Fen shui live turtle in the house. What symbolizes the turtle in different countries. Turtle made of metal

Turtles are slow and defenseless creatures. And what does the turtle symbolize from different peoples of the world? It is this question that we will analyze in our article. And just a little tell about its biological features.

Turtles are the most ancient kind of vertebrate animals. The trail of reptiles can be traced for a long period exceeding 220 million years. Habitat covers almost the entire globe, highlighting the maximum prevalence in tropical and moderate climates. Animals have a unique ability to live on land and water.

Biological features, origin and habitat

The main difference of these reptiles is the shell, which is the main defense that protects from the attack of enemies. All kinds of animals can be divided into marine and terrestrial inhabitants.

The second subspecies is divided into freshwater and land animals. Some modern species are protected, due to the threat of complete extinction. Only 26 of their families are open to science, of which only 12 remained today.

The origin of animals still causes many questions, they are considered to belong to the subclass of the ancient paradities. In the era of mesozoic, they had a half shell and teeth, which is absolutely not inherent in modern individuals.

In the Triassic period, animals were distinguished by a full shell, the presence of teeth was also discovered. Fossils of the skulls are affected by the huge amount of shells reaching 2.5 meters in length. The longevity of these reptiles has no equal among animals.

Animals do not like societies to themselves like, often quite aggressively reacting to other turtles. Collected in groups only in the marriage period or for the time of wintering.

Ground individuals as the main nutrition prefer to feed vegetation, unlike freshwater predators. Such reptiles are able to eat small fish, arthropods and mollusks. Sea inhabitants can be omnivorous, predators, or roasting. Sometimes the image of their nutrition changes from a certain age, replacing animal food vegetable, or vice versa.

What symbolizes the turtle in the eastern countries

The image of the turtle is widespread in culture, religion and mythology of various nations. Signs on animal shell often interpreted as mysterious letters with secret meaning.

The image of this reptile at all times personified power, stability, dimension and stability. Many nations believed that the symbol of the turtle would give his owner wisdom, protects and give energy.

In ancient China, the teachings read that the image of the animal was able to attract good luck and would help achieve his goals.

The legends on the creation of the world were represented by the planet on the Turtle Pancir, which is soiled in the World Ocean.

The wise men set the symbol of the animal next to the Phoenix bird, a dragon and a tiger, as the incarnation of longevity, wisdom and health.

In some cities, the celebration of the new year and to this day is celebrated by sweets in the form of turtles as a symbol of sentences to the gods.

A unique practice gives reptiles with unusual qualities. The Chinese legend explains the fortress and stability of the Heavenly Temple, which placed its possessions in Beijing, a reliable base in the form of a shelney of four turtles. The teachings of Feng Shui were discovered due to the unusual structure of the shell, consisting of nine sites.

In India, the animal was mentioned in the legends of the Universe. Ancient letters were described by a giant turtle, which in the shell stood an elephant and held the planet. Indian legends are narrated by the sacral value of the shell. His exterior is the way heavenly world, internal - earthly. Combining both worlds, a stable equilibrium of the universe is formed. An image of an animal blue personifies God Vishnu, which supports harmony in the world.

Which symbolizes the turtle from the Slavs

Slavic culture relates an animal in the category of "reptiles" along with other reptiles and amphibians.

An ancient legend reads about the order of God, who commanded Aist to throw out a bag of unclean, where the turtle was also among various cold-blooded animals.

An animal symbol comes from various legends, which describe the greed and covering the mission of the strangers. In different countries, only existence differ. The punishment of greed opposed the transformation of food into the turtle or the fascination of him with the mission.

Some legends say about the punishment for work on holidays or laziness in cooking. Crashing the trough, various female images became turtles.

Ancient slavic legends They describe the reptiles in the image of a poisonous snake, which God punished with a heavy shell, protecting humanity from her moisture.

The mythical connection of the turtle with rain, hail and thunder explains many beliefs and adopted related to these phenomena.

There is a unlawful ban of the murder of this reptile in various countries. In Bulgaria, it is believed that the animal will bring a good harvest and happiness. The legends of the country of the universe describe the turtle as the image that holds the Earth.

Polish beliefs tell about the ability of the animal whistling and falling inside a person, to bring their cubs in the womb, which form a tumor in the body.

In Ukraine, there is a legend about turning the witch in the turtle, for the selection of milk in cows. In many believe in Russia, it is able to give a "rupture-grass", laundering any locks.

The symbol of this animal is present in many cultures of the countries of the world, personifying various images of fertility, durability, strength and wisdom.

Whatever meaning we attached to the turtle at different times and era, remember that this animal requires protection from a person. Otherwise we will lose this kind forever.

Three turtles

Today it is unlikely that you can find at least one person who has never heard or did not come across the magic of the action of Feng Shui. And it is not surprising, because this east doctrine on energy fluxes and spaces is aimed at harmonizing various spheres of human life. Special place in the teaching of Hairdryer Shui occupy mascots - they are kind of catalysts different species Energy, magnets and indicators of what a person seeks.

Turtle in Feng Shui is the most powerful and ancient talisman: it belongs to one of the 4 heavenly animals and personifies wisdom, health and longevity. On Feng Shui, the turtle must be present in each house, as it is his faith and the keeper.

Talisman value

Like its life path, in Feng Shui, the turtle symbolizes a stubborn advancement forward. This celestial animal not only attracts good luck to the house, but also contributes to the achievement of the goals.

Very important turtle mascot for the head of the family. Its strong, durable shell, symbolizing the sky, will always "defend" his owner, bring good luck, support in his affairs and endeavors and, as a result, to give a monetary well-being.

In Feng Shui, the turtle is popular not only in a single embodiment, but also in the pyramid of 3 turtles. Such a talisman is a symbol of longevity and well-being of several generations.

Myths and legends

Turtle Feng Shui

A turtle came to Feng Shui from the ancient Chinese legends about the universe. In those distant times, people believed that the land stands on the shell of a huge sea turtle - the inhabitants of the World Ocean.

Another legend having the Hinda roots, says that the turtles were born from the shields of powerful giants, once threw the challenge to the gods.

There is another Chinese belief that the wooden columns of the Heavenly Temple in Beijing are not on the ground, but on the backs of the turtles. And thanks to the unusual abilities of these animals, the tree of centuries will not deteriorate and does not rot.

Throughout history, the turtles were attributed a lot of superposts and tissues. In the shell, the turtles learned the future, made pictures and drawings on them, made medicinal medicinal tinctures.
Based on these and many other facts, the conviction is that the turtle in Feng Shui is the heavenly creation and symbol of the universe, over time it became an axiom and relevant to this day.

It is believed that it was she who brought to humanity to humanity on the teachings of Feng Shui, opened out of the 9 sectors, so it was always in the east, there is also a special, respectable attitude.

Materials Talisman

Depending on the purpose and priorities of a person, attention should be paid to the material of the talisman-turtle.

On Feng Shui, the turtle from metal is well suited to promote in matters of work. This is explained by the fact that the metal generates and maintains water, and this creates a favorable Wednesday for the turtle. The optimal option in this case will be the gilded or silver plated turtle.

The presence of the house or at the work of the turtle from ceramics will contribute to career growth, attracting financial benefits (earned exclusively work and diligence) and wisdom accumulation.

A turtle shown on the picture, toy, lively or made by their own hands, is perfectly suitable as a talisman. To do this, it is enough just to cut the figure in the form of a turtle from the cardboard, decorate and attach her photo to her. In this case, it will symbolize the gradual climbing and movement towards the goal. From a person, it is only necessary to focus on the latter as much as possible, and in the rest you can safely rely on the turtle talisman.

It should be remembered that the turtle at home or in the workplace is definitely good, but it is not recommended to acquire a large number of talismans, since the turtle is considered solitary and it corresponds to a career zone in the Lo-shu square (number 1).

Turtle in Feng Shui: Location

If we are talking about the house, then it is best to place a turtle talisman for him. With this location of the turtle things will become a strong rear for the abode. Putting the talisman on the hill (even artificially swollen), the effect of the turtle will only increase.

Turtle with aquarium

Inside the room it is necessary to be guided by the fact that the turtle is the keeper of the north, so it is best to have it in the northern part of the house. To put a turtle on the shelf, ideally, you have behind your back. Single can a turtle in the workplace. Feng Shui claims that in this case it will be aware of all cases, help in work, promote the career. And her durable shell will always "bind" and "protect".

Adhere to this "Northern Regulation" follows when choosing the location of the cabinet or workplace, since the career zone is located in the north.

The turtle is a strong talisman and does not need additional activation, but if desired, it can be strengthened by putting a plant (not cactus only) or water container.

Having a turtle talisman, it is important to remember that she is not a place in the bedroom.
Often, choosing a turtle or any other talisman, just listen to the advice of experts and experts, one must follow their intuition. It's easier to bring a turtle into a house or on the workplace, put it in a priority place, activate and strengthen its action. Much more important than sincerely believe in his talisman, and then the turtle on Feng Shui will give you to his "heavenly" benefits and gifts.

The value of the symbol of the turtle is different in different cultures and religious flows: the animal can personify patience or associated with an angry mother. The main property of the symbol of the turtle is to protect the premises (houses, office) and the protection of a person who is worn, from evil people and misfortunes. In magical rituals, the animal shell is used to create strong.


The meaning of the turtle in different countries

The attitude to the animal in various cultures looks like this:

  1. Indians perceive the turtle (Kasyar) as a student of all living things. The upper part of its shell symbolizes the heavenly world, the bottom - the earth. The turtle personifies the feminine beginning and is a keeper of human life and other beings.
  2. In Japan, a turtle is a symbol of longevity and health. The Japanese believe that it supports the world of the immortal and global mountain. An animal can personify two deities: the kumpir (the god of seating) and Benten (one of the seven goddesses of happiness).
  3. In Spain and Portugal, the turtle symbolizes the trick, with which you can beat stronger opponents.
  4. The symbol of the turtle in African peoples is essential for representatives of a strong floor, personifying male strength and fecundity. In Egypt, the animal was used to determine the yield, calculating the height of the River Nile river in its behavior.
  5. Europeans have a turtle symbolizes moral love and fertility.
  6. In China, the animal personifies the unshakable world order. It is considered a symbol of power and equilibrium.

Which symbolizes the turtle from the Slavs

Slavs associated the appearance of a turtle with the magical actions of the Higher Forces. They believed that a person who had a figurine of an animal could always count on the roof over his head. According to legends, the turtles appeared as a result of a person's punishment for greed (Croatia, Bosnia) or violation of the established rules (Bulgaria, Ukraine).

In Russia, the turtle was used in Heraldry and denoted the following:

  • wisdom;
  • development;
  • immunity and insensitivity;
  • sea fishery.

Fengshui Symbol

According to the ancient Chinese science Fengshui, the turtle personifies:

  • wisdom;
  • persistence;
  • wealth;
  • longevity;
  • health.

In the video, it is described about what symbolizes the turtle from different peoples and on Fengshui. Taken from the channel "Question Answer".


The wisdom that the turtles give, has such an interpretation:

  • neatness;
  • flexibility;
  • an academic achievement of goals;
  • the ability to adapt.


The turtles achieve the desired, stubbornly moving towards the cherished goal. An animal symbolizes effort and hardworking. It personifies the work that is thoughtful to the smallest detail, which always leads to success.

Health and longevity

The turtle symbolizes the following:

  • adherence to a healthy lifestyle;
  • good immunity;
  • competently compiled routine of the day.


An animal personifies the financial well-being, which is achieved thanks to painstaking work. The symbol of the turtle helps decent and honest people get rich. But, wealth is not related to the receipt of inheritance or winning the lottery.

What will the turtle help?

Turtle can help its owner in the following:

  • improve life quality;
  • improve health;
  • to advance through the career ladder;
  • attract luck;
  • self-realize in the new industry;
  • avoid influence bad people.

Turtle in talismans

As a talisman, you can use:

  • living turtle (in terrarium);
  • the subject of the interior in the form of an animal;
  • image (including a screensaver on the phone);
  • children's toy;
  • decoration (suspension, ring).

Three turtles

Figurine or image of three people standing On the other turtles, they personify the connection and unity of generations. They should be placed in the northern side of the residential premises, with the exception of the bedroom. Such talismans attract family harmony and happiness.

It should be borne in mind that the Talisman will show their action only if three generations of one family live in the apartment.

Statuette with three turtles

Metal turtle

Turtle made of metal is designed to improve the material condition and achieve goals in the work. The power of the talisman directly depends on its weight - the harder, the better. Metal can be used any, silver and gold are suitable for it.

Ceramic turtle

The symbol of ceramics helps to advance up the career staircase. Such a turtle makes his owner wiser and gives the ability to weighing decisions. The composition itself does not matter, as is the framing.

Piggy - Ceramics Souvenir

Black turtle

An image or statuette performed in black color is designed to increase longevity. They can be given to a person who often sicks.

It is necessary to have such talismans separately from others. The black turtle should be the only representative of his species in the room where it will be.



If the symbol has a dragon head and a turtle shell, it has a positive effect on:

  • health;
  • position in society;
  • life expectancy.

In the teachings, Fengshui Dragonhetherpach protects people from Tai-sui (the personification of energy capable of destroying the life of a person). To this end, the image is located so that the head is turned to the West.

Figurine Drakoocherpahi

Turtle on coins

An animal sitting on the coins helps to get an increase. It is ideal for those who want to do as much as much as possible in their field and increase the earnings. To be such a talisman should be in a personal account or in another workplace.

Metal turtle sitting on coins

Turtle from Onyx

The mascot made from Onyx helps its owner:

  • improve memory;
  • acquire knowledge;
  • master something new.

Figurine from Onyx.

Turtle tattoo

The image of the turtle on the skin gives her owner to endurance and gives strength to move towards the target target. It is favorable on people who need to systematize their own thoughts. In Russia, the tattoos were done in the case when a person sought to peace of mind.

The turtle on the body of men enhances fertility, and women makes more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. In addition, the tattoo with this animal contributes to the birth of healthy children.

The turtle from the head of the dragon in the form of a native figure means disadvantage. It helps its owner to go ahead, easily overcoming emerging obstacles.

Tattoo with Turtle

Sink with turtle

Ring with a turtle figure you need to direct the muzzle to yourself and the tail in the outside world. Such an animal arrangement will strengthen the magical properties of the amulet, recognized as to protect its owner from any kind of aggression. The talisman will not only help cope with psychological attacks of people, but also to build harmonious relationships with others.

Ring with a turtle

Mirror turtle

This talisman is suitable for those who contact people with people, it needs to be put at work. The face of the animal is directed towards visitors. The symbol of the glass turtle protects its owner from any negative emanating from other people.

Glass turtle figurine

Live turtle

In a private house you can arrange a small reservoir from the northern part of the site and launch in it alive turtles. The habitat of animals can be in front of the house or on the left side. Such a location will protect the housing and its inhabitants and will attract good luck.

Materials for Talisman

The material for the turtle must be selected taking into account the purpose of the talisman, it can be:

  • metal (regulates financial streams);
  • ceramics (empowers the ability to think sensitly);
  • stone (neutralized negative);
  • paper (promises success in affairs).

Animals made of fabric and wood have protection. They help a person to become prosperous in all spheres of his life, but have a little less power.

Where to put a turtle?

The turtle can be placed in the room or the car. It is advisable to arrange the animal in the northern part for its back.

A good neighborhood for the statuette is aquarium or a water tank. It can be an artificial fountain or a cup. You can also set a flower or any plant next to it (uncooked and not cactus).

At home

The statuette of the turtle in the house is located for this principle:

  1. If the location is selected on a smooth surface (wardrobe, wall), the mascot must be hung up by imitating the animal creeping forward.
  2. At the windowsill put a turtle is useful when there is a negative (on Fengshui) view. It may be a hospital or a garbage - everything that is somehow puzzled bad energy. It is necessary to have a talisman so that the look of the animal is fixed on the unfavorable object, then the turtle recycle energy to positive.
  3. Wooden product is desirable to put on the south or east side of the house, stone - on the balcony.
  4. In the nursery, you can put a night light or purchase a toy in the form of a turtle.

On the desktop

The rules for the location of the animal symbol on the desktop look like this:

  1. You can install aquarium in front of yourself or on the side. Water in combination with a turtle will help advance through the career staircase.
  2. If you build any elevation and put a statuette from above, all the functions of the talisman will increase.
  3. You need to choose the location not only by Fengshui, but also listening to your intuition.

If the turtle is installed without complying with general recommendations, but its owner is satisfied - the place is chosen correctly and it is not necessary to move it.

Master class of making mascot turtle paper

You can make a paper officer personally like this:

  1. Cut or draw a symbolic image of the animal.
  2. Stick a turtle on a blue sheet of paper.
  3. In the center of the shell glue his photo (face).
  4. Step-by-step instruction Creation of paper turtle Paper turtle in Origami technique

    How to activate the talisman?

    The mascot does not require activation, but, it is possible to strengthen its influence on the fate of a person, sticking or drawing a blue triangle, symbolizing the aquatic space. You can also combine a turtle with another amulet. To this end, it is enough to attach to the surface of any other talisman drawing or an image sticker with an image.

Turtles - live fossils of our planet. Even evolution is not able to cope with them: over the past 200 million years, they have practically changed. They are distinguished by fantastic survivability (with a broken turtle to Lochmotyev can live and move tens of days!). And one experimental copy with a remote brain has lived half a year. They are long-livers. 150 years - normal age for a landkin turtle. It happens, they live to 200 or more.

Some species are amazed by their strength: the green sea turtle can carry as many people how much will fit on its shell. There are aggressive representatives of these animals. The famous Cayman Turtles are very biting: there are enough snakes, birds on the shore and in the water, there were cases when they had a swimming pool to the fingers. Another interesting feature is: not afraid of cold, can crawl on ice. Its relative is also noteworthy - a cartoon turtle, which catches fish on the "worm": it will be knocked on the bottom, it will open the mouth and periodically suits the bright red grown on the back of the language, very similar to the wriggling worm.

Serves as a symbol of material existence. By virtue of its slowness is a symbol of natural evolution as opposed to more rapid spiritual. The most important mythological symbol of Assyria, India, China, Japan and other countries of the Far East, which has space implications. In India and Greece, the turtle was considered the sacred animals of female goddesses. In Japan, this is a male symbol. In the Indian mythology, the turtle or her legs serve as a support space. In other mythologies, it is known as the troon of the sky, primary waters or islands of immortal. In Mongolian myths, the golden turtle holds the central mountain of the Universum. Arched turtle shell is considered as a set of heavens, arising over a flat land. The turtle is perceived as a direct mediator between the sky and the earth, the symbol of the entire university.

Most people have a turtle associated with voidness and slowness. In many nations, these turtle quality entered the proverbs and sayings. On the streets of London you can see posters with a picture of a turtle and a hare, which are warned by pedestrians: "Do not jump like a hare, and not polnea, like a turtle." But on the Fiji Islands, the turtle is considered a symbol of speed and higher navigation abilities. It is depicted on the official forms of the Maritime Department. Only it is not land, but sea turtles. Ridlea applies to them. It is up to 80 centimeters long, both vegetable and animal food. The temper is pretty fierce. When it is caught from the water, Ridlea delivers a lot of hassle: contacts the oars and arms, throws on people.

According to the legend of the Iroquois, at the very beginning of the peacekeeping, the Supreme Deity decided to plant a giant world tree in the pristine ocean. But for him I needed a robust support. The beasts gathered to the advice decided to extract the land from the bottom of the ocean. When this task was solved, the question arose: what to strengthen it? To take responsibility to sign the universe agreed by the turtle hah-huh. At her sturdy armor were placed extracted from the bottom slices, which, gradually rummaged, formed the Earth. But another legend, which is part of the "Valam of Alum" - the famous epic tale of the North American Indians, in ancient times the mighty and huge snake, the living ring engulfed the land to destroy all the living, began to erupt the endless streams of water from his mouth. The great hero named Nanabush, the ancestor of people and animals, decided to save his dying descendants. For this, he created a huge turtle similar to a floating island. On her back and hid from danger people and animals. This myth is fully similar to legends about the peacekeeping, and the turtle plays a role in it not just supports of the earthly tver, but the earth itself.

For example, Japanese, it supports the refuge of the immortal and world mount and means longevity, good luck and support.

Turtle is also required

He lived once a young fisherman who loved the sea most of all in the world. He lived in a hut on the shore. In the morning and in the evening, in winter and summer he did not stop admiring the sea. His name was required.
Every day he caught fish. But since it was in love with the sea and kind from nature, he always released caught fish back to the sea.
Once, throwing my fishing rod, suddenly suddenly felt that the fishing line was very stretched. Having overlooking her, he saw a big turtle, hooked behind the hook. I was sure to liberate the turtle and let go back to the sea. "Better I will hungry today," he thought, - than killing a young turtle. "
You know that the turtles live many, many years, and this was still very young. The turtle disappeared in the waves, and after a while of extraordinary beauty, the girl appeared by the boat.
Litting on her edge, she said:
- I am the daughter of the sea king. We live at the bottom of the sea. Father allowed me to turn into a turtle to experience your kind heart. You are really kind and noble. I invite you to visit you to see my underwater palace.
I was not sure to extract a word, struck by her unearthly beauty. One desire to follow it everywhere.
"Yes," he could crush himself and, filing her hand, followed her to the seabed. Crystal fish with gold fins accompanied them. Even before sunset, they reached the underwater palace.
He was made of corals and pearls and sparkling so that it was hurt. Dragons with gently velvet skin guarded entrance to the palace.
In the silence and luxury of the palace, she also had been pretended for four years along with the beauty of the princess. Every day the sea sparkled and shone in the rays of the sun. They were happy until once she was not happy to meet a small turtle. She reminded him the day when he went to the sea. He remembered his village and his family.
Princess knew that one day he would remember and stupid around the house.
"You have to return to Earth, to people," she said. "If you stay here, you will wave me and die with longing." If you go now, you can go back. Take this pearl box tied up with green ribbon. But look, do not unleash the tape. If you do it and open the box, you will never be able to go back.
She was sure to sat down in his boat, and the princess carried her upstairs. He swam to his native shore. Seeing him, he cried from joy.
There, everything was also standing the hill, the cheriest trees grew up, and all the same golden was the coastal sand, from which he built beautiful castles in childhood, I was still required to hurry up the familiar trail. Rising, he did not recognize the surroundings. Everything also shone the sun, sang birds and a cinema, overflowing, the sea. His hut was not, there was not even a tree, under the shadow of which she stood. He went on. What happened in four years while he was in the underwater kingdom?
Suddenly he saw a gray-haired senior, resting under the shadow of a tree, and approached to talk to him.
- Sorry, you do not say how to get to the hut are required? - he asked.
- Is she who? - asked the elder. - This is a very ancient name. I heard him once as a child. It was in the story of my great-grandfather about the boy who drowned into the sea. His brothers, their sons and their grandchildren lived here and fish. But they all have already died. This is a very sad story, right? The young man went to the sea 400 years ago and did not return home. They did not even find sinters from his boat. The sea absorbed everything, "said the old man.
Without a family, without a home, no one unfamiliar and unnecessary was not stranger in his village.
The elder, pointing to the side of the hill, said:
- There is a village cemetery there, and there you will find his grave.
Slowly was sure to walked on the cemetery. There, among the names of Mother, Father and Brothers, he saw her name carved on a gray grave stone.
And suddenly he understood. Nothing tied him more with his village. Here on Earth, he was dead, he was late for 400 years. He must return to his beloved princess.
He knew that he could not lose his box tied up with green ribbon. He knew that he had to hurry, but he felt tired and unnecessary.
He slowly returned to the shore, sat down on the sea sand and laid on his knees a pearl box. He dreamed of back, in the marine kingdom. Magnible it untied the green tape and opened the box.
White fog Slowly floated out of the box and rose high in the sky. There he acquired the outline of his beloved, adorable princess.
I was sure to hand over her hands and rushed after her, but the fog dissipated in the sea air.
I was not sure to feel very old. His back has grown up, the hands shook, and the hair has been sad. His muscles became flabby, and the legs became barely moving around.
Soon on the sea shore, the children found a skeleton of an unknown person. And on the sea waves everything floated, swinging, a small pearl box. Above it easily spinning in the wind green ribbon.

Japanese prosperity and wealth symbol - the mythical treasure ship Takaralau,

The silver ship sailing to the edges is loaded with the symbols of wealth and prosperity: gold and silver antique coins, bags with rice, coral branches and other rareholds, among which - the taper turtle is a symbol of wisdom and longevity.

In India, the symbolism symbolism inherent in the turtle was particularly emphasized, which was expressed in the presentation that the layers holds the world, standing on a huge cosmic turtle. On the other hand, it is believed that the cosmic tree grows out of the back of the turtle - the incarnation of the Keeper's god Vishnu: in the ancient Indian ideas, the Earth rested on four elephants, which stood on a huge turtle, slowly disruptive through chaos.

"... Mountain began to tie the ocean day in the orstand. Then Vishnu turned into a giant turtle (it was his second avatar), dived into the ocean and put his back under the mountain. At the same time, Vishnu remained at the top, on Earth, in his four-year-old body and all four hands firmly held a snake rope. And so the gods and demons smell the ocean a hundred years. By the end, the Pakhtanya Vishnu-Turtle snapped to the surface, his soul merged with a soul in a four-year-old body. Vishnu said: "Wait Amrita." Finally on the surface of the ocean appeared the white vessel in which there was amrita ... ".

The cosmic turtle played a major role in the myths of ancient India. In a famous myth about the smelling of the Milk Ocean, the king of the turtles served as the gods of the Mandary Mountains - Space Mutovka. In medieval Indian art, the universe was depicted as follows: a gigantic world snake, who paid the universe of the ring, carries a colossal turtle on him, on the back of which there are four elephants supporting the earth; In the center of the earth's Ocean, the continent-dressed in people is placed - Jambudvip, there, in turn, are also cosmic elephants, and the world mountain is treated on their backs.

In Ancient Chinese. The symbolism of the Hero-creator of the world is also supported by the mythology of North American Indians, where the turtle raises the land from the depths. Black turtle personifies the north, night and winter. According to legends, trigramms existed before hexagrams. The creation of eight tri grams (ba GUA) is attributed to the legendary Emperor Fu Si, who laid the beginning of the Chinese civilization in the XXVI1I-XXVII centuries. BC. According to legend, once he saw a huge turtle on the Huanghhe River, on the back of which mysterious signs were drawn, consisting of solid and interrupted in the middle of the traits. In their combinations, Fu Si saw a system of symbols that correspond to his understanding of the universe, where they were dominated by the sky and the earth, from the interaction of which they arose and moved all things and phenomena into each other. Fu Si invented Gua and thus revealed the perfect way to manage people and the country. This happened in time immemorial; When people did not know any farming, nor fire, no instruments of labor.

According to the myth of the Mountains of the Immortal Penglay, the five sacred mountains, on which the Divine and People who have achieved Bliss lived on the ocean's surface at a distance of several billion Lie from the coast. From the permanent sea pitch, the immortal inhabitants of the paradise mountains were painted, and then the Supreme Divine ordered her subordinates to catch fifteen giant turtles and make them keep the mountains on their heads, replacing each other in sixty thousand years. Further, the myth tells about how a certain giant caught six wonderful turtles on the hook, as a result of which two mountains plunged into the pulp. The connection of this legend with the archaic picture of the world is completely obvious: five mythical mountains correspond to the five world mountains located, according to the ancient Chinese cosmography, in the cardinal points of space - in the south, north, east, west and in the center.

Another Ancient Chinese myth tells about how during the cosmic battle with the deity of fire, the God of water in rage fell into the sacred mountain of Buchoushn, who served the support of the sky, and broke it. It caused a universal catastrophe: the land was sharply tilted in one direction, and the world threatened death. Eliminate the consequences of the cataclysm took up the ancestor of the people of the goddess Nyva. She killed a giant monster JSC, he cut four legs from him and used them as a support, putting at the four corners of the Earth. Ancient commentators report that the hieroglyph "AO", which now came out of use, meant a huge sea turtle. Thus, it can be assumed that this myth is essentially an echo of legend about the creation of the universe, only a few reeued and shaped with bringing motifs.

In the Chinese turtle - one of the four spiritually gifted creatures along with a dragon, phoenix and ciline; Symbolizes water element, yin, winter, northern regions, black color of the original chaos. Turtle is called black warrior - a symbol of strength, endurance and long-life. The banner with a dragon and a turtle carried the warriors of the imperial army as a symbol of non-profitability, since both creatures, fighting, each other, are alive: the dragon cannot crush the turtle, and he cannot reach the dragon. The turtle is often depicted with a crane, as a symbol of longevity. In China, they believed that it had predictive abilities.

The turtle is often depicted with a crane, as a symbol of longevity. She supports the Earth, and its four legs are at the other ends of the earth.

According to Feng Shui, the turtle is a symbol of longevity and wisdom. Talisman Three turtles each other symbolize the well-being of three generations. This talisman will be particularly favorable for those families where it lives not one generation. So, we advise you to acquire such a talisman to gain the happiness and health of each member of a large family. A black turtle is especially valued in Feng Shui, which is the keeper of the North, so, by the way, it is recommended to post the office in this area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

The black turtle mascot brings good luck and support in affairs, smooth and consistently increasing the income and standard of living. Turtle assistance is especially important for the owner of the house and the breadwinner of the family. Turtle - a symbol of hard labor that will be rewarded. The most "effective" talisman is a metal turtle, gilded or silver-covered. The metal generates water, supports it, and therefore the talisman becomes particular effect.

In addition, the turtle is a symbol of career growth. If you place its image or a figurine in the career sector, you can always enjoy the success on your professional field.

And finally, the turtle, as we all know, is a symbol of wisdom, longevity and a steady movement forward.

Drakoocherpach is a magic animal with a dragon head and a turtle body, a symbol of the harmony of the universe, which is one of the standards expressing the Feng Shui philosophy. The functions of the talisman - the protection of the house from everything is bad, which can penetrate it or accumulate in it. In addition, Drakonocherpach has specific capabilities inherent in Fengshui talismans. According to the ancient Chinese legend, this mythical being appeared from the Dragon Union (the elder brother of Chinese emperors) and the turtles are the keeper of truth and wisdom. When the last dragon gathered to die, he was very worried that he would leave his way without his wise leadership and guard. Turtle, realizing that with the death of the dragon to the country, a big trouble can come, provided her body of the Dragon. Thus, two strongest patrons of China connected.

Turtle is a very useful creature: she "absorbs" aggression in the house. And if the child in transition begins to deteriate, psychologists recommend that the turtle is recommended. The slowness and the nervelessness of the turtles entered the proverbs and sayings, however, the Central Asian, or steppe, turtles (it was this breed most often keep at home) are able to rise to a height of two thousand meters above sea level and calmly move around the cloud slope. A fact of the unique mental skull abilities also says such a fact: during the rain in the desert they make the pool, the water in which is saved as much as 6 hours. Known and the case of salvation of a man's turtle. The passenger of one vessel in the Caribbean fell overboard and more than 15 hours (until another ship chose him) floated, holding a large sea turtle armor.

Ulana kleps.



If you think about buying a turtle as a pet, but in doubt whether the new pet damage will cause the energy level of the house, boldly go to the pet shop. According to esoteric ideas and accumulated over the long age, the presence of a small tricky goes only for the benefit of both the dwelling and all of its inhabitants.

Signs about the turtle

Do not believe those who frighten the owners of the skulls of bad omen! Negative signs about the "shell" amphibian can be counted on the fingers of one hand, but for positive not enough legs. For no accident in antiquity, the turtle was considered the basis on which the elephants carrying the world bearing on their backs. Wise and calm, it is never in a hurry, does not worry on trifles and stubbornly follows their goal, no matter how much obstacles it stands on the way. Baby in armor has something to learn!

Is it possible to keep at home

You can keep the turtle in the apartment and need. If you do not believe in the signs, get a pet, followed by extremely curious to watch. If you believe, the new tenant will bring a lot of good to your home.

  • It is believed that the turtle aggravates the mental abilities of its owner and pushes him to the adoption of the right solutions. You yourself will not notice how to learn to think more weigly and productively.
  • He herself possessing strong protection, the tilter covers the invisible "shell" house in which it is settled. And to the one who personally will take care of the well-being of the animal, the signs promise the hardest health, which can not destroy any disease and viruses.
  • The turtle helps to establish closer bonds between family members and harmonizes the situation in the dwelling.
  • Remember, from whom Pinocchio received his key? Mot on the mustache! Home turtle is often called a mascot attracting money. Here you will see, and for you she will be cleared!
  • Turtle - a symbol of slow, but faithful forward movement. Draw the forces in contemplating a small armored traveler and put any goals. Believe that they are achievable! Especially if there is a stubborn and imperturbable animal nearby.

Turtle carries her owner longevity

This wise creation of ancient is considered a carrier of stability and good luck. Believe that the animal in your house drives happiness in your home, and one day it will come to you.

When meeting: To see on the street, find, the turtle interposed the road

In our harsh climate, accidentally encounter a turtle on the street is almost unrealistic. It is difficult to imagine that the slow animal will suddenly emerge from behind the corner or try to overwhel the road! But what only happens ... in summer, an attachment from the negligent owner of the animal can be revealed to you on the way, overwhels the road, and even dock to the threshold of the house. Know that in any circumstances this meeting will be an excellent sign. The turtle predicts only good events, brings the highest strength and promises you Buddhist peace of mind when meeting with troubles, if any will happen. With such an assistant, all the problems you decide the "one left", because the main thing in difficult circumstances is the presence of the Spirit!

If you lost pet

What will break the separation with a turtle, if the most unlucky owner turned out to be? It seems that time is to panic: from you a live symbol of prosperity, success and health!

Calm! First of all, once again, it's thoroughly await the territory on which a fugitive can hide. Arrange plates with water and food in several places. Make to tune in for a favorable outcome of events. At times, the turtles happen to climb into an invisible gap and fall into the hibernation. Perhaps and your loss is a dreaming somewhere nearby, she could not go far.

Watch out for your Talisman good luck more friendly!

The searches were not crowned with success? Optimistically customized turtle owners say: losing the animal in this case too for the better . Pitomitsa is a pity. But it may be that the big trouble went on her shell from you. Do not call it back. If the wise of Tortilla will consider it necessary, she will reset his burden somewhere in an corner of a delight, where people do not go, and will come back to you. But do not forget and make the approval themselves strengthened to find it faster.


  • The killing of the turtle is considered to be taken to trouble. It remains only to be surprised why the cooks of exotic cuisine are not murut like flies.
  • But the bracelet or the comb, made from the shell who deceased his death the animal, protect against the evil eye, bad effects and endow wisdom.

How to neutralize admission

With a turtle associated so little bad will adopt that you have no need to divert them. If even the animal perits from your hand, it's too late for anything. Or then the will of the case, for which the wise amphibian will not shine you (in the blinding the turtle will not reproach). Either a conscious choice, to divert the consequences of which there is no point.

If Tortilla is lost, and you really want to finally meet her at the threshold of the house, a few days in a row in a row on the windowsill white candle and mentally ask for the bright power of the universe to take care of your pet and return it home. They say a way to act with any pet, so why not try it?

And a couple of tips. Finally: esoteric and practical. To help the new petomice, successfully fight the negative in the house, an aquarium for a water resident and a terrarium for the land. Place in the northern part of the apartment. It was with this side of the world that the turtle was associated in China. And you try to walk the nipper on the free air, tie it up with a red ribbon shelter or attach an air balloon to it. Then even the real Turtle Sprinter will not be able to get lost in thick grass.