Pictures and postcards with police Day: Funny and official pictures of a woman and a man with congratulations on the day of the police in verses and prose, her husband. Pictures and postcards on the Day of Police: Official and Funny Police Congratulations Postcards

We picked up a lot of official cards and cool pictures for men, girls and women to express their congratulations to all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the Day of Police.

Beautiful funny pictures with inscriptions and verses We advise you to send a good friend - a colleague in the service in police or a policeman, and postcards with official prose are suitable for congratulations to the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the head of the service. Our cool postcards and pictures on the day of the police you can also complement your words and personal wishes.

For congratulations to strong and bold men working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on the Day of Police, we picked up funny pictures with inscriptions. Beautiful and funny postcards will definitely like the recipients.

Since not only men, but also beautiful women and girls serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but for their congratulations on the day of the police, we picked funny pictures. Bright postcards recommend supplemented with personal wishes.

Beautifully congratulate colleagues will help you with our pictures with official congratulations. Serious prose will help you express your respect and attention to recipients.

Funny and funny postcards with poems are great for congratulations to familiar and colleagues on the service of the police. We seal the pictures you can send to social. networks or messengers.

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Bright and cute pictures will help our readers with the original one with the Day of Police. For you, we picked up the best postcards with inscriptions.

Dear police officer! Take a sincere congratulation with your professional holiday! Employees of the internal affairs bodies have always held a worthy place in solving national tasks. Your service is a sample of courage and excerpts. From your professionalism, the state of all society depends on the service. This is a guarantee of order, calm and security of residents of the country. We thank you for devotion to your official debt, for hard selfless work. We express deep appreciation for the preservation of a stable operational situation. Your work on strengthening the legality and provision of public security are you doing conscience. You have the right to be proud of the results achieved. We wish you good health, new professional success, clean hands, kind heart, supporting people who turn to you in difficult situations. Happiness to you, good luck, love and home heat!

Congratulations on a professional holiday - Happy Russian police! I wish you great prospects, career growth, the possibilities of implementation and development. Let secure be working everyday life, reliable - a partner's shoulder, strong - the power of will and belief. Health, well-being and all the best!

Guided by law, you return the world to the streets of our city, and in our hearts - peace. Happy Police Day! It's good that there are such guys in the world as you! Believe the best of you - still ahead! You will have an increase and love, and prosperity!

Congratulations on your professional holiday! Happy Russian police! I wish that the honor and courage, the prowess and compliance with laws, honesty and faith in their business brought you satisfaction and harmony. You are a reliable support and support for millions of citizens! Thank you for your work and return! I wish the lung workers everyday life, wealth and professional growth!

Good to be a strong person, nothing to be afraid! But the defenders are still needed! That is our world! And our lives, calm and well-being, of course, can be trusted only the best of the best ... And you are like a selection! With a professional holiday! Let your service, in which of course, can not do without problems, and even the dangers, still proceeds safe for you and the triumph of law enforcement that you are called to defend!

Allow me to contact
Congratulations to read?
On the day of the police, in your holiday,
We want to wish you
On the chains of new stars,
Forces, accuracy, health,
So that in the salary was an increase.
To risk less often
So that crime went to the decline.
To in the family and at work
You are valued, like treasure.

Your work is not simple,
You are trusted for no accident.
Let your hard work
Always and tight, and you caress.
Worthy will be the salary,
To leave - somewhere in the Emirates,
So that stress is less - more laughter.
Everything is always successful!
And so that everywhere, everywhere
Be ahead and driving!

Policeman, congratulations!
Very much respected
For your profession
Yes, for the fact that you are in the ranks.
Ryano taking order
And this work is not so sweet.
After all, he is dangerous and difficult
We will pray about you.
To new "stars" go!
A number of success on the way!
Smile and do not be sad!

I congratulate you!
Your work is important infinitely,
Let the fate keep you.

There will be success beside
Houses of the world reigns, peace.
Angel Let an invisible look
Saves your peace.

Thanks for the courage, faith and strength.

Thank you for keeping Russia!
Let the service are hard and sometimes dangerous,
Your efforts are not at all in vain.
You have a peaceful sky and sunny days,
The road in life is longer and smooth.
Let pain, the losses will not meet you,
Let the stars on your shoulder shine!

At least today, relax

From criminals and thefts,
Phones turn off,
Militia Day - He's yours!
Congratulations, today today
Even mafia will understand -
And there is no disassembly,
And the arrow will not go!
We wish you a lightweight service
And well-deserved awards
True strong friendship
Raising salaries
Know even with a major risk
You will help in trouble,
After all, the rustic Russian
No militia anywhere!

Starting from 1966, in our country the day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is celebrated with a special scope. As in the USSR, in many cities of modern Russia organized a variety of solemn events. Concerts and corporate standards, which sound warm words and congratulations in honor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are particularly popular.

Since 2000, the main platform for the celebration of the Day of Police is the State Kremlin Palace, where the representatives of the Ministry of the Interior are honored by the first persons of the state, popular artists, musicians and public figures.

The best employees of the department, distinguished during serving, are awarded by diplomas, titles and memorable gifts.

Congratulations to the guardians of the order with their professional holiday and in the Crimea. In 2018, a musical concert will also take place here, which will meet on the main square of Sevastopol tens of thousands of residents and guests of the city. The event traditionally will be the head of the Region, Sergey Aksenov, who on behalf of all those present will express the sincere thanks to those people who are in the civil and peace of mind on the peninsula.

  • The Russian word "police officer" comes from the German "Polizei". Translated from Latin "Politia" means "state device".
  • From the end of the 19th century, the guards of order in England are called "Bobby". This name is mistaken Albion police received in honor of the British Prime Minister Robert (Boba) Saw, whose reforms made the work of the department more efficiently.
  • In the city of American Queensland, there is a police unit, which is responsible for providing security of wireless networks and prevent them hacking.
  • Police of Iceland only once in their history applied firearms. In 2013, a criminal was killed during a special raid, which from the window of his apartment opened fire on passersby.
  • According to statistical data, on average, the American policeman uses tablet weapons once every 27 years.
  • The highest level of public confidence in the police was recorded in Finland. In this country, more than 90% of citizens surveyed positively evaluate the work of local law enforcement services.

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At the end of the autumn, employees of the Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are preparing to take greetings with their professional holiday of the police day. According to tradition, every year on November 10, the sincere words of congratulations sound the best words of congratulations, many of the triumphs and orders are given, many are given the titles. We offer the most beautiful pictures and postcards with the Day of Police to a woman and a man - with inscriptions in verses and prose, funny and official on the day of the police.

Funny pictures happy police man man

Tradition to celebrate the day of the police in Russia originates in 1980 - after the collapse of the Soviet Union, only the name of the holiday was changed. Today, our valiant policemen are happy to take congratulations, pictures and postcards with police Day from relatives and friends. Your beloved man or relative can be downloaded for free any cool picture - from our festive collection.

Collection of cool pictures with a congratulations to a man on the day of the police

Beautiful pictures of a girl and a woman with a police day

The police in the police requires excellent physical fitness and persistence of character - qualities, more characteristic of the male floor. However, in recent years, more and more women decide to replenish the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, devoting their lives to serving the law. Beautiful pictures on the day of the police will come to the soul of a girl or a woman working in the structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - the office, lawyer, an inspector, investigator.

How beautiful to congratulate the picture for the day of the police a girl or a woman

Official pictures Happy Police Day Congratulations in Prose

Congratulations on the day of the police from the bosses and high-ranking persons are official in nature - they are pronounced at the solemn events, in the presence of the entire personnel. In addition, greeting cards and pictures on the Day of Police with inscriptions in prose will emphasize the atmosphere of the holiday, if you add a few lines with "serious" wishes to the official "serious" wishes.

Selection of pictures for official congratulations in the prose of the police

Funny postcards on the Day of Police with the inscriptions-poems

On the eve of the Police Day, many employees prepare their colleagues funny congratulations and wishes in verses and prose. We picked up funny pictures on the police day - with inscriptions, poems, comic words of congratulations to everyone who relates to this difficult and important profession.

Options for greeting cards with funny poems to the day of the police

Pictures for congratulations on the Day of Police to your beloved husband

The upcoming day of the police is a great reason to congratulate with the professional holiday of his beloved Musha employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We offer to choose from beautiful pictures and postcards with police Day to download and send to email.

Choose a beautiful picture with police day for a husband

On November 10, all police officers of our country celebrate their professional holiday of the Russian Police Day, receive from the authorities and urban administrations of gratitude and premiums and take congratulations and cool greeting pictures on the Day of Police with verses from friends and family members. Private citizens who value the work of police and understanding that it is thanks to people in the form of the streets of cities reigns security and order, also join congratulations, placing beautiful postcards on social networks with serious official greetings. And download the best postcards and pictures on the day of the police with congratulations to a man, a girl and a woman from our site. There is also a selection of pictures with congratulations to the police in the police with the most native people - husband, father and better friend.

Funny pictures with police Day with congratulations to a man

On November 10, a date was chosen for the celebration of the Police Day not by chance - it was on this day that a folk militia was created in 1917, which brought order in the cities and villages of the young Union State. And although today the criminogenic situation is much calmer than in the vague post-war and post-revolutionary years, work is still working for police officers every day.

Follow the public order, calming the rowers and catch citizens who violate the laws of the Russian Federation - for such work, people who serve in the internal affairs bodies need to have courage, strong character and sense of humor. Therefore, the valiant officers will certainly appreciate the funny and funny pictures on the Day of Police with congratulations to their professional holiday.

A selection of cool pictures on the day of the police with congratulations for men

Beautiful pictures of a girl and a woman with a police day

The representative of the fine sex of Nadu with men protected the law and order in the country and catch criminals. Therefore, on November 10, friends, close and colleagues of the Lady, who chose their lives in law enforcement service, cordially congratulate them or send beautiful pictures on the Day of Police to the girl and a woman with good wishes in prose and verses.

Best Pictures for Police Day for Girls and Women

Official pictures on the Day of Police with serious congratulations to the authorities and colleagues

The bosses and colleagues from other departments on November 10, police are sent to Email "Serious" official pictures on the Day of Police with sincere congratulations. On such pictures, as a rule, official greetings and wishes of success in the service and happiness in their personal life are written.

Collection of official postcards with congratulations on the day of the police day

Cool animated and photo postcards with verses for police day

Many modern children, like boys from our generation, dream of becoming police officers, walk in a beautiful rigorous form, be able to shoot from service weapons and catch cunning gangsters. The police officer is covered with a halo of romanticism and heroism, so it is not surprising that both children and adults make poems about valiant law enforcement officials. Therefore, the network you can easily find cool postcards on the police day with verses.

A selection of postcards with congratulatory poems for police on their day

The most beautiful pictures on the day of the police husband

A policeman's wife is also a kind of profession, because she has to wait for her husband from tasks, detention and unscheduled trips to the crime scene, worry about him and always believe in the best. Therefore, in a professional holiday, the spouses of law enforcement officials send the most beautiful pictures on the police day to her husband with sincere wishes of success at work and good luck in service and in life.

Collection of Greeting Card for Police Day for Husband