The title of "pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR". Periods of vital activity

Full interpretation - the day of the calendar April 14.

  • By horoscope sign is people born on 14.4.61 ›› Aries (from March 21 to April 20).
  • 1961 according to the eastern calendar of animals ::: ›› White Metal Bull (Cows).
  • Element of the zodiac sign of the horoscope Aries, who were born on 14.4. :::>> Fire.
  • Suitable planet for people who were born on this day of the month is Mars.
  • Today is the 15th week.
  • According to the calendar, there are 30 days in a given month in April.
  • Day length April 14 - 14 hours 02 minutes(the length of daylight hours is indicated according to the average European latitude of Moscow, Minsk, Kiev.).
  • Easter Orthodox holiday> April 9.
  • According to the calendar, the period is spring.
  • It is not a leap year according to the modern calendar.
  • The best zodiac colors for people born April 14, 1961> Dark Purple and Light Blue.
  • Plants suitable for the combination of the zodiac sign Aries and 1961 according to the eastern calendar of animals ~ Yew, Sea Buckthorn and Honeysuckle.
  • Stones are protective talismans for people who have a birthday today ~ Jade, Diamond.
  • Particularly suitable numbers for people whose birthday is April 14, 61 = ››› Eight.
  • The most favorable days of the week for people born on April 14, 1961 are ›› Friday and Monday.
  • The main qualities of the essence, the astrological sign of the zodiac Aries, who were born in this number are faint-hearted and spontaneous.

Description of men born on April 14th.

The desires of a man born on April 14, 1961 must be fulfilled instantly, otherwise he is irritated and extremely intolerant of the perpetrators of the delay. Overflowing with energy, walking next to him is tiring and if you stay behind you will not wait. All cosmetic procedures, such as face masks or manicure, are best done in his absence.
Man in oriental horoscope April 14, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-one birth - White Metal Bull (Cow), rarely goes to treachery or brazenly manipulates others, he will not allow himself to be similar. He must completely dominate the family. Keep him under constant tension by maintaining interest in yourself. Man - zodiac sign 14 april 61 birth - Aries, hot, proud, full of ambition and throughout life remains romantically attractive to his life partner. In a relationship, he demands freedom from you, but he does not provide it to you.
This person must be a leader, otherwise his interest in you will disappear very quickly. If you do something faster than him, that is the way to the end of the relationship. It can light up brightly with love and cool down just as sharply, but it is important for him to achieve his beloved woman. Outwardly it happens, often harsh, but his soul is tender and responsive. Despite his life almost on the run, he dreams of a woman who is soft and calm, able to withstand his temperament and recognize leadership. Complete alienation, if you do not want to allow this, never argue with him. His woman should always have charm and charm, only such is worthy of the lofty feelings of a man according to the calendar for April 14, 1961, by months and birthdays.

Information for understanding women born today, 14.4.1961, according to the eastern horoscope of animals.

She understands the fire signs of the horoscope at a glance, but two fiery natures under one roof can incinerate each other with quarrels and jealousy. Possessing a strong-willed, more inclined towards a masculine disposition of character, they themselves are able to perform many types of work without anyone's help. Like a mother with a sign eastern zodiac fourteenth April 1961 birth - Bull (Cow), will always make sure that her child is washed, fed, happy and loved. A man should not skimp on the manifestation of various signs of attention and care for her.
Woman born on April 14, 1961, demands equality in the family and complete freedom of action. Cheating on your partner will be a good reason for an instant breakup. In life, they achieve everything they want, the main thing is that a task is set for them. Women, according to the calendar for April 14, 1961, by months and birthdays, are always sure that no one else except them can do this job better and more conscientiously. Be brave and do not be afraid of her aggressiveness, and as a reward you will receive her optimism and unshakable faith in the future, which are so often lacking in our lives. If you hurt her, she will remember it for a long time.

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Famous people were born under the horoscope sign Aries:

Leonardo da Vinci scientist, writer Korney Chukovsky, actor Eddie Murphy, artist Vincent Van Gogh and writer Hans Christian Andersen, Nikolai Gumilyov, scientist Rene Descartes, scientist Wilhelm Roentgen, actor Jean-Paul Belmondo, writer Nikolai Gogol, director Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexander Herzen , director Francis Coppola, actor Steven Seagal, Garry Kasparov, singer Alla Pugacheva, Giacomo Casanova.

Monthly calendar April 1961 with days of the week

Mon W Wed NS Fri Sat Sun
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A solemn meeting of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin took place in Moscow

Yuri Gagarin at one of the press conferences, journalists asked:
- Was there a moment when you realized the significance of what you have done?
Gagarin pondered, but only for a moment.
- Perhaps there was such a moment. This is when I found out that the announcer Yuri Levitan was reading the message about my flight on the radio, - said the first cosmonaut.

Initially, no one planned a solemn meeting of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin in Moscow with the participation of the country's leadership ... Everything was decided at the last moment by the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. An Il-18 plane flew to Kuibyshev for Gagarin. On approaching Moscow, seven fighters from Kubinka joined the plane, making up an honorary escort ...
At the Vnukovo airport, Yuri Gagarin was expected to receive a grand reception. A huge crowd of people, journalists. The plane taxied to the central airport building. We lowered the ladder ...
And so, the world's first cosmonaut, a Soviet man, Major Yuri Gagarin, strides widely along the carpet from the plane ladder to the government platform installed at the edge of the takeoff field. Millions of eyes eagerly follow him - the program is broadcast live. And then - the lace is untied!
For some reason, this excited the announcer Yuri Levitan so much that he intercepted the voice. It's time for him again to the microphone - to read the appeal of the CPSU Central Committee to "the Soviet people, the peoples of the whole world, all progressive mankind" about a great historical event, here you need to concentrate - and Gagarin's shoes were untied. “I wouldn't have stumbled,” Levitan wished fervently. In the studio, someone gasped and repeated the same words out loud.
The untied lace became that touching detail that suddenly showed everyone that Yuri Gagarin was not a celestial at all, as the Soviet propagandists wanted to present him, but the most ordinary person. Here is the largest man in the world walking along the carpet, short in stature, and an untied lace is dangling on his right boot. This unfortunate lace in those minutes worried Levitan more than the realization of the greatness of the very moment of meeting the first person who had just returned from space.
It is only later, from the story of Yuri Gagarin himself, Levitan learns for sure that it was not a lace, but a sock garter. During that very historic passage of Gagarin to meet Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Suslov, the unfastened garter hit him painfully on the leg. But Yuri Alekseevich did not stumble. Probably he heard the thoughts of millions of Soviet people, who fervently wanted him to keep pace.

Yuri Gagarin at the Vnukovo airport
The entire Soviet Union - yes, the whole globe was rejoicing!
International radio and television broadcasts from Moscow in Russian and English were broadcast through the receiving and transmitting stations of Tallinn, Helsinki, Stockholm and London ...
It was truly a common holiday for all mankind. London's Hyde Park and Trafalgard Square, New York's Fifth Avenue, the Trocadero and the Place de Concorde in Paris were seething. People in all corners of the planet hugged and kissed, congratulated each other on the flight into space.
The London Times was immensely surprised: “For Jules Verne, the journey around the Earth lasted 80 days. Russian Major Gagarin flew around our planet in 108 minutes. The gap between morning coffee and brunch, the time that many city workers spend every day commuting between home and work. Honor to the Russians! They amazed the imagination of the whole world, just as in the 15th century people, the discoverers of new lands, amazed the imagination. "
From the Vnukovo airport, Yuri Gagarin with his wife Valentina Ivanovna and Nikita Khrushchev in an open car headed the solemn escort to Red Square. Yuri Alekseevich stood at full height and greeted the Muscovites. All along the route there was a sea of ​​people: everyone wanted to see the first cosmonaut! Congratulations were heard, shouts of "Hurray!"
On Red Square, Nikita Khrushchev presented Yuri Gagarin with the Gold Star of "Hero of the Soviet Union", awarded the new title of "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR" and personally announced the speech of Yuri Alekseevich:

Yuri Gagarin on Red Square
... Chief Designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev and his wife Nina Ivanovna went to the rally on Red Square in a large solemn escort in one of the last cars. Leaving the car on Manezhnaya Square, they tried to enter the guest tribune.
From the memoirs of Nina Koroleva: “On Red Square we were almost crushed, the people's lava broke through the police cordon. With great effort and with the kind help of Evgeny Anatolyevich Karpov, we made our way to the wall itself and along it we got out of the square. Sergei Pavlovich's car was parked not far from the Manezh, and we drove home to Ostankino with a pass "everywhere". There, sitting in front of the TV, they listened attentively to the speakers at the solemn meeting. Then we went to the reception (without orders, so they ordered). In the future, they did not go to Red Square, but straight home from the airfield, to the TV. "

Nikita Khrushchev speaking
In the middle of the day on April 14, a detachment of search engineers delivered the descent vehicle to Moscow by plane spaceship"East". This was mentioned for the first time only five years later - in April 1966 - on one of the sound pages of the magazine "Krugozor". The name of the search engineer, whose voice is captured on the gramophone record, is not indicated in the journal:

Search Engineer Says
In the evening in Moscow and the hero cities of Leningrad, Kiev, Volgograd there were grandiose fireworks in honor of the first cosmonaut.
Dreams of millions rushed into space, into space! ..

On the air of radio and television, announcers read telegram after telegram. Welcome messages came to the studio from all over the Soviet Union:
“The announcement of the launch of the world's first spacecraft with a man on board is shaking to the depths of the soul, arouses legitimate pride for our Soviet Motherland, for our heroic creator people. This is a great feat of a great people. We were sure that a Soviet man would be the first in space. And our pilot-major Yuri Gagarin became. It is very joyful that he successfully fulfilled the historical task of the Motherland, happily returned to his native land. Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin, Air Marshal, three times Hero of the Soviet Union. "
“We learned with admiration about your heroic deed. We greet you - a pioneer of space flight. We warmly congratulate you on the realization of the eternal dream of mankind. Tsiolkovsky's family ".
"The crew of the IL-18 aircraft, flying from Moscow to Antarctica, being in the skies over the Sahara Desert, sends fiery greetings and warm wishes of health and happiness to the world's first cosmonaut Gagarin."
"The fishermen of the Kamchatka floating base decided to name one of the seiners after the first cosmonaut of the Earth" ...
“The sailors of the nuclear-powered icebreaker“ Lenin ”from the Laptev Sea appeal to Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin with words of gratitude and admiration for his feat.”
Academician Boris Raushenbakh, one of the developers and participants in the launch of the Vostok spacecraft, tells about the scientific and universal significance of Yuri Gagarin's space flight:

Boris Rauschenbach speaking
P.S. Hundreds of Soviet boys born in the second decade of April 1961 were named Yuri. The Russian name instantly spread all over the planet, little Yuri appeared in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas

By the anniversary date, I still managed ...

A man into space, committed by a citizen of the Soviet Union Yuri Gagarin on the Vostok spacecraft on April 12, 1961.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 11, 1961, the Regulations on the title of "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR" and the description of the badge "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR" were approved.

According to the Regulations, the title of "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR" was awarded by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to pilot-cosmonauts who made outstanding flights into space, on the proposal of the Minister of Defense of the USSR. Persons awarded the title were awarded a diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and a badge "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR", which is worn on the right side of the chest and, if the persons awarded this title have USSR orders, is placed above them.

The badge "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR" is a silver pentagon with a convex gilded rim. The width of the sign is 25 millimeters, the height is 23.8 millimeters. In the center of the sign is an enamel image of the globe with the territory of the USSR marked in red. The globe is surrounded by a golden orbit with a satellite on it. A second golden orbit emerges from the asterisk denoting Moscow, turning into an enamel train of a golden spaceship rushing into interplanetary space. In the upper part of the sign above the globe there is a convex golden inscription "Pilot-Cosmonaut", under the globe there are convex golden letters "USSR". At the bottom of the sign are two convex golden laurel branches. On the reverse side of the badge - the inscription "Established by Decree

Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on April 14, 1961 "and the number of the badge. The badge is attached to a silver gilded strip covered with a red moire ribbon with the help of a lug and bow. There is a screw and nut on the back of the strip for attaching the badge to clothing.

Initially, no one planned a solemn meeting of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin in Moscow with the participation of the country's leadership ... Everything was decided at the last moment by the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. An Il-18 plane flew to Kuibyshev for Gagarin. On approaching Moscow, seven fighters from Kubinka joined the plane, making up an honorary escort ...

At the Vnukovo airport, Yuri Gagarin was expected to receive a grand reception. A huge crowd of people, journalists. The plane taxied to the central airport building. We lowered the ladder ...

And so, the world's first cosmonaut, a Soviet man, Major Yuri Gagarin, strides widely along the carpet from the plane ladder to the government platform installed at the edge of the takeoff field. Millions of eyes eagerly follow him - the program is broadcast live. And then - the lace is untied!

For some reason, this excited the announcer Yuri Levitan so much that he intercepted the voice. It's time for him again to the microphone - to read the appeal of the CPSU Central Committee to "the Soviet people, the peoples of the whole world, all progressive mankind" about a great historical event, here you need to concentrate - and Gagarin's shoes were untied. “I wouldn't have stumbled,” Levitan wished fervently. In the studio, someone gasped and repeated the same words out loud.

The untied lace became that touching detail that suddenly showed everyone that Yuri Gagarin was not a celestial at all, as the Soviet propagandists wanted to present him, but the most ordinary person. Here is the largest man in the world walking along the carpet, short in stature, and an untied lace is dangling on his right boot. This unfortunate lace in those minutes worried Levitan more than the realization of the greatness of the very moment of meeting the first person who had just returned from space.

It is only later, from the story of Yuri Gagarin himself, Levitan learns for sure that it was not a lace, but a sock garter. During that very historic passage of Gagarin to meet Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Suslov, the unfastened garter hit him painfully on the leg. But Yuri Alekseevich did not stumble. Probably he heard the thoughts of millions of Soviet people, who fervently wanted him to keep pace.

The entire Soviet Union - yes, the whole globe was rejoicing!

International radio and television broadcasts from Moscow in Russian and English were broadcast through the receiving and transmitting stations of Tallinn, Helsinki, Stockholm and London ...

It was truly a common holiday for all mankind. London's Hyde Park and Trafalgard Square, New York's Fifth Avenue, the Trocadero and the Place de Concorde in Paris were seething. People in all corners of the planet hugged and kissed, congratulated each other on the flight into space.

The London Times was immensely surprised: “For Jules Verne, the journey around the Earth lasted 80 days. Russian Major Gagarin flew around our planet in 108 minutes. The gap between morning coffee and brunch, the time that many city workers spend every day commuting between home and work. Honor to the Russians! They amazed the imagination of the whole world, just as in the 15th century people, the discoverers of new lands, amazed the imagination. "

From the Vnukovo airport, Yuri Gagarin with his wife Valentina Ivanovna and Nikita Khrushchev in an open car headed the solemn escort to Red Square. Yuri Alekseevich stood at full height and greeted the Muscovites. All along the route there was a sea of ​​people: everyone wanted to see the first cosmonaut! Congratulations were heard, shouts of "Hurray!"

On Red Square, Nikita Khrushchev presented Yuri Gagarin with the Gold Star of "Hero of the Soviet Union", awarded the new title of "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR" and personally announced the speech of Yuri Alekseevich:

Chief Designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev and his wife Nina Ivanovna rode to the rally on Red Square in a large solemn escort in one of the last cars. Leaving the car on Manezhnaya Square, they tried to enter the guest tribune.

From the memoirs of Nina Koroleva: “On Red Square we were almost crushed, the people's lava broke through the police cordon. With great effort and with the kind help of Evgeny Anatolyevich Karpov, we made our way to the wall itself and along it we got out of the square. Sergei Pavlovich's car was parked not far from the Manezh, and we drove home to Ostankino with a pass "everywhere". There, sitting in front of the TV, they listened attentively to the speakers at the solemn meeting. Then we went to the reception (without orders, so they ordered). In the future, they did not go to Red Square, but straight home from the airfield, to the TV. "

In the middle of the day on April 14, a detachment of search engineers delivered the descent vehicle of the Vostok spacecraft to Moscow by plane. This was mentioned for the first time only five years later - in April 1966 - on one of the sound pages of the magazine "Krugozor". The name of the search engineer, whose voice is captured on the gramophone record, is not indicated in the journal:

On the air of radio and television, announcers read telegram after telegram. Welcome messages came to the studio from all over the Soviet Union:

“The announcement of the launch of the world's first spacecraft with a man on board is shaking to the depths of the soul, arouses legitimate pride for our Soviet Motherland, for our heroic creator people. This is a great feat of a great people. We were sure that a Soviet man would be the first in space. And our pilot-major Yuri Gagarin became. It is very joyful that he successfully fulfilled the historical task of the Motherland, happily returned to his native land. Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin, Air Marshal, three times Hero of the Soviet Union. "

“We learned with admiration about your heroic deed. We greet you - a pioneer of space flight. We warmly congratulate you on the realization of the eternal dream of mankind. Tsiolkovsky's family ".

"The crew of the IL-18 aircraft, flying from Moscow to Antarctica, being in the skies over the Sahara Desert, sends fiery greetings and warm wishes of health and happiness to the world's first cosmonaut Gagarin."

"The fishermen of the Kamchatka floating base decided to name one of the seiners after the first cosmonaut of the Earth" ...

“The sailors of the nuclear-powered icebreaker“ Lenin ”from the Laptev Sea appeal to Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin with words of gratitude and admiration for his feat.”

Academician Boris Raushenbakh, one of the developers and participants in the launch of the Vostok spacecraft, tells about the scientific and universal significance of Yuri Gagarin's space flight:

P.S. Hundreds of Soviet boys born in the second decade of April 1961 were named Yuri. The Russian name instantly spread all over the planet, little Yuri appeared in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas!

general characteristics

A person born in this zodiac sign is perky, irritable, ambitious and stubborn. The desire to insist on one's own can turn into despotism. Poorly gives in to someone else's will, and the heat of passions knows no bounds. A strong will knows no limit, an active mind pushes forward without fear of obstacles.

Born under this sign: Catherine de Medici, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Bach, Descartes, Goya, Gogol, Zola, Van Gogh, Bismarck, Haydn, Hitler, Charlie Chaplin.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign

  • Influence: Mars, Sun.
  • Symbols: ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.
  • Colors: bright red, carmine, orange, blue, lilac, crimson and all shiny (purple is bad).
  • Stones: diamond, ruby, amethyst, bloodstone, heliotrope, moon, aquamarine, emerald.
  • Flowers: hawthorn, anemone (windweed), sweet peas, violet, cornflower.
  • Metal: iron, steel.
  • Mascot: hammer, golden fleece.
  • Favorable numbers: 4, 7, 9 (all numbers divisible by 9), 11
  • Happy Days: tuesday, sunday.
  • Bad days: Friday Saturday.
March 21 to March 31 under the influence of Mars - especially brave, aggressive, firm, strong, undisciplined, courageous, prone to bravado and passionate in love are born.
Born from 1 to 11 April under the influence of the Sun - natures are proud, generous, noble, courageous, capable of command, ambitious, able to overcome obstacles. Love is a great affection for them.
Born from 12 to 20 April under the influence of Venus - natures are passionate and gentle, dexterous and impulsive, loving music and fine arts.


The influence of Mars and the Sun gives spark, relentless movement and a penchant for exaggeration. But Aries will do anything to avoid boredom and depression. For example, they may not go to the funeral of their best friend, but will be surrounded by the care and attention of close friends.
Aries feel more than reflect. They can be extremely generous and adore giving gifts and giving orders.
A courageous, often stoic type, full of original ideas and indefatigable curiosity about everything new. The sign of the pioneers and inventors. He likes to pave his own path, curiosity can turn into immodesty and intemperance.
Aries women love to go ahead of fashion, are prone to extravagance, prefer bright colors: yellow, green, lemon, orange.
Both women and men Aries are potential madmen, they are heroes, conquerors, crusaders. But all this is primary, raw energy. Brute force can give an impatient personality, not reckoning with the feelings of other people, becoming enraged and furious if they are disturbed, unfair and aggressive to the point of sadism and destruction (and self-destruction too).
Aries has an element of "self", self-affirmation, but also a thirst for responsibility, self-dramatization and self-denial. Aries should never be argued with.


Aries usually know their profession from childhood or from school. Routine or sedentary life is not a good choice if changes, risk, prestige, a sense of irreplaceability are not foreseen: "No one does it better than me."
As a rule, Aries knows how to deal with people and animals, especially people who do not work every day from 9 to 17.
Aries makes dynamic talented salesmen, traveling salesmen, lecturers, dentists, veterinarians, soldiers, police officers, butchers, wonderful mechanics, surgeons, sculptors. They get along well with fire and metal. Aries' muscular body promises an athletic career.
Regardless of the choice of profession, Aries strives to be the first, best fighter. Aries is a young sign, he has a need for bravado, window dressing.
The attitude towards money is to earn skillfully and spend skillfully, not for the sake of influence, but for the sake of power.


Ready for love and sex at an early age, earlier than society allows, because of this, in some cases, Aries in their youth go through domestic conflicts.
Sometimes they have big troubles, because a boy-man will break any attitudes in the name of fulfilling his first desires.
A girl-woman will become a deliberate bully and let herself be raped by herself.
They tend to fall in love at first sight at all ages. If they fall in love, nothing can resist their passion. They are often attracted by the forbidden fruit, they strive to get it at any cost. In return, they are ready to give themselves.
They are generous, sometimes calculating. When repulsed, Aries' passion turns into obsession and rage, and sometimes even murder. On the other hand, they quickly reconcile and calm down.
For Aries, any beautiful adventure, temptations is an invitation to change. All Aries are impulsive, impulsive, sometimes naive.
Almost touching lovers, whose whims must be satisfied just like those of a capricious child. As children, they love to brag, "get" applause.
There is something ostentatious about a man, and women love to show their advantages. They can be deeply devoted, but temporarily, while the relationship is uncertain. At the first sign of repetition, everything is dropped and removed.
Aries cannot stand being limited in striving for will, ideal, ambition. When he loses himself for a while, life collapses.
The primitive female type must be gratified immediately. Doesn't control his desires. If a man does not satisfy her, she breaks up with him. The more developed type is the type of absolute love and devotion.
The dilemma: compete or cooperate. With his friend, he likes to dominate, obey only a more intelligent and developed partner. Then she can become a wonderful mistress, whose whims are neglected due to their temporary nature.
Marriage with Aries is under greater threat than with other signs, it needs loving patience to preserve the marriage. His energy should be directed carefully, without inhibiting his enthusiasm, to give the right direction.
Aries should avoid Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces in marriage and friendship. Must seek Libra, Sagittarius, Leo.

How to achieve perfection

An impressionable personality with a strong will. Often an individualist, it is hard not to notice him. Quickly grasps the essence of the phenomena. You can rely on him, he gives sincere, friendly advice. Believes that life is in his hands, impatient, does not believe in fate. For him, all life is in action. What's on his mind is on his tongue - he doesn't know how to lie. There is something childishly spontaneous in his nature that immediately catches the eye. He is either loved or hated. He is poorly versed in people, does not notice the nuances of human characters at all. Hence the frequent disappointment in dealing with people. He has a brilliant mind. Think before you speak (people are more sensitive than you think). Not everyone can get along with Aries - more patience and less arrogance.


The typical Aries is in good health and pays little attention to various disease symptoms, believing that by ignoring them, he thereby relieves himself of diseases and they themselves will pass. I don't really follow the advice of doctors and I am convinced that I know more doctors. Aries are people of extremes. "I have two natural states - a woman can say to herself - Aries, either I feel great, or on the verge of physical exhaustion." They don't like going to doctors, especially dentists. They really need a diet, more vegetables and fruits. Active and restless, Aries often work to the point of exhaustion. The greatest danger for Aries is the face, they need to control their emotions, not to get angry, not to strain the muscles, to avoid overeating, excessive alcohol consumption. Aries is a sign of health, and with a reasonable lifestyle, Aries can maintain youth and strength for many years.

Elements: FIRE

Hot, quick-tempered character, lively mind, quick wit, the ability to flare up like wildfire. Impatience in small things, aversion to long explanations, the ability to grasp the main thing quickly, impetuosity. You do it before, you will see it (a completely rash action). Refuse to regret the results of your swiftness or express dissatisfaction. You have hot blood, a hot head, you are very sexy. You have an explosive temperament. Your lively warmth and ardor attracts people to you. As a rule, you are lucky, but if you are not, then failures follow one after another.

According to your element, friends and lovers, you should also choose from "fire" or "air" - air is necessary for combustion. Fire is incompatible with water. Either the water evaporates or it extinguishes the fire. Fire can get along with the earth, but there is always a danger that the earth will cool the fire, and the fire can burn the earth.

Your pros: you are good at making decisions, dynamic, talkative, cheerful and optimistic, courageous, energetic, active, attractive.

Your cons: impatient, like to command, superficial, self-confident, stubborn, often angry and contradictory, indifferent, get off your head, passionate, like to flirt.

If you are Aries, then the most fiery fire, downright oxygen-acetylene, inextinguishable (indefatigable). If you are Leo, you are an even fire, burning evenly and steadily. You are not so impulsive. More solid and consistent. If you are a Sagittarius, then you are volatile fire, lightning, lightning. You flare up unexpectedly, but also quickly cool off and disappear.

Home conditions: you should live in cool, spacious places with an open fireplace in which a fire crackles. You should also work in a cool room and outdoors. A confined space where lack of air suppresses the fire.

The symbol (talisman) of your element is the salamander that lives in fire (the spirit of fire that brings you good luck).


Loves innovations, interesting and unknown events. Motto: "Everything difficult must be done immediately." He cannot sit idly by, takes up everything new with enthusiasm, and is happy doing any job and gaining authority. He loves to lead and has a penchant for it, works with success in the field of surgery, military affairs, jurisprudence. This is a sign of intelligence. Academic work enables him to embody original theories. Many Aries are gifted writers and orators. They can successfully work in the field of journalism, radio, television, public relations, they cannot stand monotonous, monotonous work. They often lack the patience to complete what they have begun.

Despite the hectic lifestyle and love of adventures, he strives to have his own home, where you can retire and relax, prefers to live in a big city close to places of entertainment. Loves a mild climate and houses with an unusual layout.


Wide range of interests. It all comes down to a lack of time. He prefers active rest, travel, especially to exotic places. Likes to invent, tinker, play sports.

Zodiac horoscope

Fire sign, under the auspices of Mars. Strong character, domineering nature. Those born under this sign are gifted with strength and energy. They have a talent for leadership. Common features for men and women of this sign: optimism, ambition, some impulsiveness, a tendency to exaggerate.

ARIES often find themselves in difficult situations, as they are impatient and completely deprived of the gift of diplomacy. For Aries, the main meaning of life is work. Endowed with great willpower, courage and quick reaction, he can be a good doctor, military leader, journalist, administrator, but here he is hampered by the lack of subtlety and despotism.

Aries woman... Women of this sign almost always have a profession, they easily master male specialties. In marriage, they strive to take the main role.

The relationship of signs: favorable union with LION, GEMINI, SAGITTARIUS. These signs, with their calmness and love for philosophy, pacify Aries, a great physical attraction to AQUARIUS, as well as to WEIGHTS. Unfavorable union with CAPRICORN, CANCER, FISH, SCORPIO. Mutual coldness with VIRGO, TAURUS.

How to choose a life partner

ARIES is a woman. Aries are attractive and sociable, have a sense of humor and many fans, they adore flirting. Fall in love easily and cool down quickly. They have a lot of novels. In general, Aries gain wisdom in adulthood, often making a choice only at the age of 30-35. They must be seduced vigorously and quickly. Either she will give everything at once, or nothing ever. The best way to seduce is to perform some outstanding feat. Aries wives are amazing, they are ambitious, they move their husbands to success, but they are also aggressive. A smart man should put such a wife in her place. Aries wives are happy when they are led by someone whom they respect. The best partners for Aries are Taurus, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces. It is difficult to get along with Cancer due to slowness, Libra and Capricorn - due to conservatism and lack of imagination.

Sexuality Female

She is a bearer of fairly solid principles, even some stubbornness, which affects her erotic inclinations. She seeks to choose a man herself, being able to present herself in society, creating for herself an "image" of an attractive woman. In her intimate life, she is quite selfish, but not because of a bad character, but because of the desire to receive from her partner what she expects from the "ideal" man. Her eroticism is slightly pedantic, as she behaves in accordance with her stable ideas about sex. She does not like to obey, even in bed, although this is where she needs a strong and domineering partner. Not receiving full pleasure from intimacy, she has inexhaustible vital energy and is able to give her husband real pleasure. Many love problems await her, one of which may end tragically.

  • Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius;
  • Libra, Virgo, Taurus;
  • Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio.

Birthday horoscope

You were born on a Friday.
Friday is the day of Venus, a person born on this day is a person of feelings (but not emotions). They are reliable, practical, and you can rely on them literally in everything. On Friday, aesthetes, actors, creative people, peacemakers and peace bearers come to the world - these are their best qualities. At worst, they are slaves to their passions, lazy and opportunistic. It is believed that Friday is the day of peace and justice, art and contemplation, aestheticism and love. This is the best time for dating related to love contacts, as well as for connecting marriage. But on this day, all sorts of excesses should be avoided, because they can unbalance a person and adversely affect his health. It is desirable to fast.

Astrologers believe that a woman who was born on this day of the week:

Romantic and dreamy. She is mesmerized by beauty and harmony. She seduces with tenderness and sensuality. She needs comfort, care and protection. Emotional loneliness scares her, and only in the circle of her family or with children does she find absolute peace of mind.

Horoscope compatibility

The relationship of two Aries

What happens when Two Aries, who have completely compatible but equally unbalanced characters, become friends, neighbors, business partners, lovers, spouses, or are relatives to each other? Is it natural for us Aries to analyze the changeable influence of the Sun signs in order to describe this? Let me see. It won't take long ... Everything. The answer is ready. Of course it is. And we, Aries, are more than anyone else. There is nothing to discuss here. So, let's find out what is the matter here. I hate to wait until something happens. And you?

First of all, let's talk about the mistakes that two Rams can make when they enter into a close relationship. And there can be so many such mistakes ... However, no less luck awaits us. Aries always has a head first. And if the impulsive Baran flips his head in a swamp, then the prospect of being upside down in a bog together with a kindred spirit is still comforting: there is someone to talk to.

When the personal auras of these powerful egos first mix, make room for this rocket to launch, for this sudden outburst of mutual sympathy. And in fact, how wonderful it is to meet a cheerful, energetic, open personality after a long communication with all these scrupulous and boring pedants, pretending to be significant misers, and especially with cold and unapproachable people, next to whom it will not be long to freeze! And so you want to be with someone make friends! And is it any wonder such a sudden mutual admiration? Every Baran will consider it unspeakable happiness that his new acquaintance is not embarrassed by either extravagance, or impulsiveness, or chatter incessantly, or being late for an appointment. And besides, now there is someone with whom to go to the dentist, without explaining why an accompanying person is needed.

Most Aries hate two things equally: going to the dentist and taking pictures. The snapshot may be unsuccessful. Sitting in silence, motionless, while the photographer fixes the lighting in the studio, is almost as unbearable for them as removing a molar or placing a filling. The thought of how disgusting they look at this moment, for the proud Aries, who are extremely concerned about their appearance?) Is no less scary than a toothache. However, the fact that Baran is afraid of the dentist does not in any way mean that he is a coward. Mars generously endows these people with courage and is always ready to add more, just a hint. It's just that Aries don't like drugs, they can't stand it when they do something to their head, eyes, ears, nose or mouth, they can't stand it if someone tries to change the course of their thoughts, to influence their opinion.

Many Aries women, for example, very rarely visit a hairdresser, not doubting that he still will not comb them the way they want, will not make a parting where necessary. After all, on whose precious head does hair grow? Aries woman can suddenly, even if she regrets later, cut herself too short or unevenly, but if someone else does it, it would be better for him not to be born at all. However, she will be angry with herself no less (Aries is not at all selective in anger).

Aries, who is so reverent about everything connected with his head, is indeed a pronounced Aries. And what to protect the head, marked by many scars from collisions with people and things! It's easier and safer to do everything yourself. Aries are not afraid of difficulties. And something is being done for oneself or for someone else, is it all the same? Mars only strengthens the noble impulse to give more than is required, and no matter what: time, money, love, devotion ... Acting in their own interests. Aries tend to create additional difficulties for themselves, piling up problems where everything could be solved by itself. It is not necessary to advise Baran to "arrange your life tolerably". He is sure that with a little effort, and a bearable life will become much better, not even allowing the thought that it could easily deteriorate.

If one or both Rams are not influenced by the Moon or the Ascendant in the signs of Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, they can easily borrow money from each other and will not insist on repaying the debt just in time, which also strengthens mutual sympathy. Both solve "head-on" any issues, including money. They never deceive each other and do not even know how to do it.

From time to time, Aries can overestimate their solvency or even forget about debt if they are carried away by something new, amazing, completely absorbed their attention, but this does not at all mean their dishonesty and meanness. Nothing hurts and angers the Ram like groundless suspicion and distrust. For a typical Aries, woman or man, not keeping a word given to anyone, including creditors, is beneath their dignity. Sometimes forgetting to pay, they at the same time can lay out for no apparent reason everything that they have, and even more. There is no way to accuse Baranov of indecision or caution in spending money, and that is why it is easy to rob them. Run out of money? So why be discouraged? Coming soon, and more. (Does the child care about where to get a dry diaper or a bottle of milk? Of course not. All this appears as soon as the need arises.) Each Ram (and this is due to the relationship of the two Solar Signs) will be touchingly grateful to the other for their trust. Two Aries usually not only completely trust each other, but also will not take advantage of each other for their own selfish interests, which, of course, contributes to the warmest relations.

The whole world for two Sheep is at first a real merry-go-round of happiness, but when the pink lollipop melts, disappointment can ensue. When Fire meets Fire, a high and hot flame is aching. But everything can turn out quite differently if they stubbornly strive to break the easily wounded, but indomitable and invincible souls of each other.

Among the extroverted Aries, most of them come across people who are generally not characteristic of this sign, whose "egos", under the influence of Mars, were, unfortunately, suppressed in childhood. Such people direct all excess of mental strength inward and completely concentrate on themselves, which is completely unnatural for them. If two Aries, who have entered into a close relationship, belong to this group, it would not even occur to an outside observer that they are capable of causing each other's anger, but this impression is deceiving. Sooner or later, on some occasion, a skirmish will surely occur. When Mars collides with Mars, a huge war is inevitable. Too close communication, not interrupted by even short separations, will certainly give rise to furious thunder and lightning. However, bouts of wild hostility will always be interspersed with outbursts of mutual sympathy.

In order for the life of two Aries to become the most harmonious together, one can offer, for example, such a variant of behavior. Let one Aries exercise its will on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and the other takes the lead on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. In this case, Saturday will be the day of the duel, which will reveal the strongest. The victor will bind up the wounds of the defeated with the sudden repentance and generosity characteristic of Aries, shedding tears of regret. This should work, as no Aries would mind being on the sidelines from time to time, knowing that the next day will give him back the lead.

All Aries know their own worth very well, but their own knowledge is not enough for them. It is vital for them to be appreciated and loved. Of course, Aries will not stop fighting for the dominant position, but at the same time he learns perfectly from his own experience. The shock from living together or communicating with someone as innocently thoughtless, proud and aggressive as himself, cannot but soften any stubborn Ram. True, life experience always adds scars to him. There are always more of them in the heart of Aries than he allows himself to show or discuss.

Aries needs to understand that he is a child of the Zodiac, symbolizing the dawn of personal consciousness, sunrise, east, daytime forces. That is why most of them struggle so fiercely with sleepiness, peace, inactivity and never submit to fate. The slightest bit of criticism or a brief attack of pessimism greatly suppresses the spirit of Aries, especially if the blow is struck by another Ram. However, even a deep resentment rarely lasts a long time and does not turn into constant bitterness, because Aries childishly believes that a quarrel can be stopped, and friendship can be restored, where the other person would lose all hope. The ram does not even allow the thought that he is misjudging the situation. Nevertheless, no one, except Sagittarius and Gemini, is more likely to abandon an erroneous point of view or bury yesterday's pain than Aries, who was treated politely. For a ram of any gender and age, with the exception of the owner of the more pessimistic Moon sign and / or Ascendant, each sunrise brings the revival of a broken dream, idea, goal or friendship. Why look back or worry about what has already happened and what cannot be changed when the new day is full of hope?

Have you noticed the phrase "treated politely"? The fact is that although Rams need to be polite, politeness is not among their unconditional personal merits. They can be both polite and considerate, but they are not always aware of what it means to treat others gently if you want them to treat you the same way.

It is impossible to lead them by the nose or force them to do something by force, even by those who are obviously stronger than them, and even to think about the confrontation of two Rams is scary. (The typical Aries is able to fearlessly Resist even at gunpoint.) Rams expect their desires to come true, that their orders will be obeyed without question as quickly as possible (if there is no softening influence of Pisces or Libra in their horoscopes). It is Mars' instinctive urge to rebel. The urge to start and lead is so strong in some Mars-influenced men, women and children that even a friendly offer is often viewed as intolerable interference, not to mention pressure from relatives, neighbors, friends, business partners, spouses or lovers born under the same sign.

If one of the two Aries is stronger in the arrangement of the planets (not wiser and more tolerant, which would be happiness, butstronger), the weaker in this pair will gradually turn into a neurasthenic, almost constantly defending his right to exist or weighing every word and deed for fear of doing something wrong or being misunderstood. This is very sad, because such a miserable embodiment of the proud spiritual power of an astrological "animal" like the Baran contradicts the first law of astrology: be faithful to the essence of your Sun sign, or you will lose a strong individual potential that belongs to you from birth.

It is not easy for two Aries to achieve calm harmony (although this, no doubt, would be delightful), unless they learn to forgive and forget everything except the most brutal fights. It will hardly be possible to avoid them at all, because Aries usually remember them for a long time for the same reason as children who, easily forgetting the usual pain, remember with subconscious fear a deeper experience of painful grievances ... Sometimes all my life.

Two Rams will have to constantly restrain the desire to kick the other, while passions are still heated. They strike, but soon enough they begin to feel guilty for the sudden hostility and try to moderate their anger, showering each other with tenderness and manifestations of friendliness in the form of unusual gifts. Gifts, by the way, are for Baran a way of expressing affection, love or asking for forgiveness, but he never makes a gift to buy friendship. People under the influence of Mars despise the opportunity to acquire what they want for money (they are used to demanding it), therefore, such an unfair suspicion or accusation terribly offends them and very deeply hurts. Aries give gifts from the bottom of their hearts, but they are often misunderstood by those who do not accept gifts without any ulterior motives, for they themselves always do this.

Fortunately, most likely, two Rams will not inflict such pain on each other. Every Aries considers gift-giving as part of Mars nature. He is equally fond of both giving and receiving gifts. This is one of the manifestations of the wisdom of Aries. He knows that if a gift is not accepted with joy, the joy of giving also fades. A typical Sheep, like a little child, is pleased with any offering, and two Sheep will break into a cake, being at the same time excited and happy, trying to express their delight to each other.

Aries is always sincere in his motives, but his titanic efforts are often overlooked by those whom Aries seeks to help. Moreover, the difficulties that he often creates at the same time give rise to a contemptuous attitude towards him. Simply, Aries' goals and straightforwardness are often rejected by more cynical people.

However, two Aries are able to help each other not to become a general laughing stock or to become a victim of calculating and more sophisticated people who are ready to “cut” them. Aries protect each other from those who seek to benefit from altruistic motives. Such protection is necessary, for Rams are extremely vulnerable and simple-minded and completely devoid of resourcefulness.

In any connection between two Aries - in the family circle, at work, in love or in friendship - one thing is clear: passions will periodically heat up and burst to the surface. Catullus beautifully described the attitude of this Sun sign to his own emotional immaturity: “I hate, and I love ... Why, you may ask? Do not know. But this is how I feel and am tormented by it. "

Between two Rams, deception, pretense or hypocrisy are hardly possible, but there is also no need to talk about caution, common sense or practicality. There are few neutral episodes in the relationship between the two Solar Signs with the intertwining of the two influences of Mars. They are equally capable of being in seventh heaven with happiness and gnaw at each other in a fit of rage, resentment and thoughtless pride. And nevertheless, they will always understand each other and approve of the most lofty pink dreams of a partner, especially those that did not come true for one reason or another. Perhaps they will try to start over. And their dreams may even come true.

Partner Compatibility

Aries woman - Aries man

Aries girl is independent, bright and smart, but any Aries man, in his opinion, has such wonderful qualities even more. He will periodically demand recognition of his merits, by all available means trying to convince both her and himself of this. If she tries to surpass him, he, very agitated, will try to convince her that the victory should remain with the man. The Aries boy will have to choose: either to subdue the girl at the very beginning of the game, or to say goodbye to her. Many noisy skirmishes with tears await them before the girl stops resisting. But if she, of her own free will, and not by compulsion, becomes a woman, she will blossom into a beautiful flower.

Demanding that the Aries woman quit her job and devote herself to indulging his whims, it is better not even to try. To reveal her femininity and establish his Manhood, there are other ways. If she is forced to sacrifice her studies in order to bring him slippers or help achieve his personal goals, forgetting her own (which often happens), and does not come to this decision herself, it is better for them to disperse immediately. It would also be wise for them to share expenses: he takes care of the daily expenses and paying bills, and they spend her money on special occasions ... when they want to satisfy some mutual extravagant desire. This is necessary for the Aries man to know: his role in their pair is worthy of a man. It is very important to tell him about it directly and clearly at the very beginning.

A girl under the influence of Mars will accompany her chosen one in all the troubles of life, even if he is not around. Perhaps she will begin to guide him over the phone, using telegrams or letters. Since the Aries man knows that no one has been able to lead him from the day of his birth, he will probably want to get even at the very first signs of war declared by the Aries girl, but it would be better for him to suppress his irritation and come to grips with her domestication.

Every Aries woman, deep down in her soul, longs to see a protector in her man. In her dreams, she is always gentle and meek, and he is kind, affectionate, strong. And it’s best for him to be like that. A man who is constantly striving to please her is not interested in her, and she does not need to go too far in attempts to tame her. He should not encroach on her personality and interfere with her life. His masculinity, due to the influence of Mars, makes the Aries woman look at her chosen one with wide eyes and fills with delight while walking or in the privacy of the bedroom, but these quivering feelings refer only to love romance. Aries woman strictly distinguishes between the area of ​​feelings and everyday life. A man should never forget about it if he wants to keep her. Thinking that such a woman will wait for his signals or follow his instructions is foolish, and it is simply dangerous to ignore her. Such mistakes are possible until the Aries man realizes that she will not cross the line, but also will not submit to the influence of the dictator, because they are both cast in the same mold, which, of course, was destroyed after the creation of the Aries solar sign.

The Aries girl shed sweet tears as she read about the prince who bravely went into the forest to find his princess and awaken her from her cold sleep with the kiss of True Love. (The heart of the Aries woman begins to tremble at the very thought of True Love: her idealism in matters of the heart is as eternal as Spring itself.) But, dear Aries girl, admit it honestly, at least to yourself, what kind of dreams would a fairy tale about an ardent, courageous princess, who bravely went into the forest on horseback, to find her prince and save him from an evil witch? What about other fairy tales that you still believe in? Imagine a refined Cinderella with red cheeks, blowing away a strand of hair that has fallen on her forehead, sweaty and exhausted as she tries to squeeze her prince's foot into a crystal shoe to find out if it fits him! Mother Nature knows what she is doing. The relationship between a man and a woman Aries will develop much better if she allows him to steal the Thunders of Mars from her. And let the initiative come from him. And besides, overcoming her own stubbornness, she will eventually understand that behind the aggressive appearance of Aries lies an amazing idealism and a passionate desire to be needed and noticed.

Well, she should consider him at the moment when he, showing off on a white horse, embodies the desire for leadership inherent in Aries, hiding behind this a secret fear that no one can love him as he would like (and this is very important ), if he himself does not achieve it. Such a man can be very gentle and caring for all his imaginary independence, he, like no one else, knows how to hide even the most severe pain. Someone, but the Aries woman knows this well. Since both of them are cobbled together from the same test, it would seem that there is nothing easier than finding a common language, but it will take more than one painful lesson until they understand the uselessness of endless mutual challenges. Often the last lesson is a bitter experience when, even knowing everything perfectly, Aries are forced to leave.

If the Aries woman turns all her aggressiveness on her male opponents (except for one and only one, of course), he will adore her for this and will more than reward for every friendly step taken towards him.

Two Aries, it would seem, should be excellent sexual partners, since both expect from love the unity of soul and body, which poets write about and in which almost every Aries believes as an absolute romantic dogma. An instinctive thirst for kinship of souls makes loving Rams not doubt that their union is not only concluded in heaven, but will not disintegrate on earth until death, and in the other world. However, in order to achieve such harmony, they will have to overcome a serious obstacle - a very strong, albeit not always conscious, pride of this Solar Sign.

All the interests, knowledge and desires associated with sex in Aries are based on sometimes unintentional, but using a partner for their own satisfaction, the desire not to give him the greatest pleasure, but to achieve satisfaction himself. Doctors David Rubin, Masters and John, Kinchi and Freud explained it all, checked, researched, analyzed, filmed, recorded on magnetic tape, listened to both sides, wrote about almost everything, but did not demonstrate it to an audience. (Stage, cinema, and magazines actively compete in this.) But most men and women still have not received answers to their many questions.

For these lovers under the influence of Mars, it would be nice to get a huge poster depicting a sail in love with blissful smiles on their faces. The inscription at the bottom should read: "Love begins when the desires of another become more important to you than your own ..." Such a poster should be hung over the bed next to the rug depicting the wedding of Romeo and Juliet.

When this childhood pride can be overcome with the help of tenderness and mutual understanding, the sexual relationship of two Aries can become an ecstatic exchange. For them, sexual Love consists of strange contradictions that turn their partnership into an incredible combination of explosive desire, direct and piercing, ardent and uncontrollable ... and visions of flowers in the rain, gentle waves licking white sand, and snow sparkling with diamonds. The strong influence of Mars, softened by the naivete and miraculous amazement of the symbolic Baby Aries, creates a rare and amazing mixture of unbridled, stormy emotions, silence and calm dawn ... Obviously, a sexual union between two Rams at its best can be a good school that will teach them to treat each other with tenderness. And even at the worst time, this union will be interesting.

What will happen in the soul of an Aries woman if her chosen one starts flirting with other girls? And what will happen to him if she invitingly smiles at another man? An emotional explosion comparable to the explosion of a hydrogen bomb, the consequences of which will turn out to be as terrible for love as the consequences of a bomb explosion for all life on the planet. Every Ram will definitely let the other know that it will not allow anyone to encroach on their freedom. However, for him to recognize the same right for his partner, both will have to work hard. They have to understand that love is not a game to be won, not a battle to be won, not a prize to be won. This is a gift, and it must be presented with joy and accepted with delight. Rams demand a lot from life and, as a rule, achieve a lot. But demanding love is pointless.

The Aries man will make it clear to his lady that she does not dare to be jealous of him, but she herself is better off not looking at the other man. She also does not accept jealousy, but if she notices that he looks at another woman with the slightest interest, then she is not responsible for herself.

Do you know what this means? This is selfishness. Aries themselves, most likely, disagree with this, but it would be better for them to think carefully. Baranov can be seized with jealousy if they noticed a smile on the face of a sleeping lover or beloved - Who is she or he dreaming of? And believe me, many Aries asked more than once in the morning: “You must have had pleasant dreams that night? And who did you dream about? " And almost certainly the answer was: “My dreams do not concern you. Besides, you weren't in a great hurry to get up today. You probably dreamed of the girl you flirted with in the store last week? "

Dialogues may be different, but such skirmishes are inevitable if two Rams made a promise to love, respect and cherish the other, but never promised to obey! These two jealous people simply need to constantly convince each other of unfading admiration, since the subconscious fear of losing love is at the heart of the jealousy of all Aries, a fear that is seemingly incompatible with the conscious desire for personal independence due to the influence of Mars. Aries, like no other, obey sudden impulses, forgetting about everything in the world. The Aries man, who suddenly rushed to a new delightful goal, recently discovered by him, is actually true to himself, and the Aries woman, who looks the truth in the eye, must admit that she cannot love a person who has changed herself at least once. This longed-for goal doesn't have to be new love. If a woman trusts her friend in everything, she most likely will not regret it, because the Aries man, to a greater extent than the man of any other Sun sign, does what is expected of him.

Several years ago I received a letter from an Aries woman who married an Aries man. They had three children: one born under the sign of Gemini and two Taurus. They are so remarkably happy that I want to quote part of her letter.

“... And when I read aloud the last chapter about the Aries woman in your book“ Sun Signs ”to my husband, also Aries, the part where it says:“ She can be a little impulsive, independent, strive for leadership, but you should not take everything seriously, "he asked:" What else does a man need? " My Aries husband understands me, and we will never part, although I sometimes threaten to leave him when our ram's horns collide. Because, as your book says, if I "run into his arms at the moment when the world is dark and dull for me," he consoles me and will never say in my life: "What have you done!" I never knew how important it is to me before. "

Thus, as you can see, a close connection between Aries and Ovnom is possible. And you don't have to sacrifice your Mars-conditioned courage, initiative and independence.

Whatever the natural essence of Aries, but if the Ram girl learned to control her nature and can even treat her with humor, instead of denying or even being ashamed of her, she has learned an important lesson. You must love yourself (which requires both honesty and humor) before someone else loves you.

If two Aries adhere to the golden rule and act in relation to each other in the same way as they would like to be treated with them, their connection will bring them both relief from emotional stress and, moreover, the best of all possible gifts - the freedom to be yourself, not afraid of losing a loved one.

During a quarrel, in the heat of the moment, he may declare that he will leave her, but he is unlikely to ever do this. If he once fell in love with an Aries woman, all other girls will seem boring to him. It may be easy with them, but not interesting. And she, no matter what comes off her tongue in anger, will never leave her chosen one.

Japanese horoscope

According to the calendar adopted in Japan and other countries of the East, within a 12-year cycle, each year passes under the sign of some animal. A person born in a specific year gets a row innate properties, depending on which fate develops. The popularity of this calendar in the East is very high.

These people are patient, laconic, inspiring confidence. However, at times they can be eccentric and easily lose their temper. At these moments you should beware of them - Vol's rage knows no bounds. Usually taciturn, at the time of hobbies they are eloquent. They have excellent mental and physical abilities. They are known as people of easy character, but at the same time they often show stubbornness - they do not like contradictions. Some of them see love as a sport, which leads to misunderstandings with loved ones.

  • ideal as friends or life companions: SNAKE, COCK, RAT.
  • fit more or less: DRAGON, RABBIT, MONKEY, KABAN, VOL.
  • strongly inappropriate, absolutely contraindicated and can even bring misfortune: SHEEP.

Chinese horoscope

BULL (work, family, homeland)

Patient and silent, restrained and slow, inconspicuous and balanced, precise and methodical, the BULL hides an original mind under a somewhat rustic appearance. He has the gift of provoking people to be frank, this is one of the main trump cards of his success. He is a contemplator. Maybe that's why he loves being alone.

A BULL can become a sectarian up to fanaticism. He is often a chauvinist, sometimes a prude. Therefore, he is often criticized. Despite his calm appearance, he is a choleric person. Restrained and obsessed at the same time. Although his anger rarely manifests itself, this makes him even more terrible. It is preferable not to resist him, he can be dangerous. Despite his imperturbable appearance, he is stubborn and does not tolerate the failure of the undertaken business. Misfortune to those who find themselves in his path. This is the boss, the leader. Usually reserved, but he happens to be eloquent when it is urgently needed.

The BULL hates innovations that can shake his calm state. He is one of those who ridiculed Picasso, new jazz, miniskirts and long hair, and will not allow this to be accepted by any of his family members or loved ones. He is very domineering. This is an adherent of conventions and traditions.

A woman of this sign can be counted on in life if she can bake pancakes and dress according to the circumstances. But one should not wait for courage or imagination in her clothes and in life.

BULL is a true hard worker who will bring prosperity to his family. His presence in the house is beneficial already due to the fact that he, as a rule, has his own business or works for him. A free profession suits him. He is agile both physically and intellectually, can be a good leader. Especially gifted in the field of agriculture.

In commerce and public relations, he is poorly oriented, they are difficult for him. It is preferable for him not to choose a profession related to travel, travel. He loses his balance and health in them.

The BULL woman is a homebody, she cares very much about her hearth. An excellent and attentive hostess, she often drives the "family ship".

Unfortunately, the BULL is rarely understood by others. This is a stubborn sectarian. However, he loves his family and is proud of his children. He uses his power without any tact for the sole reason that he is the head of the family, for which he is capable of any sacrifices.

Unfortunately, love for him is just an amiable free joke. He can be gentle, devoted, sensual, but he will never become a romantic. He despises love flirting and problems of passion. The materialistic attitude to life is for him the source of many, including marital, grief.

The BULL will not be jealous of his husband or wife, but marital fidelity for him is the first preregion and the main advantage. He himself always does not betray his feelings, but he is not sufficiently appreciated for this. In his childhood and adolescence, nothing special will happen. In the second part of his life, he will meet difficulties associated with a husband or wife. His companion runs the risk of becoming sad from indifference and begins to look for romance that he cannot find at home. In this case, the BULL, if, thanks to his mind, does not overcome himself, he will recognize antipathy and restore those around him against himself.

In reality, he is a hard worker, a family man and cannot understand the difference in views that exists between him and those around him. In the last third of his life, he will have great difficulties, but if he manages to eliminate them, his old age will be calm.

For the BULL, a marriage with a COCK is ideal, which he will allow to shine. The agreement between the two conservatives will be excellent. Everything will go well with the RAT. In love with the BULL, she will be faithful to him until her death. The SNAKE, although it is often incorrect, will be intelligent enough and, in any case, will not leave him. Like the RAT, the BULL will be fascinated by the MONKEY. To be successful with her, he will need all his fantasy and imagination. He should be more careful with the GOAT: capricious and windy, she can cause drama with her inconstancy.

Popular wisdom says that the BULL cannot live with the TIGER under any circumstances. A struggle will begin, which will end only with the departure or disappearance of the TIGER. The BULL, the stronger one, will put pressure on him until he destroys it. Mother-BULL will never be able to find mutual understanding with a child - a TIGER. The latter should leave the house.

In conclusion, we note that the BULL, born in winter, is happier: he will have less work. Born in summer will have to work hard all year.

Druid horoscope

Neat, well-groomed, sometimes even a little flirty. It often happens where it is most interesting. Follows fashion. Not an ordinary person. Full of energy and cheerfulness, tireless. MAPLE, as they say, is always on top of the situation. He can be counted among the individualists. Although by nature MAPLE is restrained and timid, he can make the most risky decisions, which are based not so much on a material factor as on a vital interest. Does not like to stay at home, willingly gets to know new people. Has a gift to call people on, frankness. But one should not be afraid if he told him something - he never condemns other people's actions and does not talk about other people's secrets.

Usually he is full of plans, often unusual, extravagant. He loves all kinds of novelties, enthusiastically defends new ideas, but he rarely implements his own projects. This, however, does not prevent him from receiving satisfaction from his wide horizons. There is also a drop of cynicism in him. He does not love or fear public opinion. On the contrary, he likes to be talked about.

In love, he is difficult. It goes on amazing and unforeseen roads. But this does not mean that he will not be able to find happiness if he meets a partner with a similar mindset and taste. The mind is clear and discerning. Despite the fact that he is full of problems, he is not devoid of either imagination or intuition. In a word, the character is multifaceted.

Traits of those born under the sign of MAPLE: a lively character, a sense of humor, the ability to deduce, an analytical mindset.

Flower horoscope

She is generous, generous, loves to have fun. However, such a broad-mindedness of the soul very often irritates those around who expect concrete help from her.