Male twin says what loves. Tips to help understand and conquer a twin man. The names of the behavior of lovers of twins

Gemini - a rather difficult sign of the zodiac. It has a number of features that will not be easy to get along by an unprepared woman. But having familiarized with them in advance, you will be fully armed and you will absolutely be able to penetrate your beloved in your heart.

Many girls tell their girlfriends: "Your man is twins? Run from it as far as possible. " We dispel the myth that this sign is impregnable and too complicated in life and love. Everyone has their own secrets that will help in living together.

Contrary to a fairly common mistaken opinion, the twins are often very honest in their feelings. They rarely hide love, hatred and indifference. The main thing is to show that you are ready to listen to them. If this is not - goodbye, the contact is lost: Gemini men very offended by the inattention.

5 secrets of happy love: Gemini

Secret number 1.. Partially we have already told about it - it is honesty. He is honest to you, be sure. If you liked him and also not indifferent to him, he will see it. The philosophy of most twins is like you to me and I am to you. Just take it as it is and do not try to fix. Although some twins are slightly different - they are simply often turning into the most honest people in the world, despite your mistakes.

Secret number 2.. Signs of attention. Yes, yes, you read right. Signs of attention these people are very necessary, because the twins are famous for character. It is arranged in such a way that most of them are automatically starting to look for a source of something new. It is not recommended to joke with this, because under the word "source", as you understand, mean another person.

Secret number 3.. There is an opinion that people born under this sign are born. It is true, but your favorite woman is another case. With those who are twins, they are honest, just two in different ways react to what is happening around. Yes, it sounds strange, but you yourself can notice it. You should not be afraid - this person will be with you one, and with those who are indifferent to him absolutely different. This is perhaps the only zodiacal sign that can be absolutely opposite when communicating with loved ones and strangers.

Secret number 4.. Do not dramatize his actions. It is quite possible, you will be surprised how easily twins can provoke others on various actions. This is in most cases only a joke, so try to keep yourself in your hands.

Secret number 5.. Bad habits. If your men have such, you should not pass it or ask you to throw them. This does not all be done if he himself does not come to such a decision, because the power of Will in the twins is quite high. They love their bad habits, and it is not bad, it enters their essence. If you achieve the fact that the twins will also love you or even stronger than parents, you can consider yourself the winner.

Summing up, I would like to note that all difficulties are overcome. Now you know that the twin man needs attention. You will need a lot of strength to make his life with bright and interesting, but it will give you myself completely. Be happy, we wish you good luck in love and do not forget to press buttons and

10.12.2015 00:50

Each person is unique in terms of character, however, having information about the sign of the zodiac of your man, you ...

With any signs of the zodiac, it is not easy to achieve harmony in family life. But if your man ...

A man-holiday, unpredictable and controversial guy - all this fully refers to the representative of the Gemini zodiac sign. The most curious thing is that he himself does not realize the true causes of the variability of their mood and preferences. It is quite reasonable that you seek to understand how sincerely his attitude towards you. And for this you need to know how the twin loved man behaves. Such information will help the cute ladies to distinguish signs of sympathy, keep the guy near yourself and even achieve the proposal of a serious relationship.

Features twins

A twin man is not able to stop in one place for a long time, he must do something. For example, the generation of some kind of overall, which becomes the "business of his whole life." However, this case is constantly changing. Such variability is characteristic of twins and in love. Representatives of this sign belong to the elements of air, therefore they do not tolerate monotony.

On the other hand, you never bother with such a "windmaking" because you are expected endless surprises. Whether they will be pleasant - really a difficult question. Knowing this feature of his man, you can understand what he is in a relationship. First of all, he loves everything unusual, externally attractive and dizzy. Since the twins themselves easily enchant others, are the soul of the company, then they are waiting for a magnificent appearance from their beloved. In addition, you should demonstrate a great sense of style and experimenting with appearance.

Relations with a representative of this zodiacal constellation imply constant intrigues, mystery and inexpensive, in this case he will begin to show genuine interest in the girl, and then the deeper feelings will appear.

8 signs of lovers in love

Understand the signs of passionateness of the representative of this sign quite simple. Valble twin and fully corresponded to its own element - air. If he is loved, a small breeze in his heart will turn into a real whirlwind.

  • How to determine what you like a twin man?
  • He will not hide his emotions and will try to tell about love immediately, as the "Arrow Amur" will catch.
  • The guy will share its own plans, ideas, will begin to devote you to the most magnificent plans and ask for advice. It is to talk about his confidence in you.
  • Gemini love to give presents to their elects, and their generosity does not fit into the usual framework. If a man gave a bouquet of roses before, now he purchases half of the flower kiosk.
  • The chosen one who has not yet seen near the stove, will pamper you with culinary delights. And if he initially does not all be obtained, then with time, dishes will become almost perfect. After all, in the cooking process, he invests all his feelings.
  • How to understand that the twin guy loves? He will adapt to you, turning your flaws in the advantage. After all, there must be only an ideal girl next to him! And let others try to say something bad about his chief - relations with the "well-wisher" will immediately be torn.
  • The behavior of the inlebr Men-twin struck with their obsession. Love always stands in the first place - it is above buddies, relatives and himself. If you want to become a leader in a relationship, he will not mind.
  • Such a maximalism sometimes plays an evil joke, because if the married representative is falling in love with the married representative, then the family will not be able to save, and even the presence of "seven on the shops" will not stop him. No regrets former wife will not raind.
  • Another sign of love is accuracy and royal punctuality. No delay! The guy will carefully discuss the place and time of date. The meeting he is waiting with great impatience and does not want to get into an awkward position before you, lingering even for a few minutes.

In addition, if the twins begin to be interested in you, not to avoid common hobbies. The chosen one will definitely find out your hobby and will be engaged in the same occupation. Are you growing flowers? He will also acquire several pots with geranium. Find these signs from your boyfriend? Most likely, these are the first "symptoms" of emerging love. But do not forget that each individual personality sympathy will manifest itself in its own way.

How to achieve love of twins?

Signs of inlentibility are installed, but how to achieve their appearance from a particular guy? There is nothing impossible, because the sympathy of the twin men is quite realistic, let it have to make a maximum effort.

So, what should you be that the representative of this sign has lost his head and wanted to quit everything to your legs?

  1. Gemini love self-sufficient girls who will not sit on the neck and complain about every little thing. Your guy himself does not mind to shove, so you need to take the opposite position.
  2. Be ready to go for him at least in the bake, if he, of course, wants. Gemini men prefer girls active and fountaining energy, because he needs a partner on various "nonsense."
  3. Born under this zodiac constellation guys are sufficiently oppressed, so they need to criticize their behavior is extremely tactful. Gemini worried a long time, can not talk to a girl for a long time with a girl, every way demonstrating their disappointment and irritation.
  4. Your chosen one is a storehouse of knowledge, so do not forget to consult with him more often. And the twin men are confident in their own erudition, so questions may be absolutely any topic.

How to behave with the twin in love?

Finding signs of in love with the representative of this zodiacal constellation, it is not necessary to relax. If you wish to save these relationships, follow some rules so as not to allow him to switch to the next obstacle object.

  1. Do not limit the freedom of moving the guy, do not control its behavior and action by regular phone calls and emails. He is eager for activity, communicating with buddies. Why make it lie on the sofa?
  2. Strain your appearance, even getting it into your sharp claws. Dress with taste, do not forget about the stylist and hairdresser, keep yourself in shape.
  3. Do not disappear from the twin men in love. He loves to voice his thoughts and experiences. Seeing that it was not interested in you, he will go looking for a more thankful listener or a listener.
  4. Develop with the chosen one. Gemini are in an infinite search, improving, learning something new. Spectacle for his self-improvement. After all, only an erudite girl can support intelligent dispute.

How to achieve a long-awaited proposal of hands and hearts?

Becoming the twins man or extremely simple, or practically unrealistic - it all depends on who in front of you: a young man or an adult. In immature age, he often decides on marriage, without thinking about the likely consequences. Mimoletnye passion, hung on the partnership - and he is ready to make her proposal to make her offer. Especially since the day earlier, his good buddy wanted to create a cell of society, so he does not want to fly at the end of the Bachelor's list.

Adult, the twin man behaves much more careful. He saw examples of unhappy family life, fixed the essential flaws of marriage in the head and begins to think about eternal freedom. In addition, he does not want to spend nerves for divorce, the division of property and join the struggle for the child. Official relations lose all value for him.

If you dream about marriage with him, convince him of the benefits of family relationships. Of course, the emphasis must be done on its positive qualities, including tolerance for its disadvantages. It is likely that such a tactic will bring their fruits, and he really will believe that he can create an ideal cell of society with such a girl like you. Dare.

With the Gemini men, it is not easy, but, by having achieved his love, you will know what a true passion is. Note the signs of his sympathy, incite more hot feelings in it and herself alone with this emotion entirely and completely. But having got his heart, do not relax, since the twins do not like monotony. Be vary, and you do not have to miss you!

Difficult relationship is coming to a woman if his chiefs became her chief; After all, it is understood that he is in love, and how long the union is, it is only possible to understand the character of this difficult representative of the zodiac signs.

Gemini are distinguished by a rich fantasy and ease of attitude to life. All events taking place with them, they perceive as a game. Love relations must be unobtrusive, interesting, give the man of this sign energy. He will be the best friend for his woman, will constantly amaze her, please. Gemini create their own worlds in which only chosen.

Bright romance at the beginning of the relationship can dramatically replace the gusts of passion. Such unpredictability will not let you be bored by both partners. The twin male does not tolerate the routine and everydayness, so he will do everything to avoid them.

His mind, curiosity, activity is always aimed in search of new forms of manifestation of their relationship. Despite the fact that the love of the twins perceive some superficially, for the beloved woman they will try to do everything possible so that she felt happy.

Loose the spark of love in a man of this type is not difficult. Enchanted, he will search in a relationship of new sensations. However, quickly sunbathing, the twins quickly go out, so the woman will have to regularly apply efforts to maintain interest from this sign of the zodiac.

Male twins in the life of a lot of novels. But the manifold does not bring him satisfaction. Often, having learned everything about your chosen, the twins themselves remain incomprehensible and unsolved. The misunderstanding gives rise to alienation, which leads to the completion of relations. In addition, not every woman is ready to turn into a holiday every day. And the prose of life will instantly push the twins even from the sincere beloved partner.

What women do you like twins?

Most of all, the Gemini men appreciates freedom. Any attempts to limit it will lead to insults. At the same time, he often ignores the obligations that are necessary in order to build a long, strong relationship. He will not tolerate that he should have to do and how, so it will be attracted by only the woman who will take care of his personal space and relate to desires.

Gemini men love not only through their eyes, so a woman who wants to get his attention is little beautiful. It should be energetic, active, versatile, have a lot of interest and always go ahead. Gemini on the sign of the zodiac love to talk and pofoforming, so it is important for them that their chosen can support the topic of any conversation.

A woman should not be dissolved in love for a twin man. As soon as he felt that he had won the heart of the ladies like, he would quickly lose interest to her. He is attracted to mystery, mystery and inexpensiveness.

We are difficult for marriage to tie the twin, because the stamp in the passport means little for him. If he respects his wife, it will try to keep her loyalty, despite the large number of love. But if a woman tries to limit him, put the conditions, he will soon leave her, no matter what commitment.

How does the twin male behave behave?

The behavior of the twin male in love to distinguish from a friendly relationship is not easy, because he is always friendly, attentive and causing themselves. However, there are some signs that will help determine that the man of this sign fell in love:

  1. When the twins fall in love, they begin to smile a lot, joke and different other ways to show their joy. Any pleasant event will bring them delight, they will help others, participate in all events. Despite the fact that the twin men are often selfish in kind, in a state of love they are ready to forget about their desires and comfort.
  2. Sign of male interest can be gestures. If a woman will appear in the visibility zone that you like the twin, it will become especially active, the movements will be sharp and sometimes clumsy. External image will also change somewhat. The man of this sign will make more time to give his appearance, disappearance will disappear, the view will become more accurate. Love will affect the speech: a representative of a dual sign will pick up words, avoid curses and familiar to him sarcasm. All this is aimed at love with the girl.
  3. A man shows love if he begins to trust a woman and tell it all. He had been talkative before that, but it was more concerned about the abstract. Showing love, Gemini begin to talk a lot about themselves. He will talk about his family, cheerful and sad cases from his life. It will be frank and sincerely, which will not be noticed. The representative of this dual sign will often call the object of his sympathy in order to just chat. All this becomes evidence that throughout the day the woman believed is occupied by his thoughts.
  4. The twin is in love if he begins to listen to a woman, empathize and show an understanding. He expresses sympathy, asking many questions, begins to be interested in what his girlfriend likes. Gemini remember the details on which the chosen one may not pay attention. Such an attitude from the man of this sign of the zodiac testifies to the seriousness of his feelings.
  5. A characteristic sign of love will be the desire of the twins born under the constellation to touch the girl you like. It can manifest in slopes in her direction. He can touch her things, shift them. Easy touch to hand, friendly pats will indicate the location. Slightly hugging a girl behind the waist or shoulders, the twins reduce the distance, which speaks about the desire of proximity. At the same time, they cannot restrain themselves, although in humans such attention often looks somewhat inappropriate.

How to understand that the twin is in love with real?

If a woman has been meeting a man who is born under a dual sign for some time, but it will not understand how deep his feelings, she should watch him more closely.

The seriousness of the intention will be the concern that the twins appear in relation to their partner. Despite the fact that they are a few worm in the manifestation of feelings, in love this quality disappears. He will constantly hold on in touch with his beloved, will often visit it, try to spend with her as much time as possible. Gemini will show love for a woman through tenderness and affection.

If the twin man is in love, then he is generous to his chosen. If it is in a complex material situation, he will immediately come to the rescue. In addition, he will often delight it with small gifts or unexpected surprises.

The actions of the twin in love will indicate that he is ready to follow the victims. What he earlier did not want to spend time and energy will suddenly be fulfilled. For his beloved, he will easily refuse to meet with friends or disseminate some kind of passion. He is ready to go to more important changes, for example, go to another job, move to the neighboring city and others. At the same time, all this is done not for praise. He will make decisions consciously, wanting to gain happiness with a woman who likes him so much.

Representatives of the strong floor born under the constellation of twins, in life are not guided by feeling, but reason. However, in love, this quality is very weakened. It is manifested in a strong jealousy of twins. If a man's girl is surrounded by fans, he will not be able to hide his emotions regarding this situation. He wants to be for her in all the first, so he may even directly ask her what qualities, in her opinion, his rivals possesses, who lack him.

Attention that the Chief of Gemini can have other representatives of the strong sex can strongly insult him, bring it in irritation, which can break the harmony in relations and subsequently quickly destroy them.

The man of this sign loves you if he invites you to live in his house. He highly appreciates his personal space, while the desire to see in the house of another person can only be regarded as a sign of love. With this woman should not hint at it herself. Such actions, its partner may regard as an attempt on his freedom.

To figure out what you like the twin men, you should pay attention to whether he will introduce his friends with you. If he introduced you to the circle of close people, then it means to you with sincere love.

The pronoun "we", which appeared in his speech, is also a good sign. This shows that the man is ready to translate attitudes into legal. If twins born under the sign introduces his girlfriend with his parents, hence he plans to marry her, because the approval of relatives is important for him.

7 facts about the relationship with the twin

If the girl wants to meet with the twins born under the constellation, then she should learn the following interesting facts:

  1. Despite the ability to speak beautifully, the people of this sign of the zodiac do not know how to lie. They are easily issued by emotions, so often a lungy twin man looks ridiculous and sorry. It is easy to catch in this matter.
  2. Energy of people of this type is inconsistent, which is reflected in frequent mood shifts. Electromagnetic fields are strongly influenced by the twins, the weather, so you should prepare for sharp drops in its arrangement.
  3. These men do not know how to take care of money, so it should be prepared for the fact that in the family at times there may not be a penny. They are tagging money, take loans, climb into debts. And despite their sincere desire to correct the situation, it is not possible to make it.
  4. Such men love to change the situation, so they often travel. And they do not have to leave far. It can be a car rental per city, fishing, picnic, etc. In this regard, they often choose work with a flexible schedule.
  5. In these men, a strongly developed thrust for philosophizing. They strive to comprehend what is happening in the world. If you do not support them in reflections on life, people, books, music, then you can quickly lose their location.
  6. These people will always come to the rescue, so you should not be surprised if your twin jumps at 3 o'clock and runs to help your friend. Do not be divided or discouraged.
  7. Men of a dual sign love to gossip, discuss acquaintances and transfer other people's secrets. At the same time, they leave their inclinations to retell other people's secrets, even if it promises them physical punishment.

Despite its erudition, these people have superficial knowledge. And they are easy to surrender in this. However, you should not do that, since such attacks can offend people of this sign.

Often, the twins do not appreciate the good attitude of close people. They get used to him quickly and believe that it should be. Having lost it, they are still painful and ready for everyone to return it.

How to keep the twin in love?

A man born under the double constellation is difficult to fall in love for a long time. And it does not depend on his desire. Such is the psychology of this difficult sign of the zodiac.

In order to keep the twin male, a woman should constantly deal with its development, these men are not accepting complaints, discontent from the beloved, although they themselves love to somebody. The housewife will quickly cease to be an interesting representative of this sign, and he will immediately find a more ambitious, decisive, energetic and bold partner.

For men of this sign, the sexual side of the relationship is important. He wants to see in his chosenate, a dusty, passionate mistress.

Attempts to change the nature of the twins will be unsuccessful. It does not make any pressure, even the lightest, so his partner should refuse to attempt to impose its conditions or requirements.

Partner born under double constellation does not tolerate criticism in its address. Jokes, mockery, caustic comments can offend him so much that he can think about whether the woman is next to him. Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstanding, conflicts should not be given any tips or instructions.

However, this man loves to give recommendations himself, even if it is not asked about it. If a woman living with him will consult, ask the opinion of the twins on this or that matter, it will strengthen their relationship, because it will be a sign of respect and recognition for him.

It is impossible to limit the freedom of representatives of the strong sex, born under a dual sign. A good way to keep the relationship with him is to give him the right to choose and not attempt to tie him to home or family. It is necessary to constantly control your emotions, feelings, so as not to let him feel the burden of responsibility for the relationship. If this man loves, he will do everything possible to deliver the elected joy, and any attempts to influence the side will not lead anything good.

Men of this sign of the zodiac can be captivated by another woman. Jealousy, attempts to remove it on clean water can speed up the gap. A woman who lives with the twin men should live their interests, hobbies, work and not claim the presence of a partner in her life. Such behavior will help maintain a long relationship with this difficult representative of the zodiac sign.

A man-holiday, a man-riddle, unpredictable and extremely contradictory guy - all this fully refers to a man's sign of the twins. But what is the most interesting, he himself does not realize the real cause of his volatile mood and mysteriousness. And he is never sure of his preferences regarding friendship and love.

Each girl at the subconscious level seeks to understand how sincerely the Gemini men, as far as he is in love with her, and whether these feelings are real or he plays with her again. The main signs of love in men of this sign are several factors that one representative of the beautiful half of humanity should be known to be confident in his feelings and soon.

The main features of the twins

Representatives of this sign can not sit in one place for a long time, they need to constantly engage in something and be keenly enthusiastic. And often such a thing becomes some kind of overthrow, which for a while is for him the true matter of his life. But such ideas may be mass, and they all constantly change.

Such variability is characteristic of twins and in love. They belong to the elements of the air, so the monotony of them is always in tightness. No matter what it applies to - work or love. They do not accept uniformity.

But on the other hand, there is a certain advantage of a similar feature of the character - the girl will never be bored with this cute anemone. It will constantly receive pleasant and not very surprises that will always keep a woman in a tone.

Knowing this feature of the character of twins can be tried somehow cope with this. After all, this windy handsome man loves everything unusual, attractive and very beautiful. Given the fact that the Gemini men themselves quickly attract the attention of people and shine in society, then they demand the same from their companions. The brighter there will be a woman, the faster it will attract the attention of the windy. But besides beauty, a woman should have a wonderful sense of style and love to experiment with his appearance.

Relationships with this sign constantly imply mystery, intrigue and shortness. Only so you can conquer the man's attention fully, and after he will begin to show love and deeper feelings.

Signs of love

If you want to know how the twin men love behaves, then it is worth listening to the advice of astrologers and experts in this area. Understanding simple signs are quite simple: the twin fully corresponds to his element. If he feels in love, then a small breeze in his heart will turn into a real whirlwind and meets everything on its path. The main signs of this:

A man begins to actively be interested in the life of his chosen. He will be carried away by the same affairs as she. The chosen quickly knows what a hobby has a woman and will begin to deal with them or give her objects associated with her hobby.

If at least a few of these signs showed from your boyfriend, you can safely talk about nascent love. But do not think, h then everything will be just as rosy. After all, each twin has its own tendency and their own character.

Ways to achieve love

Now you know how the twin loved behave is behaving, but how to cause this feeling from a certain man? There is nothing impossible here, to achieve the sympathy of the one who likes you is quite easy if you make a little effort.

So, K. aka needs to become a womanTo win the love of this non-permanent sign:

If you comply with all these rules, then charm your man will be quite easy. And the next step can be a trip to the registry office.

How to behave with the twin in love

Valvened twin man, whose behavior is unpredictable, real typhoon. But you should not relax next to him. It may be so quick as fell in love. Simple rules will help save your relationship and do not give it to switch to the next object of lust.

Do not control the guy and throw it SMS or love messages. Give him full freedom actions, because he also has the right to personal life and communication with friends. Do not force it to lie on the sofa.

Even having got it in your claws, you should continue to follow your appearance. You always need to dress with taste and attend hairdresser and stylist. But to recover and lose the form should not even dream.

Do not hide from your beloved twin. He must express his thoughts, and if you do not want to listen to him, he can always find a more thankful interlocutor or the opponent. Why do you risk it?

Try to develop with him. The twin is constantly learning and improving in many things. Therefore, it should be improved with it. After all, only a very erudite girl will be able to support any dispute.

Principles of series of men

Beginning the wife of a twin man is either very simple or almost impossible. Here everything will be completely dependent on who in front of you: an adult man or a young man. At a young age he decides on marriagewithout thinking about the consequences. A mimolent passion or a few hints of the partner and he is ready to make her a proposal of hands and hearts. Especially if not so long ago, someone from his buddies decided not only to fall in love, but also to create a family. Gemini always compete - they will not be plane at the end of the list.

But adult twin behaves much more careful. He has already managed to see the problems of family life of friends, made certain conclusions and is already ready to bow down to eternal bastard. To fall in love it does not hurt it, but to create a family - neither. He does not want to spend time on divorce, the division of property and problems with children. Official relations thus lose all meaning for him.

If you decided to combine your life with him, then psychology advises to make a big emphasis on the fact that the family is this is joy and benefit, not just a sea of \u200b\u200bnegative emotions. And the main emphasis should be done on its own tolerance for its disadvantages.

It is impossible to ensure that such tactics will work for a hundred percent. But who knows him! Suddenly he swallows the bait. With such a man, it is very difficult, but it is with him that you will learn what a real passion and happiness is. But you will have to constantly light passion in it and dive into it without a residue. Just do not think to relax - lose it in one moment. Such men will not suffer monotony. Can you meet all its requirements? After all, passion and love is what he lives.

ATTENTION, only today!


It is believed that the twins often inherent superficiality and impermanence in combination with in love. Such people can tie a few relationships at the same time, since neither one of the passions do not have particularly deep feelings. They do not like to complicate their lives and dramatize. To win twins, it must be constantly surprising by the changes of his image, his behavior and versatility of the person. He likes a variety, he loves when a woman often changes hairstyle and outfits. He is in love while he is interested and has the opportunity to receive new impressions.

If the twin man was seriously carried away by a woman, she becomes a source of inspiration for him. Its covers the emotions that he needs to throw out. Therefore, he can lead himself to him unusual way, for example, will begin to follow the fashion and his appearance will passionate to cooking, even if he never prepared before. In love, the twin is inclined to idealize his partner, to see in her dignity and not notice the shortcomings. But all this does not guarantee that such idyll will last forever. After a while, the mood of this sign can change, and then the woman will have to attract attention to him again. Although the man himself could sincerely believe that this love is forever.

This zodiac sign attracts women sociable, erudented, witty, with which you can talk to any topics, but not much deepening in the details. He must have something in common with the chosen one, some interests. He flatters when they make compliments to his intelligence and intelligence. In this regard, he is injured to criticism, although it may not show it.

In the relationship, a twin man can make an controversial impression, misunderstanding in such a pair - not uncommon. A woman may have a long time to get used to the change of his partner's mood. One thing can be said - it does not happen boring with him. It all depends on whether the woman is ready to endure the permanent American slides and the love of the twin to freedom. At the same time, he himself does not necessarily provide the same freedom to his girlfriend. He likes reliability and dependence on the part of a woman in combination with unpredictability, and this is really a difficult task.

In society, the twin is caurated, knows how to support the conversation and charm the humor surrounding his subtle sense. He can take a long time to talk about something interesting for him. He will easily impress the friends and relatives of his passion. And with her friends, it can even flirt, sometimes with a continuation, although it is unlikely to hide it.