Lesson drawing a rocket senior group. Abstract of GCD for drawing. Topic "Space" "Space guest" outline drawing lessons (senior group). Drawing in the technique of scratching "Cosmos"

The world around for preschoolers is a means of knowledge and a source of artistic images, which they are happy to embody on paper in the process of drawing. In senior and preparatory group kindergarten pupils get acquainted with the unknown world of the Universe. It attracts children's attention, makes you think and fantasize. As a result, the guys create wonderful compositions on the theme of "Space".

Features of drawing on this topic in older preschool age

To understand the vast, unexplored world of space, you need to use your imagination as much as possible. Preschoolers easily cope with this task - they can imagine themselves on board. spaceship flying past unknown planets, or rescuing an alien from a black hole.

Space is one of the themes that very well develops children's imagination. The emphasis in such drawings is placed on three main areas. First of all, this is the creation of a space landscape with many stars, beautiful planets that are not similar to each other, comets, asteroids, etc. Earth).

Another direction of drawings on this topic is the image of equipment intended for space exploration: rockets, satellites, spaceships. Older preschoolers create highly realistic images with attention to detail. Along with such devices, the guys are very fond of drawing vehicles for fictional aliens, the so-called flying saucers.

And one more part of the work on creating space compositions is the image of astronauts in their professional outfit and fantastic anthropomorphic creatures - aliens. The latter can look completely different in a child's performance, be cute or deliberately ugly, have their own character - kind or aggressive.

The teacher in the lesson in drawing space does not give older preschoolers ready-made templates. So, to create a space landscape, children will only need to have a poster with the image of the solar system in front of their eyes in order to have an idea of ​​how different planets look.

Preschooler poster

Drawing a rocket is usually not difficult for children - the teacher only clarifies its constituent elements with the children. In addition, drawing is usually preceded by an application on this topic.

As for creating the image of an astronaut, the image of a person is always a difficult task. However, in this case, the work is simplified by the presence of a volumetric spacesuit, therefore, a detailed transfer of facial features or proportions of body parts will no longer be so relevant.

Drawing aliens is an extremely creative process, when children independently search for ways to create a fantastic image. However, the teacher can provide preschoolers with a picture of different kinds these creatures (for example, based on a cartoon).

Preschooler poster

In the senior and preparatory group, the final part of the lesson is important - the analysis of finished works. For example, if the guys drew an alien, then the teacher organizes a discussion about the expressiveness of the created images. Children tell what colors they used in their work, what they did best to portray. In addition, each child can come up with a name for his alien and tell about his character, as well as about the planet from which he flew.

Most relevant materials and basis for work

Drawing on a space theme involves the use of a certain basis. If it is a drawing with paints, then the sheet of paper, as a rule, is tinted in a dark color - black, brown, dark blue, dark purple. Although some of the drawings look great on a blue base. A gradient background with beautiful color transitions also looks impressive.

The basis for drawing a space landscape

The shape of the base can be not only standard (A4 format). An interesting solution is to offer the children large circles of gray paper (Moon), on which they will depict the lunar landscape or the fictional inhabitants of this space object.

The basis of the picture is a circle that fits in A4 format

As for paint, gouache in this case will be preferable to watercolor, as it allows you to create bright and rich images.

Space compositions are also created by older preschoolers with crayons or wax crayons. At the same time, the background is painted over in the process of work, and, unlike a drawing with paints, it is not too dark.

The combination of materials always looks unusual. For example, in a watercolor drawing, the outline of a white rocket is drawn with a bright felt-tip pen.

By using a felt-tip pen, the watercolor image becomes brighter and more contrasting

Since non-traditional techniques are often used when drawing on the theme of "Space", the teacher provides the children with the appropriate accessories - foam sponges, toothbrushes, cotton swabs, toothpicks for scratching the pattern, glue. Even unexpected materials such as soap bubbles or shaving foam can be used.

At a visual lesson on this topic, children can also be offered stencils depicting, for example, a comet, an alien, a spaceship. At the same time, you can tint the base with beautiful color transitions, and make the images of stencil objects monotonous and contrasting.

Drawing materials

Image techniques and techniques used in drawing on a space theme

Creating compositions on a space theme, older preschoolers practice all the previously mastered drawing techniques with paints and pencils. The technique of working with a brush (tip and whole bristle) is being improved. Children regulate the force of pressure on the pencil, practice painting the silhouette with rhythmic unidirectional movements. The teacher monitors whether the pupils are holding the instrument correctly, makes comments as needed (this is true even in the preparatory group).

In the senior, and even more so in the preparatory group, the guys are already good at mixing paints, achieving interesting shades. This skill will be useful to them when drawing space landscapes.

Such an unusual and mysterious theme as "Space" opens up a lot of space for the disclosure of the creative imagination of preschoolers. In this regard, unconventional image techniques provide great opportunities. So, for example, the endless expanses of space, depicted in watercolor, can be effectively supplemented by spraying with a toothbrush - in this way we will depict numerous distant stars, small asteroids and cosmic dust.

Drawing using an unconventional spray technique

To create an image of the mysterious Universe, the scratching technique is ideal - scratching out silhouettes against a dark background. Previously, the base is painted over with multi-colored wax crayons and covered with a thick layer of black gouache (preschoolers may well do this on their own on the eve of class.

Scratchboard technique

The most interesting thing is the process of scratching the picture itself. As a result of such work, an original image is obtained.

Scratchboard drawing

Whimsical alien imagery is well done with blob painting - blowing paint through a cocktail tube and then adding details.


Ordinary PVA glue in a bottle with a narrow neck will help to draw a lunar landscape with characteristic craters. Embossed circles are depicted on the surface of the moon, which, after drying, are covered with gray paint.

Drawing with PVA glue

An interesting relief image is also obtained using common salt. The silhouette of a space object is first indicated with glue, and then sprinkled with coarse salt. When the image dries up, it will be covered with paint.

Painting with salt and then painting over

Consider such an unusual technique as painting with shaving foam. The foam mixes with the paint for a beautiful marbled effect. In this way, you can depict our home planet Earth.

Shaving foam drawing

V kindergarten It is also often practiced to paint with wax crayons, followed by coating a sheet of paper with watercolors or gouache. In this case, the property of wax crayons is used to repel water. First, preschoolers draw space objects, rockets, astronauts, etc., and then cover the entire sheet with black paint using a brush. The paint rolls off the waxed areas. The result is a nice contrasting image.

Drawing with watercolors and wax crayons

Additional types of visual activities that can be involved in the creation of works, the implementation of an individual approach in the classroom

When drawing on a creative theme such as Space, of course, preschoolers should be encouraged to use complementary activities. Thus, you can implement an individual approach to the lesson. For example, a vivid picture depicting a distant alien planet with its bizarre inhabitants will be adorned with an appliqué in the form of paper silhouettes of outlandish trees.

Drawing with applique elements

The composition will be made more original and plasticine details.

Combination of drawing and plasticineography

Variants of compositions for drawing on the theme "Space" in the senior and preparatory groups

It is most logical to hold a drawing lesson on a space theme with senior preschoolers in early April - on the eve of the celebration of Cosmonautics Day. Before such a productive activity, it is advisable to conduct a lesson on the knowledge of the surrounding world on the topic "Space", so that later the children will reflect their knowledge and impressions in the drawing.

As specific topics for visual activity, the following can be proposed:

  • "Space Landscape". Here the main attention is paid to outer space itself, comets, meteorites, cosmic dust, etc. flying in it.)
  • "Planets of the Solar System". The guys depict the Sun and the planets revolving around it in detail, reflecting the characteristic external features of certain space objects (red Mars, Saturn's rings, green-blue Earth, orange Venus, very small Mercury, huge Jupiter, etc.).
  • "Flight to the Moon" (as an option - "Flight to Mars"). Preschoolers depict the lunar surface, a spaceship on it. You can also include the image of an astronaut in the composition. Another option - the moon is depicted from afar, and the spaceship flies up to it.
  • "Astronauts in Space". Children draw astronauts in a spacesuit hovering in zero gravity in open space.
  • "Aliens in Space" (as an option - "The Martians"). This is a fantasy work in which preschoolers create a fictional image of an alien, endowing him with the most inconceivable external features.
  • "Rocket in Space", "Flying Satellite". Here the emphasis is on the detailed image. technical objects created by man for space exploration.

Drawing on a space theme, if desired, can be organized as a collective work. To do this, you can take a theme such as "Solar System" - each child in a subgroup depicts a certain planet.

Organization of a motivating beginning of direct educational activity: a surprise moment, an informative conversation, reading a fairy tale, poem, viewing illustrations, etc.

The lesson in drawing space should take place in a creative atmosphere so that preschoolers get in touch with the mysterious and magical world of the endless Universe. First of all, thoughtful play motivation will help to do this.

For example, the teacher informs the children that she received a message from space, in which someone asks for help. It turns out that this is Dunno, who flew to the moon and cannot return back. He is scared alone in an unfamiliar place. Dunno must definitely help - send a rescue squad of cosmonauts to the moon. But you can only fly there on a rocket or spaceship that you need to draw.

Astronauts can also send a letter to preschoolers. It also comes with a package with a gift - a helmet. The astronauts, knowing that the guys are good at drawing, ask them to send them pictures depicting the space landscape.

Motivation using a toy character is interesting. An alien from outer space comes to visit the children. He says he liked the big and beautiful planet Earth. Many people live on it, but he is sad and lonely, because he lives all alone on his planet. The alien asks the guys to please him - to draw friends.

A soft toy that can be used in class

In order for children to become imbued with the space theme, the educator can offer them to turn into astronauts. To do this, preschoolers put on pre-prepared paper helmets and imagine a flight to the appropriate music. The guys open their eyes and see a poster depicting the solar system.

Photo from an open class in kindergarten

Drawing on the theme of space can be started with a fairy tale. A wonderful contemporary work is the tale of Iris Revue "About a resourceful girl and a generous Sun". It says that once upon a time, a very long time ago, our planet was illuminated only during the day, when the sun's rays illuminated all living things. But at night it was so dark and scary that it was impossible to describe. And then one little girl turned to the Sun with a request that someone should shine at night, because she is very afraid of the dark. The sun thought about it and decided to perform a miracle - its rays gave light to the moon, so that it, in turn, would send it to Earth. In addition, the stars volunteered to help the Moon. The nights weren't so dark now, and the little girl was no longer afraid to sleep.

After reading this beautiful fairy tale, pupils of the senior or preparatory group can be offered to draw a space landscape where the bright moon and stars will illuminate the globe in the darkness of the universe.

You can also recommend "The Tale of a Lonely Star". Her main character is a small star (although in fact she was larger than our Sun). She was very lonely, because other stars are far away, and the planets were not interested in her life. They only argued with each other about which trajectory is more correct. And then one night a comet flew past the star. The heroine has never seen them before. They got into conversation. The comet said that she is a celestial traveler - she flies wherever she wants. It is made of ice, but there are other comets made of rocks and metals. The asterisk asked the comet not to fly away yet, but to stay with her and talk about the wonders that she had seen in the Universe. The comet agreed, began to revolve around the star along with the planets and told amazing stories every day. From her stories, the asterisk learned that there are so many varieties of stars: young and old, hot and almost cold, small and gigantic. And the most interesting thing is that many of the stars that are visible in the sky actually went out a long time ago, and the light from them still comes and long time will go. The star admitted to the comet that her innermost desire is to talk to other stars. And a new friend told her that the stars communicate with each other with their twinkling (they flash brighter, then almost go out) - this is their language.

Soon the comet flew away. And the star kept peering into the sky, wanting to unravel the mysterious language. And suddenly one night, when she was admiring a bright red star, it began to blink - three short flashes, then one bright. Then another star did the same. And then the little star realized that it was a greeting, and just blinked at the distant stars. Now all that was left was to wait for an answer, even if it would come in a thousand years.

A picture that can illustrate a fairy tale

The plot of this wonderful tale will be a good motivation for drawing space objects - stars, planets and comets.

The teacher can also tell the pupils in the first person such a fairy tale:

“Once I was at a starry space ball. In the center, on a high throne, sat the queen of the ball, the Pole Star, motionless. She wore a gorgeous blue dress and a crown adorned her head. Multicolored stars circled around the waltz, constellations danced in different masks. The crystal ringing of the bells announced the arrival at the ball of Madame Comet. Her tail shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, her outfit was irresistible. The comet is called the cosmic messenger. Fast, wherever she is !? Looks into the most distant corners of the universe. He is the first to know about the birth of new stars and planets. And now she talked about where meteorites and meteor showers will soon fall. She also conveyed a declaration of love from sailors, pilots and astronauts from planet Earth to Polar Star. They love her very much because she always points in the right direction. "

The following tale is interesting, in which the planets of the solar system are endowed with anthropomorphic features.

“There is a friendly family living in the Universe - the Solar System. Mom is called the Sun, and her children are called planets. Like chickens around a hen, planets revolve around the Sun, and it loves and warms everyone. The fastest son is called Mercury, the most beautiful daughter is Venus, and the kindest is Earth. The most pugnacious son is named Mars. The largest and thickest name is Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are distinguished by their strength and calm character. Saturn is considered a merry fellow, and only little Pluto is always whiny and gloomy. The planets have friends - satellites. For example, Earth's girlfriend is called the Moon. They are never parted, so the Moon revolves in a yellow sarafan around the Earth, looks into her eyes. You can't go into space without friendship! "


A poster with which to illustrate a fairy tale

After reading this unusual short fairy tale, you can invite the children to depict the planets in an unexpected perspective - with a human face, while trying to give each of them its own character.

There are also many interesting poems on the space theme, according to the plot of which you can also build a drawing lesson. Here are some examples.

"It's so great in space!" O. Akhmetova

It's so cool in space!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Sailing slowly!
It's so cool in space!
Sharp rockets
At great speed
They rush here and there!
So wonderful in space!
So magical in space!
In real space
Visited once!
In real space!
In the one that saw through
In the one that saw through
Paper telescope!

"Ten Sleepwalkers" (song-game, lyrics by A.A. Usachev)

Ten sleepwalkers lived on the moon.
Ten sleepwalkers tossed and turned in their sleep.
And suddenly one lunatic fell from the moon in a dream
And NINE sleepwalkers remained on the moon.
Nine sleepwalkers lived on the moon.
Nine sleepwalkers tossed and turned in their sleep.
And suddenly one lunatic fell from the moon in a dream.
And EIGHT sleepwalkers remained on the moon.
Eight sleepwalkers lived on the moon.
Eight lunatics tossed and turned in their sleep ...

Count sleepwalkers until:

And suddenly one lunatic fell from the moon in a dream!
And there are no more sleepwalkers on the moon!

And if you don't want to sleep
Start counting again!

N. Tsvetkova

The blue sky opened up
Yellow-orange eye
The sun is a daylight
Looks at us affectionately.
The planet is spinning smoothly
In the flickering flicker of lights.
There is a comet in space
Followed by her.
Mercury is torn from orbit,
He wants to hug Venus.
By these magnetic storms
May Mercury raise.
Distant stars are blinking
Signaling something to the Earth.
Black holes are gaping
An eternal mystery in the darkness.
Brothers in mind. Where are you?
Where are you waiting for us?
Maybe in the constellation Virgo,
Maybe in the constellation Pegasus?

V. Tatarinov "Cosmonaut".

I will build a rocket, I will go on a long journey,

I will choose the most radiant star.

And on the way, of course, I'll remember sweet home

And five-pointed stars over the Kremlin.

Where the planets revolve, my ship will pass.

There the sunny people will make friends with me.

And the local boys will meet me

I will sing to them a song about the native land.

Physical exercises and dynamic pauses on this topic will help children to become even more interested in the topic of space:

Physical education "Cosmonaut"

Physical education "Cosmonaut costume"

Physical education "Let's go to the cosmodrome"

Finger gymnastics "Cosmos"

  • You and I flew into space
  • The aliens were met
  • And exercise for fingers
  • They did it together with them.
  • We met first,
  • One, two, three, four, five,
  • Made friends, hugged,
  • And then we went to watch
  • Into the telescope to the star path!

Outdoor game "Cosmonauts":

  • Children, holding hands, walk in a circle:
    Fast rockets await us
    For walking the planets
    Whichever we want -
    We'll fly to this one!
    But there is one secret in the game:
    There is no place for latecomers!

Children scatter and try to take their places (in the hoops). Only two astronauts can board one rocket.

Lesson notes

Name of the author Abstract title
Smirnova A.V. "Space landscape"
(senior group)
Educational tasks: teach to depict the solar system, to get different shades of colors by mixing.
Developmental tasks: develop compositional skills, color perception.
Educational tasks: to foster interest in the world of space.
Integration of educational areas: "Artistic Creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demo material: illustrations of space, solar system.
Handout: A4 sheets of paper, watercolors, oil pastels, brushes, sippy cups, napkins
Course of the lesson:
The teacher reminds the preschoolers that during the walk they looked at the sky, and asks to describe it. It turns out that the sky is different: on a sunny day - bright blue, on a cloudy day - gray, at sunset - orange. At night, the sky looks black, thousands of stars light up against its background. In addition to our planet, there are a huge number of other planets, stars, dust, gases, asteroids in space.
Children are invited to make a fascinating journey through the Universe, imagine that they have risen so high that the Earth looks like a small blue ball. The sky has turned into outer space filled with various objects. The guys will learn that our galaxy is called the Milky Way, and the solar system consists of eight planets.
Reading of V. Shipunova's poem "On a distant planet ...":
  • On a distant, amazing planet
    (We can't reach it in ten years)
    The sun shines like an emerald
    And the orange bear lives.
    On the silk lilac grass
    A pink deer wanders calmly -
    Pearl horns on the head -
    A shadow tramples with a silver hoof.

Conversation on the topic: what else can be on a distant amazing planet.
A musical warm-up "10 sleepwalkers" is held (with words by A. Usachev).
A poster depicting the solar system is presented to the children. The teacher briefly denotes the external distinguishing features of the planets. For example, Mercury has many craters, and Venus and Earth are called "sisters" for their equal size. Mars appears red from space, Earth appears blue, and Uranus appears green. Saturn is surrounded by rings of stone and ice.
Preschoolers are encouraged to sketch their journey using watercolors and oil pastels crayons. Space objects are drawn with crayons, and the air space is painted over with watercolors.
Independent activities of children. Exhibition of works.

Alyaeva O.A. "We are flying into space"
(senior group)

Riddle about Dunno:

  • In a hat with a round brim
    And in knee-length panties
    Busy with different things
    Only to learn it is lazy.
    Who is he, quickly guess
    What's his name? (Dunno)

Dunno sends a message from space, in which he asks for help - he
Flew to the moon and cannot return. The guys must turn into astronauts in order to fly into space and help the character. But for this they
need a rocket to draw.
The scheme of the solar system is considered.
Children are offered the didactic game "Dispatch the Martian": you need to name which geometric shapes are used to make up the portraits of aliens, and count them.
The teacher informs the children that they will draw a rocket and space objects using the scratching technique. Preschoolers look at three patterns of work in this technique.
A physical training session is held - to slow music, the guys imitate the movements of astronauts in zero gravity.
Independent productive activity. Analysis of works.

Garifullina V.V. "Aliens from Space"
(preparatory group)

The teacher invites preschoolers to go on a virtual space journey - to imagine themselves on board a spaceship. Conversation about the planets of the solar system.
The teacher asks the children to fantasize about how aliens might look like, whether they will be like us. Children suggest that aliens can be huge, green, have a third eye, etc.

The toy alien Chucha appears. He flew from a distant planet, but he lives there all alone. Chucha asks the guys to draw his friends - different aliens - and come up with names for them (motivation).
Finger gymnastics is carried out:

  • We met first,
    You and I flew into space
    One, two, three, four, five,
    The aliens were met
    Made friends, hugged,
    And exercise for fingers
    Six seven eight nine ten.
    They did it together with them.
    And then we went to watch
    Into the telescope to the star path!

Independent activity of preschoolers. Analysis of works. Children talk about their alien and the planet from which he flew, they call his name.
The guys give the drawings to Chuche and invite him to fly to them again.

Deeva T.
(preparatory group)

The lesson begins with riddles about a rocket and an astronaut:

    Wonder bird - scarlet tail
    Flew into a flock of stars.
    Our people built this
    Interplanetary ...
    He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
    He does not fly a plane
    And a huge rocket
    Name who it is.

An outdoor game "Cosmonauts" is held.
A short talk about Cosmonautics Day. Reading a poem by V. Stepanov: “Yu. Gagarin ":

  • In a space rocket
    Called "East"
    He is the first on the planet
    I was able to rise to the stars.
    Sings songs about it
    Spring drops:
    Will be together forever
    Gagarin and April.

Discussion of the cosmonaut's profession, the qualities necessary for it. The teacher talks about the tests that astronauts undergo on Earth. Preschoolers imagine that they flew into space, look at illustrations on a space theme.
Physical education is carried out:

  • One, two - there is a rocket,
    (children check their posture)
    Three, four - the plane.
    (hands to the side)
    One, two - clap your hands,
    (claps over head)
    And then on each account.
    (four claps in front of you)
    One two three four
    (hands up, reach out)
    Arms higher, shoulders wider
    (arms to the sides, forearms up)
    One two three four
    And on the spot they were like.
    (walking in place)
    And now we are with you, children,
    We fly away on a rocket.
    (hands up, palms together - "rocket dome")
    They rose on their toes,
    (stand on tiptoes)
    Fast, fast, hands down
    (right hand down, left hand way down)
    One two three four -
    Here is a rocket flying up!
    (pull your head up, shoulders down)
    The sun shines in the clear sky
    The astronaut is flying in a rocket.
    (stretching - arms up)
    And at the bottom of the forest, fields-
    The earth is spreading out.
    (low bend forward, arms spread apart)

Preschoolers are invited to draw a rocket using a stencil, drawing the windows with their fingers. The planets will be depicted with caps from
bottles (printing). White and yellow stars are drawn with cotton buds.
Productive activity of children. While the drawings are drying, the guys spread a rocket made of counting sticks on the carpet.
Reading of the poem "Cosmonaut" by G. Lagzdyn:

  • I should, I really need
    To become a brave astronaut.
    I should, I really need
    Fly to the two Bears,
    To stay with the Bears,
    Treat them with a gingerbread.
    It's such a nature there:
    No flowers, no bees, no honey
    And then wave in a rocket
    To the northernmost planet ...

Compositions of senior preschoolers with comments on the performance of the work

"Space landscape, planets of the solar system"

Pupils of the senior and preparatory groups create wonderful pictures of space. Drawings on a dark background are always spectacular: planets and stars appear brighter and more contrasting. In this regard, we note the works "Unknown Planet", "Mysterious Saturn", "Saturn", "In the vastness of the Universe".

The compositions are original, in which non-traditional methods of drawing are involved. This is the work "Unknown Space", made in the scratchboard technique, the drawing "Our Neighbors in Space", where Mars and the green fragments of the Earth are depicted using salt. And the composition "Silence and Calm in Space" is a whole combination of non-standard techniques - spraying, painting with soap bubbles and a sponge. The spray is also used in the work "Comet".

Preschoolers love to depict the structure of the solar system. This is a collective work "Our Solar System", where each child in a subgroup drew a certain planet. An interesting interpretation of this theme in the fantasy drawing "Solar System", where the child depicted the Sun smaller than Saturn, and painted most of the planets in a mysterious purple color.

Photo gallery: works of preschoolers

Drawing in gouache Drawing in gouache using salt Drawing in watercolors and pencils (collective work) Drawing in gouache using the spray technique Drawing with wax crayons Drawing in gouache drawing in scratchboard technique Drawing in watercolors Drawing in gouache Drawing in gouache Drawing in watercolors and felt-tip pens Drawing in non-traditional technique: spraying, painting with a sponge and soap bubbles

"Rockets and Spaceships"

Older preschoolers depict rockets and other types of space technology very realistically. These are striking works "Space flight", "Rocket", made in gouache. A neat drawing on a beautiful blue background - "The rocket is on the way." The compositions "Forward to Unknown Worlds" and "The Rocket Launched from the Earth" are interesting for their technique (scratchboard and pencil drawing with a predominance of shades of black).

Images of spaceships are of interest. In the figure "Unknown Planet", the technique is mastering the surface while the cosmonaut is planting the Russian flag. And in the composition "Belka and Strelka" world-famous dogs peep out of the spaceship.

Images of rockets and spaceships invariably coexist with the cosmic landscape, which includes stars and planets. We often see our Earth in the pictures ("Belka and Strelka", "Rocket", "Rocket flies through the planets"). In the picture "Travel in space" we see Saturn with a smiling human face.

Photo gallery: drawings of children with the image of space

Gouache drawing Scratchboard drawing Pencil drawing Felt-tip pens drawing Gouache drawing Pencil drawing Watercolor drawing Gouache drawing Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing

Oksana Seifert

Abstract of GCD for drawing« Space flight»

Target: continue to introduce children to the holiday - Day Astronautics.


1. Strengthen the skills of children draw a rocket flying into outer space.

2. Raise interest in the holiday - the Day Astronautics.

3. To develop aesthetic perception, memory, attention, speech.

Preliminary work: reading poems about outer space, making riddles, looking at illustrations about astronauts, planets, drawing space in unconventional techniques)

Materials (edit): A4 sheets of black paper for each child, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins, illustrations about space and astronauts, hoops of different colors for outdoor games, rims.

Educator: Hello guys! Soon our whole country will celebrate a holiday - Day Astronautics! April 12 - on this day a person first performed flight on a rocket around the globe! And the name of the first cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin... (showing illustrations about outer space, the first astronaut) Today we will go to space trip! You are ready? (children's answers) And now you can guess what we are going to take.

Wonder bird - scarlet tail.

Flew into a flock of stars.

Answer: rocket.

The teacher shows illustrations of different missiles and spaceships.

Children sit in a pre-built rocket made of soft modules.

Educator: Guess the riddle.

A man is sitting in a rocket.

He flies boldly into the sky,

And on us in his spacesuit

He is from space looks.

Answer: astronaut.

Cosmonauts put on special clothes - a spacesuit. (showing illustrations) Look how strong it is!

Let us put on our spacesuits and go to flight! (children put on headbands, close their eyes to the music and imagine flight.)

Educator: guys, we are in the open outer space, tell me what do you see? (children's answers) Distant planets seem to us to be luminous stars, look at the planets that have been photographed by scientists. (showing illustrations of the planets of the solar system) Now we'll play!

Outdoor play "Fast rockets await us"

By group the rocket hoops are being laid out. In terms of their number, there are several less than those who play. Children join hands and walk in a circle with in words:

Fast rockets await us.

For flying to planets.

Whichever we want

On such let's fly!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no place for latecomers!

After the last words, the children scatter and take places in "Rockets"(if there are many children, then you can sit in one rocket for two or three people) and take different space poses... Those who did not get a place in the rocket choose the most interesting and beautiful poses. astronauts... Then everyone is back in a circle and the game starts over.

Educator: guys, we played with you, and now we will draw a rocket that makes space flight. (showing ways drawing rocket, children draw)

Educator: and now we will have a little rest.

Physical education-game "Spacesuit astronaut»


- Astronauts need a special space suit - a spacesuit... It protects the human body and allows breathing. We are also now in outer space and we're wearing spacesuits.

On my head astronauts helmet(head tilts and turns).

The jumpsuit should be comfortable and not restrict movement. (turns and tilts of the body).

Hands are protected by gloves (rotation of the hands, clenching and unclenching of the hands).

Boots astronaut on a very dense sole (walking in place, jumping).

On the back, behind the shoulders, a knapsack with important devices and air cylinders (raising and lowering the shoulders, inhale-exhale)

Children continue paint.

Educator: Guys, what a fine fellow you are, what beautiful rockets you have! And it's time for us to return from space to earth! Take your seats in the rocket! (children sit down and go back to kindergarten to the music.)

Thank you for the attention!

Related publications:

Summary of the final lesson in the senior group "Flight into space" Purpose: to identify the grammatical abilities of children. Integration of educational areas: Cognition (formation holistic picture peace, expansion.

Software content: Exercise in drawing with your fingers. Develop spatial perception, creative imagination, observation.

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Abstract of the GCD of the KVN preparatory group "Flight into space" Abstract of the GCD of the preparatory group of KVN "Flight into space" Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the world around them: about space, solar planets.

Abstract of the GCD for familiarization with the outside world "Flight into space" Synopsis of direct educational activities with a presentation in the preparatory group "Flight into space". Prepared by: educator.

Abstract of GCD PA "Artistic Aesthetic Development" Drawing in non-traditional technique. Theme "Space travel" Group: senior Technique: imprint with toothpaste, painting with gouache Purpose: to complete a drawing depicting a space landscape Objectives: educational. Expand children's knowledge of space; to acquaint with an unconventional type of visual activity imprinting with toothpaste and drawing with gouache. - developing. Develop fine motor skills of hands, creative imagination, imagination, artistic skills and abilities, artistic taste. - educational. To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards the planet Earth and space as a whole Material and equipment: equipment: interactive whiteboard, presentation "Space flight", rocket mock-up material: tinted sheet of A4 paper, toothpaste of different colors, containers for mixing, gouache, waste material for prints, a brush, a sippy cup, napkins for each child. Preliminary work: examining illustrations, photographs in books about space. GCD course Educator. Guys, today I invite you to go on a journey! But not in the simple, but in the cosmic! What do you think, what can we use to ascend into space? Estimated answers of children: on a spaceship, on a rocket Educator. Fine! We have a rocket, but now we need to get dressed. What do astronauts wear? Estimated responses of children. Educator. That's right, you need to put on a spacesuit. He will protect us, and also give us air, because there is no air in space, and a person cannot live without it. I suggest you take a seat in the rocket (children sit down at the rocket model in front of the interactive board) Educator. We start counting Finger gymnastics 1,2,3,4,5 (Children take turns bending the fingers of one hand, starting with the little finger, helping with the index finger of the other hand). Let's fly in space (Children rotate with a brush, which is clenched into a fist). 1 - comet. 2 - planet. 3 - lunar rover. 4 - starship. 5 - earth (Children take turns unbending their fingers, starting with the thumb). Goodbye friends! (Children wave their hands as if saying goodbye). The same with the other hand. Educator. (the presentation "Space flight" is included) Guys, look through our window, what a space landscape we have in front of us! What do we see? Estimated answers of children: Sun, planets, distant stars Educator. That's right, this is the solar system. In its center is the star Sun, and planets revolve around it. And who knows what planets are in the solar system? Estimated responses of children. The teacher summarizes the children's answers. Educator. Do you like this fantastic world that is not like ours? How would you describe it? What words would you choose to tell your parents and friends about him? Estimated children's answers: beautiful, unreal Educator. Guys, you see how difficult it is to find the right words, but we can draw everything we see and convey through the drawing all the beauty of outer space, but first we must conduct space training. Motor activity Educator. I suggest you go into outer space and fly around the ship. But, attention, there is cosmic weightlessness, there is no attraction, there is no air. In order not to lose anyone, we will move along the chain, holding hands. In no case do not let go of your hands, do not leave each other in danger. (Children follow the teacher with a chain out of the "spaceship" and perform various movements) Visual activity Educator. Well done, guys, we haven't lost anyone in outer space! I suggest you take your places in the drawing compartment, there are not ordinary paints prepared for you, but space paints from a tube. We will mix toothpaste and gouache and make stamps. Our space is extraordinary and our drawings will be extraordinary too! The teacher explains the step-by-step progress of the work. Educator. There is a tinted sheet in front of you, which is outer space, there are baths with toothpaste next to it, boldly add gouache to the paste with a brush, mix, lower the stamps into the composition and apply tightly to the paper, you can not tint all the paste, make prints with it alone, so how she is also colorful. To make the composition harmonious, make prints with stamps of different sizes, so we will depict distant and near planets. Now we start working with a brush and gouache. To complete the composition, we complement the drawing with comets, stars known to you by space bodies, you can dream up and depict a spaceship of aliens or ours with you. And now the space landscape is ready. Educator. Please get to work. Then the children draw on their own, if necessary, the teacher advises the children or uses a show. Educator. Look what unusual, fantastic work you have done, as if you had really been in space, and now take your places in the transport compartment, we are returning to Earth. And while the ship is flying, I will read you Oksana Akhmetova's poem "Space" It's so great in space! It's so cool in space! Stars and planets, In black weightlessness Slowly sail! It's so cool in space! It's so cool in space! Sharp rockets, At great speed, Rush here and there! So wonderful in space! So magical in space! In real space, I visited once! In real space! In the one that saw through, In the one that saw through the paper telescope! Educator. So we have landed, and now let's arrange an exhibition of our paintings and delight everyone with bright, unusual, space landscapes.

Software content:


1. To develop design skills, the ability to model on a plane according to the scheme;

2. Continue to teach to draw a person, transferring the characteristic details of the costume in the drawing;

3. Exercise in combining different techniques: traditional - drawing with a brush and non-traditional - printing with a stamp;

4. Continue to learn to represent objects by representation, to create a composition on a wide paper space.


1. To form in children a positive attitude towards visual activity, interest in obtaining a result;

2. Develop a cognitive interest in space.


1. To develop fine motor skills, and the accuracy of hand movements under the control of vision;

2. Develop children's imagination.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations on the theme of "space", photographs of heroes - astronauts.

Reading fiction "To kids about the stars and planets."

Plot - role-playing game"Cosmonauts".

Explanation of unfamiliar words ("weightlessness", "spacesuit").

Methodical techniques:

Search questions, creating a game situation, using fiction, drawing in the air, individual assistance.

Materials and equipment:

Rocket diagrams, sets of planar geometric shapes according to the number of children, glue - pencil, tinted sheets of blue A4 paper, squirrel brushes No. 2, coasters for brushes, jars of water, erasers seals, plane stars, a drawing depicting an astronaut, a model of a rocket from volumetric geometric shapes, gouache (white, red, photographs of children, wet wipes.

Form of organization of the lesson:


Vocabulary work:

Space, astronaut, rocket, space suit, helmet, stars, weightlessness.

Course of the lesson:

Educator (B): Guys, look what I've built? What do you think it is?

Children (D): Rocket.

V: Right, do you want to go on a space trip?

D: Yes!

V: To do this, you will need to build each rocket, and you need to assemble it according to the scheme. Let's stretch our hands to get the job done.

Finger gymnastics "Lunokhod":

"Luno, luno, lunar rover, (clenching, unclenching fingers)

Let's fly (Fingers clenching, unclenching)

Ready, set, ignition, (Claps)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - take off "(For each count we show the number of fingers and then clap)

V: Sit down at the tables, and I will explain to you how to make a rocket. Each of you has a rocket diagram and geometric shapes on the table, from which you need to assemble it. Review the diagram and fold the rocket on the edge of the sheet, then glue each piece of the rocket. You can get to work.

Rome - remind when gluing: use a cloth.

To Andrey - to remind him how to use a glue stick.

Nikita - to remind where to stick the rocket.

(When almost all the children cope with the task, the soundtrack of calm space music turns on)

V: What wonderful music, it is calm, slow, and one wants to fly over the Earth, in space. In space, weightlessness and all movements are smooth and slow. Let's imagine that we are in outer space.

Physical culture minute "Cosmos":

“It's so great in space! (Right arm to the side, lower, then left arm to the side, lower)

Stars and planets

In black weightlessness (Hands above the head, tilts to the right to the left)

Sailing slowly!

It's so cool in space! (Hands on the belt, spinning on tiptoes around us)

Sharp rockets

At high speed (Hands on the belt, rotation of the body)

They rush here and there!

So wonderful in space!

So magical in space!

In real space!

Visit once! "

(The board is draped with blue material, during the physical minute lay out the stars and planets)

V: We return to our cosmodromes. We made the rockets, and where are the astronauts.

On a spaceship they fly in the dark.

Let's, guys, draw an astronaut next to each rocket. And in order to draw an astronaut correctly, let's look at it. The astronauts are dressed in spacesuits. These are special suits that protect astronauts from cold and overload. How do we start drawing an astronaut?

D: From the head.

V: What is the astronaut wearing on the head?

D: Helmet.

V: What shape is it?

D: Round.

V: Let's draw a circle in the air.

Children draw a circle in the air.

D: The torso.

V: What shape is it?

D: Oval.

Children draw an oval in the air.

The teacher explains to the children how to draw the arms and legs of the astronaut.

Clarifies what paint the astronaut should be painted with. (White)

V: We will draw the stars by printing with an eraser, red paint. (Star eraser)

(During the execution of work, quiet calm music sounds)

Independent activities of children:

Individual assistance to children during work (differentiated approach)

Andrey should be reminded of the method of drawing with a brush.

Rome - to remind about the drawing sequence.

Nikita - to remind the "print" method with an eraser.

(When almost all the children cope with the task, the teacher suggests sticking photos of the children)

As the work progresses, we place the drawings on the board ("Space")

Analysis of works:

(Children stand in a semicircle near the board)

V: Guys, I'll give each of them an asterisk. You should present this star to the astronaut you like the most.

(Children take turns choosing jobs. Explain why and stick their star.)

V: Our space journey has come to an end, let's once again, like real astronauts, spend a few minutes in zero gravity and return to the kindergarten.

(Music sounds - children imitate weightlessness, "soar")

Zorina Tatiana Valentinovna

Cosmonautics Day and the anniversary of the first manned flight into outer space are an excellent reason to draw a bright and colorful thematic drawing with pencils or paints together with the guys. An alluring ink-blue distance, fiery comets, multi-colored planets and placers of shining stars ... All this can usually be depicted with a brush with watercolors. And then, decorate a school exhibition or a children's corner in the house with fantastic illustrations. For more information on how to draw a simple or complex drawing for Cosmonautics Day for children of grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, see our step-by-step master classes.

A simple pencil drawing for Cosmonautics Day in stages - a master class for the little ones

The first orbital flight of a spacecraft with a man (Yuri Gagarin) on board was completed half a century ago. Since then, a triumphant march of astronautics and aviation began, a series of successful launches of lunar rovers, satellites, rockets, stations and vehicles. Do not forget to tell the little ones about this, drawing a collectively simple pencil drawing for Cosmonautics Day in our master class.

Necessary materials for creating a children's pencil drawing for Cosmonautics Day

  • album sheet
  • soft pencil
  • eraser
  • colored pencils or markers

Step-by-step instructions for the smallest children on creating a drawing for Cosmonautics Day

Phased drawing "Cosmonaut" for children (grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) for the Day of Cosmonautics

Celebrating the Day of Cosmonautics, humanity not only rejoices at the acceleration of technical progress, but also honors the memory of all who worked and are still working on complex theory and "transcendental" practice. The step-by-step drawing "Cosmonaut" for Cosmonautics Day will help children of grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to understand more clearly what kind of heroes they are, conquering space.

Necessary materials for the step-by-step drawing "Cosmonaut" for children of grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  • sheet of white landscape paper
  • soft-tip pencil
  • leaf

Step-by-step instructions for creating a drawing "Cosmonaut" for children for the Day of Cosmonautics

Beautiful drawing for Cosmonautics Day with a brush and paints

Space has always attracted the attention of children. Its blue depth, thousands of bright lights, myriads of stars and dangerous comets with fiery tails seem to boys and girls something magical, fabulous, incredible. Taking this opportunity, teach schoolchildren to paint space with a brush with paints for the Day of Cosmonautics. Surely they will like such an occupation.

Necessary materials for a bright drawing for Cosmonautics Day with a brush and paints

  • half of whatman paper
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • thin and thick brushes
  • watercolor paints
  • a glass of water
  • Toothbrush
  • gouache white

Master class on creating a beautiful drawing with paints and a brush for Cosmonautics Day

The space theme is extremely entertaining for children. Since preschool age the guys are trying to draw bright rockets, comets, planets and so on with a pencil and paints. Sometimes they are happy with the result, but more often they are saddened by the failure. Don't stay out of the way. Teach children (grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) to draw a drawing for Cosmonautics Day in stages using our step-by-step instructions.

Theme: Cosmonautics Day

Class: 1 "E"

Type of: integrated lesson.

Item: env. world, mathematics, technology.

Lesson Objectives: create favorable conditions for familiarizing children with the holiday "Cosmonautics Day".

Lesson objectives:

Educational: to contribute to the generalization and systematization of knowledge about pilots - cosmonauts, to give an idea of ​​the exploration of outer space;
Developing: to promote the development of accuracy in the performance of the assignment, hard work, to promote the development oral speech, thinking and imagination, to promote the formation of the communicative and intellectual culture of first graders;
Educational: foster the ability to work in a team, healthy lifestyle skills, curiosity, diligence, attentive attitude to work, foster interest in the lessons of the world around, mathematics, technology, discipline and mutual respect, foster a sense of patriotism.

Methods: visual, verbal, illustrative, practical exercises: labor actions.
Principles: the principle of morality of teaching for a comprehensive solution of the problems of education, upbringing and development of students, the scientific nature of teaching, its connection with practice, systematicity and consistency in teaching, accessibility.

Equipment: presentation "Cosmonautics Day", globe, colored cardboard, glue, scissors.

During the classes:

1. Org moment.

The bell rang and fell silent

He gathered us all for a lesson.

Everyone at the desk stood up straight,

Smiled, caught up, sat quietly at their table

We start a conversation.

2. Communication of the topic and setting the goals of the lesson.

To find out the topic of our lesson, you need to solve the examples and arrange the answers in ascending order, i.e. from smallest to largest.

12+7 13-4 6+2 15+3 14+1 20-10


What word came out? (Space).

Well done! Guys, today we have an unusual day: we will go on a journey in a spaceship on a flight to the distant stars of knowledge. In our lesson, you and I will perform very interesting tasks in order to become even smarter. You will need all your skills, knowledge and skills that you will apply in our lesson. Our ship will take us to different planets of the training galaxy. The topic of our lesson is "Cosmonautics Day".

3. Introductory talk about space.
- What holiday does the country celebrate on April 12? (On April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day). This holiday is primarily for astronauts and those people who are involved in the development and creation of space rockets and vehicles.
- What do you know about space? (Answers of children)

Who are the astronaut pilots? (These are the people who fly into outer space on rockets).
4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Do you know who you were, the first astronaut? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin).

(View the presentation accompanied by the teacher's story).

Teacher's story about the history of conquestspace.

Earlier, a long time ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as an inverted bowl, which rests on three giant elephants, importantly standing on the shell of a huge turtle. This wonderful turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky with many sparkling stars. Several thousand years have passed since then. Many generations of kind and smart people have grown up on our Earth. They built ships and, having traveled around the world, learned that the Earth is a ball (showing a globe). And astronomers have proved that the Earth flies in space, revolving around the Sun, making one revolution around its axis per year.
Then people built airplanes and began to fly in the Earth's air envelope (atmosphere). But people did not stop there, they were attracted by space.

Why do you think people wanted to go to space? (People were interested to know what was on other planets, to explore space, etc.).
- That's right, guys. The man looked at the starry sky, and he wanted to know what kind of stars they were, why they were so bright. Scientists have come up with special instruments - telescopes and, observing the starry sky, they learned that besides the Earth there are other planets - some are smaller and others are larger.
- Guys, what planets do you know? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).

So how many planets are there in our galaxy "Solar System"? (9)

Well done boys. (Slide show featuring these planets).

Physical minute for the eyes "Cosmos".

5. Continuing work on the topic of the lesson.

Do you think an astronaut is a man's profession? (Answers of children are heard.) It turns out that women are also subject to space. The name of one woman astronaut is known all over the world. This is Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova (portrait). In space - weightlessness. This is an unfavorable phenomenon for the astronaut. Under the influence of weightlessness, a person begins to feel dizzy, he is rocked. Also in outer space there is a large temperature difference: sometimes high, sometimes low. Therefore, the astronaut must be a trained and healthy person.

6. Labor. Making a rocket.

Riddle: Not a feather, not a wing,

And faster than an eagle.

Will only release its tail-

Will be carried away to the stars.

And in order for you and me to be able to fly into space, we need to build a rocket.

8. Exhibition of works.

9. Consolidation of the studied material.

What did we talk about in today's lesson?

Who was the first astronaut?

Did women fly into space?

How many planets are there in our galaxy?

9. Lesson summary.

Our lesson has come to an end, but we will return to the topic of space more than once. Therefore, you need to remember about the history of space exploration.

And now everyone stood up, leveled off. The lesson is over! Getting ready for the next lesson.

Theme Flight into space

Target : space transport image - rockets


  • teach to portray different types of space rockets or vehicles
  • to consolidate the ability to highlight the main elements of the picture with color, size, location on a sheet of paper;
  • to learn to select the color scheme of the picture (cold, warm, contrasting), to make the desired colors and shades on the palette.


  • develop the ability to create a plot, implement an idea in a drawing;
  • develop emotional responsiveness;
  • develop the speech of children through the enrichment and activation of the vocabulary


  • contribute to the education of personal qualities of students
  • foster interest in the world and observation, the ability to appreciate beauty.

Equipment for the lesson: computer, speakers, CD with presentation, musical composition, handouts in the form of individual cards (according to the number of students in the class).

  1. Organizing time

Check it out my friend
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Everything is in place
Everything is all right:
Landscape sheet, pencil and eraser.

2.Knowledge update

Guys, what time of year is it? Name the fall months.

Do you know the signs of autumn? This is what we will check.

The game "It happens - it does not happen (it happens in spring - we clap our hands, no - we sit quietly

The sun starts to warm (Cotton)

• The sun is low above the ground and does not heat very well.

• Green grass appears. (Cotton)

 Snowdrops are blooming. (Cotton)

Leaves are falling from trees.

• Birds begin to build nests. (Cotton)

• The days are getting longer, the night is getting brighter and the stars are visible in the sky. (Cotton)

Let's review what signs of spring are listed in the game.

Today we are starting to study new material. And you will name the topic of our lesson by listening to a piece of music.

(space music)

Tell me, what associations did this music evoke in you?

Like you, this music reminded me of outer space, of flights into distant space.

- Who guessed what we will talk about today in the lesson?

Try to formulate the topic of our lesson
- Now read the topic of the lesson on the board "space flight" Slide 1

What educational tasks will we set for ourselves?
- Well done, guys, you have coped with this task.

3. Learning new material

Today, as a class, we are going on a space journey. Get ready, we're starting! 3, 2, 1

Have you guys ever seen the night sky while going outside on a warm summer or frosty winter day? (Yes).

What does the sky look like at this time? (it is dark and there are bright and not very bright stars on it).

The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted people's attention for a long time. But it became closer and clearer only after a man's flight into outer space.

Man has always dreamed of flying into space. And what attracted him to these unexplored distances? What's so special about it? (all children's answers are heard).

Guys, what a holiday associated with space is approaching us now

How many knows why this great day is celebrated in our country and all over the world? (because on this day the first manned flight into space was carried out).

In what year or how many years ago did this happen? (this happened in 1961, i.e. 55 years ago). Right!

And in the same year Boris Bobylev wrote a wonderful poem about this heroic deed, listen:

Hold your breath planet

Look around the space of star charts

Listen, as in the glow of dawn,

The command will sound: "The key to start!"

They will write it down in the calendar for centuries

As the beginning of the ascent to the goal,

About which only dreamed of old.

On this day it happened

A storm burst into consciousness,

Amazed and stunned:

A very unprecedented thing has come true!

Guys, what was the name of the person who made this flight? (Yu.A. Gagarin). Slide 2

The flight was performed on the Vostok ship and lasted 108 minutes.

After this flight, Yuri Gagarin received the Gold Star "Hero of the Soviet Union". Slide 3

And on this occasion B. Bobylev wrote:

This guy, this Russian guy.

Smiled as soon as he knew how

And people learned that Gagarin,

He accomplished a feat, sang songs.

An article was written about this feat in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Slide 4

Guys, why do you think the act of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin can be called heroic? (the opinions of the children, because it was dangerous, because no one knew what awaited him.

Yes, indeed, it was dangerous, but he saw something that no one had seen before.

Later he will write such lines - an appeal.

Having flown around the Earth on a ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it. Slide 5

Now the day is April 12 is the Day of Cosmonautics. And all Russians remember and honor those who carried out a manned flight from planet Earth into space. These are our scientists - constructors Slide 6

Conclusion: when was the first space flight made? Who made the first space flight? What was the name of the ship? How long did the flight take?

After the flight into space, Yu.A. Gagarin, other cosmonauts also visited space

Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna. The first woman who June 16 - 19 1963 on the "Vostok - 6" spacecraft ascended into space. Flight duration - 70 hours Slide 7

Alexey Leonov - the first person to come outinto open space.In a special spacesuit, 12 minutes. It was March 18 1965 year on the ship "Voskhod - 2". Slide 8

S.V. Savitskaya - cosmonaut - researcher. On the Soyuz T ship in August 1982 made a space flight. And during his second flight on July 25 1984 year made a spacewalk from the Salyut 7 orbital station. Now S.V. Savitskaya is a State Duma deputy. Slide 9

Conclusion: What kind of cosmonauts did we talk about?

Perhaps in the future, people will be able to live in space. They will become inhabitants of huge space stations. They will visit other planets, find other intelligent beings ... and their the dream of flying to other worlds will come true Slide 10

Fizminutka "In space with a GOGUSHA"

4. Preparation for work

Today we will try to bring this moment closer, you will become designers and try to come up with and depict a rocket of the future, on which you can fly into space.

Let's remember the stages of work

We mark the sheet

What geometric shapes will you use when depicting a rocket (list)

We outline the drawing with a simple pencil

Coloring the drawing

We post the work at the exhibition

5. Exercises for the eyes (musical)

6 Independent work (listening to music and drawing)

7. Reflection

What holiday is coming? - What astronauts did you find out about?

Did you enjoy the lesson? What did you like? What was difficult?

8. Assessment (who finished the work gets an assessment). Exhibition of works

9 Homework (finish work, for those who did not have time)

Thank you for the lesson

The world around for preschoolers is a means of knowledge and a source of artistic images, which they are happy to embody on paper in the process of drawing. In the senior and preparatory groups, kindergarten students get acquainted with the unknown world of the Universe. It attracts children's attention, makes you think and fantasize. As a result, the guys create wonderful compositions on the theme of "Space".

Features of drawing on this topic in older preschool age

To understand the vast, unexplored world of space, you need to use your imagination as much as possible. Preschoolers can easily cope with this task - they can imagine themselves on board a spaceship flying past unknown planets, or rescuing an alien from a black hole.

Space is one of the themes that very well develops children's imagination. The emphasis in such drawings is placed on three main areas. First of all, this is the creation of a space landscape with many stars, beautiful planets that are not similar to each other, comets, asteroids, etc. Earth).

Another direction of drawings on this topic is the image of equipment intended for space exploration: rockets, satellites, spaceships. Older preschoolers create highly realistic images with attention to detail. Along with such devices, the guys are very fond of drawing vehicles for fictional aliens, the so-called flying saucers.

And one more part of the work on creating space compositions is the image of astronauts in their professional outfit and fantastic anthropomorphic creatures - aliens. The latter can look completely different in a child's performance, be cute or deliberately ugly, have their own character - kind or aggressive.

The teacher in the lesson in drawing space does not give older preschoolers ready-made templates. So, to create a space landscape, children will only need to have a poster with the image of the solar system in front of their eyes in order to have an idea of ​​how different planets look.

Preschooler poster

Drawing a rocket is usually not difficult for children - the teacher only clarifies its constituent elements with the children. In addition, drawing is usually preceded by an application on this topic.

As for creating the image of an astronaut, the image of a person is always a difficult task. However, in this case, the work is simplified by the presence of a volumetric spacesuit, therefore, a detailed transfer of facial features or proportions of body parts will no longer be so relevant.

Drawing aliens is an extremely creative process, when children independently search for ways to create a fantastic image. However, the educator can provide preschoolers with a picture of different types of these creatures (for example, based on a cartoon).

Preschooler poster

In the senior and preparatory group, the final part of the lesson is important - the analysis of finished works. For example, if the guys drew an alien, then the teacher organizes a discussion about the expressiveness of the created images. Children tell what colors they used in their work, what they did best to portray. In addition, each child can come up with a name for his alien and tell about his character, as well as about the planet from which he flew.

Most relevant materials and basis for work

Drawing on a space theme involves the use of a certain basis. If it is a drawing with paints, then the sheet of paper, as a rule, is tinted in a dark color - black, brown, dark blue, dark purple. Although some of the drawings look great on a blue base. A gradient background with beautiful color transitions also looks impressive.

The basis for drawing a space landscape

The shape of the base can be not only standard (A4 format). An interesting solution is to offer the children large circles of gray paper (Moon), on which they will depict the lunar landscape or the fictional inhabitants of this space object.

The basis of the picture is a circle that fits in A4 format

As for paint, gouache in this case will be preferable to watercolor, as it allows you to create bright and rich images.

Space compositions are also created by older preschoolers with crayons or wax crayons. At the same time, the background is painted over in the process of work, and, unlike a drawing with paints, it is not too dark.

The combination of materials always looks unusual. For example, in a watercolor drawing, the outline of a white rocket is drawn with a bright felt-tip pen.

By using a felt-tip pen, the watercolor image becomes brighter and more contrasting

Since non-traditional techniques are often used when drawing on the theme of "Space", the teacher provides the children with the appropriate accessories - foam sponges, toothbrushes, cotton swabs, toothpicks for scratching the pattern, glue. Even unexpected materials such as soap bubbles or shaving foam can be used.

At a visual lesson on this topic, children can also be offered stencils depicting, for example, a comet, an alien, a spaceship. At the same time, you can tint the base with beautiful color transitions, and make the images of stencil objects monotonous and contrasting.

Drawing materials

Image techniques and techniques used in drawing on a space theme

Creating compositions on a space theme, older preschoolers practice all the previously mastered drawing techniques with paints and pencils. The technique of working with a brush (tip and whole bristle) is being improved. Children regulate the force of pressure on the pencil, practice painting the silhouette with rhythmic unidirectional movements. The teacher monitors whether the pupils are holding the instrument correctly, makes comments as needed (this is true even in the preparatory group).

In the senior, and even more so in the preparatory group, the guys are already good at mixing paints, achieving interesting shades. This skill will be useful to them when drawing space landscapes.

Such an unusual and mysterious theme as "Space" opens up a lot of space for the disclosure of the creative imagination of preschoolers. In this regard, unconventional image techniques provide great opportunities. So, for example, the endless expanses of space, depicted in watercolor, can be effectively supplemented by spraying with a toothbrush - in this way we will depict numerous distant stars, small asteroids and cosmic dust.

Drawing using an unconventional spray technique

To create an image of the mysterious Universe, the scratching technique is ideal - scratching out silhouettes against a dark background. Previously, the base is painted over with multi-colored wax crayons and covered with a thick layer of black gouache (preschoolers may well do this on their own on the eve of class.

Scratchboard technique

The most interesting thing is the process of scratching the picture itself. As a result of such work, an original image is obtained.

Scratchboard drawing

Whimsical alien imagery is well done with blob painting - blowing paint through a cocktail tube and then adding details.


Ordinary PVA glue in a bottle with a narrow neck will help to draw a lunar landscape with characteristic craters. Embossed circles are depicted on the surface of the moon, which, after drying, are covered with gray paint.

Drawing with PVA glue

An interesting relief image is also obtained using common salt. The silhouette of a space object is first indicated with glue, and then sprinkled with coarse salt. When the image dries up, it will be covered with paint.

Painting with salt and then painting over

Consider such an unusual technique as painting with shaving foam. The foam mixes with the paint for a beautiful marbled effect. In this way, you can depict our home planet Earth.

Shaving foam drawing

In kindergarten, drawing with wax crayons is also often practiced, followed by coating a sheet of paper with watercolors or gouache. In this case, the property of wax crayons is used to repel water. First, preschoolers draw space objects, rockets, astronauts, etc., and then cover the entire sheet with black paint using a brush. The paint rolls off the waxed areas. The result is a nice contrasting image.

Drawing with watercolors and wax crayons

Additional types of visual activities that can be involved in the creation of works, the implementation of an individual approach in the classroom

When drawing on a creative theme such as Space, of course, preschoolers should be encouraged to use complementary activities. Thus, you can implement an individual approach to the lesson. For example, a vivid picture depicting a distant alien planet with its bizarre inhabitants will be adorned with an appliqué in the form of paper silhouettes of outlandish trees.

Drawing with applique elements

The composition will be made more original and plasticine details.

Combination of drawing and plasticineography

Variants of compositions for drawing on the theme "Space" in the senior and preparatory groups

It is most logical to hold a drawing lesson on a space theme with senior preschoolers in early April - on the eve of the celebration of Cosmonautics Day. Before such a productive activity, it is advisable to conduct a lesson on the knowledge of the surrounding world on the topic "Space", so that later the children will reflect their knowledge and impressions in the drawing.

As specific topics for visual activity, the following can be proposed:

  • "Space Landscape". Here the main attention is paid to outer space itself, comets, meteorites, cosmic dust, etc. flying in it.)
  • "Planets of the Solar System". The guys depict the Sun and the planets revolving around it in detail, reflecting the characteristic external features of certain space objects (red Mars, Saturn's rings, green-blue Earth, orange Venus, very small Mercury, huge Jupiter, etc.).
  • "Flight to the Moon" (as an option - "Flight to Mars"). Preschoolers depict the lunar surface, a spaceship on it. You can also include the image of an astronaut in the composition. Another option - the moon is depicted from afar, and the spaceship flies up to it.
  • "Astronauts in Space". Children draw astronauts in a spacesuit hovering in zero gravity in open space.
  • "Aliens in Space" (as an option - "The Martians"). This is a fantasy work in which preschoolers create a fictional image of an alien, endowing him with the most inconceivable external features.
  • "Rocket in Space", "Flying Satellite". Here the emphasis is on a detailed image of technical objects created by man for space exploration.

Drawing on a space theme, if desired, can be organized as a collective work. To do this, you can take a theme such as "Solar System" - each child in a subgroup depicts a certain planet.

Organization of a motivating beginning of direct educational activity: a surprise moment, an informative conversation, reading a fairy tale, poem, viewing illustrations, etc.

The lesson in drawing space should take place in a creative atmosphere so that preschoolers get in touch with the mysterious and magical world of the endless Universe. First of all, thoughtful play motivation will help to do this.

For example, the teacher informs the children that she received a message from space, in which someone asks for help. It turns out that this is Dunno, who flew to the moon and cannot return back. He is scared alone in an unfamiliar place. Dunno must definitely help - send a rescue squad of cosmonauts to the moon. But you can only fly there on a rocket or spaceship that you need to draw.

Astronauts can also send a letter to preschoolers. It also comes with a package with a gift - a helmet. The astronauts, knowing that the guys are good at drawing, ask them to send them pictures depicting the space landscape.

Motivation using a toy character is interesting. An alien from outer space comes to visit the children. He says he liked the big and beautiful planet Earth. Many people live on it, but he is sad and lonely, because he lives all alone on his planet. The alien asks the guys to please him - to draw friends.

A soft toy that can be used in class

In order for children to become imbued with the space theme, the educator can offer them to turn into astronauts. To do this, preschoolers put on pre-prepared paper helmets and imagine a flight to the appropriate music. The guys open their eyes and see a poster depicting the solar system.

Photo from an open class in kindergarten

Drawing on the theme of space can be started with a fairy tale. A wonderful contemporary work is the tale of Iris Revue "About a resourceful girl and a generous Sun". It says that once upon a time, a very long time ago, our planet was illuminated only during the day, when the sun's rays illuminated all living things. But at night it was so dark and scary that it was impossible to describe. And then one little girl turned to the Sun with a request that someone should shine at night, because she is very afraid of the dark. The sun thought about it and decided to perform a miracle - its rays gave light to the moon, so that it, in turn, would send it to Earth. In addition, the stars volunteered to help the Moon. The nights weren't so dark now, and the little girl was no longer afraid to sleep.

After reading this beautiful fairy tale, pupils of the senior or preparatory group can be offered to draw a space landscape where the bright moon and stars will illuminate the globe in the darkness of the universe.

You can also recommend "The Tale of a Lonely Star". Her main character is a small star (although in fact she was larger than our Sun). She was very lonely, because other stars are far away, and the planets were not interested in her life. They only argued with each other about which trajectory is more correct. And then one night a comet flew past the star. The heroine has never seen them before. They got into conversation. The comet said that she is a celestial traveler - she flies wherever she wants. It is made of ice, but there are other comets made of rocks and metals. The asterisk asked the comet not to fly away yet, but to stay with her and talk about the wonders that she had seen in the Universe. The comet agreed, began to revolve around the star along with the planets and told amazing stories every day. From her stories, the asterisk learned that there are so many varieties of stars: young and old, hot and almost cold, small and gigantic. And the most interesting thing is that many of the stars that are visible in the sky actually went out a long time ago, and the light from them is still coming and will go on for a long time. The star admitted to the comet that her innermost desire is to talk to other stars. And a new friend told her that the stars communicate with each other with their twinkling (they flash brighter, then almost go out) - this is their language.

Soon the comet flew away. And the star kept peering into the sky, wanting to unravel the mysterious language. And suddenly one night, when she was admiring a bright red star, it began to blink - three short flashes, then one bright. Then another star did the same. And then the little star realized that it was a greeting, and just blinked at the distant stars. Now all that was left was to wait for an answer, even if it would come in a thousand years.

A picture that can illustrate a fairy tale

The plot of this wonderful tale will be a good motivation for drawing space objects - stars, planets and comets.

The teacher can also tell the pupils in the first person such a fairy tale:

“Once I was at a starry space ball. In the center, on a high throne, sat the queen of the ball, the Pole Star, motionless. She wore a gorgeous blue dress and a crown adorned her head. Multicolored stars circled around the waltz, constellations danced in different masks. The crystal ringing of the bells announced the arrival at the ball of Madame Comet. Her tail shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, her outfit was irresistible. The comet is called the cosmic messenger. Fast, wherever she is !? Looks into the most distant corners of the universe. He is the first to know about the birth of new stars and planets. And now she talked about where meteorites and meteor showers will soon fall. She also conveyed a declaration of love from sailors, pilots and astronauts from planet Earth to Polar Star. They love her very much because she always points in the right direction. "

The following tale is interesting, in which the planets of the solar system are endowed with anthropomorphic features.

“There is a friendly family living in the Universe - the Solar System. Mom is called the Sun, and her children are called planets. Like chickens around a hen, planets revolve around the Sun, and it loves and warms everyone. The fastest son is called Mercury, the most beautiful daughter is Venus, and the kindest is Earth. The most pugnacious son is named Mars. The largest and thickest name is Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are distinguished by their strength and calm character. Saturn is considered a merry fellow, and only little Pluto is always whiny and gloomy. The planets have friends - satellites. For example, Earth's girlfriend is called the Moon. They are never parted, so the Moon revolves in a yellow sarafan around the Earth, looks into her eyes. You can't go into space without friendship! "


A poster with which to illustrate a fairy tale

After reading this unusual short fairy tale, you can invite the children to depict the planets in an unexpected perspective - with a human face, while trying to give each of them its own character.

There are also many interesting poems on the space theme, according to the plot of which you can also build a drawing lesson. Here are some examples.

"It's so great in space!" O. Akhmetova

It's so cool in space!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Sailing slowly!
It's so cool in space!
Sharp rockets
At great speed
They rush here and there!
So wonderful in space!
So magical in space!
In real space
Visited once!
In real space!
In the one that saw through
In the one that saw through
Paper telescope!

"Ten Sleepwalkers" (song-game, lyrics by A.A. Usachev)

Ten sleepwalkers lived on the moon.
Ten sleepwalkers tossed and turned in their sleep.
And suddenly one lunatic fell from the moon in a dream
And NINE sleepwalkers remained on the moon.
Nine sleepwalkers lived on the moon.
Nine sleepwalkers tossed and turned in their sleep.
And suddenly one lunatic fell from the moon in a dream.
And EIGHT sleepwalkers remained on the moon.
Eight sleepwalkers lived on the moon.
Eight lunatics tossed and turned in their sleep ...

Count sleepwalkers until:

And suddenly one lunatic fell from the moon in a dream!
And there are no more sleepwalkers on the moon!

And if you don't want to sleep
Start counting again!

N. Tsvetkova

The blue sky opened up
Yellow-orange eye
The sun is a daylight
Looks at us affectionately.
The planet is spinning smoothly
In the flickering flicker of lights.
There is a comet in space
Followed by her.
Mercury is torn from orbit,
He wants to hug Venus.
By these magnetic storms
May Mercury raise.
Distant stars are blinking
Signaling something to the Earth.
Black holes are gaping
An eternal mystery in the darkness.
Brothers in mind. Where are you?
Where are you waiting for us?
Maybe in the constellation Virgo,
Maybe in the constellation Pegasus?

V. Tatarinov "Cosmonaut".

I will build a rocket, I will go on a long journey,

I will choose the most radiant star.

And on the way, of course, I'll remember sweet home

And five-pointed stars over the Kremlin.

Where the planets revolve, my ship will pass.

There the sunny people will make friends with me.

And the local boys will meet me

I will sing to them a song about the native land.

Physical exercises and dynamic pauses on this topic will help children to become even more interested in the topic of space:

Physical education "Cosmonaut"

Physical education "Cosmonaut costume"

Physical education "Let's go to the cosmodrome"

Finger gymnastics "Cosmos"

  • You and I flew into space
  • The aliens were met
  • And exercise for fingers
  • They did it together with them.
  • We met first,
  • One, two, three, four, five,
  • Made friends, hugged,
  • And then we went to watch
  • Into the telescope to the star path!

Outdoor game "Cosmonauts":

  • Children, holding hands, walk in a circle:
    Fast rockets await us
    For walking the planets
    Whichever we want -
    We'll fly to this one!
    But there is one secret in the game:
    There is no place for latecomers!

Children scatter and try to take their places (in the hoops). Only two astronauts can board one rocket.

Lesson notes

Name of the author Abstract title
Smirnova A.V. "Space landscape"
(senior group)
Educational tasks: teach to depict the solar system, to get different shades of colors by mixing.
Developmental tasks: develop compositional skills, color perception.
Educational tasks: to foster interest in the world of space.
Integration of educational areas: "Artistic Creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demo material: illustrations of space, solar system.
Handout: A4 sheets of paper, watercolors, oil pastels, brushes, sippy cups, napkins
Course of the lesson:
The teacher reminds the preschoolers that during the walk they looked at the sky, and asks to describe it. It turns out that the sky is different: on a sunny day - bright blue, on a cloudy day - gray, at sunset - orange. At night, the sky looks black, thousands of stars light up against its background. In addition to our planet, there are a huge number of other planets, stars, dust, gases, asteroids in space.
Children are invited to make a fascinating journey through the Universe, imagine that they have risen so high that the Earth looks like a small blue ball. The sky has turned into outer space filled with various objects. The guys will learn that our galaxy is called the Milky Way, and the solar system consists of eight planets.
Reading of V. Shipunova's poem "On a distant planet ...":
  • On a distant, amazing planet
    (We can't reach it in ten years)
    The sun shines like an emerald
    And the orange bear lives.
    On the silk lilac grass
    A pink deer wanders calmly -
    Pearl horns on the head -
    A shadow tramples with a silver hoof.

Conversation on the topic: what else can be on a distant amazing planet.
A musical warm-up "10 sleepwalkers" is held (with words by A. Usachev).
A poster depicting the solar system is presented to the children. The teacher briefly denotes the external distinguishing features of the planets. For example, Mercury has many craters, and Venus and Earth are called "sisters" for their equal size. Mars appears red from space, Earth appears blue, and Uranus appears green. Saturn is surrounded by rings of stone and ice.
Preschoolers are encouraged to sketch their journey using watercolors and oil pastels crayons. Space objects are drawn with crayons, and the air space is painted over with watercolors.
Independent activities of children. Exhibition of works.

Alyaeva O.A. "We are flying into space"
(senior group)

Riddle about Dunno:

  • In a hat with a round brim
    And in knee-length panties
    Busy with different things
    Only to learn it is lazy.
    Who is he, quickly guess
    What's his name? (Dunno)

Dunno sends a message from space, in which he asks for help - he
Flew to the moon and cannot return. The guys must turn into astronauts in order to fly into space and help the character. But for this they
need a rocket to draw.
The scheme of the solar system is considered.
Children are offered the didactic game "Dispatch the Martian": you need to name which geometric shapes are used to make up the portraits of aliens, and count them.
The teacher informs the children that they will draw a rocket and space objects using the scratching technique. Preschoolers look at three patterns of work in this technique.
A physical training session is held - to slow music, the guys imitate the movements of astronauts in zero gravity.
Independent productive activity. Analysis of works.

Garifullina V.V. "Aliens from Space"
(preparatory group)

The teacher invites preschoolers to go on a virtual space journey - to imagine themselves on board a spaceship. Conversation about the planets of the solar system.
The teacher asks the children to fantasize about how aliens might look like, whether they will be like us. Children suggest that aliens can be huge, green, have a third eye, etc.

The toy alien Chucha appears. He flew from a distant planet, but he lives there all alone. Chucha asks the guys to draw his friends - different aliens - and come up with names for them (motivation).
Finger gymnastics is carried out:

  • We met first,
    You and I flew into space
    One, two, three, four, five,
    The aliens were met
    Made friends, hugged,
    And exercise for fingers
    Six seven eight nine ten.
    They did it together with them.
    And then we went to watch
    Into the telescope to the star path!

Independent activity of preschoolers. Analysis of works. Children talk about their alien and the planet from which he flew, they call his name.
The guys give the drawings to Chuche and invite him to fly to them again.

Deeva T.
(preparatory group)

The lesson begins with riddles about a rocket and an astronaut:

    Wonder bird - scarlet tail
    Flew into a flock of stars.
    Our people built this
    Interplanetary ...
    He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
    He does not fly a plane
    And a huge rocket
    Name who it is.

An outdoor game "Cosmonauts" is held.
A short talk about Cosmonautics Day. Reading a poem by V. Stepanov: “Yu. Gagarin ":

  • In a space rocket
    Called "East"
    He is the first on the planet
    I was able to rise to the stars.
    Sings songs about it
    Spring drops:
    Will be together forever
    Gagarin and April.

Discussion of the cosmonaut's profession, the qualities necessary for it. The teacher talks about the tests that astronauts undergo on Earth. Preschoolers imagine that they flew into space, look at illustrations on a space theme.
Physical education is carried out:

  • One, two - there is a rocket,
    (children check their posture)
    Three, four - the plane.
    (hands to the side)
    One, two - clap your hands,
    (claps over head)
    And then on each account.
    (four claps in front of you)
    One two three four
    (hands up, reach out)
    Arms higher, shoulders wider
    (arms to the sides, forearms up)
    One two three four
    And on the spot they were like.
    (walking in place)
    And now we are with you, children,
    We fly away on a rocket.
    (hands up, palms together - "rocket dome")
    They rose on their toes,
    (stand on tiptoes)
    Fast, fast, hands down
    (right hand down, left hand down)
    One two three four -
    Here is a rocket flying up!
    (pull your head up, shoulders down)
    The sun shines in the clear sky
    The astronaut is flying in a rocket.
    (stretching - arms up)
    And at the bottom of the forest, fields-
    The earth is spreading out.
    (low bend forward, arms spread apart)

Preschoolers are invited to draw a rocket using a stencil, drawing the windows with their fingers. The planets will be depicted with caps from
bottles (printing). White and yellow stars are drawn with cotton buds.
Productive activity of children. While the drawings are drying, the guys spread a rocket made of counting sticks on the carpet.
Reading of the poem "Cosmonaut" by G. Lagzdyn:

  • I should, I really need
    To become a brave astronaut.
    I should, I really need
    Fly to the two Bears,
    To stay with the Bears,
    Treat them with a gingerbread.
    It's such a nature there:
    No flowers, no bees, no honey
    And then wave in a rocket
    To the northernmost planet ...

Compositions of senior preschoolers with comments on the performance of the work

"Space landscape, planets of the solar system"

Pupils of the senior and preparatory groups create wonderful pictures of space. Drawings on a dark background are always spectacular: planets and stars appear brighter and more contrasting. In this regard, we note the works "Unknown Planet", "Mysterious Saturn", "Saturn", "In the vastness of the Universe".

The compositions are original, in which non-traditional methods of drawing are involved. This is the work "Unknown Space", made in the scratchboard technique, the drawing "Our Neighbors in Space", where Mars and the green fragments of the Earth are depicted using salt. And the composition "Silence and Calm in Space" is a whole combination of non-standard techniques - spraying, painting with soap bubbles and a sponge. The spray is also used in the work "Comet".

Preschoolers love to depict the structure of the solar system. This is a collective work "Our Solar System", where each child in a subgroup drew a certain planet. An interesting interpretation of this theme in the fantasy drawing "Solar System", where the child depicted the Sun smaller than Saturn, and painted most of the planets in a mysterious purple color.

Photo gallery: works of preschoolers

Drawing in gouache Drawing in gouache using salt Drawing in watercolors and pencils (collective work) Drawing in gouache using the spray technique Drawing with wax crayons Drawing in gouache drawing in scratchboard technique Drawing in watercolors Drawing in gouache Drawing in gouache Drawing with watercolors and felt-tip pens Drawing in non-traditional technique: spraying, painting with a sponge and soap bubbles

"Rockets and Spaceships"

Older preschoolers depict rockets and other types of space technology very realistically. These are striking works "Space flight", "Rocket", made in gouache. A neat drawing on a beautiful blue background - "The rocket is on the way." The compositions "Forward to Unknown Worlds" and "The Rocket Launched from the Earth" are interesting for their technique (scratchboard and pencil drawing with a predominance of shades of black).

Images of spaceships are of interest. In the figure "Unknown Planet", the technique is mastering the surface while the cosmonaut is planting the Russian flag. And in the composition "Belka and Strelka" world-famous dogs peep out of the spaceship.

Images of rockets and spaceships invariably coexist with the cosmic landscape, which includes stars and planets. We often see our Earth in the pictures ("Belka and Strelka", "Rocket", "Rocket flies through the planets"). In the picture "Travel in space" we see Saturn with a smiling human face.

Photo gallery: drawings of children with the image of space

Gouache drawing Scratchboard drawing Pencil drawing Felt-tip pens drawing Gouache drawing Pencil drawing Watercolor drawing Gouache drawing Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing

"Flight to the moon"

In their drawings, preschoolers depict the Moon in detail - the constant companion of our planet. In the composition "Flight to the Moon" we see a rocket that launches from the Earth in order to reach the mysterious night star. The moon is depicted here in a muted yellow on a mysterious blue background.

And the drawing "Hello from the Moon" has a patriotic orientation: after all, it was the Russian cosmonaut who installed the flag of our country on the lunar surface.

The work "Journey to the Moon", executed in pastel blue and blue colors, depicts an astronaut walking on the surface of a satellite.

Photo gallery: drawings on the topic

Photo gallery: drawings on the theme "Flight to the moon"

Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing Wax crayon drawing

Cosmonautics Day. The world in which we live is huge, immeasurable. Space has no beginning or end, it is infinite. If you imagine a rocket ship with inexhaustible reserves of energy, then you can easily imagine that you are flying to any end of the Universe, to some of the most distant stars. So what's next? And then the same boundless space.

We live on one of the nine planets orbiting the Sun. Planet Earth is the only one in the solar system that has life. On other planets, there are no conditions for the life of air, a suitable temperature for the existence of living organisms. A single natural satellite, the Moon, revolves around the Earth, as well as many artificial satellites and their debris.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky Exactly one hundred years before the first artificial satellite appeared above the Earth, in September 1857 Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was born. Working as a teacher in a provincial school, in his free time he read, thought, calculated, fantasized, dreamed of the conquest of space by man. With his mind's eye, he looked through a century and saw multistage rockets, automatic control of spaceships, the solar system, the orientation of an interplanetary craft in outer space.

THE GENERAL DESIGNER OF SPACE SHIPS In order for the calculations and formulas to be embodied in spacecraft, so that a person could really get off the Earth and go into space, the general designer of spaceships had to come, a person of extraordinary energy, creative and organizational talent, coordinating the work of the largest teams that create rocket - space systems. Such a designer was Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin The launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite marked the beginning of the space era, and on April 12, 1961, the Vostok spacecraft with a man on board took off from the Baikonur cosmodrome. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, who opened the way into space, circled the globe in 108 minutes and landed in a given area. And for every minute of his flight, the search, the hard work of designers, engineers, workers of all specialties. Man's long-standing dream has come true to gain wings and fly over the Earth.

German Stepanovich Titov Together with Yuri Gagarin mastered the Vostok-1 spacecraft and on April 12, 1961, the backup German Stepanovich Titov was ready to fly into space. Both cosmonauts went to the cosmodrome in spacesuits, completely ready for an unprecedented launch. Only after Gagarin's "Ready for launch!" "Titov took off his helmet and turned into an observer.

The first manned walk into space On March 18, 1965, the flight of the Voskhod-2 spacecraft began, the commander of which was the pilot-cosmonaut P.I.Belyaev, and the co-pilot pilot-cosmonaut A.A. Leonov. A television program about the first manned spacewalk was broadcast from the spacecraft, and a film entitled "Above the Planet in a Spacesuit" was shot.

Spacesuit Spacesuit (from the Greek. Skafe boat, boat and andros man) is an individual equipment for a person who works in conditions other than normal. The set of equipment includes a shell, helmet, gloves, boots. Initially, this was the name given to the clothing of a diver who descends to great depths. Later, when man began to actively explore space, the cosmonaut's clothing was also called a spacesuit. As in the cabin of a spacecraft, a microclimate is created for a person in a spacesuit, tubes with a breathing mixture ensure normal breathing, a special thermoregulation system creates a temperature normal for the body. The cosmonaut's suit has rubber chambers that are filled when overloaded with compressed air and. squeezing the body. The spacesuit, like the cabin of the ship, protects against low pressure and radiation. The cockpit is connected to the Earth, and the spacesuit is equipped with a microphone and sensors of equipment located at an observation post on Earth. The spacesuit performs the same functions as the cockpit.

The movement of bodies in space In space, there are no forces of attraction. Therefore, it is enough to impart speed to a certain body (i.e. to impart an impulse), and it will move in a given direction for an infinitely long time, until it collides with some other body. The body maintains speed only in the absence of resistance forces. This movement is called the phenomenon of inertia.

In our country, the first artificial satellite that flew around the Moon was launched, its reverse side was photographed, an automatic station was soft landing on the surface of the Moon, and the first samples were delivered. lunar soil... But the first to visit the moon were ... American astronauts.

Return of cosmonauts to Earth It is difficult and unsafe to ascend into outer space, but, perhaps, return to Earth is no less difficult. All those who follow the flight wish the astronauts a soft landing. "Soft" means that the descent vehicle of the spacecraft must land at a speed of no more than 2 m / s. Only then the design of the apparatus, the instruments in it, and most importantly, the crew members do not experience a sharp hard blow.