Fruit Mauritius. Exotic fruits and berries with titles descriptions and photos. Rules of behavior in Mauritius

I abandoned the story about Mauritius in the most interesting place: about food!
I rubbed my hands and dreamed that on the island we had an exclusively fish and fruit on the table.
In the supermarket, fresh fish was only once. On the other days, in addition to the ice cream, there was not a single fish. Fish on the market was sold during the day. The one I booked and photographed, but I did not dare to buy.

We usually dined on the beach. By noon came hiking kitchens. The messengers ran through the long beach and distributed the menu.

They did an order and then we were damaged not only food, but also a table with chairs. Grilled seafood, Creoleski fish, all sorts of reptiles with rice. So, without changing from his litters, served lunch. Not Michelin, but did not poison never.

I could not forget about the dessert. All over the island, drive cars with ice cream and loudly sew the same melody. Well, exactly like in one horror movie!

About dinner, the conversation began in breakfast. What will we eat?
She was preparing senior Luigi. I dreamed of fish, but I was told and the mouth did not open and not to atheel to the holy of holy Italian meals: exclusively pasta! To wish another equated to politically incorrectness and attempt to cunning aggression.
Usually, I do not dare with Sasha, but I ignore dinner with everyone together, therefore, we agreed modestly for one portion for two.
But it was every time so breathtically delicious that I, if it were, would give the additives twice.
Luigi does not prepare, he sings over the stove. Not 30 minutes, as it requires cooking, but all evening! I honestly tried to take a master class and learn! What is there! So burn and dance over the saucers I will definitely not.
Pasta was blackboard. Different. But I am always ridiculous and incomprehensible when the son-in-law categorically does not want to eat my borsch on the second day!
Twice there was a pasta with shells that were collected in the sand. They were tiny, with children's marigolds.
We went to the restaurant too. The dominion of the British did not spoil French cuisine brought by the previous owners of the island. The arrived Indians complemented and diversified the range by adding spices. Many rice. On the island of Basmati is incredibly long. I generally accepted for the vermicell.

This is our last dinner together with Sasha.

The hostess was so kinda. The mango was shifted by dessert. Gentle, bright orange and completely without rigid bone fibers. I asked how to choose such a tasty. In the botanical garden we were found that on the island of 50 MANGO varieties. The hostess flirtally smiled: she just choose, it grows in her garden. And categorically ordered to call her restaurant in the morning. In Italy, we brought mango from her tree!


  • If you know English, then there will be no problems with communication on the island - this language is considered on Mauritius official and it is badly understood almost everything, although most of the population speaks French.
  • When choosing the hotel, keep in mind that the island does not use the star system of the classification of hotels and their categories are determined conditionally. But there is no cheap hotels on the island. True, even those of them who are conventionally belong to three stars, the quality of accommodation and service pull at least one star higher. Many establishments are simply huge areas and their own beaches, a well-established infrastructure, almost everywhere free equipment for water sports with the exception of diving. Also from local features of hotels can be noted very high-quality meals. From Moscow, you can easily reserve any Maurican hotel - just tell us about your wishes to the manager "1001 Tours."
  • When communicating with the Mauritians, be prepared for a very friendly and friendly attitude towards you. Tourists love here. In addition to all, the locals are known for the fact that their culture makes them say "no" guest only in exceptional cases. And, if a resident refuses, thereby puts himself in an awkward position.
  • Food on the island is most common Chinese, Creole, Indian and European cuisine. Prepare dishes from lamb, birds, seafood and vegetables - in a word, from what is on the island. Be prepared that most of the dishes are sharp, and the main side garnish is almost all of them - rice. By the way, in the best Chinese restaurants of the capital, corporate dishes, mostly "Duck in Beijing", must be ordered in advance. One of the traditional dishes here is a palm core salad. There are many exotic tropical fruits. In the summer, from November to May, you can eat the Chinese cherry lichni. Coffee is preparing for Creole manner and has the finest fragrance of Vanilla. It is worth trying the famous Mauritian white rum "Green Island" and Mauritian beer (Varlla varieties, "Phoenix", "Blue Merlin").
  • For lovers of souvenirs and just shopping Mauritius is a real paradise. Very many famous brands place the production of their products on Mauritius, and shirts, trousers, costumes, dresses, swimsuits of famous producers are three times less than in Europe. Most jewelry stores besides good jewelry selling and watching very famous brands. And also cheaper than in Europe.
  • Standard for Mauritius Set of souvenirs such: a pareo of bright tropical flowers, beads, shells, corals, wood carving, macrame, carpets. For fans of cooking, you should capture fruit pate from the island, spices, vanilla tea and rum, infused on tropical fruits. And one more souvenir, which many are lucky from the island is a model of old ships with carefully worked out details. But note that when boarding the plane, an additional fee is charged depending on the size and weight.
  • It is also useful to know that in Mauritius there are shops of duty-free trade, created specifically for tourists (they need to show a passport and return ticket).
  • One of the entertainment on the island, which should be tried, is called Deep Sea Fishing. In principle, this is ordinary fishing, only deep-water. The best time for her - from September to April. The boat with a skipper and a fishing helper costs 7,500 rupees in six hours. Blue marlin is usually caught, black marlin, sharks, yellow tuna, sailboats, dorades, bonites, barracudes.
  • Other similar entertainment is hunting. The local hunting reserve Domain du Schassser, located on the territory of 950 hectares, is open all year round. Deer and wild boars are found.
  • Going on a trip, carefully approach the choice of clothes. As mentioned above, the weather on the island is changing often, and therefore it is necessary to take not only summer things, but also windbreakers, raincoats and umbrellas. True, it does not happen here, as the truth, and the fact that almost everything can be bought in place. It is advisable to have beach slippers - there are sharp corals here. And in the evenings, the hotels adopted a less strict form of clothing - at least the pants and shirt are needed.
  • Lovers of nudism on Mauritius do not like - to swim with bare and topless it is forbidden almost everywhere. Also undesirable to walk in beachwear outside the hotel - police officers will or pay attention to you and ask to go to the hotel change clothes, or, more unpleasant, you will come across the obvious condemnation of local residents. True, without pronounced aggression.
  • For a trip, no special vaccinations are required. There is also no poisonous animals on the island or insects. True, the bites of some flying creatures from the Europeans unusual to them can cause an allergic reaction, so it is worth capturing antiallergic medicines.
  • It is not recommended to swim at night - although there are almost no largest predators here, but there are many dw intensers with sharp spikes. And in the afternoon under the feet it is better to watch - the benefit of the water is transparent.
  • Unlike many tropical countries, in Mauritius you can drink water from under the tap. Although it is still better to use bottled water. Especially since the local mineral composition of water is very different from the usual. Therefore, it would be nice to capture with you and gastric.
  • If you are going to visit the mosques or Hindu temples, then get dressed so as not to embarrass the feelings of the local population - that is, at least the naked parts of the body. Also note that before entering them it is necessary to remove shoes. And try not to talk loudly or laugh near the cult facilities
  • Although the temples are not officially prohibited from photographing, but it is better to progress and in advance before shooting to ask permits from the ministers. The same should be done when shooting locals - not all of them like being captured on your photo or video equipment.
  • Mauritius - Country for tourists Safe, on the streets there are many policemen. Steal here is extremely rare, and only in large cities. And only with an obvious irresponsible attitude of tourists to their property.
  • Diving is well developed at Mauritius. Only here there is one feature that is well known in advance. There are quite strong currents behind the external rifts of reefs, so the immersion outside the lagoon should be carried out only accompanied by local instructors.
  • Also note that underwater hunting and lifting items from the bottom of the sea are prohibited on the island. Except in cases where you managed to get a special resolution of local authorities. The harvesting and coral collection is also forbidden, for which very rigid fines have been introduced. Also punishable and buying them from local merchants.
  • Another local feature for fans of a special type of entertainment. The Mauritius grows and almost uncontrolled on the beaches a special narcotic grass. You can also buy it, of course, you can, and even without much difficulty, but if you are caught by buying or eating police (which is very likely), then you are waiting for or a very decent fine, or a fine and expulsion from the country.
  • Arriving in a warm country, encounter with an abundance of exotic fruits, whose name heard for the first time. We will figure it out with these "oven fruits", a complete overview of the tropical fruits of the world of warm countries that you need to try. For each tropical fruit, a description is described below, taste quality, seasons of ripening, as well as how to cut it and use it.

    Round fruit of red, up to 4 cm in diameter. Wonderful, very tasty fruit. It has one bone in the middle. Looks like Longon in shape, texture and bone, but with a more rich taste and aroma. Very juicy, sweet, sometimes with sourness. The peel is easily separated from white-transparent pulp.

    Unfortunately, in the fresh form of lychee, it is not possible to use all year round: the harvesting season of lychee comes in May and continues until the end of July. During the rest of the year it is almost impossible to find it.

    In the offseason in Asia, you can purchase canned lychee in banks or plastic bags in our own juice or coconut milk.

    Mature fruits are stored in the refrigerator up to two weeks. It is possible to freeze and store in the freezer up to 3 months cleaned fruit peel.

    The lychee contains many proteins, pectin substances, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. Very high content of nicotine acid - vitamin RR, which is actively preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Wide prevalence of lychee in the countries of Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand) is the cause of low atherosclerosis in this region.

    Rambutan (Rambutan, NGO, "Hairy fruit from Thailand").

    Round red fruits, up to 5 cm in diameter, covered with soft processes like barbles. The pulp covering the bone is a transparent white elastic mass, a pleasant sweet taste, sometimes with an acidic shade. The bone is quite tightly connected to the flesh, and edible.

    Contains carbohydrates, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, nicotine acid and vitamin C. Fruits have a short shelf life - up to 7 days in the refrigerator.

    Harvesting season: from May to October.

    Clean the peel to the peel with a knife, or without using a knife as if twisting the fetus in the middle.

    Rambutan is eaten in fresh form, boiled jams and jelly, canning.

    Mangosteen, Mangosteen, Mangosteen, Garcinia, Mankut).

    Fruits with a small apple dark purple. Under the thick, inedible peel, there is an edible pulp in the form of pieces of garlic. The flesh is sweet with sourness, very tasty, not like anything. As a rule, without stones, although in some fruits there are small soft bones that can be eaten.

    Sometimes sick fruits of mongoous, with dark cream, sticky and unpleasant pulp taste. Such fruits cannot be determined until you clean them.

    Harvest season - from April to September.

    Natural biologically active substances contained in mangoustine reduce inflammatory reactions: swelling, soreness, redness, high temperature.

    Dragon's eye (Pyathaya, Pighta, Moon Yang, Dragon Fruit, Pitaya).

    This is the fruit of cactus. The eye of the dragon is the Russian version of the name of this fruit. International name - Dragon Fruit (Dragon Fruit) or Pophaiya.

    Pretty large, oblong fruits (sized palm) of red, pink or yellow outside. Inside the flesh of white or red, destroyed by small black bones. The pulp is very gentle, juicy, slightly sweet, with a unpreated taste. It is convenient to eat a spoon, pulling out the pulp of the fetus cut in half.

    The dragon's eye is useful in gastric pains, diabetes or other endocrine disease.

    Harvesting seasons - all year round.

    Durian (Durian)

    King of fruit. Fruits of very large size: up to 8 kilograms.

    Fruit, famous for the whole world with his smell. Almost everyone heard about him, some felt his smell, and very few tried him. Its smell resembles the smell of Luke, garlic and worn socks. With this fruit, because of his smell it is even forbidden to go to hotels, transport and other public areas. To remind you about banning in Thailand, for example, sign plates with crossed image of the fruit.

    The sweet pulp of the fetus has a very tender consistency, and does not fit the unpleasant odor at all. Try this fruit follows at least for the reason that many have heard about him, but few people decide to try. And in vain. The taste is very pleasant, and the fruit itself is considered in Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia) the most valuable fruit. It is very calorie and useful. Durian also has a reputation of the strongest Aphrodisiac.

    Sold by shaped (for slices) and packed in polyethylene. In supermarkets you can find very interesting candy with the taste and smell of Durian.

    Sala (Salak, Crack, Snake Fruit, Snake Fruit, Sala)

    Subnegous or round fruits of small size (about 5 cm. In length) of red (cancer) or brown (Salak) colors covered with dense small spines.

    Fruit with very unusual, bright sweet-sour taste. Someone resembles persimmon to someone a pear. It is worth trying at least once, and there, as you like ...

    It should be careful when cleaning the fruit: the spines are very dense and dug into the skin. It is better to use a knife.

    Season - from April to June.

    Karambol (Starfrurt, Karrak, Ma Fyak, Carambola, Star-Fruit).

    "Star of tropics" - in the context, we present an asterisk from yourself.

    Fruit with edible peel, eaten whole (inside there are small seeds). The main advantage is a pleasant smell and juiciness. The taste is not particularly distinguished by anything - a slightly sweet or sour-sweet, something likes the taste of apple. Sufficient juicy fruit and perfectly quenched thirst.

    For sale all year round.

    People with pronounced failures in the work of the kidney can not consume cannon.

    Longan (Lam-Yai, Dragon Eye).

    Small fruits similar to fine potatoes covered with thin inedible skin and one inedible bone inside.

    Longan's pulp is very juicy, has a sweet, very fragrant, taste with a peculiar shade.

    Season - from July to September.

    Longconong (Longan, Loncon, Langsat, Lonngkong, Langsat).

    The fruits of Long Kong, as well as Longan, look like a small potato, but a little more in size and have a yellowish tint. It is possible to distinguish Longan if it cleaned the fetus from the peel: peeled, it looks like garlic.

    Have a sour and sweet interesting taste. The fruits are rich in calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates and vitamin C. Long Kong's burned skin gives an aromatic smell that is not only pleasant, but also useful because it serves an excellent repellent.

    Fresh fruit can be stored in the refrigerator not more than 4-5 days. Skin ripe fruit should be dense, without cracks, otherwise the fruit will quickly deteriorate.

    Season - from April to June.

    Sometimes a variety is also sold - Langsat, which is not different, but has a little bitter taste.

    Jackfruit (Eve, Khanoon, Jackfruit, Nangka, the fruit of the Indian Bread Tree).

    Jackfruit fruits are the greatest fruits growing on the trees: their weight reaches 34kg. Inside the fetus there are several large sweet yellow poles of edible pulp. These slices are sold already cleaned, because you do not cope with this giant.

    The pulp has a root-sweet taste, reminding melon and floppy. It is very nutritious: contain about 40% of carbohydrates (starch) - more than in bread.

    Season - from January to August.

    You can risk bringing such a monster home entirely, in the refrigerator it is stored until 2 months. But it is better to buy broken and packed slices of pulp.

    Important! In some people, after the use of Jackfruit, an unhealthy reaction in the throat - spasms appears, it becomes difficult to swallow. Everything usually passes in an hour or different. This is an allergic reaction. Be careful.


    Pineapple fruits do not need special comments.

    It should only be noted that pineapples purchased in Asia and pineapple purchased in Russia are completely different things. Pineapples in Russia, this is a miserable similarity of real pineapples that you can try in their homeland.

    Separately, it is worth saying about Thai pineapple - it is considered the most tasty in the world. We must definitely try and be sure to bring home with you to pamper relatives. For use on site it is better to buy already purified.

    Pineapple season - all year round

    Mango (Mango).

    According to some estimates, Mango is considered the most delicious fruit in the world.

    Mango is quite widely known and sold in Russia. However, the taste and aroma of mango in his homeland is very different from what is sold in our stores. In Asia, its fruits are much fragrant, juicy, and the taste is more saturated. And indeed, when you eat fresh, ripe mango, grown, for example, in Thailand, it seems that there is nothing more delicious.

    The fruit is covered with inedible peel, which is not separated from the pulp: it must be cut off with a thin layer with a knife. Inside the fetus is quite large, a flat bone, from which the pulp is also not hot, and it must be separated from the bone with a knife, or just emblorict.

    The mango color depending on the degree of maturity varies from green to yellow (sometimes to yellow-orange or red). For use in place it is better to buy the most ripe - yellow or orange fruits. Without refrigerator, such fruits can be stored up to 5 days, in the refrigerator up to 30 days, unless of course they were not stored before that somewhere else.

    If you want to bring a few fruits home, you can buy the fruits of medium maturity, greenish color. They are well saved and divert on the road or at home.

    Nyuna (sugar apple, Annon Scaly, Sugar-Apple, Sweetsop, Noi-Na).

    Another unusual fruit that has no analogues and not similar to any of the fruit usual. Nyun fruits with large apple, green, bug.

    Inside the fetus is very pleasant to taste, sweet fragrant pulp and a lot of hard seeds with beans size. The unripe fruit is solid on the texture and absolutely not delicious, looked like a pumpkin. Therefore, having bought an unripe fruit on the market and having tried it many tourists refuse to eat it further, immediately Nevzlyubiv. But if you give him a day or two, he rushes and becomes very tasty.

    The peel inedible, clean is very inconvenient due to the buggy skin. If the fruit is mature, then the pulp can be spoon, pre-cut the fruit in half. The most mature or slightly overripe fruit literally fall apart in their hands.

    To choose a mature tasty noine, you need, first of all, it is focused on its softness (soft fruits more mature), but you need to be careful, since if you press a little stronger to a ripe fruit, he will just fall apart in his hands on the counter.

    Fruit is rich in vitamin C, amino acids and calcium.

    Season - from June to September.

    Sweet Tamarind (Sweet Tamarind, Indian Pin).

    Tamarind is considered a spice of the family of legumes, but is also used as an ordinary fruit. Fruits up to 15 centimeters long have an irregular bent form. There is also a type of tamarind - green tamarind.

    Under the solid brown peel, reminiscent of the shell, is a brown sour-sweet with a tart taste of pulp. Be careful - inside Tamarind are large solid bones.

    By soaking tamarind in water and energies, the juice is obtained through the sieve. From ripe dried tamarind make sweets. You can buy in the store and bring home wonderful tamarind sauce to meat and sweet tamarind syrup (for cooking cocktails.

    This fruit is rich in vitamin A, organic acids and complex sugars. Tamarind is also used as a laxative.

    Season - from October to February.

    Mammea Americana.

    This fruit, also known called American Apricot and Antille Apricot, originally from South America, although now it can be found in almost all tropical countries.

    This fruit, which is actually a berry, is quite large, grows up to 20 centimeters in diameter. Inside there is one large or more (up to four) smaller bones. The flesh is very tasty and fragrant, and, in accordance with its second name, apricot and mango looks like and smell.

    The ripening season is different depending on the region, but mainly from May to August.

    Cheryimola (Annona Cherimola).

    Cheriming is also known called a cream apple and ice cream tree. In some countries, fruit is known at all by completely different names: in Brazil - Graviola, in Mexico - Roox, in Guatemala - Rac or Tzumux, in El Salvador - Anona Poshte, in Belize - Tukib, to Haiti - Cachiman La Chine, in Philippines - ATIS , on Cook Island - Sasalapa. Homeland Fruit is South America, but it can be found in the warm all year round countries of Asia and South Africa, also in Australia, Spain, Israel, Portugal, Italy, Egypt, Libya and Algeria. However, in these countries, fruit is rare. He is most common in the American continent.

    The fruit of Checherimia is unequivocally learn from the first inexperienced look quite difficult, since it exists several types with a different surface (tuberculous, smooth or mixed). One of the tubed species, incl., Is Nyun (see above), which is widely distributed in the countries of Southeast Asia. The fetus size is 10-20 centimeters in diameter A in the form of the cutting frown resembles the heart. The pulp on the consistency resembles an orange and is usually eaten by a spoon, very tasty and to taste immediately and banana and Maracuy, and Papaya and Pineapple, and strawberries with cream. There are very solid bones in the meat, so be careful, otherwise you can stay without a tooth. It is usually sold a bit unreliable and solid and must lie (2-3 days) before purchasing your real amazing taste and texture.

    The ripening season is usually from February to April.

    Noni (Noni, Morinda Citrifolia).

    This fruit is also known as big Moring, Indian Mulberry, Hasive Tree, Cheese Fruit, Nona, Nono. Homeland fruit is Southeast Asia, but now it grows in all tropical countries.

    Noney's fruit reminds major potatoes in shape and size. Noni cannot be called very tasty and fragrant, and, apparently, therefore, tourists are very rarely faced with him. Mature fruits have an unpleasant smell (reminds the smell of moldy cheese) and bitter taste, but are considered very useful. In some regions, Noni is the main product of the poor. Use it usually with salt. Also popular Noni juice.

    Fruit Noney all year round. But it is possible to find it far from every fruit market, but, as a rule, in the markets for locals.

    Marula, Sclerocarya Birrea).

    This fruit grows exclusively on the African continent. Yes, and find it on sale in a fresh form in other regions is not easy. The thing is that after ripening the fruits almost immediately begin to wander inside, turning into a low-alcohol drink. Not only inhabitants of Africa are happy with this property of Marula, but also animals. After eating female marlah fell on Earth, they often have "bend".

    Mature Fruits Marules have a yellow color. Fruit size is about 4 cm in diameter, and inside a white flesh and a solid bone. Marula does not have an outstanding taste, but her pulp is very juicy and has a pleasant aroma until he began to wander. Also in the meakty contains a huge amount of vitamin C.

    Marula harvesting season is held in March-April.

    Platonia Wonderful (Platonia Insignis)

    Platoonry grows only in South America. It is impossible to find it in the countries of Southeast Asia.

    The fruits of the platforms are up to 12 centimeters, with a large thick peel. Under the skin is a white tender pulp with a sour and sweet taste and several large bones.

    Kumquat (Kumquat)

    Kumkvat is also known as Fortunella, Kincan, Japanese oranges. This is a citrus plant. It grows in southern China, but is widespread in other tropical countries. The fruits of Kumquat can be found on the shelves of our stores, but it is not at all what you can try in my homeland in my most recent form.

    The fruits of Kumkvat are small (from 2 to 4 centimeters), similar to loosely oblong oranges or tangerines. Outside covered with a very thin edible crust, inside and in structure and to taste almost the same as an orange, except that a little acid and proud. It is eaten entirely (except for the bones).

    Season Ripening from May to June, you can buy all year round.

    Guaava (Guajava)

    Guaava (Guajava), Guiava or Guaiyava meets in almost all tropical and subtropical countries. Despite the fact that the fruit is considered an exotic, exotic taste from it should not be expected: a fairly mediocre, low-storey taste resembling a pear. You can try once, but you are hardly her fan. Another thing is fragrance: it is quite pleasant and very strong. In addition, fruit is very useful, rich in vitamin C and perfectly raises the overall body tone and strengthens health.

    Fruits come in various sizes (from 4 to 15 centimeters), round, oblong and pear-shaped. Skin, bones and flesh, all edible.

    In Asia, green, a little unripe guaava, love to be strengthened, like fetus pieces in a mixture of salt and pepper. From the side it may seem unusual, but if you try, the taste turns out quite interesting and toning.

    Maracuy / Fruit Passion

    This exotic fruit is also called Fruit Passion, Passiflora (Passiflora), passionwood edible, Granadilla. Motherland is South America, but you can meet in most tropical countries, including in the countries of Southeast Asia. Its second name "Fruit Passion" received because he is attributed to the properties of a strong aphrodisiac.

    The fruits of the MARACU have a smooth, slightly elongated rounded shape, in diameter reach 8 centimeters. Mature fruits have a very bright juicy color and are yellow, purple, pink or red colors. Yellow fruits are less sweet than others. The pulp is also different colors. Under the intolerable leather there is a jelly sour-sweet pulp with a bone. You can't call it very tasty, juices, jelly, etc. made of it are much more delicious.

    When adding the most convenient, the fruit is cut in half and eat the flesh with a spoon. The bones in the pulp are also edible, but they cause drowsiness, so it is better not to abuse with them. The juice of Marakui, by the way, also acts soothing and causes drowsiness. The most mature and delicious fruits are those whose peel is not perfectly smooth, but covered with "wrinkles" or small "dents" (these are the most ripe fruits).

    Season of ripening from May to August. Stored in the refrigerator Maracuy can one week.

    Avocado (Avocado)

    Avocados are also called the Persea American and Alligator Pear. It is believed that avocado is a fruit. Perhaps, from the point of view of science, it is, but in taste it is rather a vegetable.

    Fruits avocado pear-shaped, up to 20 centimeters long. Covered with tasteless and intolerable skin. Inside there is a dense like a pear flew and one big bone. The taste of flesh is similar to the unripe pear or the pumpkin and nothing special is. But if avocados ripe well, his pulp becomes softer, oily, and more pleasant to taste.

    Avocado is most often used to prepare meals than for consumption in raw form. So do not chase in order to certainly try this fruit. But the dishes prepared with avocado can be very diversified by a festive table. On the Internet, you can find a lot of recipes from avocado dishes, among which salads, soups, second dishes, but you hardly need it on vacation, so you can not look at avocado.

    Bread Tree (Artocarpus Altilis, Breadfruit, PANA)

    Do not confuse the fruits of the breadwinner with the jackfruit. Jackfruit, though known as the Indian Bread Tree, is actually a completely different fruit.

    Bread tree can be found in all tropical regions, but, mainly in the countries of Southeast Asia and Oceania. Due to the very high yield of breadwinner, its fruits in some countries are the main product of Pinania, as we have potatoes, for example.

    The fruits of the breadth of a rounded shape, very large, can reach 30 centimeters in diameter and four kilograms of weight. In the raw form, like fruit, consuming mature fruits, and immature are used as vegetables when cooking. Purchase on vacation better mature fruits, and even better already cut on portions, because Separate and eat the fetus entirely you can hardly. In the mature fruit, the pulp becomes soft and a little sweet, to taste the banana and potatoes resembles. Not to say that the taste is outstanding, and therefore the bread tree can not be found on tourist fruit markets. The taste of bread can be felt only when preparing the unripe fetus.

    The season of ripening of the breadwinner, 9 months a year. You can buy fresh fruits all year round.


    Jabotics (Zabathica) is also known as a Brazilian grape tree. It is possible to meet it mainly in South America, but sometimes it meets in the countries of Southeast Asia.

    It is very interesting, tasty and rarely found exotic fruit. If you can find it and try, consider what you're lucky. The fact is that the Jabotics tree grows very slowly, because of which it is practically not cultivated.

    Interesting and method of growing fruits: they grow straight on the trunk, and not on the branches of the tree. Fruits are small (up to 4 cm in diameter), dark purple color. Under fine dense skin (inedible) is a soft jelly and delicious pulp with several bones.

    The tree is fruitful for almost all year round.

    Kuvan / Horned Melon

    Kiwano Melon is also known as a horned melon, an African cucumber, antillese cucumber, horned cucumber, Anguria. Kuvan really looks like a big cucumber. Although whether this fruit is another question. The fact is that the fruits of the kivano grow on Liana. It is cultivated mainly in Africa, New Zealand, on the American continent.

    The fruits of kivano are oblong, up to 12 centimeters in length. The color is yellow, orange and red, depending on the degree of maturation. Under the dense skin of the flesh of green, to taste something like a cucumber, banana and melon. The fruit is not cleaned, but it cuts into a share or in half (as an ordinary melon), and then the flesh is eaten. The raw form use both immature and not mature fruits. Immature fruits can be used together with bones, as they are soft. Also used with salt.

    Miracle fruit (Miracle Fruit)

    Magic fruit grows in West Africa. It does not have an outstanding exotic taste, but is known and interesting in that after you eat it, about an hour all the products will seek you sweet. The fact is that in the magic fruit there is a certain protein that blocks taste receptors for some time, which is responsible for sour taste. Therefore, you can eat lemon, and it will be sugary to taste. True, only fresh torn fruits have such property, and during storage they quickly lose it. So do not be surprised if "focus" will not work on bought fruit.

    The fetus grows on small trees or shrubs, have a rounded oblong shape, a length of 2-3 centimeters, red, with a solid bone inside.

    Magic fruit fruits almost all year round.

    Baile (Bael, Wood Apple, Wood Apple)

    Known still under other names: Aegle Marmelos, Stone Apple (Stone Apple), Limonia Acidissima, Feronia Elephantum, Feronia Limonia, HeSperethusa Crenulata, Elephant Apple, Monkey Fruit, Curd Fruit. Very widespread in the countries of Southeast Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand).

    This fruit grows on a tree and reaches 5-20 cm in diameter. The fetus from gray-green (immature) to yellow or brown (ripe) with a very dense rough leather resembling a nut shell. The pulp of the misappropriate fruit orange, divided into segments with white seeds. In the ripe fruit, the pulp of a peasant brown color, sticky, taste may be acidic or sweet.

    Baile's fruits are not so easy to meet in the fruit markets in general. And even if you meet it, you yourself do not cake with him. The fact is that his peel is firm as a stone, and it is impossible to get to the pulp without a hammer or an ax.

    If you fail to try in a fresh form (about what, in general, and you should not worry), you can buy tea from Baile fruits, called Matum (Matoom TEA). It is the dried orange-brown circles, divided into several segments. It is considered that it is very effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal, colds, bronchial and asthmatic diseases. It is also used in cooking (tea, drinks, jam, jams, salads) and cosmetology (soap, aromatic oil).

    Season of ripening from November to December.

    Buddha's hand

    Buddha's hand is a type of citron. It is also called the fingers of the Buddha and a finger citron.

    We decided to mention a very exotic fruit about this in order for you to try it during your holiday in a tropical paradise. This fruit is not from those whose taste you will enjoy. Undoubtedly, the fruit is very interesting and useful, and seeing him with you most likely there will be a desire to try it. But do not hurry. It is widely used in cooking, but you can hardly eat it. The fruit of the Buddha's hand almost completely consists of a peel (flesh insembly), which is similar to the lemon peel to taste (sour-bitter taste) and on the latch by smell.

    Form fruit is very interesting and similar to palm with plenty of fingers reaching a length of 40 centimeters. You can only buy it for bringing home as a souvenir, and at home to prepare different dishes with citrus flavor (compote, jelly, candied).

    Banana (Banana, Musa)

    Well, in general, everything about bananas everyone knows everything. We accidentally remembered the banana so that you can vote for them if they are your favorite. It is worthwhile, by the way, mention that bananas in exotic countries to taste a lot olochem that they are sold at our house, so you will definitely try the bananas on vacation, maybe you will like even more than before.

    Papaya (Papaaya, Melon Tree, Bread Tree)

    Motherland Papaya is South America, but now it is found in almost all tropical countries. Papaya fruits grow on trees, have a cylindrical oblong form of up to 20 centimeters in length.

    Many who tried Papaya say it's rather a vegetable than a fruit. But this is because they ate misunderstanding papaya. The immature papaya is really very widely used when cooking dishes, salads are made from it (be sure to try the sharp Thai salad from Papaya called som), meat extinguished and just roast.

    But the mature papaya in the raw form is really very tasty and sweet. In fact, it resembles a dense melon, and to taste something average between pumpkin and melon. On sale are found both whole fruits of green (not more mature, for cooking) and yellow-orange (mature, ready-to-eat in the raw form). It is not worth buying a whole fetus, it is better to buy ready-to-eat, purified and sliced \u200b\u200bpapaya slices.

    You can meet a papaya in tropical countries all year round.

    Cocos (Coconut, Cocos, Coco)

    Coconut and coconut are often used as identical words. However, the name "Coconut Walnut" in this case is not true, because Coconut, in its structure, belong to bone cultures, such as apricot or drain.

    Coconet is the fruit of coconut palm growing everywhere in the countries of the tropical belt. Refers to the category of fruit.

    It is a large rounded (up to 30 cm in diameter) fruit, weighing up to 3 kg. Cosos has conditionally two degrees of maturation. Young coconut has a smooth light green or green-yellow outer layer, under which there is a solid bone, in turn, there is transparent (coconut water) or a white emulsion (coconut milk), with a small jelly-like coconut pulp layer on the shell walls. Inside the liquid with a slightly sweet taste, it is well quenched thirst, the pulp can also eat, scraping it from the walls with a spoon.

    Another degree of ripening (or overheating), which we observe in our stores, is the following: Outside - a fibrous and grungy layer, under which a solid brown shell, and under it a thick layer of white pulp and a slightly turntable liquid. This liquid is usually not delicious, and the flesh is dry and tasteless.

    When opening a coconut, you need to be careful, here one universal kitchen knife could not do, it will take more "heavy artillery". But fortunately, if you acquire coconut in tourist areas, you do not have to take care of his opening: it will be revealed with you, and, most likely, they will still give a drinking straw and a spoon for "dare" meakty. Delicious whole cooled coconut.

    Very love to tourists a special coconut cocktail: you need to pass a little juice from coconut, and add a 30-100 grams of brandy, Roma or whiskey.

    Coconet contains vitamins A, B, C, proteins, sugar, carbohydrates, organic acids; Minerals - sodium, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus.

    Ripening season - all year round.

    Sapodilla or Wood & Woody Potatoes (Manilkara Achras, M. Zapota, or Achras Zapota), Sapodilla, PRANG KHAA, LA-MUT, Naseberry, Chiku)

    Sapodilla is an oval or round fruit up to 10 cm and weighing 100-150 g. It looks very similar to the plum. Skin matte and thin, has a color from light to dark brown.

    Ripe fruit has a sweet taste with a slightly caramel flavor. According to the structure, the pulp resembles persimmon - soft and juicy, and just like the persimmon can slightly "knit", only significantly less. Inside a few large black bones with crochet at the end (you need to be careful when using). As a rule, to store fruit is not recommended for more than 3 days, because It sparkles quickly and boils. Therefore, the sapodyill is practically not found on the shelves of our stores. Unripe fruit is also not recommended, because He is very unpleasant to taste. Choosing mature fruits worth focusing on their color (those like yellow or brown - more ripe, green should not choose) and softness. Solid fruits are absolutely immature, ripe fruit is a little pressing, and overripe squeezed very easily.

    Sapholdillary grows in countries with a tropical climate, in particular in America, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Philippines.

    Most often, Sapodilla is used in desserts, salads and drinks. Immature fruits are used in diarrhea, burns, as well as in cosmetology.

    Contains vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, carbohydrates.

    Ripening season - from September to December.


    Pomelo or Pommelo or Pamela (Pomelo Pummelo, Pumelo, Som-O, Pompelmus, Seddot, Citrus Maxima or Citrus Grandis, Chinese Grapefruit, Jebong, Jehuk, Limo, Lusho, Jambura, Say Sech, Banten, Zebo, Relbet Tong)

    The messenger refers to citrus and is considered the largest among this family. Very often compared with grapefruit. As a rule, the fruit has a rounded shape, can reach up to 20 cm in diameter and a mass of up to 10 kg !!! Coloring, depending on the variety, can be from green to yellow-green. The skin is very thick, inside is a light pulp: from white to pale yellow or pink. The pulp is divided into slices separated by film partitions. Each slice has large fibers and may contain small white bones. The taste of pomelitis is sweet with sourness, maybe a little bitty. Compared, for example, with the same grapefruit, the pulp of the pocket is more dry.

    Growing in the countries of Southeast Asia (Malaysia, China, Japan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia), on about. Tahiti, in Israel, USA. In Russia, it can be purchased in any supermarket, so it is not so exotic for residents of Russia.

    Choosing a vital worth oriented, first of all, on a pronounced fragrant citrus smell and soft peel. Before use, it is necessary to clean it from thick peel, making several cuts (so that it is more convenient and easier to clean), then divided into separate slices, which also free from partitions (they are very tough). Store at room temperature up to a month, purified - in the refrigerator, no more than 3 days.

    Use this fruit in cooking, in cosmetology. In some countries, it is used with salt, chili pepper and sugar, dipping purified slices into this mixture.

    Pomelo contains vitamins A, B, C, trace elements, fiber, essential oils.

    Ripening season: all year round.

    Fig (fig, fig tree, fig, wine berry, Smyrna Berry, Ficus Carica)

    The fruits of figs can be a round, pear-eyed or flat shape with one "eye". On average, the ripe fruit weighs about 80 g., With a diameter of up to 8 cm. From above covered with a thin smooth peel from yellow-green to dark blue or purple. Under the leather - a layer of white crust. Inside the pulp is very sweet and juicy with small seeds, jelly-like consistency, reminds to the taste of strawberries. By color - the flesh happens from pink to bright red. Immature fruits are inedible and contain Milky juice.

    Growing in Central Asia, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in the Mediterranean countries.

    You need to choose ripe figs with dense skin, without spots, slightly soft. It is recommended to store it for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator, because It sparkles quickly and not transported. You can eat with the skin, cutting on the slices or in half, scraping the flesh with a spoon. Most often, figs can be found on store shelves only during dried form. Dried fruits before use are pre-soaked in water, water after such "intake" can be drunk (useful substances go there).

    Figs are dried, marinate, boil jam, jam. In a dried view, it is more nutritious and caloriene than in the fresh.

    Figs contains a lot of potassium, iron, vitamins B, RR, C, carotene, minerals and organic acids.

    Ripening season: from August to November.

    Kiwi (actinide delicacy (Actinidia deliciosa), Actinidia Chinese (Actinidia Chinensis), Kiwi, Chinese gooseberry, Chinese grapes)

    The fruit of Kiwi is a berry. He has small fruits of a rounded or oval shape, covered outside with a porous thin skin brown. The mass of the fetus can reach up to 80 g, the diameter is up to 7 cm. Under the leather there is a juicy flesh, depending on the variety, it happens from green to yellow. In the middle of the fetus, the flesh is white, surrounded by a variety of small black seeds. Seeds edible, taste - sour. Kiwi flesh, in general, sweet with small sourness, resembles a mixture of gooseberry, apple, pineapple.

    Kiwi is grown in subtropical climates (Italy, New Zealand, Chile, Greece). There are small plantations in Russia (Krasnodar Territory). You can buy everywhere at any time of the year.

    You need to choose smooth fruits, without dents and other damage to the peel, the ripeness is determined by the softness of the fetus. If the fruits are tough and solid, then they are at home without any problems, for which they need to be placed in a package with apples for one or two days. You can store Kiwi at room temperature up to 5 days, in the refrigerator - up to two weeks, pre-putting into a package or plastic container.

    You can use Kiwi in two ways: clean the peel and cut into the slices or cut in half and eat the pulp with a spoon.

    Kiwi contains in large quantities of vitamins B and C, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium.

    Different desserts, fruit salads are made from it, serve meat, fish, seafood, prepare drinks (syrups, liqueurs, wine, cocktails). Used in cosmetology.

    Chrysophilum or Starry Apple (Chrysophylum Cainito), Star Apple, Caimito, Caimito, (Caimito, Star Apple), Milky Fruit

    The fruits of the star apple are rounded or oval up to 10 cm in diameter. The peel is thin, smooth from green to violet or brown, depending on the variety. Under the leather - the crust layer of the same color as the peel. The flesh from white to purple color, juicy, sweet, sticky, jelly-like, apple taste. Inside to hard 10 solid brown bones, up to 2 cm long. In the transverse cut, the pulp reminds the star. Immature fruits - knit and inedible. Milky juice, which remains even in mature fruits, is very sticky, as a result, when drinking fruit can slip lips a little.

    It grows in countries with a tropical climate: in South America, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, on Phillipins, in West Africa.

    Choose ripe fruit follows a slightly wrinkled peel and softness when pressing, absent damage. You can store in the refrigerator up to 2-3 weeks. Fruits well tolerate transportation. Before use, you need to cool the fruit and clean the peel and peel (they are bitter). You can eat, like, cutting in half and spoon, choosing the flesh, and cut down on the slices, like watermelon, bones - inedible.

    Apply when cooking desserts.

    Starry apple is rich in vitamin C and microelements. Very nutritional.

    Ripening season: From February to March.

    Guanabana (Guanabana, Annana Muricata, sour cream, Annon Barbed, Graveliol, Saucep, Sausp)

    Guanabana is a close relative of Nyun and Cheryimia, and they really can be confused with an inexperienced look in appearance and even to taste. Their main difference is in the peel: the Guanabans have the surface of the peel clearly looks like rare low spines or villi, although in fact, these processes are soft and no spiny. The fruit of a rounded, improperly elongated shape, is quite large, can reach weight 12 kilograms, although the fruit is usually on sale weighing no more than 3 kilograms.

    Holy Guanabana is tropical America, but today it can be found in almost all the tropical regions, including in the countries of Southeast Asia. You can find this fruit far from every fruit market, but if you find, at the same time try it.

    White fruit flesh, soft creamy and a little fibrous. To taste sweet and a bit sour, not like any other fruit. Inside a large amount of hard seeds in size and shaped with a large with the beaw.

    In unfortunate fruit, the flesh is solid and tasteless, like a pumpkin. Moreover, the fruits are often sold unreasonable (rosal for several days), because of which tourists, buying it and trying, will not get lost immediately. But it is enough to give her to lie down a couple of days, as she acquires its unique taste. To choose a ripe fruit, you need to press a little on it, the peel should be slightly fastened. Solid dense fruits - unhealthy.

    There is a Guanabana. You can cut the fruit in half and scraping the flesh with a spoon, or cutting down on the slices and using as a watermelon. Pain from the peel ripe fruit will not work.

    Guanabana is a perishable product, stored in the refrigerator. If you want to bring home, choose solid unripe fruits, they are quite well ripened for 2 3 days, but then deteriorate.

    The ripening season of Guanabana is all year round.

    Tamarillo (Tomato Tree, Digger Beetacea, Cyphomandra Betacea)

    Tamarillo is a berry of an oval form, it reaches a length of 5 to 10 cm, a diameter of up to 5 cm. The color of the fetus varies from yellow to dark red and even violet. The view and taste is very similar to tomatoes, because of its second name - tomato tree, but still it is a fruit. He has a firm, smooth and bitter. Very much reminds a tomato with a currald flavor, but has a slightly pronounced fruit smell. The pulp can be yellow or orange shades. As a rule, it has in two sections with light or dark small seeds (depending on the color of the peel of the fetus itself than the lighter color, the lighter seeds).

    It grows in the countries of South America (Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, etc.), some countries of Central America, on Jamaica, Haiti, New Zealand.

    You need to choose even and smooth fruits, without external damage, slightly soft. At the same time, it should be known that the fruits of yellow and orange are sweeter, and the fruits with a darker color with ripening become acid. Ripe fruits are stored for a short time (in the cold no longer than 7 days), unhealthy - can be carried at room temperature. Poor tolerate transportation.

    Tamarillo is eating, taking advantage from the peel (it is inedible), and a little capturing a layer of meakty, or cutting in half and pull out the flesh with a spoon.

    Widely used in cooking, applying it in dishes and as a vegetable and as a fruit.

    Tamarillo is rich in a large number of vitamins (A, group B, C, E) and microelements.

    Ripening season - all year round.

    Feijoa (Feijoa, Pineapple Guava, Acca Sellova (Acca Sellowiana))

    Fayichoa is a small oval berry, a length of 3 to 5 cm, with a diameter of up to 4 cm. The mass of the middle fetus is from 15 to 50 g. Feichoa fruit is painted from lightly to dark green, sometimes with a whitish flap, on one top dried "tail". The skin is thin dense, it can be smooth or slightly buggy, wrinkled. The pulp under the skin, depending on the degree of maturity, it happens from white or cream to brownish (in the latter case they talk about the spoilness of the berries). Inside the pulp is divided into sections, in the center of which there are several bright edible seeds. Consistency of ripe facea is light and jelly-like. The taste of a juicy berry, sour-sweet, resembles a mixture of strawberries with pineapple or strawberries with kiwi (tastes in people different).

    It grows in countries with subtropical climate: in South America (Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay) in the Caucasus and the south of Russia (Krasnodar Territory), Abkhazia, Georgia, in the Crimea and Central Asia.

    You can eat like a fetus whole with the skin, however, it is an amateur, because Faja's skin is sour and knit. In most cases, Feichoa is cut in half and embroil the flesh with a spoon, or can be cleaned with a skin with a knife and whine peeled fruit.

    For immediate use, you need to choose soft (ripe) fruits. If you have to have transportation, then tough (unhealthy) Faja's fruits are perfect for this, and arm on the road. Store ripe berries follows no more than 3-4 days.

    Faicho contains a large amount of iodine, acids, vitamin C.

    It is used in cooking: prepare jam and jelly, salads and drinks.

    Ripening season - October-November.

    Pepino (melon pear, sweet cucumber (Solanum Muricatum)

    This rather large berry grows up weight up to 700 in the form of fruit can be different and oblong, and pear, and round. By color, mostly from pale to bright yellow color, sometimes with purple splashes or stripes. A ripe fruit is very juicy and sweet, reminiscent of the taste of a melon, it can a little somewhere. Peel is thin, dense, smooth. The flesh is yellow, inside there are sinuses with small bright seeds (edible). Before use, fruit is customary from the peel (it is edible, but unpleasant to taste)

    In large quantities is cultivated in South America (Peru, Chile), New Zealand.

    You need to choose ripe fruits on a saturated yellow color with a slightly pronounced fruit aroma and a little soft. A feature of Pepino is that ripe fruits can be stored for several months in the refrigerator, unbless can dive and also be kept for a long time.

    Contains vitamins (A, B, C, PR), keratin, iron, potassium, pectin.

    Used in cooking, along with vegetables, especially unpiring fruits Pepino.

    Ripening season - all year round.

    Santol or Caton (SanDoricum Koetjape, Santol, Kraton, Krathon, Grarton, Tong, Dong, Wild Mangostein, False Mangostein)

    Santol grows in the countries of Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Philippines).

    The fruit of Santol has a rounded shape from 8 to 15 cm in diameter with a long fruction. Depending on the variety, it may be from yellowish to brown, a little velvety peel from above. The color of the fetus is usually uneven with pigmentation over the entire surface. Under a rather thick peel hides a whitish opaque flesh similar to "garlic" slices, amount up to 5 pieces. Inside each slices there is a large brownish bone (it is not recommended to eat it without necessity, because it has a laxative effect). The pulp of juicy is taste, it happens from sour to sour-sweet, reminds some mangoustin. As a rule, the fruits of yellowish varieties are sweeter.

    Before use, you need to clean the fetus from the peel (it is inedible), after cutting it across two halves, using a knife or clean it with hands, and then remove the pulp and free them from the bones. The pulp from the bone is separated badly, so it is customary to sue. Sometimes Santol is eaten with salt and pepper.

    Santol fruits contain a large amount of iron, magnesium, fluorine.

    Apply in cooking (desserts, alcohol) and cosmetology (masks, scrubs).

    Ripening season - from May to June.

    Yuyuba or Zizyfus (Zizyphus Jujuba) (Unabi, Chinese Pin, Breast Berry, Jujuba, Jujube)

    The fruit of the shrub is egg-shaped or rounded shape in length from 2 to 6 cm, depending on the variety. Outside the fruit is smooth, shiny, from green or yellowish to dark red, even brown. Sometimes the color of Yuyuba can be inhomogeneous over the entire surface, as if spotted. Skin is thin and almost inseparable from the fetus. Inside the flesh white dense, very juicy and sweet, resembles an apple. In the middle there is usually one oblong bone. The scent of Yuyuba is weakly pronounced fruit.

    It grows in countries with temperate climates to subtropical, in particular Thailand, China, India, Japan, Central Asia, Mediterranean, South of Russia, Caucasus.

    You need to choose dense fruits, but not very tough (they can be awesome), dark red or brown. Drink along with the skin. Fresh fruits are poorly stored, so it is recommended to dry them.

    Yuyuba is a useful and even therapeutic product. It is consumed both in fresh and dried. Rich in vitamins A, B, especially vitamin C, sugars, acids, microelements.

    Widely used in cooking (drinks, wine, jams, preserved, etc.), medicine (has a soothing, anesthetic, tonic effect), cosmetology.

    Ripening season - from August to October.

    Burmese grapes or Mafai (Mafai, Baccaurea Ramiflora, Baccaurea Sapida)

    The fruits of Mafhaia to taste are very reminded and look like the fruit of Longan. They are from yellow to red with a diameter of up to 5 cm. Peel is thin, soft, smooth. Inside from 2 to 4 poles, outwardly resembling garlic. Puffed juicy, white, sour-sweet with refreshing effect. Inside each slices, the bone, which is not separated from the pulp, the bone - the taste of bitter. Because of this, the fruit is not very convenient to eat, because almost the whole pulp remains "sticking" to the bone, and it does not work out in any way. There is no characteristic flavor of this fruit. In general, it is impossible to say that behind this fruit it costs to "hunt" in order to try it without fail.

    The Mafhay's peel cleales well (about the pulp above), it is best stored in the refrigerator.

    You can meet this fruit in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, China, Cambodia. It is very rare.

    Ripening season - from May to August.

    Mauritius or Republic of Mauritius is an island state that is located in the eastern part of Africa. Mauritius on the map can be found near Madagascar, in the Indian Ocean.

    Despite the fact that Mauritius is in a significant distance from the "Big Earth", the island state is particularly popular with European tourists. Mauritius is considered one of the most beautiful and expensive resorts, along with the Maldives and Seychelles.


    Since Mauritius Island is not great, tourists will not arise with movement problems. From one end of the island to another, you can get over half a day, maximum per day.

    Main types of transport, this is a taxi, buses, railway communication. To a greater degree Tourists prefer to use a taxi service. The rates should be specified at the reception at the hotel, from where they order the car. Taxi can be caught by the airport. The pricing price should be done in advance so that the amount of the amount does not turn out to be an unpleasant surprise at the arrival. On average, 15-20 MUR is paid for one kilometer (1 MUR \u003d 1.09 RUB).

    As for railways, tourists are unlikely to be used by this type of transport. The fact is that the Railway Mauritius serves only sugar cane plantations.

    But tourists can always be economically driving in buses. Bus record covers all, bus stops are available in all cities and villages of the island. There is no specific schedule and cards, but tourists can always ask about the mode of tracing buses from the local population. The fare on the bus for 1 kilometer is 2 Mur.

    Tourists can take advantage of car rental. To do this, it is necessary to have international sample rights that have already been operating for a year at the time of renting a car. The driver must be between the age of 23 (some companies underestimate age and can provide auto drivers to which will be 21 years old). It is best to rent a car from major international companies. Despite higher prices than private companies, car park is relatively fresh, and there is a possibility of maintenance in a number of Mauritius cities. It should be remembered that on the island of the left-sided movement to which you need to get used to. The speed limit in the city is 50 km / h, outside the city and on the tracks 80 km / h. On weekends and on weekdays at 16 o'clock in large cities there are essential automotive congestion.

    Tourists can also use water transport services. Tourist boats and other vessels serve the coastal areas of Mauritius, as well as small islands nearby. The fare leaves from 12 to 300 MUR, depending on the estimated distance. If you wish, you can agree with local fishermen who will take a smaller board, but the cost should be accepted before shipment.

    Electricity in the country

    The voltage in the mains 220 V., 50 Hz, in the hotel rooms and in private houses, three-contact electrical sockets, therefore, if necessary, you can buy a special adapter. It is sold at any electronics store, both on the territory of Mauritius and in Russian stores.

    Holidays in Mauritius

    Mauritius - a state mixed in the sphere of religion. There are Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and other representatives of other religious denominations. All year round in Mauritius there are various kinds of festivals and holidays, to a greater extent dedicated to religious events.

    At the end of February, Mauritius Hindus celebrate the sacred holiday Gran Babels. During the holiday, about 30,000 Hindus go to Lake Ganga-Talao to make a bluntness. Hindus - pilgrims are subject to all white and for four days go barefoot towards the lake. By giving, the water of Lake Ganga-Talao was in contact with the waters of the Gang River (India).

    Once a year in Mauritius is a holiday of fire. This holiday celebrate Tamils. Everyone who wants to cleanse the sins should run along the flaming fire, the length of which is seven meters. Before running around the fire, Tamil is preparing for the process of psychologically, falling into the semblance of a trance with the help of dances and songs. In all temples and houses, lights, light bulbs and garlands are taken.

    Specific dates in the calendar of the holidays Mauritius does not exist. Most of the holidays are religious, why dates vary all the time.

    National Clothing in Mauritius

    Clothes of residents Mauritius "Detailed". The fact is that the clothes and the appearance of the Mauritians are due to religion. Since, in Mauritius there is a very large number of different religious denominations, clothing for each religious group its own.

    Hindus men traditionally cotton wide shirts and pants - a munda, which are a long rectangular piece of fabric, which turns around the hips. Women traditionally carry sari variations.

    Muslims men wear wide pants and shirts, women - chadru, or spacious pants and bathrobes in the floor.

    National clothing has been preserved, to a greater extent in villages and small villages. In relatively large settlements, the Mauritians are dressed in traditional European clothing - jeans and t-shirts.

    National Kitchen in Mauritius

    The National Cuisine of the island of Mauritius is unique in its kind, because African, European, Asian culture influenced her formation. In the arsenal of local chefs, burning and sour sauces, seasonings, spices, fresh vegetables, fruits, and, of course, seafood.

    The main dish of Mauritius - curry, which is a mixture of sauces, which is served with rice, vegetables, seafood or meat.

    Very popular with the local residents of Puri - very similar to Shawarma. In the bread cake, cooked from a special test, wrap salads, meat, necessarily with some rich aroma and tastes of the sauce.

    As a snack often resort to the Chinese noodle "Min Fit", which is prepared by all sorts of ways and squeeze sauces and additives from stewed vegetables, seafood or meat.

    In addition to rice, the main product of Malaysians, fish and seafood dishes appear on the tables. Local waters are rich in representatives of the Fish Fauna, therefore the diet of Malaysians make up such a fish like a tuna, a worm, a marine language, Marlin, and others.

    The fish is coat, extinguished, boosted, frustrated in a pan, or straight on coals, eating raw with an abundance of lemon juice. If there is a huge amount of sauces and seasonings, fish dishes are always diverse.

    Do not do in National Kitchen Mauritius and without delicacies. Tourists will be able to taste dishes from sea ends, freshwater crabs, snails, seashells, lobs, octopus.

    Mauritius and dough dishes are prepared, it is both triangular puff pastry patties with filling of vegetables, meat or fish. Batthata pies, donuts with spices, cockerels with coconut chips, tartlets with fish paste - and other no less delicious flour products.

    As a traditional drink, coffee is served here, however. This drink may seem very strange for the European tourist. But, in any bar or restaurant can cook and ordinary black coffee. With fruit abundance, the Mauritians are often preparing fresh juices. As for alcoholic beverages, there is a bright beer, tincture on herbs and rum.

    Religion and customers of the country

    Mauritius is a country that combined many religious denominations. Representatives of Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, as well as Christians (mostly Catholics and British), are reside.

    Mauritius, in general, rather positive people, smile and rarely refuse to help. However, with the desire to please foreign tourists, the Mauritians can accidentally give incorrect information. For example, if the tourist asks: "The beach is right in the street?", Mauritian cheerfully downloaded heads, agreeing with the question of the question, in order not to upset the traveler. If a tourist wants to get a reliable answer, it is better to ask "Where is the beach?".

    Temples and other sacred places and attractions are part of the culture of Mauritius. Before visiting the temple, the Mauritians remove shoes, dressed at the same time as modest. Hindus, for example, visiting temples, dress only clean clothes, bringing with me as a gift fruit.

    In Mauritius, quite ancient traditions have been preserved to create families under parents. Girls are married early, approximately 15-17 years old, young men create families a little later. As a rule, parents agree on the wedding and gain future bride and groom in childhood.

    Rules of behavior in Mauritius

    Mauritius, a small tropical island, with a fairly developed infrastructure. More here is quite safe. Sanitary and epidemiological position calm. Water from the Crane-Crane can be sprinkled, however, the difference in minerals is different, and not to have problems with the stomach, they should drink bottled water and other drinks. Local vegetables and fruits are always fresh and ready to use. But the National Kitchen of Mauritius is replete with a variety of spices, which can affect the troubled state of "tourist" stomachs. Therefore, tourists are strongly recommended to take gastric medicines on a trip to a trip.

    Also on Mauritius there are no poisonous animals and insects, but the local mosquitoes and other "biting" representatives of the island fauna may cause painful sensations and allergic reactions. Repellents purchased in pharmacies will save tourists from annoying insects.

    Only sea hedgehogs and other spines, which set serious and unpleasant wounds, can meet, and there are strong trends behind the coral reefs, therefore, tourists should not be performed independent seasons without instructors.

    Visiting the temples and other sacred and religious objects on excursions, tourists should be dressed up modestly, cover their heads and remove shoes when entering the temple. Also, it should not be loud to talk in a holy place.

    In Mauritius, a narcotic grass is sold, designed for smoking. It is sold everywhere, but if the tourist is not evricted in that he bought a substance, or carry it with him, the police are entitled to impose a serious penalty or even send from the country.

    Tourists should be attentive when choosing a beach holiday. Wlsati countries are strictly guarded by the ecology of coral reefs, as well as the "wealth" of the bottom of the marine. From the bottom of the sea, you can not be lifted on the surface and, moreover, take with you any finds. If only the tourist does not receive a special permission from the authorities. It is also impossible to raise the coral wreckage, break the most affected corals. Also strictly forbidden to buy corals from merchants. For the offense of the tourist, not only can finf by a large amount, but also to send from the country, or enter into custody.

    Dine in the country early, at 11 o'clock all offices are closed for a lunch break to 12-15 days. The islanders are not averse to helping the tourist, however, you should specifically ask your question, in order not to get a rather ambiguous answer. It is also not necessary to photograph the islanders without demand once again, not everyone belongs to such a procedure in a positive way.

    Tourists are strictly forbidden to go beyond the limits of the tourist area, and the beach in swimsuits or with naked torso. To appear in bathing suits in public places is as strictly prohibited, otherwise tourists may have difficulties with the local population or government representatives. Do not forget that on vacation you are in countries preaching Hinduism, Islam.

    Also, tourists should not swim on a surf without special shoes and equipment - everywhere coral reefs, the fall to which may result in serious scratches and cuts.

    Entertainment in Mauritius

    Going to rest Many intend to get a maximum of impressions from vacation. Let's not go into the details of the excursion program. As known to many tourists, the excursions are diverse and you can get acquainted with them by arrival. To begin with, you should enjoy the sea, the beach and the sun.

    After a beach holiday, you can go to diverse entertainment. Gastronomic adventures - than not entertainment on vacation. Mauritius national cuisine is diverse and is very useful due to the abundance of vegetables, fruits and seafood. Tourists will be able to try raw fish with lemon juice, and vitamin fresh juices from vegetables and fruits.

    As Malaysia is associated with a beach holiday, tourists will be able to enjoy various marine entertainment, this is diving, boating with a transparent bottom, fishing, surfing and much more.

    If desired, the tourists can go to safari and feed from the hands of Zebras, or to lay on alligators, see unique uninhabited islands, which are populated only by turtles or go for a walk to see colorful waterfalls that transfusions in the bright sun rays.

    Difference in time

    Flight to Mauritius is relatively long. Direct flight from Moscow to Port Louis - the capital of Mauritius, just over 11 hours. However, upon arrival at the airport, tourists from Moscow will be pleasantly surprised by the fact that time zones in Mauritius coincide with Moscow, which is why Muscovites do not have to adapt to the change of time. Residents of other cities that do not match the hour zone of Moscow will have a little more complicated. In the event that the tourist is hard for changing time zones, it is recommended to take extra days for vacation. Time difference between Mauritiki (Port Louis):
    Time difference Mauritius - Moscow - 0 hours |

    Good day! This article will be useful for everyone who thinks about a trip to the island, because it will be told in it about prices on the island of Mauritius. , products, alcohol, and so on. In Mauritius, the local currency rupee, but also in the course of the euro. At the average course of 1 euro - this is 40 Mauritius rupees. Then I will use the prices of euros or rupees (except for individual exceptions). The ruble exchange rate is now a non-permanent thing, so you will have to recalculate prices yourself. However, there will be no rubles in Mauritius.

    So the first thing you need to travel are plane tickets. The price of a ticket is now varied about 700 euros for economy class. You can right on our site. By the way, if you decide to stay on the paradise island for a couple of days, then think about the exchange of the ticket in advance. Usually exchange or free or no more than $ 100. After you took the tickets to decide on the housing.

    Cost of housing in Mauritius

    Mauritius is a place where it is cheaper to fly by the company or at least together. There is no "gestouse" (Guesthouse) common in Asia. The hotel, apartments or villas are usually rented here. If you are alone or fly a pair, you will fit the studio apartment or suite with one bedroom, or a standard room at the hotel. If you are somewhat or you with children, then you need to take apartments with two / three bedrooms, a villa or "Family" options in hotels.

    Below the photo of the terrace in the studio on the first line in the area. The price for it is about 35 euro / night and higher. There will be a separate kitchen, bathroom, cleaning, air conditioning and internet. If you take a month for a month, it will be about 25-30 euros / night.

    Studio for 35 euros

    Also there may be a swimming pool or it can be on the first line. This is already lucky when booking. Usually the most interesting places book in advance. You can always write to us your wishes and we will pick up for you an ideal place in terms of price / quality ratio!

    If you are traveling with a child or already a company, you need two or more bedrooms. By the way, the nanny services are worth about 10 euros per hour or 40 euros per working day. On average, apartments with two bedrooms, good repairs, near the beach are an average of 55-60 euros / night and above. There can easily accommodate two pairs. There will also be a living room, kitchen, air conditioning, internet and cleaning. The photo below the living room and balcony. If you take a month, it will be cheaper. Many apartments have access to the roof, where it is often a special place for barbecue and monitoring stars.

    If you are several people, then you will most likely need to withdraw apartments with three bedrooms or villa. The average price for decent apartments, where there will be three bedrooms about 90 euros / night and above. This is usually for six people. Cleaning, Internet, kitchen TD. By the way, always specify the number of bathrooms. On Mauritius, usually two bedrooms are only one bathroom, which is not very convenient if two pairs live together together. But now the Mauritians are corrected. In new homes, now the number of bedrooms and bathrooms coincides. In the photo from below, in a minute walk from the beach.

    Apartments for rent in Mauritii at the beach

    The following listed is the villa. They are very different. In some only two bedrooms, and in some five bedrooms. The price of them depends on the year of construction, repair, availability of the pool, the number of guests, season and location. On average, from 150 euros / night you can rent a separate villa with a swimming pool and three bedrooms. There will be cleaning, the Internet, living room, kitchen, barbecue and much more. An example in photo from below. It will be a spacious place suitable for a large family or a company of young people.

    Ayadana is a premium villa in Le Morne on the island of Mauritius, with four bedrooms, private pool, air conditioning, Wi-Fi, TV and super view of the lagoon and Paradis golf resort.

    If you need something more unique, then the choice is also very big. You can rent a villa on the first line with your beach. Or on Mount Lemorne overlooking the coast. The price will be from 200 euro / night and higher. There will be a swimming pool, cook, cleaning, open-air bathroom and other charms. Villas and premium class apartments on the first line (in the photo below) will cost around 200-300 euros / night depending on the season. Also on some of them they are possible service as in the hotel, concierge and other services.

    Now when you know the order of real estate prices let's go further. On the island of Mauritius there are a lot of interesting places that you should visit. In Asia, for example, everyone remove mopeds and go to them. In Mauritius, it is a rarity and that's why: the moped for rent here is as much as the rental of a small car. Plus, these mopeds are very small and they often break. Therefore, tourists usually take a car rental. The price for will be about 30 euros per day. Such a car eats little gasoline. If you need to carry out equipment, you can remove the peak of the AP. The price of them starts from about 30 euros per day. Mostly all pickups on the diesel. The price of gasoline is this: one liter of gasoline \u003d 1.15 euros \u003d 50 Mauritius rupees. One liter of diesel fuel costs 0.95 euros or 40 Mauritius rupees.

    If you need a car class above, it can be removed for quite sane money. For example, it will cost about 50 euros per day. And the new Ford Ranger is about 80 euros per day. There is also a car premium class. In general, there are no problems with transport on the island. And if you do not shoot cars, you can ride public transport - bus. The passage in it costs 25 rupees. But they do not go everywhere and in many interesting places unfortunately not to get to them. On the island of Mauritius, taxi services are not particularly common. The approximate cost per 1 km of way is about 50 rupees (1.3 euros). But no one goes on the meter and find taxisers difficult. From the airport taxi is better not to take - it will be very expensive. Reliable to order in advance. It is usually worth about 60 euros for a passenger car and 80 euros per minibus.

    After check-in, everyone is usually immediately sent to the beach, and then buy a product to the store. This aspect I will give a separate attention to you to know the order of prices for food and related products. In almost every town on the island there is a supermarket in which there is everything you need. They usually work from 8 am to 7 pm. And on Sunday from 8 to 12 am. In large local holidays, they can also be closed, so buying in advance. There are also small local stores, but there the choice is very limited: water, bananas, beer and every little thing.

    Food prices in supermarkets Mauritius

    Yoghurt costs 12 rupees (0.3 euro)

    Milk liter costs 38 rupees (1 euro)

    Fresh and hot (in the morning) French baguette costs 5 rupees (0.2 euro)

    Packaging of Muesli or Flakes in the area of \u200b\u200b70 rupees (1.8 euros)

    Creamy oil packing stands in the area of \u200b\u200b60 rupees (1.5 euros)

    Bacon packaging, salami or ham about 100 rupees (2.6 euros)

    There are also all sorts of meat delicacies from France.

    Large selection of beer and cider. Good local beer "Phoenix" costs 57 rupees for a large bottle (1.5 euros).

    The liter of juice costs 38 rupees (1 euro).

    Many fruits and vegetables. Prices depend on the season.

    Prices for alcohol

    Local liqueurs. In the region of 200 rupees for a large bottle (5 euros)

    Imported alcohol is more expensive. The bottle of Liker Malibu is worth 399 rupees (10 euros)

    It turns out that prices for products are quite adequate. And depending on the season there are different local fruits. If the season is cheap, if not the season is more expensive.

    Prices in cafe, restaurants, eateries

    Small snacks or Snack's are common on Mavrki. There for you can prepare very tasty panini with marlin or other simple (but tasty) dish at approximately 100 rupees (2.6 euros). Also on the island there are several good restaurants. One of the best - Domain Anna is located next to Cascavel. Prices are pleasantly surprised there! Salad with palm trees and seafood costs 175 rupees (4.5 euros). Below the photo from the menu with starters.

    The main dishes are also worth quite adequate money. For example, several large freshwater shrimp (Camarons) with a side dish costs 550 rupees (14.5 euros)

    It turns out that dinner for two with a bottle of wine will cost about 60 euros. There are restaurants budget and expensive. If you are going there on Friday or the weekend makes sense to book a table in advance.

    Well, we dealt with food. We now turn to excursions, water activities and other pleasant entertainment on the island.

    Prices of excursions and other entertainment in Mauritius

    If you want to go with your family or friends, it will cost about 200 euros for three to four hours. A few people are placed on the boat, so the price can be divided into all.