Folk remedies for black radish. Radish: Healing root in folk medicine. Black radish juice

Cough is considered. Modern man, almost completely forgotten about the old cough treatment recipes, is accustomed to quickly get rid of this ailment with pharmacy mixes, tinctures and tablets.

But the dummy fall or cold in winter sometimes it is difficult to get rid of cough if it does not start treatment and the disease will be launched. Therefore, in such cases, so that the usual cold is not transferred to the stage of a more severe disease, you need to recall the folk remedies for the fight against the cough. Especially when it comes to the treatment of small children, immunity from which is not as high as adults.

Radish - Natural Expectaurant

To get rid of cough, without using antibiotics, you can resort to the help of a bitter radish, which is also called the people of "black radish" because of the color of its peel. Black radish juice displays from bronchi and light sputum, if you correctly prepare a healing recipe from it.

The effectiveness of this folk medicine is verified by centuries of use. It is believed that the maximum effect in the treatment of cough can be achieved using not young radish, but already sprouted and reached large sizesWhen Kornemploda managed to "absorb" all vitamins and healing minerals. The drug from the radish juice is preparing quickly, in just one day. With regular reception (1 tbsp. Spoon three times a day), the sputum of the lungs and the bronchi begins to go out on the second day.

The most famous and "popular" recipe for black radish when coughing

Take black radish, it is cut off its lower part, leaving the upper (with a tail) untouched. Then the knife is made in the root of the root, which is filled with sugar or honey. The cut part is covered with from above and give time to the formation of the healing juice inside the fetus.

Black radish with cough is considered a very effective means as a soothing a strong cough and a strong anti-inflammatory medicine. For six hours of radish, approximately 30-35 grams of juice stands out.

For example, for the treatment of cough in an adult, it is necessary for about 100 grams of radish juice. It means that you need to prepare at least three roots, cutting the middleings from them by filling with honey and putting them into the glasses so that the "vessels" did not turn over.

It should be taken for the preparation of healing fluid only whole roots, without wormwort. Only those radiation varieties that were grown in the ground, where chemical fertilizers are not added dangerous to the human body. Otherwise, the "treatment" will bring more harm, rather than use, weakening the body dangerous to health elements.

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Why did our ancestors considered the radish "magic" rootpode?

Studying the ancient Greek myths, scientists were very surprised when they got acquainted with the sayings attributed to God Apollon, which considered the radish "magic" rootpode, whose price in gold was equal to the fetal weight.

It is also known that the ancient Greeks brought several varieties of radish, as they considered her Panacea from many diseases, including from colds. Before the meal at any time of the day, they necessarily used the juice of radish from cough or the flesh of this fetus for the prevention of other ailments.

Also, the archaeologists found in the pyramid of Heops, the drawings on which radish is depicted as a gastronomic subject to the heavenly gods. So, the ancient Egyptians also knew about the healing properties of the radish and worshiped this root plant as "Divine".

Hippocrat himself repeatedly wrote in his treatises about the healing properties of radish, which can not only heal the cough, but also to crush the kidney stones.

You should not forget about ancient Russia, because our ancestors have long been eaten black radish and drank her juice with a cold and with "lubrication" in the muscles.

Is it possible to give the juice of radish to children from cough?

In children, as in adults, cough usually accompanies many colds, allergic and infectious diseases. At the same time, the cough may not always be "wet."

Pediatricians give different definitions of children's cough: dry, wet, surface, "bark", parole, etc. Sometimes the cough in children may arise "on an empty place" as a reaction to the purification of the respiratory tract from various types of pollen or dust in the lungs along with air.

Parents of young children should not be engaged in the airplane of their kids. If there are any of these types of cough, you must first turn to the doctor, consult about the possibility of treating the child with folk remedies. If the treatment of radish juice will be approved by the attending physician, then you can begin the preparation of healing recipes.

Children usually black radish children are recommended as a priority folk remedy that helps to resist microbes causing bronchitis and cough. This agent is very effective in the treatment of infections of the upper respiratory tract in kids. Treatment with radish juice when coughing with difficulty wetting is continuing during the week. The child needs to be given on a teaspoon of healing juice with honey three times a day before the main meals.

How to make radish for cough treatment: two simple recipes

The first popular recipe for making radish with cough honey is as follows.

The rooted root is carefully under running water, cut out on one side the middle and add natural honey or sugar syrup into the resulting hole. After 5-6 hours, the fetal period will be filled with top juice. So that the hole is again filled with juice, you need to crop the edges of the radish with a knife. So you can do 2-3 times, then use another root. Keep ready-made juice needed in the dark at moderate temperature no more than a day.

The second folk recipe is preparing like this: a cook salt and vodka in equal proportions are placed in the middle of the rootpode along with honey. The juice formed is applied externally, as grown for breasts and toddler back. By efficiency, this tool is not inferior to mustard pieces.

Beneficial features

It seems that such a vegetable, like black radish, underestimated today, which you can not say about the healers of antiquity. It is safe to say that a person who has never tried radish in his life, lost a lot.

Few people know that radish can activate the reserves of the body, lifting the body temperature from the inside. Therefore, the vegetable is useful with a strong hypother of the body, when a person has been in the cold for a long time.

P.S. For effective inhalations, a good inhaler is needed ... How to choose the right inhaler for inhalations? - Very useful article, do not be lazy to read! Also in this article tells how inhalations and many other important and interesting nuances should be made.

Radish from stones in the bladder

Cooking recipe is identical to the previous one. But at the same time, the cutting slices of radish insist in the day of the day, and then the juice allocated from vegetable should be taken once a day on an empty stomach of 7-10 days in a row (about 30 g daily).

Radish for the treatment of rheumatism, osteochondrosis, neuritis, gout, radiculitis and mositis

All these diseases are successfully treated, their sharp painful symptoms are removed using a cooked drug from radish juice, honey and table salt. A glass of honey, a glass of black radish juice and seven spoons of salt. The prepared mixture is used as a compress or rub the mixture into a place where the painful hearth is located.

The leaves of the young radish in the summer, when there was no full ripening of the fetus, can be used as a "substitute" to obtain the healing juice to prepare the same recipes from cough or other ailments. In summer, all valuable substances of the plants are focused in the leaves, especially rich in vitamin C. Juice of radish leaves perfectly cleans blood. Burfy juice can be "mitigated" with fresh pulp of grated cucumbers or sophisticated young peas.

Is the green radish applied instead of black?

This radish variety is more "soft" than varieties with black peel. In a green root, less bitterness, it is much more gentle to taste and sweeter. Green radish grow in eastern and southern countries, there are many vitamins of groups C, B, RR and A. This vegetable is less common to treat cough as an expectorant, rather than her "black fellow".

Nutritionists are recommended to include light salads from green radish in the diet, which is considered a low-calorie product, takes off the feeling of hunger and contains an enzyme capable of quickly splitting the starchy substances of various products.

Green radish is well combined in "unloading" salads with apple, cucumber, avocado, sweet pepper, greens and celery. The juice of green radish, which matures significantly earlier black fellow, can be used as a "substitute" in the treatment of cough and other colds and infectious diseases. It is not recommended to people with stomach and pancreas diseases.

Why can not be used during pregnancy?

The radish (in all its varieties) contains many essential oils that have the property of accumulating in the body. These oils are removed very slowly and therefore lead the uterus of a pregnant woman in tone. This is a direct threat to miscarriage, so pregnant women extremely undesirable to eat radish in food or use it for treatment.

In some cases, when a strong cough appears in a strong cold, a strong cough appears, you can make a tincture of radish and sugar juice and apply it as a replacement for warm-wing for warming.

You can also use small doses for 3-4 days and radish juice from cough, pre-consulted with a gynecologist. Honey in the recipe is to replace sugar or sweet syrup, as there are many allergenic substances in beekeeping products, which also negatively affect the development of the fetus.

The cough for a pregnant woman is very dangerous, but to treat these symptoms of colds is recommended by various inhalations, using rose oil instead of juice, mint oil, pine, peace or car.


Apply black and green radish to treat cough and other colds, infectious diseases adults and children need necessarily, only without fanaticism. As in every treatment, there is also a consultation of an experienced specialist, who will give detailed recommendations in what form and in what quantity to use juice or grate radical pultage in the treatment of different ailments.

Black radish has long been known not only by the beneficial properties, but also a list of contraindications. It was used to treat people from various diseases over the centuries. In ancient Egypt, Korneflood was considered one of the main signs of local residents. Continues to remain popular to date.

The vegetable contains a large number of fast and complex carbohydrates. Includes minerals that support the work of the whole organism. Of particular importance is phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iodine, sodium, iron and sulfur. The burning taste and the specific aroma of the black root is formed due to the presence of mustard oils. In turn, they contain esters, proteins and fatty unsaturated acids.

Ascorbic and nicotinic acid, retinol - vitamins, which are saturated with radish. It also includes the whole group of vitamins. The chemical composition of vegetable contributes to the full functioning of the human body.

Than useful

For the human body, radish is universal vegetable. Therapeutic properties of the product are endless. Unlike other vegetables, there is not the largest amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. But this does not affect its limitless features. The healing properties of the root of black peel are explained by the balanced content of the useful components.

Radish really has a huge impact on the human body. The statement was repeatedly confirmed by medicine workers. Radish is an excellent antispasmodic painser. Therefore, the black root is used to facilitate the patient's condition during the disease.

For men

In the arsenal of the root - diuretic action. A decoction made from radish facilitates urination. It acts as an anti-informing agent, since the focus of inflammation is eliminated inside the urinary organs. Black vegetable helps to purify blood circuits from cholesterol. At the same time, not only the flesh, but also juice and the tops, are applied.

For women

Beautiful half of humanity most often uses a product in cosmetology purposes. Substances that are contained in vegetable whiten the skin, eliminating pigment spots. Move the skin smooth and velvety. Black radish is crushed to the state of Cashitz and apply on the face as a mask. The use of radish-based decoctions is shown during menstruation, as they eliminate urine delay.

During pregnancy

Women who are in position choose useful products for food, among which a large number of vegetables and fruits. At the same time, among them, in no case should there be radish. Substances included in its composition provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. As a result, a woman may have a miscarriage.

For kids

Radish is shown not only to adults, but also for children. Strengthens the immune system and relieves colds from early signs. To cure the baby, the raid juice of the black root is mixed with honey. A simple, but effective agent will facilitate the state of a small patient.

Children who have not yet turned 1 year old, should not give radish. In other cases, it will take 45 g, divided into 3 receptions. Also do not forget about the contraindications associated with the individual characteristics of the body. In adolescence helps to get rid of acne and acne.


In addition to proteins, carbohydrates, glycosides and minerals, radish contains essential oils. They are mined from seeds. Have a bactericidal action, so they can replace antibiotics. Black radish is included in the human menu at various diseases.

The benefits of the black radish juice

The drink obtained from vegetable eliminates the inflammatory process in the internal organs. Displays harmful connections from the cavity. The effect of antioxidants makes the skin beautiful and rejuvenates the entire body completely. Man feels cheerful and healthier.

The juice of radish pulp is useful for people suffering from slow metabolism, as a result of which they are gaining overweight. The selection of gastric juice is accelerated with the use of ransight juice. A person acquires a full appetite. All together leads to the normalization of the digestive process.

First of all, the solid juice should take people who have found cirrhosis of the liver, cough or bronchitis. An indication for the use of black rootpode is also chronic hepatitis. Regular drinking drink eliminates the symptoms of the disease. To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to take only fresh juice.

Damage to black radish

Despite the fact that the root of black color has a lot of advantages, it should be used with caution. According to contraindications, it is impossible to eat in the following cases:

  • heart disease;
  • gastritis with increased acidity;
  • toxic goiter;
  • peptic disease;
  • liver and kidney disease.

Radish turns on the diet gradually. If there is a pure vegetable constantly, it can adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract. The product is forbidden to take people suffering from allergies. Otherwise, the body's reaction can lead to deposits.

Radish in folk medicine

Recipes under which radish applies there is a huge amount. They help improve health and get rid of a number of dangerous pathologies. The vegetable with black peel includes in salads, where it acts as an additional ingredient. It is also eaten in solid form with honey.

If a person is worried about health problems, the product is based on the compresses that are applied to the affected places. Kornemploda is suitable for creating tinctures and drugs. All recipes in which black radish is used is a huge benefit. Before starting treatment, consultation with a specialist is required.

Bronchitis, cold, runny nose and sinusitis

With bronchitis and radish cough is a miraculous product. It has an expectorant effect, contributing to the removal of sputum. Soothes the upper respiratory tract. Korneflood should be used at the first signs of colds.

The bactericidal effect of the black root crust destroys the harmful microorganisms in the throat and increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections.

The radish juice is heal from a cold. Apply also in more severe cases - Schimorite. At the same time, treatment is very easy. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from radish and drip a few drops in both nostrils.

How to treat black radish cough with honey

An unpleasant symptom is treated with juice with adding honey to improve taste. Take 1 tbsp. l. 25-30 minutes before meals. On the day drink 4 tbsp. l., divided into 4 receptions. The duration of therapy is 7-10 days.

For the treatment of bronchitis, radar juice are mixed together with honey in the same proportions. The application procedure is the same as in the previous case. To get juice, the black root ishes and cleaned from the peel. Cut into small slices and placed in a container, sprinkled with sugar top. After a few hours, the juice will be released independently, it can be taken without any additives.

From hypertension

Due to the high content of potassium salts, Kornemploda is shown to eat people with problem vessels and high pressure. Black radish contains substances that derive extra cholesterol and serve as a cleaning agent for vessels. To get rid of signs of hypertension, it is recommended to prepare the following therapeutic agent. From horseradish, carrots, beets and radish squeeze juice and combine together in equal proportions.

4-5 drops of lemon juice are added to the finished drink. Every morning drink 35 ml on an empty stomach. After 35-40 minutes, you can start breakfast. Besides in the morning, it is useful to drink the same amount of vegetable juice twice a day, regardless of the filing of the stomach.

Under anemia

The medicine is prepared as follows:

  1. Take 5 medium raking fruits.
  2. Grind in any way to obtain juice.
  3. Exactly the same actions are done with carrots.
  4. Mix juices and poured into a container.
  5. The bowl is placed in the oven by 2.5-3 hours at a temperature of 60 ° C.

As soon as the means is ready, it is removed from the oven for cooling. Take three times a day of 30 ml. The course of treatment lasts no more than 3 months. Capacity for the juice of black radish should be fire-resistant.

With joy of bile

Stagnation bile is a problem that is often worried about man. Fortunately, Redege Juice is able to solve it. The course of treatment begins with the use of small portions of juice from black vegetable. At first, a person can feel pain in the liver area.

Warm heater will help facilitate the state. If discomfort passes, it means that the body is used to portion and it must be increased. The plant not only relieves bile from stagnation, but is also a diuretic. Black radish juice displays excess liquid, sand and small stones.

GET and digestion

Since the vegetable contains a lot of fiber, it is an effective tool for cleansing the digestive tract. Kornemplodes frees the intestine from bacteria and harmful substances that have time to accumulate in it. Thanks to cleansing, the intestine can be stably operated. Radish stops the fermentation process, which arises due to food residues. Otherwise, fermentation changes to rot.

Often, with such a problem, others observe the unpleasant smell of human mouth. Black radish removes it, at the same time disinfectioning cavity. The vegetable is effectively used in the pulp and stomatitis. Also improves intestinal peristalsis, helps with constipation.

How to remove the abstineent syndrome with radish

The vegetable is also struggling with signs of hangover. Allocate 2 most effective recipes with radish.

Vegetable Mix

The recipe involves the use of parsley, celery and cucumber juice. For the preparation take an equal amount of cucumber juice, black radish and celery. The ingredients are added 1 tsp. Parsley squeezes and a small amount of water. Within an hour, 250 ml of liquid drink in small sips.

Celery juice is replaced with brine or cabbage squeeze.

Combined reception

Take 5 parts of oscilted juice and mix with a part of the parsley squeeze and two parts of the cabbage. A day drink 250 ml of liquid. If the condition after a while did not improve, it is preparing another drink. It is based on 200 ml of milk, 2 h. Honey and 1 tbsp. l. Celery juice.

Treatment of arthris

With sedentary work, and not only, a person often torments osteochondrosis or arthrosis. The best recipe for the treatment of joints is the composition based on a rated juice with honey and sea salt. Medical alcohol add and bile. Each component must be equal.

A piece of linen fabric omit in boiling water, after which it is flossing the cooked mixture. Attach to the affected place and leave for the night. In the morning cloth remove and wipe the skin with cologne or vodka. The duration of the course of therapy is from 12 days to a month.

Prevention and treatment of tumors

The vegetable covered with black peel, also treats benign, and malignant education. For cooking, 1 kg of radish is crushed with the skin. It is placed in the container and poured 1 liter of vodka. Leave to insist for 2 weeks in a dark cool place. Drink 50 ml three times a day before meals.

It is useful to take both women and men. In the first case, it contributes to the resorption of formations in the uterus, prevents the growth of the tissues of the mammary glands. The daily use of radiation in the salad will save men from the prostate adenoma. In both cases, salads need to fill with vegetable oil.

Recipe compress and rubbing

Black radish squeezing is useful for gout and neuralgia. For the preparation of the product, the purified root crust is grinding and mixed with chopped garlic slices. One cup of radish takes 5-6 pieces. Attach the mass to the patient and leave the amount of time that you can endure. Do not keep the feeling of severe pain in order not to burn the skin. After that, remove the mass, wipe the sore place with olive or vegetable oil and bite the cloth.

Radish when losing weight

Radish is popular with people who want to get rid of excess weight. Korneflood is one of the lowest calorie products, 100 g contains 36 kcal. The use of raw materials allows you to quickly saturate the body and get rid of the feeling of hunger.

This option is perfect for snacks with a limited amount of time.

Black rootfall is saturated with rude food fibers. That is why a person stops feeling hunger after several spoons of salad. The radish cleans the organism from toxins and frees from slags. As a result, this limb cease to swell, and the water-salt balance is normalized.

Application for hair

Black radish substances prevent baldness and strengthen hair bulbs. Regular use of raw materials is the prevention of common problems with the chapel. The radish treats the scalp. After a few use, fatness decreases, the hair becomes bulk, thick and silky.

The vegetable is valued in cooking due to aroma and unique taste. Real gourmets prefer the bitterness and sharpness of black radish. The product can make any dish spicy and burning. Some people prefer such food.

Preparation of dishes does not end only with the use of one black root corner. From the tops are also incredibly delicious dishes. The green part is collected, trying not to damage the leaves, after which it is carefully wash. It is extinguished separately or together with vegetables. It perfectly complements meat and fish, as well as other hot dishes.

What can be prepared from radish

Vegetable is suitable for the preparation of the first cold and hot dishes, the main and snacks. It is a good ingredient for snacks. The most popular radish dish is salad. It can be prepared in different ways.


Radish, together with other vegetables, crushed with a grater, a knife in the form of straws or cubes. The form allows you to cut the flesh with circles or semicircle. Connect with greens and fill with sauce. As a refueling, plant or olive oil, sour cream, mayonnaise or yogurt are used. You can prepare separately with the addition of seasonings, cheese and dried herbs.

Before adding the other components of the salad, radish should be salted so that it will have to let juice. Such a procedure is a small trick that improves the taste of dishes. With black radish, such vegetables are combined to taste:

  • potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • leaf salad;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin;
  • beet.

Salad should not be only from vegetables. It is added to it, pre-cut into pieces or straws. In most cases, lamb chose, beef or poultry meat. The ingredient is boiled, baked or fry.

Potatoes before use need to be prepared. It is boiled, just like meat, baked or fry. The selected components are connected and refilled with sauce. Before adding potatoes and meat, they must cool.

Black roots are perfectly combined to taste with cheese. Cheese and radish are crushed on the same pieces. It can be a straw made with a knife, or chips on the grater. If you add salt, dried herbs and sauce - salad will be completely ready for use.


Great solution - make stuffed eggs. The flesh of the black vegetable rubbed on a shallow grater so that you can easily squeeze juice. Salt and leave for a while. Then the vegetable is mixed with yolks and fill with yogurt or mayonnaise. Films of proteins are filled with filling, decorated with greenery branches and served on the table.


Kornemplood gives sandwich unique taste. Bread or buns are cut on equal parts and dried in a toaster or in a frying pan in a small amount of vegetable oil. Black radish cut slices and sprinkle with salt. Cottage cheese is mixed with sour cream and lubricate slices of bread. From above, lay a vegetable and sprinkle with parsley or other greens at their discretion.

How much to eat without harm to health

Even the most useful vegetable can destroy the body, if you do not know the use of use. It is better to eat a product with small portions, gradually catching the body. Contraindicated to eat daily. Even the most healthy person can begin problems with the digestive tract.

How to remove bitterness from black radish

The product has a specific sharp taste and to improve the taste it is better to remove. The root ished from the remnants of the Earth and placed in a cold water container. It should be covered with water at least 30 minutes. Such a procedure allows you to remove bitterness and make the flesh gently and pleasant. Now the vegetable will not be able to spoil the taste of dishes with its specificity.

At the time of cooking, the vegetable is cleaned from the peel. It contains the maximum amount of useful substances, so it must be removed with a thin layer.

Ridden Salad in French

Supports such ingredients for cooking:

  • 2 small black radish;
  • beet;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • mayonnaise;
  • greens to taste.


  1. Potatoes wash and clean from the peel.
  2. Cut fine straws and fry in deep fryer or in a frying pan until golden color.
  3. Black root, carrots and beets to grind with a grater to form a large chips.
  4. Take a flat dish and put on it all the ingredients with small bugs.

In the center between vegetables pour mayonnaise. Salt salad do not need. Lay vegetables on the dish before serving on the table. Before use, the salad is mixed.

How to store black radish

Vegetables can be touched not only in summer, but also in autumn, in winter and spring. At the same time, you need to know how to properly store roots, so that the flesh remains fresh. You can choose any method - in the refrigerator, freezer, cellar (basement) or on the balcony. What to choose - the person himself decides, based on preferences and opportunities.

Black radish root roots are usually collected in the autumn time of the year, when the highest nutrient number is accumulated in them. Radic can be used not only in culinary, but also therapeutic purposes.

This product contains a large number of essential oils, rafanin and aromatic substances. Due to these compounds, the radish has an antiseptic and bactericidal impact. In addition, it is rich in minerals and vitamins. Sulfur compounds included in black radish are even able to suppress cancer cells. Therefore, traditional medicine advises to use rootes for the treatment of oncological diseases. Also, black radish is used to treat cough and cold, stimulates the intestinal functions. This product helps with hemorrhoids and prevents the formation of stones in the bustling bubble.

There are a lot of folk recipes for treating diseases using black radish. If you are tormented by cough, soda on a grater one big rootpode and mix the resulting juice with liquid honey (200 g). Then put the mixture into a dark and cool place for 12 hours so that it is blown. Do not forget to properly strain the obtained tool.

It is also allowed to external use of radish with influenza, colds and bronchitis. Mix 100 g of chopped shred and radish. Try the chest and the back of the patient 1 time per day at night. After such a procedure, it is advisable to drink a cup of tea with honey or raspberry and sleep well. With constipation you can breed 2 tbsp. l. Radish juice in a glass of water and drink 4 times a day. Syrup made from black radish flowers is used when visiting the voice. If you want to cure from cholecystitis, mix the water with lemon juice in the amount of 1 liter and 20 ml of radish juice. You will need to drink all the acquired drug for one day.

Black radish helps to treat various skin diseases. From it you can prepare a very effective ointment. To do this, mix 100 g of radish juice and red wine. Then pour the mixture into a saucepan, put on a small fire and boil up to a homogeneous mass. Periodically, lubricate problem areas on the skin of this folk medicine.

In the treatment of hypertension, it is recommended to drink 4 times a day 2 tbsp. l. Mixtures of beet juices (1 tbsp.), Khrena roots (2 art. l.), Carrots (1 Art. L) and radish (3 art. l.). The use of black radish will also help with the treatment of anemia. Squeeze the juice from 6 of its root. Then mix it with a juice 5 beet root and 2 glasses of carrot juice. Pour this mixture into a ceramic container with a lid and put in the oven for 4 hours. As a result, you will get the drug that needs to be cooled and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. Typically, the duration of treatment is at least 3 months. For complete recovery, more time may be required.

Black radish has long been known for its healing properties. It is used to treat the ailments over the centuries. This root plant was familiar to the ancient Egyptians, this fact became known according to the results of the excavations.

Appreciated the beneficial properties of radish the famous hippocrate. With her help, he treated the sickness of the lungs, the water. The ancient Greeks with the help of rootflood got rid of cough, helped digestion, improved vision.

Biochemical composition of black radish

Kornemploda is extremely rich in vitamins and microelements. Its composition has proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, essential oils, glucosides. Also radish is rich in potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and other valuable substances.

Radish contains group vitamins, many vitamin C, which are simply necessary for normal human life.

Many daches on their gardens grow a root plant, which is sometimes the name of the Radish garden and use it for the preparation of various salads, garnings, sauces. But in addition to cooking, black radish is used in the treatment of many ailments.

What useful in black radish

At the two-year plant in the first year there is a socket of rooting leaves and solid
root. In the second year, the flower stem appears, the seeds are matured. The stem is quite high, up to half a meter. Flowers are small, connected in brushes forming inflorescences.

In a vegetable, the mass of vitamins: a, beta-carotene, group vitamins B, C, E and PP.

Microelements are represented kalia, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium.

Korneflodes are rich in amino acids, enzyme lysozyme - antibacterial agent destroying the cell walls of bacteria. As well as glucosides, fiber, phytoncides.

One hundred grams of grated vegetable contain 2g proteins, almost 7G carbohydrates, 2g fiber, organic acids, starch. The calorie content of the product is low, so the vegetable is useful for weight loss.

The use of black radish for the digestive system

Due to the high content of fiber, the vegetable effectively cleans the digestive system, eliminating the intestine from harmful substances.

This is important for the proper intestinal operation, since the likelihood of the formation of foci of stagnant phenomena is significantly reduced, where the residues of food roam or rot

  • Regular use of vegetable is stimulated by the blood circulation of the gastrointestinal walls.
  • Black radish is useful to eliminate dysbacteriosis, suppress pathogenic microflora.
  • The plant stimulates the release of bile, which is the effective prevention of gallstone disease.
  • The vegetable is used in case of disruption of intestinal peristals, during constipation.

Useful properties of black radish in the treatment of various diseases

Fitoncides give the root taste to the root, a little resembling bow or horseradish. The antiviral properties of phytoncides allow in some cases to abandon the admission of artificial antibiotics, replacing them with the use of vegetable.

Black radish is useful to have a diuretic effect. Calcium is needed with hypertensive disease. Radish decoctions eliminate urination delay, shown during menstruation, have a slightly laxative effect, applied with an angina, influenza.

The use of black radish with cough and bronchitis

In the case of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the use of vegetables contributes to expectoration. In addition, the plant has spasmolitical, painful and soothing effect.

Cough recipe: Receive radical juice, where honey is added for taste. Take 1-2s.l. For half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.

Recipe treatment of bronchitis: mix black radish juice with honey in equal parts. Take 1C.L. 3-4 times a day.

To obtain juice, wash, clean and cut the root. Place in the dishes by sprinkling slices with sugar. After 2-3 hours, the juice will be highlighted, which is useful to take 1C.L. An hour later.

Treatment of the heart and vessels of radish juice

Black radish juice is useful for prevention. atherosclerosis and getting rid of "bad" cholesterol. It takes 2c.l. 3 times a day. Honey is added to improve taste.

For treatment arrhythmia Juice is accepted by 1C.L. 3 times a day.

Black radish juice is useful for dissolving stones

Radic juice is useful for preventing the formation and disposal of the accretions in the gall and bladder, kidneys.

Treatment begins with a reception 1C.L. Juice in an hour after eating. Gradually, the dose increases and adjust to 1c.l., then up to half a glass.

The main condition for the right treatment is the absence of pain in the field of liver. During the course you need to abandon acidic and sharp products.

The pain causes leaving lime deposits. To reduce its intensity to the right of the abdomen put the heating ground. If the discomfort is tolerant, dissolving the stones continues until the order of 3l juice is pressed.

To improve taste sensations, therapeutic composition can be taken together with beet juice.

Prevention and treatment of tumors

did not happen prostate adenomaIt is useful to include in the daily diet of black radish salad with the addition of vegetable oil.

For resorption tumors of the uterus and in the case of mastopathy, pathological growth of breast tissues, it is useful to prepare the composition by mixing in equal parts aloe juice, corn oil, radish the juice. Add alcohol fortress 70 ° in the amount of 1/10 from the resulting volume, insist in a dark place. Take half an hour before meals 1c.l. three times per day.

For the prevention and treatment of malignant formations of 1kg radish, rinse thoroughly, grind along with the skin, pour 1l vodka. Insist the half months in a dark place, strain. Take a tincture of 1/4 cups for half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Outdoor treatment with black radish

Crumpled seeds of black radish are useful to antibacterial properties, in the form of a suppress, they are used for the speedy healing of the wound, eczema.

Compresses from the pulp help to eliminate blue eyelid under the eyes, bruises, consequences of bruises, scars, wrinkles and freckles.

Recipe treatment for radish joint juice

Prepare 300 ml of juice, mix with honey, sea salt, medical bile, medical alcohol, taking the glass of each component.

Lower linen fabric in boiling water, squeeze, moisten the cooked mixture. The compress is placed overnight. In the morning, the skin wipe with vodka or cologne.

The duration of the course from one and a half weeks to the month.

This recipe is also applied in the treatment. spur, osteochondrosis, argroza.

Recipe compress and rubbing

Grind the flesh of the root of root, to add a few crushed garlic lobs to 1 cup.

Put the compress for a sore place, withstanding so much time as it will be saturated. It is not necessary to too much to zealous so that the burn does not happen. Then linse vegetable oil into the skin, look good.

For the treatment of radiculitis or rheumatism, another recipe is applied. Mix 3 pieces of radish juice, 2 pieces of honey, 1 part of vodka, add a little salt. Well swinging the joint, grate the mixture. You can take 50ml means inside.

Freshly prepared black radish juice is useful at neuralgia, gout It is rubbed into a sore place.

Black radish contraindications

Despite the undisputed benefits of radish, it has both contraindications. And first of all, it concerns all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract at the time of exacerbation.

Radish is contraindicated to people suffering from meteorism. Improving the work of the stomach, radish and improves the production of gases.

Radish contraindicated and under the suffered kidney diseases, or during diseases, such as glomerulonephritis.

You should not use radish and people who have suffered a heart attack.
With caution, it is worth referring to radish pregnant women.

Do not forget that the radish contains a lot of essential oils, and is a strongest natural antibiotic, therefore, in the treatment of black radish, be sure to consult a specialist.


Radish is a very valuable root cornerplood with a mass of therapeutic properties. In the article we will talk about the benefits of this vegetable, possible contraindications, as well as share the recipes of traditional medicine.

In this root, there are carbohydrates, a lot of protein, minerals, essential oils. Kornemploda contains a lot of different vitamins - PP, A, B1, B5, B9, E and C, as well as organic acids that are so necessary to human to normalize many processes in the body.

In 100 g of the product contains:

  • proteins - 2 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6.7 g;
  • fiber - 2.1 g

The caloric content of the radish is only 36 kcal, which indicates that this root plant can and need to be consumed to eat anyone who suffers over weight or sits on a diet.

The inclusion of black radish in its diet will not be just useful, but also can help with many illnesses. It is worth considering every case separately.

Digestive system. Due to the high level of fiber content in the composition, this rootpode is excellent when clearing the digestive system - this root plant eliminates the body from harmful substances.

This is necessary for normal intestinal operation, because the reception of the root can significantly reduce the risks of the appearance of stagnant phenomena in the body.

Due to the regular inclusion of black radish to the ration, the blood circulation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract can be enhanced. In addition, the useful trace elements in the root plant will help to eliminate dysbacteriosis. Doctors advise to use this vegetable to people if they suffer from a biliary disease, since the properties of black radish are such that the reception of the root plant stimulates the removal of bile.

Treating a variety of diseases. Thanks to the phytoncides contained, radish not only has a bitter taste, but also acquires bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Picking up a runny nose in the spring, try to include this root in your diet. Also eliminates urination delay, makes it easier for menstruation. Therapeutic properties of radish black are noticed in the presence of stones in the bile and bladder, kidneys.

Cough and bronchitis. The use of black radish is observed for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This root improvement contributes to normal expectoration. If you cough badly, it is best to drink juice from radish, taking it several times a day on a spoon before meals.

Treatment of black radish diseases of vessels and hearts. The juice of this root is also favorably affects the organism during atheroscleroses, arrhythmia, allows you to lower cholesterol.

Prevention of tumor appearance. Doctors are often advised to include radish in the diet to those who have a predisposition to the appearance of prostate adenoma. Also radish has a beneficial effect on the body in the treatment of mastopathy, uterus tumors.

So, the damage of black radish can apply in the case of the presence of ulcerative stomach diseases, during the exacerbation of gastritis. Essential oils can lead to exacerbation of liver and kidney diseases. For people suffering from gout, should not be included in the diet given root. The harm of the vegetable lies in the fact that it is annoying the gastric mucosa, leading to belching. In addition, you should not use this root, people who have sufferedmyocardial infarction or having Other chronic heart diseases. And those who are inclined to allergic reactions, it is desirable to consult a doctor and make sure that there is no allergies to this vegetable.