Dream interpretation friend man in black clothes. What dreams of a man? Dream Interpretation - Music

A man in black personifies the misfortune during wealth. However, depending on the features of its appearance in a dream, the dreams are far from unambiguously interpreted, what dreams of a gloomy guest.

Hazard symbol

So, dreams are not unanimous, giving the interpretation of sleep about a man in a black raincoat. However, the overall tone of predictions is quite sad. Summer dream book will read power and wealth without happiness, autumn - hopeless hard life, spring - moral peril. Someone in dark clothes warns from the coming danger, but it can be avoided. If he had dreamed like he had brown eyes, you will come across the treachery.

Get frightened in a dream, feeling the persecution of a person in black apparel, predicts similar feelings in reality: in the soon, the enemy will have to look at the enemy. Dream interpreters believe that the shadow symbolizes the revolving, negative side of the case undertaken on the eve. What it is longer, the sadly there will be consequences.

Dream Miller: Mask

To dream of yourself in the image of a mysterious person in a black mask and a raincoat promises troubles, which will be able to overcome: the comrades will turn out of your attempts to help him, he will have to convince his cleanliness of intentions. If it was a woman, in reality she will try to lie to a gullible comrade. To see in a dream of outsiders in masks and gloomy clothes, Miller regards how to get the news about the upcoming fight against envious or leaders.

Good signs

Frankly favorable interpretations of such plots are quite a bit, and they cannot be accessed by attention. If a man in dark clothes dreamed of a lady - dream interpreters promise to her well-being. What dreams that the stranger gives a dream gloves: things will be achieved successfully.

To see a silhouette in the window promises a man interesting acquaintance, and a woman is persistent courting of a new fan.

Unexpected image

Some dreams inspire memories about the stories of gloomy Middle Ages or children's horror stories. To see a figure of a person in a black hood and a raincoat, which subsequently turns out to be a priest, means that it remains to be immersed in reflections on the meaning of life and its destination.

Mourning dress or handkerchief personifies a loss. Dreamed to wear it in a dream - to health problems. A strong veil, closing the face of a woman with an alle of robe, reports that the rival, which she did not put in anything, can tell her with her beloved. Male in a mourning costume is seen as a sad news of the far relative. What dreams of an unfamiliar girl in a mourning dress is: misfortunes will bypass.

Sky impression leaves the silhouette of a stranger without a face - what is he dreaming? This image personifies the dream itself - still unknown to itself, such as it becomes in the future. Therefore, it is especially important to remember that it happened in a dream - this will open the secret of the future. If the silhouette without a face left an alarming feeling, the dream threatens the danger.


Dream Interpretation man, what dreams of a man in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian What dreams of a man in the dreams:

To see in a dream a lot of men - if they are beautiful, well folded - you are waiting for an unforgettable moments of fun, get ready for a pleasant pastime.

What dreams of many men of strangers are dreaming - for a woman such a dream is surviving a career growth, good luck in business, for a man - good luck in business, financial profit.

Many older men - you will be merged, will respect.

A man hugs and kisses dreams - such a dream is the personification of your dreams about the perfect man. If in a dream you see familiar features of the face, then the subconscious hints who could be for you such a man.

What dreams of hugging a man - a friend - you will have a warm and cozy family atmosphere at home.

Hug a man relative - guests will come to you, there will be a holiday at home, hugs the son - happiness in the family, hugs his father - to bitter news.

Favorite man hugs and kisses you in a dream - if everything is fine in your relationship, then this period will last for a long time. In the reverse case, sleep indicates a lack of attention and caress from its part.

A man who likes - if you are not together with him, then such a dream just means that you will thank on it, want warm relationships.

What dreams of a man who likes - what were his actions in a dream? If this is your friend and he invites you to go on a date - it may happen in real life. Another man is not to see himself with her husband, but with another man in a dream, with a warm relationship, means that everything is not so smooth in your family. If in a dream you wanted to look for comfort and affection from another man, beware that it does not happen and reveal.

What dreams another man - if you love it in a dream, then you should be seriously thinking about your marital status.

A stranger is a man - see a man's loved one with a strange man in a dream means the appearance of an opponent who began to provide your lady more attention than you.

What dreams someone else's man - if he scared you in a dream, then you will have to be able to reveal for your friend or a friend, something will happen to him.

A married man - if in a dream you have a novel - you are unhappy with your spouse. For an unmarried girl, such a dream reports that she will marry, but unsuccessfully, and can also turn novels on the side.

What dreams a married man is a young - you can hear unpleasant news. Married older man - you will live a long life, your relatives will respect you and read.

The man with whom they broke up - if he is a beautiful and smiling you, then this is a good sign.

What dreams of a man with whom they broke up, with another woman - if the gap did not happen on your fault, then sleep indicates that this happened due to the fault of the opponent, which he preferred to you.

To see a man with whom they broke up, lonely and sad - he very regrets about your break, wither he himself served as.

Idiom dream book what dreams man in the dream book:

  • Man - "Speak as a man with a man" - a serious conversation, clarification of relationships;
  • "Be a man" - call for courage, nobility;
  • "I will make you a real man" (strong, volitional man).
  • "Guy" - the word carries the shade of simplicity, rudeness, rudeness, so this dream is interpreted.

Women's dream book What dream of a man in a dream book:

The man is generally to see in a dream of a beautiful, well-folded man means that you will fully enjoy life and will soon greatly correct your financial situation. If a man is dark and unpleasant to you - you will come across serious disappointments and difficulties in the near future. A woman is a very handsome man in a dream foreshadows fame and popularity in society. If, in a dream, she is unpleasantly affected by his appearance, she is coming by experience because of the man she considered her friend.

Small Velezov Dream Interpretation Why a man dreams in a dream:

The man what dreams - to good, a new business (man), so said in the dream interpretation about this sleep.

Dream interpretation for the whole family what a man dreams:

  • To see a man in a dream - if you dreamed of a man, then you have some kind of pleasure.
  • If you see a stranger man in a dream, it foreshadows the commission of some adventure.
  • To see a man itself means to get into some kind of spicy situation with far-reaching consequences.
  • If a man seen in a dream is in prison, it promises you the exercise of the plans for a long time.
  • To see a man-actor - to the upcoming quarrel with friends or loss of someone from people close to you. Research, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, trouble.
  • If the man you saw in a dream was an obstetrician, it means an ambulance.
  • To see a man's dream in a dream and enjoy communication with him means that you have to cry a lot and worry on trifles.
  • If in a dream a small growth man is trying to tie a quarrel or a fight with a man who is superior to his strength, it means that you are exchanged for trifles. Also, sleep is surviving an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

Erotic dream book to what a man dreams:

A man - for a man to see in a dream of another man (friend or stranger) means that soon he will have an opponent who is able to destroy the harmony of relationships with his beloved woman and cause jealousy.

Dream Interpretation Esoterick E. Falletkova Dream Interpretation: A man means what

Men see in a dream - pleasure (for a woman); For a man - a new business, according to the dream book - a predictor.

Dream of the XXI century to what dream of a man?

See in a dream

A man is to see a bald man in a dream - to respect and wealth. For a woman to see a man in the shirt - to the troubles in marriage, a naked man in a dream - to good luck, to see the dead man on the street - to the opening of new sources of income, intimate relationships but a dream with a man - to loss of state, in the next dream book you can learn another Interpretation.

French dream book see a man in a dream, what?

Dream interpretation: a man what dreams - if a woman sees in a dream a nice man with beautiful features of the face, "the sleep promises her well-being, satisfaction with fate, a lot of joy. If such a dream sees a man, is a sign of long business disagreements, quarrels with partners, goats of business opponents. A man in white clothes is a pleasure joy, getting a state, in black - loss and sadness. A fat man in a dream foreshadows you well-being in affairs, and a low-spirited man is what you will overcome difficult circumstances. Gorbun does not like anything good, for often this dream warns about the deception or betrayal of those you trust.

Large dream book what a man dreams:

A man - pleasure (for a woman); with a white beard - a disease; In the shirt - an unfortunate marriage for a woman.

Dream Interpretation of the psychologist Miller What dreams man in a dream:

The man is to see in a dream of a beautiful, well-folded and deft man - means that you will fully enjoy life and grant the state. If a man of ugly man has seen in a dream, and the sullen - you will come across disappointments and many difficulties that are diverting you. If a woman dreams a very beautiful man - she will receive fame and will like it. If, in a dream, she is frightened by his repulsive appearance, then it is coming unpleasant experiences because of the man she considered her friend.

Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: A man in a dream

Men see in a dream - old man - long life; fat - you are waiting for pleasant moments; Young - alarm.

Esoteric dream book if a man dreams:

A man what dreams is a young business, the task. Elderly honors, fame; than aggressive, the beneficial success; If good, gentle glory does not benefit, "copper pipes" can become your death. Cares, calling the case reminds of myself. His actions show that it can interfere or help the case; (for example: it cares can become entertainment). M., who turns out to be a friend, the case is not new, but requires a new look, extraordinary solutions. In bed for your case you need a creative approach. Initially familiar business of your life.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Channelie See in a dream

In a dream, what dreams of a man will dream about - a long life - fat - you are waiting for pleasant moments - young - alarm

Dream Stranger

Man (unfamiliar) - psychological disagreements with them, new concern; Type of influence (for a man). For women - love and sexual claims; Rough, hard, volitional part of the sipping person. If the elderly is her relationships and feelings associated with the Father. Hairy or wild for both sexes - a strong animal love passion; wealth; Spiritual degradation.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist A.Megetti Dream Interpretation: Man if you dream

  • By dream of a men's foot - a symbol of structures supporting the whole person. This image indicates historicity in CE as the highest life positivity. In any case, it must be associated with the whole (that is, an individual).
  • Dream interpretation man in a hat and a raincoat - you really don't want to share your thoughts and feelings with the surrounding people, and it will have to do it.
  • Man, handsome man - the fulfillment of desires is delayed for a long time
  • Man, naked - danger, AIDS
  • To see a man with a white beard - a disease; In the shirt - for a woman - misfortune from marriage; The dead man on the street is the opening of new income.


Did you dream in a suit?

Often a person faces strange dreams. To interpret which is not easy. However, a man in a suit is a completely defined sign that means serious material losses. Depending on the details of sleep, it can be interpreted in different ways.

So, it has already been said above that a man in official clothing, a suit or jacket means a financial loss. This sign is especially strong in the case when an unfamiliar man seems to look very good, but it does not make any actions. A person needs to be careful in affiliates related to financial issues and show vigilance. Perhaps someone wants to deceive him.

To dream of a familiar young man in a suit in a dream - it means to show distrust in real life to him. Most likely, this person wants to earn at the expense of friendship or communicating with the owner of sleep. Perhaps, so it moves through the career ladder.

If a familiar person dreamed in a dream, then it is not necessary to immediately express his doubts and reproaches. Of course, communication with this person should be cut, but keep it in the vision field in order to prevent their financial losses in the future.

If a man is dreaming in a suit of unusual color, then, most likely, a person awaits shocks in life. If a man appears in general in a carnival costume, it will be joyful shocks that will bring exceptionally good luck.

If a woman sees a familiar man in a black suit, she should expect betrayal from the beloved person. It is necessary to most accurately follow what happens in personal life and be ready for a sudden shock or betrayal. However, and immediately find out from her beloved something about betrayal is not worth it, because it can destroy relationships.

If a man sees himself in a classic costume, then, most likely, career changes are expected. However, the symbol is twofold and specifically does not mean what shocks to wait: in a positive way or not. That is why the dream need to show the maximum diligence to wrap the situation in your direction.

At the same time, if a man looks ridiculous in a suit and feels discomfort, it is possible that numerous rumors and gossip are dismissed behind his back. You need to fight with this until the rumors have taken a career or personal life, as well as the reputation of a person.

It is important that people understand that a dream for a man and for a woman is interpreted absolutely differently. For a man to see someone in a classic costume - it means to expect changes in work. For a woman, such a symbol means changes in personal life, and not the best.

It is sometimes very difficult to interpret dreams due to insufficient information. However, if the sleep holder will show zeal and desire, he will be able to look into his future. For the accuracy of this forecast, it is better to use several dreams.


Dream black coat

What dreams of a black coat in a dream in dreams?

A black coat is dreaming - receiving decent remuneration for manifested dedication. Acts made by the sake of others to the detriment of themselves will be seen and reimbursed in triple.

Do not doubt the need for good deeds, sooner or later your efforts will notice and make all the incurred deprivations.

Who dreamed of a black coat?

What dreams of a man in black coat

The dream of a man in a black coat Dream interpretation determines as an occurrence of unpleasant events, full disappointment. It can also mean excessive attention to its sensuality or testify to the hidden secret or secret.

Buy in a dream black coat deceased father

He dreamed that they buy a black coat of the deceased father - you should pay a tribute to the memory of the deceased parent. Take it to the grave, or go to the church to put a memorial candle.


Husband in black clothes

Dream book husband in black clothes Dreamed what dream of a husband in black clothes in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a husband in black clothes in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - clothing

New clothes in a dream is always connected with new plans and foreshadows good luck in business, new acquaintances, new relationships, a new period in life or a profitable case, if these things like you. Especially favorable such a dream if you wear clothes on yourself and see yourself. If you dreamed that your beloved put on clothes, which I wore to meet with you, then your relationship will come to no, since his intentions will change.

Dramatics, old to see or wear in a dream - a sign of needs, deprivation. If you dreamed that you wear a lot of clothes, then wait for trouble.

Children's clothing in a dream to see or buy means that your hopes are vain. Sometimes after such a dream, we should expect family scandals or sorry with the beloved. Carefully sewn clothes in a dream foreshadowed troubles and care.

Its old clothes in a dream to see, trying to try on or put it means that you will live just like at a time when we wore this clothes. Unmodic, but good-quality clothing in a dream foreshadows you a modest well-being and a calm, measured life.

If you dream that you shoot your old, worn, drank clothes or just clothes that you do not like, you are waiting for good changes in life, success in affairs and in personal.

Write the dress with butter in a dream - a sign of success in love.

Alien clothes in a dream to wear, especially if she does not fit you, means that you are waiting for trouble, grief. Such a dream also warns you that you have taken away for your own business. In love with such a dream predicts the wreck of hopes and hints that they are not the tree of the tree. If you dreamed that your clothes in a dream do not like you, then you have rivals who would like to take your position in society. If clothes are great or you put on someone else's, then you do not do your work. Having literate someone else's clothes in a dream means you can not do without someone else's help. If in a dream someone asks you to lend him to your clothes, and you refuse to this person, then you should fear envious or rivals. Such a dream also indicates that your rivals will be powerless in their attempts to harm you. If in a dream clothes you are small, then you are doing an empty case. Sometimes such a dream indicates that soon you can be in cramped circumstances, if you do not learn to spend money wisely. Poor sitting on you clothes in a dream foreshadows you frustration and experiences associated with this. Wear clothes of loved ones or relatives in a dream means that you get the inheritance after their death (or after separation with these people).

The dream in which you saw that someone else's kind or rich clothes could not be better to you, the case that you did not impose great hopes will come true and promises you respect for others and profits. The same can be said about long clothes that you will dream.

If you dreamed that you are poorly or badly dressed, then your life will be a bladder and monotonous, associated with concerns about a piece of urgent bread.

To admire someone else's clothes in a dream warns you: Fancy of the jealousy of your spouse or lover.

Women's wedding clothes in a dream mean that you are waiting for a disease or great chagrins. Wedding dress in a dream with pleasure - to joy and success in affairs. Often, such a dream foreshadows new meetings and dating.

Dirty dress or clothes in stains to see in a dream on themselves - a sign of shame, humiliation and shame.

Clothes, filled with blood seen in a dream, warns you that your enemies do not sit idle.

Rich, from expensive fabric (silk or velvet), a magnificent dress, embroidered, etc. To see in a dream means receiving pleasant news, benefit and respect others. The same meaning has a dream in which you put on your way.

Have or see in a dream a lot of elegant clothes means that you live careless and spend money without thinking. However, this will not last forever. The dream predicts you that soon you will have to regret your waste.

Wear a clean shirt in a dream mean that you will be able to avoid trouble. If your shirt will be white in a dream, you are waiting for good news about success in affairs. If you dreamed that you sew a shirt, then a close person will appreciate your feelings for him if you can finish your work. But if you do not finish it in a dream, then your happiness with your loved one will not be complete. Losing a shirt in a dream means you are waiting for failures and shame.

Silk harees wear in a dream means receiving profits. Pants to wear in a dream indicates that you will try with honor to get out of a predicament. Buy trousers in a dream or see new - Sign Success In Affairs. Remove pants in a dream - a loss sign or loss.

The dress is the front door, a fraction or a tuxedo in a dream to see or worn - a sign of quick entry into a favorable marriage. The uniform to see in a dream means that you are waiting for responsible work, thanks to which you will deserve respect for others and aligning a decent state. If you dreamed that you put on the robe of the priest, you are waiting for the patronage of an important dignitary. The richer is Riza, the richer will be your patron.

The dream in which you saw that your outfit is decorated with flowers, means that your happiness is short-lived.

If you dreamed that you go on dirt and stained clothes, then beware of the disease.

Women's dress to wear - shame and loss for men; Woman to be in men's clothing in a dream - the foresight of the soon marriage.

Lose clothing or detail in a dream - a sign that your hopes are in vain.

See a cheap dress in a dream means in vain hopes.

Stay without clothes in a dream means you are waiting for shame and humiliation.

Vest to see or worn - to false news. A woman see himself luxuriously dressed (in a brilliant, extraordinary dress or suit) - to severe illness.

The hole in clothes in a dream foreshadows the disease or wound in the place where the hole will be.

Patches on clothes see - a sign that your well-being shakes.

To put a patch in a dream means that you will soon have to seriously reduce your expenses. See the patch from others - a sign of ambulance and trouble. Patch on new clothes - the foresight of the fact that your rainbow hopes are not justified. To be ashamed to patch or cover it in a dream means that soon you will find yourself in a desperate position and you will try to hide him from others. Sewing a pay in a dream - a sign that you will fall into a predicament because of your own stupidity and frivolity. Patches in a dream mean all that is associated with hopes to correct their material well-being, which, as a rule, are not justified. Many patches to see or put - to lack of money. See interpretation: stains.

Being in a dream wrapped in a rag, numerous clothes means that bad and false people are entrusted you. Such a dream calls for caution. Be wrapped in a dream to an expensive fabric - a sign of honors and respect for others.

Kaftan see in a dream means calm, well-established life in the house.

To break it, lose or spoil - the fores of the trouble, which will destroy your life.

Leather clothes in a dream - a sign of welfare and good luck. After sleep in which you saw yourself dressed in leather clothing, you can experience happiness in risky enterprises. It is believed that it will be unworn.

Corset to see in a dream - the disclosure sign of the mystery. Sometimes such a dream predicts that the person you love is not indifferent to you, but hides my feelings.

Corset to wear in a dream means suffered because of your own curiosity.

Corset to try in sleep - to the wedding.

Buttage (unbutton) corset in a dream is an indication that you should have patience in an important thing, and not to tear your evil on your neighbor to avoid unnecessary quarrels.

Male suit in a dream - a symbol of unsuccessful money deals.

Suit mascara see in a dream foreshadows an extraordinary turn in your business.

Children's masquerade suit in your dream means you are lucky where you did not think. See interpretation: Masquerade.

Cuffs to see on her dress in a dream - the sign of the celebration, the official meeting. Seeing them starch and very white - sign honors or respect for others. Sometimes such a dream means the stability of your position or emphasizes the hardness of your position on some question. If the cuffs on your dress are torn, dirty, covered, then wait for the disturbances due to failures in affairs or in love. Such a dream predicts that you will be unhappy with yourself, and your pride will be a dishonest and old partner or a loved one. If you dreamed that there is no cuff on a dress, although you know that they should be there, then some business will not work as much as you would like. See interpretation: Cufflinks, jewels, collar.

Coat in a dream to see - sign change position. The more expensive it is and more beautiful, the better your business will go. Drop, lose, stain, see it with ribbon or dirty in a dream - a sign of big trouble, difficulties, humiliation.

If it turns out to be great, you are waiting for chagrins and failures in the case that you "not on the teeth". If you dreamed that someone has taken away your coat, then you are waiting for difficulties in matters and in your personal life.

Cloak in a dream is a symbol of your condition, what you have or will have by law. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you can get the inheritance. If you dreamed that you wear a raincoat to protect yourself from bad weather or something else, then you should remember that the enemy is watching you. Cloak (rain) in a dream means you need to take security measures to protect your interests or health. A campaigning cloak in a dream foreshadows troubles and indicates the need to keep the Ear Egor, since the enemy does not sleep. New raincoat in a dream foreshadows success and well-being. To cover them in a dream means receiving a profitable sentence. If you do not like the raincoat in a dream, then your affairs will go no matter. See interpretation: Gap.

A bathrobe home or hospital in a dream foreshadows unhealthy, experiences and troubles. However, to see men's bathrobes in a dream, in which you can walk down the street (such as national, quilting, beautifully embroidered) - a sign that another person will come to your family. If the bathrobe will have an exotic appearance, then the person will be another nationality. Many front-hand baths see in a dream means you are waiting for many meetings with different people from other countries. Way to be in a dream - a sign of losses and losses. Dressed in a dream in the presence of outsiders means that you will find yourself in an awkward position. To be dressed in a sloppy or inappropriate way in a dream - a sign that they will be caught by surprise. Sometimes such a dream predicts an unexpected meeting. See interpretation: Naked.

See yourself in a dream in underwear - a sign of shame and dishonor. If you dream that you see yourself in pajamas or a night shirt, then you should care your health. Such a dream foreshadows the disease. Others see in a dream in clothes, in which they usually sleep, - the oppression of the fact that someone from your family will need your help. Sleep warns you of the need to help people who have fallen into a predicament and asking for help.

Bed, experiences and grief foreshadows a dream in which you or someone will take lingerie.

To see in a dream his lingerie on the lover means you are waiting for failures, cash losses, shame and humiliation. To see in a dream that your beloved underwear is spoiled - tornly, cut, burned down, etc., - a sign of large cash losses and experiences. Sometimes such a dream predicts that your debtor will not return to you or your lender will break you. And sometimes both together. If you dreamed that some important person appears in your presence, it is ambiguous or naked, then this is an anxiety sign about a close person.


(See interpretation: veil).

Sarafan wear in a dream - a sign of empty pastime or empty troubles about a matter.

Insects to see on their clothes - a sign of trouble and anxiety and dishonor. Shake them in a dream from the clothes - a sign of liberation from the alarms and useless slander discontinuities seeking to defame you. See interpretation: Insects.

Ruffles, ruffles on a dress in a dream mean that your behavior can cause the disapproval of others. See interpretation: Lace.

Long Falds on clothes - sign of respect for people around you. Short faldes on clothes predict the opposite. Outpatched Falda on clothes mean poverty or need. Trim Falda in a dream - to losses and disappointments. Clasp on a dress in a dream means affection. If she is broken, then sleep warns you that you will soon be disappointed in some kind of person.

The dream in which you saw that your clothes are burning, but it remains the whole, means: friends will betray you and will begin to dismiss evil rumors about you. This is unhappy dream. He foreshadows you a lot of chagrins, undeserved offense, humiliation and insults.

Clothes made of flax or cotton in a dream - a sign of poverty, unless you wear it not in season. Sleep about clothes made of cheap fabrics foreshadows failures and chagrins. See interpretation: Fabric.

In general, in a dream it is very important to be dressed in season, as this suggests that your affairs go successfully and nothing threatens your well-being.

To see or viewed in a dream, the lining or wrong clothing means that you do not trust your loved ones or partners. Sometimes such a dream tells you that you should be cautious, taking important decisions that can affect your future.

White clothes in a dream almost always predicts bad changes, sadness, diseases, experiences. To see the crowd, dressed in white underwear, means that the period of great failures associated with reforms in the country is waiting for you. Cheerful company in beautiful white clothes in a dream - a sign of success in affairs and in love.

Green clothes in a dream - a sign of hope or trip to long-range edges; Red (crimped) is a sign of sorrow or illness due to the death of a relative. However, most often such a dream means you are awaiting success in affairs, respect for others and power. In love with the red outfits predicts that their position will change for the better and everyone will respect and read them. Raspberry color in a dream foreshadows you a victory over enemies, success in affairs and protection of a powerful patron.

Blue, lilac or purple clothing - good luck sign in love and respect for others.

If the dress is black, short or brilliant, then a sick, such a dream predicts an ambulance death, and that you will see it, the death of severe illness in the flourishing years. To be in black clothes in a dream - to failure in love. Yellow in clothes means jealousy, gossip, love adventures.

White clothes on a close man in a dream warns you about the severe illness of this man, which will give you a lot of trouble and excitement.

White shirt in a dream means your hopes and immaculate thoughts. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will be removed some false accusation.

Pepling and bright clothes in a dream foreshadows the abundance of opportunities. Lovely such a dream foreshadows quarrels and misunderstandings. Flower clothing, tender coloring in a dream indicates that gentle affection will arise between you and some person. This dream foreshadows pleasant meetings, conversations, peace of mind. See interpretation: color, buttons.

A long loop on the dress is a sign of what many rumors go about you, who are unlikely to polish you. Sleep warns you that you should not talk about yourself a lot of superfluous and avoid the random deeds and random connections.

Dream interpretation - clothing

Oldwear, which is about to break - the wife looks away.

Owning with some man one and the same clothes - your wife has a lover.

We give some official clothes, form - you will have an appointment.

You give a person some kind of clothes - there will be official affairs, there will be a disease, ailment, grief.

The wife puts on brocade clothes - foreshadows the birth of a noble son.

Woman puts clothes men - indicates the birth of a noble son

Blurred, dirty lower clothes - foreshadowing unhappy childbirth.

A noble man distributes clothing and hats - fortunately.

Crazy clothes, wear mourning clothes - foreshadows happiness.

The rat bites a man for clothes - you will achieve what I sought.

Muhi sit on clothes - foreshadowed, slander.

They throw the raincoat on the shoulders, covering clothes from bad weather - there will be a big mercy.

Scissors cut clothes - foreshadows misfortune with his wife.

Dressed in white clothes yourself - someone plots against you.

The winds of the wind tear the clothes - the disease, ailment.

Loss of clothing items - foreshadows the difficult childhood from his wife.

The belt on clothes itself flashes or unleashed - in all matters luck and happiness.

Accept from another person a simple clothes from hemp fabric - unfortunately.

Proshrudin in white clothes comes to you as a messenger and calls you - foreshadows death.

We add, collect new clothes - there will be different adversity, failure.

We erase dirty clothes - a new employee will arrive, an official.

We erase, clean clothes - in all cases fortunately.

You kill a person so that the blood is dirty clothes - you will get a material arrival, wealth.

Dream interpretation - clothing

To dream of clothes - sleep-prediction. The success of your affairs depends on what was the clothes in a dream: a whole and clean, or evaporated and torn.

To see excellent, but unwitting clothes - foreshadows that you will be lucky, but neglect valuable ideas.

If you refuse clothing released from fashion - soon you will move away from your current environment, will cover new affairs, lead new love connections. All this will completely change you.

See yourself and other dressed in white - means changes, and almost always sad.

Walking with a man in white - means for him a disease and grief, if only this is not a young woman and not a child. In the latter case, you can expect pleasant events.

See yourself and others - foreshadows quarrels, disappointment and unwanted companions on the trip. Commercial activity will not meet your desires.

See yellow clothes - foreshadows interesting entertainment and financial progress. If you see a silent moving ghost in yellow, with unnatural lighting, you should expect change to the worse. Good luck will accompany you if you see a beautiful yellow fabric in a dream.

To see blue clothes - means that your energy will help you achieve the execution of your desires. Friends will support you.

To see raspberry clothing in a dream - means you get rid of terrible enemies, changing your intentions in time.

See green robes - a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness.

To see multicolor robes - foreshadows sharp changes and interlacing good and bad in the future.

To see the clothes poorly sitting on you - implies the end of some of your attachments. It is possible that you make a mistake in some enterprise.

To see an old man or a young man in well-crossped costumes - means that you will take some unpleasant and troublesome things.

If a woman sees in a dream that she does not like her clothes - sleep foreshadows that she will meet an unpleasant rivalry in achieving secular success.

If she admires the clothes of others - the dream is surviving jealous suspicion of her friend.

To see the loss of some kind of toilet detail - means interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love.

For a young woman to see himself in a dream in a black suit - a dream foreshadows sadness and disappointment.

If she sees another woman in raspberry clothes with a strong mourning veil on her face - this means that it will surpass her rival that she did not consider equal to himself; Gorky disappointment takes it against all women.

Interpretation of sleep about clothes. You must pay attention to whether the items visible are naturally. If the faces are distorted and the light is unnatural, although paints and bright, - be careful, for failure in the implementation of important plans to cause you harm.

Dirty and torn clothing always foreshadow deception and warns about caution in communicating with unfamiliar. Such a dream can foreshadow and act that you can burn your reputation. But clean clothing - to well-being.

If you dream that you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, this dream warns you: be careful, otherwise incorrect actions will lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not be enough even the most necessary.

Young Person This dream promises unfulfilled hopes.

Light pleasant cotton clothes promises that the circumstances will soon be in your favor. Weave cotton in a dream - the foresight of a successful marriage with an enterprising and economic person, for married women - this is a promise of comfort in the house and consent.

To see ourselves, it foreshadows gossip around your name.

To see in a dream an important person is uncomfortable - foreshadows chagrins and pain for the expensive people.

To see the ease of others - the foresight of your joy stolen.

Dream Interpretation - Music

Dream interpretation - clothing

Buy in a dream clothes foreshadows a happy event in your life. Light clothing means satisfaction and mental lifting, dark - sadness on the soul and change to the worst.

Children's clothing foreshadows family troubles. Fashionable outfits - to interesting meetings and entertainment in the company of pretty people who came out of fashion - soon change your image, engaged in other cases and starting new connections.

The fitted tue tube in the bail and excellent sitting clothing means that you take something that will bring you a lot of trouble, but will deliver deep moral satisfaction.

If the clothes are not in size and spoils the entire figure - in reality, it is nearing with old connections and affection, not developing new ones.

To envy the opponent, stood in an elegant costume, which she is very to face, - in real life you will be tormented by jealousy and snatched suspicions.

If you do not like someone screaming or without taste, selected clothes - you will have to try to not look at least worse than others with respect to your appearance on the upcoming celebration or when visiting some kind of spectacular event.

The incorrect castle broke away in the most interesting place in the most interesting place foreshadowes sad events and temporary unpleasution.

Repair new clothes foreshadows that your inecilious energy will help overcome unexpected obstacles.

Starting old clothes - experience deprivation that will not last long. To wear old clothes from someone else's shoulder foreshadows the loss of a beloved, seduced by the beauty and Mishur-naked durablock.

Dirty clothing warns of possible deception when buying an expensive thing in the market. Wash the clothes in a dream - I will find yourself in a disadvantage, first time opening my plans. Giving clothes to dry cleaning foreshadows unexpected income that will go to pay debts.

If in a dream you repaint clothes - it means you will spend great time in the nearest weekend; If you are experiencing - you will have to go close to home affairs and devote free time to communicate with your home.

If you dream that in your wardrobe, the richest choice of outfits - do not hope for support and do not believe in someone else's shorts, for you will certainly go.

See an empty closet, having lost all your clothes, - beware of stating your reputation with the doubtful behavior.

To remove clothes - in reality will achieve greater success, manifested the female qualities especially valued by men. Sleep, where you put on a lot of all the clothes or measure it one after the other, - promises you strong married happiness. Give someone your clothes in a dream - to loss of property.

Dream interpretation - clothing

who sees that she dressed clothes green, then she is for the one who is alive and the ministry of the Almighty, and for his dead-of-his good position near the Most High Allah, as green clothes are clothes of the inhabitants of Paradise. White clothes are the felicness of the one who dressed her in a dream. Some troubles, and maybe death happens with those who dressed black clothes in a dream, if not used to do it in reality. As for the fact that, if he is used to wear it, then it is an honor, power, wealth, greatness and primacy. And who will see that there is a red clothing on it, there is a lot of wealth, from which it will be mandatory to the selection of the climb, and therefore, let him be afraid of Allah and gives it to cry. If a woman sees that it puts red clothes, then this is her joy. For a rich dressing in new clothes, this is the improvement of his life, for the poor is wealth, and for the debtor-payment of debts. And who will see that he dressed old, worn clothes, he will comprehend anxiety and sadness. Blue or blue clothes are also anxiety and sadness. And the removal of dirty clothes is the disappearance of worries and alarms. If a woman sees that she got dressed in men's clothing, then this is good, and if a man sees what he dressed in women's clothing, he threatens a big danger from enemies. Military clothing belongs to her husband. Silk clothing means the acquisition of wealth is unauthorized and sharpening. Shernywear in a dream indicates the purchase of great wealth and luxurious worldly life. Yellow clothes mean disease, care and sadness. Wear a short, untidy and dirty clothes, to non-compliance with the laws of Sharia. Wear in a dream clean, spacious and tidy clothing, to well-being.

Dream interpretation - clothing

Sleep about clothes is always a kind of prediction. It all depends on the color of clothing, as well as on what it was: clean and whole or dirty and torn.

Excellent, but unwitted clothes - a sign that you will be lucky, but neglect valuable ideas.

Saw in a dream yourself or someone else in white - wait for change, and not the best.

The yellow color of the clothing foreshadows interesting entertainment and financial progress.

Blue color says that your energy and support of friends will help you achieve the execution of cherished desires.

Raspberry color promises to get rid of terrible enemies.

Green robes - a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness. Multicolor robes mean sharp changes and weave good and bad.

If clothes are bad on you sitting, you will have to part with some of your attachments. You may have a mistake in some kind of company.

A woman who does not like her clothes in a dream will meet an unpleasant rivalry in achieving secular success.

If she admires the clothes of others, then they will fall jealous suspicion of her lover.

Young woman sawing himself in a dream in a black suit, sorrow and disappointment.

Dirty and torn clothing always dreams of deception and warns from communicating with strangers, as well as from the act that can be stained with their reputation.

But pure clothes will dream of well-being.

D. Loff wrote so about these dreams: "Clothing is the reflection of the inner world and individuality of a person. This is a mirror of your self-esteem. Therefore, before interpreting the sleep about clothes, ask yourself: Does your clothes make admiration or ridicule.

Loss of clothing speaks of your vulnerability. Do not believe? Try to undress, say, in the department store - let's see how confidently you will feel at the same time. Of course, it may be sexy or exhibitionist fantasies.

Draw clothes in a dream - the case is ambiguous. Who did not have to receive clothes as a gift, which then became a parable in Languages \u200b\u200bas a sign of a bad taste? However, the purchase of clothing items that are wonderfully sitting on you and allow you to feel confident, foreshadows positive shifts in your own self-esteem.

Sometimes in a dream you buy things for special occasions or clothes, which are attributed to magical properties. In this case, you are just looking for understanding or protection. "

Dream interpretation - clothing

Who sees that she put on green clothes, then for the one who is alive is faith and serving the Almighty, and for the dead - his good position near the Most High Allah, as green clothes are clothes of the inhabitants of Paradise.

White clothes are the pious of the one who put it in a dream.

Some troubles, and maybe death, it happens with those who put on black clothes, if not used to do it in reality.

If he got used to wear it, then it is an honor, power, wealth, greatness and primacy.

And who will see that there is red clothes on it, the wealth is given, from which it is necessary to allocate is busy and therefore, let him be afraid of Allah and give busy.

If a woman sees that she put on red clothes, then this is joy.

For a rich dressing in new clothes, it is an improvement in his life, for the poor is wealth, and for the debtor - the payment of debts.

And who will see that he put the old, worn clothes, he will comprehend anxiety and sadness.

Blue or blue clothes are also anxiety and sadness.

And the removal of dirty clothes is the disappearance of worries and alarms.

If a woman sees that she got dressed in men's clothing, then this is good, and if a man sees what he dressed in women's clothing, he threatens a big danger from enemies.

Military clothing belongs to her husband.

Silk clothing means the acquisition of wealth is unauthorized and sharpening.

Woolen clothing indicates the acquisition of great wealth and luxurious worldly life.

Yellow clothes mean disease, care and sadness.

Wearing short, untidy and dirty clothes - to non-compliance with the laws of Sharia.

Wearing clean, spacious and tidy clothes - to well-being.

Dream interpretation - clothing

Washing in a dream of viscose clothes - serves as a warning that your new frivolous hobbies can create big trouble in the future.

Fat stains have on their clothes - you have a favorable thing.

For young, such a dream can be the foresight of rich marriage.

Black clothes - symbolizes the disease.

White clothes - dream of good.

A lot of clothes see - there is a lot of trouble.

The jacket saw in a dream - you can catch a cold.

Wearing a bunch in a dream - to wealth, unexpectedly high income, longevity without drainness.

Jumper in a dream - symbolizes the warmth of friendly relations.

Wear a jumper - to the acquisition of a new friend.

Wear a jumper - to solid friendship.

Remove the jumper - to grinding.

Dress in a dream - you can get into an unpleasant position.

Dressed in a dream sloppy, unsuitable - to an unexpected guest.

Dress in a dream to new upper clothes - a new wife or mistress.

Clean clothes - fortunately.

Shared clothes have with someone - to treason.

Many people in purple and purple clothes - to abuse.

A woman in men's clothing is to the birth of a son.

Fur clothes see - get a legitimate way some property.

You put on fur clothes - get a lawful way some property.

Parching clothes on you - the foresight of the sadness and loss.

Spray clothes - to loss.

Clothing is burning at you - to loss of property.

A man in overalls - for a woman she is fresher about the true nature of his beloved.

A man in workwear - for a married woman - a sign that she will stay for a long time in ignorance about the causes of frequent lack of her husband, while the case does not make her seriously think about it.

Sarafan for a woman - a desire to have fun can lead to problems in family life, distrust from the spouse.

Dream interpretation - clothing

Clothes in a dream - sleep-prediction.

It all depends on what clothes are: whole, evaporated, clean, torn.

Excellent, but unwitted clothes - good luck, but you can watch some fresh, original idea.

If someone offers you the clothes published from fashion - wait for change in life.

Young girls have white clothes - pleasant events.

Yellow clothes are interesting entertainment.

Blue clothes - friendly support in your business.

Raspberry clothing - you recognize the flames in the warm friendship in time.

Green color clothes - your hope for success.

Multicolor clothes - weave good and bad.

If the girl sees himself in the black toilet - sadness, disappointment.

Dirty and torn clothes are a warning about possible deception, the need to behave carefully with unfamiliar people.

This dream is the second series of the previous one. The main conclusion: Personnel, please!


Black man

Dream interpretation black man Dreamed what is dreaming in a dream a black man? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a black man in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chernila

Dream Interpretation - Chernila

Dream interpretation - black

Dream Interpretation - Chernila

Dream Interpretation - Chernila

Dream Interpretation - Chernila

Dream Interpretation - Black Color

Dream Interpretation - Black Birds

Dream Interpretation - Chernila

Soon you make a profitable deal or spend a successful business operation. Spilled inks foreshadow a quarrel, which will delay for a long time, unless you show proper prudence. Just to see in a dream ink - to get the inheritance.

Dream Interpretation - Chernila

Ink - write in a dream ink - this dream means that in the coming days you will be just fabulously visiting, do not miss your chance. Be prepared for an unexpected turn of events that affect you.

If you wrote in a dream and accidentally put ink a blots on some important paper, which means a date that you were going to go, would be angry and you will worry about this. Spread ink - to a quarrel and a strong scandal, which will happen because of some trivia.


Man in black jacket

Dream Interpretation man in black jacket Dreamed what dreams in a dream a man in a black jacket? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a man in a black jacket in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pidzhak

Official, businessman; man for a woman; Public men's "I". Female jacket Men's energy active part of a woman, a business woman image.

Dream Interpretation - Pidzhak

Try jacket to coming up.

Buy - to an exciting conversation with a friend.

Dream Interpretation - Chernila

Seeing in a dream of someone's clothes, welded in ink, prepare for the fact that the enviousness somehow deceived you.

A young woman who dreamed ink will be slandered by a rival.

If you saw your fingers in a dream, wrapped with ink, you will torment the seizures of jealousy. And if the ink is red, you threaten serious trouble.

If in a dream you bred ink - you will be drawn into some kind of nice thing.

The ink bottle promises the appearance of ill-wishers and decline in affairs.

An empty inkwell seen in the dream is a sign that you will be able to avoid public condemnation for some kind of your not very good deed.

The filled inkwell is a reminder that you should take precautions, otherwise there may be unfriendly to slander you.

They wrote in the dream ink - in the coming days you will be just fabulously visiting. Do not miss your chance, be prepared for an unexpected turn of events that have benefited.

If in a dream you wrote in ink and accidentally put a blots on some important paper, which means a date on which you were going to go, will break down and you will worry about this.

Ink spilled - a strong scandal, which will happen because of some trivia.

Dream Interpretation - Chernila

If black ink - spoil your reputation.

Green ink - you will succeed, so do not stop.

Yellow ink is a quick acquaintance with a very good man.

Blue, blue, purple ink - to a long depression.

Dream interpretation - black

Black color can symbolize the unknown - shadows and secrets of your subconscious.

Are there internal problems that you have to investigate? Expression "in the darkness" means confusion.

Do you feel uncertain about how to choose in your life? Black can also symbolize the soothing covers of the night.

Obviously, it's time to surrender to rest and dreams of life. Current color is also associated with despair and depression.

Do you suppress the evil and disappointment? You should feel all emotions.

There are no bad emotions, but the depressed feelings can turn depression and despair.

If you are depressed, you should be free from emotions that cause this condition.

Analyze them and go to action.

If this is not able to you, find a person ready to help you. In Western culture, black color is associated with mourning.

There is an area of \u200b\u200byour life, on which you grieve? For some people, black color symbolizes strength.

The Chinese see in black good.

Dream Interpretation - Chernila

If in a dream you see someone's clothes, soaked in ink - then in the reaches of the envious will cost you dishonest.

A young woman who saw in the ink in a dream will be slandered by a rival.

To see his fingers, wrapped in ink, means that you will be cruelly jealous until the best qualities of your nature take the top. If the ink is red - you are threatened with serious trouble.

If you dive in a dream ink - you will be drawn into a low case.

Winned in a dream the bottle of ink thrusts ill-wishers and failure in affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Chernila

Writing in a dream, foaming a pen into ink, - I will have to write a responsible project or carry out someone else's work. Such tension your health may not withstand. If in a dream you wrote and at the same time put the blots - you are awaiting many small troubles from your envious competitors. Shed ink - to fail an important project or not perform work on time.

Imagine that ink is disappearing. Even if you choose them from the legs to the head, you have nothing to fear: they will disappear into the same moment.

Dream Interpretation - Chernila

A bubble or a bottle of ink symbolize flue, miscarius of ill-wishers and failures in affairs, paper troubles.

Dilute them - to engage in unseemly business.

Shed ink - to a quarrel, separation.

Writing - succeed in sciences or participate in litigation.

Clothing in ink spots dream of reviving your envious.

Fingers in ink - to jealousy.

Red ink - to trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Black Color

Things black, all in black blossom - sorrow sign, grief, bad luck.

Wear a black dress - to trarawe.

Dream Interpretation - Black Birds

Black flock in the sky to see - Your evil thoughts or evil thoughts about you / Past and his influence on your life.

Black flock of scattering see - the image of all your obsessive fears and their influence on you.

A black flock, circling over any object, indicates its fatal, ominous importance in your life.


What dreams of a man in black?


vlad Bednyakov

Dreams need to translate the revolution. You will see a man in white, but do not catch up, and you will think about it for a long time ...

Regina Mofthova

Unexpected guest.

Natalia Markova

Sleep is not bad. It suggests that there will be very unattractive events, but you will be able to establish everything and extract for yourself what will benefit. But while the world in your house is not waiting. It will not be very favorable, but you have to endure.

Vanilla gentle

dependence on a bad person

Dear husband in black

Dream Interpretation Dear Husband in Black Dreamed what dreams in a dream the late husband in black? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see the late husband in black, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Music

Hugging and kissing her husband, meeting or accomplishing it, is a sign of complete mutual understanding and love between spouses, peace and consent in the family.

If in a dream you pass a letter addressed to him, after reading it with its content in secret from the spouse, it foreshadows the divorce and section of property through court instances.

If your husband came from work tired and besides the patients - such a dream foreshadows troubles and lack of money. Cheerful and full energy husband, who returned from hunting or fishing, is to sufficient in the house and new acquisitions.

The dream in which you will do your husband in treason, speaks of your too prejudice to him in real life. If the husband in a dream throws a family to your care, and himself hides a few days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanations, - such a dream means temporary disorder in relationship between you, which, however, will soon be changed by complete consensus.

A quarrel with her husband's hobby in the soil should make you think about the origins of this weakness of the spouse - they do not lie in your behavior?

To bury her husband in a dream foreshadows the arrival of his friends, because of what the apartment will temporarily turn into a parny courtyard and at the same time resolving.

Sleep, in which you leave from my husband to another person, can bring big trouble on you in real life because of your too sharp and long language.

If in a dream, the husband leaves on a business trip, and you act according to the classic scheme, taking on a married bed of your lover, - in reality your excessive coquetry gives her husband a reason to suspect something wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees him married, does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Music

A quarrel with her husband - means his confidence and respect for you.

Such a dream may also foreshadow some trouble outside the family.

If the wife dreams a very gentle husband - problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that she threw her husband without a visible reason - revealed to short-term cooling of relations, which, in any case, will change mutual imposition and consent.

If a husband dreamed of sick or tired, then this is a disease of one of the relatives.

If you see your husband cheerful and cheerful - life will open with brilliant perspectives.

The house will be material well-being.

If he dreamed that her husband was in love with another woman - in the family not all safely.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and should be changed in them.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man - in the family she is alone or does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships with her husband.

If the girl dreamed that she was married - she should pay more attention to his appearance and think about his dignity.

If you have dreamed that your husband leaves, but, leaving the house, it becomes better than the growth - sleep foreshadows that close people will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband is involved, but another woman is to divorce or significant losses.

If you have dreamed that as a result of the scandal, your husband is killed - this is a very bad dream.

If her husband dreams that he is holding with her - the world will come in the family.

If the wife caresses her husband - to profits.

Dream Interpretation - Husband, Male

A woman see in a dream that her husband, a beloved or a close friend got married, - the prediction of the fact that he will soon be waiting for parting and loneliness.

If you dreamed that you are looking for your husband, but it is not, or you call him, and he turned back to you and does not respond, or that he left you, then your relationship is spoiled. Between you are lost mutual understanding and gentle affection. And if you have difficulty, then your husband will not support you.

To see him in a dream painfully pale, unlike himself, means that troubles are waiting for you, because of which you lose peace and sleep. Seeing her husband beautiful (without frills) and pleasant in a dream - a sign of joy and pleasant trouble.

A dream in which you saw that your husband is passionate about another lady tells you that you should pay more attention to him to make your collaborative life more attractive and interesting, since now your husband is dissatisfied with your life with you. Quarrel and swear, fighting him in a dream - a dream on the contrary, which foreshadows joyful events and peace in the house. To see her husband killed in a dream means that you yourself can create a situation in the family, followed by a divorce. Male to make female work in a dream - a sign of trouble, losses, stagnation in cases. Sometimes such a dream predicts death from an accident for sleeping. A man with a white beard see in a dream means you should take care of your health.

Dead man on the street see in a dream - a sign that you can find a new source of enrichment. Sometimes such a dream means that your alarms and trouble will end soon. My husband to see the dead in a dream is a sign of losses and a big trouble. Many men in a dream to see - a sign that you will not find yourself places. If a woman dares a young man of a pleasant look and speaks with her, then soon it is waiting for change in his personal life. Remember the words of this person and how it looks. If your impression of it in a dream is pleasant, then there will be both changes. And vice versa. Lodge to see in a dream and frighten - a sign of anxiety, trouble and chagrin. Sometimes such a dream means that a close person will betray you or deceive. See interpretation: beard, freak, stranger, dead.

Dream Interpretation - Music

If the husband is healthy, cheerful, looks good, is a sign of family well-being.

Pale, thin, sad - to someone from family members.

Seeing her husband dead - to great misfortune.

Quarrel, even fight her husband - to peace and harmony.

If the husband in a dream leaves you without a reason, - the temporary cooling will occur between you.

If it dreams that the husband goes to another woman, you must fight the monotony and the municipality of family life, as your relationship suffer from this.

Leave her husband, love another - to loneliness in the family and dissatisfaction.

If the girl dreams that she is married, she must take care of their attractiveness for men.

Write with her husband - to separation.

Intimate intimate is someone else's intervention in affairs, whose influence.

Traveling together with her husband - to loss of property.

Giving a husband to get drunk - fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Black Circle or Ball

Black sun, extinction of active intelligence - an insoluction.

Dream Interpretation - Music

Husband and wife beat each other, fighting - foreshadows the emergency establishment of harmonious relations.

Husband and wife share hairpins, head decorations - foreshadowing in

Husband and wife enter the market - foreshadowed by real estate.

Husband and wife feat together - foreshadowing.

Husband and wife welcome each other with a ritual bow - foresaw parting.

Husband and wife scold each other - foreshadows the disease.

You go along with my spouse (wife) somewhere - soon there will be a misfortune.

Wife gives her husband water - happiness.

Wife and husband give each other combs - foreshadowed happiness.

Hug your husband - foreshadows a happy event.

Dream Interpretation - Music

Swear with her husband - to a happy family life. You threw a husband - by the end of the protracted quarrel. Accused of infidelity - to deserve respect and recognition of relatives. Fight - getting rid of severe illness. Quarrel with fatal exodus - avoid divorce. You are offended by your husband - your home awaits awning and life will open up new horizons before you. Divorced - the emergency establishment of harmonious relations. Swear at a party from acquaintances - to a joint journey. Dream of widow - you will marry again. Unmarried - you will have a new fan. Sleeping with her husband - to sufficiency. With a stranger - a profitable financial offer from a business partner. Husband changes - the acquisition of property.

Imagine that you and your husband go on a wide level road. You light the sun.

Dream Interpretation - Music

If a woman dreamed that her husband leaves her without a visible reason, then between her and his spouse would arise a short-term alienation, which would be replaced sometimes complete agreement.

Oddly enough, a dream in which the husband creates you unkought accusations, very favorable: he promises confidence and respect in real life.

If you dreamed of a husband, pale and tired, then someone from your loved ones can get sick.

But the cheerful husband who appeared in a dream will bring prosperity to your home and will open up new horizons.

If we thought that your husband was in love with another, - you should critically look at your life - whether it is too monotonous.

But when you herself dreams that you fell in love with another, then you are alone in the family and are not satisfied with your position.

The girl who saw himself in a dream in the role of a married lady should take care of his appearance.

Dream Interpretation - Music

If you dreamed that my husband prepares something, someone fell in love with you. So that this love has not led to conflicts with her husband, take a bath with rose petals at night.

If you dreamed that my husband died, someone tries to hover it. To save the family, give your husband a key chain or a pendant with your photo and make him wore it.

Dream Interpretation - Music

The husband leaves you without a visible reason - a short-term alienation between you, which is replaced by the wonderfully consent;
quarrel with his spouse, he crepts you unkought accusations - a favorable sleep, trust and respect in real life, but there is a threat of danger completely from the other side;
see her husband dead - to big sorrows;
Pale, tired - illness in a circle of your loved ones;
Cheerful - prosperity in the house, life will open in front of you new horizons;
Your spouse is in love with another - the dream encourages you to critically reconsider the usual way of touching your home - not your life is unobed;
For a woman - love another - this is the true state of your spirit, you are alone in the family or not satisfied with your position;
For a girl - to be married - take care of your attractiveness and dignity;
The husband leaves you, but, more and more removing, it becomes higher - your surroundings will impede the achievement of your harmony in relationships, fight with obstacles to your happiness;
Your spouse in the company with another woman participates in the scandal, as a result of which he killed - the danger of divorce or other losses, ordinary everyday troubles.
Also see hug.


Elderly man sings

Dream interpretation elderly man sings Dreamed, what dreams in a dream elderly man sings? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see an elderly man in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Elderly

To see older men and women - to well-being, wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Elderly

If a person sees himself in a dream of a burdening elderly person, is good, that means prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Male

Dream Interpretation - Male

Dream Interpretation - Male

Dream Interpretation - Male

If a woman dreamed of a beautiful, well-folded man, in the near future she enjoys a full life and will be happy in love and sex. But if you have seen a man of sullen and ugroen, they are waiting for disappointment and problems with their loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Male

Dream Interpretation - Male

Dream Interpretation - Male

Dream Interpretation - Elderly Woman in White With Book in Hand

Lost part of his insight.

Now he will not notice my mistake.


Hugging a man

Dream Interpretation will hug a man Dreamed what dreams in a dream will hug a man? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream will hug a man by reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Male

If you dreamed of a man, then you have some kind of pleasure. If you see a stranger man in a dream, it foreshadows the commission of some adventure. To see a man itself means to get into some kind of spicy situation with far-reaching consequences.

If a man seen in a dream is in prison, it promises you the exercise of the plans for a long time.

To see a man-actor - to the upcoming quarrel with friends or loss of someone from people close to you. Research, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, trouble.

If the man you saw in a dream was an obstetrician, it means an ambulance.

To see a man's dream in a dream and enjoy communication with him means that you have to cry a lot and worry on trifles.

If in a dream a small growth man is trying to tie a quarrel or a fight with a man who is superior to his strength, it means that you are exchanged for trifles. Also, sleep is surviving an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources lead numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that have occurred later. Such facts lead in their "comparative lives" an ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (approx. 45 - Ok. 127), the Roman historian and the writer Guy Lights Tranquil (approx. 70 - approx. 140) and many other ancient authors narrate.

On a private dream, which was predicted by misfortune, the story of Plutarch from his famous "lives" was preserved. Once at night on the eve of the murder of the Roman dictator and the commander of Guy Julia Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up in sobs: she dreamed, as if she was holding the killed husband's arms. Her experiences were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the meeting of the Senate scheduled for this day. If he had given the importance to this warning over his wife, he would have stayed alive (in the Senate he had twenty-three knife wounds, in which all senators were attended) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have formed otherwise.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If you dream of a young, cute man - in real life anxiety awaits you. Old gray-fired man foreshadowed a long life. Very fat, full man with a big belly - to pleasant events and sensations.

A man with a beard means a disease in the family. A man in a shirt is a sign of unfortunate marriage, on an expensive elegant suit - you will fully enjoy all the benefits of life. An ugly man with repulsive features of the face is to disappointment in the beloved.

A gloomy man in a bad mood means that they will come across many obstacles to the exercise of conceived. A cheerful and sociable man foreshadows that they will gain fame due to the achieved successes.

Aggressive man, roughly achieving intimate intimacy with you, means that you are coming unpleasant experiences because of the person you considered your friend. To dream of a dead man - to big money.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If a woman sees in a dream a nice man with beautiful features of the face - the dream promises her well-being, satisfaction with fate, consistent joy. If such a dream sees a man - this is a sign of long business disagreements, quarrels with partners, goats of business opponents. A man in white clothes promises joy, getting a state, in black - loss and sadness. Tolstech in a dream foreshadows you well-being in matters, and a low-spirited man is a sign that you will overcome difficult circumstances. Gorbun does not promise anything good, for often this dream warns about the deception or betrayal of those who you trust.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If a woman dreamed of a beautiful, well-folded man, in the near future she enjoys a full life and will be happy in love and sex. But if you have seen a man of sullen and ugroen, they are waiting for disappointment and problems with their loved ones.

For a man to see in a dream another man (friend or stranger) means that soon he will have an opponent who is able to destroy the harmony of relations with his beloved woman and cause jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Male

"Talk as a man with a man" Serious conversation, clarifying relationships.

"Be a man" Call for courage, nobility.

"I will make you a real man" (strong, volitional man). The "man" the word carries the shade of simplicity, rudeness, rudeness.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If the image of a woman symbolizes the sphere of senses, then a man: this is a symbol of active activity.

Meet a slender, pleasant man: foreshadows the cases that will please you. Such a dream is equally favorable for both women and men.

An ugly man in a dream: a sign of failure in affairs. Most likely, your future plans need revision.

A woman in which she sees her husband: can suggest, in what condition is its current affairs and plans.

See my husband cheerful and cheerful: Sign of wealth in the house.

A quarrel with her husband in a dream: it foreshadows some difficulties that nevertheless end well.

Seeing her husband ugly or unpleasant: a sign of acute discontent with its position.

Such dreams do not foresee anything good.

If a woman sees herself a man: this suggests that she is able to cope with the difficult situation and can safely count on their strength.

Dream Interpretation - Male

Bald man - to respect and wealth.

A man in the shirt of a woman dreamed of - to trouble marriage.

A naked man see - to luck.

Dead man on the street - to the opening of new sources of income.

Intimate relationships in a dream with a man - to loss of state.

Dream Interpretation - Male

To urinate to your feet - foreshadows great luck, success.

Uncoated head and loose hair - someone in secret plots against you.

Uncoated hair and closed face - there will be a litigation, a trial.

If the Ox Wasp is in front - it will be a misfortune in the family associated with households.

You see yourself with eyebrows in the evening with another person - there will be a promotion.

Teeth fall out by themselves - misfortune with father or mother.

Having damaged, climb on the bed - unfortunately, trouble.

Rock dust and dirt - foreshadowed.

You enter into sexual intercourse with a man - foreshadow the loss of welfare.

Woman puts the clothes of a man - indicates the birth of a noble son.

A man or husband unexpectedly turns into a nun - misfortune.

The naked body of a man is foreshadowed by fate.

Dream Interpretation - Male

To see in a dream of a beautiful, well-folded and clever man - means that you will fully enjoy life and take possession of the state.

If a man of ugly man has seen in a dream, and the sullen - you will come across disappointments and many difficulties that are diverting you.

If a woman dreams a very beautiful man - she will receive fame and will like it.

If, in a dream, she is frightened by his repulsive appearance, then it is coming unpleasant experiences because of the man she considered her friend.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If you dream a handsome, well-folded man, it means that you will be happy in love and live an interesting life.

A ugly man dreams of solitude and dissatisfaction with life. If a woman dreams that she is frightened by the appearance of a man, it means that she will have problems because of the man she loves.

Dream interpretation Black clothes

In the colors of our life there are seven main colors. All famous rainbow colors. And there are two neutral colors: black and white. They are a symbol of duality and contradictory of our world.

Men in Black

Black, color of darkness, hidden secrecy, death. He personifies passive female energy. In black, the funeral is on the funeral when they grieve; In the monasteries there are monks in it, isolated from all material; The sorcerers are falling into black clothes to use hidden power. What personifies black clothes in a dream, learn from dream books.

Popular dreams

If the black clothes dreamed

Clothing in dreams personifies the person's personal opinion, the attitude towards something, to the event. She can personify the consciousness of a person, some important thing, his position, a circle of communication. Wanting to correctly interpret the meaning of dreams, we will not do without the opinions of famous people, such as Miller, Loffa, Hasse, Freud and others.

Dream Miller

According to the psychologist, the image of clothing in dreams has a feature of prediction. The success of a dream depends on the appearance of clothing, its quality.

If the clothes were in a dream in good condition, but not stylish, and not in fashion seated, then luck will not work you, but you will neglect valuable and innovative ideas. When you voluntarily refuse non-brand clothing, it means that soon change your circle of communication, you will start dating, and new love relationships.

If the dream suit was not very good, the dream book says that you have to say goodbye to some attachments. The error is not excluded in the process of working on some enterprise.

If a young woman dreamed of a black suit, this is a harbinger of sadness and disappointment in a partner's relationship.

If a business suit was lying, and a man who had a dream was uncomfortable, this is a sign that your joy was stolen.

Dream Khasse

According to the medium, see old black clothes in a dream, expect a series of minor failures, because of what your wealth will decrease.

Predictions for men and women

See yourself, closed in such a robe, to sadness and trouble.

If in a dream you removed these toilet items, sleep calls a person to leave old plans alone.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

Clothing, as an allegorical image of individuality, inner world, human self-assessment, Pastor believes. Your vulnerability symbolizes the loss of clothes in the dreams. Such a dream can talk about exhibitionist fantasies.

To see in a dream that you give clothes as a gift, has ambiguous interpretation. If she was black, this is a precursor that your personality will be "proverbs in the town" because of some kind of delicate situation.

Buying a black suit in a dream, you can be confident in improving self-esteem in a circle of solid people.

Dream of Freud.

To see yourself in a dream clouded in the Sychal flannel bathrobe, or home pajamas, promises warm and long-awaited meeting with those who have been interested in you.

Other interpretations

The black color acquired a reputation of one of the unfavorable. Amoral thoughts are called black, a black cat who has overwhelmed the road, broadcasting misfortune. What dreams of black clothes on interpretations of modern dreams

Modern dream dream book

Tsvetkova's dream book claims to wear clothes, especially new, guarantees success. But if it was a dark or black color scheme, this suggests that you are in a slippery, delicate position, indicates a dream book.

This woman promises treason. A man can expect deceiving business partners.

Ukrainian dream book

The Ukrainian dream book writes that seeing black toilet items promises sadness, and if the dreams, especially a man, also experienced them on himself, does not exclude the possibility of arrest.

Interpretation of female dreams

The insults that you do not deserve, promises a female dream book if you see a dream to a woman where it is dressed in black.

Dream Interpretary also says that it is someone else's black dress to try to try on a woman, which means that you will have to adapt to the rhythms of another person, take on the features of his dynamics, behavior. This will bring you discomfort, despondency. Be yourself. Do not let the other person impose your will.

Scenes scenes

If black clothes were erased

Sleep paints us paintings, which we can not adjust on your way. With clothing in dreams, a person can see different actions. And this depends on the correct interpretation. Consider dreams from the position of different parts in them:

  • fitting;
  • purchase;
  • donation;
  • ironing;
  • at the celebration;
  • many people in black;
  • batyushka in Greem.

Excessive curiosity, bad habits and love for digging in the affairs of other people, personifies the dream, where the dreams, because of his absent-mindedness, trying out other people's things. If things had a black color, then on the dream, all the failures and bad luck, with whom he is in a tense relationship.

To see himself in Frak, means that you will have a very arrogant person. Do not sift it, because people will treat you appropriate.

Sleep, where we were worn, or experienced other people's things unfavorable. He calls to change his attitude towards others and say goodbye to the bad habits conjugate with curiosity.

Buying things in a dream promises change. However, they do not always promise to be for the better, especially if the items of the toilet of black color were bought.

To see how in a dream a man chose a woman outfit and could not decide on the color. Sold either black, or a red dress to buy. It means he doesn't understand

If you bought black accessories

true attitude to his partner.

When a man in the store experienced women's outfits, it promises difficulties at work and malaise caused by the work schedule by the work schedule.

Buying black accessories to clothing warns from the evil and unconscious actions, about the accomplishment of what dreams will be very sorry.

It turned out that you give your things, selecting all the black color among them, then you are quite the wise adviser, but intentionally do not rush to share your knowledge.

Sleep, where a man gave a woman a black velvet dress, indicates his dissatisfaction with intimate relationships with the partner, but he regrets it.

Sleep, where a man gave a woman a dress of light fabrics promises a pleasant journey into hot countries.

Suddenly, the woman was harming that she was erased by black outfits, this reflection of her desires to get rid of past memories, former connections. This is the impersonation of struggle with difficulties, overcoming obstacles.

A man who saw such a dream should be ready for a difficult period in business activities. It all depends on how the outfit was removed. Things were fine, it means that the victory is waiting for definitely, well, if the stains were not detained on things, the victory will also get to you, but you will come to her through gossip and intrigue.

I had to see how the business suit was stroking in a dream, Introduce you change the place of work. It will be much more promising in the material and professional sphere than the current one.

When in dreams I slept stroked things with ecstasy, promises warm and trusting relationships in the family. But when the process was granted at the same time, wait for the news about the appearance of the rival.

If there were many people in black

People are shot at some celebration, like a ball, and all are dressed in Thraks, and you see yourself among these people in white. This is a harbinger of an unpleasant situation, where you are immediately accused of something, or inlert. But you can stand up for yourself.

To see the festive atmosphere, where many people, all of them, and dreams, are dressed in black outfits, indicates your exaggerated emotionality, which can lead to quarrels and negative consequences.

When you watched in a dream as a man invited a woman to dance, and both were in black, it warns you from possible intrigues that are preparing against you employee, which has a great influence on the chief.

Dreamed a man in the trick at the celebration, standing aside, promises losses.

A woman in black outfits predicts the vainness of hopes.

Sleep, where there was a big accumulation of people in black outfits to prophete a disease or danger to someone from loved ones. But they can be avoided, provided that you will support timely.

To see in dreams where people in the trees walked on the funeral procession, foreshadowed happy, and very long life.

A dream where I was lucky to see myself in the Thrake in the coffin, and around a lot of people in Thractions, who will grieve for you, foreshadows a big download in finance. Perhaps the acquisition of real estate.

Putting out the father in black rocky, a good sign. This personifies the end of everything that has gone to life: relations, work activities, false friendship. Life begins with a blank sheet. New man, profession, friends will now be real inspiration.

Beautiful, well-folded man in dreams - Good sign, promising pleasure and fun. A ugly young man brings disappointment and depression. If he has physical disadvantages - in reality you will come across experiences about friends.

What dreams of a man - by Dream Vanga

If a woman sees an unfamiliar male image in a dream - to be to her in honor, have a deep respect; If a man sees such a dream - he prophesies to him financial profit and good luck in affairs. A young man in a white suit foreshadows the execution of the conceived, in black apparel - the goats of enemies will prevent the goal. A good-natured fat man predicts a carefree life, and a low stranger - obstacles. Ugly, with physical flaws, a man predicts deception, betrayal from a close man.

What dreams of a man - in the dream of Freud

If a man in a dream appears the image of a stranger is a reflection of his suspicion and jealous fantasies. Perhaps this is an idea of \u200b\u200ba sexy opponent, fear can not satisfy a woman.

For a girl, an indefinite men's figure in a dream is an indicator of her idea about the ideal. If she sees a friend in a dream - it means that it is subconscious looking for his attention and proximity to him, just myself is afraid to admit.

What dreams of a man - on the dream of Nostradamus

A young guy performs the harbinger of a new case, which is crowned with success, the old man symbolizes wisdom and honors. If a stranger calls in a dream a young girl - to be a deceived, an aggressive man testifies to hidden enemies. In a dream, a friend came - it means that you continue to develop the case you are doing now, it will lead you to success. Many men see - to protect, patronizing, achieving high posts in life. A man on a cloud or soaring in the sky - a sign of the fast second coming of Christ.

What dreams of a man - by Loffa Dream

The strong floor in dreams appears in the image of the tempter. So, in the near future you will stand before choosing. Your honor, freedom and conscience will be put on one scale of the scales, and the other is a big profit. If the girl goes for his hand with a stranger in a dream - it means that it is brutally deceived, but if he gives her something - such a dream foreshadows a long-awaited meeting and happy union.

What dreams of a man - in the dream of a flower

- For a woman - pleasure;
- gray-haired - to honor;
- with a beard - to the disease;
- in rags - to poverty;
- in long clothes - to an unsuccessful marriage;
- a dead man - to the change of weather;
- Naked - to condemnation.

What dreams of a man - by Dreamnote Hasse

To dream of a strong man - a good sign that promises support and protection in a difficult situation. Bald speaks of respect and ambulance. Have an intimate relationship with an unfamiliar young man in a dream - to loss of property.

What dream is a man - by the dream of Meneghetti

Usually, such a dream shows a psychological disagreement with them, care. For girls - love claims, a man in the years - Associations with his father, his appearance issues your true attitude towards the parent. A hairy man symbolizes a strong passion animal for both sexes, a naked guy in a dream represents a danger in reality. A high probability of catching a venereal disease.

What dreams of a man - by the dream of Longo

Male image in dreams, according to Longo, is a symbol of activity. A strong man of pleasant outside foreshadows good luck in all endeavors. Such a dream is favorable for both sexes. If you dreamed of an ugly man, review plans for the future, think about everything before you take for any business.

For a woman to see her husband cheerful - to sleep and understanding in the family, quarrels with him predict some difficulties; To solve problems, you will have to try to both partners. If a woman in a dream feels like a man, it means that she should cope with the difficult situation in which she will need to count only on his strength.

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Did a man in black, but not the necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream interpretation?

Our experts will help you find out why a man dreams in black in a dream, just write a dream in the form below and you are plundered what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try!

    Hello! For 7 years there is a guy in black clothes, the face does not show even when I ask. Inner feeling that is my couple. Once I dreamed that we buy honey, transparent, tasty such on earth would very rarely meet, and here again he was in black and the face did not show, just hugged. Mom dreamed of recently and she saw his face, as if she was sitting in our kitchen and I was sad, and I walk somewhere and I did not see him (((help please decipher.

    hello! Under the morning, a dream was a dream last week in which my family and I live my husband's son's daughter and I am all present in a dream, first docha poking on the floor in the bedroom when I went into the bathroom. There was a neighbor's door too. Bathroom. Color and carpet and tile Everything is all even a man stood in a black coat washed. He stood asked me. I looked surprised and then closed the door, then knocked on the door and went on two Russian women alone rushing on us a color white with a pink stroken and the cat's head is small and the body is thick. Then I went to the bathroom and wanted to offer a cat's neighbor but changed my mind. That's all. That day the husband broke me in the evening and now we are going to divorce, I think that his ex-wife is involved here. Help me correctly lay out this dream After all, he didn't just dream so

    I dreamed of a former husband, he came to on a black car and was dressed in everything black, very thin and old. In a dream, he handed two packages with food for a child. And he said that he himself even does not have bread, then my mother (she stood nearby) pulled a Baton bread from the package and put him in the car. Bread broke in half. And I woke up

    I had a dream that I descend from the stairs and see from above the unfamiliar man, I run away from him and hiding in the apartment on the first floor with an unfamiliar woman. I go to the kitchen and see a man in a black apparel in a black mask And I pressed me to the wall and says. Do not climb into the treatment of one familiar man who is very sick. Which I help, and then you don't have a pistol and threatened the gun. I will not say and he let go.

    For several days in a row, I dream of the same person. He is dressed in black clothes (reminds Balohan) and torn black hat. He always looks scary for me and for some reason, angry in a dream. On 1 time he was in an unfamiliar apartment, in which I came on someone's request and descending into the subfield, I took out the bag and saw him when I climbed the room at the other end of the room. I went to the meeting, but then the cover of the sample slammed and he disappeared, but then he appeared from the bag that I brought to my apartment from that sample and stared in my eyes. After that, I woke up very tired.
    The second dream was very similar to the first, but he no longer disappeared and just looked at me and not let me approach him, as if he kept his power.
    Today, he dreamed of people looking at him like him, either unpleasant appearance, with one of them I had to have won and won, that man in a hat watched this and also the revealed to approach, as if recking the power of me. I can not understand what it is, please tell me.

    I dreamed that I was looking into the mirror, and in front of this mirror on the wall one more mirror, I begin to translate a look, through the mirror on the second mirror, and there is a man in a black hood, he slowly turns, first looks without any emotion, and when I I start to yell it starts to laugh hysterically!

    Hello! How I remember in the dream I went to close the back door near the threshold lay the 2nd cats, I kicked them out to the street and wanted to close the door to the lock but the key in the castle did not turn out and the handle for some reason pulled out of the door I opened it and seemed to be released A little to the street to check what happened, the door to see. I look at her castle on top of the inner with a junk twisted him, he worked already had decided the door to close was delighted. Suddenly, from behind the corner of the house, a man was released high and healthy and then I stopped as if something stopped by some power, I waited until he approached me. Something began to ask something related to the skin well, where the master on the skin lives here. This man was dressed in a leather jacket and in his hands he had some kind of black leather skin similar to the face of a little foomed spoke somehow not intended His face had from some incomprehensible black matter, suddenly the woman came out the same thing all the same in the skin and also black, like a man but about 170-175 and the identity, yes, yes, you do not know where the leather master lives here? I looked at a man right in my eyes. He turned away and went back in the opposite direction and a woman came to do at that moment and did something and did it hurtly that I would have woke up from pain! I wonder what about the door I could not close in a dream?. And what kind of people were such a black I used to have ever seen such a movie ??? thanks in advance!!!

    I walked around the park. It was heavy rain. There was no one on the street. Turning the head right I saw a man in a black raincoat and a hat. I have not seen his face. He began to go to me quickly. I started to run away and ran away from him. In a dream, I experienced strong fear.

    Hello, I saw my friend in a dream. He was in black clothes, well, as a long dress, he had a long gray Barad, and we had sex practiced, please tell me what it means?

    i dreamed of young guys in blacks like ready, they were silent, even in the same dream was a hostel, I supposedly settled there. And as young Lyudi cared for me, they were dressed in ordinary youth clothes.

    Hello, I dreamed as if I walked with a friend and a man had sharply with a pale face and under the eyes of black circles, wearing black clothes (like in the monastery)
    Moreover, this man appeared suddenly.
    And he dreamed of me several times, and always appeared suddenly.
    I felt my sleep as it was scary. And in some moment I woke up from fear! What is it for?
    Thanks in advance.

    a man in a black suit was dreamed yesterday and a year ago he had a red mask and he rides on the rollers. If you are without a movie, he gives them to you and plays who is faster if he kills me faster, but I didn't kill me faster. I am a blond VK I am in Egypt and on my pope lies a camel if you do not make it difficult

    A man in a black raincoat and hood goes to me to meet, what can it mean? In a dream, fear did not feel, but this dream will dream already 3 days in a row and how it is alarming, tell me what it can mean and what should I do?

    I once again dream of a young man in a hat, every time these are different dreams, and I don't know, one and the same is a man, all these dreams link great oddities, in the first dream a man was in a hat and just stood over my bed, In the second dream, the man was in the red and ate, it seems to be a grenade, and then, with his disappearance on the ceiling there were shadows from horses and a very loud knock from the hooves, and here in the third dream the young man was in a hat and worked different things, tried Seduct me, as if climbed into my mom and my mom and thus created hallucinations, a lot of oddities in these dreams, help me understand!

    I dreamed something like a fair I bought in a man in black (it looks like monastic clothes, something dark) food, meat soup
    Then I see myself in torn pantyhose, but then I buy new, I give 500 rubles, and I give me - 400

    On the street was dark. I got up from the bus and went home on my street. On the tram stop saw someone's head. And frightened. I decided to run, fled somehow slowly. Delighted to a neighbor house and accumulated that some man with gray, long hair will sweep there. I screamed: "Help!" And he saw that the man who fell behind me was in a black, long raincoat. The face was decorated like a clown. Eyes conceded red, mouth Green smile. Grandfather who was noted was already with a shovel and when that man began to run up, he hit him on his head shovel. The man-clown fell and began to twitch, get up. But that grandfather kept his shovel. I tried to call the police, but somehow I did not recruit the number. And then I woke up.

    dreamed by a former guy in black clothes, I stood at the entrance of my husband, he approached greeted and turned out to be our neighbor! I don't remember anything more special! We have not seen him for 6 years! what is it for?

    i broke up in my life a year ago and I went to another city. Now I often dream of it in the dark and yesterday he dreamed in a black jacket his face is badly visible but it was sad. I wanted to know what he dreams in the dark in black

    Hello! A few years ago, a high man was dreamed of a black suit with black hair (the hair was gathered in the tail) knocked on the door, I let him entered and examined everything in the apartment, I was not afraid to see him, but even nice, then sleep like In the fog dissolved.

    sleep reality. "I'm lying on the bed and not far standing a man in black. The houses are folded ahead, there is no action he just looks and something thinks about. I open my eyes No I close it in the same place. I thought who he was why I was looking at me and fell into a real dream. "

    We have sex. When he began to gather at the cottage, dressed black, brilliant, long, it seems an artificial, leather coat. It was my husband, with black hair. I asked when it returns, laughing answered, in an hour, three, but unknown with Who then I will be. I began to run off the stairs, the coat very much creaked.

    This dream is often repeated! I sleep, the guy is very thin on my bed, all in black. I can't open my eyes and move and I'm scared, I have anxiety and fear per daughter. Which sleeps in her crib. He sits, takes my hand and says: "Finally, I got to you," after which I am even more overwhelming fear and tears. And I wake up, and the feeling as if I just tried up and it was all on Java!

    I dreamed of my late grandfather in a black raincoat, which he suddenly unnoticed and offered him to take with him or exchanged something to himself. I began to consider the cloak and, after a while I realized that this is a raincoat of my grandfather (he always wore gray raincoats) and began to refuse. He began to be angry and convince him to pick up. I refused.
    I had the next dream with the next night: I looked at the broken finger (as if he was from wax or plastic) Hands of a little girl, tried to "fix it" (stick, tie) but nothing came out. Someone muttered something, I tried to take a look at the girl (she was hitting that they would punish it) and could not move. Having heard that someone goes scared and how the air was dissolved squeezing to the point.

    i saw a married friend a man and his friends in black and they said that something happened bad but I didn't answer exactly and I stood on the tower with his friends and looked at him from top to bottom, and he sat alone sad!

    Sleep dreamed of my mother. He said that there were a few guys in black, they looked like bandits or as guards. My mother and I walked and suddenly they appeared. They did not touch us, but not to give us anyone. My classmates tried to help us, but those steep guys were killed by killing them. My mother and I were frightened and ran. Charter, we crossed on a shop some. Then they appeared those guys and sat on the shop on the contrary. Two of them (apparently one of them was the main thing, and the second was his assistant) sat down at the edges of me, it turned out that I was sitting between them. That chief began to touch me on the shoulder, I was not on my own and my mother told him 'Hey, do not touch the child'. The guy first looked at me, then to mom and smiling told 'Hmm understandable'. Dropped me on my shoulder dragged somewhere. Mom, I start screaming, where did you suffer her? Leave her! 'And woke up.
    P. S. All of them were high, pumped. When I dragged me, I did not resist.

    the former husband was dreamed of: at the beginning we were with him and another young and beautiful lady lay in bed in swimsuits, then I left. In a dream, we were married. Then we were all together: I, daughter and he. Formerly, they were guided and I said that I apply for a divorce. And so that he left. Then I see it leaving through the window: for some reason it is dressed in a black leather coat, with a blank my back with my back. He left. This is my coat of my second late husband, in reality and I am his shore for my son from him.

    I went to bed did not have time to fall asleep immediately I saw three men they were asked in Chorni, I took a cold, a male a cartoon he put my hands on my shoulders, my hands were beaten by Tizholi and I was very squeezed and immediately atril my eyes, eet beat not a dream Yatol screamed his eyes. The next day, I have a reduction of low-rise temperature, I have no time for this, I have no time for me, I have not fallenly.

    Hello! In a dream of the hell, I, or not even I, I am in a big unfamiliar house. I'm going to (like I) Large richly furnished room furniture. A large man breaks up into the next room, I even see him, and I hear him that he Kills (I hear in voice) a woman. I, I did not see anything and not hear through another way. In the next, I hear some words about the curse. I don't get excited in horror. Thank you. Sincerely, Anatoly Georgievich

    I had a dream that I was lying in bed and whoever watches me for me, but I do not see who and I had a cat or a cat with me, I didn't see it later and I saw a man of high growth at a ceiling in a black Capikone and in a raincoat in black and intently looks at me but nothing says and hand shows on the table where I teach my lessons I was so frightened that I woke up

    Sleep black and white, six men in black costumes made of iron cans suck in themselves through thick tubes something like smoke and begin to fall into narcotic intoxication raising above the ground and as if swimming in the air.

    A bright summer day. I am standing on the porch of some office building. Hard with this building Metappic fence. The corner of this fence comes out my ex-husband dressed in black clothes in a long black coat and goes past me, but the head is turned into my direction And looks at me inquiringly.

    the village of his beloved man He is there. I am standing with a woman in his yard then went down the street She was drunk yabeya that his relatives will see me with her because it was visible at home of his brother and mother. When we went annoying, I see that many men go beyond In the black one to him home, Jacobo dig or plant a corner and see his mother's crowd is wide open and there are white tops white. He himself did not see

    Hello! From Monday to Tuesday, I dreamed that my former guy sticks to me with my family, while I had such thoughts in my head "it's necessary, before he did not show his feelings at the family, and now shows", then he disappeared somewhere because What I escaped from his hugs, I began to worry about that he was not, went to look for Domui found in another room. In this room there was a bed with bright bedding and was on the floor of the mattress with a black bed lobe, on which he slept, and he himself was all in black clothes and his hair was thrown, that she covered his eyes, I woke him up and He told me "I was waiting for you, I thought you would not find me", then I kissed him a long time in the cheek.

    I come to the building, a big black car stop nearby. I see the edge of the eye that a man comes out in a suit, a tie, a white shirt, a black short coat on the dispenser. I go into some kind of building. I misses me. In the building it turns out to be a pass, I'm looking for and I can not find ... I donate all the bags on the table ... And there is no prime. And here it is saying the progress .. What came to the gift that now was late for the bus ... I do not remember, he was offered to take me or not offered me ... and I woke up ..........

    Hello my name is Nina. I dreamed of a colleague for work, though he was very sympathetic to me, so I worry about him, I didn't understand in my life. Everything is simple. He dreamed of my hand as if he was kissed and kisses me. At the same time, I felt a melancholy, and then I dreamed as if in some room I was sitting on a chair dressed in a black shirt and bars. I watched me and just smiled. Help you can be able to push a dream. So how I don't leave the feelings of longing some kind In relation to him. Although we can see every day, thank you in advance.

    My boyfriend, already former, went to Moscow. And tonight I dreamed that I was in Moscow, went down the street and then at some site I saw him, he was all in black: black shirt, black pants and why the black apron. I climbed the steps to this site, he saw me, I ran up to him and we were very hugged for a long time. Just squeezing each other and did not want to let go. Then he looked sharply departed at the railings and began to look down from the site. I got up near. After that woke up.

    Station But the gate of the cemetery in the corner stood the couch was waiting for the train lying on the sofa. The covered man was standing at the corner in the whole black smoking. Announced the train. His bag was standing near me. He came up with a bag kissed me. I felt cold.

    I'm sitting in my room and suddenly a man appeared on the threshold (type of collector, I went to a meeting, confident in myself (what the arrogance to enter my house Self, I thought), and in the room, where I sleep a man 5 men in long black Coats, hats, almost Caucasian origin, not expecting such a turn from me (strong, confident man), stood and revealed mouths, and did not say anything to me, but did not do anything ... I don't remember anything else, I woke up.

    I walked around the dark street home and saw a man in all black. Persons were not visible. Inside, I determined that it was a monk, although in the morning, scrolling the dream, thought that he was little similar to the monk. In a dream, the fear of the darkness with the fear of this "Monk" was mixed. To reach home, I needed to go past him, and I could not. Then I turned in the opposite direction and met acquaintances who were dili nearby. They brought me home by car.

    I came to the house to a man, he and his friends were all in black and I was in the other half of this house with other people and we were all in white. I know in the life of this man, but in a dream when he saw me, he was very happy and came up to hug me.

    It was winter. My husband and I went to the city. We live in a small village yourself. It was necessary to find one address. What was there I do not know. We drove by car. Then somehow turned out to be on foot. I found himself in the yard between the houses. For some reason, it became dirty. Straight liquid dirt under the legs. I went outside through a small wooden wicket. In the hands there were new beautiful black coat. I dressed him. Then a husband appeared. Also in a black new coat. (In fact, we don't have them) We were on the main square of the city, then went to the fireworks shop and bought something, but I do not remember .... Yester woke up

    My mother and I went to bed and all night we did not sleep my mother dreamed of the best friend that she died Merila Kolat. And I dreamed of a man in black pole in black pants in black shoes in a black hat he was in 2 room in the doorway, Mom brought me that one day she woke up and turned her head and he stood there, even when we sleep with my mom such a bald bzdomo you someone

    I still had a black dog. As if I walk somewhere there is such an iron fence and from there, a black dog pops up and begins to nibble me before the blood, then I'm trying to push it with me. From somewhere from the forest, the man is all in black. He seemed to have a raincoat and then he had a braid, as it would be death with oblique. And the sleep ended. When I woke up was sweaty.

    I lay on the sofa in the kitchen face to the balcony and at one moment as a fog from the balcony (last night) a man appeared in a black raincoat and in a hat he sat right next to me put his hands on me as if I wanted to hug and something I said I tried to break out and wake up but I didn't work out later, he was four fingers of his right hand patted me on the clavicle left and looked straight into the eyes, but his eyes were black as coal

    A man in the black rainfall in the hood touched me, and stretched out his hand, in his hand there was something white in the form of a powder, he smiled with an unpleasant smile, I pushed him out his hand and his nose was big, but I was not afraid of him.

    It was a dream, but it seems to be. I open my eyes, in front of me, as if on me, sitting a man in a black hood with a pale gray-white face. The eye was not visible, maybe I did not consider, the cheekbones were sharp. I was very frightened, woke up, jumped up, trying to cover the blanket of this person. I don't remember what happened, but when they turned on the light in my room, I woke up from what is happening. When I was asked what happened, I said that I was scared that a man resembling death was dreamed. What can it mean? And yes, after all this, I had a bad heart, I could not fall asleep for a long time, it was scary. It happened tonight at night, about 1: 00-1: 05

    I've been keen on the bed, and in the door there are a man in a black rainfall with a hood, faces and hands are not visible, it stands and looks at me, as I woke up for a couple more seconds I saw him, then disappeared, the cat often spoils near this place , what could it be?

    Hello! Decry sleep. In a dream, he dreamed that she hugged a man tightly. That, there are both hugged gently and firmly. He would be in a black jacket with a copy of the head. This man familiar is mine. (In the real world, we are in a quarrel, but not when I have not seen alive).

    ADELYA _:
    When I lay in bed behind me stood a woman and looked at me and then came closer to me, then in the hall I sat on the floor with a short haircut sat on the sofa and looked at me, and yesterday there was a man in a black raincoat yesterday Hat sat on the window and looked at me

    In a dream I hear some other way in the entrance. I look at the eye, and there are climbing above the stairs, bypassing my apartment, a lot of men dressed in black, new, very neat uniform. And each of them is a tag. In the Jews. And they carried any things on the top floor. As if someone moves. Very much twisted in the roll of carpets or palaces. Forgive things in bags and bags. I am wondering what these men were dressed. And I was Correctly from the fact that the clothes are not really black and neat.

    hello. I was in the forest and saw a beautiful bird, but I did not understand what kind of bird it was. I wanted to see her closer. It came out and it turned out that the bird sits on the hands of a person in a black mantle. Bird venture turned, I realized that it was a beautiful brown owl. I stroked her, smiled and left.

    From Monday to Tuesday, I had a dream (I had already had already dreamed of): I sit down on a stool in the bathroom face to exit, but the door is closed. I was terribly because a man in black clothes and in a black long apron (like butchers) hit in the bath (apparently covered the hole, to fill the water), the face noticed the side view on him and on his face there was an evil smile ... I I woke up ... But why I was afraid of horror, I did not understand .... Hard to express sleep. Thank you.

    I am 17, I also go to school. This night had a dream that I was going to school. I go to the school bus, and there is a guy with gray hair and in a black cloak. He sits in my place, and as soon as he understands it, he immediately offers me to sit down next. But I sit in front of him. Everything was fine, but the bus breaks around my house, everyone said to leave the bus. There was a sunset. With this guy, we talked to the end hugging so that it seemed that he was important for me. In his arms was warm and cozy. He is tall, thin, with dark brown eyes and a good smile. When I asked to call my name, it seemed to me strange, not Russian, and I did not remember him. But the feeling of something native, close, not yet leaves so far.

    Good afternoon Agreement to work in the family. In the night there is a dream. I am in their apartment for the paintings I see Clocks of the black web and splash with holy water. The door in an unfamiliar apartment opened 2 men in black clothes. I was afraid and run away. The umbrella . "Way for me. I was hidden. It's already enough of them 4 met. They sat down in the car and left. After sleeping, I wondered to go to this family to work,

    i stopped because of the water on the shoes but there was no signs of rain or lug. An impregnation voice said the stop and I stopped and began to consider shoes. The tall man went near me, I stated. From the back, I saw what a beautiful black costume. He turned around. I will see my black face Och black eyes without proteins. I woke up

    Hello! I broke up a few months ago with a man. And today he dreams of me in a black coat and there is nothing under it. Naked body. I try to prove something to him, I convince you to return, then I confess to his love. And he begins to kiss me so passionately in humans. Anya incomprehensible sleep for me

    Hello I dreamed of a man in the Black Balahon. Who woke me up and called me in the entrance. We began to rise to the top of the stairs in my entrance. Yester was going to the roof. He said open the door you are waiting for a dedication. And I thought that he wanted to kill me. I did not open the door and quickly ran back to my home. Down the stairs

    he could sit or stand, he had a black raincoat, a big black hat, the face was not visible. It was also black, a smile white beautiful was visible, he was constantly smiling at me, and the eyes were visible to the pupil, but it seems I would have been kind and smiled, on the exhaustion of the face it was possible to say that he did not want evil he looked good, but it was not much scary, he dreamed more than once, often until 7-8 years, almost every day,

    In this dream, there was that a man in a black hat and in a black coat knocked on the door, he was not alone he was with another man, he was already dressed in more gray colors, when he saw them through his eyes, a strong fear was floating on me, and I did not lose the gift speech for a long time.

Living characters in dreams, if they are some sex with sleeping, are the projection of one of the aspects of his personality. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to his behavior and appearance. This can tell a lot about what is happening in the inner world of sleeping.

What if a man dreams in black?

If a person is disturbing a dream, in which a stranger man in black is silently looking at him in black, he wants to know what it dreams. Such Guest is a warning about possible danger in real life. If a man in black gives a dreaming beautiful gloves, then everything will be fine in the near future. If such a character takes off the wings of the butterfly in a dream, because due to the terrible tragedy, which will soon occur in the life of the sleeping, he will lose any hope of improving his destiny. But it will last not long.

In order to find out the right sinking of dreams, in which there is such a character like a man in black, you should pay attention to the condition and quality of its robes. If it is old and torn, then troubles and failures are coming.

See in a dream of a priest in black sutane - an important sign. This character dreams on the eve of important changes in the fate of sleeping. It is important here to note whether the character is benevolent to the dream. If so, it means that there will soon be improved in the fate of a person. If the priest holds the Bible in his hands, this is a sign that the sleeping should pay attention to the state of his soul. It's time to reconsider your attitude to life, and start working on self-improvement. If the priest of evils on the dream, then in real life there is a great joy.

What does foreshadow?

If a man in black pursues sleeping, it foreshadows that it is possible to skirmish with enemies in the near future. Also, such a gold can report that the man in reality is experiencing strong fear. And the character in black robe symbolizes that feeling. To see in a dream, as a man in black lays out the oven means that soon a man will hear mourning news. If this character manites sleeping and shows him with his hand on the road - an important sign. The road here will mean the life path of man. Therefore, you need to pay attention to how it looks.

If Gosza is disturbing, it is important to know what a man dreams in black. For prompting, you need to consider the slightest details of such sleep. If a man in black is digging earth, it is to the death of a loved one, which will sleep soon find out.

See how a man in black gives sleeping a lot of expensive gifts, it foreshadows numerous troubles and failures in the near future. If this character attacks the dream, it means that he has to survive a lot of sad days.