Marina Boroditskaya about reading, imagination and verse for increased. Marina Boroditskaya: "Literature is a bomb shelter by m Boroditskaya

Marina Yakovlevna Boroditskaya

Marina Boroditskaya was born on June 28, 1954 in Moscow. In 1976 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bnamed after Moris Toroza. She worked as a guide-translator, taught at school. In 1978, first debuted as a translator in the journal "Foreign Literature".

Since 1990, he has been a member of the Writers' Union, and since 2005 he became a member of the Guild "Master of Literary Translation".

Marina Yakovlevna carries out translations, mainly from English. She translated the works of such famous poets as R. L. Stevenson, R. Kipling, A. Milna, J. Rivza, E. Farden.

In 1997, he received a diploma of the British Council for the transfer of the two-volume minist of Alan Garner "Stone from the Necklaces of Brisings" and "Moon on the eve of Gomrat." In 2006, he received a prize of the British Council "Unicorn and Lion", and in 2010 - a premium master for the book "British" poets-Cavalers "of the XVII century."

Marina Boroditskaya works leading in the radio personnel of the "Literary Pharmacy" on the radio of Russia. She is convinced that the book is the best vitamin.


Seeing your tail,
Snake surprised:
- Surely friends
Is that still me?


Crying Old
Soccer ball:
"How is I bitterly!
I hurt me!
Bat me
And scoring
Yes, and inflate! "

All stronger

The sea is some kind!
All stronger in the world:
Raises us with you

Like a mushy wind.
Raises us with you
The dog is our
Even a steamer with a pipe.
Even uncle Sasha!

Puddle in the forest

Tell me mercy
How so much

Golobastics Three things.
Half tucci.
Branch willow.
Bird Cheeky.
And Korean
My boat!


The kitten was so beautiful!
The kitten was so beautiful!
On his paws he barely stood
And so looked, and so trembled
From soft ears to tail ...
He was, of course, orphan.
He pointed me: "Wear!"

Mom said: "Do not dream."
He was progressing to me: "Save!"
Mom said: "Do not ask."
He sobbed, blinked his eyes
And swallow to the mother's shoes.
Mom sighed: "How to be here?"

I shouted: "Adopt!"


I am a manual mirror
Left in the garden
To fairy under the moon
Rode like ice.

... on the mirror remained
Coupling yes bitch.
Lazy! rolled up -
And they threw skates.

We are waiting for Brother

We are younger brother
We have long been waiting.
About him about one

We are waiting for him in the evening
We are waiting in the morning -
Beloved brother
(Maybe sister).

And let him without demand
Enough toys!
Let him drink from my
Painted mugs

Let be shown
Little, weak -
For brother always
Brother stands!

Yeah already acquired
Gearing hard
Seven times in the morning
I pressed from the floor ...

And pants now
Neatly wear:
They will be useful

- What is he fit!
- Who does it look like?
Dad says: - on mom!
Very nice to face.

Mom says: - on dad!
The view was intelligent at the boy.
Both grandmothers friend friend
A broken hour is inferior:
- Nose - yours!
- But your ears!
- Voice - just like you!

I'm alone sitting like a mouse:
Let the relatives rush ...
I know that the boy
I got it all in me!

The poet and translator Marina Yakovlevna Boroditskaya was born in 1954 in Moscow. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bnamed after Moris Torez. Author of three lyrical poems collections, twelve books poems for children ("Milk", "the last day of the teachings", "Flew plaster", "Think, think, head!", Etc.) and numerous translations. It translates from English famous poets: R. L. Stevenson, A. Milna, J. Rivza, E. Farden ... and fairy tales also translates. The two-volume miner of Alan Garner "Stone from the Necklaces of Brisings" and "Moon on the eve of Gomrata" (ed. "Armada", M. 1996) received a diploma of the British Council for Culture.
Marina Boroditskaya, the permanent leading transfer of the "literary pharmacy" on the radio of Russia, is convinced that the book is the best vitamin. And on the question of bibliyda (there is such a wonderful site dedicated to the children's book on the Internet) "Why do you like to be a writer?" Replies: "Because I feel a lucky way to which in the plane, or there in the bus, completely accidentally got a place by the window. And I like to push the neighbor with the elbow in the side and shout:" Look, look! "

Three grandmothers

Tara bars,
Three grandmothers
On boulevard ≈
Played in the salts
Grandchildren confused
And the whole Trinity roars:
≈ We get from the daughters!

Rybkin TV

Pond frozen. The rink is open!
Waltz rattling. Lantern burns.
Fish sighs under ice
And girlfriends says:

"Late hour, it's time to bed,
I'm tired of calling
Figured Kathania.
They do not leave them! "

Here is a sparrow

Spells satisfied
Next to me.
- Do not cant? - I asked. -
What are you manual?

- I'm a wild one! - he said,
Take off on the bench. -
Throw sandwich
And I do not come!


I clean the vegetables for the other.
How much do vegetables need?

Three potatoes, two carrots,
Luka one and a half heads,
Yes parsley root,
Yes Capacity.

Mise you, cabbage,
From you in a saucepan of thick!

Once or two or three, the fire is lit -
Koem, get out!

To school

Dark. December. Seven in the morning.
Screaming alarm clock: "Hey! It's time!"

... December in the morning, at seven hours,
I'll close the door on the go

So that at this hour, almost night,
My dream was still with me.

I will give a sleep with a pillow:
I'm so, I love him so much!

Make, I'll close - do not find
Sorry, I will return - they will

Although you rupture here, calling,
Although the world will bring up - no me !!!

... but in an hour, as a year,
I run out of the gate:

I'm already familiar to me
He is under my heel

And I will slide, and I will jump,
And I want to live this day!

Used milk

Used milk.
I ran away away!
Down the stairs
Along the street
Through Square
Went around
Under the bench
Three old women jumped
Treated two kittens
Preheat - and back:
Along the street
And in the pan covered,
Thinking hard.
Here the hostess arrived:
- Win?
- boiled!

The sorcerer does not fall

Sidding sorcerer
On White Light:
The sorcerer does not fall
And inspiration no.

Found for breakfast
From Africa banana,
And appeared - hello to you! -
From the Arctic Buran.

Found to dinner
In a cup of cream,
But made sure with horror:
In a cup - kefir!

Well, what bad luck
Well, what a punishment is
And even instead of singing
Leaves drawing,

And even instead of chicken
Goes gun ...
Sidding sorcerer
On whole white light.

And maybe someone sulks -
So and not fall?


Climbed into the bottle
And get out
I could not.
From anger
Poor cockroach
In the bottle

He died
At the beginning of January,
Pressing a mustache
To the head.

Who is often angry
That vain
Should not
Climb into a bottle.

// March 11, 2009 // Views: 24 994

Marina Boroditskaya was born in Moscow. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bnamed after Moris Torez. Author of 5 lyrical collections, 12 books of poems for children, books of fairy tales and numerous translations. Leads the transfer of "Literary Pharmacy" to "Radio Russia". The winner of the K. Chukovsky Prize "Golden Crocodile" and the Prize named after S. Marshak.

Often writers become children's writers, writing history for their own children. Do you all start the same?

- And so, and not so. I like a three-headed dragon. It seems I am in some interview already. But what to do: it is true! One head composes for children, the other writes a completely adult lyrics, the third translates. The fourth head is also growing regularly, and then I carry out the transfer to the radio.
At the beginning of the 70s I entered Injyz and immediately saw the announcement about Litstudia "Photon" in the lobby. It was the wonderful translators of poetry - Andrei Yakovlevich Sergeev, Evgeny Mikhailovich Solonich and Pavel Moiseevich Grushko. Their principle was like this: it can not be taught, but this can be learned.
I was shy for a long time to read something my own. It was shy to even sit in the first row. I turned to me "Oh you, standing at the wall." It all started with the translations of Milna poems. All I loved and understood, came up at one point: and the People's Friendly Merry Element, and Shamanism poetic, and childishness. Then my executives said: Yeah, the machine earned!
And I started writing my baby when the older son Andryusha was a year and a half. I somehow suddenly realized that children's poems are written by the same substance as the adult lyrics. We just pull this thread as spiders. You still need to have stereoscopic vision: at the same time look and the eyes of your inner child, and the eyes of their adult "I".
Then I had a lot of teachers. But the most wonderful person was who did not lend any studio, Valentin Dmitrievich Berezov. This is a poet for all times, on all audiences. I am still in adolescence, reading the poems of Berestov in the journal "Youth", realized that this is how I want to write. So you need to write.

- A book that has recently published in the publishing house "Scooter" -, - is it too for everyone?

"I am grateful to this publishing house: they specifically asked me to make a book so that she was both a children's, and adult - or at least" on the grown. " And I love this book very much.
And the poem "Walk and Shatter" - just from those who go from adult books to children's. It's about love and engagement! Rarely, the poems that are visible simultaneously and to the inner adult, which will accomplish each child, and to the inner child of an adult.

- And, by the way, is it an autobiographical history, in "Waller and Shatter"?
- Yes, this is a completely concrete boy. And the absenteeism were, and the boulevards, and these numbers, put on the fingers.

- Did you stroll ??
- At first I was a very good student, and in the ninth grade as the chain was broken. I switched from the strict twentieth school, where the director could say, for example: "In the Komsomol line to you, there are big claims, on the characteristics of the institute do not count!", In the liberal thirty-first. Always been in the class "A", and then asked in "b". In this class, it was somehow fashionable to walk, fall in love, for a long time and in detail about relationships ... I later wrote about it:

I also last the best
Dana inheritance:
First in adolescence
Not immediately in childhood.

Oh, there is a grievance
Victory fragile,
But the trifles comfort:
Skirls, skirts.

There every look that threw is he,
And the sigh is ignorant
With girlfriends revised

There you can make a counter step
like lentia
And kiss just so
without continuing.

And yet - probably, not all poetry and prose should be universal? As for special children's literature, should parents affect the "Circle of reading" of the child?

- The taste is very easy to spoil. The filter must be. This book market, sorry for neologisms, must somehow filtered. Books are now - the sea is flawed! You come to the store, see bright covers, inside - pictures, under them signatures in rhyme. Is it poetry? If there are traditions of reading in the family, good. And if not? A person can grab a book with poems like "Here is my leg, she went there" and drag the son or grandchildren. Here you need Lotsman. And such a pilot must be a seller in the book. It would be necessary to check the candidates for literary taste, on the formation of at least minimal. After all, these girls never heard of Berestov and Irina Bivovarova! And they must advise. To speak, for example, that Chukovsky is something, without which it is impossible.
And, of course, the librarian should also be so pilot.

- Librarian? Are children libraries alive?
- I think they will start walking again. Already start. The pendulum still has already swung back. Here she was challenged endless encyclopedia - and finally began to publish good books! "Scooter", "Pink Giraffe" - I am very worried about these small publishers. Will they survive?

- Their fate depends on whether our children will readers. Do you need to raise the reader? And How?
- Sergey Gandalovsky somehow said that parents should be a belly to the TV to close it from the child. He insisted that the son read each other every day, even the alarm clock turned him. And the dad somehow looked at what the son was stopped by jumping over the call and running out to the computer. The boy was interrupted in the words "Suddenly Holmes ..."
Everything! Nightmare, the end of the world!

When a child just sits and looks at the picture, accompanied by sound, - computer, TV, film screen, - It is in full "relaxation". He does not work imagination, it slowly dries, folds, disappears as a rudimentary organ. The imagination begins to develop intensively when a person reads a book and all the "movies" scrolls in his head. Especially when this person is already 12 and he reads Main Reed or Duma. He himself jumps on Prairia, himself fights the Guards Cardinal ... All these books contribute to the development of imagination.
Question: Why is it necessary? Very simple. Only a person with imagination can imagine, thus in the head or on the other hand. But the most important thing is a man deprived of imagination, does not understand that another it also hurt. A man who has given an order to make a shmele from the flamethrower on the School's Sports Hall in Beslan, - he didn't have imagination ...
Although the alarm clock is still in vain. I was so in my childhood music, under the alarm clock - one hand on the keys, and on the lap the book.

- But what to do? How to raise the reader from the child, if without alarm clock?
- There are many ways. First, any little child wants to do something together with her mother or dad. Read aloud! True, when in the family read out loud, the child often does not want to read himself. Then you can: You can read beautifully, with an expression to the words "Suddenly Holmes ...", and then - "Everything, I have things!" It is useful to say further: "Do not read without me." Of course, if the child is very obedient, it is not worth it, and if you can do something. And leave the book in a prominent place.

Or - Mom ishes the dishes, she has wet hands, it can not read, and it is unfair. It is necessary to read it out loud. In this case, mom is better to choose, say, O'Henry. Maybe Chekhov or Gogol even something funny. Not a prunuer! Or, if the "client" shame, mom may urgently want to know what the story of Mary Poppins ended.
The second way is a direct ban. Work perfectly with adolescents. "This book is for smart people. You have been too early. There is too much sex and violence. "
My senior after such a warning read "War and Peace" under a blanket with a flashlight. True, when I tried the same trick with younger, he said: "Mom, you leave these pedagogical things with you, with Andrei passed, and I will not pay with me."
Then otherwise it is necessary. You can create a "family hairdryer" - a secret language associated with the read. It brings together, splits the family. Alone word only - and you immediately understand what it is for her that you inside a circle.
Previously, the school could still help. You came to the fifth grade, you were asked: "Three Musketeers" read? Not? All you are expensive. Now this is not. Hope only for the family. Or on friends - if at least someone reads in the company, then everything is gradually read out.
By the way, from a certain age, reading and memorizing poems has a cosmetic effect. Especially in girls - a person changes, something like that in the eyes appears, some kind of mystery.

Oh, this is already a recipe! Your program on "Radio Russia" is called "literary pharmacy" - to whom and what you write out?
- You know, as usual, such things happen - on crossing someone else, as Lev Nikolayevich would say.
I read the poem of Kouchner "Be unloved! Oh my God! / What happiness to be unhappy! .. ", and I hit me on my head. I thought if at the age of 18, when my favorite boy threw me and it seemed to me that the life of the horse and the world turned over, and I terribly suffered and at the same time reveling my suffering - if I came across these verses then, it was For me, well, as the opening of Penicillina for the wounded world war.

When this poem was caught me, my best girlfriend suffered from unrequited love. And we were already for 30. I made her to follow Kouchner by heart and repeat many times, and then tormented in question, helps or not. I walked and thought: here if on the radio, read these and some other poems on the radio, and someone would have heard, and it would be easier for him ... And here Zhanna Perlieva, leading children's programs on "Radio Russia", and asks, Do I have any ideas - not for kids, but "for older". So the "literary pharmacy" was born. It was 12 years ago.
The format is such: we choose the "disease" and recommend medication. On the space of this little one - 25 minutes - the transmission can be from the Japanese writer of the XI century Syunagon jump to David Samoilov. And all this as part of a single recipe - from Handra or undivided love, from loneliness and so on.
Of course, I do not deceive myself - not many know our transfer in Moscow. But but we are listening to us throughout Russia!
And we managed to somehow touch someone else's lives. You know which letters sent to us! One woman wrote that "Saga about Forsyites" of her practically saved suicide. She was in a deaf Siberian village, drunkenness around, despair. And she constantly looked at the ceiling, from which the hook was stuck - the cradles were hanging on such a better ... suddenly she got into the hands of Saga, and she just fled to someone else's life. Literature is asylum. And sometimes bomb shelter. Especially when you are a teenager and over you constantly whistles something and rinsing!

- Suppose we brought up the reader from the child. And how to raise a writer?
- Wunderkinds - very thin matter. Such a child must be carefully protected from parents.
Present a picture. I conduct a master class. The girl of the age of ten coughs seemingly during the whole of this unfortunate seminar. Mom comes for my daughter and asks: "What will you advise us, Marina Yakovlevna?" I speak clearly: "Mukaltin on an empty stomach, twice a day Ambroben, only after seven in the evening I do not ..." - "No! In creative plan What do you advise? " In creative plan, eh? To write about your mother-wolf! I advised her to cure the child from bronchitis and not to carry it down the street in such a state.
Or after some kind of awarding gifted children, someone's dad approached. I completely sincerely said: you have a wonderful girl! "Yes thanks a lot. And advise us, please, how to publish a book? " I advised him to climb on the Internet and read the story

Perhaps your acquaintance with the work of Marina Boditsky also began with her "adult" poems. Perhaps you also muttered a lines from her "ODY myopia" for a long time, capable of becoming calling of all Linzon's Cocks:

Glory to you, about the reckless lens!
And you, his girlfriend, raining the cornea!
You did not calculate your refractive force
For a distant perspective did not let me down.

Or from the same collection, on topical topics:

Here is the Minister of Enlightenment says:
"Too much enlightenment," says.
And the Minister Lighting says:
- This light bulb is now overrigent.

Or maybe you have read her poems for the whole family and everyone thought and thought about a paper umbrella:

Painted Wierf
Paper umbrella -
He will not protect from the Sun,
Does not save from moisture.

He is like a sailboat over the abyss
In the width -
One-day, useless,
The most durable in the world!

And then you have already moved to her "childish" poems, and suddenly realized that they were not less interesting to read them, and her lines are often quite reached to perceive the child. And felt: here it is, the most magic that is in the literature!

About threats to reading, the ability to feel someone else's pain, blurring age borders in the literature, about modern problems and excellent books Marina Boroditskaya told.

Help: Marina Boroditsk - poet, translator. Born in 1954. He graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bnamed after Moris Torez. He worked as a translator and teacher at the boarding school and English special school. In the 80s, began professionally engaged in literary creativity. Translated works by Chosera, Burns, Browning, Stevenson, Kipling, Chesterton, Milna, Carrol, Hugo, and others. The books of her children's and adult verses went out in the publishing house "Kid", "Children's literature", "Ast-Press", "Samovar", "Time". Raised two sons.

Marina Boroditskaya. At the presentation of the Book Festival "Antonovsky Apples" reads their poems.

Tease and cause saliva

- Marina Yakovlevna, somehow in conversation you used the expression "Seven barrels of the arrestants." My generation is difficult, what is called, "count" quote ... But the people of your generation respond to it instantly. That is, literature can act as a code ...

- I accidentally "crossed" seven wool to heaven and forty-barrels of the arrestants who are found from northern writers; "Arrestant" - I myself recently learned - this is a small dried fish ... "People's" phrases are included in the literature, and on the contrary: the quotes from "grief from the mind" people "privatized" and turned into proverbs.

The very familiar family reading is that each family, in which they read, appears their circle of such verbal "phenoshek" - speakers, aims, proven. For example, "all of the stors and stare" - from Alice in the translation of Demurova.

- All Miracles and Moruse ...

- This is the same, only in another translation ... The one of my acquaintances already in the third generation there is a phrase from O. Henry: "The victory of reason over Sarsaparillo!" The nonsense would seem, but everyone immediately remembers: O. Henry is fun!

This is a chamber, this family code is not for outsiders. This is our circle of light under house lampshade. A certain invisible dome over the family who unites it. What is happening between the eye and the page - there is such healing protection in this, such a collerty, which we do not take away anyone! A place between parenting breasts and bookpoint is the warmest and safe for the child. "To dad under the mouse - read the book!" It brings together and unites.

- especially if mom and dad read with the child.

"This is, of course, gorgeous, but we will be realistic - who now sits down and the whole family reads books from Camelk? But even if the book is simply read and is passed from Mom Pope - to the child, and then you can talk about it - Casual, or seriously - this is already a victory! As else can be excited in the child a passion for reading, if you have never been told to him: "Listen, leave, let me read, I have the most interesting place now!" The child needs to cause salivament!

- How to call it?

- We must tease! When my 4-year-old granddaughter does not want to read, I sit down and read the book itself, commenting out loud: "This is yes!", "Great!", "That's horror!" Five minutes later, she climbs to me under the mouse. With adolescents, it is possible: "Do not dare to touch" War and Peace "! This is for smart, you still early. And in general, there are solid sex and violence! " Son immediately dragged her. And read!

All these methods are well described in the book. Daniel Pennaka "like a novel": How not to force, but tease, lure, gradually tame ...

- Read out loud - while the child likes it! Or until he takes a book from you and does not say: "I myself!". In my collection "Paper umbrella" separately allocated "Poems for reading children adults". After all, it is not good that parents cannot read themselves until they clean the potatoes or wash the dishes. Man 10-12 years old can come to the rescue. And even if the mother should urgently find out who the killer is to take and read her favorite agate Christie! And you look - and rolling ...

Pages of the book of Marina Boroditskaya "Paper Umbrella", photo:

Develop imagination

- The habit is more common today - wash the dishes are not under reading, but under the movie.

- What is the book different from the screen? When you sit in front of the picture all so relaxed, you do not work imagination. It swells and disappears as a rudimentary tail! And before the book - especially the old, read out, even library - all the movie is spinning in your head.

You can argue: "Why is it, this imagination is needed at all? We will greatly live in perfectly. " Do not live! This is what makes us people - because (now I will say the main thing!) only a person with imagination can imagine that another is painful too. And only a person without imagination can give the order to make a shmel from the flamethos of the school in Beslan, in which live children are sitting!

- Goebbels was a doctor of philosophy, a man with developed thinking ...

- So what? He had abstract thinking. But in order to imagine that the child feels hurt into the gas chamber, it is necessary to have a living imagination ... I need to be able to cry too.

I was 12 years old when grandparents literally forced me to read the book Mary Rolling "I have to tell". This is a book about the concentration camp, about war and Holocaust. I felt - there is a lot of more interesting classes, but it was firmly said: "If one survived it, then others should find the courage about it!"

Dickens and Mark Twain - came out!

- I would like to say one important thing that has not yet told anywhere. Previously, we all unanimously agreed that the main enemy of reading - the screen, in front of which the child sits quiet such and not thinking ...

- As in "Denisian stories": "I love to watch TV - I don't care what you show!"

- Completely right. But in our non-blessed time, the children's reading appeared the enemy more serious. The name is his obscurantism. He has a real embodiment - Federal Law No. 436, ( it is about the sensational and widely discussed law "On the protection of children from information that causes their health and development" - approx. ed.) Which our State Duma adopted in 2010, and which hit all the small quality publishing houses, the so-called kids publishing houses who created a piece, unappropriate product. The law is formulated very convenient: his impairment can be anyone at any time. For example, "Kid and Carlson" - he is there like a roof of Lasil, and it is dangerous and can harm health! Oliver Twist Broadcasting - such an item in the law is also there - Dickens came out, Mark Twain, perhaps, too. Russian fairy tales are generally smoking at home ...

- Who can really conduct an audit?

- Yes, anyone! It is only worth some deputy wanted to poucher! On March 26, Yaroslav Nilov, Yaroslav Nilov, was released on the microphone, and proposed to ban the reading in the school of Romanov Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Bulgakov. And he supported Roman Putin, Chairman of the Russian Academic Foundation ...

- Teaching literature in the Soviet school was extremely treated. What is happening now, you can designate as test thinking, and it is no better ...

- The fact of the matter is that no better. The English writer with whom I will communicate now, Michael Rosen, the same says and is also indignant what is happening to them. We often yell that the West is discredited, and how much from there they smelted? The same ege! Why is it needed?

I really like that you have a magazine for fathers. We all should somehow confront test thinking, and - Here is the main thing - depreciation of human life! It is necessary to oppose this circle of light and reading.

Marina Boroditskaya. Photo: Dmitry Rozhkov, Wikipedia

"There, at the foot of the Helikon, the medicine is growing grows" *

- You often talk about literature as healing power. Lead the program in which you give literary recipes ...

- "Literary pharmacy" is called. We are conducting this program on the radio of Russia with a wonderful journalist Zhanna Perelimayev for 17 years! That is, a person could be born, to go to school and even finish it - during the existence of the transfer. Formally, it is intended for high school students, but in principle for all. Because the book is a medicine, and the poems learned to 18-20 years old - in general first aid kit, which you yourself can pull out of your lack - when you are very bad! - And get protection and healing.

- Such faith in literature, literary center - the feature of Russian verbal culture. Here you can remember the rooting Ivanovich - his attitude to the Word and to the fact that without a word, the literature is impossible to grow a child's soul. Lydia Chukovskaya describes this thrill in his memoirs ...

- Chukovsky - "Our All" for children! He takes the child by his hand and introduces a tiny three-year-old man right in the treasury of world literature! He in fairy tales features all the main world genres, rhythms and sizes. Want a heroic poem, bayronic romanticism? Dr. Aibolit: "Oh, if I do not come, if in the way the disappearance, which will fall with them, with sick ..." in the spirit of Bairon and Shelly - a romantic hero in exceptional circumstances. Want a poem about Christian forgiveness, repentance and love? "Fedorino Mountain": "But the miracle happened to her, became Fyodor Dobray!" Heroism and villainism - "cockroach". And what kind of villainance is "bring to me, beasts, your deubsions, I dare for dinner today!"

- From the Chukovsky relay can be shifted to Berezov, who was his student. But there is a feeling that Berestov is not in the first row of children's writers - in the minds of many ...

- It is extremely unfair! Although in fact - he is in the first row. Good teachers, parents, educators, of course, know him. When you see, what handicraft quality poems are often suggested to learn children in kindergarten for the autumn holiday or March 8, internally cry and urge Valentina Dmitrievich to help!

- What did you read your sons?

- Everything is - and that. Besides yourself. I believed that there are more decent samples. And they were already pretty "pedigable" guys, when they themselves read my poems - and they picked up a little from it - that they are depicted there in infant.

List for reading without borders

- And what literature helps to raise a real man, the future of the Father?

- For boys - the mass of excellent books! All adventure literature. But this is not only Jules Verne - although this literature has its own healing power. "Three Musketeers", all this nobility, all this "one for all", problems of life choices - what is one scene of the meeting of D'Artagnan with Cardinal! Here and Main Reed, and Louis Bustsenar, and necessarily Raphael Sabbatini - "Odyssey Captain Blad" and "Chronicles of Captain Blade"! This is a charm just!

And ... Maybe it's not quite modest on my part, because I am one of the translators ... But in the end, I recommend not myself, but Mr. Kipling: "Pak with Magic Hills" and "Fey gifts" - Fine reading for boys! Girls, however, is also helpful to read the boys books. And vice versa!

Here, by the way, by the way Alexandra Brushteinwhich we mentioned in a conversation. I, for example, always believed that her "The road goes away in the distance" - This is a book book. Veronica Valley even called her "Encyclopedia of a Thinking Girl." And to my surprise, both of my son adored this book! And now the younger on his 30th anniversary demanded that he was presented with the very edition, which we had, blue, in the crankorochi binding with the silhouette of the gymnasics, and all three stories under one cover. It is all three - one little, two not enough, it is necessary to read all three. By the way, this book is interesting from a historical point of view: after all, there is a resonant case of Multan wrappers, who defended the writer Korolenko, and as the whole country followed this. And the famous Dreifus case in Brushtein is described so that the spirit captures!

I also recommend this. This is not on the obligatory list of children's reading, and I myself read it quite late, but these are the most beautiful books for reading your father with a child: Vasily Aksenov - Absolutely, it would seem, an adult writer, but these two books are a mansion. First - "My grandfather is a monument", and the second - "The chest in which something knocks". Father will see a brilliant parody of adventure literature, and the child is just the adventures of an outstanding boy and his girlfriends on the seas, islands.

- Yes of course, "When dad was small" Raskin. Beautiful reading - Radii Pogodin - Sad and fun books about human relationships, for teenagers. Pusher is not inferior to Dragunsky, and their adults are extremely interesting to read.
Moreover, both Dragunsky, and Pogodin, and Viktor Golowkin - authors without clear age borders, I adore it! I myself love to wash the age boundaries. I just have a section in the book "Paper umbrella" - "poems to grow". Because good children's poems - they always grow! They are always difficult about a difficult, about deep, and a person at different age sees something in them. This is a double bottom, it would seem, in a nursery poem - this is what I am learning all my life from Valentina Berestov.

- Only not to "open the subtext", as your teacher of literature said - you told about it in one air ...

- This is not necessary! To me, with these words, a canning bank was always presented, which should be opened. More wonderful children's stories - "Male education" Ksenia Dragun, about how her brother Denis brought it up, who was much older, and how his friends came to them and taught her songs that the girl would not have to learn ... And she also has a wonderful children's play "All boys - fools!". And the play for teenagers "extermination" is about the exam. She also blurred age borders. There is one girl says: "My dad said that soon all universities will close and only the courses of pipelines will remain!"

Pope, I appeal to you: this is what we need to fight and what to confront - as you need. Each is on his small reader front!

* M. Boroditskaya. From the collection "Ode myopia".

"Marina Boroditskaya seems to me

festive fireworks

salute about the disheveled joy of life. "

Olga Korf

In one Moscow house in 1954, a girl was born in the first child - the first child. Here, as it should be in fairy tales, Fairy came to congratulate the newborn. The first presented the book - let the girl grows by the clever. The second gave the violin - let the musical, in parents grow. And the third, the youngest, brought a glass-crystal, in which ordinary things turned into unusual and the world around the miraculously miraculously.

But suddenly the evil sorceress appeared on the holiday and, by shouting in dirty calories to the beds of Baby, the sinister predicted: "You will become a poet!". Yes, yes, just like this: not a poetess - frivolous creating in bans and ruffles, and a poet - by the hospitality and hostage of his own gift. It must be admitted that adults reacted very careless to the Grozny prophecy. Only a grandfather in advance with a thick notebook, where then he recorded the first poetic emissions of her granddaughter.

She grew by a brought and cleaned girl: in four years he learned himself to read, since the infancy had his point of view on everything in the world and, even with varying success, learned to defend his beliefs in the courtyard fights.

Thumbelina, Snow Maiden -
Rank in the snow,
Bakhroshushki fool
In tears home run.
And at home - notes stop
Yes Book volumes.

And at home will ask: "Who is you?".
And I will say: "myself!".
"Whatever you with a hooligan!" -
In the hearts exclaim the mother,
But the grandfather will show me the reception,
And I will go again ...

Yes, but nothing happened to music: a tiny violin caused an irresistible desire from the marina - wrap in a puppet blanket and burning, then ... calmly read.

And poems? Poems, or rather the rhymed lines and in fact began to be born very early. Completely unexpectedly, the "sorceress gift" turned out to be quite by the way in the yard, where the ability to "get everything in the world" was provided by Marina "authority in the children's team."

"At first I was a very good student, and in the ninth grade as the chain was broken. I switched from the strict twentieth school, where the director could say, for example: "In the Komsomol line to you, there are big claims, on the characteristics of the institute do not count!", In the liberal thirty-first. Always been in the class "A", and then asked in "b". In this class, it was somehow fashionable to walk, fall in love, for a long time and in detail about relationships ... "

Then there was an admission to the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages. Moris Toreza. After his end, Marina Boroditskaya worked as a translator at the Bureau of Youth Tourism, a teacher at the boarding school, then just at school.

Even, being a student, M. Boroditskaya saw in the lobby of the institute announcement about Litstudia "Photon". "It was the wonderful poetry translators - Andrei Yakovlevich Sergeev, Evgeny Mikhailovich Solonovich and Pavel Moiseevich Grushko. Their principle was like this: it can not be taught, but this can be learned. I was shy for a long time to read something my own. It was shy to even sit in the first row. I turned to me "Oh you, standing at the wall." It all started with the translations of Milna poems. All I loved and understood, came up at one point: and the People's Friendly Merry Element, and Shamanism poems, and childishness. Then my executives said: Yeah, the machine earned! ".

The first publication took place in 1978 in the journal "Foreign Literature" in the "Anti-Blun" section. These were translations of verses of the American writer Dorothy Parker. Poems and translations of Boroditsky were printed in the journals "Pioneer", "Bosten".

In 1981, Marina Yakovlevna is accepted in the trade university of writers.

The first book of poems for children - "Milk convinced" (1985). Then other thin books appeared, one better than the other: "Let's put up", "one day", "on whom it looks like", "the last day of the teachings", "Freight plasterer".

It was accepted into the Union of Writers from the second time (1990) and the Koval hand attached to this. He was the third in the letter-recommendations, which was signed "on three" in the restaurant of the Central Committee.
Marina's poems with Boroditsky annoyedly slowly went to the reader. The appearance of the next thin children's book was replaced by the years "Non-Share." And the collections of adult poems remain bibliographic rarity. Recently, some breakthrough occurred: its new poetic collections appear in the "Time" publishing houses, "Terra", "Armada", "Scooter", "Samovar", "Pink Giraffe".

In one of the interviews, Marina Boditsky asked the question:
- Who do you first feel - a children's author, an adult poet, a children's and adult translator, someone else, or one inseparable from the other?
And she answered like this:
- Three-headed dragon. And the heads behave unpredictable: then they are yelling and shook, then they fall into the hibernation, then two "friends" against the third ... and periodically grow and fourth: composes another "Litaptek", broadcasts on the radio and disappears until the next transmission.
We will get acquainted closer with these heads.