Nikolai 1 Whose Son. Nikolay first. Years of government, internal and foreign policy, reforms. Polish question and domestic policy

The Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich could not count on the Russian throne, and this impart the imprint on his upbringing and education. The militarized atmosphere of St. Petersburg from an early age determined the passion for Nikolai Military Affairs, especially what concerned him of the outside, the front side. The political system of views of Nikolai was distinguished by a pronounced conservative, anti-liberal orientation. In 1817, the marriage of Nikolai with Princess Prussian, who received the name of Alexander Fedorovna after the transition to Orthodoxy. In the spring of next year, their first son Alexander was born (the future emperor Alexander II) .................................... .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ......

The defeat in the Crimean War caused a strongest blow to the entire foreign policy system of Nicholas I, which was convinced that his position of the European and Asian Lord had a fiction. Middle Eastern positions of Russia collapsed; The international authority has sharply fell. The country was forced to go on the shameful Paris Mirny Treaty (March 1856), through which the Black Sea was announced neutral, the empire was deprived of the opportunity to have a military fleet here and build military structures on his shores, and also inferior significant territories and its influence on the Balkans and Armenia in Armenia The benefit of Turkey, which crossed all the efforts of Nicholas in the "Eastern Question".

The death of Nicholas was absolutely unexpected. That was a 58-year-old man, huge growth, demonstratively despised all sorcerernsity and sleeping on a hiking bed under the cinema. He ruled Russia for 30 years, and as if she was not going to stop it. True, people close to Nicholas knew how to shook his defeats in the Crimean War. "No matter how hard the Majesty tried himself, hide the inner torment," V. Panayev writes (director of the Emperor's Office), - it began to show off the gloomy of the gaze, pallhehood, even in some kind of persons of his face and the womb of the whole body. With this state of his Health The slightest cold could deploy dangerous disease in it. " So it happened. Not wanting to refuse the Clastic Clainmiech in the request of being planted by the Father at his daughter, the sovereign went to the wedding, despite the strong frost, putting the Connogvardeysky uniform with mulose pantals and silk stockings. This evening was the beginning of his illness: he was cold. Returning, he did not complain about anything, but he spent the night without sleep, the next two nights spent restlessly. Neither in the city nor at the court did not pay attention to the sovereign disease; They said that he was catching out, unhealthy, but not lies. The sovereign did not make concerns at the expense of his health, so she forbade the printing of the newsletters about his illness.

On February 12, 1855, the courier brought the news about the defeat under Evpatoria to the palace. The approximations were remembered, as a sleepless nights, the king "put earth bows", "cried as a child." Herzen will later notice that Nicholas had "Evpatoria in the lungs". In the last hours of life, the king did not even wish to know the news from the Crimea held in the letter of his younger sons of Mikhail and Nicholas. Just asked: "Are they healthy? All so on does not concern me ..." I spent 5 days, Emperor Rasp and drove into Mikhailovsky Manege to inspect the troops. Returning, he felt worse: cough and shortness of breath increased. But the next day, Nicholas I again left on a playpen for examining the Preobrazhensky and Semenov reserve regiments. On February 11, he could no longer stand out with bed. From the records of cameras-Furiere magazines, it is that from 10 to 15 February, the unreason of the emperor is strengthened, then decreases. "Its in the night at night on the 14th of February slept little, the fever almost ceased." February 15: "His in the property spent a little bit better, although yesterday the excitement was. The pulse is satisfactory today. Cough: the sputum eruption is not strong." February 16: "Yesterday, after a feverish movement, accompanied by rheumatic pain under the right shoulder, he slept on this night, but not so calmly. The head does not hurt, there is no fever." A strange picture was obtained: In early February 1855, Nikolai caresses, but - nothing special, judging by official publications. According to the diaries of court events, it is clear that February 12-17, Nicholas did not deteriorate, but rather improved; In any case, there was no concern. At the same time, the king did not accept reports and, obviously, "gotten" in the serious state of the Spirit. These days, from February 12 to February 17, physically healthy, he is experiencing a psychological crisis, physical ailment is replaced by spiritual donom, which for Nicholas, who proudered his calmness, is unusual.

Suddenly on the night of March 17-18, Nikolay I became more worse. He began paralysis. The eldest son of the emperor, Alexander, on the night of February 18 was summoned to his father, stayed with him alone for some time and left the cabinet in tears. Before his death, Nikolai asked him to have it in the uniform, and saying goodbye to his senior grandson (by the future king Alexander III), said: "Learn to die." A few hours later, February 18 (March 2) of 1855, in the midst of the war, Nikolai died suddenly, according to the most common version - from the speedy inflammation of the lungs. However, there is a version that he committed suicide, drinking poison, because of defeats in the Crimean War. What caused paralysis? This is where the secret remains. If the emperor committed suicide, who gave him poison? Two Life Medics were alternately in the bed of the Emperor's patient: Dr. Carll and Dr. Mandt. In the memoir and historical literature, the suspicion falls at Dr. Mandt, although at the beginning of the development of paralysis under Nicolae was not. Publications about the suicide of the emperor at that time was enough. The "bell" in 1859 ("Letters of the Russian man") reported that Nicholas I poisoned with Mandt. Confirm the version of the suicidal poisoning of the monarch of the memoirs of the diplomat A. Pelican and the Colonel of the General Staff, Adjutant Cesarevich I.F. Savitsky. In favor of the poisoning version, it also says that Anatas Wentsell Grober, who was engaged in the balsaming of the body of the deceased emperor, was planted in the Petropavlovsk fortress for compiled a protocol of opening the body of Nicholas I and printed it in Germany, finding interesting in forensic terms.

By morning, on February 18, 1855, rapid body decomposition began. On the face of the deceased were yellow, blue, purple spots. Rare teeth were visible to the mouth. The features of the person reduced by convulsion showed that the emperor was dying in strong torment. In the morning, the heir's sovereign Alexander was horrified, seeing his father in such disfigured, and caused two doctors - healthy and meanovsky - professors of the Medical and Surgical Academy, commanded them any way to remove all signs of poisoning, so that in properly expose four days a body for universal farewell according to tradition and protocol. Two scholar caused to hide the true cause of death, literally repainted, the face has drawn, properly treated and put the body into a coffin.

The last will of Nicholas I was a ban on the autopsy and embalming of his body, he feared that the opening would open his death the death that he wanted to be in the grave. His reign began a tragedy (by the manifesto from July 13, 1826, who announced the sentence to the Decembrists) and ended with a catastrophe. He did not survive the Crimean catastrophe; She remained in the memory of descendants by one of the most gloomy periods of Russian history.

The third son of Emperor Paul I and Empress Mary Fedorovna, Native Brother of Emperor Alexander I, Father Emperor Alexander II, the last grandson Great Catherine II, born with her life - Nicholas I - Cool, solemn, fair and sometimes sentimental.

One of the first emperors of Russia, who proclaimed the ministry to the Russian people as "first after God." One of the first emperors who rejected luxury and royal fabric, celebrations, balls and various kinds of entertainment. It believed that the throne and service of Russia are work, not pleasure and entertainment.

His life was boring, monotony and simple, like all that was connected with him. So, the facts about Nicolae I - the great Emperor of Russia.


This monument in St. Isaac Square is so good that he experienced all the disasters of the past era. The emperor in the Mundire officer Guard sits on a horse, which can be said that she is danced, rising to the hind legs and having no other support. It is not clear that makes it soaring in the air. Note that the rider does not bother this unshakable instability - he is cool and solemn.

This made a ridiculous project of the Bolsheviks to replace the vencerole "Hero of Revolution" by Budyanny. In general, the monument delivered them a lot of trouble. On the one hand, the hatred of Nicholas was forced the first one and then to raise the question of the overthrow of his equestrian statue in the center of Petrograd-Leningrad. On the other hand, the brilliant creation of Peter Klodt could not be touched, without glancing by vandals.

I inclined very critical refer to the board of Nikolai I, which is difficult to call happy. It began with the rebellion of the Decembrists and ended with the defeat of Russia in the Crimean War. Whole libraries are written about the dominance of bureaucracy, spitrutenes, treasury during this reign. Much of this is true. A half-door-semi-Russian system created by Peter Great, with Nicolae already worn out, but Nikolai was brought up by her. In the soul, without recognizing her, the king was forced to fight all his life with himself and seemed to defeat.

Is it so?

It was during his board that the great Russian literature was born that it was hardly the case of the case. Not without the influence of the sovereign, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin became a great poet.

One day, the emperor after meeting with Pushkin in a miracle monastery said one of his approximated:

Do you know that now I spoke with the most famous person of Russia?

With whom? - asked the one.

With Pushkin, - Sovereign replied

The educated society of Russia, before barely owned by his native language, finally gained a pronounced national character and appealed to God. "I am Nicholas First I put the first Peter of the first," said Metropolitan Kiev Plato (Gorodetsky). - For him, an Orthodox faith and the sacred covenants of our history were more expensive than for Peter ... Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich was devoted to all his heart to all the thoroughbred Russian and especially what stands at the head and foundation of the Russian people and the kingdom, the Orthodox faith.

"Where one day the Russian flag rose, he can not fall out."

In Nicholas, we see the beginning of that restrained grandeur, which will be characteristic of three subsequent reigns. Chancellor Nesselrod once donated the king on the captain of the 1st rank of Nevelsky. That unauthorized founded outpost in the Far East, raising the Russian flag over him. The place was controversial, which caused anger of England. The Sanovnik offered to apologize to the British, and Captain split into the sailors. "Where one day the Russian flag rose, he could not fall," the emperor replied ... and he produced Nevelsky to Admirals.

Under Nicolae Pavlovic, Russia suddenly grew up in power, to fight all the former opponents and allies were rallied. The chain of errors made by the sovereign, deprived us of victories in this fight. That was God's Will, but not crushing, but leaning. To universal amazement, Russia did not rush from fear, but even stronger. Just like on the outcome of 1941, after terrible lesions, she moved that hell when it could be wary from the outside.

"Thank God that you are Russian"

In 1826, the Russian contemporary described the appearance of the sovereign: "High height, dried, breasts had a wide ... Look fast, voice ringing, suitable for a tenor, but spoke of a few patter ... There was some kind of genuine severity in the movements."

"Genuine rigor" ... When he commanded the troops, he never shouted. There was no need for this - the king's voice was heard for the mile; The tagged Grenadle looked next to him just children. Nikolai led a ascetic lifestyle, but if we talk about the luxury of the yard, magnificent receptions - they stunned all, especially foreigners. This was done in order to emphasize the status of Russia, about which the sovereign took care of the unceasing. General Peter Daragan recalled, as in the presence of Nikolai Pavlovich spoke in French, riding. Nikolay, suddenly having made an exaggeratedly serious mine, began to repeat every word for him than brought his wife to the attack. Daragan, Punchovy from shame, jumped into the receiving, where Nikolai caught up with him and, kissing, explained: "Why are you a killing? For the Frenchman, no one will accept you; Thank Godhead that you are Russian, and it's not good to a monkey. "

The Russian kingdom is higher than any other - and the sovereign recognized this not from the egoistic need to be elevated himself.

The king at all thought about himself very little, contrary to the opinion of his hatering - the Marquis de Kyustina, who believed that Nikolai hypocrishes. The only one shy to early Lysin. To hide this deficiency, the sovereign woven a wig with which he broke out once under the overall laughter. It happened after the birth of the first granddaughter, in 1842. Having received a joyful news, Nikolai Pavlovich in front of the system of cadets, threw a unfortunate wig from the head and, denominating him with his foot, shouted herself.

- Now I'm grandfather, well!

"In the tsarist portraits not to hang"

A retell the story that shows how little sovereign appreciated myself personally. One of the old-term seventh infantry division, which was standing in Poland, - Agafon Suleikin - noted his named after the "Tsarist Corcch", where the portrait of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich hung. They drank, began to be brought. The culprit of the celebration, having heard that he didn't fit the caustion under the portrait of the monarch, Garked: "What am I portrait! I am a portrait! " - and spat into the image of the emperor.

The news about this somehow reached the king. On the received report, Nikolai Pavlovich shocked: "To declare to the front of the ordinary Agafon Suleikin, that I myself spit on him. And since this unfortunate in a drunken form did not lead that it creates, then it is to stop the matter, and do not hang tsarist portraits. " To fulfill the resolution, a regiment was built, where soldiers served. After the eardrum, the Sovereign of Agafon Suleicin was read. Everyone was believed that he would stop him before death, meanwhile it was ordered to stand back to operation ... In the next Sunday, Suleicin put an impressive size with a candle Nikolay the Wonderworker and gave any more noise. This promise he performed.

Nickname Tsar - Nikolai Palkin

"For what then called the king Nikolai Palkin?!" - Exclaim the reader. This offensive nickname was the invention of Lion Tolstoy. Quite say that Tolstoy enrolled in the accomplices of the Palace of the kindest doctor of Gaaz. It is clear that the sovereign had no opportunity to earn the honor of the classics.

Meanwhile, the time in which the emperor Nicholas lived, was rather rude. The king itself in childhood and adolescence is mercilessly, like most officers, and already they, having received such education, did not ceremony with ordinary. Therefore, it is stupid to evaluate the bushes of that era from the standpoint of this time. The only criterion, worthy of attention, is to look, the situation of soldiers worsened or not. For example, with the emperor, Pavel officers began to punish more often than soldiers. Under Alexander Pavlovic was introduced a ban on bodily punishment for a soldier who received a reward. Nicholas I are three times reduced the number of impacts with spysrutenes. Strumbering was forbidden to produce an execution without a doctor who had the right to stop the spanking.

About how he belonged to the Russian soldier testifies such a story.

As you know, the sovereign went through the streets of St. Petersburg without guard. Walking somehow alone, he saw the funeral of the retired soldier. Behind the coffin went only poorly dressed woman, probably the wife of the deceased. The king joined her, and for some time they went together. However, having seen the sovereign, other people began to approach - and soon hundreds of people silently walked next to her emperor, speaking ordinary on the last path.

Attention to the "little man" was a characteristic feature of the emperor. Once in the winter he noticed the official who walked in one surtuk. Having learned that the poor people had one, moreover, the sovereign, who was in the repair, was ordered to send him a new one. Subsequently, making sure that this man is immaculately honest, Nikolai ordered him to increase his salary. The story is even more fantastic than Gogol.


The number of wonderful acts of the sovereign included two episodes of the time of combating cholera. In Moscow, the height of the epidemic came to 1830. There were sometimes merciless measures for victory over the disease, but nothing helped. All who had the opportunity fled from the city. The king went to Moscow to support exhausted inhabitants, despite the fact that the doctors, including Fedor Petrovich Gaaz, were against.

"The crowds fledged on the squares, shouted" Hurray! "," L. Copellev wrote, "some worked on her knees, women cried ..." Our angel ... Save you God! "." Among others, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol and Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, who has noticed that the readiness, risking his life, to be with his people - "the trait that someone from the vengerians hardly shown."

In July of the next year, Cholera has reached extraordinary forces in St. Petersburg, where up to five hundred people died a day. It began to spread rumors that the doctors that infected bread and water were to blame. Riots occurred, several doctors were killed. One day, a huge crowd gathered on a snowy square. Having learned about this, the sovereign accompanied by several people rushed there. Entering the middle of the crowd, he, thanks to his growth visible from everywhere, urged people to conscience and graduated from the speech by a thunder:

- On knees! Ask for all-fat forgiveness!

Thousands of citizens, as one, knelt down. Hardly a quarter of an hour ago, these people teared from rage, but suddenly everything was amended, the words of prayer sounded. On the way back, the king took over the top clothes and burned it in the field, so as not to infect the family and the retinue.


In the morning, the king prayed for a long time, standing on his knees, and never missed Sunday services. He slept on a narrow hiking bed, which was put on a thin mattress, and covered with an old officer overhang. The level of his personal consumption was a little higher than what Gogol Akaki Akakievich had.

Immediately after coronation, the cost of food of the royal family was reduced from 1500 rubles a day to 25. Cutlets with potato mashed potatoes, soup, porridge, as a rule buckwheat, is his traditional diet. More than three dishes were not allowed. One day, the Metrotel could not resist, put a gentle dish from Trout to the king. "What is it - the fourth dish? Drink it yourself, "the sovereign frowned. He dinner was rare - limited to tea.

But the treasures at Nikolai I did not significantly decreased; Many even seemed to have increased. This is all the more strikingly that the sovereign was a thirty-year-old cruel war with this disaster. It should be noted the energy of the provincial prosecutors: the courts over the casnocrads and bribers became the usual phenomenon. So, in 1853, 2540 officials were under the court. Otherwise, I could not. The fight against the coming revolution forced to tighten the rules of the inner life of the Empire. However, the more expensive fought with corruption, the stronger it spread.

Later famous monarchist Ivan Solonevich, this phenomenon tried to explain in relation to the Stalinist era: "The more thefts, the stronger the control apparatus should be. But the larger the control apparatus, the more theft: the controllers also love the seler. "

About these "lovers of the village" was well written by Marquis de Kyustin. He was the enemy of Russia and understood little in it, but one diagnosis was still true: "Russia is managed by the class of officials ... and it often controls the will of the monarch's will ... From the depths of their office, these invisible despots, these pygmy-tyrana oppress the country with impunity. And, no matter how paradoxically, the All-Russian autocrats often notices that he has the limit. This limit is put by him by bureaucracy - the power of terrible, because the abuse of it is referred to as a love of order. "

Only the inspiration of the people can save the Fatherland in difficult moments, but inspiration sober and responsible. Otherwise, it is degenerated into excitement and insurrection, puts the country to the edge of death. The rebellion of the Decembrists poisoned the reign of Nikolai Pavlovich - a man, by nature, his alien to any rigidity. He is considered somehow a manic order of order. But the order was for the king to the means, and not the goal. At the same time, the absence of managerial talents has heavy consequences. Freillina Anna Fedorovna Tyutchev testified that the emperor "spent 18 hours a day at work, worked until late at night, got up at the dawn ... did not sacrificing for pleasure and everyone - for the sake of debt and took over more labor and worries than the last pylorger from his subjects. He sincerely believed that everything was able to see everything with his own eyes, to regulate everything in his understanding, to convert his will. "

As a result, "he only ragged around his uncontrolled power, the pile of enormous abuse, the more detrimental, that they were covered by official legality, and nor public opinion, nor the private initiative had neither the right to indicate them, nor the opportunity to deal with them."

Emperor Nicholas I and Empress Alexander Fedorovna, Ilya Repin
Officials were remarkably learned to imitate activities, deceived the sovereign at every step. As a smart man, he understood what was wrong, but could not change anything, only Gorky laughed at the futility of many of his efforts.

Once on the road, the crew of the emperor turned over. Nikolai Pavlovich, breaking the clavicle and leftSeventeen Worst went on foot to Chebar, one of the towns of Penza province. I barely recovered, he went to look at local officials. They dressed in a new form and lined up on the seniority of the ranks in the rank, with swords, and the triangular hats were kept in their arms elongated along the seams. Nikolai did not lose their surprise and said to the governor:

- I have not only seen them all, but I know everything perfectly!

He was amazed:

- Allow your majesty, but where can you see them?

- In a very funny comedy called "Auditor".

For example, for example, let's say that in the United States of that era treasury and bribery wore no smaller scope. But if in Russia this evil managed to more or less rose at the end of the XIX century, then in America it flourished for several more decades. The difference was that American officials did not have such an influence on the life of the country.

"The first after God"

Under this irreparable picture, it is possible to imagine that in the economic life of the country reigned under Nicolae Pavlovic full stagnation. But no - it was in his reign that an industrial revolution occurred, the number of enterprises and workers doubled, and the effectiveness of their work was three times.

Fortress work in the industry was forbidden. The volume of machine-building products from the 1830s to the 1860s increased 33 times. There was a first thousand wool railway, for the first time in the history of Russia, construction of a highway with a solid coating began.

With his rule, Count Sergei Uvarov made a coup in the fight against illiteracy.

The number of peasant schools increased from 60 more than 40 times, 111 thousand children began to learn. All state peasants allocated their own landlords and forest areas, the auxiliary cash registers and bread shops were established, which assisted cash loans and grain in the event of a crawling. There are practically no landless bathers by the mid-1850s - everyone got the land from the state.

Significantly improved the position of serfs, which were listed behind the landowners. Trafficking to the peasants was discontinued, they got freedom of movement, the right to own land, to conduct entrepreneurship. The "third branch" got a hard order to ensure that the landowners do not violate the rights of the peasants. As a result, an arrest was imposed on hundreds of landlord estates.

"Dog - dog death."

Here is a case, quite characterizing changes. One day a fortress boy, the son of Psar, playing with a dog of a landowner, damaged her paw. Barin Sgorie shot a child. His father came running on the shot, a murderer, and, having tied his hands, sat down in a chair. In front of the gathered palace, he listed all the atrocities of Mr. and asked the question: what to do with the monster? Then brought the verdict of the world, after which the authorities surrendered to the authorities ... Having learned about what happened, the sovereign freed the unfortunate, drawing his own hand: "Dog - dog death."

Where else was possible like? It was in the reign of Emperor Nikolai, a triad was born, which can be called the only possible Russian idea: "Orthodoxy, autocracy, nation". She was born with a wonderful scientist, Minister of Folk Enlightenment Sergey Uvarov.

All sorts of "small demons" still laugh at his convictions, while Russia has become the first country in the world who has grown among the most important foundations of being. For the false elite, the people are no more than cattle, for bourgeois - these are buyers, for politicians - the electorate. Only for the Russian kings people, regardless of the ranks and state, stood by the meaning of the Lord God.

Throne is a job, not pleasure

Nicholas I led a ascetic and healthy lifestyle. He was divesed and never missed Sunday worship. I did not smoke and did not like smoking, did not use strong drinks, went a lot on foot, engaged in building exercises with weapons. I got up at 7 am and worked for 16 hours a day. The discipline in the army under it was also set. I did not like lush royal outfits, preferred to dress up in a simple officer sinel, slept on a rigid bed.

Did not hurt connections on the side

In this regard, he was unable to show a rigor, and was, like most rulers, a real womanist. In 1817, he married the princess of Prussian Charlotte, the daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm III, who received the name of Alexander Fedorovna after the transition to Orthodoxy. They had 7 children, among them and the future emperor Alexander II. At the same time, he had a lot of hobbies, and according to some data 7 extramarital children. 17 years consisted of Nelidova barbreas.

Laid the first roads and helped descendants in World War II

It was when it, for the first time in the history of Russia, began intensive construction of highways with a solid coating: built Tracessocaw - Petersburg, Moscow - Irkutsk, Moscow - Warsaw. He began building railways. At the same time showed an amazing foresight. Fearing that the enemy will be able to come to Russia on the steam locomotive, he demanded to expand the Russian King (1524 mm against 1435 in Europe), which helped us across a hundred years. In 1941, during the Great Patriotic War, it was significantly difficult to supply German occupation troops and their maneuverability due to lack of locomotives for a wide range.

"God punishes proud"

After forty years, health began to change the emperor more and more. He was sick and fluffed legs, and in the spring of 1847, severe dizziness began. It seemed that the sovereign diseases were in kind of inexplicably transferred to the whole country. Two catastrophes overshadowed the last years of the reign of Nikolai Pavlovich. The first of them is a defeat in the Crimean War - did not make himself wait a long time.

What has become a source of disasters? The fact is that the sovereign, after his elder brother Alexander Pavlovich, perceived Russia as part of the European community of states, and the most powerful in militarily and most mature ideologue. The idea was that only an unbreakable Union of the monarchy is able to withstand the revolution in Europe. The emperor was ready to intervene in European affairs at any time.

Of course, it caused universal irritation, and they began to look at Russia as the medicine more dangerous than the disease itself.

It is impossible to say that Nikolai Pavlovich exaggerated the danger of revolutionary sentiment in Europe. That was similar to the boiler where the pair pressure was continuously intensified. But instead of learning to regulate him, Russia vigorously plugged all holes. It could not continue endlessly.

On February 21, 1848, at Maslenitsa, a deposit was received in St. Petersburg that the revolution began in France. After reading it, the shocked sovereign appeared on the ball in Anichkov Palace. In the midst of the fun, he entered the hall to a quick step, with the papers in his hands, "uttering unknown for listeners exclamation of a coup in France and about the flight of the king." Most king was afraid that the example of the French would follow in Germany.

The idea was born to send a 300-thousandth army to the Rhine to eliminate the revolutionary infection. It was not easily the king managed to dissuade from it. On March 14, the manifesto was followed, where the fears of "spill throughout the insolence of the insolence and irregular" and the "audacity threatening in the madness of his Russia" was expressed. The readiness was expressed to protect the honor of the Russian name and inviolability of the limits of Russia.

It was the most important document of that era. Russia challenged the world revolution, gogling and nihilism. The best people of the country met Manifesto enthusiastically, and people spoke about the upcoming antichrist fighting.

This is how F. I. Tyutchev responded to this:

"For a long time in Europe, only two real forces, two true powers: revolution and Russia. They now agreed face to face, and tomorrow, maybe they grab. There can be neither contracts or transactions between I and another. What is for one life - for another death. From the outcome of the struggle, tied between them, the greatest struggle, ever seen the world, depends on many centuries the entire political and religious future of humanity. "

Russians came to the rescue

In the biggest tragedy, the overshadic position of the Russian Empire, were false steps that followed the manifesto. We are talking about Hungarian events. Hungarians dreamed of rid of the dominion of Austria to decades, many pretepended from her. In 1848, they rebelled - 190 thousand people took over the weapon. By the spring of 1849, the Hungarians learned to beat the Austrians, the decay of the empire of Habsburg became inevitable. But at that moment the Russian troops came to the rescue of Austria.

The invasion of the Russian army was not only a military strike for Hungarians, but also moral. After all, they dreamed that it was the Russians who would free them, and they had every reason to hope for it. Hungars knew better than others as Austria belongs to their great Eastern neighbor. Their commander Dieurped Clack exclaimed once in a conversation with the Russian parliamentary: "Emperor Nikolai ruined us, why? Do you really believe in the gratitude of Austria? You saved her from perfect death, they will pay you for it; Believe me, we know them and unable to believe in any of their words ... "

These were the bitter words of a person who perfectly understood what he was saying.

The Russian army saved Austria many times, but the country named after himself the sacred Roman Empire of the German nation had enormous ambitions heated by Papal Rome.

The assistance of Orthodox offended her the more that Austria could not do without it. And, of course, at the first convenient case, Austria moved to the side of our enemies. This happened in 1854, after the attack of England and France to Russia. Instead of helping the savior, the Austrians began to threaten her war. As a result, many Russian parts had to leave for death on the Danube. These were troops that were so lacked in the Crimea ...

The suppression of the Hungarian uprising was one of the most sad pages of our story. In Europe, the opinion of Russia was finally approved as a police country. Russian-General Field Marshal Osten-Saken In desperations, Gorky words said: "The sovereign has greatly regenened. "What I did with Hungary will expect all of Europe," he said to me. I am sure that this campaign will destroy him ... You will see that this will not pass. God punishes proud. "

But it seems that the case was not at all pride. Metropolitan of Kiev Plato, mourning about Russian intervention in Hungarian events ("After all, without this, there would be no Crimean War"), I added that only the honesty of the sovereign became marked. He did not know the promises of these promises, even if this addressee, like Austria, whose ungratefulness was well known.

In any case, we won in Hungary themselves.

Cum of emperor

In misfortune for Emperor Nicholas was the fact that he found the time of the crash of his hopes. This was the cause of his death, which is difficult to name natural. Rather, it was death. He fell along with his sailors and soldiers, Cornilov and Nakhimov, because the heart of the king was in Sevastopol in the last year of life, and not in St. Petersburg.

Formal reasons for the war there was a lot. England was afraid that Russia could enter the expanses of the Mediterranean, France hoped with the help of the war to return to a number of great powers. As a result, the English, French and Turkish army landed in the Crimea as "advanced civilization detachments".

Among the reasons that have led us to the defeat, there was a terrible corruption: even the commanders of the regiments sometimes did not hesitate to rock the soldiers, - what to talk about the rest ... Extremely unsuccessful was the appointment of the commander of Prince Menshikov. When the saint Innokenti Kherson in the image of the Kasppery Mother of God arrived at the location of our army, retreating to Sevastopol, he pronounced, referring to Menshikov: "Xie Tsarina Heavenly makes free and defend Sevastopol." "You were in vain disturbed the Queen of Heaven, we will succeed without it," answered the unlucky commander.

How could he achieve victory without having the slightest spiritual connection with the army? Meanwhile, it was a man extended by the confidence of the sovereign. For completeness, let's say that SVT. Innocent was under special suspicion. Officials called him a democrat for the fact that he, like a sovereign, defended the need for the liberation of peasants. Somehow asked: "They say pre-secrecy, are you preaching communism?" Vladyka calmly answered it: "I never preached" take ", but always preached" let's "."

The English fleet appeared near Kronstadt. The emperor looked at him for a long time in his palace window in Alexandria. Changes in his appearance began to appear in the fall of the 1854th. He lost his sleep and lost weight. At night, I walked around the halls, waiting for the news from the Crimea. The news was bad: in other days, several thousand of our soldiers ...

Having learned about the next defeat, the sovereign was locked in his office and cried as a child. During the morning prayer, sometimes flooded on his knees in front of the images.

At some point, the emperor picked up the flu. The disease was not too dangerous, but he did not want to recover. In the thirty-graduce frost, despite the cough, in the light of the rainy, went to the provisions of the regiments. "In the evenings," writes one of Nikolai Pavlovich's biographers, "many have seen his two-meter figure, lonely terrible through Nevsky Prospect. All those surrounded it became clear: the king, unable to squeeze my shame, decided to inform himself like ...

The result did not make himself wait: Somewhere a month after the start of the disease, Nikolai has already managed his funeral with his funeral, he wrote a will, he listened to the movement, until the last minute he keeps his son's hand until the last minute. "

"Sasha, in a bad order I give you a team!" - said Nikolai Pavlovich Son on her deathbed and, turning to all sons, said: "Serve Russia. I wanted to take on everything difficult, leaving the kingdom of peaceful, arranged, happy. Providence was judged differently. Now I go to pray for Russia and for you ... "

He died, according to A. F. Tyutcheva, in a small office on the first floor of the Winter Palace, "Lyzh's across the room on a very simple iron bed ... The head was resting on a green leather pillow, and instead of the blanket on it, the soldier shelter was lying. It seemed that the death was overtook him among the deprivities of the military camp, and not in the luxury of the palace. " As the incorpacker of the Izmailovsky regiment, Efim Sukhonin, was written, sad news inspired guardsmen in the campaign: "Panhid was solemn. The officers and soldiers prayed on their knees and cried loudly. "


The rider on Isaac Square relies on a powerful pedestal with four female figures, personifying strength, wisdom, justice and faith. The liberation of peasants, a stunning judicial reform, all the good deeds of Alexander Liberator were the embodiment of the plans of his father. Knitted on the hands and legs of the past and the present, absence of associates, Nikolai Pavlovich did what should, in the hope: something will be.

It was the flesh from the country's flesh, where, except for fools and bad roads, there are innumerable many other misfortunes. Therefore, it is incorrect to assess it, comparing with some kind of mental ideal. Going ahead, especially if he is a warrior, not a confessor, - almost always the most exhausted person from everyone, his own and someone else's blood dries on his uniform. The question is whether the love of love is moving or ambition, whether he behaves the people in the name of God - or in the name of their own? One day - it was in 1845 - the king suddenly said, turning to a friend: "That's right twenty years, as I sit at this beautiful place. Often issued such days that I, looking at the sky, I say: why am I not there? I'm so tired…"

No, in the name of his Nikolai Pavlovich, it seems, I did not move and my finger - his ministry is already a second century, inspires us respect. Even the inscription on the monument under the state coat of arms did not sit down: "Nicholas I - Emperor All-Russian". Very simple inscription - like everything connected with it.

Other fun facts about Nicolae I

One of the officers of the Riga garrison on the Surname Zass, issuing his daughter married, wanted her with his spouse a double surname, in which Cass would stand in the first place. It seems that nothing strange in this desire was not ... However, Mr. Colonel was a German and the Russian language knew badly ... After all, the name of the ghenich was the Rans. Tsar Nikolai first found out about this case and decided that his officers should not be the object of ridicule. The highest decree, the king commanded the newlyweds to wear the names of Ranzhev-Zass.

Nicholas I provided his officers a choice between Gaupwahta and listening to Glinka operas as a punishment.

Having met a drunken officer, Nikolai reported him for the emergence of people in unworthyed form, and his reprimand finished his question: "Well, what would you do, having met subordinates in such a state?" The answer was followed: "I wouldn't talk to this pig and talk!" Nikolai looked around and summarized: "Take the driver, go home and pasture!"

In Paris, they decided to put a play from the life of Catherine II, where the Russian Empress was represented in a somewhat frivolous light. Having learned about this, Nikolai I through our ambassador expressed his displeasure to the French government. What was followed by the answer in that spirit that, they say, in France freedom of speech and no one is going to cancel the performance. Nikolai I requested to convey that, in this case, he will send 300 thousand spectators in gray overcoats in the premiere. As soon as the royal response reached the capital of France, as a scandalous performance was canceled without unnecessary wires.

Of course, the beautiful monument is the arch of the main headquarters, topped with a sculpture of glory on the victory chariot. This chariot is a symbol of Russia's victory in Patriotic War 1812. Initially, Arch was conceived by Alexander I in a strict, weathered style, without a wedding chariot. However, who replaced him by Nicholas I, decided to give the glory of the courage and the valor of the Russian army. Upon completion of the construction of Arches Nicholas I, doubted her reliability. To confirm the quality of its work, the architect Russia after the development of scaffolding together with all the workers rose to the arch. As it turned out, the construction has grown their severity. This legend is recorded by Biographer Rossi Panin with the words of the architect's granddaughter.

Nicholas 1 had to be the third son of the emperor and Maria Fedorovna, so he should not have occupied the throne. This led to the focus of its engagement and upbringing. From the young years, Nikolai was interested in military affairs and was preparing for a serviceman career. In 1819, Emperor Alexander 1 was reported to renuncate their brother Konstantin from the throne. Therefore, in 1825, after the sudden death of Alexander 1, the power passed to Nikolai. Years of the Board: 1825 - 1855.

Domestic politics

The main directions were the "twisting of the nuts" for free-producers on the one hand and insensitive, but progressive reforms on the other. The beginning of the Board of Nicholas 1 was marked in 1825, which was defeated. After that, the emperor strengthened repressive measures. Several Decembrists were executed, hundreds of exists in the Caucasus and to Siberia.

Under Nicolae 1 ended the period of "enlightened absolutism". There is a reduction in the economic and socio-political powers of the nobility in order to strengthen autocracy. The participation of the nobles in meetings decreased. Discipline has strengthened among civil servants.

The third department of the Emperor's office under the leadership was created (later led by Orlovy), which was contrary to dissent, and also engaged in supervision of the press, foreign citizens, analyzed the claims of serfs on landowners, etc. Correspondence was revealed. After the uprising of the Decembrists, the emperor was panically feared any manifestation of activity in society.

In the same period, limited reforms were carried out. The legislation was streamlined, which facilitated administrative practice. In 1837, led by Kiselev was conducted concerning the management of peasants. They received more land, in the settlements there were medical clubs and agrotechnical innovations were introduced. The rights of landowners began to be limited: the peasants were forbidden to give for debts and send to work in the mountains.

From 1839 to 1843, a monetary reform was conducted under the leadership of the Minister of Finance of Cankrin. A clear ratio has been established between the gapigns and the silver ruble.

However, the main question relating to serfdom was not resolved, since Nikolai feared public unrest.

Foreign policy

In the field of foreign policy there were 2 main questions: Eastern and European. In Europe, Nikolai first fought with a revolutionary current. In 1830, the emperor sent troops to suppress the Polish national liberation uprising. In 1849, at the request later, the Austrian ruler betrayed Russia, the Russian troops suppressed the revolution in Hungary.

The eastern question affected the influence of powerful states to the European Osmansky Empire, since, as a result of the fierce war, Russia received a certain territory on the Black Sea coast.

In the middle of a century, the Eastern question aggravated, which provoked the Crimean War. Russia's army conducted successful actions aimed at combating Turkey in the Caucasus, the fleet acted in the Black Sea. Later, France and England entered the war. There was a threat to connect Prussia, Sweden and Austria. Russia turned out to be one on one with Europe.

The decisive arena of hostilities was Sevastopol, the defense of which was stretched almost for a year. As a result, the emperor was defeated in the war, which led to the loss of the right to have a military base on the Black Sea. Thus, the main outcome of the foreign policy of Nicholas 1 was a quarrel with his Europe, a quarrel struggled by Russia. However, the king's guilt was not in this, because he was forced to defend the interests of his country.

Thus, the external and internal policy of Nicholas 1 was rather conservative. But no one is questioned that the emperor sought to the well-being of Russia and worked for this, not to give up hands.

The fifteenth Russian autocratic from the Romanov dynasty was born in 1796. Since he was the third Son in the family of Emperor Pavel Petrovich, nobody prepared him to reign. Nikolay, like other great princes, received a wonderful military education. The circle of his interests included engineering, fortification, drawing. And here humanitarian sciences The future of the sovereign occupied little.

Family Nicholas, including his older brother Alexander, from an early age saw a person more than the military than politics, so the state affairs practically did not attract. But Guard Nikolai Pavlovich knew perfectly: harsh and extremely hot-tempered, he was repeatedly taken to discipline it.

After the sudden death of the emperor Alexander I and unauthorized renunciation of the Crown of Konstantin Pavlovich, the second older brother, Nikolai "rushed" to the throne. On the day, when the newly-made autocrat decided to declare himself, the Decembrists who did not want to speak to the New Sovereign came to the Senate Square. The consequences of the rebellion that imposed a serious imprint on the entire Board of Nikolai Pavlovich, well known.

Russia under Nicolae I

Despite the fact that the attempts on the life of the king on the laws existing then were punishable, Nikolai I replaced this penalty. Some contemporaries wrote about his despotism. At the same time, historians note that the execution of the five Decembrists was the only one for all thirty years of the reign of Nicholas I. For comparison, for example, under Peter I and Catherine II executions were calculated by thousands, and with Alexandra II - hundreds. It is also noted that at Nicolae I did not use torture against political prisoners.

Nikolai I. (

The centralization of power became the most important direction of the internal policy. In July 1826, a permanent authority was established to carry out the tasks of political school in July 1826 - the third office of the personal office is a secret service that has significant powers. The first of the secret committees was also created, whose task was, firstly, consideration of securities covered in the office of Alexander I after his death, and, secondly, consideration of the issue of possible transformations of the state apparatus.

Some authors refer to Nicholas I "Knight of autocrat": he firmly defended the foundations of absolutism and stopped attempts to change the existing system, despite the revolution in Europe. After the suppression of the Decembrist uprising, large-scale measures to eradicate "revolutionary infection" turned out in the country.

Nikolai I announces his guard about an uprising in Poland. (

Nicholas I focused on discipline inside the army, because then the licentiousness reigned in it. I focused so much that the minister to the reign of Alexander II wrote in his notes: "Even in the law of the military who did the Emperor with such a passionate passion, the same concern about the procedure was prevailed, about discipline, chasing not for the essential landscaping of troops, not for adapting it to combat destination, and for external only harmony, for a brilliant view of parades, pedantic observance of countless small formalities, dulling human mind and killing the true military spirit. "

In the reign of Nikolai I, meetings of commissions were held, designed to facilitate the position of the fortress peasants. So, a ban was imposed on the cautious peasants, to sell them alone and without the earth, the peasants received the right to redeem from the selling estates. The reform of the State Village was reformed and signed "Decree of the obligated peasants". These transformations have become the foundation of the cancellation of serfdom.

One of the biggest merits of Nikolai Pavlovich can be considered the codification of law. Attracted by the king to this work, Mikhail Speransky fulfilled the titanic work, so that a court of laws of the Russian Empire appeared.

Nicholas I in the generallyland uniform. (

The state of affairs in industry to the beginning of the reign of Nicholas I was the worst in the history of the Russian Empire. By the end of the board of Nicholas I, the situation has changed much. For the first time in the history of the Russian Empire, a technically advanced and competitive industry began to form in the country. Its rapid development led to a sharp increase in the urban population.

For the first time in the history of Russia under Nikolay I, the intensive construction of highways with solid coating began.

He introduced a moderate system of encouragements for officials, which he largely controlled. Unlike previous reigns, historians are not fixed large gifts in the form of palaces or thousands of serfs, complained to any venel or royal relative.

Nicholas I in construction work. (

An important side of foreign policy was a refund to the principles of the Holy Union. Russia has increased in the fight against any manifestations of the "Spirit of Changes" in European Life. It was in the board of Nikolai I Russia received unflattering novels "Gendarme of Europe".

Russian-Austrian relations were hopelessly spoiled up to the end of the existence of both monarchies.

Russia under Nicolae I refused plans to section the Ottoman Empire, which were discussed at previous emperors (Catherine II and Pavel I), and began to conduct a completely different policy in the Balkans - the policy of protecting the Orthodox population and ensuring his religious and religious and civil rights Up to political independence.

During the reign of Nikolai I, Russia participated in the wars: the Caucasian War of 1817 - 1864, the Russian-Persian war 1826 - 1828, the Russian-Turkish war of 1828 - 1829, Crimean War of 1853 - 1856.

As a result of the defeat of the Russian army in the Crimea in the 1855th, in early 1856, the Paris Mirny treatise was signed, according to the terms of which Russia was forbidden to have naval forces, arsenals and fortresses on the Black Sea. Russia became vulnerable from the sea and lost opportunities to lead an active foreign policy in this region. Also in 1857, a liberal customs tariff was introduced in Russia. The result was the industrial crisis: by 1862, the smelting of the cast iron in the country fell by a quarter, and the processing of cotton decreased by 3.5 times. The growth of imports led to the leakage of money from the country, the deterioration of the trade balance and the lack of funds in the treasury.

Death of Nicholas I.

In early March 1855, a manifesto appeared in the printed publications of Russia, struck not only Russian readers, but also the whole world: "Emperor Nicholas I died." The official cause of death was called pneumonia, which Nikolai Pavlovich earned, taking a parade in a slight form. And yet the happening did not fit in the minds of contemporaries: Physically strong emperor, a real Spartan, rarely complained of illnesses, suddenly fell, and even so lightning.

Rumored rumors. The first thought is suicide. Allegedly Nicholas, and did not manage to recover after the defeat in the Crimean War, took poison. The second - emperor poisoned his doctor, German Martin Mandt. As it was in fact, it's hard to say. Apparently, failures are both inside the country and outside of it - the Nikolai Pavlovich Nikolai.

The death of the emperor Russian society perceived in different ways. Some, believing that the country lost the "faded knight", "worker on the throne", sincerely mourn. Others, and who did not obey Nicholas reprisals with the Decembrists, sighed lightweight, in the depths of the soul, hoping that his son, Alexander II, will be able to build a "new" Russia.

Nicholas I Romanov
Years of Life: 1796-1855
Russian emperor (1825-1855). King Polish and Grand Prince Finland.

From the Romanov dynasty.

In 1816, they were committed three-month journey through the European
Russia, and from October 1816. By May 1817 traveled and lived in England.

In 1817 Nikolai Pavlovich Romanov It was combined with a marriage with the eldest daughter of Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm II Princess Charlotte Frederica-Louise, who accepted the name of Alexandra Fedorovna in Orthodoxy.

In 1819, his brother Emperor Alexander I said that the heir to the throne, the Grand Duke wishes to renounce him the right of swallowing, so the heir to become Nikolai as the next brother's seniority. Formally, the Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich moved away from his rights to the throne in 1823, as he did not have children in a legitimate marriage and was married to a morganotic marriage on the Polish Countess of the Gruzzian.

On August 16, 1823, Alexander I signed a manifesto on appointing the heir to the throne of his brother Nikolai Pavlovich.

However, he refused to proclaim himself with the emperor to the final expression of the will of the elder brother. He refused to recognize the testament of Alexander, and on November 27, the entire population was given to the oath of Konstantin, and Nikolai Pavlovich himself swore Konstantin I as an emperor. But Konstantin Pavlovich did not accept the throne, simultaneously did not want to formally renounce him as an emperor, who was already brusing. The ambiguous and very stressful position of the transaction, which lasted twenty-five days, until December 14th.

Emperor Nicholas I.

After the death of Emperor Alexander I and the refusal of the throne of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolai was still proclaimed by Emperor 2 (14) December 1825.

To this day, the conspirator officers who were later called "Decembrists", prescribed a rebellion with the purpose of capturing the authorities, allegedly defending the interests of Konstantin Pavlovich. They were decided that the troops block the Senate, in which the senators were preparing for the oath, the revolutionary delegation in the Senate was burst into the premises of the Senate, as part of the Pushchina and Raillega, demanding not to swear and declare the royal government to the lowland and publish a revolutionary manifesto to the Russian people.

The Decembrists' uprising was very struck by the emperor and united fear of any manifestations of freightness. The uprising was rigidly suppressed, and 5 of his leaders were hanged (1826).

After the suppression of rebellion and large-scale repression, the emperor centralized the administrative system, strengthened the military-bureaucratic apparatus, established the political police (the third separation of his own imperial majesty of the office) and also established a tough censorship.

In 1826, a censorship charter was released, called "cast-iron", according to he, it was forbidden to print almost everything that had a political opposition.

Amazing Nikolai Romanova

Some authors nicknamed his "autocracy knight." Firmly and violently defended the foundations of the autocratic state and the attempts to change the existing system were fryingly. During the reign, persecuted persuasion again resumed.

On May 24, 1829, Nikolai First Pavlovich was crowned in Warsaw as a king (king) Polish. With it, the Polish uprising of 1830-1831 was suppressed., During which he was declared the rebels of the thrust of the throne (decree on the identification of Nicholas I). After the rebellion of the rebellion of the Kingdom of Polish was lost independence, and the Sejm and the army were divided into provinces.

Commission meetings were held, which were designed to facilitate the position of the fortress peasants, was introduced to the ban to kill and refer to the cautious peasants, sell them alone and without land, to attribute to newly opened plants. The peasants were entitled to possession of private property, as well as to redeem from the selling estates.

The reform of the state village management was carried out and signed "Decree of the obligations of the peasants", which became the foundation of the abolition of serfdom. But these measures were becknowledged and during the lifetime of the king the liberation of the peasants did not happen.

In Russia, appeared the first railways (from 1837). From some sources, it is known that the emperor met the steam locomotives at the age of 19 during a trip to England in 1816. He became the first Russian firegame and the first Russian, riding the steam locomotive.

The property guardianship over the treated peasants and the status of the required peasants (laws 1837-1841 and 1842) were introduced, conducted a codification of Russian laws (1833), stabilization of the ruble (1839), new schools were founded - technical, technical Military and general education.

In September 1826, the emperor adopted Pushkin, liberated by him from the Mikhailovsky link, he heard his recognition that on December 14, Alexander Sergeevich was with conspirators. After he did it like this: I delivered the poet from general censorship (I decided to personally feed his writings), instructed Pushkin to prepare a note "On People's Education", called him after the meeting of the "intelligent person of Russia."

However, the king never trusted the poet, seeing the dangerous "leader of the liberals" in him, a police surveillance was conducted for a great poet. In 1834, Pushkin was appointed Chamber-junker of his yard, and the role played by Nikolai in the conflict of Pushkin with Dantes was rated by historians rather contradictory. There are versions that the king sympathized with Pushkin's wife and adjusted a fatal duel. After the death of A.S. Pushkin was appointed a pension of his widow and children, but the king sought every way to limit the memory of him.

Also arrived for the years of soldiers arrested for the free verses of Polezhaev, twice ordered to send M. Lermontov to the Caucasus. At his disposal, the magazines "Telescope", "European", "Moscow Telegraph" are closed.

Significantly expanded the territory of Russia after wars with the Persia (1826-
1828) and Turkey (1828-1829), although an attempt to make the Black Sea in the inner Russian sea met the active resistance of the great powers led by the UK. According to the UNKEL-ISKELIAN Treaty of 1833, Turkey undertook to close the Black Sea Straits (Bosphores and Dardalandella) at the request of Russia for foreign military vessels (the contract was canceled in 1841). Military successes of Russia caused a negative reaction in the West, because world powers were not interested in strengthening Russia.

The king wanted to intervene into the internal affairs of France and Belgium after the revolutions that occurred there are 1830, but the Polish uprising prevented the implementation of his plans. After the suppression of the Polish uprising, many provisions of the Polish Constitution of 1815 were canceled.

He took part in the defeat of the Hungarian revolution 1848-1849. The attempt of Russia, displaced from the Markets of the Middle East by France and England, to restore its position in this region led to a collision of Power in the Middle East, which resulted in the Crimean War (1853-1856). In 1854, England and France entered the War on the Side of Turkey. The Russian army suffered a number of defeats from former allies and could not help the besieged city-fortress Sevastopol. In early 1856, in the results of the Crimean War, the Paris Mirny treatise was signed, the most difficult condition for Russia was the neutralization of the Black Sea, i.e. Prohibition to have naval forces, arsenals and fortresses here. Russia has become vulnerable from the sea and lost opportunities to lead an active foreign policy in this region.

During his reign, Russia participated in the wars: Caucasian War of 1817-1864, Russian-Persian War 1826-1828, Russian-Turkish War of 1828-29, Crimean War of 1853-56.

In the people, the king got the nickname "Nikolai Palkin", because in childhood he beat his comrades. In historiography, this nickname was established after the story L.N. Tolstoy "After Bala".

Death of King Nicholas 1

Successingly died on February 18 (March 2) of 1855 at the height of the Crimean War; According to the most common version - from the vehicle inflammation of the lungs (she caught himself shortly before his death, taking a military parade in Lok Mundire) or influenza. The emperor forbade himself an autopsy and balsaming his body.

There is a version that the king committed suicide, drinking poison, because of defeats in the Crimean War. After his death, the Russian throne was inherited by the Son, Alexander II.

He was married 1 time in 1817 on the princess of Prussian Charlotte, the daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm III, who received the name of Alexander Fedorovna after the transition to Orthodoxy. They had children:

  • Alexander II (1818-1881)
  • Maria (6.08.1819-9.02.1876) was married to the Duke of Leikhtenberg and Stroganov Graph.
  • Olga (08/30/1822 - 18.10.1892) was married to the King of Württemberg.
  • Alexandra (06/12/1825 - 29.07.1844), married to Prince Hesse-Kassels
  • Konstantin (1827-1892)
  • Nikolai (1831-1891)
  • Mikhail (1832-1909)

Personal qualities Nikolai Romanova

Less ascetic and healthy lifestyle. Was believing Orthodox A Christian, he himself did not smoke and did not love smoking, did not use strong drinks, went on foot and engaged in building exercises with weapons. Different wonderful memory and great efficiency. Archbishop Innokenti wrote about him: "It was ... Such a vengeress, for whom the royal throne served not to lead to peace, but the motivation to the undercessant work." According to the memories of the Freillina of her imperial Majesty, Mrs. Anna was a tetechean beloved phrase: "I'm working as a slave on the gallery."

Well-known was the love of the king to justice and order. Particularly visited in military facilities, examined fortification facilities, educational institutions, government agencies. Always gave specific advice to correct the situation.

He possessed a pronounced ability to form a team from talented, creatively gifted people. Employees of Nikolai I Pavlovich were Minister of Folk Enlightenment Count S. S. Uvarov, Polkovod Marshal Svetleshest Prince I. F. Passevich, Minister of Finance Count E. F. Kankrin, Minister of State Protection Count P. D. Kiselev and others.

The growth of the king was 205 cm.

All historians converge in one: the king was undoubtedly a bright figure among rulers-emperors in Russia.