Symptoms of which disease headache. Headache (Cefalgia): Why appears, forms and their current, how to treat. For other reasons, why the head hurts very much, attributed

Pain in the head is a sign of a violation in the functioning of brain circulation. Such a type of pain is most often distributed in medical practice. This is not only an unpleasant consequence caused by a provocative external or internal factor, but also a possible symptom of the disease in human organism. First of all, it is important to determine the causes of regular headaches, it will help choose a way to cope with them.

The constant headache necessarily has a reason that can be called:

  • stressful situation;
  • disadvantage or excess sleep;
  • overvoltage of the eyes;
  • hormonal failure;
  • long adoption of drugs;
  • overweight;
  • head injury;
  • alcohol use;
  • chronic fatigue.

Stressful situations

Although insignificant stress does not harm the body, finding in a state of constant stress and voltage leads to daily head pains and insomnia.

Disadvantage or excess sleep

Healthy sleep restores the physical and psychological condition of the body as a whole. With a hazard or, on the contrary, with an excess of sleep may have pain in the head, which over time are capable of becoming regular. A person for the normal functioning and lack of unpleasant consequences must sleep during the day of 6-7 hours.

Overvoltage of the eye

With long-term working with papers or by the monitor of the computer, with incorrectly selected glasses or not too bright lighting in the room there is a surge of eye muscles, which can provoke a strong pain in the head.

Hormonal disbalance

Changes in the level of hormones can cause why headache every day. Such changes in hormonal background most often happen in women in the menstrual and premenstrual period, during a climax or menopause, as well as pregnancy.

Reception of drugs

Long use of drugs can also cause daily headaches, for example, when using painkillers. It can also be a signal to the fact that some kind of medicine prescribed by the doctor does not suit you, and daily headaches are just a side effect, from which you can get rid of, replacing the drug analogue.


If you have a headache every day when overweight is a sign of a possible disease.

Head injury

Pain in the head during crank-brain injury can last 2-8 weeks. If the attacks are not stopped and after, you should consult a doctor in connection with the chronic post-traumatic headache.

Alcohol consumption

A certain dose of alcoholic beverage or poor alcohol tolerance can lead to discomfort.

Possible consequences

Regular pain in the head is already in itself the consequence, which may come, if you run treatment of the disease, it can also be a body signal on the emergence of health problems. In addition, pain can grow into a serious disease - migraine, if not to take action to get rid of pain. The consequences of daily headaches can also be:

  • dizziness,
  • nausea,
  • prostration,
  • vomiting
  • depression,
  • insomnia,
  • temperature, etc.

Headache - Possible Symptom

Daily headaches differ in their strength and frequency throughout the day, and can be an organism signal about any disease. In addition, pain in the head can also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as dizziness, nausea, darkening in the eyes, vomiting, etc.
List possible diseases With a similar symptom:

  • card and brain injury;
  • hypertension;
  • oncological disease;
  • osteochondrosis in the cervical department;
  • meningitis;
  • intoxication;
  • glaucoma;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • atherosclerosis.

You should also not forget that most often the cause of headaches, every day occasion of humans, may be fatigue, overvoltage, etc.

Basic types of pain

  1. Stresses, pressure drops, active mental work and overvoltage most often lead to the appearance of regular pain in the temples. The launched migraine and the long-term use of drugs, which can be addictive to which the body can work out.
  2. If every day hurts the head in the zone of the backbone, it may be a sign of increased blood pressure, diseases of the cervical spine (for example, osteochondrosis) or a strong load on this area, as well as a sign of a neurological disease.
  3. In the frontal part of the head, pain may arise due to written work or long-term stay at the computer, while in a noisy or lean place, due to the visual overvoltage. The pain in the frontal part can also be a signal to a row of diseases, such as:
    1. neoplasms or vascular diseases of the brain,
    2. a disease associated with a mental condition,
    3. chronic intoxication (infectious or toxic) and others.
  1. The reason why pain may occur in the morning and even maintain a whole day, is a lack of sleep or, on the contrary, too long sleep. In the latter case (and in daytime, every day) pain occurs due to an increase in the inflow of a special fluid - a liquid, which is washes the brain.
  2. If nausea or dizziness is added to your problem, in the first case it can be associated with increased or reduced pressure, with obesity or intoxication of the body.
    In the second case, dizziness and fainting are added with heavy injuries, with a brain edema or with a strong attack of migraine.
  3. Weakness in the form of tingling the fingers of the hands and legs or their numbness, as well as with a sense of gravity in the zone of the head can be a sign of serious illness, such as:
    1. meningitis,
    2. head or spinal cord tissue infection
    3. arthritis, etc.
  1. Temperature is usually added with colds and infectious diseases, during meningitis and during the menstrual cycle.
  2. The pulsating pain is associated with:
    1. vegetically convicted diseases
    2. tumors
    3. when mastocytosis,
    4. alcohol eating or due to stressful situations.
  1. The grace is a more frequent type of pain, which is usually due to overvoltage or too long work, however, it can also be a symptom of brain abscess, encephalitis and other diseases.

What to do with headaches

First of all, it is necessary to consult a doctor if every day a headache has been hurting for a long time, so self-medication is recommended only at the initial period. Depending on the type of pain and its strength, the doctor will prescribe the necessary analyzes, among which may be:

  • general and clinical blood test;
  • ultrasound dopplerography (otherwise UDG) vessels of the cervical and head;
  • MRI of the cervical, brain, as well as backs;
  • electroencephalography (otherwise EGG);
  • lipidogram;
  • consultation with an ophthalmologist, psychologist or other specialists.

It is important to find out the nature of the pain and designate the reason for their occurrence, and then get rid of it. Tablets (analgesics and anesthetics) only temporarily reduce the headache, so they are not solving the problem.

Get rid of most types of pain in the head usually can be as follows:

  • taking a shower or warm bath;
  • outdoor walking;
  • massage head, temples or head;
  • physical workshop shoulders and neck;
  • warm milk with a small amount of honey or hot tea with valerian, melissa, dyeing and other herbs with a soothing effect.
  • more often breathe fresh air (walk and air the room where you are);
  • if possible, avoid noise and sharp sounds;
  • observe strict sleep mode - sleep 6-7 hours per day;
  • avoid smells and sharp tastes;
  • attach a cold compress on the forehead;
  • use aromatherapy with lemon, lavender, pink and other oils;
  • include in the diet more vegetables and fruits;
  • avoid sharp temperature drops;
  • in the cool time to use the headdress;
  • avoid stress and excitement;
  • use an exercise with deep breathing, in which the abdominal muscles are involved;
  • sleeping doctors advise indoors with good ventilation and medium temperatures;
  • daily repeat the exercises for the eyes;
  • drinking enough liquid during the day;
  • relax the muscles of shoulders and neck with the help of massage;
  • if possible, take a vacation;
  • as you can turn on the TV or computer;
  • plan rest and working time.

Prevention of pain in the head

Preventive actions are also important when getting rid of pain in the head to avoid their re-return.

Several practical advice, how to avoid headaches:

  1. do not slouch, do not rely on the armrests of the chairs, it makes the muscles of the neck, shoulders and head strain;
  2. it is not recommended chin to make a punch point (for example, press it to the chest);

At least 70% of the population of developed countries are tormented. But in fact, much more people are familiar with this state, just many do not turn to the doctor, preferring to cope with him on their own. But it is necessary to remember that the only symptom of many severe diseases is precisely strong headache. What to do in this case, only a doctor can advise. And, despite the fact that now there are many funds that can quickly alleviate suffering, it is not necessary to get involved in them. After all, to get rid of headaches, you need to eliminate the reasons that are causing them, and not only the symptoms themselves. Therefore, before drinking tablets, you need to find out why you have such a state.

What diseases can cause headaches

The most common causes are vascular diseases: arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, vegetative dystonia and others;

Migraine is also found quite often, especially among women;

The cervical osteochondrosis can lead to the pinching of the artery, resulting in severe headache and nausea;

Often, such a state is a symptom of viral diseases;

Sinusitis, tonsillitis and sinusitis also cause headaches;

It will necessarily arise and after the brain injury;

Various vision problems starting from increasing intraocular pressure and glaucoma to improper selection of points may cause headaches;

This condition is sometimes caused by otitis and dental diseases;

Constant strong may indicate the development of the brain tumor;

It can also cause some diseases of the glands of internal secretion, as well as such rather rare diseases such as temporal arteritis and disorders of the TemoroMabular joint.

Other reasons for this state

But in many cases absolutely healthy people complain about strong headaches. What to do in this case, you can understand if you remember which events preceded this state. After all, pain is often caused by the wrong way of life and nutrition. What can cause them?

Most often it is stress depressive states and psycho-emotional overvoltage;

Nervous and muscle overwork, as well as excessive mental loads;

Lifelong lifestyle and lack of fresh air;

Incorrect posture, habit to join your feet and hurry your back;

Sleep Mode Violations, Night Work;

Change of meteorological conditions, sharp hypothermia or thermal blow;

Incorrect meals: malnutrition, diets, predominance in food nitrite, caffeine and histamine;

Alcohol poisoning, chemicals and medicines;

Lack of some vitamins and minerals, for example, iron deficiency or vitamin V.

Types of headaches

Depending on the reasons, the pain can be different. It may vary in intensity: strong, sharp, stupid, novel, gulp or pulsating. The pain can increase gradually or when the position changes, from sounds and smells. Sometimes she subsides while in silence and rest, during sleep. Depending on this, you need to choose tools to combat it. Classify headaches also at the place of its occurrence. It can be encircling when the whole head hurts, and can be flounded in one place. This often depends on the reasons for its causing. The most often appears pain in the temporal area. It can cause various diseases, stress and poisoning. The backbone pain occurs due to pressure surges or cervical osteochondrosis. Eye tension and infectious diseases can cause such sensations in the forehead. Sometimes they are localized on the one hand. For example, severe headache in the left side of the head indicates the development of migraine.


It is already clear that not always salvation from suffering can be an analgesics.

If you incorrectly determine the reason and do not eliminate it, then after the discontinuation of the medication, the Algia will arise again. Therefore, you need to know why a strong headache appears. What to do to get rid of it, a doctor may advise after survey. He will find out where the pain is localized, as far as it is frequent, and when it hurts stronger. The doctor must also be told about additional symptoms: dizziness, nausea, violation of vision and others. It will be necessary to remember that preceded the appearance of pain, what medications you took and how they were fed. If necessary, the doctor will appoint additional laboratory surveys: these are usually blood tests, magnetic resonance tomography, the electroencephalogram of the brain and the x-ray spine x-ray. You may need to consult other specialists: an oculist, a dentist, a neurologist and an endocrinologist.

When can be treated yourself

Many people torment strong headaches. What to do in this case, some solve themselves. But you can do without a visit to the doctor only when you have already passed the survey and know your diagnosis. If headaches torment you periodically, and you know their cause, you can not contact the doctor every time, but to apply the treatment that he prescribed you. When should I visit the medical institution?

The head fell ill with you for the first time, and you do not know how it can be caused.

The pain arose suddenly, without any visible cause, and gradually enhanced.

The familiar localization and intensity of pain changed.

There were additional symptoms: nausea, dizziness, "flyers" before eyes, weakness.

Treatment of headaches

If you know your diagnosis and reason for the occurrence of this condition, if the pain occur in you infrequently and pass after the use of drugs, you can do self-medication. Most people try to cope with pain with tablets. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and, and in many cases, you can do without harmless drugs, if you eliminate the causes of pain. Often helps rest, walk in the fresh air, relaxing massage or warm bath. Many have a headache after sleeping, meditation or autotraining. Folk remedies helps well: herbs, compresses and point massage. In the treatment of medical institutions, physioproads can be appointed: electrophoresis, salt caves, magnetic and laser therapy. In any case, all methods of getting rid of pain should be directed primarily on its cause.

How to help yourself without drugs

If you understand, why did you have a strong headache, what to do at home to facilitate the attack? If it is caused by overwork, you need to distract from work, walk in the fresh air or just relax. It is useful to drink chamomile decoction, valerians, limes or mint.

Then you need to lie down and try to relax. To do this, disconnect the computer, TV and radio, linger the curtains. You can enable pleasant music and the warm bath with sea salt or aromatic oils will also help ignite to relax. To make your fingers or a jet of a warm soul. Sometimes the pain caused by voltage passes if there is a tight with a towel with a towel for 10 minutes, you can simply be very long to press the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples. In some cases, relief occurs when drinking warm tea with lemon and honey or just sweetened water. All other treatments need to be chosen depending on the reasons why strong headache appeared. What to do - in each case the doctor can advise. For example, at elevated pressure, it is necessary to take preparations for its decline, during infectious diseases - antiviral and antipyretic agents, and with osteochondrosis, make a massage. But in any case, the measures should be taken in a timely manner, it is impossible to tolerate if a strong headache appeared.

What to do: what to drink tablets

All medicinal pain can be divided into several groups. Any of them without recommendation of the doctor can only be taken by one-time - to remove the attack.

1. Nonteroidal anti-inflammatory tools will help with pain of any origin, in addition, they will remove inflammation and heat. The best of these is "ibuprofen", "Naproxen", "Nurofen", "Feat", "Ketorolak" and others.

2. Antispasmodics are used in stress pain, vessel spasme, if the NSAH does not help. "Papaverin", "DroTaver", "but-shpa", "spasgan" and others are recommended.

3. If the pains are caused by pressure fluctuations or other vascular disorders, analgesics will help in this case: "Analgin", "Chilbin" and others. But in combination with them you need to take vasodilatory or special hypertensive agents.

4. These drugs may not help if a very strong headache occurs. What to do, usually in such a state a person cannot solve. Combined drugs can quickly bring: "Pentalgin", "Salpadeev", "Brown", "Novigan" and others.

Folk treatments

But sometimes the intake of drugs is impossible for various reasons, and a strong headache arose. What to do in this case? Many help various herbal fees, compresses and other means folk Medicine. You only need to choose an acceptable treatment for you, which will really facilitate the state.

You can drink warm grazing grasses: Hyperiches, coltsfoot, oregano, mint, Valerian and some others;

You can make compresses with lemon oil, lavender or orange, or just inhale their smell;

You need to drink potato juice, spinach or viburnum berries;

Many helps ginger tea or cinnamon tea;

The point massage and acupuncture helps well.

Strong headache during pregnancy

What to make women waiting for a child, because most drugs are contraindicated? And in pregnant women often occur headaches. It is connected with hormonal changes in the body of a woman, toxicosis and blood circulation failure.

If the head hurts not very much, you can try to cope with this without medication. Help can:

Rest and sleep;

Shower or warm bath;

Relaxing exercises or respiratory gymnastics;

Neck massage and shoulders area;

Warm or cold compress on the nose and forehead with pain in this area, as well as on the neck in case it worries a strong headache in the nape area.

What if these methods do not help? You can take one pill anesthetic. If you do it infrequently, it will not harm it. What medication is allowed to drink pregnant women? In small doses, "citrate" or "paracetamol" is allowed, there is a little-known drug - "acetaminophen". It is strictly forbidden to drink "Nurofen", "Aspirin" and analgesics. The same rules must be adhered to and during lactation if a strong headache occurs. "What to do: I feed a baby, but tolerate no strength?" - Often women are interested. There are compatible S. breastfeeding Preparations, mainly based on paracetamol. This is "Calpol", "Ehelevgangan" or "Panadol". They are least harmful to the child, but they often do not care too.

Headache in children

Little patients treat much more difficult, because they often cannot accurately describe their condition. Therefore, in the case of headaches, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor. After putting the diagnosis, the doctor can determine how to cope with the problem. In addition to pain associated with various health impairments, modern children often experience stress pains and even suffer from migraine. Help the baby can light massage, peace and sleep, lime tea or cool compress. For one-time removal of a strong attack, it is permissible to give a child with paracetamol-based medicines. Most of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics for children under 12 are contraindicated.

Prevention of headaches

As you know, all medicines are unsafe for health. Therefore, it is better to prevent state when you need to drink strong drugs. For those who are regularly concerned about headaches, it is very important to comply with the correct mode of the day, to go to bed in time and walk more in the fresh air. It is necessary to conduct an active lifestyle, spending less time with a TV and a computer. It is also very important to keep track of meals, because many products can cause headaches: coffee, chocolate, carbonated drinks, canned food and sausages. They are better to avoid. It is also necessary to refuse from alcoholic beverages and smoking.

At the end of the XIX century, domestic scientists began to explore the nature of the head painful sensations arising in the head. It was then that the first scientific works devoted to the analysis of headaches appeared. Scientists noted that the individual anatomical features of each organism affect the course of occurrence. In their opinion, the pain is noticed not only in the soft parts of the head and in numerous weaving nerves, and in the components of the cranial box and facial bones.

The blatant factor for the occurrence of headaches are brain injuries. The nature of the illness in some cases lies and in disabilities of the remaining systems and the functionality of the body. Headache Requires a special approach to diagnostics - the attending physician examines the symptoms carefully and then prescribes treatment.

Probable causes of headaches

Each person, at least once in life, felt discomfort arising in connection with the headache. Poor well-being associated with data from the ailment appears in a complex with sharp respiratory colds, viral infections and influenza.

Sources of headaches are:

  • meteo-dependence (reaction to changes in weather conditions);
  • sleep mode failure;
  • stressful state;
  • overeating and no appetite;
  • prolonged stay of the body in the hot medium;
  • supercooling;
  • bad habits (smoking or alcohol abuse).

Other, no less important, headaches - oxygen starvation of the brain and its shells, pathological deviations of the neck or head. As a rule, head spasms serve in many cases the only obvious symptom of other ailments.

The irritation of the brain shell receptor is associated with irritation of the vegetative brain system and several types of nerves (a triple, wandering, throat, skin), the spinal roof in the neck and face muscles. The failure of nervous endings, irritation of the nervously vascular system of the skull leads to a manifestation of very strong headaches.

Factors causing pain in the head are of different nature and manifestations, duration and frequency. Deals can overtake the person in different areas of the head: the head, whiskey or the theme. Headache sometimes arises in itself, in other cases complemented by other symptoms of poor well-being. Headache is often accompanied by loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, irrigated blood pressure. Vision problems are also directly related to this ailment. To form an accurate diagnosis, the doctor should be taken into account where localizes headache, Its duration, accompanying symptoms and repeatability to assign effective treatment.

With a headache, absolutely healthy people are faced with a headache. If a short-term attack has acquired greater intensity, repeatability, the same type, you need to see a doctor for advice. Such a state signals you about the presence of a serious disease.

International Classification of Headache

  • due to physical stress;
  • due to the external squeezing of the head;
  • cluster;
  • in migraine;
  • after enhanced sexual activity;
  • without structural damage to brain tissues;
  • arising from cranial injuries of the head;
  • as a result of vegetative-vascular diseases,
  • in connection with the reception / cancellation of drug use;
  • as a symptom of disease of intracranial structures;
  • with bacterial infections;
  • due to metabolic violations;
  • due to the pathology of cranial nervous plexuses.

If a strong headache acts as a symptom of another disease is a secondary ailment. It complements the problems associated with injuries, intracranial diseases, infections, intoxication, metabolic disorders, unhealthy vessels. Headache can manifest itself due to the life-threatening of patient ailments (with meningitis, brain tumors, subarachnoid hemorrhages, strokes). The secondary pain pain causes the abuse of drinks containing caffeine, and the refusal to receive painkillers. Often, doctors diagnose the hybrid type of pain syndrome: overvoltage plus a secondary symptom in the form of migraine.

Headache as a symptom of other ailments

In case of vascular diseases, the headache serves as a key symptom. Consider this for the timely diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, transient ischemic attack, subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebian hematoma, vascular malformation, veins discirculation, arteitis, stroke.

With a vegetative-vascular dystonia, the headache is accompanied by loss of consciousness, nausea, blood pressure jumps, neurotic disorders. Climate change or nervous voltages, emotional decline can exacerbate symptom.

Hypertension causes pain spasms with noise in the ears, a mining in the eyes, nausea, pain in the field of the heart. Often hurts head in the zone of the back.

Venous dysfunction is complemented by the headache at certain hours of the day - in the morning and in the evening. The symptom complement the sensations of gravity and pressure, pain acquires a stupid and bilateral character.

If you felt a sharp intensive pain - this may be a sign of a sharp stroke. Strong ripple pain near the temple indicates the manifestation of your temple arteit. Problems with vessels are also accompanied by pain in the head and impaired thinking.

Some head injuries cause pain in the head. For example, the acute defeat of the brain structure of the head always causes this symptom, taking into account the intensity and severity. Unbearable pain is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Hematomas cause delayed spasms in the foci of occurrence.

Headache Always serves as a key symptom of different types of infections (meningitis, encephalitis and colds). It is complemented by hanging the body temperature, heaviness in the head, a sense of eye and ears, nausea and vomiting during acute infection.

The painful sensations arise in the head because of the spectrum of eye diseases: glaucoma, squint, disorders of refraquition. A stupid pain in the head with an intraocular discomfort, a sense of gravity can deliver a lot of problems to the patient.

The diseases of the ear and appendages of the sinuses of the nose, the teeth are also accompanied by head spasms. The center of painful sensations will be located in the zone of the inflammatory process.

Neuralgia of cranial nerves is also accompanied by pain in the head. The attacks are quite strong, with cutting tingling. There are only in the process of cleaning the teeth, during communication, chewing food, when contacting cold food. Between these manipulations, the attacks retreat.

Various pathologies of the cervical spine also do not cost without headaches.

Degenerative-dystrophic disease, discogenable root symptoms, the instability of the vertebrae cause spasms in the head and the tempes of the head, in the neck area. The pain is severe, stupid and long. Manifests itself during the turn of the head and the slope of it forward.

Oncological ailments, renal failure and diabetes.

In cancer diseases, renal failure and diabetes, the pain in the head serves as a signal of a metabolic imbalance.

Headaches for infectious diseases

Walled viruses and other infectious diseases are accompanied by the destructive effects of toxins from microbial activity. It causes a headache against the background of high temperature, lobs in the body, chills, problems with vision. You can defeat headaches with anti-inflammory drugs with antipyretic effects.

Enhanced spasms in the head at a cold may be a sign of a very serious illness called meningitis. Timely diagnosis of meningococcal infection will help to avoid with a lesion of brain shells with fatal outcome. Some forms of meningitis can lead to the death of the patient within just a few hours.

Survey of the patient

With a headache, the patient must pass a large number of studies from different specialists: to visit the therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, neurosurgeon, and even infectiousness in need. Full examination is prescribed taking into account the individual situation of each patient. Diagnostic base:

  • dopplerography;
  • electroencephalography;
  • computer tomography head;
  • thyroid examination;
  • inspection of the cervical spine.

The patient also need to pass some tests: a general blood test and sugar, lipidogram.

Headache - Treatment

Therapy to eliminate headaches appoints the attending physician. The results of the full diagnosis of the body will prompt an accurate diagnosis for selecting an effective method of eliminating a strong headache. To headache Not manifested in the patient so much, the symptoms are closely studied and only then individual treatment is selected. Several factors affect the method:

  • the severity of the manifestation of the ailment;
  • additional nuances (for example, age and the presence of other diseases).

Suppression of acute pain is possible when taking drugs of an analgesic groups (ibuprofen, paracetamol) and combined drugs containing caffeine and antispasmodics (Pentalgin, Panadol, Noshpalgin, Salpadeev, and). Effectively showed themselves in the treatment of acute manifestations of headaches a variety of capsules, pops in the form of tablets and sachets with soluble powders. They can be made independently a short time, long-term reception is fraught with addiction to such medicines. Be sure to consult with the attending physician to clarify the causes of the painful syndrome to then eliminate them.

The course of treatment of headaches consists of elements of physiotherapy:

  • electrophoresis procedures;
  • darsonvalization, including additionally a cervical-collar zone;
  • acupuncture;
  • massage;
  • procedures in water.

No less favorably affects resort sanatorium.

Drug therapy includes reception:

  • gabapentin;
  • valproatov;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • sedative preparations;
  • vitamin B;
  • diuretics;
  • vetonic;
  • antioxidants;
  • vascular drugs;
  • neuroprotectors.

Each doctor after setting the right diagnosis to prescribe individual treatment of headaches. Listen to his explanations to how to use preparations for prevention and to eliminate sharp and sudden pain.

Do not forget that self-medication with frequent headaches only hurts your body. The reason for the deterioration of the state can serve as a tumor in the head, in this case therapeutic tablets cannot act as a panacea - it will take a surgical operation. Excessive reception of painkillers destructively affects the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

Example Consultation Specialist with Patient

Patient: What is an abuse headache?

Doctor: Abuzus headache - these are spasms that appear as a result of frequent and chronic reception of drugs with an anesthetic effect (aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs of anteroidal group, ergotamines and barbiturates). The body quickly gets used to drugs that the patient uses chronically - painfulness is quenched at a lesser rate. The patient has to gradually increase the dose of medication, but the effect of this does not improve. The usual headache goes into an abuse form - can disturb the person for two weeks a month. If you cancel the intake of painkillers, then the spasms will be intensified and then stop approximately four weeks after the final refusal of the medication. For the effectiveness of the treatment, the use of a particular preparation in outpatient or stationary conditions is canceled. Instead, symptomatic drugs are selected for removal side Effects. Specialists do not recommend abuse of drugs in order to prevent.

Patient: How to suppress pain in the head at a cold?

Doctor: This will help the reception of instant powder medicines (for example, ferrex, Coldrels and Salpadenin). It also helps rubbing the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples and forehead with fresh cut lemon. Improve the state of multivitamin complexes that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, and a decoction of hawthorn.

Patient: How are some manifestations of headaches are dangerous?

Doctor: especially the most dangerous pain in the head, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Especially should alert vomiting, after the end of which does not become easier in the head and in the body as a whole. Also worth paying attention to the following nuances:

  • if spasms do not decrease after the use of antipyretic, painkillers and drugs of analgesic action;
  • when the headache is complemented by the unpleasant sensations in the neck and it makes it difficult to raise the head in the position lying from the pillow;
  • if pain syndrome was accompanied by loss of consciousness or hallucinogenic visions;
  • the appearance of rashes for meningococcal infection (in this way hemorrhage in the skin). Small spots on the buttocks, the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, the tibia and in other parts of the body acquire a dark red color, the rash does not protrude at the level of the upper layer of the skin and does not whiteway when putting a finger on it.

Patient: How to treat a special headache, such as migraine?

The doctor: in the treatment of migraine and cluster pains, specific drugs acting on special serotonin receptors in the brain are used. Folk methods will help ease attacks - applying a cold dressing for the head, massage and manual impact on biologically active points.

Patient: How do sleep conditions affect the pain in the head, can the dream provoke her appearance?

Doctor: need to follow sleep mode, but do not push. Many people have pain in the head zone quench the body, especially after long-term physical and mental loads. However, if they regularly pour it in the morning - the threat of the duration of headaches after awakening arises. If a person is not familiar to sleep in the afternoon, it is not worth it forcibly to force and abuse this habit. Long daytime sleep can lead to migraine. You need to try to sleep on your back. An uncomfortable posture causes the peeper's muscles and provokes headaches.

Strong sharp headache is often accompanied by nervous voltage. That is why most people write down similar manifestations of overwork or elementary fatigue.

Usually a person takes painkillers to remove the painful state. But even rarely emerging periodic pains should not be ignored.

After all, this symptomatic may indicate a hidden pathology or development of a serious illness. The launched disease may pour into irreversible processes in the body.

A distinctive feature is the surprise of the appearance of sudden headaches, the location of localization, as well as the intensity and nature of the painful syndrome.

Depending on the cause of the occurrence of Cefalgia, the attack may flow rapidly, covering the head for a few seconds. Be in the form of a short-term headache or, on the contrary, continue for several hours and even the day.

After restoring and normalizing a satisfactory condition, the frequency between the appearance of acute headaches can be quite long.

Particularly dangerous is a sharp penetrating pain, which is capable of shooting his head. It can darken in the eyes, a feeling is created as from the strongest impact.

The appearance of piercing pain when in the head says that a vessel can burst. Such a state requires immediate hospitalization.

The optimal option when having a sharp and acute pain is to appeal to a specialist. It is necessary to undergo a full-fledged examination to identify the cause of the occurrence of pain.

Types of headaches

When a person suddenly got sharply ill, then it is most often due to the problems of a neurological nature or dysfunction of vessels.
By numerous studies, scientists revealed about 200 varieties of sensations and about 45 types of cephalgia.

Strong headache can be provoked by many factors having various symptoms. For instance:

  • packed pains occur more often in men, differ in one-way character, for example, a sudden cefalgia, piercing the temple in the left hemisphere for a few seconds;
  • the cervical osteochondrosis or Moogelosis causes long or short headaches that appear due to the spasm of the muscles or the compression of the vessels of the cervical
  • inflammatory processes occurring in triple or occipient nerves cause a sharp short-term pain of the back, which can pulsate in the back of the head or intensify when driving, turning the head or slope;
  • meteo-dependence can provoke a state when the head begins to hurt from the change of weather.

Any sharp manifestations can be a sign of presence of serious violations in the body. It is extremely recommended to engage in self-medication, so as not to create a threat to my own life.

Consider the most common varieties of a sharp stitching pain.


Acute headache is a pronounced sign of the presence of illness and unhealthy state. Such pains are called symptomatic, as they arise due to certain violations:

  • mechanical damage to the skull;
  • dysfunction cardiovascular system;
  • an increase in intracranial pressure;
  • infections, viruses ,;
  • violation of exchange processes or metabolism, dysfunction of the structure of the face, dental or cranial brain problems.

Each violation must be considered separately, dealing with the emergence of long or second sharp pain with professionals.


Migraine or hemikrania is a neuralgic disease, differing from one-sided (more often in the right half) short-term or.

This is one of the very common states that can manifest both in adolescents and adults. In most cases, migraine strikes women, especially against the background of hormonal disorders, the onset of climax or menstruation.

Often, such anonymous begins with the appearance of precursors - sensitivity to light, sharp sounds, smells, unmotivated mood change, depression or apathy.

Attacks may appear unexpectedly, develop rapidly for half an hour or pass for quite a long time. In most cases, the attack fits when you get up from the bed or at the moment when a person only wakes up.

The localization of the acute GB can give in different points of the body - the ear, eyebrows, temporal fractions, etc. The symptoms associated with no dullness are also different. It depends on the type of migraine.

For example, abdominal hemicrane is usually accompanied by vomiting, nausea, dizziness, bloating, or the appearance of a stomach.

The inensosis, stress, violation of psycho-emotional state, inundag, drugs, and so on, are considered provoking factors.

Stress headache

Similar sharp and acute pain belongs to the most common form that affects the age category from 20 to 35 years.

Acute paroxysms are very reminded by cluster pain. However, they are characterized by high sensitivity to indomethacin.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage

With such pathology, hemorrhage occurs under the cinema shell of the brain when the aneurysm of the vessel is broken.

Anomaly can be like congenital and acquired. In the latter case, provoking factors are atherosclerosis, autoimmune vasculitis, abuse of smoking.

Aneurysm rarely accompany any symptoms. The vessel can burst due to a specific reason. At the same time, sharp and acute pain occurs in the back of the head, the areas of the Temkin, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples, eyes and frontal fractions.

Apoplexing pituitary glands

The pituitary is the iron of the internal secretion, which is in the brain. Under apoplexia, blood is influenced into tissue pituitary structures.

As a result of this process, a sudden increase in the size of the gland is manifested, in which squeezing of neighboring vessels or nerve endings.
Strong headache is usually accompanied by a violation of vision and confusion. Treatment involves surgical intervention.

Migraine Neuralgia Harrisa

This species appears unexpectedly without any visible causes. Strong attacks are otherwise referred to as the thunderstorm or cluster GB.

Pathology usually affects men of average years. Cutting pain, as a rule, arise at night. The location of localization on one side of the face is given in temple or eyes.

Migraine cefalgia can be accompanied by increased tearing, the embezzlement of the nasal sinus (left or right), redness of the affected facial area.

Pathology of vegetative nerve nodes

Pain in the facial structure associated with the neuralgia branches of the skull nerves. Pathology is bredit.

The burning penetrating headaches leak outbreaks that tend to shoot the neighboring parts of the head and body.

When introducing in deeper structures, the pains may be given to the temple, a temple, forehead or ear.

Mental or physical overvoltage

Sharp headache does not necessarily arise due to the presence of pathology. Mental or physical overvoltage is also the reason for the appearance of Cefalgia.
This type of pain in the head is the Beach of office staff or workaholics. Discomfort is easily eliminated by a good rest and compliance with the regime.

Acceptance of medicines

Strong GB may be provoked by the abuse of drugs. This type of cephalgia is quite common. Another name is Abuzumny Pain.

It often arises due to the abandon from the usual painkillers. Sometimes acquired pathology has complex leakage and long-term treatment. Therefore, drugs should be selected by a specialist and strictly individually.

How to get rid of cutting pain in your head?

A number of integrated activities will help to eliminate acute and sharp head pain:

  • acceptance of painkillers appointed by the doctor;
  • when stress, it is recommended to adopt a phytopreparation, for example, valerian or dyeing;
  • the usual filtered water will help to weaken the pain, when adding lemon, the effect is increasing an order;
  • various relaxation techniques helps to remove pain syndrome;
  • massage of certain points of the head or body, for example, the second foam bone, located between the large and index finger;
  • compliance with preventive measures.

With a constant nature of attacks, independent treatment at home will not give the proper effect and relief. It is necessary to undergo a detailed medical examination.

Survey of brain

For primary reception, contact the therapist or a neurologist. The doctor will conduct a survey, will give direction to other specialists, as well as on the passage of the brain study:

  • passing laboratory tests (blood, urine);
  • MRI or CT (tomography of cerebral structures);
  • EEG (electroencephalography) to verify the activity of the brain;
  • Ultrasound for vessel examination;
  • Rag to identify the pathologies of the cervical and bones of the skull;
  • examination of the eye dna.

After establishing the cause of the occurrence of GB, the doctor prescribes a course of competent treatment with a long therapeutic effect.

First aid

Measures of first aid at home is the following algorithm of actions:

  • reception of medicinal or folk agents;
  • abundant drinking water or herbal beam;
  • adopting a contrasting shower or warm relaxing bath;
  • provide isolation from light or noise, lie on a flat surface and relax;
  • it is well helped to facilitate the condition of hot bonds on pain or, on the contrary, cold compresses (for example, ice pack);
  • use of massage and relaxation techniques.

Treatment with folk remedies

Many prefer to use not chemical, but folk natural means.
Apple recipe
If you lace a sharp morning attack, then it is recommended to use the apple slide, sprinkled with salt. At the same time, put it with an abundant amount of warm water. The painful state will gradually retreat.
Mint recipe
Peppermint or dried Melissa (1 tbsp. L.) Raw boiling water, close the lid and give some time. Next, it is necessary to strain the decoction, adding a spoon with honey. This is an excellent proven remedy for sharp pain in the head.

High-speed tablets

To get rid of severe acute pain in the head of everyday, provoked by external factors, there are plenty of funds that can be bought without a recipe.

How to warn pain

You can prevent attacks if you comply with simple rules and recommendations of doctors:

  1. Enter regular sports activities in your life, for example, yoga, aerobics, running or fast walking.
  2. Walking in the park area in the fresh air will provide the required amount of oxygen.
  3. In the workplace, try to arrange yourself at least minute breaks every hour.
  4. Take the rule to drink daily two liters of simple water, it will relieve the body of dehydration.
  5. It is recommended to refuse to receive a large amount of coffee, eliminate alcohol and nicotine.
  6. Properly selected nutrition enriched with vitamins, iron and other useful trace elements will help avoid irritation of pain receptors in the head.
  7. Compliance with the routine of the day, sleep mode and food intake will greatly facilitate the task of preventing strong headaches.