This fall is more likely. From Kozlov in this autumn. Problems of modern education

How beautiful autumn forest. The air is fresh and filled with aromas of fallen foliage. Yellow, crimson, purple and orange leaves quietly circling in the air and fall on the ground. Soon the carpet of fallen leaves will cover the melan and paths in the forest.

On the rowan branches, borders begged. This is a favorite delicacy of birds. Sparrows and crows fly to rowan and smooth juicy, bulk berries.

But birds are not heard in the forest. Many flew south to warm countries. Following the sun, ducks and ruchies reached. The stool of a sharp wedge rushed to the distance.

Quiet in the forest. Only hear how in the bushes of a dealer, the bear cracks bruises. He is looking for berries remaining on bushes. Very soon, the bear will light up in Berlnogo and will fall asleep to the Spring.

On the branches of trees, fiery arrow flashes proteins. Spare proteins are looking for nuts and berries to replenish stocks for the winter.

(133 words)


Rowan is a real autumn beauty. With the onset of autumn, trees are trying to get rid of unnecessary foliage and ripe fruit. And the rowan is just beginning to decorate its branches of the injuries of the bugs and scarlet fruits. Gorky-sweet rowan berries -Labe-sensitive birds.

Rowan is growing everywhere: on the outskirts of the forest, on the edge, in the glade. She grows and near the houses. Often we will meet a scattery rowan crown in the park or in the garden.

Ryabina like privacy. She does not like dense thickets. So stands rowan proud, majestic and lonely. Although many trees want to be friends with Ryabina. The whole thing in birds. Attracted by fragrant berries, birds flies with whole flocks to the tree. Place with berries, poultry scream and numerous pests.

Street Thin Rowan branches under the gusts of the wind. But Rowan is not surrender. Her elastic barrel withstands the strongest wind.

Up to late autumn, the adorable outfit Ryabina enchants us. "What a beautiful girl!" - We are involuntarily exclaimed.

(136 words)


Traveling evening dawn. The last rays of the sun snatched trees trunks from the darkness. Under the legs gently rustled foliage.

The farm of the forest was visited away. Gloomy trees seemed to be extended to the naked branches to meet me. On the digestion, drummets of evening dew.

I went out on the edge of the forest and went through a narrow path through a huge field. It was hard to go. Grass clings to the legs and touched the traces. Ears of ripe wheat quietly rang in the dark. The night bird rushed by and touched the wing of my cheek.

Fog began to raise from the ground. The thick clubs of dairy colors wondered everything around. Not even an elongated hand. How to find a way home?

I continued to go ahead, trying not to get a touch with the tropic path. Soon the trail brought me to the outskirts of the village. I saw a narrow sickle of the month in a veil of the fog. Now I recognized the road. I will soon be at home.

(132 words)


1. Make a grammar analysis of 2 sentences.

2. Write words with alternating vowels in the root of the word.

3. Disassemble the words according to the composition: Dnoral, trough.

Late fall

Each year has its own charm. Living nature persistently reacts to any changes. So and late autumn pleases the gaze with unprecedented paints and underpressure flavors of wet foliage.

Silence. Only hear how the fallen leaves rustle. On the bare bunches of the trees hung large drops of rain. Here one drop fell out of the branch and walked around the ground. Merry splashes happily flashed in the rays of the sun.

Wet foliage enveloped gardens and parks. Going along the path and you hear how mysteriously rustle leaves under the legs. In a small pile of leaves, a gray mouse suffered. She got out of a cozy mink in search of supplies.

Cold will soon come. The puddles will exercise with thin ice, and the trees will enhance the snowy peel. Winter breathing is already felt in the air.

(111 words)


1. Write words with a soft sign. Specify part of speech.

2. Make a grammar analysis of 2 sentences.

3. Write out single-handed words from the text.


05.10.2011 05:51

I agree that many ridiculous verses are placed in the current textbooks, in which there are many unjustified repetitions, unfamiliar words, and sometimes difficult-perceived comparisons and metaphorical expressions. We have a lot of these in the textbook on reading, Nikita is even more difficult to teach them when the eternal reactions, as confusion arises, how many times you need to repeat. Here's one of these, recently taught, it seems to be clear (for an adult who already freely perceives poetic images), but it is not perceived by my child so much, especially what it means "caught fire and burns, says nothing", perceives just literally What caught fire from the match, but what does not say anything, so this is nonsense! In addition, it is almost a patter, if you quickly pronounce!
In this autumn bush Kalina
Caught fire and burning
Caught fire and burning
Does not say anything.
Nothing says
Dogrite before January.
Blah fire red -
There will be delicious berries!

Now about your next post, Yang. By the way, in general, Bruce's poem liked it, but it's more suitable for free reading, since the shape of the verse is complex, moves away from standards, and again, the reader's age should be taken into account here, it is not earlier than 14-15 years old, in my opinion.

In Moscow, autumn does not erect everything, so the conversations about the "autumn" texts with kids are quite relevant.

What they did - quite constructive.

Before the holidays read Koval about autumn - "Last Leaf" and "Jug with Leafoboam". There were two tasks on vacation. One thing - "What will smell in the room when you open your vacation bumps?" Here "Bratan Rzhot and Beats" and "Charm What is." I do not even quote, because you will get your portion of pleasure if you ask, for example, about the winter holidays.

Story Kroichny:

Jug with leafoboam

Raw earth, thickening, smoke with potato fields smells a sheet. On a river cliff, where the wind is particularly strong, I put the red clay pitcher under his jet, scored a more leafoboic and burst with a wooden cork pitched, poured it with wax. In the evening, friends will gather in the silver alley. I'll get cabbage, sauced with viburnum, Pistoral Ryzhiki. Then I brought a jug, I will pull the cork. Friends will look at the jug, clap on his ringing sides and wonder why it is empty. And the room will smell the crude ground, sweet whale and smoke with potato fields.

The second task is the question about the "last sheet" - "Why did the artist do not get a picture?"

In principle, a banal task. But. What opportunities does it give? Talk about color and shades. Today, one boy Andryusha listed us a huge amount of shades of red. Everyone, of course, suggests that it is impossible to adequately Et Cetera. And this is good.

And my favorite non-format Sasha gave out, and I fell out that the artist leaves attempts to finish the drawing after sawing Soyuka: "Rruzhzhye-oh-oh! Rrzhzhye-Oh! T-Rr ..." Love I, like Soyuka on Ryabin sits, as he looked at the autumn forest and completely upset. I slammed the box with the paints, looked up the maple leaf from the ground and sneaking it into the drawing. "That is, the child told me, the artist of the live forest perceived by all the senses, and it was not the rich in one paint. Hooray!)

More - a wonderful thing for the kids poem Sergey Kozlovov- "Autumn". It is long, we took part - finished the mole. But it is all wonderful. Thought how many pictures can be drawn, and the text was proved. Remarkably drawn images - house-locomotive, cornflowers with lambs, Kalina ...

Sergey Kozlov


In this fall
in the very often
house with a porch in the ground Items
And smoke
Like present
Wooden steam locomotive.
On the road to meet
The headlights are glow.
Threaten with his pipe
Scares us with you.

dried and light
in this fall
Sleep into stack
in your house
do not open anyone.
only shehke
in winter evening
come out of the house towards

in this fall
Lis is not happy
in this fall
Leaf fall
Lysiy houses.

and spin the leaves, leaves,
Even old lisa
where is the fox?
where is the sheets? -
Ears, tails, eyes! "

in this fall
kuste Kalina
Caught fire and burning
Caught fire and burning
Does not say anything.
Dogrite before January.
Blasting fire red
There will be delicious berries!

In this fall
At dawn
Root holes Mole in Mount.
At dawn, the whole mountain
In the piles of zlata silver.
In white it
In white it
At dawn
Mole in Nore
Improles in silver.

And the frog does not sing
Stove Topit,
Guest is waiting for
And the frogs do not go,
If autumn comes.
In this autumn at green
No needle patephone
She sits alone
Silence is depressed.

Nor in a worship in nor in the ladies
Yes, moreover, Meshu deception.
If you say:
"Over the swamp
In the morning
Worth it
It is drowning a frog oven,
Guests are waiting out of distant countries.
And any
And I'll tell you the spring.

And bumblebees, bumblebees, bumblebees
This autumn beat away.
Oh, whlenuga, your flower
All before the leaf is a wink!
Ah, whlenuga, your flowery
Became from Ineu gray.
Well, and you yourself, a cute bumblebee,
Flew into what gap,
Where are you sitting
Where we buzz
Shoot your paw?

And bunny in this autumn
Threw mom and father,
Threw a grandmother
Grandfather threw
Ate four trees.
And there is a rumor around the ear,
What else four will eat.

In this fall, St. John's wort
We say goodbye to you.
Although small and non-zeep,
I loved your bitter leaf.

Although the town is low,
I loved you, flower.
Sky Vault Li Blue
Smoke whether white above the pipe,
Like a leaf before grass,
I stand in front of you:
Warrike, grass, St. John's wort!

In this autumn cranes
Ponahali published
The wedge in the sky passed
In this autumn cranes.
With this wedge crane
With the click of this
Flooding a fire oven
We will enter our native speech.

And wonderful Zabolotsky - "September"

The rain of the rain is large peas,

The wind is torn, and the distance is unclean.

Close the poplar is closed

Silver offering sheet.

But look: Through the hole of the cloud,

How through the arch from the stone slabs,

In this kingdom of fog and morok

The first beam, breaking through, flies.

It means that there is no forever curtained

Clouds, and, it means, not in vain,

Like a girl flashing, nut

Zasia at the end of September.

Now, painter, catch up

Brush over a brush and on the canvas

Golden, like fire, and pomegranate

Draw this girl to me.

Draw, like a tree, spinning

Young princess in the crown

With restlessly sliding smile

On a juicy young face.

You can talk about the last storm for a long time: how much such details of the personification description are used. Something like this. Here.

Autumn in the park

Fall in our park,
Gives autumn to all gifts:
Pink Apron - Osinka,
Red beads - Ryubinke,
Umbrella Yellow - poplars,
Fruit autumn gives us.

The first of September

It goes on the road a huge bouquet.
In shoes - legs,
From above - takes.
Go to school
Bouquets of flowers -
By school year

The sun
In clouds otried -
Even at noon shines
Duck and looked.
From a cold grove
In field,
on a path,
Blew the bunny -

In the garden in the autumn
From the track
Ospen chlopet
In palm.
That's why
That week
Her palms


In September, in September
In the morning herbs in silver,
Like a silver saucer
Bloom the puddles at the dawn.

The garden, as the house is empty, open.
Air like apples smells.

In silence
Putnok Sedina.

I go, sad one:
Autumn side somewhere.
Yellow leaf in the river
Summer drowned.

I throw him a circle -
Your wreath is the last.
Only summer can not be saved,
If the day is autumn.

In the morning, the sky was gloomy

In the morning, the sky was gloomy,
And it seemed to be diop.
Autumn loves crying
Rain to earth drip.
Loves to blow to the leaves
And with the trees to tear them.

Rain, rain, cap da cap!

Rain, rain, cap da cap!
You would not get a drip on dad,
You would not get a drip on mom -
Would come better to us:
Dad - damp, Mamam - Dirty,
To us with you - Purchasing!

Autumn on the fox

See everything: in all its glory
Autumn falls on the fox.
And where the fox wave a tail,
Reddings everything in place Tom:
Coloring red brush
She is grass and leaves.
And become red bushes,
Paths, streets, bridges,
Houses and Late Flowers ...
Look: do not give me a sorry and you!

Hedgehog curled under the bush
Wet and spiny.
And mowles a rain over the forest
Accelerating clouds.
In red leaves dressed
Smiling Prenok.
I stood dry all summer,
And now through the wet.

Fall, fall leaves.
In our garden, leaves ...
Yellow, Red Leaves
In the wind, we go, fly.

Birds south fly away
Geese, Grachics, cranes.
Here's the last one
Wings waves away.

In your hands, take the basket,
In the forest for mushrooms, let's go,
Smells and paths smell
Delicious autumn mushroom.

Since in the summer I decided to say goodbye

Since in the summer I decided to say goodbye
Lounted suddenly the river,
Friendly packs of birds
College on vacation.
And so that everything is like in a fairy tale,
The beauty of the earth is giving
Year spilled in the autumn paint
From the boxes of September!

Autumn has come

Autumn has come,
Welcome our garden.
Leaves on Berieze
Gold burn.
Do not having fun
Songs Solovna.
Birds flew away
In distant edges.

Summer passed

Summer, crushing heat,
Rushed and passed.
The wind leaves
And under the feet scattered.
The sun hid behind clouds,
Gray day rain bored.
And for some reason cries, crying -
That's what a bad luck.
Let him ask him.
Rain will answer: - just autumn ...

Summer flies

It was suddenly lighter twice
The courtyard, as in the sun rays.
This dress is golden
At the birch on the shoulders ...
In the morning we go to the courtyard -
The leaves will rain with rain,
Under the legs rustle
And fly, fly, fly ...
Pathinks fly
With spiders in the middle.
And highly from the ground
Flew cranes.
All fly! It must be
Falls our summer.

Leaf fall

Fallen foliage
The conversation barely is heard:
- We are from maples ...
- We are with an apple tree ...
- We are cherries ...
- From Osinki ...
- From the cherry ...
- From oak ...
- With birch ...
Everywhere leaf falls:
On the threshold of frost!

So autumn

So autumn in front of us:
Compressed field, beveled meadow.
And over the forest shoals
Geese stretch south.
Sarame Stog Straw
And rowan in the yard
From the window of the native house
Seen rural defector.
Fresh rain in the window Radon.
Wind, saasty everywhere,
Golden leaves drive
Silver water.

Looking in autumn to the garden -
Birds flew away.
Outside the morning rustle
Yellow blizzards.
Under legs first ice
It crumble breaks down.
Sparrow in the garden sighs,
And stuff -

Trees in autumn

Birch braids broke,
Klen's hands clapped,
Wind cold came
And the pops were flooded.
Floy Willow at the pond
Osins shoved
Oaks, huge always,
As if smaller than steel.
Everything surrendered, cringed,
Found, yellow.
Only Christmas tree fitness
By winter, I had heard.

Yezhechnik yelling and killed
In purple autumn only oak green.
Complete autumn:
- Do not regret the summer!
Look - grove gold dressed!

Golden autumn

Early autumn is a great time. The heat falls, and the scorching sun is no longer so splitting the air. The day still remains long. Blowing light warm breeze. Silk butterflies fly over the ground, rejoicing not yet tagged colors. Poems about autumn describe how the leaves begin to slowly shrink, blush and dry. Some still remain green. Feeding from the trees, they are freely spread by the dungement of wind and the lush multicolored carpet is covered with the earth. Autumn forest turns into an extraordinary fairy tale. Rows immerse children in colorful paintings of beautiful golden autumn. This time gives the joy and happiness to small lovers of long walks. Collecting beautiful bouquets of yellow carved maple leaves, oak, aspen, babies bring them home as a pleasant gifts to moms and grandmothers. Unusual fun - going out into the garden, swim in the rustle of the leaves confused into large yellow heaps. It rains in poems abundantly watered the Earth, preparing it to the cold and washing off the usual summer landscapes.

Autumn Tosca

The late autumn period comes. Leaves summer heat. The days are in short. South edges flip flies of migratory birds. Zima is approaching. In quitty, sadness of hanging cold and farewell with funny sunny months is comparable to an insurmountable longing, torping the soul. As if farewell to the old good friend or the memory of those who have gone perfect moments, the rhyme in some verses transfers the reader with gray sad paintings. Previously, green, and now faded sheets, dark gray clouds, infinitely loosened heavenly arch. Only occasionally with a muddy circle, he shines a neuropal autumn sun. Nothing heats nothing, the cold wind slowly, as if taking out everything from the inside, permeates the air. So describe the impressions of the nature of the sad poems about autumn. The reader will be able to completely merge with a calm longing, as if with a tired severity, which immerses nature into a long winter sleep. Often in such quatrasions the poet expresses excitement and uncertainty characterizing his homeland. It seems too falling asleep, the former beauty disappears, replacing with gray everyday life, and only doomed and unknown is ahead. Such lines urge to think about the civil importance of moral values, love and simple human faith.

Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year described by poets. It gives it a storm of emotions that borne true inspiration. The lines are mixed with real love, long expectations and losses. Sincerity that is invested in the work is transferred to reading children. They bring through themselves the whole stream of feelings, which instills in them a special spiritual harmony and the wealth of the inner world. Poems about autumn allow the kids to present the impermanence of the surrounding world, the changes of which must be taken and is fully readily adapted to them.

Poems about autumn

Autumn Golden
A. Yarova

Autumn Golden
Walks along the paths.
She has a knife
Yellow boots.

She has a dress
Colored leaves,
And in her lukshka
There are forest mushrooms.

Summer flies
E. Trutneva

Still suddenly lighter twice?
Courtyard as in sun rays
This dress is golden
At Birch on the shoulders.

Kalina and Rowan
Walk by flocks of a stance.
Under the dahrian window with the beauty of his proud.

And creaks in the bushes all evening
Invisible jumper.
It's you, a violinist grasshopper,
Two springs instead of legs?

In the morning we go to the courtyard -
The leaves will rain
Under the legs rustle
And fly, fly, fly ...

Pathinks fly
With spiders in the middle.
And highly from the ground
Flew cranes.

All flies! It must be
Fuck our peto!

V. Avdienko

Walks autumn along the track,
Wocked in the puddles of the legs.
Pour rains
And no lumen.
Lost somewhere summer.

Walks autumn
Fall autumn.
Wind from Clean Leaves

Under the leg mat new,
Yellow Pink -


In the morning we go to the courtyard,
The leaves will rain
Under the legs rustle
And fly, fly, fly.

V. Gorovich

All trees have shielded,
Green only ate
Steel naked forests.
During the day and at night the rain pours,
Dirt and puddles at the gate.

O. Vysotskaya

Neither leaflet nor bladeing!
Quiet became our garden.
Burgers and Osinki
Boring stand.

Only the Christmas tree alone
Cheerful and green.
It can be seen, a frost is not afraid of
It can be seen bold!

Z. Födorovskaya

Autumn on the edge of paint bred,
By the foliage, quietly brushed:
Yelling fellow and root
In purple autumn only green oak.
Complete autumn:
- Do not spare summer!
Look - grove gold dressed!

A. Pushkin

The sky is breathing in autumn,
Sometimes the sun shone,
In short, it became a day,
Forests mysterious Sen.
With sad noise was bare
Went to the field fog,
Gusey criquid caravan
Stretched south: approached
Pretty boring time;
There was no yard ...

V. Avdienko

Walks autumn along the track,
Wocked in the puddles of the legs.
Pour rains
And no lumen.
Lost somewhere summer.

Walks autumn
Fall autumn.
Wind from Clean Leaves

Under the leg mat new,
Yellow Pink -

A. Plenev

Boring picture!
Clouds without end,
Rain and pour
Puddles at the porch

Chashy Rowan.
Mock under the window;
Watching a village
Serious spot.

That you are early to visit
Autumn came to us?
Still asks the heart
Light and warmth!

A.S. Pushkin

Sad time! Ocho charming!
It's nice to me your farewell beauty -
I love the magnificent nature of fading,
In the bazhret and gold dressed forests,
In their saint wind noise and fresh breath,
And the haired wavy covered skies,
And rare sun ray, and the first frosts,
And removed gray winter threats.


Autumn has come
Dried flowers
And look sad
Naked bushes.
Flusted and yellow
Grass on meadows.
Only green
I fame in the fields.

Cloud sky touche
The sun does not shine.
The wind in the field is how
Rain drizzles.
Water Zareseli
Fast stream.
Birds flew away
In warm edges.


Crooks Lone Golden
Wet land in the forest ...
Boldly Topchka I foot
Wavy forests to the beauty.

From cold cheeks are burning:
Look in the forest to me run
Hear like a bitch crack
Leaves leg to rush!

There is no former joy here!
Forest with themselves secret Soviet:
Torn the latter
Torn the last flower;

Moss not raised, not exploded
Pile of curly weak;
Near the stump does not hang
Purple bruscan brushes;

Long on the leaves lies
Night frost, and through the forest
Cold somehow looks
Clarity of transparent skies ...

K. Balmont

Speaks a lingonberry,
Became colder days
And bird scream
In the heart is only sad.

Flocks of birds fly away
Away, for the blue sea,
All trees shine
In a multi-colored dress.

The sun is less likely laughing.
No in the colors of the glory.
Soon the autumn will wage
And pay asking.


Little bunny
On raw housing
Before the eyes of Techilyi
White flowers ...

In the fall wept
Thin epics
Paws are coming
On yellow leaves.

Ground, rainy
Autumn has come,
All the cabbage removed
There is nothing to steal.

Poor bunny jumps
Near wet pines,
Scary in the paw wolves
Gray get ...

Thinking about summer
Presses ears
On the sky mows
The sky does not see ...

Only B warmer
If only sustain ...
Very unpleasant

Yu. Kapustina

In a gold carrier,
What's with a horse game
Skipped autumn
In forests and funds.
Good wizard
Everything reeded
Bright yellow
The earth was degraded.
From the sky is sleepy month
Miracle is surprised
Everything is sparkled around
Everything overflows.

"Golden Rain"
M. Forest

The leaves of the sun poured.
The leaves of the sun were impregnated.
Flooded, weary
Flew and flew
Shelted on the bushes
Rocked over the bitch.
The wind is grong
Golden rain noise!

A. Plechechev

Autumn has come.
Dried flowers
And look sad
Naked bushes.
Flusted and yellow
Grass on meadows
Only green
I fame in the fields.
Cloud sky touche
The sun does not shine;
The wind in the field is how
Rain drizzles.
Water Zareseli
Fast stream
Birds flew away
In warm edges.

Zyabn Osinka,
Tremble in the wind ...
Give oskins
Coats and shoes.
We must warm up
Poor Osinka.

E. Intulov

Screaming a crow in the sky: -Kar-r!
In the forest Fire-r, in the forest Fire-r!
And it was just very:
In it settled autumn.

Broke rowan in ruby \u200b\u200bcolor.
Ptahi feat big and small.
Autumn will prepare lunch for everyone.
Autumn gifts fragrant oha
I will become treated.
Birch branch, needle paw
In the scene of the autumn poems decorating.
Choose time, let's go to the forest to birks.
In quiet silence at Berez sit.
Fut the rain with silver tears.
Where is the wet of grass, path legacy.
Brozdi Kalina from the late scarlet
I will offer you.
Lines of verse, to naivety shaggy,
In sunny autumn you will read.

1. I'm a bunch of viburnum delees in the palm of your hand,
She burns ruby \u200b\u200bflame.
Frost it still does not immediately touch
And however, my thoughts are not about him.

Fire flames Kuste Kalina,
Our love was completely closer.
We parted, as you can see, not destiny
And the taste of viburnum is bitterness on the lips.

2. Solded the frost to me the soul of Lita Stuzhya,
And I can not cope with longing.
You still love, and I need you,
And the bush of viburnum shines above the river.

3. How quickly burned out our summer,
Cool fell on the palm
Misty autumn dawn,
And only a bunch of vote, like fire.

Copyright: Svetlana Julina, 2013
Publication Certificate №113010610975

Scarlet brushes Kalina
The wind shakes in the garden.
Summer has passed past
Turning back to the dream.

Do not look around for a farewell,
Time to judge I do not take it.
And on the carpet of disintegration
Silent, on a dawn, going.

Pretty heart patterns,
To them, certainly, come back.
Far these expanses -
Multi-shared Russia.22
08/22/08 Copyright: Davydova Tatyana Sergeevna, 2012
Publication Certificate №11208306747

And the bunch of viburnum, the rain icon,
All overcame, solid lies!
And autumn late, rain, rain,
And you love your love ...

Shakes wind, viburnum bunch,
And let your love
As late guest.
Nagandan will enter
But the long-awaited.
And autumn will become
So desired!

Kalina Red in the garden dose,
And I am not in vain I am loved.
All the peres will pass, will discuss
And my dreams, let them come true.

Let autumn late, Valina Alaya,
The rain is nailed by the foliage of opaia.
Keep people love warmth,
So that the soul of snow did not bring.

And in the rain, Kalina cries,
And everything around is still shimmer ...
And life happens, taste is tart,
Let not merge the love river.

Rogachev. Copyright: Vadim Antosh -Kozlov, 2013
Certificate of Publication №113110704405