And what is the capital in Lithuania. "Three capitals" Lithuania. State Device of Lithuania


(Lietuva, Lithuania)


Official name - Republic of Lithuania (lithua. Lietuvos Respublika, english Republic of Lithuania). Located in the north-east of Europe. Area 65.2 thousand km 2, population is 3.484 million people. (Census 2001). State language - Lithuanian. Capital - Vilnius (542.3 thousand people, 2001). State party - Independence Day on February 16 (1918). The monetary unit is lit (equal to 100 cents).


It is located between 21 ° and 28 ° East longitude and 57 ° and 54 ° of northern latitude, on the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea. The length of the land border 1731 km - in the north with Latvia (598 km), in the east and south-east with Belarus (724), in the south with Poland (106), in the south-west with the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation (303). In the West is washed by the Baltic Sea, shore Length 99 km.

L. Basically, the plain country occupying the western outskirts of the Eastern European Plain with several gentle elevations high up to 300 m above sea level, secondary lowland with altitudes 16-90 m. In the West there is a zhamaite hill, from the north-west southeast along Bibies with Belorussia stretched the Baltic ridge with heights up to 294 m. The territory is divided into 4 historical regions:Gemium (in the West), Auchtiatia (in the East), Dzukia (in the Southeast) and Suwalkia (south-west).

In L. more than 2800 lakes With a surface area of \u200b\u200bmore than 0.5 hectares (total area of \u200b\u200b876 km 2) and approx. 1600 smaller lakes, 722 river Most of them belong to the Nymunas basin (Neman), on L. accounts for 475 km from the total length of the river 937 km. Famous resorts: Curonian Spit, Palanga, Druskininkai.

Pretty podzolic soil . In the central areas the most fertile soils. Square of agricultural land It is 3.6 million hectares. Forests Covered 1.8 million hectares, or 27.6% of the country's territory. Spring is common, there are also spruce, alder, birch, oak, aspen and ash. In the forests there are many hares, deer and boars, there is moose. From birds - pheasants, tetherov, ducks and swans.

Western L. and the Lithuanian shelf of the Baltic Sea are promising areas of oil and natural gas. Oil reserves are estimated from 46 to 55.5 million m 3. Small place of Birth Iron ore are available in the southeast, limestone mining, granites, amber are underway.

Climate Transition from marine to continental. The average monthly temperatures of January -5 ° C, July +17 ° C. The annual amount of precipitation is from 540 mm in central areas up to 930 mm on the coast south-west of Zhamayt elevation. 3/4 of atmospheric precipitation falls in the form of rains, in the spring and autumn frequent fogs, in the winter - thaw.


According to the estimates of national statistics, at the beginning. 2003 L. Population amounted to 3.466 million people. (Reduction by 18 thousand people. compared with the correspondence 2001).

During the census negative mechanical increase amounted to 224.5 thousand people. Although was natural increase In 33.7 thousand people, the population decreased by 190.8 thousand people. The share of citizens decreased from 67.7% in 1989 to 66.9% in 2001.

The share of the population under 10 years has decreased from 15.5% in 1989 to 11.6% in 2001, over 60 years old increased from 15.7 to 19.3% and is 17.2% in cities, in the village - 23.5% . The share of men in the population decreased from 47.5 to 46.8%. Aged 1 to 2 years old boys are 8% more than girls. The predominance of men with increasing age gradually decreases, and in 24-25 years their number is equal. After 46 years, the number of women by more than 10% exceeds the number of men, after 67 years - more than 1.5 times, after 74 years - more than 2, after 86 years - 3 times.

Ethnic composition : Lithuanians 83.45%, Russians - 8%, Poles - 7% and Belarusians - 1.5%. Lithuanian citizenship has 99% of residents, Russian - 0.4%. Lithuanian language belongs to the Baltic Group of Indo-European Family, relatives to Sanskrit. The alphabet is based on Latin graphics.

Most of Lithuanians and almost all Poles (80% of the population) we confess Catholicism, 10% of Lithuanians (in the West) and most Latvians - Lutheranism, 6% - Orthodoxy. Religious learning is included in public school programs.


Separate feudal principalities existed on the territory of L. Another 9th century. The first written mention of Lithuanians belongs to 1009. Lithuanian lands in a single state united the Prince of Mindaugas OK. 1236. It was a historical monarchy. From the very beginning, the state had to face the expansion of the Crusaders - Teutonic and Livonian orders. In 13-16 centuries. L. repeatedly reflected German aggression. To prevent L. Crusader's seizure and victory over opponents inside the country, Mindaugas in 1251 accepted Catholicism, having received the support of Pope of Roman. In 1253, Mindaugas became the king of L. in the battle of Lake Durbe in the 1260 troops of the Livonian Order were broken. With the arrival of the Prince of Vityanis (1295-1316), the period of civilians was over, was held military reformA professional army has been created, 11 campaigns were committed against the Crusaders.

In the 1st floor. 14th century In Europe, a strong state appeared - the Grand Duch of Lithuanian and Russian. It is obliged to the great prince of Gediminas (1316-41), which during the years of its reign has significantly strengthened the centralized Lithuanian state. Many Russian lands striving to find protection from Mongol-Tatars joined L. voluntarily. In 1410, in the Union with Polish and Russian troops, the Teutonic Order was defeated in the Grunwald battle. In 1558-83 L., together with Russia, participated in the Livonian War, and in 1569 they united with Poland to compolatrate (Lublin Sania).

After the third section of the Commonwealth, a large part of L. was attached to the Russian Empire. From the very beginning of the 1st World War, L. became the host of hostilities of the Germans and Russia armies. In the fall of 1915, the German troops almost completely occupied the country. Since the requirement of providing L. autonomy was ignored by the Tsarist Government, prominent politicians led by A. Smetona reoriented to Germany. Since the consent of the occupying authorities, on September 21, 1917, the Lithuanian Tariba was elected, adopted on February 16, 1918 on the independence of the Lithuanian state. The temporary worker-peasant government, created in December 1918, announced the deployment of the government and the target and on the proclamation of the Lithuanian Soviet Republic.

After the onset of the German troops in August 1919, L. L. In 1920, the Soviet government admitted the independence of L. In 1922, the Constitution and L. was adopted by the Democratic Republic. The first president was the estimation. In 1920-26 there was a bourgeois-parliamentary regime in the country. As a result of the military state coup in December 1926, the authoritarian presidential regime of the restend (1927-40) was established.

As a result of the defeat of Poland in the war with Germany, in accordance with the Soviet-German agreements, the Vilnius region, along with the Western Ukrainian and Western Belarusian lands, passed under the control of the Red Army. In October 1939, an agreement was signed on mutual assistance between the Soviet Union and L. and the transfer of Vilnius and the Vilnius region. The Soviet military bases with the number of troops up to 20 thousand people were posted on its territory. On July 21, 1940, the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic was proclaimed, and in August 1940 it was adopted in the USSR.

During the 2nd World War in L. was the German army. In 1945 - 50, the Lithuanians tried to resist return to the USSR, but were suppressed by Soviet troops.

In the summer of 1988, the movement for the restructuring "Sayudis" was made, which set the task of restoring independence L. Activated the activities of the League of Freedom L. (formed in 1978), headed by A. Brazauscas. The elections to the Supreme Council (February 24, 1990) defeated the supporters of Sayudis, headed by V. Landsbergis, on March 11, was adopted an act on the restoration of the independence of the Lithuanian state - the Republic of Lithuania, and in September 1991 the independence of the Democratic L. was recognized by the USSR State Council.

State Device and Political System

L. - Presidential Republic. There is a constitution adopted on the referendum on October 25, 1992.

Administrative division - 10 counties, 44 district, 92 cities, 22 settlements. The largest cities (thousand people): Vilnius, Kaunas (378.9), Klaipeda (OK 193), Siauliai (133.9), Panevezys (119.8).

Government In accordance with the Constitution, it is carried out by the Seimas, President and Government.

The highest legislative body - Sejm (one-paired parliament), consisting of 141 deputies elected on the basis of universal, direct, secret ballot for 4 years (71 - from single-member districts in the majoritarian system and 70 on the principle of proportional representation based on party lists). The Sejm discusses, accepts, publishes legislative acts, approves or rejects the candidacy of the Prime Minister proposed by the president, conducts control over the government's activities, establishes taxes, conducts elections to local governments, ratifies international treaties. The election of the new Sejm took place in October 2000, A. Powlauskas - the leader of the New Union Party (Social Liberals), who replaced Landsbergis, the leader of the conservatives on this post.

Head of State - The president elected by the Universal, Direct, secret ballot for a period of 5 years, not more than 2 times in a row. The President represents the Lithuanian state, solves the most important issues of foreign policy together with the government, appoints and relieves from the approval of the Seimas of the Prime Minister, appoints and frees the ministers on the submission of the Prime Minister, publishes the decrees' acts, has the right of veto to solve the Seima. He can immediately dissolve the Seimas. The seam elected at extraordinary elections is entitled to the majority of (3/5) votes to appoint early presidential elections. At early presidential election, the second round of which was completed on June 27, 2004, the 77-year-old independent centrist V. Adamkus won, in many respects contributing to the entry of Lithuania to NATO and the European Union. He was already president in 1998-2003. And he returned to the post of head of the state after his retirement. V. Adamkus replaced R. Paksas, the third president after the restoration of L. Independence and the first head of the head of power sent in early April 2004 by the impeachment of resignation (for dubious relations with international criminal structures, incl. And Russian). V. Adamkus supported the parties of the Union of Liberals and the Center, the Union of Fatherland, Social Liberals. The victory of Adamkus means the strengthening of the pro-Western orientation of L., as well as closer ties with the states of the West.

The highest executive body - The government, which represents the Seimas program and after its approval takes the oath. Prime Minister A. Brazauskas heads the 12th (since 1990) the Government since July 2001. He was appointed President Adamkus President after the fall of the Coalition Government of the Right and Central Party of Paksas due to disagreements on economic issues and privatization issues. Sejm approved the program of the Government of the "Left majority", which promised to accelerate the course of the reform necessary for joining NATO and the EU, turn internal politician In the direction of the socially oriented market, reducing unemployment and poverty while maintaining a rigid financial policy. In March 2003, the composition of the new government proposed by Brazauskas was approved (posts in the office retained 12 out of 13 ministers).

In L. Registered 37 parties and political organizations. The most influential in the country the right party - the TEVINES SAYUGA conservatives (the Union of Fatherland, CO) was created on the basis of the Sayudis social and political movement, registered on May 25, 1993, Chairman - V. Landsbergis; The Christian-Democratic Party of L. (HDPL), the party of the right orientation, was registered on September 22, 1990, Chairman Zinkhavyus; Democratic Labor Party L. (DPTL), the reformist party of the social democratic orientation, registered on December 19, 1990, has the status of the main opposition force, Chairman of Ch. Yurchenas; "Union of the Center", the party of the centered vessel, registered on October 27, 1993, Chairman R. Ozolas; Social-Democratic Party L. (SDPL) of the left center orientation, registered on January 17, 1990, Chairman V. Andryukitis; "New Union" (Social Liberals), the party of the left center orientation, was established in June 1998, Chairman A. Powlaskas; Union of Liberalov L., Liberal-Democratic Party of the Centerful Orientation, registered on March 11, 1991, Chairman since December 1999 R. Paksas; "New Democracy" (Party of Women L.), registered on April 20, 1995, Chairman K. Pruunchen; Christian-Democratic Union (XDS), a political organization, registered on August 14, 1996, Chairman K. Bobyalis.

There are four republican in the country trade union center : Center for trade unions, union of trade unions, Labor Federation L. and Union of workers (actually broken). The introduction of L. to the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 1991 made it possible to conclude trade unions to conclude a general agreement with the government, in which the three-sided principle of the partnership in the labor market operates: the government, trade unions, employers.

In L. there was a situation where two major power structures control opposite ideological forces. In the parliament of the last convocation, it was possible to create the left-center majority, grouping around the Prime Minister A. Brazauskas. The opposition centered center minority is represented by the Union of Liberals, the Union of the Center and the modern Christian Union. As a result, the general political situation in the country depends largely on the position of Prime Minister A. Brazauskas. The ruling social democrats and social liberals intend to preserve the coalition, which is the guarantor of stability in the country. Prime Minister Brazauskas stands for constructive cooperation with the new president of V. Adamkus, who in foreign policy adheres to the previous priorities - membership in the EU and NATO, the strengthening of the comprehensive Baltic cooperation, maintaining stable relations with the CIS countries, primarily with Russia, orientation, especially Economy, not only west, but also east.

NATO membership is one of the main goals of the external and defense policy L. On defense stands out 2% of GDP. Such financing on the basis of a contract between all parliamentary parties will be maintained to 2004. Preparation and reforming of the national defense system is carried out in accordance with NATO standards. The country is divided into 3 military districts. Regular Armed forces Consist of 12,100 people. Ground troops - 7,500 servicemen, 2 Motor training teams of the educational regiment, a separate hunting regiment, an engineering battalion, an artillery division, peacekeeping company. In reserve - 10 regiments, 36 battalions, 130 mouth of territorial defense, 2 squadrons of army aviation, or St. 330 thousand people, incl. The first stage is 28 thousand, the second - 308 thousand people. In service with the land forces L. located more than 70 BTR (50 - M113A1, 10 - BTR-60 and more than 10 - M42), 10 BRDM-2, 10 MT-LB, OK. 200 Grenadoes RPG-7, St. 40 120 mm mortars, more than 110 launchers of the coastal defense "Karl Gustav". In the Air Force - 800 people. personnel, 8 training aircraft L-39 (light attack aircraft), 2 - L-410, 6 - An-24, 3 - An-26, 4 helicopters Mi-2, 6 - Mi-8 and Mi-17. Navy (approx. 600 people) consist of 2 small anti-submarine ships, 3 patrol boats, 2 travelers, staff and at the same time training ship. Coast Guard - 550 people. and 4 patrol boats.


L. - state with industrial-agrarian economy. Industry in GDP (2000) 51.2%, agriculture 24.7%, construction of 9.8%, transport 3.6%, other activities of 10.1%.

Main industries : Mechanical Engineering, Metal and Woodworking, Building Materials, Textile, Chemical and Food Industry. In 2002, the Lithuanian industry produced and sold products for 26,334 million litas, compared with 2001, the increase in permanent prices amounted to 3.1%, in the extractive and manufacturing sectors of 2.7%, in the electric power industry and the gas industry 5.4%.

IN agriculture occupied approx. 35% of the economically active population. St. 4 million hectares of land is used by agricultural enterprises and personal farms. Mine-and-making animal husbandry, poultry farming. The main products of crop production: grain and fodder crops, potatoes, sugar, vegetables. In 2002, grains were produced by 9% more than in 2001, sugar coats - by 20%, rape - by 63%, potatoes - by 45%. Structural changes continued on the village. Farm and households produced 81% of grain, 64% - sugar coarse, 69% - rape and 99.3% - potatoes. The volume of sales of the main products of animal husbandry: livestock livestock 141.1 thousand tons (in 2001 - 127.1), milk 1140.6 thousand tons (in 2001 - 1152.8), eggs 517.7 million pcs (in 2001 - 480.8). 190 million litas were allocated for the development of the village and agriculture in 2002, 1.7 times more than in 2001.

Volume retail turnover In 2002 amounted to 15,640 million litas, compared with 2001 increased by 12.4% (at constant prices), the volume of services is 17.1%. The wholesale trade volume increased by 13.7% (at current prices) and amounted to 18,972.1 million litas.

L. can be divided into 4 Economic Area:in the East, a variety of engineering enterprises, woodworking and light industries are presented (this is the main resort area); In the southern part, hydroelectric power plants, enterprises of the food industry and metalworking, the main farmland are concentrated; North specializes in the production of winter crops, flax and sugar coarse, in the West, shipbuilding and ship repair industry are developed, fisheries. L. provides themselves with electricity. Energy is based mainly on imported fuel. The largest power plants: Kaunas HPP, Lithuanian GRES, Ignalin NPP.

Transport network In L. sufficiently developed. The length of the railway tracks is approx. 3 thousand km, roads - 44.5 thousand km. Chief Sea Port - Klaipeda (project capacity 30 million tons per year). There is a ferry crossing Klaipeda Mukran (Germany). There is a master gas pipeline (length of 1400 km) with branches, oil pipeline POLOTSK-BIRZY-MAZHIKYAYA and sea oil suberminal in a bandwidth boutique, respectively, 16 and 8 million tons per year. Airports: in Vilnius, Kaunas and Palanga, Cargo - in Schäulya. The main enterprise of the telephone communication "Letuvos Telecomas".

L. Consistently conducts coordinated IMF and the World Bank. Economic reforms whose rod is privatization (in the private sector is now produced by St. 80% of the country's GDP). In the beginning. Summer 2001 L. entered WTO. According to the European Commission, L. is a country with a market economy, and EU accession will strengthen its economic security and macroeconomic stability.

During the years of sovereign existence, the country has experienced enough long (5 years) and a deep economic downturn. In 2000 GDP in L. amounted to 67% of 1990, the volume of industrial production decreased by 44%, agricultural - by 30%. The destructive impact on the economy of L. provided the Russian monetary and financial crisis 1998. The material expression of these losses, according to official data, was 700 million litas, or 8% of budget revenues. Many enterprises were announced by bankrupt, to con. 1998 274 enterprises (food, dairy and meat processing, textile and metalworking industries) were eliminated, exporting products mainly in the Russian Federation. The volume of exports in the Russian Federation decreased by 76.3%, imports by 41.3%. In advance accumulated financial resources and sufficiently hard credit and financial policy helped overcome the consequences of the Russian crisis. Slow growth of industrial and agricultural production began with 2000.

Dynamics of GDP in L. in the 1990s. There was a tendency inherent in all transitional economies, a strong decline was changed by unstable growth. At the same time, the main sources of growth in conditions of limited domestic demand remained exports and foreign investments. The volume of GDP in 2002 (at constant prices) amounted to 50,805.2 million litas, the increase is 6.7% compared with 2001 ( cm. table. ). In all sectors of the economy, tangible positive shifts were observed, with the exception of the mining, mining and fishing industries, where the increase in the volume of value added was only 0.7%. The greatest increase was in construction (12.8%), in wholesale and retail trade (8.7%), transport and communications (12.6%), financially maintenance (10.6%). In the manufacturing industry, it amounted to 5.5%, in rural and forestry - 6.1%, in the hotel and restaurant service - 7.6%, in electrical, gas and water supply - 5.4%. GDP growth in 2002 was made to a large extent due to the growth of labor productivity and an increase in spent time.

Exports in 2002 increased compared with 2001 by 10.6% and amounted to $ 5472.3 million, imports - by 11.0% and reached $ 7615.4 million. In 2002, EU countries accounted for 48.4% of exports and 45% of imports to the CIS countries, respectively, 19.2 and 26.2%. The main partners in exports were: United Kingdom (13.5%), RF (12.1%), Germany (10.3%), Latvia (9.6%), on imports - RF (21.4%), Germany (17.2%), Italy (4.9%), Poland (4.8%).

The unstable dynamics of the global economy and negative trends in the development of EU countries (deceleration of economic growth) in recent years have a direct impact on the economy of L. This is directly related to the minor export opportunities and an increase in imports. At the same time, the growing demand for Lithuanian goods in the CIS countries should be noted. The country managed to partially compensate for the EU losses in the EU more active output to the markets of the CIS countries, exports to which in 2002 grew by 12%. The share of the Russian Federation in the export of L. is growing steadily - from 7.1% in 2000 to 12.1% in 2002.

Lithuanian economy needs the Russian market. Foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation with L. rely on bilateral agreements and practical cooperation. The volume of trade between them in 2002 amounted to $ 1980 million, the export of the Russian Federation in L. - $ 1670 million, and imports from L. in the Russian Federation - $ 309 million. Negative balance for L. Recently, is somewhat reduced, but not in kind, but only in value due to price changes. In the coming years, the growth of trade is forecast between the two countries at least 2 times. The Russian Federation remains a major trading partner due to the high activity of both Lithuanian and Russian entrepreneurs. In L., there are 840 joint ventures and 215 - with a purely Russian capital ($ 16.1 million), mainly engaged in trade and intermediary activities. Relatively large investment invested Russian companies Gazprom and Lukoil. RAO Gazprom has invested in the company's sales company CJSC Stalla Vitai.

The transit of Russian goods remains an important element of the national economy of L. The volume of these services significantly exceeds trade exports to the Russian Federation in value terms. The Russian Federation provides services for transportation and transshipment of oil and petroleum products, fertilizers, metals and a number of other goods. Revenues from the transit of these goods are in the budget L. OK. 25% (350-400 million dollars per year).

The economic role of the Russian Federation for L. is largely determined by the supply of energy resources. Its main imports of gas, oil and nuclear fuel for the Ignalina NPP are mainly satisfied at the expense of Russian deliveries. The share of the Russian Federation accounts for St. 85% of the import of mineral products L. A number of branches of the Lithuanian industry operates on the processing of Russian raw materials (oil, wood, metals, etc.), followed by exporting products produced to the markets of third countries. L. is an economic bridge between the European Union and the Russian Federation, providing transport infrastructure and energy highways between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of the territory of the Russian Federation. The Kaliningrad region accounts for approximately 1/4 of Lithuanian supplies to the Russian Federation, on November 1, 2002, 496 Russian-Lithuanian joint ventures were registered there, 16 branches of Lithuanian enterprises were operating in Kaliningrad, as well as 8 representative offices of Lithuanian firms.

The reduction in demand in foreign markets had a lower impact on the dynamics of consumer prices. The deficit of the trade balance has noticeably increased. An increase in the budget deficit counteracts a very tangible influx of investments from abroad. The increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) in L. in 2002 amounted to 24% (the volume of accumulated on the beginning. 2002 PDI was $ 2.4 billion, or $ 649 per capita). The largest foreign investors are Sweden, USA and Finland (43% of all foreign investments).

The economic development of L. in 2003 was still determined by the dynamics of demand in the domestic market. Some consumption growth has become possible due to the increase in wages, expanding opportunities to receive loans in commercial banks. In L. there is a banking system of two levels, consisting of the Central (Bank L.) and more than 20 commercial and specialized banks. The total share of state shares in the Sector of Commercial Banks 35%.

General national debt to con. 2002 amounted to 13,162.8 million litas, external debt - 9177.8 million litas.

In 2002, the GDP per capita reached 4.0 thousand euros (in 1998 - 2.9 thousand). The average monthly wage was $ 272, the minimum is $ 107, the average pension is $ 80, the average family income per person is $ 105. Pensions increased by an average of 5%, the provision was legalized on increasing small pensions, covering more than 300 thousand old-age retirees and disability. Currently, women who have reached the age of 57.5 years old, are 61.5 years old, men - 61.5 years (in 2009, the retirement age for women will increase to 60 years, and for men up to 62.5 years). The food accounted for 50% of all expenses. Over the past 3 years, the difference between the poorest and rich layers of the population has decreased from 13 to 9 times.

The number of employed in 2002 amounted to 1406 thousand people, increased by 4% compared with 2001. Unemployment, although it decreased from 12.5 to 11.3%, it remains high enough, 198.4 thousand people were registered. unemployed (in 2001 - 223.5).

Science and culture

IN primary school Children at the age of 7 and study in it 3 years, 5 or 8 years of study in high school (depending on the type of school). Graduates of secondary schools may continue to study in vocational or in higher educational institutions. The Lithuanian language is Lithuanian, but polish and Russian languages \u200b\u200bare used in the concentrations of national minorities. Educational institutions in their most states, there are private gymnasiums, lyceums, universities, business schools.

In the 2001-02 academic year in L. there were 2428 educational institutions, incl. 42 private. In 2261, the state and 19 private general education schools were studied 45.3 thousand student; In 123 vocational colleges and colleges (20 private) - 44.8 thousand students; In 16 universities (9 private) and 19 universities (4 private) - 11.6 thousand students. The largest universities : Vilnius University (founded in 1579), University of Vitaus Magnus (Kaunas), Vilnius Technical University, Vilnius Pedagogical University, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas Medical Academy, Klaipeda University. During reform higher education A two-stage system was introduced, in all universities (except for the University of Vilnius), after 4 years of study, the student receives a bachelor's degree, after another 2 years - Master. The degree of doctor suggests another 2 years of study in doctoral studies and protection of scientific labor. In 1994 L. ratified the UNESCO Convention on the recognition of diplomas and degree of higher education in the European Region.

An important problem of Lithuania science is the insufficient number of funds allocated by the budget. The share of spending on science in GDP decreased from 1.24% in 1998 to 0.68% in 2001, and the number of scientists decreased to 5130 people. (in 1998 - 5588 people).

Scientific research We are conducted at Vilnius University, other universities of Vilnius and Kaunas. The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences is transformed into a personal, and its institutions have become state. In the country, the two largest libraries: national them. Majvidas in Vilnius and Vilnius University. Large funds are also available in the Central Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, the Kaunas Technological University.

Vilnius is located in the Valley Valley of Nyamunas (Nemman), at the place of failure of the Vilne River to the Narian River. Since Vilnius is located closer to the eastern borders of the state, the continental climate here is expressed more than in the West. The terrain is predominantly hilly. The average temperature in January is -5 ° C, in July to + 17.9 ° C. Soils on the territory of Vilnius and its surroundings belong to podzolic. In Wilna and Nyria, a large number of fish are found: bream, pike, perch, roach and trout.
Population, language, religion

In 1939, the population was 215 thousand inhabitants. By 1959, it increased to 236 thousand, and in January 1970 there were already about 372 thousand people in Vilnius. At the moment there are about 598 thousand inhabitants in the city. Lithuanians, Russians, Poles, Belarusians and Ukrainians live in Vilnius.

The state language is Lithuanian, which is included in the Baltic Group of Indo-European Language Family. Writing is based on the Latin schedule. The overwhelming majority of the believers of the city are Catholics, a minor part of the metropolitan population professes Orthodoxy or Judaism.

History of development

According to the archeology, the first settlements of people at the current territory of Vilnius belong to the end of the Paleolithic. The city became the capital in 1323, when the Grand Duke Lithuanian Gedimine (Gediminas) suffered here his residence from the city of Trok (Trakai). In 1387, self-government was introduced in Vilnius on the basis of Magdeburg law. As a result, trade relations were established with the cities of Hanza, with Russians (Moscow, Smolensk) and Polish (Gdansk, Poznan) with cities, etc.

In the XVI century The capital of Lithuania has become a major trading, craft and cultural center of Europe. Here, in 1525, the Belarusian Printer Francis (Georgy) Skorgin published an "apostle" and other books. In 1579, the Jesuit Academy was founded in the city, which in 1773 was reorganized into a secular higher educational institution, and in 1803 he received the status of the university. On April 23, 1794, the rebellion of Yasinsky vs. Tsarist troops previously occupied the city broke out in Vilnius. The rebels have formed a new government - the Supreme Council of Lithuania, which was later transformed into a branch of the Polish government. Vilnius up to the capture of his royal troops on August 11, 1794 was the center of the uprising in Lithuania, and a year after the third section, Poland became the center of Vilen province as part of Russia. In 1831 and 1863. The city became the center of the liberation war in Poland P Lithuania.

In the XIX - early XX century. In Vilnius, the industry has been actively developed, a significant increase in the number of working class occurred. In 1871, the first strike of the workers of the tobacco factory occurred, and from the end of the 4th century. The capital has become the center of the revolutionary movement of workers Lithuania. Here in the 80s. Hih in. Marxist circles began to be created.

In 1896, Vilnius became the venue of the I Congress of the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania and the Union of Lithuania. After five years, the Vilnius Group of RSDLP was created, and before the beginning of the first Russian revolution, the North-West Committee of the RSDLP was established.

During World War I, Vilnius was occupied by German troops. After the I Congress of the Communist Party of Lithuania, which took place on October 1-3, 1918, a temporary revolutionary workers' and peasant government was created.

Soviet power was proclaimed in Vilnius on December 15, 1918. Thus, the city became the capital of the Lithuanian Soviet Republic.

At the beginning of 1919, Lithuania and Belarus united into the Unified Lithuanian-Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic (Litbel abbreviated). In the period from 1920 to 1939, Vilnius was part of Bourgeois Poland. After the beginning of World War II, the Red Army joined the Vilen region and did not allow Vilnius seizure. This nevertheless happened during the Great Patriotic War. The capital of Lithuania was occupied by the fascist invaders of about three years. After the end of World War II, Vilnius began active construction, and over time the city turned into a major political, administrative and cultural center of the republic.

Cultural meaning

During the period of the Middle Ages, the city was built preferably near the castors in the Valley of the Narian River. In the XIII-XVI centuries. The so-called old town with a fan-shaped plan and a tangled network of streets appeared. In 1503-1522. He was discouraged by a stone wall, but gradually began to go beyond its limits. Only in the XIX century. New areas with regular layout began to appear in Vilnius.

Current architectural monuments include Upper castle (XIV-XV centuries), Gothic Church of Mikaloyus (second half of the XIV century), Church and Monastery of Bernardians (XVI century), Church of ONE (XVI century), Church Mikolo (XVI-XVII centuries). A complex architectural composition is distinguished by the university ensemble created in the second half of the XVI - the first quarter of the XIX century.

Baroque style found an expression in architecture churches Kazimero (1604-1618), Tereses (1634 - 1650), Pyato Ir obeyed (1668 - 1675), Jono (XVI century), Kotrinos (end of the XVII - middle of the XVIII century). Classicism was reflected in the architecture of the Cathedral (1777-1801) with the bell tower of the XVI century, the Town Hall (1786-1799), the Episcopal Palace. In the Soviet period, the Nyarring Hotel (1960), the Institute for Designing Urban Construction (1961) and the Palace of Culture of Builders (1965) were erected.

According to the latest data, more than 40 research institutions are located in Vilnius. The most significant universities of the city are the University named after V. Kapsukas, engineering and pedagogical, art institutions, as well as a conservatory. Large libraries of the city include the State Library, a library of Vilnius University, which contains more than 2.5 million volumes.

The most famous museums of Vilnius - Museum of Atheism, Historical and ethnographic, Art museums, Museum of Vilnius Castle, Literary Museum named after A. S. Pushkin, Museum-Apartment A. Mitskevich. In the capital of Lithuania there are 5 major theaters: Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, Drama Academic Theater, Russian Drama Theater, Youth Theater and Puppet Theater.

Information for tourists

Vilnius is one of the most popular tourist cities in Europe. This city enhances immediately, it is only worth climbing the observation tower. Vintage chokes, basilics of the cathedral, church, military fortifications, secluded medieval courtyards and narrow streets with residential homework and two-storey houses facing street street, create an atmosphere of silence and peace. The Monetary Unit of Lithuania is lit. The currency is freely exchanged in numerous exchange offices, credit cards are accepted in all stores.

Kaunas - the former capital of Lithuania

Kaunas - a city located on the Nemman River at the place of failure in her Neris River, was the capital of Lithuania from 1919 to 1940 until 1917. Kaunas was called Coveno. The exact date of the foundation of the city is not established, but the first mentions of it in historical sources are dating 1361 g. At that time, a powerful fortress, defended him from enemy attacks, was already built in Kaunas. She was destroyed several times during the crusades of German knights, striving to seize the city. The most serious fortress suffered as a result of crusader raids in 1362, 1385, 1391, 1400.

In the XIV-XV centuries. In Kaunas, such architectural structures in the Gothic style, as the city castle, the Church of Vitauto and the Cathedral of the Pyhot Ir obeyed are erected. In 1542, the construction of the Town Hall began, and in 1666 - the churches of Jesuit, created in the style of Baroque. At the beginning of the XVII century. The monastery of the Camaldolians in Pazhaislis (Kaunas district) was laid.

In the XV-XVI centuries. In Kaunas, there was a rapid development of trade and craft production. In 1569, the Lublin Undi was concluded, according to which the Polish kingdom and the Grand District Lithuanian merged into one state - Commonwealth; It also entered Kaunas. In 1795, the city was attached to the territory of the Russian Empire. During the war with the Army of Napoleon (1812), the French troops captured Kaunas, while the city has suffered significant damage.

In 1830-1831. In Kaunas there was a massive folk uprising. In 1843, the city received the status of the administrative center of the Koven province. In 1863-1864 Here again there were numerous performances of citizens; Kaunas became one of the centers of the national liberation movement in Lithuania.

In the middle of the XIX century. In accordance with the regular plan, the construction of a new part of the city began, spreading east of Old Kaunas. In the 1890s. According to the project of the architect K. Limarenko, a garrison cathedral in the pseudozantine style was built (now in this building there is a stained glass and sculpture gallery).

The second half of the XIX century. marked for Kaunas intensive development industry. By the beginning of the XX century. More than 40 factories and factories worked in the city. In the same period, the working motion was activated in Kaunas: in 1902, the May Day demonstration of workers took place here, and in 1905, a mass strike at the city's enterprises. In October 1905, Kaunas residents took part in the universal political strike, held in large cities of Russia. In 1915, Kaunas occupied parts of the German army. At the end of 1918, the Council of Workers Deputies was established in the city, and the process of approving Soviet power began. However, already in January 1919, the armed troops of the Lithuanian bourgeoisie and the German troops defeated the army of the Councils, overthrowing the revolutionary power in Lithuania, and in 1920, after the occupation of the detachments of Belopolds of Vilnius, Kaunas was declared the capital of Bourgeois Lithuania.

In 1920-1940. Kaunas became the center of the underground communist movement of Lithuania. After the proclamation of the Soviet power in Lithuania and the formation of the Lithuanian SSR in July 1940, the capital of the newly created republic was transferred to Vilnius. In 1941-1944 The territory of Kaunas was captured by Hitler's troops. After the end of World War II in Kaunas, destroyed homes and industrial enterprises began to recover. 30 new plants and factories were built on the production of chemical products, radio equipment, machine tools and equipment, a light, textile and furniture industry successfully developed successfully. In 1953, the building of the railway station was built in the city "(project of architect P. Ashastina). In 1959, the construction of the Kaunas HPP was completed. In the 1960-1970s. New residential neighrtals have grown in Kaunas, Reconstruction of Square Yu. Yanonisis was carried out. In 1969, the art gallery named after M. Churlenis, built on the project of architect F. Vitas, opened in the city.

Kaunas is a major center of art crafts: Local masters make high-quality products from ceramics, leather, textile, wood, stone, etc.

In the former Lithuanian capital there are 9 museums, including the historical, literary and museum of the Ninth Fort. Three theaters (dramatic, musical and theater dolls) are very popular among citizens and guests of Kaunas. There are 4 higher educational institutions in the city: medical, polytechnic and physical cultural institutions, as well as a veterinary academy.

Vilnius is not the only place in Lithuania, where you can plunge into history. And not the only city, which during the story was its capital. Recreation and Entertainment Agency "Vilnius Relax" offers tourists to get acquainted not only with Vilnius, but also with the former capital of Lithuania - Trakai and Cernave.

Tour, which is called, " Three capitals"This is a fascinating journey through the most beautiful places of Vilnius and the surrounding area, which includes a visit to the two UNESCO World Heritage sites (Vilnius, Cernave) and the picturesque medieval capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian in Trakai Castle.

Historical certificate of visited places

Let's start with the old town in Vilnius

Most tourists visiting Lithuania must come to the capital of Vilnius, and not in vain, because Vilnius is recognized by UNESCO one of the most beautiful cities of old world with the largest baroque old town in Eastern and Central Europe. In the old town, surrounded by an excellent landscape, harmoniously combined the legacy of the past and the current achievements, science and culture. Vilnius is the center of the spiritual, cultural, religious and political life of Lithuania.

The first worldwide recognized cultural value is the Old Town of Vilnius. Starting from the XIII century. and until the XVIII century. Vilnius was the political center of the Grand Principality of Lithuania, had a huge impact on cultural and architectural development in Eastern Europe. Although it was often attacked and destroyed, he retained impressive complexes of buildings in the style of Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Classicism, as well as a medieval urban structure and a natural natural environment.

Vilnius can be studied as a textbook of architectural styles. His old buildings reflect all styles: from late gothic to classicism, but mostly Baroque. The old town is the largest in Central and Eastern Europe, the old town in the Baroque style, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200b360 hectares. True, it is interesting that Vilnius Baroque stands on medieval foundation. Over a somewhat curved, a narrow network of medieval streets cost mighty and majestic dome and towers belonging to another century. It was during the breakfast baroque that most sacred facilities Vilnius were erected: chostels, churches, monasteries.

The most impressive buildings of Vilnius are built in the style of Baroque: In 1604, the construction of the church of St. Casimir, which is characterized by a peculiar lower part and a crown dome; In the second quarter of the XVIII century. A church of St. John with his bell tower, harmoniously embedded in the architectural ensemble of Vilnius University. With Bashchka, the palm is overlooking the entire Old Town.

Vilnius's old town remembers many secrets. Going into the courtyards, you can see the remains of old masonry, find out what the most beautiful yards looked like, where there were ownership of nobles and nobility. Vilnius courtyards make in themselves the mysters of the city and his citizens, know who invites the team "Vilnius Relax" .

Objects visited during an excursion to the Old Town:

Yard of the Museum of A. Mitskevich

House Mr. 22 (First Botanical Garden of Vilnius University)

The inner courtyard of the Palace of Khodkevich.

The inner courtyard of the Palace of the Faces.

Alumnate courtyard.

Streets ŠV. Ignoto and Dominikonų.

Chronicler courtyard.

Courtyard church sv. Nicholas.

If we talk about something more, then Belarusian tourists will especially be especially interested to visit Museum of his great countryman - the poet Adam Mitskevich.The memorial museum belongs to Vilnius University. It is located in a building on Bernardin Street (Bernardinų g. 11), which is a monument of architecture of the XVII-XVIII centuries, a typical merchant house with gallenes in the yard.

At the beginning of the XIX century, the Etodation belonged to the Zhitsky. On the first floor on the left in 1822, Adam Mitskevich lived, returning from Coven. The poet ended his poem "GRISINA" here, preparing her for publication. In 1906, the Vilensky Society of Friends of Science decided to establish a poet Museum here for the perpetuation of this fact.

This idea was implemented in 1911, when a member of the society Yang Obrust, Vilensky journalist and the publisher, bought this house. Once it was repaired, and on the first floor of the house arranged the Museum of Adam Mitskevich. On the front of the building, the tablet placed the plate in the Polish language "TU Adam Mickiewicz Przpisywał" Grażynę "" ("Adam Mitskevich rewritten" GRAIN "). Now the plate is written in two languages \u200b\u200b- Litovsky and Polish.

In the late 1930s, the Department of Classical Philology of the University of Stephen Batory was common. The museum acted to the Second World War. During the occupations of Vilnius, the museum was looted.

After World War II in the building were located the audience of Vilnius state University, Department of classical philology, and a number of rooms have been allocated under the housing of teachers. In 1955, in connection with the century from the death of Adam Mitskevich, the memorial museum of the poet was restored. The restoration relied on the illustration "The room in a wine where Grazin was written", in the album Vladislav Belza "Album Pamiątkowe Adama Mickiewicza" (Lviv, 1889).

The museum was transferred to the Library of the University of Vilnius and enters her structurally to this day. In 1979, in connection with the widespread 400-year anniversary of the university, the museum was once again thoroughly updated, in 1983 there was mainly its current exposition. After the repair work in the abandoned Gothic basement under the former apartment of the poet in 1997-1998 was opened Filmate Hall, in which conferences, seminars, presentations are held today.

In three rooms of the museum you can explore the table and chair belonging to the poet and brought from Paris, the book of registration of students of the University of 1815 and several other exhibits, which are over 200: Letters of Philomatov Mitskevich, documents, the first lifetime publications of the poet, sculptures, portraits, and medals, associated with the personality and creativity of the poet.

Palace Alumnata

The Palace of Aluminat (lit. Alumnatas) is one of Vilnius's attractions, a monument of the Renaissance architecture with elements of Gothic, late baroque and classicism. Located in the old town on University Street (Universito G. 4).

The boarding school for pupils (Alumni) of the Uniate Religion of the Academy of Vilenski was established by the Pope Gregory XIII in 1528. The building was built by the efforts of Jesuits in 1622 according to the sample of the main building of the Academy itself in a large yard. In this building, elements of the gothic building with cellars were included in this building. In the middle of the XVII century, a chapel was built in the depths of the courtyard. Damage to the building struck fires 1655, 1710, 1737, 1748. In the second half of the XVIII century, a narrow two-storey northern corps with gallery and the yard became closed from all sides.

Above the gate from the street in the past there was a table with a papal thiara (according to other information - relief with the initials of the dad and the image of the cardinal cap). The wide gate lead to a rectangular representation courtyard, formed by three-storey residential buildings with arcades instead of corridors (later, part of the arcade was closed; on the northern side, the building was built later) - one of the most beautiful yards of Vilnius. Open arcades galleries on all floors and pilasters are made in the style of the late Italian Renaissance. Walls above arcades were painted by portraits of Roman dads (the frescoes are not survived). According to other information, the frescoes with portraits of 47 dads roman were decorated with a facade overlooking the street and were painted in the middle of the XIX century.

The Aluminum building was distinguished by his architecturally, especially in the yard, where the lower floor is surrounded by a colonnade under the arches forming the genus gense, in some parts preserved until now. Here, in the vaulted corridor, portraits of dips and other spiritual persons were hung.

In 1798, Alumnate was abolished. After that, the building belonged to the main Vilest School, subsequently Vilen University. In 1824, during the construction of the Governor's Palace General, the entrance chassis was destroyed in the second yard. In his place was built a new two-storey building with the classic decor on the project, as expected Karol Schershinsky (1829). After the abolition of the university, the building was transferred to the Vilen Capitul, who passed the premises for housing to individuals. The building continued to be called Aluminatomii by the house of Palaumnatsky.

In 1984, the project of the architect Elyan Urbonen was restored, the building was partly returned to the initial species: removed the walls of the gallery closed in the second half of the XIX century, the chapel's room was restored. The first floor of the southern part of the building was adapted under the store of the academic book, a chess club was accommodated in the utility building, part of the building was taken by the editorial office of the Weekly Newspaper Writers of Lithuania "Literature Irmynas" ("Literatūrairmenas", "Literature and Art") and Cafe "Alumnatas" (" Alumnatas ").

The facade with rectangular windows without platforms goes outside. The left is the entrance to the store of scientific literature, mostly humanitarian (Akademinėknyga, located on the part of the lower floor and the basement. To the right of the semicircular wide arches, framed by a rectangular portal, the entrance to the Italian cafe SOLELUNA.

Now in the part of the building, the Institute of the Italian and Italian Trade Institute, as well as the Institute for Design and Restoration. In the summer, in the courtyard of Alumnate, an open-air cafe is working. From the Western Gate, the next courtyard offers wonderful views of the eastern facade of Aluminat, on the front courtyard of the Palace of President and University Buildings.

No less interesting is the history and other objects by which the guide "Vilnius Relax"hold tourists during an excursion to the old town. They should see them with their own eyes.

Cernave - the first capital of Lithuania?

And after the Old Town, acquaintances the first capital of Lithuania - Cernave. It was here that the young Lithuania began to take shape. Get ready for long walking up and down the high settlements - who knows, maybe you are waiting for amazing archaeological finds.

Cernave (lit. kernavė) - the alleged location of the capital of the ancient Lithuanians, now a small town is 35 km from Vilnius, located on the right bank of the Neris River, in the modern Shirvinsky district of Lithuania. In antiquity, he was one of the first centers (XIII) of the Lithuanian state. Ovened by the legends of the Pajautos Valley and the majestic complex of five settlements keep the memory of the capital of the last pagan state of Europe.

In the XIII century Cernave was a major city with five fortress buildings. Today, only the hills remained from them, and at the place of the former city there are only about 300 people. Nevertheless, this area continues to be very attractive for tourists. In 2004, Cernave was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The insight global importance of this object is in the duration of population from late Paleolithic (IX millennium to R.Kh.) to this day.

In written sources (in the rhythm Livonian chronicle), the first mention of Cernave refers to 1279. In the late 1278 years, Livonian troops broke into Lithuania. In January 1279, they took Corenava in the siege. The chronicles of the Order speak about it as a "city in the land of Trianden" or "Tryden city", so some researchers believe that the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian then Kernurebned. The place is also mentioned in the Chronicle Bykhovo, according to which it is named by the name of the founder, the legendary prince Kernus.

In Kernave, a renewable archaeological museum is working, the exposition of which tells about the prehistoric period and the life of the city in the Middle Ages.

A tour of the "Three Capitals" includes a visit to the Trakai Castle, about which we with the "Vilnius Relax" team have already been told in the article. This castle is known far beyond Lithuania and you can admire the infinite number of times, because this is the only island castle not only in Lithuania, but also in all the Eastern Europe. Plutum along the labyrinths of the castle, you can even get on one of the real knightly tournaments, which are held here quite often. But, even if this does not happen, you can safely with one-hand frescoes, gallery and other historical treasures. And on the way back, it is necessary to try real kibina, because you will not meet any such carp pills anywhere else.

About the spirit that seems to be a breathing corner of ancient Lithuania, it is difficult to tell, it needs to be felt, and the team "Vilnius Relax" i invites everyone to immerse yourself in the greatness of the ancient Lithuanian capitals. The combination of beauty, secrets, live history and luxury is waiting for us in Kernave, Trakai and Vilnius.

In the offer "Three Capitals" included:

  • Transfer and support guide;
  • A sightseeing tour of the old city of Vilnius - the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Object;
  • Visiting Cernave - the ancient capital of Lithuanians, known since the 11th century, and today - the UNESCO World Heritage Site;
  • Excursion to the residence of the Prince of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian - Trakai Castle, which is picturesquely located on the impregnable Lakes of the Trakai Territory.

Group: 5-6 people. The price is 30 euros per person. The price includes transport and services of the accompanying guide. Additionally, entrance to the Museum of Cernave, as well as entrance tickets to Trakai Castle.

Useful information for tourists about Lithuania, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information on the population, the currency of Lithuania, the kitchen, the features of visa and customs restrictions of Lithuania.

Geography of Lithuania

The state in the north-east of Europe, on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. Borders with Russia, Belarus, Poland and Lithuania. Washed by the Baltic Sea. Plain country with several gentle elevations high up to 300 m.


State device

Democratic Republic. Head of State - President. The legislature is a unicameral parliament (Sejm).


State language: Lithuanian

English, German and Russian are widely used in the tourist sphere.


79% of the population - Catholics, 4% - Orthodox, 10% - Protestants (Lutherans and Evangelical Christians).


International title: LTL

Lithuanian litas is equal to 100 cents. In the course of banknotes, dignity in 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 litas, as well as coins in dignity in 5, 2 and 1 litas, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, and 1 cent.

Currency can be freely exchanged in numerous exchange offices, as well as in banks and hotels (frequent or torn bills are often not exchanged). The amounts exceeding $ 5,000 are exchanged by banks only upon presentation of the identity card, below it - freely and without any documentary evidence.

Credit cards are accepted in the vast majority of shops, hotels and travel agencies of large cities (in the province they are still less common). ATMs are located in almost every bank and large stores. Travel checks can be cash in banks or representative offices of foreign companies.

Map of Lithuania

Popular attractions

Tourism in Lithuania

Where to stay

In the large cities of Lithuania (for example, Vilnius or Kaunas) the choice of hotels is quite wide. All hotels and motels of the countries have a "star" classification, from one to five stars, and guest houses, campings and holiday homes - from one to four stars.

Choosing a hotel in Lithuania, it should be noted that the service in most of them is provided on its own conditions, that is, the classification of "stars" if there is, it is very conditional. Such certification and classification of the hotel foundation in Lithuania is voluntary than and the difference in service and pricing is explained.

In Vilnius, you can stay in hotels a fairly high level, as well as in hotels designed for budget tourists and the middle class. Most hotels are repaired, purchased either restored and reconstructed by well-known world chains.

All Sing Rooms Lithuanian hotels have clean room cleaned rooms, equipped with everything necessary and quite suitable for overnight. Two-star Lithuanian hotels are different from one-track more comfortable rooms and improved service.

The main number of Lithuanian hotels is three- and four-star. In such hotels, professionally organized reception, comfortable furniture, each room is equipped with a bathroom. The hotel complex has a cafe or restaurant. Rooms are equipped with a TV, minibar and hairdryer.

Wishing to stay in hotels in a very high level choose five-star hotels with 24-hour facilities, air-conditioned rooms and high-quality interior. In such hotels there is a sauna, a swimming pool, a refined restaurant and a playground, as well as opportunities for pets.

The most common options for inexpensive, but sufficiently comfortable accommodation, are private houses of Lithuanians, hostels, campgrounds, cottages, family hotels.

Popular hotels

Excursions and attractions in Lithuania

Lithuania is a European state on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. This charming country is famous for its magnificent natural landscapes and an interesting centuries-old history. Pretty mild climate, excellent sea and therapeutic resorts, many luxury parks and beautiful glacial lakes will delight the most sophisticated travelers. Undoubtedly fill the rest with bright impressions and historical cities with their magnificent medieval architecture, as well as many museums, art galleries and theaters. And, of course, you should taste traditional dishes of Lithuanian cuisine.

Of course, the cultural center of Lithuania is its capital Vilnius - one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Its main attraction is considered to be the Old Town with an abundance of architectural and historical monuments. The first character of the Old Town is the main symbol of Vilnius - the Gediminas Tower, located on the famous Castle Mount, at the foot of which is located Square with the magnificent Cathedral of St. Stanislav and St. Vladislav. Be sure to see the stunning architectural complex of Vilnius University, Prechistensky Cathedral (Cathedral of the Mother of God's Assumption), St. Nicholas Cathedral, Church of St. Anne, Church of Peter and Paul, Church of All Saints, Church of St. Francis, Nikolskaya Church, Church of St. Casimir, Choral Synagogue, Church of St. Teresa and, of course, walk along the town hall, the Quarter of Outupis and the ancient streets of Dijyyi, Mayron, Gaono and Peles. Presidential and Vyarkyan Palaces, Vingis Park, Geliber's Botanical Gardens and the University of Vilnius, Gate Aushros (Outraja Brahma) with revered and Catholics, and Orthodox Icon of the Ostrodmary Mother of God, Palace Radvilov, National Museum of Lithuania and Amber Museum. Vilnius is also famous for its magnificent theaters.

Kaunas - the second largest city of Lithuania. This beautiful green city with ancient cultural traditions and special charm. Among the most interesting places of Kaunas is to highlight Kaunas Castle, the Annunciation Cathedral, the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Pazhayslis, Town Hall, the Churlenis Museum, the Lithuanian Museum of People's Day, the Museum of the Ninth Fort, the Lithuanian Museum of Lithuania. Mayronis, Ceramics Museum and Percunas House. Cultural leisure will also provide a state dramatic theater, a small theater, a musical theater, art gallery M. Zililskas, Kaunas Art Gallery, Kaunas Philharmonic, Pantomime Theater and the doll theater.

No less popular among tourists and the ancient capital of Lithuania Trakai is a small picturesque town, drowning in greenery. In its surroundings there is a huge number of lakes (about 200), and the city itself is located on a small peninsula, along which the main urban street passes. The most famous landmark is considered to be the "island castle" known as one of the most impregnable fortresses of Eastern Europe (served the residence of Lithuanian princes for a long time). Today, the castle is located the most interesting historical Museum of Taury. The ruins of the so-called "peninsular castle" and the Dominican monastery, the church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Palace of Uzudrakis, also deserve attention. Undoubtedly, the pride is tracked is the same name of the National Park with its reserves and archaeological monuments.

Klaipeda (German Memel) is one of the most popular beach resorts and the largest port of Lithuania. In addition to excellent beaches, the city has an ancient history and a lot of interesting sights. Resting in Klaipeda, it's worth visiting the Memelsky Castle, the Pokrovo-Nikolsky Temple, the Maritime Museum with aquarium and Dolphinarium, Museum of the History of Little Lithuania, Museum of Hours, Museum of Forgeless Cause, Art Gallery, Music Theater, Sculpture Park and theatrical Square. Next to Klaipeda is the famous Kurisk Spit (enters the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List), the Sea and the Curonian Bay. The spit is located the famous Neringa resort.

The popular sea and balneological resort is located on the coast of the Baltic Sea surrounded by pine forests of the Palanga. Fashionable therapeutic resorts with unique mineral springs and healing muds, as well as the delightful nature of Druskininkai and Birsktonas are considered.

Kitchen Lithuania

Since ancient times in Lithuania, grain, cereals, meat and dairy products are widely used, not forgetting about vegetables, fruits and dotters of the forest. Especially love rye bread.

Potatoes are popular in Lithuania: Vidary, Dijkukulyai (better known as chapelins, but returned the old name), Shabikay (Bullbones) and Lithuanian curd cheeses - sour, sweet, with Tmin, solid, soft, etc. In antique cheese honey Served on the table when the unexpected guest looked around. Of course, smoked coupis (ham), sausage, scrambled eggs appeared on the table.

Lithuanian nation did not live isolated. This is also reflected in the national cuisine. Many dishes are borrowed from neighboring peoples in ancient times. Some of them have changed, adapted to Lithuanian cuisine and now it is impossible to call them strangers. For example, potato casserole (Kugalys) fell into Lithuania from German cuisine and now it is baked in all Lithuania.

Although Lithuania and small on the territory, but divided into several ethnographic areas. Culinary tastes are distinguished. For example, the hemiteition (residents of the Central Lithuania) prefer cereal, okroshka; Aukshtaytsy - pancakes, sewage, cottage cheese; Dzosytsy - food from buckwheat, mushrooms, potatoes; Svaltins are smoked meat, DJKUKUY, potato sausage.

From meat most use pork. Its salted, smoky or knit. Make Skilandis from pork with the addition of seasonings: onions, garlic, pepper. Such meat is stored for a long time. The term Skilandis is mentioned in the inventory teams of the Grand Duchy of the Lithuanian XVI - XVIII centuries. For long-term storage make sausages. In the eastern regions they are knitting them, in other smoothies.

When they cut a pig, then they are made of blood sausage (Jersey). Some of the following products are added to it - buckwheat or bier, or grated potatoes with lard. The masses were filled with thick intestines and baked in the oven (oven). Fir hot with lard, sour cream.

The fish was used by the seaside inhabitants, though in many villages, the peasants were bred by Karpov. It is necessary to mention freshwater fish from rivers and lakes.

An important food product was milk and dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream and cheese (curd). Sweet cheeses made from fresh milk, a cottage cheese in it. Eggs, oil added for taste. They were considered better, but quickly spoiled. Sour cheeses were made of acidic milk, adding sometimes sour cream, seasonings. But these cheeses were able to store longer and even dried. The chemites loved (and now love) Castinis, which is made of oil and sour cream, adding seasonings.

From vegetables, they used cabbage, beets, etc. When they were quasilled cabbage, then often on the bottom of the barrels lay a couple of decrees of rye bread. It is necessary to mention (since we were talking about vegetables) Shalstibarshi (Colder from beet): crumbled green onions into the beetter, cucumber.

As a famous Lithuanians adopted Christianity late: in the XIV - XV centuries, therefore, the pagan rites and superstition remained for a long time. The adoption of Christianity also affected the traditions - religious holidays, posts. Mentioning some dishes. For example: Christmas dinner - dishes from fish, mushrooms, kislets and cuculace (Slizuyukay). These are pieces of dough that are served by poppy milk. Extraked (\u003d Carnival) - pancakes, flour and potatoes, and the pearls are boiled by the seams of pea, potatoes, fatty pork, sometimes add a barley. Easter - pies, meat dishes and margum (painted). There are usually painted paintings on the painted, either applied with wax, or before cooking adorn the leaves.

Beverages. From vintage - honey, he deserves mention that honey is mentioned in historical sources as a mandatory drink of Lithuanians and Prusers. And of course, "Lithuania drinks beer", beer was cooked from barley, less often from rye or wheat, pea flour was added to malt. Varka Beer was considered male work. Gemiteitions often made beer from superstars, hops and sugar. More from rye superstars were preparing kvass.

Since ancient times in Lithuania, grain, cereals, meat and dairy products are widely used, not forgetting about vegetables, fruits and dotters of the forest. Especially love rye bread ....

Lithuania, or the Republic of Lithuania, is a state located in the north-east of Europe and the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea. The length of the coastline is 99 km. Lithuania borders with many European countries: in the north - with Latvia, in the south-east - with Belarus, in the south - with Poland, and in the south-west - with the Kaliningrad region of Russia.

Historically, Lithuania is divided into four regions: aukstiatia - in the east, gem - in the West, Dzukia - in the south-east and ripples - in the south-west. According to administrative division, the country is divided into 10 counties, and the counties in turn form the territories of local governments. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is about 65,300 square meters. km, and the population has about 2.7 million people.

The capital of the Republic of Lithuania is the city of Vilnius. Other major cities include: Kaunas, Klaipeda, Siauliai and some others.

During his greatest heyday, Lithuania covered the territory of the current Belarus, Ukraine, and partly Western Russian lands. The territory of the country once extended from the Baltic Sea to Black. Special relations have always been established between Lithuania, Poland and Russia. During the fight against the Crusaders, the Grand Duchiness of Lithuanian entered into an alliance with the Polish kingdom. As a result, in 1385, Krevian Ulya appeared. A little later, in the middle of the XVI century, Lithuania and Poland entered the United States - Commonwealth. At the end of the XVIII century, this state was divided between Russia, Austria and Prussia, while most of the Lithuanian territory moved to the Russian Empire. At the beginning of the XX century, in connection with the collapse of the Russian Empire, Lithuania received independence. And in 1940, the country again became part of the USSR. The second time Lithuania received independence in 1990, coming out of the Soviet Union.

Today, the Republic of Lithuania is a developed agrarian-industrial country belonging to the Baltic Group of countries. In the eastern part of the country there are industrial enterprises with light, woodworking and engineering industries. Here are the main resorts with numerous hotels. In the western part of the country, shipbuilding, ship repair industry and fisheries are developed. In the south there are hydroelectric power stations and metalworking enterprises, as well as the food industry. In the north of Lithuania, there are not many industrial enterprises, but the production of winter crops, sugar beets and flax is developed.

State Stroy Lithuania - Parliamentary Republic. Dates of independence of the country are February 16, 1918 and March 11, 1990. The Constitution adopted on October 25, 1992. The head of state is the president, and the head of the government is the Prime Minister. The election of the President of the country pass every five years. The legislature is represented by a unicamer seimer consisting of 141 deputies. Sejm re-elected every four years. Lithuania is a member of the EU and NATO since 2004 and enters the Schengen zone. The official currency of the country since 2015 will be the euro, before that - Lit.

Geographically, the country occupies a flat locality, where fields and meadows cover about 57% of the territory, and forests and shrubs are about 30%. The rest is the swamp and inland water. The largest rivers in the country - Neman and Vilia (Neris). In Lithuania, more than 3 thousand lakes. The largest of them are Drukshya, Tauragon and Aslya.

The main ethnic groups of the country: Lithuanians (84%), Poles (6-7%), Russians (5-6%), Belarusians (1.2%), Ukrainians (0.6%). In religious terms, most of the population - Catholics (77.3%). Orthodox (4.1%), unbelievers (6.1%) and Lutherans, living mainly in Klaipeda region and Kedaine.

It is believed that Lithuanians speak in ancient language in the Indo-European family. Related Lithuanian language are only Latvian and Prussian languages. Other languages \u200b\u200bused in the country are Russian, Polish, German and English.

Current time in Vilnius:
(UTC +2)

The national features of Lithuanians are, first of all, hospitality, accommodation and well-developed family ties. The sights of Lithuania are not famous for the whole world, however, quite a few travelers were able to enjoy her cloin. Many enterprises and organizations in the country are family-friendly in nature, and in restaurants there are such portions that one visitor simply does not to master. At the same time, Lithuanians are distinguished by a rather smooth and calm character, and very love national holidays and festivals.

How to get to Lithuania

Laborly starting to get acquainted with the country from her dying and the main city - Vilnius. You can get to the Lithuanian capital by car, by bus, train and plane. You can read more about the methods of arrival in the capital of Lithuania in the block « » .

Also before some cities of the country (in particular, Kaunas and Klaipeda) can fly from Moscow with just one transplant in Riga. The cost of the ticket will be from 8,000 rubles.

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Climate and weather in Lithuania

The climate is continental in the central and eastern part, and the soft sea on the coast. The average temperature in January is -5 ° C, and in July - about +17 ° C and higher. About 630 mm of precipitation falls per year.

Lithuanian regions

The Republic of Lithuania is officially divided into 10 counties (APSKRITIS): Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Siauliai, Turalshai, Panavezhsky, Utena, Alytus, Tauragsky, Marijampolsky. Unofficially, the country is divided into five ethnographic regions: aukshtiatia, hemitetia, dzukia, Suwalkia and small Lithuania, which is also known as Klaipeda region.

The lands of this area are the initial core of the Lithuanian state. It is here that in the XI century, the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian, which developed so successfully, was formed that by the XII century became the most powerful principality of the Balts. In those days, the Aukshtitsky tribes occupied not only the modern territory of the aukstiatia, but also part of the current Latvia, located in the south of Daugavpils, and part of North-West Belarus. The largest region is Aukshtaitia (Aukštaitija), which is located in the north-east of the country. Translated from Lithuanian Aukštas means "high", and the name can be literally translated as "Upper Earth".

For the first time, the aukstaittees are mentioned in the XIII -XIV centuries in the stories about the battles of Prince Vityanis, who defended and strengthened the territory of the principality. The aukshtaite region is referred to as the land of King Lithuanians. The most ancient cities of the region are Kernov and Wilkomir, and Panevezys is considered the largest city.

In the western part of the region, Musho-Nyamunelskaya and Nävhezhskaya lowland, as well as Svianchen hill, are located. East occupies an aukstyt hill. In the territory of the region there are several large forest areas, among them the forests of Towen, the forest of the stock exchange, the forest of Azhvinch-Minkyes, the largest of all - the forest Labonoro and others. All forests are pine.

One of the main attractions of the region is the Aukstate National Park, where more than 40 "street" villages have been preserved. "Street" or "lively" villages used to be called freely located farms, where the aukstetiment built their residential buildings along the roads, and the household buildings were located in the depths of the courtyards.

Traditionally, light and joyful tones are dominated in the tissues and national costumes of the Aukshtaithi edge. Here and to this day they perform ancient austeati songs called Sartine, which are exceptional phenomenon not only in Lithuanian, but also in the world folklore. Inherent melodic power and perfection of polyphony indicate ancient times of origin. Along with vocal music, the instrumental polyphony was developed in the region, performed on peculiar swirles called wisely.

However, love for music is not the only national trait of the region. Auchtiatia is also considered to be the birthplace of excellent beer and the edge of the brewers. This is especially common in the Birja district, where, along with the museum of beer, there are several brewing at once. And the city of Utene in Aukshtaitia is famous for one of the best brewing factories - "Utenas Alus".

It is believed that the geography and nature of the region largely determined the cheerful and calm temper of the auksteti. A variety of reliefs, numerous forests, hills and lakes turned here every village into a special secluded world. Auchtiathia also master the edge of poets and teachers.

The second large region in Lithuania is Duzkiaor Dinava (Dzūkija-Dainava), located in the southeast of the country in the middle of the Nemman River. The region received its name in the XIX century due to the peculiarities of pronunciation (Zuchanya) of local residents. From other regions, dzukia is distinguished by increased forestry. The other name of the region - Dainawa is associated with the existence on the spot of these lands in the XIII century of the Dainovsky principality, as well as with the name of the largest forest massif in the south of Lithuania - the forest of Dainawa.

Despite the fact that Dzukiya is considered the most poor on the crop in Lithuania, it is here that the largest and most beautiful forests are located. From ancient times, the inhabitants of the region were engaged in the winter of the winter, the production of sleepers, the production of household goods, etc., the inhibitors were mostly fishing, and in the summer and in the fall, mushrooms, berries and medicinal herbs were collected.

Today, canned forest berries and Dzucia dried mushrooms are sent as delicacies not only to Lithuanian stores, but also to other European countries. Also in Dzuki, there were still beekeepers, continuing the traditions of the Bortnasthesk region, which can be purchased a very tasty and useful sleepy honey.

In addition, almost all old crafts have been preserved in Dzuki. All buildings and household items were manufactured with their own hands. Thus, in the region there are many pots, carpets, blacksmiths, wood cutters, masters in black ceramics and other artisans.

It is believed that they live here the most talented in Lithuania, knitters, embroidery and pletsels from straw. In the traditions of the region, motley fabrics with flowers, petals and leaves, like craftswomen wanted to transfer all the beauty of the environment on the fabric.

The nature of the region is particularly beautiful and picturesque. Here you can see the majestic forests and lakes, rivers with springs and swampy areas, swirling high grass, as well as a varied animal world. Some ethnographic villages belonging to the XVII-XVIII centuries are similar to the real "living" museums.

Another distinctive feature of the region is the singers of the population. Everyone is singing here without exception at work and at home, at weddings and christening. Dzochesky songs are considered the most volatile in Lithuania. In the region there are many folk ensembles and naked singers.

Another ethnographic region is Gemity(Žemaitija) or how the Lithuanians themselves call it Zhamaytia. Translated from Lithuanian žmas is "lower" or "low", respectively, the name means "lower ground". The region is obliged to the ancient lands between the lower reaches of the Neman and Venta rivers, as well as the residents of the Lithuanian tribe - Zhmudin or Zhemight.

The region is located in the northwest of the country. According to Polish historians, the hemitetia occupied a very large space in the XIII-XIV centuries. For the first time, the sequence is mentioned at the beginning of the XIII century, when Germans settled in the neighborhood with the region. In the chronicles mentioned mainly fragments of the struggle of gems with the Germans for their independence and pagan religion.

It is believed that among all the ethnic groups of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, only the inhabitants of the hemitia have had the right to self-government, from the very beginning of the formation of the region of the Zhemite region had its own prince, usually being the Vassal of the Grand Prince Lithuanian.

In this area there have always been a lot of artisans: carpenters, shoemakers, bondari, wood cutters, blacksmiths, speeds, etc. Particularly popular was a pottery. Semitery potters leave behind all other Lithuanian distribution regions and abundance of products. And the city of Vsemyny and now is a popular pottery center.

An interesting phenomenon in the region is the so-called monuments of small architecture. It is characteristic only for a little wooden chapels, installed on Earth or awesome on trees, as well as a variety of roadside images of saints, crosses with painted figures of saints and other religious attributes.

In gemium, special attention is paid to feasts and treats. Visitors to the Region are recommended be sure to taste the local stewed cabbage with pork leg, potato pancakes, pickle, onion soup, and drink kvass from dried apples.

The most favorite holiday of the hemitetsee is a valve. On this day, they disguise in different characters, put on frightening masks and walk to the neighbors. Also on this day, the weather is determined by the abundance of the future harvest, you are guessing on fate, eat a lot of pancakes, and in the evening the scarecrow the scarecrow is the symbol of all winter tights.

With an ancient way, the lives of the hemitetsev can be found in the Telshia Museum of the Zhemiteytic Rural Life. There is also a special exposition in the Lithuanian Museum of People's Life Open Sky, dedicated to the Gemium.

The most small region is Suvalkiya (Suvalkija). Other his name - Suduva (Sūduva). Suwalkiya is located in the south of Lithuania behind the River Neman. For this reason, the region is often called a clan. The unofficial capital of Suwalki is the city of Mariympol.

Since ancient times, Balt tribes of suburbs lived on these lands. The word Levalkius appeared much later, in the XIX century, immediately after the formation of the Svalky province with the center in the Polish city of Suwalki, which is located near the Lithuanian border.

In the Republic of Lithuania, there is a public organization called "Suvalkiya", which includes the residents of the Svalky Territory forcibly sent in 1940. There is also a well-known Lithuanian football club "Suduva", based in the city of Marijampol.

The main occupation of the Suduvov-sonvitsev was and remains agriculture. Fastener in the subroad was abolished much earlier than in the rest of the regions of Latvia, which, along with fertile soils and hardworking of local residents, allowed Svaltricians to become the most rich in the country. It is believed that Suvalkiya gave the greatest number of educated people Lithuania. Among them, the creator of the common Lithuanian language - Jonas Jablonskis, and the author of the country's anthem - Vintsa Cudirika.

It is here that baked a delicious bread on the leaves of Aira and sing extraordinarily beautiful one-haired songs. In the Sundav, the oldest ensemble of Kankles (Lithuanian national tool resembling husli) has been preserved.

The Suduva occupies the territory of wide plains and beneficial land for harvest. Here, you can hardly find a stone. All lands are planted with trees, stretched between fields, which creates the illusion of green islets. The only mountain-stony place is located in the south-east of the region, in the beautiful Lake Vistitis. Here is the Vishtite Regional Park.

Southwest Lithuania occupies Klaipeda region (Klaipėdos Kraštas), which is also called Malayaor Prussian Lithuania (Mažoji Lietuva). Historically, this region is the territory of Prussia. It is here that the Curonian Spit, the southern part of the Turagsky county, as well as Silutsky and Klaipeda districts. Until 1918, the territory of the current Kaliningrad region of Russia was also considered to be a small Lithuania. Lithuanian historians argue that these are the lands of ancient balt. Also in this part of Lithuania, Lithuanian writing appeared.

The nature of Malaya Lithuania is distinguished by unique beauty. Here is one of the most beautiful landscapes in Europe, protected by UNESCO - Curonian Spit. This place simply amazes the harmony of sands, forests and waters. In Malaya Lithuania, Delta Neman is also located, in which you can see the numerous islands and even the village of Mini and where the river flows instead of the main street.

The largest city of the edge is Klaipeda. Here is a museum dedicated to a small Lithuania in the heart of the old part of the city. The museum building is built of yellow baroque brick. At the end of the XVIII century, it belonged to one wealthy citizen. The Museum of the History of Malaya Lithuania contains many unique exhibits, reflecting life, traditions and crafts of the inhabitants of the region. The branch of the Museum of Malaya Lithuania is the Museum of a forge business, which is also located in Klaipeda.

The unique heritage of the edge is a wooden architecture. Esnament elements are especially impressive as porchs, ridges, carved ornaments on the outbuilding. In Starina, believed that such a symbolism, in particular, the ridges guarded from a bad eye.

Another interesting phenomenon in the region is the meteorological station of Ventsa Ragas, as well as an ornithological station through which the great path of bird migration is passed. Here are the Pomeranian Village Kintai and the old lighthouses, which are like guards - Ustadvaris and Ventes Ragas.

Lithuania city

The largest city of Lithuania and her capital is Vilnius. The old part of Vilnius is one of the largest in the area throughout Europe. The city also leads to the number of churches and churches in Eastern Europe and is one of the largest museum and exhibition centers. Often Vilnius master the Baroque city, since there is a huge number of buildings in this architectural style. The main attractions of the city are the Gedimin Castle, also known as the upper castle, and the Unsemble of Vilnius University.

The second largest city after Vilnius is Kaunas. The city is located in the central part of Lithuania and is famous for its unique attractions. Among them, the Church of St. Michael Archangel, Kaunas Castle, the Museum of the devils and many others.

The largest industrial and cultural center in the north of Lithuania is the city Šiauliai. There is no historical part in Schäulya, because during the Second World War, the city was almost erased from the face of the Earth. However, there are many modern museums, such as a bicycle museum, a museum of radio and television, a fire and technical museum and railway museums.

Another major industrial center in the north of Lithuania is Panevezys. The city is not particularly popular among tourists, as there are no special attractions here. However, fame about the Panevian drama theater goes far beyond Lithuania.

The ancient capital of Lithuania is the city Trakai. To date, this is a small settlement in which a little more than seven thousand people live. Trekaya's attractions include an ancient defensive complex and a church, named after the Lithuanian Prince Vitovt.

Klaipeda It is not only one of the largest cities in Lithuania, but also the famous seaside resort. Thanks to the non-jar of the weather, numerous pines and affectionate sun, rest in Lithuania is great for people who are contraindicated with a sharp change of climate. Rest in Klaipeda was popular in Soviet times. The beaches of the city fully comply with European cleanliness standards, for which they are awarded the blue flag. Visitors to the city will be interested in the Maritime Museum with the Oceanarium, as well as the Museum of Hours and the Museum of Forging. The narrow streets of the old city are also attractive.

Another sea resort of Lithuania, located a bit north of Klaipeda is Palanga.The city is widely known for its amber museum. Lithuanians are specially appreciated by this mineral and they say that it flows in their veins. Other attractions of Palanga include mountains Birut and Agelis - Dunes associated with romantic legends, and beautiful Botanical Garden.

Seasy resorts are also some places on the strip of the Curonian Spit. Among them are the village Nidawhose beaches are assigned a blue flag and place Jodkranta. Thanks to a special climate in these resorts, you can relax in the period from May to November. In Yodkrant, tourists can visit Mount Witch - the sacred place of the ancient Lithuanians, where many wooden sculptures have been preserved.

Lithuania also has balneological resorts. The most famous of them is the city Druskininkaiwhich is located in the south of the country. The healing properties of local mineral water are known for many times. Moreover, the city was once considered a "summer" capital of Lithuania, where Polish-Lithuanian preferred to rest.

Another popular balneological resort is the city Birstonas. This is a completely small settlement, however, about its healing waters and therapeutic dirt is known far beyond Lithuania.

Landmarks of Lithuania

Being the oldest country of the ancient Baltics, Lithuania is rich in historical monuments of architecture, castles and monasteries, chosets and churches. This is a country in which a huge number of shrines and ancient monuments have been preserved. And also in Lithuania, there are several unique objects that are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. These include: Curonian Spit, Arc Struve, Karnava, Old Town of Vilnius.

It is a variety of attractions that is one of the main reasons for active inbound tourism in Lithuania. In addition to architectural monuments, there are also natural attractions. On the territory of Lithuania there are five national parks: Aukshtatsky, Dzuchesky, Zhemitei, Trakai historic, Curonian braid, and 30 regional parks.

Attractions Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania

Other sights of Lithuania

  • Rustic Museum in Rumshishkes
  • Aukstatetsky National Park

Where to go to Lithuania


Museums and galleries

Parks and recreation areas


Private guides in Lithuania

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Things to do

A distinctive feature of Lithuania is a variety of tourist capabilities. Therefore, thousands of tourists come here every year with various interests and goals. There are all conditions in the country for both active and leisurely rest.

Local nature is good at any time of the year. Lovers of the "green" recreation or ecotourism consider parks and forests of Lithuania with one of the most beautiful and purest in Europe. NOT leaving indifferent and sea landscapes. And lovers of outdoor activities are happy to explore dunes, rivers and glacial lakes of the country.

If you look at the map of Lithuania, you can see how many rivers and lakes in the country. And also here are the Curonian Bay and the Baltic Sea coast. Thanks to this, Lithuania is considered a real paradise for fans of outdoor activities on the water.

Alloy on kayaks in Lithuania

One of the most popular water views is a alloy on kayaks, which, however, requires special training and experience. Beginning tourists are encouraged to melted on calm rivers and take short trips for 1-2 days. Ideal for such tours of the water Raspan, Gemyman, Neris and Shalcha, as well as the average course of Merkis and Shirvint . As a rule, it is easy to pass routes, but not boring, as excellent landscapes open around. More experienced kayakers begin to explore Lithuanian water from the Vilnyalea River, which flows through the capital. This full-flow river is accompanied by many thresholds, barriers from fallen trees, carp and inconvenient descents. Despite this, this route is especially interesting, as it passes through historical and architectural monuments.

In the spring or after severe rainstones, you can melt along the river MUSE. This is a restless river with a rapid flow, which is full of davals, thresholds and remnants of ancient mills, which complicates the journey through it, and at the same time makes him fascinating. For a short time, the alloy lasts the beautiful River, so beloved Kaunass. In 2-3 hours, you can go through the entire route, featuring picturesque nature, high sandstones and frequent thresholds. However, there are practically no obstacles in the form of chips from trees.

Tourism in Lithuania

On the forest and park tracks of Lithuania especially interesting to travel by bike. For this reason, cycling is very popular in the country. In this area, Lithuania is considered one of the most developed countries in Europe and the most progressive from the Baltic countries. On the bike you can drive almost the whole country. There are all the conditions for comfortable movement. Many specially equipped cycleheads, on the way there are campsites and recreation sites, as well as small innovatives with national food. In the oncoming bike rentals, you can not only rent a bike, but also to eat or use the baggage transfer.

One of the most popular cyclersrutes is the road along the coast of the Curonian Spit from the Nida settlement to Pyarkol. On this route, many cozy innovatives, where fresh fish are prepared. Another successful for cycling route is the Aukshtaithi National Park, where free roads and beautiful lake landscapes.

Fishing in Lithuania

One of the exciting classes in Lithuania is the fishing. Opportunities that are provided to fishermen in Lithuania are really limitless. The best seats for fishing are Delta Neman, the surroundings of the Curonian Spit, the Baltic Sea and Lakes of the Auchtiatia and Zhemitia regions. Especially rich in fish The main river of the country - Neman. The most common fish of the river is perch, pike, pike perch and som. Also in the Delta Nemman there are salmon and a taper listed in the Red Book of Lithuania.

The Baltic Sea is very popular among tourists-fishermen. The best place for fishing is the coast of the Palanga, where the main object of fishing is cod. In Klaipeda and Palanga, it is possible to hire a ship with a captain, which perfectly knows the right place and time for fishing, and with which the catch is always guaranteed.

It is important to know that in Lithuanian laws, it is possible to fish only having a special permission card, and sometimes a license. You can purchase such permission in stores where tackle are sold. Children under 16 and older people older than 65 buy cards optional. It is noteworthy that fishing in Lithuania is possible all year round, even when the lakes and rivers are covered with ice. In total, about 160 private reservoirs in Lithuania. Forbid to swim in them or walk around them the owners can not, but the rules of fishing are installed exactly, and sometimes prohibited at all. For this reason, before going to a lake, it is recommended to clarify the list of privatized lakes and existing restrictions.

Balloon flying

An unusual occupation, recently become popular in Lithuania, is a balloon flying. Flights are possible above all large cities Lithuania: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Palanga, Druskininkai, Trakai, etc. Balloons can rise and sit right in the city center, as well as in the park or on the river bank. Particularly impressive is the flight over Vilnius and his old town. This is a kind of sightseeing tour, which is very different from walking through the city. Flight organizers are usually highly qualified specialists who can guarantee the safety of flight participants. The duration of the flight is usually 1 hour and 30 minutes is attached to landing. However, the entire process of preparing for flight with a briefing and assembly of a ball may occupy3-4 hours.

On one balloon, 3 to 9 passengers are fed. Before the flight, participants can familiarize themselves with the control of the ball and watch it for its preparation. Those who are first rising into the sky, a special certificate is awarded. Such an amazing vehicle as a balloon or a balloon does not leave anyone indifferent. If earlier this occupation was on the pocket only to aristocrats, then today the air balloon flights are available to all guests of Lithuania.

Yachting in Lithuania

Yachting belongs to gambling and romantic types of outdoor activities in Lithuania. What could be better than to manage your own yacht and choose the route itself. In order to walk under the sail, it is not necessary to be a professional, however, to have at least one qualified crew member who knows how to manage the yacht is a prerequisite. If earlier the yachts were used only for sports purposes, today anyone can go on a rented yacht in a romantic journey. The best coasts for yachting in Lithuania is the Curonian Bay, Sveventoya, Nida and Ming. No less interesting and other ports of the Baltic Sea.

Movement around the country

Lithuania can be moved in various ways. These are buses and railways, sea transport, taxis and car rental. Bicycles are also popular, and you can even try the hitchhiking. Airplanes due to the small distances of the city of the country do not associate, but fly from several settlements to other countries, including Russia. You can read more about the possibilities of movement on this Baltic country in the article. "Transport Lithuania".

If your visit to the country is limited to a visit to its main city, then more detailed information on movement in the capital of Latvia (transportation, ticket prices, Vilnius City Card and other nuances) You can read in our special material. « » .

Lithuanian cuisine

National Kitchen Lithuania is considered one of the best and rich in Europe. Lithuanian cuisine is inherent variety and color. The choice of products belonging to Lithuanian dishes is due to a cool and wet climate. These are mainly local potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, rye and barley, diverse greens, beets, berries, dairy products. Also, due to the climate stroke and ways of doing the economy, Lithuanian cuisine is largely echoing with other Eastern European countries, for example, with Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and even a little from Scandinavian cuisine.

The main product in Lithuanian cuisine was and remains potatoes. It is difficult to count all the dishes that include this product: this is also potato sausages "Venasi" (Vèdarai), roasted with cracker and onions, and potato pancakes with steaming minced meat and sour cream "pempercia" (žemaičių bllynai), and potato zrazy Pork Tartelinai "Cepelinai" (Cepelinai), and Potato Pookštainis (Plokštainis), and many other dishes.

Great popularity in Lithuanian cuisine soupslike hot and cold. Here, the first always offers a variety of soups, soup and borshs. One of the most delicious soups are Cold Lithuanian kefi from kefir, mushroom borsch with ears, tomato soup with rice on meat broth, sweet Lithuanian soup with prunes.

Potty delicious are considered pork dishes. Beef, lamb and veal in Lithuanian cuisine use much less frequently. And the pork is used in different form: it is fried, boiled, soaring and extinguish. Often, dried pork ears, legs and tails are served to beer. Popular pig dishes are "blood flow", or blood sausage, meat zrazy, dumplings, Karai dish "Kininai" (Kibinai) - Patty with chopped meat filling. A rather difficult process is the preparation of "bleeding". Each cook has its own recipe for filling: someone uses fat and spices, someone adds a croup and roasted onions and other ingredients. Therefore, it is difficult to find the same taste "blood".

Seafood in Lithuania is popular baked a fish In the batter, as well as smoked acne. It is believed that the most delicious fish is found in the Bay of Curchamaris, between the Curonian oblique and the mainland of the country.

No less popular and alcoholic beverages Lithuania. The most famous of them are whiskey from rye "Saman" (Samanè), aged in barrels from the wood of the Grab tincture "Three nines" (Trejos Devvvyaneririos), Midus honey tincture (Midus) and other balms, emphasis and liqueurs. Also varied selection of beer and kvass, as Lithuania is considered a beer power. Here, since ancient times, strong beer varieties were made, especially in the Birzha district. To date, there are many small private brewers in the country.

One of the most important and delicious components of Lithuanian cuisine is considered bread, especially its dark varieties with the addition of cumin. This bread retains the fragrance and does not taste. Lithuanian bread is made mainly of wheat and rye, without adding any preservatives, and at the same time can be stored for a month and even two. The most popular varieties are the Bread "Vilnius" (Vilniaus), Bourge Bread (Bočių) and Gray Bread "Palanga" (Palanga). The bread is combined here with any products: with honey, with milk, with anguard meat soup, with smoked smoked, but tasty everything with delicate Lithuanian cheese "Dainava" (Dainava).

From Lithuanian baking The most famous is the Shakotis cake (Šakotis), which is manufactured by special technology on a spit over fire. The cake bakes from the egg dough and has an unusual shape, resembling a branched tree. As a rule, it is a wedding cake. Another popular delicacy is a twist grilled cookie (žagarėlis).

Shopping in Lithuania

Shopping in Lithuania is doubly a pleasant occupation: at the same time a wide variety of goods and low prices. On the streets of almost all the large and not very cities of Lithuania, you can find many souvenir shops, large shopping centers, super- and hypermarkets. Read more about purchases in this Baltic country, you will learn from the article "Shopping in Lithuania".


In Lithuania, three main operators cellular communication: Omnitel, Tele2, Bite GSM. These operators cover the entire territory of the country, automatically providing roaming. The subscription fee is not charged, and unused SIM cards when leaving the country may remain active before half a year. For conversations inside Lithuania, it is recommended to acquire SIM cards with prepayment that are sold in any newspaper kiosks, hyper- and supermarkets, as well as in the mail. You can also purchase cards for calls from street machines. To replenish the cards is quite easy - it is enough to ask to knock off the check on the services of communication at any box office of the supermarket, at gas stations or kiosks with a signboard Lietuvos Spauda.

For calls abroad from stationary phones, you should recruit: 00 - country code - city code - subscriber number. International Lithuanian Code: +370.

Phones emergency services in the country

Internet and PointsWi- fi Today you can find in Lithuania everywhere. For tourists, the most popular venue to the world network is the so-called Internet Cafe (Internet Kavine). In big cities, such as Vilnius, Kaunas or Klaipeda, will not be difficult to find Internet access points. In the small cities of the country it is easier to find Internet at stations or post offices. Wi-Fi wireless network is also available in many restaurants, pizzerias, bars and hotels in Lithuania.

In connection with the wide distribution of social networks, many tourists want to always be in touch, even while traveling. Today, the Internet access is possible from various devices, including cell phones. To this end, Lithuania has many low-cost prepaid tariff plans from local mobile operators, as well as an extensive network of Wi-Fi access points. The leader in the telecommunications market in the country is the company TEO.


Lithuania is considered a fairly safe European country, and crime is low. However, do not forget about the vigilance, leaving a bag, wallet, credit cards or a mobile phone on the table, and leave somewhere. In order to avoid problems, it is also recommended to use only paid guarded parking and not to leave valuable things in the car. In cafes and crowded places should be carefully looking at their own things, and in hotels it will be worthwhile to use the safe for storing valuables, documents and money. Such elementary precautions will help save good mood during the travelling.

Almost all the streets of major cities in Lithuania, video cameras that regularly transmit information to the police are located in shopping centers and other crowded places. For this reason, in the event of any unfair incident, you can be sure that the culprits will definitely suffer punishment in accordance with the law. Since the appearance of such innovation techniques for monitoring, the crime in the country has decreased at times.

In Lithuania, quite high penalties for non-compliance with the established rules. So, for example, lovers themselves to move on a car should be well to know the rules of behavior on the road and not break them, as the car fines are very high. The same applies to the sale and purchase of alcohol in the late evening. In Lithuania, a fairly good choice of high-quality alcoholic beverages: liqueurs, brandy, emphasis, balms, whiskey, beer, etc. However, immediately after 10 o'clock in the evening, the sale of local and imported drinks stops. Smoking in public places Currently there is a partial limitation in the country. So, in all positions of public catering you can smoke only in specially designated rooms.