number of legends about these people, many are interested in their culture. Parents today often give their children ancient Celtic names. Actually, why not? They sound good. Before considering these names, you should learn more about the Celts.

Celts are wonderful warriors

These people were famous for their fearlessness in battle.

They perceived battles like a show, during which they could shove and demonstrate their strength. Before each fight, they mocked enemies, for example, performed mockery songs about them. They also scared opponents. Celts understood that if the enemy was withdrawing to a direct battle, he was already practically defeated. All these moments should be aware of a modern person who is interested in Celtic names, women's or men - no matter.

Easy opponent

Their military clichys sounded very frighteningly, perhaps because many of them were in a state of severe intoxication, it was also possible that they used any odorous substances. Celts have also been pretty loud pipes and mines - it is quite clear that they chased the goal to shock the enemy. Celtic names were also sometimes awesome.

Attentive attitude to physical shape

The more successful the person was in battles, the higher the status he had in society. If Celt wanted to achieve real confessions, he had to strive to become a bold fighter. They seriously treated their physical condition. A peculiar test for obesity was regularly carried out: each community had a special belt, and if it was impossible to fasten it on a person, then everyone treated him with condemnation. Often, even small children sought to attribute good physical qualities. What were Celtic names, female in particular? For example, Iris is cute or alena - charming. This is about many things.

To demonstrate your courage, many warriors fought the way. On the bodies of some bright paint applied, an indelible impression on the Romans. It is possible that they fought naked because it had some kind of mystical meaning. Perhaps it was a kind of ritual - we dump everything and demonstrate the gods as you fight. In addition, the Celts, of course, wanted to make an impression on enemies with their powerful muscles and pictures on the body. And indeed, the opponents were shocked. Studying Celtic male names, surprise, as much among them related to war.

Celtic culture

These people who inhabited such different territories as Turkey, Spain and Ireland were most likely not supported among themselves contacts, but there were many general moments in their culture. In addition, they talked to similar languages. In their art there was a lot in common. Celtic names were also almost the same.

The objects of culture of these peoples found in such different places such as Hungary and Ireland are often distinguished by almost the same style. How is this possible? Archaeologists have not yet definitely answered this question. However, they think that war, moving and trade, contributed to this. So Celtic names, culture and languages \u200b\u200bapplied to distant territories. Quite believable version.

How do we know about the Celts?

Very much about the culture of the Celts, we know quite badly, since this people did not lead any entries - they transferred all the information orally. The information we have taken from the documents of their opponents. In particular, from these records we learned Celtic names.

All we have is the information left by the Greeks and Romans. However, no one will argue that it is difficult to adequately evaluate people when you watch them, hearing a military cry of the enemy and then closing the shield.

Production of weapons

Slava about the Celts spread due to their interesting metal processing method. These people were real weapons production experts. They made large swords from uniform, shields, as well as vehicles, in particular, chariots, huge wheels of which were equipped with metal rims, therefore were very durable and durable.

Celtic names and their meanings

Male names

  • Abelaionni is an emerald sprout.
  • Ansgar - Fighter.
  • Angus is incredibly strong.
  • Bevan - young warrior.
  • Braid - Twilight Valley.
  • Belus - sparkling.
  • Verkindorix - Ruler.
  • Golwalkhei - a predatory bird.
  • Kayden - Fighter.
  • Kevden - Charming Child.
  • Symon - the territory of the battle.
  • Maponus is a predugal child.
  • Eohann - the child of the teas tree.
  • Trevor is smart.

Women's names
  • Iris is honey.
  • Agron - Dead, who fell in battle.
  • Arina - Vale.
  • Alena is charming.
  • Bedy - powerful, independent.
  • Brigantia is great.
  • Brit is a strong girl who came from England.
  • Grand - love.
  • Hinerva is a snow-white, as if foam.
  • Devon - predicted.
  • Kennedy - power.
  • Mackenzie is a smart leader child.
  • Ronat - Little Print.
  • Ena - Elf, performing a song.
  • ENA - fiery, passionate.

Most of the names sound beautifully, and some of them are quite possible to call a child. Moreover, ordinary names are not interesting, do not attract attention and just tired. What is good, if in the class where the child learns, will there be several children with the same name? Although it is necessary to understand that when choosing a name should not forget about common sense. For example, a boy can be called Braid. This name is easy to pronounce and sounds beautifully. But Golwalkmei is quite another matter, it is unlikely to choose it. It is given more likely to familiarize yourself.

Welsh (Welly) language is distributed in the territory of Wales - the region located in the south-west of the UK. Often Welsh language ( Cymraeg. ) confused with the so-called Welsh English ( Welsh English., Wenglish ) - a group of local English dialects. In contrast to them Cymraeg. Refers not to the German (as English), but to the Celtic group of languages. Welsh is very close to Breton and now almost extinct root.

Since in the past, Wales experienced a strong influence of the Roman, Anglo-Saxon and Norman culture, among Welsh names there are Latin's names ( Amerawdwr. - Lat. imperator., Geraint. - Lat. Gerontius), Germanic ( Geralt. - Gerwald., Oswallt. - Oswald.) and Norman origin ( Pyrs. - Piers., Pierre., Siôn. - Jehan., Jean.). However, the main part is the general and actual Welsh names. Many of them are well known to the world due to the mabobrium and cycle legends about King Arthur: Gwenhwyfar. (Guenvivar, Guinever), MyRDDIN. (Mirtin, Merlin), Bedwyr. (Bedouir, Bedaver) And actually Arthur..

At the end of the 15th century, Wales becomes part of England, and Welsh tongue begins to gradually crowd out English. The same thing happens with the names: Welsh names are either English ( Griffith. instead Gruffydd., Yorath. instead Iorwerth) or are replaced with equivalent English equivalents ( Mari. - Mary., Mared.- Margaret.). Since today the Welsh language owns only about 20% of Wales population, most Welsh are English or English names. In 2007, only two men's Welsh Names fell to the top ten of the most popular names of Wales ( Dylan. and Rhys.) and three female ( Megan., FFION. and Seren.).

Distinctive features of many Welsh names - component gWYN. (feminine gender gWEN.), meaning "white, clean, holy, sacred" (cf. Irl-Gaelsk. fionn.). With it, dozens of names are formed: Arianwen. (pure, sacred silver), Blodwen. (White flower), Coronwen. (Sacred Crown), Eirwyn. (White snow), EURWYN. (pure gold), Gwalchgwyn. (white falcon). As in Breton names, the Welsh is also popular elements mael. and iUD. With the approximate value of "Lord, Leader, Prince": Maelan. (Little Leader), Maelgwn. (Wolves leader), Cadfael (Chief of Battle), Derfel. (true leader), Idris (ardent leader), IThel. (noble leader), Maredudd. (great leader or lord of the Sea).

On the list of Welsh names posted on this site

The reading rules in Welsh are very peculiar, especially for those who are accustomed to English spelling. Therefore, to pronounce Welsh names to the English manner would be a big mistake. It is possible to know with the reading rules on the site cymraeg.ru. where the excellent allowance of Elena Elena and Paul Iosada " Welsh language reading rules"Unfortunately, in Russian, there are no many sounds present in Welsh, so the transcription of Welsh names Cyrillic is a considerable complexity. The Russian transcription of the Welsh names laid out on this site was performed by the site by the site and does not claim to truth in the last instance. If you have There are comments or suggestions - email me.

Attention! Most Welsh Names are pronounced with an emphasis on the penultimate syllable, except in cases where the last syllable contains difthong.

There is no on this list (with rare exceptions):
- Names originating from the names and geographical names. Since in many English-speaking countries, any surname and any toponym can be a personal name, then this list would have to expand to infinity.
- Reductant forms as independent names (on the manner of English. Billy, Jack, used from the middle of the XX century as equal official names). All diminutive forms are given only with the full name ( Mared. - Megan., Meaghan., Meghan.).

Consumable reductions:
Reduce. - Reduce
. - derivative
Middle Ages. - Medieval
Sovr. - Modern
church. - Church
Bible - Bibleysky
East. - historical
Evang. - Evangelsky
Vall. - Welsh
Anglizir. - English
Celtsk. - Celtic, belonging to the Celtic group of languages
Gaelsk. - Irish Gaelsky, also - Ancient Eel
Brittsk. - related to the Britty subgroup of Celtic languages
Dr.-Heb. - Oldevishian
Lat. - Latin
Ancient Greek. - Ancient Greek
Three. - Vidnavandavian
Normansk. - Normansky
Dr.-English. - Old English
Ancient Gamer. - Ancient Memermansky
Fr. - French
Starph. - Starofrantsi
Provence. - Provencalsky
