Cafe with ice cream from large sizes. Your business: how to open ice cream cafes from scratch. Choose location and room

To make a campaign to some good ice cream cafe in Moscow - it means to relax in the family circle. In order to overpow all the best varieties of beloved delicacy, sometimes you have to spend strength and time. But who of the real connoisseurs can it stop? It is only worth entering the nearest ice cream cafe in Moscow, and there ... and there everyone can choose sweets for themselves in accordance with their taste and preferences, although not so easy sometimes it happens to navigate in the proposed huge assortment.

Addresses, Overview

What can be the best salvation from the summer heat, if not freezing sweet balls in a beautiful bright packaging or a crunchy cup of waffles? Experts recommend ice cream lovers to go to one of the institutions, which, according to reviews, are considered the best. In them, those who wish can spend an unforgettable holiday or weekend with friends or in a family circle. Further, the article provides an overview of the best cafes of the capital.

Holidays in the Central Park

Perfectly relax among the fresh greenery of trees, bright flower beds and flower beds, ponds, elegant arbors, refreshing air fountains and, of course, near the main joy of children - numerous attractions - you can in culture and rest. Gorky. Here in numerous snow-white kiosks "Ice cream" located on the territory of the park, you can enjoy a gentle seal with a taste of childhood. Those who wish can enjoy the taste of eight varieties of corporate ice cream. A wide range of delicious products is offered: in vanilla and chocolate, "Landca", Sherbeta, with a taste of cherries and a green apple, popsome in glaze, etc. Located Park on the Crimean Shaft, 9. Art. Metro: Oktyabrskaya. "Park of Culture".


Those who decided to relax in the Gorky Park, you can look into the cafe-bakery, reminiscent of the present country estate. The eco-interior of the "bells" is determined by the panoramic greenhouse, in which tomatoes, raspberry, mint and cucumbers are grown. All these products are used in the kitchen of the institution.

And in the summer, a veranda with sofas, armchairs, hammocks, umbrellas from the sun opens in the summer. Here, guests can enjoy a unique homemade ice cream made of fruits, berries and cream (see the address above in the article.)


The network of traditional bakeries "Volkonsky" continues the history of pre-revolutionary bakery. They restore recipes from vintage "grandmother" culinary books.

Volkonsky - ice cream cafe in Moscow, the menu of which is represented by a wide range of various varieties of bread, cakes and other fresh baking, candies, handmade marmalade, different types of homemade ice cream. Network establishments are located:

  • on Malase, 4/2, p.1;
  • on color boulevard, 15;
  • on big yakimanka, 19;
  • on ul. Gross, 26;
  • by 22;
  • on Chistoprudny Boulevard, 1;
  • in large garden, 2/46;
  • on Garden-Chernogryazskaya, 13/3, p.1;
  • on big garden, 2/46, p.1;
  • by Sretenka, 27, C.1;
  • on Kutuzovsky Avenue, 36, p. 10;
  • on Rocdelskaya st., 11/5;
  • on the Crimean Shaft, 10.

"Tea height"

In a rare for Moscow, a tea-height club - tea-altitude - tea combined with Jelateria. Institution Many residents of the capital recommend as a better ice cream cafe in Moscow. The club has been working for more than 10 years and all this time remains a hospitable refuge for those who love tea and unusual ice cream. Cafe menu you can find about 250 types of tea of \u200b\u200bvarious varieties and a huge selection of cold delicacy: with a cactus taste, banana, green wheat, cloudberries, pastes, birch juice, white kvass, and with conifer juice, avocado, eucalyptus, sea salt and etc. And even in the "tea height" listen to music, playing the "go" checkers and watch movies. Located a club on Pokrovka, 27, p. 1.


The best according to many, "Baskin Robbins". The institution serves ice cream, loved worldwide and children, and adults. Not only to eat ice cream comes here, but also to try magnificent desserts and branded cocktails. Goods here are prepared exclusively from high-quality and natural products. There are varieties with the addition of berries, fresh fruits, nuts, caramels and chocolate.

Guests can enjoy the taste of a carbonated cocktail decorated with ice cream ball. The real decoration of the festive table will be "cold" made of ice cream cakes. The assortment is a super-light ice cream, as well as cooked without adding sugar. On the caloric content of desserts can be found on the site site. Address: trade union, 61 a, stop of the metro station "Kaluga".


In the cafe located in the lane. Big Kozihinsky, 10 (Ost. Metro "Pushkinskaya", "Tverskaya"), you can taste a variety of vegetarian and fish dishes. Semi-finished products are not used in the institution.

Homemade pies, bread, bread and fresh lemonade are baked in the cafe, they are engaged in smoking vegetables and fish, as well as the manufacture of delicious ice cream. Periodically, the most interesting master classes are held here, which are invited by children of different ages. Network establishments are also located:

  • in Large Nikitskaya, 22/2 (Ost. M. Arbatskaya, "Library. Lenin", "Okhotny Ryang");
  • on Chistoprudny Boulevard, 23 p. 2 (Ost. Metro "China-City", "Kurskaya", "Clean ponds").

"LED" N "ROLL" (show bar)

A hike in this cafe will turn into a real holiday. In the institution is offered a large selection of delicious natural and "fried" ice cream, made in the format of rolls composed of fresh berries and fruits. There is an institution at the address: ul. 3rd Karacharskaya 9, Corp. 2 (Ost. Metro "Highway of enthusiasts", "Aviamotornaya").

Italian ice cream cafe in Moscow

A real sweet piece of Italy is called Cafe-Jelateria "Skalir" - a establishment specializing in the preparation of the dessert of Jelato famous worldwide. Rooms are prepared by hand from fresh products in accordance with the recipes of the famous Masters from Italy Sergio Dondoli. All their taste variety is located on the shop window and is served by guests in horns or crews. In a wide range - a variety of sorbet varieties, cocktails, cakes, cheesecakes and macarons.

Thanks to the use of seasonal berries, fruits, nuts, chocolate, vegetables and spices, delicacy acquire the original taste, estimated and beloved by many. Installations of the "PLB" are located in Moscow:

  • at Pr-Du Lubyansky, 15, p.2 (Ost. Metro "China City");
  • according to theatrical, 5/1, in the Central Children's Store, on 3 and 6 floors (Ost. Lubyanka metro station);
  • on ul. Lion Tolstoy, 18b, in the Business Center "Red Rose" (Ost. Metro "Park of Culture");
  • on ul. Upper Krasnoselskaya, 3a, on the 1st floor of the TER "Troika", (Ost. Metro "Krasnoselskaya");
  • on ul. Pyatnitskaya, 73 (Ost. Dobryninskaya metro).


Delicatessen café-ice cream is known as an elegant establishment in which guests are offered high kitchen dishes, as well as non-trivial desserts. For hot here, tartar, fried brains and a whining caviar dishes are usually served. This exquisite combination corresponds to the ice cream manufactured here.

For example, those who are willing to absorb delicacies quickly quickly, you can order a portion of the melting ramble, which is prepared from fenhel meringue with ice cream and lemon cream. You can also get acquainted with the complex taste of ice cream from Prostokvashi with lemon and salt. It is safe to say: whatever the guests choose in Delicatesssen, this will certainly be something completely unusual. There is an institution for ul. Sadovaya-Kareny, 20, p.2.

A list of establishments where you can taste ice cream in Moscow, very extensive. Sweets that have tried more, but feel that they would like something else, it is worth only to look at a specialized site and choose a new address for yourself. And before them will open another, while the unexplored, cold and sweet world.

In this material:

Ice cream is a favorite delicacy of children from which adults will not be refused. You can buy ice cream in a supermarket, but a completely different business is to eat it in a cafe, slowly, with friends or family. There was a period when children's institutions were universally closed, because they stopped wishing in demand. Times have changed. The business plan of the ice cream cafe is a document on the basis of which you can expand the real business.

The format of public catering institutions is very diverse, however, sometimes it is very acute the lack of a cafe in which you can go with children, where it is possible to arrange a children's holiday. Eyelancers in hypermarkets and shopping centers - not in the expense, they come on the way, between buying a new dress and washing powder. Open ice-cream cafe, which will become a favorite and popular destination for children and adults - art that will be wrapped with good income.

Business description, its relevance and advantages

The ice cream cafe is from childhood, when the lack of a chopstick seemed like a delicious delicacy in the world, and his hand walking with her mother and dad was higher happiness. Times are changing, but children remain children, and a cafe, in which a cozy interior and comfortable furniture have to absorb ice cream, cocktails and other desserts, will have to do. The direction in the direction of the institution primarily for children justifies itself, because it will feel comfortable in it. Thoughtful entourage, competently selected personnel will provide cafes attendance, and therefore revenue.

Ways to implement the project - franchise or independent business

Choosing a way to organize a business, a novice entrepreneur becomes a dilemma: to buy a franchise or start an independent swimming. The franchise has many advantages:

  • the finished concept providing for and prescribing all the little things;
  • promoted name (saving on advertising);
  • support and help from business owners;
  • at the start - a ready-made business that will be easy to sell if desired;
  • stable deliveries, confident profits.

The only thing that loses the owner of the cafe, subscribing to the franchise - independence and the ability to change anything to his discretion.

Determine the format of cafes

To begin, it is important to decide: the cafe will trade only ice cream or compatible several directions - ice-cream and confectionery, bakery, coffee shop.

Combining several areas imposes additional obligations on the business owner and entails foreign expenses, but it helps to attract more visitors.

Own production or sales of finished products?

The idea of \u200b\u200bmaking your own ice cream is attractive (if the version of the franchise is noted), especially when except cafes have additional points for implementation, such as street mobile.

Before deciding to the arrangement and launch of our own production, it is worth calculating the cost of buying equipment, purchase and transportation of raw materials. If the process looks economically profitable, you can start.

Ice cream manufacturing technology

The preparation of a soft ice cream consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation of raw materials. Components are adjusted to the desired temperature and consistency.
  2. Mixing raw materials.
  3. Filtering and pasteurization (for further storage).
  4. Homogenization (giving homogeneity) and cooling.
  5. Profrying is the introduction of the smallest air bubbles to create a specific structure.
  6. Hardening (freezing).
  7. Packing.

For cooking ice cream, cream, milk, sugar, food additives, fillers will be required.

However, ready-made mixes are invented for simplicity - liquid and dry, intended for the preparation of a cold dessert. A dry mix, packed with a vacuum, conveniently stored, it takes a minimum place in stock and divorced by any liquid phase - milk, cream, juice, water.

Where to begin?

The target audience

Initially, it may seem that the target audience of cafes-ice cream is children. Indeed, children and families with children - frequent guests of the establishment, however, besides them, the cafes will attend students and people of older, especially if you can buy coffee for ice cream, for example.

If the area and entourage can be allowed, it will become a venue for children's holidays.

Analysis of competitors

The lion's share of establishments for children and their parents in the country is focused on the preparation of fast food - calorie and low-oral food, replacing breakfast, lunch and dinner. Cafe, where you can come with children and not fear of jerking adults offering delicious desserts and drinks, a bit.

Drawing up range

The wider the range, the more visitors will go into the category of permanent. It is subdivided:

  1. Depending on the base (dairy, seal, on a dairy mixture of various fatty, fruit-berry, aromatic).
  2. Depending on the preparation method (soft, tempered, homemade).
  3. Depending on the packaging (weight, fine and large).
  4. Depending on raw materials.

The last item involves the separation, in accordance with which ice cream manufactures:

  • on a dairy basis;
  • on a fruit-berry basis;
  • based on sugar and sugar substitutes;
  • on a dairy and fruit-berry basis;
  • without freer (fruit ice);
  • milk-containing.

In addition, the delicacy may be single-layer and multilayer, uniform or with pieces of filler.

Organizational plan

Registration of ice cream

For the work of the cafe is quite enough registration of IP: an application to the territorial tax for the production of INN; The statement of the established form, a copy of the passport, the receipt of the payment of state duty - to the bodies of the local municipality.

However, the cafe will require additional documents - a long-term lease agreement for the selected room, sanitary and hygienic permit for it, certificates for raw materials.

OKVED code - group 56 (activities for the provision of food and beverages).

Search for premises

The area of \u200b\u200bthe room depends on the planned sizes of the cafe. In addition to the main hall, the cafe must have a kitchen and utility rooms. It is important that the establishment corresponds to the SES standards, it was equipped with communications, ventilation, alarm and emergency fire extinguishing system, had a spare output.

A bright spacious room is suitable for a children's cafe, in which you can zonate a corner for games.

By the location of the cafe should be convenient: to be located in the city center or in a residential area, within walking distance of public transport stops, on a crowded street. Thus, there will be a permeability, and therefore attendance.

Creating an interior

It is very important to make a cafe cozy and attractive for children. For this purpose, it is better to choose warm tones in the interior - yellow, peach, salad. It is absolutely optionally to paint the walls in bright saturated colors, they tire nervous system And, on the contrary, let out visitors.

For the smallest it is worth providing a corner where a child can play, draw. Well, if you have the opportunity to hang a big plasma and twist the cartoons or turn on the background with music.

The furniture should be comfortable for both children and adults, you need to find a golden middle, without turning cafes-ice cream into a branch of a nursery group, but also without repeating this category of visitors.

Purchase of equipment and furniture

To accommodate the hall you will need:

  • glass windows with cooling;
  • bar rack;
  • cash register and table for it;
  • tables and chairs for the hall;
  • interior items and decor.

In the utility room:

  • refrigerators for storage of raw materials and products;
  • plumbing equipment;
  • shelves, racks;
  • table, chairs.

If one's own production of ice cream is assumed, then the purchase of the technological line is necessary.

In addition, the dishes and dishwasher, trays for waiters, folders for the menu.

Buying a franchise solves all the issues with the design, since each item is clearly registered and specified.

Personnel search

Cafe will need a managing (administrator), 2 waiters, 2 cashiers, 2 pastries, 2 bartender. If equipment is installed for the production of ice cream, the adjuster will be required. In addition, it should be clean in the hall - no room cleaning larger.

Invite an accountant or surrender to the mercy of outsourcing - the choice of business owner.

Advertising campaign

The opening of the cafe under its own title requires a deployed advertising campaign involving:

  • bright outdoor advertising;
  • distribution of flyers and leaflets;
  • pre-tasting ice cream in retail outlets next to the cafe;
  • commercials on TV, on the radio;
  • information on the Internet (social networks, site of the city).

Financial calculations


At the start of the investment consist of:

  • advance payment rental - 100 thousand rubles for 3 months;
  • documentation design - 4 thousand rubles;
  • shopping equipment - 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchases of raw materials - 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchases of furniture - 180 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign - 70-85 thousand rubles.

Costs can vary depending on the necessary equipment, the size of the room, repair, or its absence, the cost of furniture.

Monthly costs

  • payment of rent and utility payments - 35 thousand rubles;
  • advertising expenses - 5 thousand rubles;
  • salary - 100 thousand rubles;
  • buying raw materials or ready ice cream - 70 thousand rubles.


Revenues are consisted of implemented ice cream and other goods offered by the cafe. The wider the assortment list, the greater interest will cause the institution, but it is very important to keep the quality of products at the height.

Counting profits, profitability and payback period

Machine the investment is possible for about 14-20 months. The average revenue of the cafe with high patency is 800-900 thousand rubles per month, but of these money you need to pay current costs.

Opening a cafe-ice cream is an interesting and profitable business, but if there is no confidence in your own forces and sufficient money to afford to experiment with the recipes of ice cream, creating an exclusive, then the purchase of the franchise will become the optimal solution.

Order Business Plan

Investments: Investments 190 000 - 460 000 ₽

Investments: Investments 670 000 - 1 400 000 ₽

The company LLC "Ice Box" appeared in Togliatti in 2015 and began its activities from the delivery service of natural home ice cream. The main advantage of the trademark is 100% natural composition, eliminating the presence of any dyes, flavors, factory pastes, vegetable fats and E-components. IceBox ice cream is preparing exclusively from fresh farms and milk, natural berries, fruits, nuts, ...

Investments: Investments 200 000 - 450,000 rubles.

Molecularmeal is a company that specializes in conducting master classes in molecular cuisine for both teams of the largest companies in the Russian Federation and for children. The Molecularmeal franchise description is master classes and culinary shows of molecular cuisine. Molecular cuisine allows: payback 3-4 months! Net profit from 120 thousand rubles. Ready and packaged business model. This business brings money, joy and satisfaction. ...

Investments: Investments from 300,000 rubles.

Investments: Investments from 17,000,000 rubles.

The Chicken House brand appeared on the Russian market in 2004. The owner of the trademark - TK "San". Since the reason, our company has taken care of all aspects of catering, starting with a thought-out menu. We try to collect in our restaurants everything you need for healthy nutrition and ensuring a full-fledged diet and responsibly approach the choice of products. ...

Investments: 2 250,000 - 3,250,000 rubles.

Franchise "Baskin Robbins" has been successfully developed since 1945, and to this day is one of the most attractive companies for the franchisee. It is a world ice cream market leader having a largest cafe network. The Russian copyright holder is CJSC "Briti" - has the status of the "official supplier of the Kremlin", assigned by the Supervisory Board of the Guild of Suppliers of the Moscow Kremlin. The company "Baskin Robbins" is the owner of the set ...

Investments: 160 000 - 1,500,000 rubles.

Delicious and popular business is a possession of a private cafe with world famous drinks. Buying a franchise from Teafunny is a step towards success and good income. About the company The world-famous brand Teafunny was founded only five years ago, but his concept fell in love with thousands of customers from different countries The world is so much that at the moment is already open ...

Investments: from 5,000,000 rubles. - 10 000 000 rubles.

Tuttithrutti is an easy and delicious business. The company offers its own and franchise enterprises that sell the delicious and useful ice cream yogurt. The product itself is the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a cafe of healthy nutrition, where instead of frozen products were sold a delicious alternative in the form of healthy food, originated in 1970. Very quickly cafe, where low-calorie yogurts were served in the form of ice cream, became popular ...

Investments: 1,000,000 - 5,000,000 rubles.

Looking for a suitable nutrition business? Why not do a light and profitable business selling delicious ice cream? Franchise 33 Penguin is suitable for such purposes as it is impossible. About the company at the moment cafe with ice cream under the branded name "33 Penguin" work not only in one hundred seventy cities in the territory Russian FederationBut also ...

Investments: 450,000 - 1,000,000 rubles.

Gelaty is a company in the market since 2008. We produce delicious natural ice cream, manufactured by Italian technology. We have a real Italian technologist, we use only natural milk, cream, butter and paste. We have our own retail network - over 40 points throughout Russia from Peter to Krasnoyarsk. We "blew all the bumps" ourselves, we ...

Investments: 14,000,000 - 15,000,000 rubles.

Restaurant holding "G.M.R. Planet of Hospitality, "founded in 1997, is the largest multi-brand operator in the Russian FoodService market. The company's brands portfolio presents popular Russian and international restaurant stamps: Sbarro, Yamkee, Eastern Bazaar, Cofestto, "Little Japan", "Christmas Trees", Likex, Viaggio, Crazy Chicken. "G.M.R. Planet of Hospitality "leads its activities in 50 cities of 4 countries of the world. Description Franchise "Little ...

Investments: 1,200,000 - 2,000,000 rubles.

Bubble Mania® is one of the most recognizable brands in the Bubble TEA market. Branded products, corporate style in the design of a cafe, a bright sign and recognizable logo, and most importantly - delicious cocktails that you want to try again and again! Start of the launch of the franchise program 2012 Number of franchise enterprises in Russia 15 The number of franchise enterprises in Europe 17 the number of franchise ...

Cafes-ice cream or jelateria in Moscow is very popular. Since ice cream is a favorite view of the dessert from childhood, adults and children are like such institutions. In the warm season, the ice cream café focuses on the variety of cold delicacy tastes. In winter, the institution often complements the menu by baking, desserts and hot drinks.

Where to eat ice cream in Moscow: cafes and restaurants

A little bit about ice cream

For the first time, this degree appeared more than 5,000 years ago in China. There it was served in the form of snow and ice, seasoned with pieces of fruit. Today ice cream is one of the popular desserts in the world, and the ice cream cafe is found everywhere. Over the summer, about 300,000 tons of this dessert eat in Russia, and for the entire year, the country accounts for about 7 kg of ice cream.

Cafe ice cream in Moscow for children: addresses, description

Ice cream in a modern understanding we owe Italian Buontalenti. Thanks to him, Italy still is considered the birthplace of the most delicious ice cream in the world. Real Gelato, or Italian ice cream, is difficult in preparation and is found only in several places of the capital.

What is offered in jelteria in Moscow:

  • ice cream in classic form (based on milk);
  • sorbets (frozen fruit puree);
  • ice cream cake;
  • popsicle - Low-calorie ice cream on a stick;
  • bubbies - ice cream from Hawaii, created from the usual cream ice cream and Moji (Japanese dessert from rice dough with jam).

To find the most delicious ice cream, take advantage of our ice cream list in Moscow with addresses, detailed descriptions and photos. Visitors' reviews will help to make a complete picture of a particular institution.

In addition to cold delicacy, other sweets are often served in the best ice cream cafes in Moscow. The main menu is usually compact: sometimes you can find soups, sandwiches and light salads. The cafe of the Italian ice cream in Moscow serves other dishes of Italian cuisine: Bruschetta, pasta, pizza, risotto. Often, a large collection of drinks is also collected in the institution menu. In Kafe-ice cream in Moscow, various types of coffee, elite tea varieties, alcohol are offered.

Best ice cream cafe in Moscow


On the windows of the best ice cream cafes in Moscow - the variety of classical and special tastes. Here is ice cream with cappuccino, pine cones and exotic fruits. From the most unusual varieties, ice cream offers to try a dessert with a truffle, Caracatian ink or cactus.

In Thailand, from where this dessert came from us, he is called fried ice cream. Sweetheart are prepared from fruits and berries, which mix on an ice plate with a dairy basis and turn into rolls right with you

"Vanilla Spatula", 5 *

"Vanilla spatula".

Maria Belenkaya, "Metro"

Creamy ice cream with lychee, strawberry and pistachios

Price: 350 rub.

Impressions: the taste reminded the bable gam, only natural! You can add all the ingredients that have an ice cream at your roll. He mixes them with milk and cream, grinds, melts on the metal cooled to -20 ° C and twisted in rolls.

Other Tastes: Raspberry, Mango, Pecan, Kiwi, Coffee, Currant ...

Where to search: in the central market (left at the entrance) and the Usachevsky market.

"LED-N-ROLL", 5 *


Maria Belenkaya., "Metro"

Creamy ice cream with Maracuy, Mango and Papaya

Price: 350 rub.

Impressions: a plane combination that carries to Asia. Maracuy bones are pleasantly bursting in the mouth. But at the end, ice cream seems too acidic, so I advise you to add sweet topping. You can choose the option without milk - on syrup.

Other tastes: blueberries, pineapple, raspberry, banana ...

Where to seek: in the "Children's World" on the 6th floor, to the left of the cinema.

"Eccassed", 4 *


Maria Belenkaya., "Metro"

Banana Ice Cream, Black Currant, Peach and Kiwi

Price: 300 rub.

Impressions: the only place in the review, where the roll cannot be made dairy: ice cream is prepared only with syrup. For me, this is a minus - I don't really like sorbet. But on a hot day - the most it is!

Other tastes: Pineapple, Banana, Peach, Black Currant, Apricot, Mint, Basil. Also add white or red wine.

Where to search: in Nord Coffee at the address: 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, 12 (entrance from the 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya - behind the store "Alenka").

Fruit Lab, 4 *

Maria Belenkaya., "Metro"

Yoghurt ice cream with cedar nuts, blackberry and banana

Price: 340 rub.

Impressions: tasty, but did not like the service. To the question, with which the cedar nut combines, heard indifferent: "with everything". I do not like this! In addition, the berries use frozen.

Other Tastes: Mango, Maracuy, Strawberry, Raspberry, Blueberry, Mint ...

Where to search: in "Metropolis" on the 3rd floor next to Food Court and in the "Parkkey" on the 4th floor next to the rink.

Vogoo, 3 *

Maria Belenkaya., "Metro"

Milk Ice Cream with Nectarin, Malina and Mango

Price: 329 rub. (taking into account the discount 20%, which is given on the spot)

Impressions: The resulting beauty seemed not very natural to taste. Apparently, business in a dairy basis. Berries also take frozen. But Toppings were played: my marshmallow lay in a jar with a label "Cheerful".

Other tastes: Apple, Strawberry, Blueberry, Kiwi, Cherry ...

Where to search: in the shopping center "Moskvorechye" on the 3rd floor and in "Mega White Dacha".