Selecting yellow color how to treat. Yellow allocations in women from the vagina: the norm and pathology. Yellow selection odorless

A woman who watches his health and records any changes, usually knows what is the norm for her. Transparent separation of homogeneous consistency, as a rule, are not considered a sign of deviations, as well as yellow sequel without odor. In women, they can arise at different stages of the menstrual cycle. Such discharges are regular and do not deliver discomfort, and their intensity depends on the cycle phase, the characteristics of the body and the suffering diseases. Any changes that cause alarm should not be ignored. In this case, it is better to visit the doctor to establish the cause of deviations.


Causes of natural discharge

In the vaginal environment of a healthy woman there are always beneficial bacteria. This prevents the penetration into the internal organs of the urogenital system of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. As in other organs, there is a small number of fungal microorganisms in the vagina. The weakly acidic medium does not give them to multiply. A protective mucus is formed, natural discharge from the vagina appears.

Usually, the mucus has a homogeneous composition and is transparent. Under the action of air, it acquires a yellowish tint. The intensity of the color may vary during the menstrual cycle, is an individual for each woman.

Normal discharge, yellow and odorless, do not cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the vagina and the skin in the field of external genital organs and the crotch. There is no need for treatment. Only compliance with elementary hygienic rules is required. Natural discharges occur for the following reasons:

  • an increase in the volume of mucus before menstruation during pregnancy or after childbirth;
  • age-related hormonal changes;
  • breast diseases;
  • changes in the hormonal composition of blood due to diseases of the endocrine glands;
  • the use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • mental stress.

Ordinary yellow discharge without unpleasant smell consist of mucus flowing from the body and cervix, as well as fluids penetrating the lymphatic and small blood vessels.

Video: allocations between menstruation

Yellow Outlook after abortion

After the artificial interruption of pregnancy, thick siblings can disturb the woman within 2-3 months. Because of damage to small vessels, blood impurities appear. It is required to carefully observe the change in their color and smell, so as not to miss the moment of the appearance of inflammatory processes.

The decrease in immunity arising after an abortion contributes to the penetration of staphylococcal and streptococcal infection in the internal genitals. It is the cause of bowel disease and urinary organs.

Yellowish discharge during pregnancy

Yellow dense outlligences without smell having a cream shade appear in the first trimester of pregnancy. Their appearance is caused by a change in the hormonal background in the body and is not dangerous. Sometimes the color affects the use of certain hygienic agents or carrying linen from synthetic tissues.

In the 2nd trimester, with normal pregnancy flow, transparent discharge becomes even more abundant. To draw on them to serious attention if they acquire an unpleasant smell and become yellow. This may already testify to pathology. The reason becomes inflammatory disease in phallopy tubes or ovaries. At the same time, the selection acquire a bright yellow color.

Yellow discharge in inflammatory diseases of the genital organs

In case of infection in the genital organs, a woman can appear abundant allocations of the yellow color of a different shade and intensity. The following diseases are reasons:

  1. Salpingit (inflammation of uterine pipes). In some cases, blood impurities appear in them. It occurs painful urination, as the infection spreads on the bladder.
  2. Adnexit (inflammation of the appendages of the uterus). Characterized by the appearance of pus in the highlights of yellow. There is irritation in the field of external genital organs, frequent urination, pain in menstruation and sexual intercourse.
  3. Bacterial vaginitis (inflammatory vaginal disease). In this case, women arise abundant yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  4. Venereal diseases (Gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis). They are characterized by the appearance of abundant yellow discharges with an admixture of pus, with a sharp unpleasant odor. The irritation of the genital organs causes the appearance of edema, itching, burning.

Video: Normal and pathological allocations in women

In which cases it is necessary to consult a doctor

Yellow selection should not be alarmed if they do not cause itching, burning, stripped urination, pain, and also do not smell. Normally, they are not too abundant. A minor increase in volume occurs before menstruation. Yellow selection should not be too bright - from light yellow to yellowish with a cream tint.

Normal allocations are homogeneous in composition, do not have lumps. Curl white discharge, as well as liquid abundant foam mucus, are deviations from the norm and the reason for the urgent visit to the doctor. First of all, the stagnation smear is taken for the microflora research. Bacterial sowing is also made to establish the type of bacteria and their sensitivity to drugs.

Doctors argue that natural vaginal lubricant can be colorless, having a yellowish color. Its consistency, color, the presence of impurities and the volume depends on the phase of the female cycle, hormonal background, various external and internal reasons. Yellow selection without smell in women - norm or pathology?

Main reasons

Abundant or scanty yellow-colored releases without a sharp smell can be a sign of pathological changes in the reproductive and urinary organs, indicate the availability of the focus of inflammation. But they can occur due to natural reasons.

Why are there a selection of yellowish color? Even a healthy woman can appear different kinds of mucus from the vagina. The vaginal discharge includes liquid from the cervical cervical channel, the inner secret of the groom of the vagina, dead cells of the epithelium, dead bacteria.

The inner sheath of the uterus and the vagina consists of the epithelium, which is periodically updated. Dead cells are connected with mucus - ledges appear that can have white or yellowish shades. Vaginal discharges play the role of natural lubrication and protective barrier, prevent the penetration into the vagina pathogenic microflora. Yellow mucus in large quantities often appears after an abortion, artificial abortion.

What do Yellow mucous membranes mean after sexual contact? If they appeared after unprotected sex contact, do not change the color, thus the vaginal secret goes along with sperm. After sex with a condom of yellow mucus - the result of the active activities of the glands that produce vaginal lubricant.

Important! Yellow selection on cowards is considered the norm, if not accompanied by itching, burning, pain. Normal slaves have a homogeneous structure, do not make a sharp smell.

Yellow selection from the ureage channel in women are less likely than men - this is due to some anatomical features.

Causes of the appearance of yellow mucus from the urethra:

  • urolithiasis - large stones injury the walls of the urethra, the inflammatory process develops;
  • venereal diseases;
  • unbalanced nutrition - excessive passion for oily, acute, acidic, can lead to inflammation of the organs of the urogenital system;
  • supercooling.

Sometimes the selection appears not only from the vagina, but also from the mammary glands. In most cases, this is a sign of developing a serious disease - mastitis or even breast cancer. Exception is pregnancy, 1-2 days before the start of menstruation, severe sexual excitement.

Selection when climax

With menopause, the activity of hormones decreases, the natural lubricant is less, it leads to a frequent exacerbation of gynecological diseases during the climax. After 55 years, the full fuss of the ovarian functions occurs, the selection should be transparent, uniform and not watery. All allocations of another nature indicate the presence of pathologies.

The causes of yellow white during the climax:

  • diseases that are transmitted by sexuality, thrush;
  • benign neoplasms of the uterus or cervix;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • oncological diseases.

With the onset of menopause, a woman should more carefully monitor the condition of the body, to regularly visit the gynecologist, perform all its appointments.

Yellow damage during pregnancy

After conception in the body, there is a powerful hormonal perestroika, many familiar processes are changing, they may also have to acquire a yellow shade of varying degrees of intensity.

Causes of yellow white in pregnant women:

  1. In the early stages - there is a mucosa of the plug, which protects the child from the negative impact of external factors, the body takes care of the preservation of pregnancy. Together with the discharges, there are surplus corks that are painted in a pale yellow color.
  2. In the second trimester - against the background of the active growth of the fetus, many processes in the female organism are changing, immunity weakens. Against this background, sensitivity to allergens increases - there may be reactions to daily gaskets, intimate hygiene products. Often, in the second half of pregnancy, inflammatory processes in the ovaries, uterine tubes, which are accompanied by yellowish discharges, occur.
  3. 2-3 weeks before delivery, yellow mucous allocations appear when the mucosa is discharged.
  4. Yellow sticky allocations from the mammary glands - prayer, most often appears immediately before childbirth, sometimes at 5-6 months.
  5. After generics, yellow sections normally appear at the final stage of the exit of the loy.

Cystitis often happens in pregnant women, it arises against the background of hormonal changes and weakened immunity. Normally, the disease is accompanied by transparent discharge. If the selection cystitis changes the color, the smell of consistency - this may indicate a vaginosis, genital infections, colpit.

The character of white, their structure and quantity depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Why do yellow sequels appear in teenage girls? We bleave without much smell appear about 10-12 months before the first menstruation, which indicates the beginning of preparation for reproductive activities.

What do white and yellow allocations say during the ovulation period? Moderates should indicate the ripening of the cell, as the date of menstruation approaches, their number increases, but they become more liquid.

For the week before the monthly, the amount of white becomes the maximum, and if the woman is in depressive or stressful state, then the volume of dark yellow discharge increases significantly.

Important! Yellow Belie often arise as a consequence of allergies on gaskets, tampons, linen, contraceptive means.

Normally, yellow slaves before menstruation should be homogeneous, without clots, their number should not exceed 4-6 ml. If yellow is accompanied by pain and burning, their volume significantly exceeds the norm - it is necessary to contact a specialist.

The discharge of yellowish color nozzles is often the first sign of the pathologies of the urinary organs.

In which cases, the mucus appears constantly:

  1. With vulvochovaginit, they can become bright yellow, with this pathology, pain occurs during emptying of the bladder and sexual intercourse.
  2. The erosion of the cervix is \u200b\u200bcharacterized by inflammatory processes in the tissues of the mucous membrane and the cervix. This weakens the protective barrier, the reproductive system organs affect pathogenic microorganisms. Against the background of erosion, concomitant diseases often appear - vaginitis, cervicitis. At the same time, after sexual intercourse, yellow discharge with blood appear.
  3. Adhesitis, Salpingitis - inflammatory processes are accompanied by yellow-brown discharges with purulent splashes. Additional signs - pulling pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, the process of urination causes discomfort.
  4. Yellow curl isolation is a sign of candidiasis, while they often have a sour smell. Pathology develops against the background of frequent stresses, violations of hormonal balance, weak immunity.

Important! Yellow selection and itching, pain in the groin area are the main signs of many diseases that are transmitted by sexual means.

With chlamydia and trichomoniasis, yellow-green discharge appear, which, as the disease develops, they acquire a rotten smell. Sexual lips and nearby fabrics are constantly itching, emptying the bladder and sexual intercourse is accompanied by pain and burning. The mucous membrane of small sexual lips becomes edema, acquires bright red color.

Treatment methods

Only a doctor on the basis of the results of various laboratory studies can establish an accurate reason. In addition to clinical analysis of blood and smear from the vagina, an immunoimenal analysis may be required, PCR diagnostics.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of the discharge, includes general and local antibacterial therapy. Additionally use drugs that help to restore the normal vaginal microflora, improve blood circulation - lactobacillia, also a good therapeutic effect is usually physiotherapy. For treatment, candles and vaginal tablets are most often used, general dosage preparations are used only with sharp formations of pathologies.

Than treat:

  • trichomonade Vaginitis - Tinidazole, Clotrimazole;
  • fungal infections - fluconazole, tsisque, industrious, pimafucine;
  • menopause - Vaginal Tablets with Ostrogens Ovrestin;
  • infectious diseases - candles Hexicon, Terezhinan, Betadine.

Correctly pick up the drug, only a doctor will be able to paint the treatment scheme. Any self-treatment can be dangerous, especially during pregnancy or menopause.
The diversity of the reasons for the appearance of yellow watery discharge in women makes it difficult for diagnosis, the doctor will be able to assign adequate therapy only after a comprehensive examination of the patient. It is possible to protect yourself from serious diseases only under the condition of regular visits to the gynecologist.

The mucous membrane of the vagina woman provides protection against infection and regulation of the internal environment of reproductive organs due to continuous formation and removal of mucus. Vaginal discharge is an absolutely physiological process that occurs throughout all periods of life.

Changing the quantity, color and consistency of the mucous discontinued vagina of a healthy woman is associated with natural vibration of hormonal background (menstrual cycle, pregnancy, climax).

In addition, the nature of the discharge changes as a result of urogenital and gynecological diseases, so every woman should observe their health and pay attention to suspicious symptoms.

Yellow selection is a deviation or norm?

Vaginal allocations are called white and have the following physiological characteristics:

  1. Normal color is the entire palette from transparent white and cream to an unsaturated yellow shade. Such a vaginal secret will not leave bright stains on the underwear.
  2. White volume should not exceed 5 ml (approximately teaspoon). A permissible increase in the amount during ovulation and menstruation, before the sexual act and after it.
  3. Consistency liquid and homogeneous. During ovulation, the mucus can be drumming and slightly more thick, but still without clots.
  4. Yellow mucous allocations in a healthy woman usually do not smell, but the presence of light source is allowed, the appearance of which is associated with the activities of the normal milk flora of the vagina.
  5. The separated genital organs does not cause unpleasant symptoms (itching, burning).

The reasons for the appearance of yellow discharge in women:

1. Physiological - During ovulation, before or after menstruation. Sometimes yellow allocations in women act as the first sign of pregnancy. Such a vaginal mucule does not cause discomfort, does not pack underwear, without clots, not abundant by quantity.

2. Inflammatory diseases:

  • , uterine pipes (bright yellow mucus, abundant, accompanied by a soreness at the bottom of the abdomen, amplifying when urination and sexual interchange);
  • the erosion of the cervix (vaginal stems of a dirty yellow color, after sexual contact often appears a blend of blood in the discharge, often pain in the lower back);
  • inflammation of the external genital organs (along with the yellow mucus it is characterized by itching and swelling of the vagina);
  • urogenital infection (bright color, unpleasant odor).

3. Allergic reaction mucous membranes and skin on synthetic linen, cosmetic preparations for intimate hygiene, condoms and means of barrier contraception (vaginal candles, tablets).

Yellow selection with smell in women

The appearance of unpleasant smell in vaginal white should be alerted in terms of the presence of a urogenital inflammatory process: the discharge is acquired by a sharp smell; For the thrush, cottonable white and yellow allocations in women with an unpleasant sour smell, amplifying at contact with air; The smell of rotting fish indicates bacterial vaginitis.

The sharp smell also happens during chlamydia and gonor.

Yellow-green mucous allocations in women

The change in the shade of mucus from light yellow to yellow-green indicates the appearance of pus in the separated, which indicates a urogenital infection:

  1. - Allocations are abundant, with clots, leak from the cerval canal. They accompany these greenish and yellow highlights of pain and itching into the vagina with sexual intercourse.
  2. - moderate volume of mucus with pus or blood impurities; The discharge of yellow color with a unwitting smell is accompanied by pain in the lower back, at the bottom of the abdomen and the inner part of the hips, often combined with soreness when urinating.
  3. - Fucking foamy, abundant, with a greenish tint, with a characteristic putrid smell.
  4. Ureaplasmosis or mycoplasmosis - yellow-green, not abundant selection of odorless in women; cause a feeling of burning, swelling and redness of external genital organs.

When and in suspected of any of the above infections, a special antibacterial treatment is required, otherwise the process can go into a chronic form with the formation of complications (including infertility).

During pregnancy, highlights from the vagina can be more than usual. This is due to the hormonal restructuring of the body and with the need to strengthen the protection against the penetration of infection into the uterine cavity.

In the absence of itching, soreness, unpleasant smell - there is no reason for concern. If it was damaged during pregnancy, discomfort is delivered, have a malware and purulent or, then you need to visit the doctor's pregnancy for the test inspection.

Treatment and Prevention of Yellow Selations

In the presence of abnormal in color, the volume or smell of the character of the selection is needed to consult a gynecologist.

The doctor will take the separated genital pathway, appoint additional research (ultrasound of a small pelvic organs, hysteroscopy), after which the optimal treatment will be proposed - the course of antibiotics, drooping, drugs for normalizing the vagina microflora.

Sometimes abundant yellow discharge during menus in women require the appointment of substitution therapy (estrogen-gestagenic hormones) to adjust the hormonal background and restore the normal operation of the sex tract membrane.

If the yellow vaginal secret is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, then the woman should continue to comply with the rules of elementary personal hygiene, avoid synthetic underwear, select high-quality toilet toilets for the toilet of the intimate area, as well as conduct a legitimate sex life and use barrier methods of contraception to prevent infection in the vagina. .

Yellow discharge in women have a different nature of origin. Physiological and pathological factors affect the appearance of mucus. When evaluating the state of health, the intensity of the discharge, their smell, shade and impurities should be taken into account. Physiologically normal allocations do not require treatment. They appear in a different period of life of a woman and are not accompanied by a worsening of well-being. Painful discharges always proceed with the addition of unpleasant sensations, pain, discomfort and itching.

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    Yellow allocations in the limit of the norm

    Yellow allocations in women are divided into physiologically normal and pathological. Cervical mucus is necessary for moisturizing the mucous membranes of the vagina. It performs cleaning functions, protects against infections and helps spermatozoa to move on the sexual path. The cervical mucus includes the epithelium, microflora, leukocytes and the secret of the mucous membranes. The color of the selection varies depending on the menstrual cycle:

    • The first days after menstruation produces a small amount of cervical mucus. She has a thick consistency that gives a yellowish tint.
    • Increase mucus a few days before ovulation. It is capable of curly, and the consistency resembles glue. At this time, white or white and yellow spots can be seen on underwear.
    • The maximum amount of discharge is observed during the ovulation period. The color is usually transparent or muddy, but with bad hygiene becomes yellowish.

    Yellow allocations in women during menstruation are considered a normal phenomenon.. The mucus should not contain a clots or smell badly.

    General symptoms

    Pathological discharges are always accompanied by unpleasant sensations. The appearance of the mucus of yellow color should be the reason for the appeal to the gynecologist for inspection. The development of pathological processes also indicates the difficulty of urination, pain in the lower abdomen and painful sensations during intercourse.

    Yellow pathological discharges in women are accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • vaginal itching;
    • burning;
    • sour smell;
    • fish odor;
    • the presence of clots;
    • cottage cheese;
    • raising temperature.

    Such discharge differ from physiological color saturation. Painful mucus will have brighter tones. For candidal damage, the vagina is characterized by the presence of smell of fish. When the selection candidiasis has a light shade, but the launched shape is manifested by the presence of a yellow mucus.

    Diseases of bacterial character

    It is impossible to determine the exact reason for the appearance of yellow highlights of a woman solely in color and smell. Diseases can be caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. Pathological discharges are abundant. They can change their color and shade depending on the degree of pathology.

    Diseases of reproductive organs:

    • Vaginitis. The cause becomes bacteria and fungi genus Candida. The provoking factor is the mechanical injuries of the mucous membranes of the vagina, diseases of the endocrine system, an allergic reaction or a decrease in immunity. The disease occurs with the presence of itching, pain when urination and sexual intercourse, mucus will have an unpleasant smell. In gynecological practice, pathology occurs in women of reproductive age.
    • Adnexitis. Inflammatory disease. Amazes the appendages of the uterus and pipes. It develops due to staphylococcus, streptococcus, intestinal sticks, gonococcus. The provoking factor for the disease is the presence of chronic stress, overwork, falling immunity. In the absence of treatment, there is a violation of the integrity of the epithelial cover of the uterus. In pathology, pain appears in the lower part of the abdomen, impaired menstrual cycle and urination. In severe cases, adnexite leads to infertility.
    • Salpingitis. Inflammatory disease of the uterine pipes. Develops in the presence of pathological microflora. A serous fluid accumulation occurs, which over time acquires yellow color. Among the symptoms there are pains during the period of menstruation, raising the temperature, nausea and vomiting.

    Bacteria are part of the neutral marginal microflora. They do not harm with healthy immunity. The uterine tube and appendages are in sterile condition. The presence of even neutral bacteria in these organs leads to the development of diseases.

    Sexually transmitted diseases

    If a bright yellow mucus is observed after sexual contact, then the likelihood of the presence of STDs. The accompanying symptoms include the presence of painful sensations during sex, burning vagina and itching, bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle, an unpleasant smell.

    STDs that become the cause of yellow discharge in women:

    • Gonorrhea. The incubation period is 2-10 days. The mucus acquires a yellow or yellowish green shade. A woman will feel pain during urination, and the allocation themselves cause irritation and redness of the external genital organs.
    • Trichomoniasis. It is considered the most common infection of the urogenital system. A feature of the disease is the edema of the outer genital organs and the presence of foam selections of yellow color. There is a pronounced itching and irritation of mucous membranes. The incubation period is 4-5 days, but the disease for a long time can proceed asymptomatic.
    • Chlamydia. The disease amazes from 5 to 15% of the people of reproductive age. The female organism is more susceptible to chlamydia than men. Proceeds with the release of purulent mucus.

    The purulent release of yellow color indicate the defeat of the uterus, appendages or phallopy pipes. The presence of such a mucus suggests that the tissues of the organs are in the launched state. The lack of treatment significantly increases the risk of infertility.

    Yellow highlights when climax

    Climax in women occurs after 50 years. In this phase, the body prepares itself to cease reproduction. There is a restructuring of the endocrine system, as a result of which the hormonal background is disturbed. For the performance of genital organs, the estrogen is responsible. The lack of this hormone leads to the development of endometrial hyperplasia. The mucous membranes are roasting, which increases the concentration of the epithelium in the mucus. Color color can be caused not only by high concentration of epithelial tissue, but also lack of menstruation.

    Climax is preceded by the extension of the cycle. At first it increases to 40 days, then for 2 months. Monthly during the climax in women are, but a scant nature. At this time, yellow discharge can be observed, as with normal menstruation. Scarce bleeding is capable of painting them in a dark color.

    During pregnancy

    In the early periods of pregnancy, the woman is allocated from the vagina. Normally, they are transparent or slightly yellowish. The mucus is a stuff of secretion, which the cervix highlights after conception. A peculiar plug for preserving the fetus from negative factors is formed.

    Yellow allocations in women during pregnancy are normal in the second trimester. Are caused by active growth of the fetus, as well as changes in hormonal background. The mucous membrane of the vagina becomes sensitive. External stimuli in the form of gaskets or synthetic linen can induce the body to increase secretion.

    Abundant selection of yellow color appear a week before delivery. They mean that the mucous plug has moved, which protects the entrance to the uterus. Pure abundant discharge of transparent color are not pathology during pregnancy. However, the presence of symptoms in the form of itching, burning and pain indicate the attachment of infection.

    Treatment at home

    Treatment of yellow discharge in women at home is a comprehensive therapy. Means of traditional medicine and drug drugs are used. Before starting treatment, you must consult a doctor.

    Therapeutic rules:

    Recipes of traditional medicine:

    Coffee bathsOn 3 liters of water add 150 g dry pine. It is necessary to use a bark, barrel or branches with fresh needles. Cook for 40 minutes on slow fire. It turns out a light antibacterial extract for taking a bath
    Nettle salaryUse 3 times a day on a dessert spoon. Helps reduce painful sensations with yellow discharge or menstruation
    Decoration for scriptureA glass spoon of blueberry leaves fall asleep on a glass of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes. Before use, filter and cool. Use 1 time per day
    HuntherDining spoon of dry grass on 1 liter boiling water. Cook for 30 minutes on low heat. Strain through the gauze and use for douching

    Medical therapy:

    GroupPreparations, descriptionPhoto
    AntifungalPimafucin, Candid, Kanizon, Myoson. Produced in the form of tablets and ointments. To treat Candidosis of the vagina in priority to use the means of local action. Preparations affect the cells of the fungus, the coal of their development and reproduction
    AntibioticsPanzef, Amoxicillin, Miramistin, Amosin. Antibacterial drugs suppress the activity of not only pathogenic microflora, but also neutral. Dysbacteriosis is one of the reasons for the development of the candidiasis, so the long-lasting intake of antibiotics must be accompanied by antifungal drugs
    AntiviralAlterevir, Arbidol, Valtarex, Inhabirin. All antivirus drugs are prescribed by a doctor after inspection and diagnostics. Antiviral needs to be taken with caution during pregnancy and in breastfeeding, since these medicines have high toxicity

Throughout the life, the woman accompany the vaginal discharges, which periodically change their character. They acquire another shade, smell and consistency. Such transformations may be associated with various factors that are physiological, and sometimes pathological. And for what reasons are yellow allocations in women arise? And is their appearance of the reason for appealing to the doctor?

Deviation or Norma?

The secret to be released from the vagina performs several functions - protects the mucosa from injury and maintains the microflora, preventing the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. If a woman has the normal operation of the reproductive system organs, then it usually should be observed transparent or white discharge in small quantities having a mucous membrane or watery consistency. At the same time, they should not exude an unpleasant smell and be provocatives of irritation in the intimate zone.

The amount of selection may vary depending on the phases of the menstrual cycle. Its middle is accompanied by the onset of ovulation and these days the vaginal discharge becomes most abundant, and upon its completion - barely noticeable. A few days before the occurrence of menus, their quantity increases again, and then there are bleeding, signaling about the start of menstruation and requiring the use of hygienic gasket. Also, the volume of the vaginal secrecy may vary when pregnancy or climax occurs, which is caused by hormonal disorders in the body.

Outlook without odor is also not deviation. More often, they are observed in women in the postmenstrual period, when the endometrium of the uterus starts thickening and cleaned from dead epithelial particles, which give the vaginal secret of such a shade. In addition, the appearance of discharge can occur as a result:

  • Taking antibacterial drugs.
  • The use of vaginal suppositors for the treatment of various gynecological diseases.
  • Drafting.
  • Stresses.
  • Excessive use of alcoholic beverages.
  • Changing climatic conditions, etc.

More often, women noted the appearance of yellowish discharges at the age of 45-55, when menopause comes. During this period, there is a fuss of the functions of the reproductive system organs and a decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones. As a result, structural changes occur in the tissues of the uterus and ovaries, which is often accompanied by the discharges of the yellow shade.

It should be noted that the emergence of a yellow vaginal secret is the same natural as the occurrence of Belya. Therefore, it is not worth worrying about his appearance, especially if there are no extraneous signs of the development of pathological processes. Sometimes its presence has nothing to do with the diseases of the sexual sphere or physiological changes in the body.

Some women have a yellowish vaginal secret observed against the background of insufficient hygiene. Urina from the urethra penetrates the vagina, mixed with cervical mucus and stains it in yellow. In this case, an unpleasant smell may appear. Therefore, women who have such sections are observed, first of all, pay attention to the quality of the hygiene carried out.

When does a doctor consultation required?

An appeal to a specialist is necessary if in addition to the yellowish highlights, a woman begins to celebrate:

  • Sharp specific aroma.
  • Changes in the consistency of the vaginal secretion (it becomes very thick or liquid as water).
  • Temperature increase.
  • Pain in the abdomen.
  • Blood Sukrovitsy.
  • Weakness, etc.

The appearance of at least one of the above symptoms should be a serious occasion for a woman to appeal to the doctor. After all, their emergence often testifies to the development of gynecological diseases that require immediate therapy.

What pathologies are accompanied by such a symptom?

Various diseases can provoke the emergence of a vaginal secret with a yellow tint. And among them the most common is cirvicitis. This ailment is accompanied by inflammation of the cervical canal, which can develop as a result:

  • Installation of intrauterine spirals (NMS).
  • Erosion.
  • Mechanical traumatization of the cervical canal, for example, during the abrasion (scraping or cleaning of the uterus), coarse sex, diagnostic instrumental measures, etc.
  • Sexual infections.

In addition, their appearance can be associated with the development of uterine inflammation, in which its fabrics begin to be pushing, which is accompanied by an increased temperature. Often, such a phenomenon occurs after abortion and delivery, when particles of embryo or placenta remain in the uterine cavity. But also its occurrence can provoke tumors formed inside the uterus and provoking necrotic processes in its tissues (epithelium cells die and start rotting).

The appearance of yellow-brown mucus from the vagina can be associated with endometriosis characterized by the pathological growth of the endometrium of the uterus beyond its limits. This condition is dangerous, as it often becomes a provocative of cancer. In the event of this ailment, the bottom of the abdomen periodically begins to hurt, the breakdowns of blood are observed in the discharge, and the general condition is worse. Another obvious sign of the development of endometriosis is a frequent delay in menstruation or, on the contrary, its occurrence several times a month.

A dark brown and yellow vaginal secret, accompanied by a decrease in weight, lack of appetite, an increase in temperature and abdominal pain signals the development of oncological diseases. In this case, a woman can periodically celebrate a dark mucous lump in his underwear, which speaks of the beginning of rejection by the body of damaged tissues.

Important! With the appearance of such symptoms, sit at home, folded hands, it is impossible! It is necessary to urgently go to the doctor for the implementation of a comprehensive examination. If in its course the development of oncological diseases is confirmed, you need to immediately begin treatment.

White-yellow exudate of cotton consistency, released from the vagina and supplemented by itching, burning and sour smell, speaks of the development of thrush. It occurs because of the active breeding of fungi from the Candida family and has another name - candidiasis.

If the vaginal exudate acquires the yellow-green shade, it begins to smell badly and foams, it already talks about the development of sex tract infections. The appearance of a green shade and unpleasant smell is determined by the active life of pathogenic microorganisms that make the emission of volatile substances.

Even if the vaginal secret has a light greenish tint and is not accompanied by discomfort in the perineum and the smell of rot, visit the doctor will still have to go, since some STPPs can also flow without pronounced symptoms. And the treatment of these diseases must be done necessarily, as the infection can spread to other internal organs, violating their functionality and provoking the emergence of serious health problems.

Treatment of yellow blessed or pale brown seals should be carried out only by the doctor. After all, the reasons for their occurrence are many and to establish a provocation factor, it will be necessary to pass a full examination, which includes:

  • Gynecological examination.
  • Biochemical study of blood and urine.
  • Vaginal smear on bakposposev.
  • Ultrasound of the reproductive system and so on.

Treatment is always individual. And if in the course of the examination, the woman was identified sex tract infections, it is necessarily assigned an antibiotic, which will cure infection and normalize the nature of the vaginal discharge. In addition to antibiotics, an immunostimulating agent is also used to strengthen the immunity and prevent the development of complications.

In cases where the woman's inflammatory processes have noted in the reproductive system, anti-inflammatory therapy is appointed, which allows you to quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease and restore the functionality of the organs.

In the development of necrotic processes, surgery is prescribed, in which the affected areas are removed. If necrotic foci is large, complete resection of the uterus is performed.

In independence, the reason for changing the nature of the vaginal secrecy, treatment should always be carried out under the control of the doctor. Thus, any independent actions can even more disrupt the work of the reproductive system organs and lead to irreversible consequences. Remember, only the doctor will be able to choose the right treatment that will reduce the signs of the development of pathological processes and prevent complications on their background.