Soliter - Hit card games. Soliter or casman? Rules of the game Solitaire Soliter actually means tracing

Word " tapeworm"In itself means solitaireTherefore, the name may seem incorrect. However, this is the name of one of the most popular solitaires - "Kosyanka", which one of the first appeared as a computer game back in the last century. The old versions of Windows included the preset solitaire, and it was the "solitator" ( Solitaire. or brazer). Since he was alone, the authors called him simply "Solitaire", without tormenting with the selection of titles, which is quite logical. Note that in the modern manifold of solitaires, the "solitator" and its variations is one of the most sought-after lovers of logical games.


This card game is so popular that it does not need a special presentation. Everyone who mastered Windows operating system somehow came across it and probably played. In short, we will tell about the rules for laying solitaire solitaire, retaining its initial name.

A deck of 52 cards is taken and unfolded on the playing table in seven columns as follows. On the first left, the column is suited only one open card, in the second - two - one closed, the other, on top of it - open, three cards are put on the third column, two of which are closed, and the third, the top - open. The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh columns are collected similarly. On such a layout, as easy to calculate, 28 cards are spent. The remainder of the deck of 24 cards is put up with shirts up over the first column.

Over the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh columns label four free places, let's call them slots. The goal of the game is the batch of all cards, including the remaining in the deck, in these four slots so that in each slot contains the maps of only one suit, sorted by increasing from the ace to the king (ace, twice, troika and so on to the king).

Rules of the game

To solve this task, the player must shift the cards from the column to the column, because only open cards can play, and they, after the initial layout, on the table only seven. Cross-load rules are simple. On the red suit can only be put on black, on black, respectively, only the red suit. In this case, the seniority rule should be observed: the shifted card should be on the rank of the younger than it shift. For example, on a seven of a Chervonna or Bubnova, you can only put six peasons or peaks, and, let's say, only a wormer or a bobnian nine is placed on the peak or crusade dozen.

In the absence of possibilities for charging maps between columns, the player uses cards from the remaining deck, listened to it one or in three cards, depending on the version of the "solitator".

Note that the simplicity of solitaire's rules does not guarantee the player with a successful outcome of the game, in other words, in general, solitaire "Soliter" is "unimaginable". However, using the methods accumulated with the player's experience, the percentage of successful layouts can be increased.

Children are often difficult to come up with an occupation. They also get tired running, jump, chasing cats or dogs, sing, read or sleep. Then parents take board games to take their guys. Such lessration can take a day for several hours. However, adults sometimes also have nothing to take. But desktop entertainment does not deliver so much joy, do not awaken in the players of the Competor Spirit. Adults find themselves more interesting. They are taught the rules of card games.

Cards do not become obsolete, because to use a deck out of 36 "paper" more convenient than buying large boxes with new stands. Little decks can be taken with you on a journey, bring to the guests to visit, get to the night and parties. Teens also love to arrange card "battles". "Soliter" is a toy with which almost all lovers of card games are familiar.

Game description

Some players know the table game "Soliter" as a "slave", since the second name is more common, because it is more pleasant perceived by rumor and is better remembered. The rules of the game are quite simple, so they are easily remembered and absorbed.

For the game you need only a deck of cards

Difficulty level

You can deal with the rules of the Soliter in a few minutes. However, the algorithm and the course of the game has long been familiar to us since childhood. Children begin to play this tank from 10-12 years old, because it is simple, but interesting and attractive. If you evaluate the level of complexity of the toy along a ten-ball scale, then you can put it 4. Little guys can hardly succeed, but adolescents easily delve into the essence of toys.

When you decline solitaires do not notice how fast time flies, because the game delays

Number of players

The pleasant feature of the "Soliter" is an opportunity to play a toy one, not involving other participants. Sometimes people need to kill something about something, but free time is not enough to have time to get to a friend or invite him to visit. At such moments "Soliter" saves us. We can sit at home alone and lay a golk. When you play "Soliter," you do not notice how fast time flies, because the game delays.

What does the game develop?

It is unlikely that there is a person who did not prohibit parents in childhood to play cards, because these are gambling, and they will not lead to anything good. Parents are always against this classes, because it, as they think, teaches cheating, deceive and sick. Moms and Pope lead to us in the example of Petrush Greeneva from the "Captain Daughter" or Nikolai Rostov from the "War and Peace", which lost money to their parents in the card. But in fact, such entertainment can instill with children with many skills that they can enjoy in life.

What teaches "Soliter":

  • Care and caution.
  • The ability to entertain yourself, not to be afraid of loneliness and be alone with you.
  • Development of shallow motility hands.
  • Accuracy.
  • Make an independent choice.
  • Basics of card games. Kosyanka is often the first toy in many players.
  • Strategic thinking.

These things are much easier to learn at the time of the game, while spending time.

For the game you are unnecessary company

What in the set?

In order to play "Soliter", you do not need to buy expensive boxes with stands. It is enough to buy a deck of cards and enjoy the toy. However, the decks are of 36 cards or 52. For Kosinki, you need a deck of 52 cards.

Entertainment tools are laid out in an interesting way: from the ace to the king. Ace, Two, Troika and so on. There are different packaging with the pictures. If you love everyone looks beautiful and gently, you can buy a varnish painting in the classic packaging. If you are no difference, you can borrow a toy from friends or buy the cheapest packaging.

Card solitaire can instill with children with many skills that they can enjoy in life

Rules and moves of the game

A person who plays for the first time may seem to remember too much information in order to start spread solitaire. In fact, the rules of "Kosinki" are very simple, just need to read carefully how to play.
Soliter game - Game Rules:

  • You need to take a deck of 52 cards and decompose it on seven columns on the playing table:
  • The first column is one open card.
  • The second column is at the bottom of the closed card, at the top - open.
  • The third column is two closed cards and one open.
  • The fourth column, the fifth, sixth and seventh fold out as the third.
  • Above the last four columns leave free space (slots).
  • The main task (goal) of the game is to shift all the pictures in the slots so that in each of them there were cards only one suit.
  • The player needs to shift the cards from one column to another. But you can only play open cards (they lie on top). To shift the cards, you need to remember that the red wash is put on the red, and black - on black. However, it should be borne in mind that the card that shifts must be less than that it is shifted. If the player has no opportunity to shift the cards, then with such a scenario, he uses the pictures that remained in the deck.

Great way to distract and "kill" time

Who will like?

Modern children are less likely played in Kosynka, because they have phones, computers, tablets, televisions and new stands with bright pictures and interesting tasks. However, the game "Soliter" is difficult to forget. She develops many skills, relaxes and distracts from everyday problems.
Who loves this toy:

  • Secretaries. Jokes about the fact that the secretaries in any free minute begin to lay solitaire, never get out.
  • People who have a lot of free time.
  • Card players. Schulers often use "Kosynka" as a workout.
  • People who are bored at their work.
  • Those who love to experience good luck.
  • The game is fond of children, and adults.


Unpleasant the name "Soliter" does not cause pleasant emotions from potential players. Therefore, for those who are familiar with the game, it is much more familiar to call the tank "Kosynka". Some adults who do not like to think stereotypically and conservatively, teach their children to play "Kosynka" so that they can remember some colors, think logically, to spread columns themselves and distribute cards in their place. This technique is very useful, although it seems a bit strange.

In the age of computers and phones, the electronic version of the game is available.

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About Solitaire Soliter

The name of the game (FreeCell) comes from the English "Free Cell" - "free cell", and refers to the four working fields in the upper left corner of the playing field, on which the player can temporarily store cards. The solitator was invented by the American programmer by Alville, who created the game by changing one already existing solitaire. He also programmed the first computer version of the game in 1978. Since then, Solitaire Soliter had many variations, but the most popular brought version included in the Windows 95 system. In this version, the player had 32,000 different card distributions. In 1994, an attempt was made to collect all 32,000 distributions. It lasted for almost a year, and it turned out that only one distribution cannot be collected. Since then, a free cell is known for the fact that, unlike other solitaires, it is distributed in almost every distribution.

How to play?

As in other games of solitaires, the player starts the player from shuffling, and its task is to sort cards in color (tambourine, cherry, peaks, trees) and numbers from the aces to kings. Assorted maps are placed in the base fields in the upper right corner of the screen, starting with the aces and ending with the kings. In other words, the card can be placed in the basic field only if there is already a map of the same suit and one number is less. If there are no cards on the tablet, which can be placed in the base field, the player must open cards on the tablet until they open cards that can be transferred to the database.

The most important rule solitaire solitator, who distinguishes it from another solitaire, is that the player can move only one card at a time. If the player wants to move the entire stack of cards located in one of the working columns, it must do this using free cells in the upper left corner of the screen. In these cells, the player must temporarily store cards from the bottom of the stack, which moves. However, since the movement of maps on one will be time consuming and tedious, the game based on the number of free cells and the number of empty working columns will calculate what the maximum number of cards player can move between working columns, assuming that it will move them one. Thus, it looks like a player immediately moved the entire stack of cards, but assuming that the stack could be moved on one map. In a free cell there may be any card, as well as in an empty working column. In turn, only a card for one room is less and the opposite suit can be placed on another card in the working column.

Online solitaire Soliter does not have a specific score counting system. Progress in the game determines the number of cards located on the tablet that have not yet been placed in the base fields (the less, the better). However, this variable should not be used to compare the results of the players. Determining when comparing the results is the percentage of playful games, the average time for winning, and the longest victorious series.

Several tips: click right mouse button On the map moves it to a free cell. If the card is already in a free cell, or there are no free cells, click right mouse button Carries the card to the base field (if possible). The game will automatically send the base fields that are no longer useful in the game.

Solitaire Spider is a card game for one player who has many varieties. For the game you need two decks of cards, although in some embodiments, both one and three or four decks can be used, or only one, two or three suites from each deck. But the basic rules are the same, regardless of the option.


Solitaire Spider with one Mashy

    Drag together two decks of playing cards. Do not remove any cards (except jokers), do not pay attention to the table, imagine that they are all the same. Otherwise, you will need more dealers of cards.

    Spread the ten pile of cards into the horizontal line. Each card should lie vertically shirt up. The first four stacks should be 5 cards, the remaining 6 - 4 cards.

    On each of the ten stacks from above, put another one on the front side up. Now in the first four stacks will be 6 cards (including the top, which lies face up), and in the last six stacks of 5 cards (top map face up).

    Put the remaining stack of cards on the side, shirt up. This stack is called "deck". You will take cards from it when all possible moves in the current defold will be exhausted.

    Lay the card sequences in the descending order as follows:

    • Move any card lying on the front side up, on the map next to it by value, regardless of the suit, if such a card is in the scenario. For example, you can put a lady of any suit on the king of any suit; 7 Any suit can put on 8 any suit.
    • Place every new map slightly lower than the card you put it on, so you can see all the cards underlying.
    • You can move the map close to you from any stack into any stack at your discretion. You can move multiple cards at the same time only if they lie alone on another decreasing order. For example, the king-lady-currency-10-9 or 5-4-3 (any suit) can be moved together as a separate unit.
  1. Turn over the map, lying shirt up as soon as it becomes nothing covered. You can not leave the stacks untouvented (actually why do you need it?). When you remove all the cards from some stacks, you can shift any card to the released place lying face up, or a decreasing sequence of cards.

    • You can not use a deck if you have free cells that you can fill. Just take the map (or the sequence of cards) from any stack and move it to your free space.
  2. Use a deck when all moves are exhausted. If you look at your alignment and do not see any moves, take a deck and spread out of it on one map face up each of the 10 stacks, then continue the game.

    • If you used all the deck and can no longer do with your layout, very sorry you lost. The game with one license is almost win-win, but if you take two or four suit, the game is significantly complicated.
  3. Remove from the scenario of the sequence from the king to the ace, if you managed to fold them. Put them on the side face up. If you collected 8 sequences, you won!

    • Be careful, put the collected sequences separately from the deck underlying the side during the game.
    • The game ends when you folded all 8 "sets" or sequences from the king to the ace, or when there are no possible moves.

    Solitaire spider with two masters

    1. Fold your cards in the same way as in the previous version with one mahi. You use the same number of cards in the same ratio. This means stacks of 5 cards on the right and 6 cards on the left (including the top card lying face up). The deck is the same.

      • If you are not sure you know what to do, read the previous version with one mahi. It is much easier and every new player must start with one suit.
    2. Split cards on red and black. Instead of not paying attention to the table, this time distinguish them in color. This means that the Cherves and the Bubnes will be "one" one ", and the trees and peaks are different.

      Move the cards and stacks of the same color. For an option with one license, you just needed to collect sequences of card values \u200b\u200b(for example, 7-8-9). This time you need to "collect" the same sequences, only "one" color. This means that you can put 7 worms on 8 peaks, but already "cannot move them together."

      • However, you can put 7 worms on 8 worms (or tambourine). It increases the level of complexity of the game.
    3. The remaining rules remain in force. The remaining part of the game is the same as in the previous version, regardless of whether you play with one, two or four masters. You still use a deck when you have no moves left, you still need to turn the face up the map when it opens, and you still have to be filled with all the stacks before using the deck.

      • The game format is the same. The same number of cards, the same number of stacks. If you missed the first method, go back to it. Moreover, if you are new to Solitaire Spider, we strongly recommend that you start with the game with one layer - it is much easier!
      • Again, the only difference is how to move cards (sequences), and not how to add them. So be careful when putting a red card on black, - Temporarily you can not get to this black card!

    Solitaire spider with four masters

    1. Fold the map in the same way. Solitaire spider with four masters is very complex, but the rules of the game is the same. Use the same number of cards, the same alignment and the same basic rules.

      Pay attention to all suit. This time you will see suit that they are. Bubnes are a tambourine, peaks are peaks, etc. Just as in the variant with two masters, they need to be folded together. To remove from the scenario, the sequence from the king to the ace, it should be all one suit.

    2. Fold the cards in a sequence of one suit. You can make any sequences (6-7-8-9, etc.), but you can only move the sequences of one suit. The sequence of the six tambourine lying on 7 peak, which lies on 8 tambourines, you can not shift anywhere. However, if 6 worms lies with 7 worms, and she lies on 8 tambourines, then 6 and 7 you can move together.

      • See how it becomes almost impossible? When you shift the cards, you should know what moves can be done, and which should be avoided. The main thing you need to open stacks; If this move does not open a stack, it is better not to do it.
    3. Work out the strategy. The game with four masters is the only option when you will help, first of all, a strategy (not counting the luck). To build sequences and remove them from the scenario (to win), you need to be very careful.

      • First shift senior cards. In other words, first put the currencies for the lady before putting 10 on the valve. If you put 10 on the currency of another suit, you practically kill it.
      • Clean the kings to open cells if possible.
      • Remove cards from the stacks that are already almost empty. The sooner you reach empty cells, the sooner you can remove kings from the stack and from the scenario.
      • Of course, try to fold the sequences from the cards of one suit. During the game, you will be happy about what they did.

    Solitaire Spider game in Windows

    1. Select the level of complexity. If you are a novice in Solitaire Spider, start with one suit. Do not be ashamed of this, two and four suites are difficult. When you learn to play with one mahi, you can go to a more complex level.

      • Significantly affects the result of this game luck. If you have bad sequences, it means you are not lucky. Play several games before being disappointed in your skill.
    2. Use the "Tip" option. Pressing the "H" button tells the program that you need a little help. After that, the card you need to move is highlighted. Do not use the hint too often, try to watch and think why the program advised you exactly this course.

      • Try to limit yourself with several tips for the game. An abuse of the tip will not give you the opportunity to think about the strategy and tactics of the game.

Are you a big fan of solitaire? Do you like to drive time, folding cards? This is an interesting hobby, which not only allows you to fascinating time, but also perfectly trains attention, memory, smelting. And it is even without rivals. Solitaires can be entertained even in complete loneliness. In this sense, solitaires are simply indispensable.

Here we have collected for you the best online solitairesThanks to which you will not just forget about boredom, and you can plunge into diverse cards, fascinating and exciting.

"Soliter" - classic, tested

Tired traditional solitaire or free solitaire rug?We bring to your attention another, no less fascinating solitaire, known all over the world called "Soliter" (his name - "Spider"), for which the invention should be thanked Paul Alert. To lay out "Soliter" simultaneous and very interesting. You will not even have time to notice how "Spider" reliably delay you into your networks, of which you do not want to break.

If you understand the solitaires, then you will not be difficult to figure out all the subtleties of the Soliter.

Rules of "Soliter"

In general terms, traditional latching rules look like this: your task is to collect 4 decks, each of which is 13 cards of one suit. It is important that these cards should be collected in an increasing order.

Initially, you are laying in front of eight vertical rows. The top card on each column is open, everyone else is hidden. Over the rows of layouts - four free cells in which the cards must be folded, starting with the aces, twos, etc., as in any solitaire). On the other side of the field - a deck with the remaining cards.

You can, at your own discretion, move cards from one row to another in a descending order (from the ace to the king), not forgetting the alternation of the color of the table (the red suit follows black and vice versa, regardless of the specific suit) until you choose CE CE CE From the deck. The cards that interfere with you can be removed in four spare cells. If you allow backup places, you can move entire parts collected. Completed solitaire is considered only when all maps are disassembled and distributed in four cells in the desired sequence.

And, of course, the main ones are your assistants - this is attention, cutter, intuition.

"Soliter": Secrets of experienced solitaire lovers

The main thing that you need to know about solitaire "Soliter" is that almost all of his layouts are winning. According to statistics, only a few solitaire games are insoluble initially, in the rest of the same cases - everything is in your hands, it all depends on your desire and patience. Some players, facing difficulties, prefer to close the game and start a new one, others on the contrary - do not give up until they bring it to a logical end.

Another interesting feature of solitaire is that you can choose layouts of two or four texts. Of course, spider on 2 masters(red and black) is much easier than Spider for all 4 suit.

And some other tactical tricks of the "Soliter":

  • It is worth starting to start with a careful study of the playing field, while thinking about several moves forward (and what seems obvious, in "Soliter" is not always such).
  • First of all, pay attention to the most difficult places of solitaire (for example, it makes sense to try to move the aces to empty cells as soon as possible).
  • Do not try to immediately fill out free cells (do it only as a last resort), since it is they give an opportunity to experiment. Always leave yourself one or other free cells, it is one of the keys to a successful layout.
  • But release the columns makes sense to try as quickly as possible, because it allows you to store a non-one card, but a whole sequence assembled. The so-called "superading" is to move the collected sequence, using both empty columns and cells.
  • Always use the ability to close the empty column with a long sequence (ideally, if it starts from the king).

And finally ...

In the "Soliter" one game is not similar to another, one is easy and fast, the other - requires a lot of time and strength. Try, experiment. Trying to decompose the same layouts in various ways - the highest pilot, to which you need to strive. The more often you play, the more experience you have. We were able to interest you? Then we offer quickly decay solitaire!