Reflection in the mirror dream book. Dream interpretation: why the mirror is dreaming. Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

If you dreamed about a mirror, be sure to open your dream book. A mirror in a dream can mean quite a few different events in all areas of life.

Why is this reflective glass dreaming, to which magical properties are often attributed?

Look into it

If you dreamed that you were admiring your reflection, then soon you will be lucky. And if you don't like the reflection, then you should pay more attention to your loved ones.

Trying on new clothes in the fitting room means enjoying the success of your friends. And to put on makeup and look in the mirror - to prepare for an important meeting or negotiations.

  • Not seeing your reflection is a great love.
  • Grimacing in front of a mirror - for a long trip with a close friend.
  • To see someone else's instead of your reflection is to overcome the obstacle.
  • To scrutinize oneself is to the wise advice of a wise man.
  • Watching at night is a joyful event in your personal life.

Seeing in a dream how your reflection is moving away means waiting for news from relatives. And if, on the contrary, it is approaching, then you need to take a break from everyday worries.

  • Not recognizing yourself in the mirror - to a quarrel with colleagues or to a dispute with the authorities.
  • In the reflection, people dream about behind your back - for a grandiose holiday.
  • A dream in which a mirror distorts your reflection is an interesting journey.
  • Seeing yourself small - to quickly achieve your goal.
  • Reflection waves to you - for a romantic date with a handsome young man.

Looking into dirty glass means scolding yourself for your mistakes. And to see yourself naked is to be sure that you are right. If you dream of animals instead of your reflection, expect a gift from a stranger. And looking in the mirror and seeing a bird means enjoying freedom and independence.

Broken or tainted

Most often, the question arises of what the mirror is dreaming of if you see it broken. The dream interpretation interprets such mirrors in different ways. But mostly these interpretations mean pleasant events in life.

For example, if you saw him under your feet, you will soon receive a great offer. And if a broken mirror hangs on the wall, then you will be offered a new, profitable job.

  • Look into it - to conclude an important, profitable contract.
  • Find on the street - to meet an interesting, worthy person.
  • Broken mirrors in the room of laughter dream - to a happy marriage.
  • In a powder box - for a love adventure in an unfamiliar place.
  • To receive a broken mirror as a gift - to success in work or to a well-deserved award.

If in a dream you are not surprised that the mirror is ruined, then in reality you consider yourself a very smart person. And if it annoys you, then you have the ability to look at problems with humor.

To see your broken mirror in the hands of a friend means to yearn for him. And if your work colleague is holding him, then you can safely trust him.

  • A broken mirror in an old house - to a slow but persistent progress towards the goal.
  • Seeing him on TV is a sharp remark from the boss.
  • Look into a broken reflection when you are being cut - to harmony in family relationships.
  • Cutting yourself on the fragments - to the desire to be alone.
  • A small crack on the surface is a big, light feeling.

If you dreamed that the fragments were lying on your bed, then several representatives of the opposite sex are in love with you. And to see a broken mirror under the bed means to face a serious choice.

Sweeping the fragments with a broom is to defend your opinion. And to collect them by hand means dreaming of a trip to a distant, exotic country.

Break into a thousand pieces

As the dream book says, breaking mirrors in a dream is a completely fearless sign. On the contrary, if you did it in your dream, then wait for pleasant events in your life. Why dream of breaking a mirror?

If you broke your mirror, then there is a man in your environment who is madly in love with you. And if it was someone else's, then you should try to hide your negative attitude towards some people.

To break up at a party means to earn the respect of an influential person. And to do this in a public place is to establish new, promising relationships.

  • To break a mirror and blame yourself for it is a sharp turn in life.
  • Your favorite mirror is broken - to rest in a romantic place.
  • Step on it - to make an important decision.
  • Throwing on the floor - to solve old issues.
  • Breaking into two parts - for career advancement.

According to the dream book, a mirror that you broke by accident speaks of your creativity. And if you did it on purpose, then soon you will be able to prove yourself at work.

To break a huge mirror means to fall in love with an older person. And if it is small, then be prepared for a lightning-fast decision.

  • To break an old mirror - to the wise advice of a professional.
  • Hearing the crackle of glass is a long-awaited victory.
  • Throwing a stone at him is a chic feast with loved ones.
  • To break a car mirror - to travel to interesting places.
  • Hit the glass with a hammer or ax - to create a masterpiece.

If you dream of people breaking mirrors, get ready for a big holiday. And watching your best friend or girlfriend break it means dreaming of moving to a new place of residence.

To break a mirror in a hairdresser - hope for the help of loved ones. And to do this in a sauna means to complete the work begun.

If you dreamed of something else

When you dream of mirrors in which the reflection doubles, it means that it is difficult for you to decide what to do in the future. And if you can't see anything in them, then your best friend will help you with making a decision.

Watching someone admire their reflection means to love your partner a lot. And if the other person is not happy with what he sees in the mirror, then beware of deception or betrayal.

  • Wipe with a rag - to a pleasant guest in your home.
  • Hanging on the wall is a joyful event in the family.
  • Buying is a reward for a job well done.
  • Drawing on a mirror surface means taking on additional obligations.
  • Carrying a large mirror is a noisy rest.

If you dream that you are removing all the mirrors in the house, be careful - maybe someone wants to break your family. And putting a small mirror in a drawer means resisting a strong temptation.

To present your mirror to your boss is to enjoy your achievements. And to give it to your best friend - to go on an exciting journey in an unfamiliar company.

  • Talking with your reflection - for a holiday in your soul.
  • Having sex in front of a mirror is an unexpected meeting with old acquaintances.
  • Seeing a deceased person in the reflection is a pleasant memory.
  • Losing a mirror is a valuable find.
  • Stealing it - to success in all areas of life.

To dream of a child playing with a mirror means looking good in new clothes. And if the kid is laughing looking at him, then it's time for you to change your style.

An animal in front of a mirror is a sign that many people like you. And a parrot talking to its reflection means that significant changes will soon come in your personal life.

Having figured out why the mirror is dreaming in a dream, you can better understand your feelings and find out what events you have to go through. Author: Vera Fractional


Just to see a mirror in a dream:

  • duality, doubt and desire to clarify everything;
  • a sign of possible imminent deception or obstacles;
  • for woman this dream can be a harbinger of domestic contradictions or divorce;
  • loversyou should be wary of a rival (rival): he (she) firmly intends (intends) to oust you from the heart of your beloved (beloved) and take your place;
  • often this image indicates the falsity, falsity of your own beliefs or beliefs or the values \u200b\u200bof some other person imposed on you;
  • can warn of a high probability of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.

If in your dream you saw a mirror by accident, then such a dream portends unexpected changes in your life.

If you see several mirrors, as if in an exhibition:

  • you are in the center of attention of others, some kind of action is expected from you;
  • you will get confused, lost, you will not know who to believe.

Pearl mirror - to a quarrel.

Rusty mirror - to sadness.

Mirrors too narrow- a sign that you look at things too one-sided and therefore run the risk of making serious mistakes.

Dressing tablein a dream, it says that you clearly lack concentration, and this may have a bad effect on your affairs.

Look in the mirror in a dream:

  • a sign that some important events are ripe or are brewing in your life that require concentration and concentration from you. Such dreams are usually seen by people before major life changes;
  • a dream promises you some kind of insincere disposition, deceitful actions;
  • in reality you are not guided by common sense in business and will soon fail if you do not organize them properly;
  • this dream also means that you are surrounded by treacherous people, whom you will soon successfully expose. They will reveal their true colors, trying to daringly harm you. Don't be too gullible and don't succumb to anyone's flattery. Although you are not prone to suspicion, be careful and discerning, try to get to the core of human impulses;
  • disagreements and worries await you ahead. Someone's illness may be the cause of your suffering;
  • to the unexpected result of your sexual activity. After a while, you will learn that not so long ago sexual contact will bring unexpected results for you;
  • looking in the mirror for a sick person means death, and for a healthy person - illness

If you look in the mirror and see that it is light- Fortunately.

If the mirror is dark- Unfortunately.

Seeing your reflection in the mirror:

  • you will make a wrong step, do something, for which later you will be ashamed and embarrassed;
  • unhealthy, the sign intensifies if you view yourself naked.

Look in the mirror, but not see your reflection in it - this dream promises you changes that will affect, first of all, your inner world, your outlook on life.

See yourself in a mirror smeared with soot- problems with reputation, quarrel, friends slandered you, scandal, fight.

See yourself in the mirror stained with soot, but then wash yourself and see yourself in the mirror clean - it will be possible to fix your reputation, get rid of your false friends' slander against you.

See yourself in a full-length mirror - for the wedding.

Look at your face:

  • big changes in life, a sharp turn, major events;
  • lead from afar;
  • profit in personal, childbirth;
  • another wife.

If, looking at yourself in the mirror, you are satisfied, then such a dream means that your chances of success are very high, and you can safely take on a new business.

See something strange in the mirror instead of your reflection - a sign of confusion. It looks like you are not in control of the situation, and the events of your life may become uncontrollable.

Get scared seeing a strange reflection in the mirrormeans that an incorrect assessment of the situation could seriously harm you.

See someone else's reflection in the mirror instead of your own:

  • a sign of deception and empty illusions. Most likely, you are seriously mistaken when assessing your capabilities;
  • beware of unfair behavior towards you;
  • trouble will happen to his wife.

See others in the mirror - portends their unfair actions towards you.

To see a lover in the mirror, pale and haggard, - to a failed engagement.

If he looks happy there may be a slight distance between you, which will soon disappear.

See animals in the mirror - means disappointment and loss.

Break the mirror:

  • defeat ill-wishers, emerge victorious from a difficult situation;
  • a bad dream, foreshadowing an unpleasant event that you will greatly experience;
  • loss through betrayal, separation.

The mirror is breaking - portends the separation of husband and wife.

Break the mirror in a dream for a girl - to the loss of innocence, fragile relationships and unwanted marriage.

Cracked or Broken Mirror:

  • a sign of sudden changes that threaten to unsettle you;
  • sudden death of a relative;
  • to your betrayal in relation to a friend;
  • to the frustration of hopes.

In a broken mirror you see a reflection of a person - portends misfortune.

Give a mirror - give up your own happiness.

Receive mirror - expect a trick, gifts not from a pure heart.

Take, take the mirror - find a good wife.

Take a mirror that belongs to another person - the birth of a noble offspring.

Another person holds your mirror - portends misfortune with his wife.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

Mirror- a symbol of duality, mystery.

See yourself in a dream in a mirror receive unexpected news.

If in a dream you broke a mirror - in reality you will worry about the treachery of a person close to you.

A dream in which you saw a monster in a mirror image, indicates the insincerity of your promises and inner emptiness.

See a huge mirror with a cloudy surface- to become a victim of intrigue and slander.

Do not see your reflection in the mirror in a dream - bad sign.

To guess in a dream in front of a mirror- means fear, doubt, inability to make decisions independently.

Why the mirror is dreaming - according to Miller's dream book

Admiring your reflection is a sign of upcoming disagreements that you will be the culprit. Looking in the mirror, but seeing someone else's face - to the illness of a close relative. To break it is a terrible sign, foreshadowing the death of a loved one. If you find familiar people in the mirror, take a closer look at them, most likely, they dislike you and want to harm you.

If a young woman dreams of fragments from a mirror, this predicts her an unsuccessful marriage, an unfaithful partner. To see instead of your reflection the face of your spouse - family relations will come to a standstill. Whether your couple will be able to survive the crisis, envy only from you. A mirror on the wall is a harbinger of imminent deception on the part of a loved one.

Why the mirror is dreaming - according to Vanga's dream book

Looking at yourself is a sign that in reality you are able to analyze your deeds and actions, adequately perceive criticism and correct mistakes. You are an obligatory person, if you promise something, you will certainly fulfill it. To look in the mirror and not see your reflection - a dream broadcasts that evil forces are sowing evil with your hands. The only salvation in this situation is to go to church and pray. A broken mirror promises misfortune, many tears. Guessing with it is a sign of curiosity. You are interested in literally everything.

Why the mirror is dreaming - according to Freud's dream book

The image that you see in the mirror is a reflection of true desires and fantasies, that is, you see yourself as you would like to be in reality. If the mirror is dirty, and it is impossible to see anything in it at all, it means that in reality you are experiencing some kind of dissatisfaction, confusion, or self-dislike manifests itself so strongly that you don't even want to look at yourself. The broken one symbolizes the collapsed happiness and unfulfilled dreams, as well as the partner's infidelity. An inverted mirror indicates self-doubt, sexual fears.

Why the mirror is dreaming - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

A dreaming mirror is the personification of mystery, duality. To see your face in it - expect good news. To break it in a dream is a sign of the treachery of your comrades. Seeing instead of your reflection the appearance of a monster - a dream indicates inner emptiness. A large mirror covered with a film indicates intrigue behind your back. In order not to lose everything, you should not take risks and tell about your plans even to close friends.

Not seeing your reflection is a sign of an approaching disease. Fortune-telling on mirrors speaks of uncertainty, inability to make independent decisions.

Why the mirror is dreaming - according to the Mayan dream book

To see a broken mirror in dreams - soon you will find out the secret that has been hidden from you for a very long time. The lending says, if after such a dream, draw a red circle on a small mirror and throw it away - the news will be good.

Just seeing him is an unforeseen expense. Admiring yourself is a sign of bragging. Not seeing your reflection means getting lost in life, decaying as a person. Also, such a dream can broadcast that evil entities from the Subtle worlds have taken possession of your body.

Why the mirror is dreaming - according to the gypsy dream book

A mirror seen in a dream foreshadows betrayal on the part of friends. To break this object means that you will become a traitor. Perhaps everything will happen suddenly, you do not want this, just the circumstances will turn out in the most unfavorable way.

Why the mirror is dreaming - according to Tsvetkov's dream book

- broken portends separation;
- to see your reflection - a dream promises good news from afar, profit;
- to see yourself in full growth - to an unpleasant illness;
- no reflection - to failure;
- a miniature mirror reflects the inner lightness;
- to find it - to good luck;
- to lose - to gossip;
- an old mirror predicts significant changes in life.

Why the mirror is dreaming - according to Meneghetti's dream book

This image allows you, as it were, to look at yourself from the outside and soberly assess your actions, behavior, thoughts. Often it reflects the falsity of an individual's beliefs, a tendency to copy and follow other people's advice.

Why the mirror is dreaming - according to Veles's dream book

To contemplate your dirty face - a dream means growing reputation problems. You have been slandered by people you trust. Seeing yourself clean means correcting past mistakes. If you are in the center of many mirrors - this is a sign of magnetic energy, attractiveness, you arouse clear interest in the opposite sex. A broken mirror symbolizes changes, primarily internal ones.

Why the mirror is dreaming - according to the Wanderer's dream book

Mirrors are a symbol of self-awareness, introspection. If you see your entire reflection, it means that you are thinking about your true purpose. To break a mirror - to the violent death of a relative.

The meaning of other dreams:

  • Why is the former dreaming
  • Why do children dream
  • Why is the girl dreaming
  • Why is the girl dreaming
  • Why is the beloved dreaming
  • Why is a man dreaming
  • Why is the dead man dreaming
  • Why do relatives dream
  • Why is mom dreaming
  • Why is grandmother dreaming
  • Why is father dreaming
  • Body parts in a dream

  • Why do teeth dream
  • Why Hair Dreams
  • Why do Hands dream
  • Why does Blood dream
  • Why is the Head dreaming
  • Why are Legs dreaming
  • Animals in a dream

  • Why do snakes dream
  • Why is the dog dreaming
  • Why is the cat dreaming
  • Why do rats dream
  • Why is the Horse dreaming
  • Why is Mouse dreaming
  • Why do Spiders dream
  • What does Fish dream about
  • Why do cockroaches dream
  • Why is the Bear dreaming
  • Why do Worms dream
  • Why do lice dream
  • Why is the Cow dreaming
  • Why Birds Dream
  • Why Wolves Dream
  • Why do Chickens dream
  • Why do Rabbits dream
  • Why do Crocodile dream
  • Dream events

  • Why Pregnancy Dreams
  • Why is Treason dreaming
  • Why is Childbirth dreaming
  • Why is Sex dreaming
  • Why is the wedding dreaming
  • What is Kiss dreaming about
  • Why dream of work
  • Why is Draka dreaming
  • Why Shopping Dreams
  • Why is the Accident dreaming
  • Why is the War dreaming
  • Nature in a dream

  • Why is water dreaming
  • Why are mushrooms dreaming
  • Why is the Sea dreaming
  • Why do Flowers dream
  • Why does Eli dream
  • What is Field dreaming of
  • Why do Roses dream
  • Why Apples Dream
  • Why does Snow dream
  • Why is Strawberry dreaming
  • Why is Rain dreaming
  • Why is Potato dreaming
  • Why does the River dream
  • Objects in a dream

  • Why is White dreaming
  • Why is Money Dreaming
  • Why is the Coffin dreaming
  • Why is Red dreaming
  • Why is House dreaming
  • Why is the Ring dreaming
  • What is the dream about Dress
  • Why is Fire dreaming
  • Why is Death dreaming
  • Why is the Machine dreaming
  • Why Meat Dreams
  • Why is the Cemetery dreaming
  • Why is Fire dreaming
  • Why Eggs Dream
  • Why is the plane dreaming
  • Why does the Church dream
  • Why is Gold dreaming
  • Why is the Train dreaming
  • Why dream about Shoes
  • Why is the Road dreaming
  • Why is the Icon dreaming
  • Why is the Mirror dreaming
  • Why is the Knife dreaming
  • What does the watch dream about

This dream has several different interpretations. And, if you had to see yourself in the mirror in a dream, then you should not ignore the dream, as it means important events and changes.

The mirror world has been considered from time immemorial to be the line between the past and the future. They wondered on the mirrors to see not only their betrothed, but also to find out what would happen.

Therefore, if you dream of a reflection, even if you are completely different from yourself, it means that you will soon find out what will happen next.

To understand what the looking-glass world reveals, pay attention to your feelings and emotions, with which your image is associated. This is why you dream of seeing yourself in the mirror most often.

Real reflection

It prompts quick changes in life and various enterprises, sometimes - success in some business. It all depends on where exactly you started looking in the mirror.

If its location is indicated in a dream or is familiar to you, then the dream book writes that such a vision means finding yourself in some kind of activity.

If you want to find success in something or dream of a job, then seeing yourself in the mirror in a store, office or even in a theater is a good sign. He says that you can settle down in a new place or get the desired job or support in life.

Why dream of looking in a cosmetic mirror that you always carry in your purse? The dream book writes that this dream shows as an answer to your question about your personal life.

Sometimes the reflection in the mirror shows your true self. Or a response as an impression that you make on other people, including a loved one.

Why is the dream seen? Pay attention to your impression. If you liked your reflection in the mirror and you were satisfied and happy in a dream, then what is this dream for? The dream book writes that a dream predicts positive changes and good news for you.

If you dream of a tired look and an unpleasant look, then the dream book indicates that in reality you are not making the best impression on your loved one or your old acquaintance. He sees you as you see this reflection in the mirror.

It also shows you not only its image, but also changes in life. Therefore, to see yourself in a dream with tears in your eyes, crying is always a bad sign, which often means troubles and bad changes for you.

Look in a mirror with a crack and see your real face the same as in real life, what does it mean? The dream book writes that such a dream means various troubles and even troubles.

In general, you cannot look in the mirror if it is broken and the same sign works in a dream. The looking person will simply fail both in personal life and in other areas. A dream can be interpreted as a harbinger of an accident, disaster, illness, divorce, or complete inner fatigue.

The dream interpretation of seeing oneself in a broken or damaged mirror interprets illness, various troubles, disasters and danger. Therefore, after such a vision, anything can happen at all. Often, a broken cosmetic mirror that you looked into means minor troubles or a ruin in your personal life.

Looking in such a mirror in a dream for a young girl is in trouble. Often such a dream suggests that she may get sick, lose attractiveness, or her image, which she adheres to at this moment, will be destroyed. Big troubles can await you only if you had to see yourself in a large broken mirror while sleeping.

The dream book writes that such a dream predicts various troubles, big changes and the destruction of your own health and attractiveness. Especially, as the dream book writes, if the reflection in the mirror was beautiful and you liked yourself.

Such a dream often predicts a dramatic destruction of your well-being. But seeing yourself without frills is more beautiful than in life, why dream?

The dream book writes that if the mirror was without cracks and it was pleasant for you to look at yourself - to good changes. Especially if you saw yourself in full growth.

For those who are ugly and sick to see themselves in ordinary reflection is a bad sign. He predicts very bad changes for you, as well as all sorts of diseases. The dream book writes that seeing oneself as sick or old is a sign of significant trouble. This dream always predicts bad changes. It is all the more bad to see yourself in a mirror in a coffin or dead.

Unusual reflections

Very often in such dreams, you feel a sense of fear, bewilderment or surprise. To see someone else's instead of your reflection is a sign of change. What they will be, so will your changes.

If a woman sees herself as a bright and flirtatious blonde, then in the near future various changes will come in her life. Perhaps she will become as relaxed and playful as the reflection in the mirror.

Seeing an evil face in a dream means bad changes. And to see a celebrity in a dream means that soon you will be able to become something like this person or show off your abilities. The dream book writes that the area in which this actress or singer has succeeded will be successful for you too.

To see, instead of your reflection, the face of a friend or girlfriend of the same gender, why dream? Soon you will do an act peculiar to this person, or the same thing will happen in your life as with him or her.

This dream predicts significant changes in your life or similar circumstances to those that occur in the life of this person.

If you dreamed that instead of your reflection you see the face and image of a completely unfamiliar man or woman? If this is a person of the same gender, then soon you will find yourself in a situation in which the qualities of this character are needed. For example, a girl to see instead of herself a bright and fatal person, means that she will behave very boldly and beautifully. If you dreamed of a person of the opposite sex, soon such a person will appear in the dreamer's life.

Not seeing any reflection in the mirror is a disease. The dream book writes that this dream predicts troubles for you, sometimes even death from an accident.

But more often than not, such a dream predicts significant changes for you, in which you will no longer recognize yourself.

Losing a mirror or breaking it - to great grief or a bad deed, which you will later desire. If you accidentally looked into someone else's broken mirror in a dream and saw your reflection, this is unfortunately and long-lasting troubles and grief.

Sometimes such a dream is a dream of meanness and a set-up from other people. Throwing away or covering up the fragments of a broken mirror is to hide your defeat or the beginning of life from scratch.

If in a dream you are lucky to see yourself in the mirror, the dream book is sure: you have met your true essence. However, the mirror itself is too contradictory a symbol, and there are a lot of explanations for why it is dreaming. Therefore, the object should be considered only in conjunction with other features of the dream.

Interpretation of the plot according to the Enigma dream book

Did you see yourself in the mirror and smile? Everything will go according to the plan. Often such a plot promises general well-being and even the birth of a child. If a terrible face looked out of the looking glass, you will be privy to a terrible secret.

Taking pictures in a dream through a mirror means that the attempt to hold on to the mask will fail. Finding two of your faces can lead to a situation in which you literally show duplicity.

If a man was reflected nearby, then he will become your life companion. Dream Interpretation Enigma reminds: If the reflection was your own, but somewhat changed, then changes are coming in life. What they will be, will prompt additional details.

See yourself complete

If the face was very full and rosy-cheeked, expect profit, satisfaction, pleasure. In a dream, did your face barely fit into the frame? You need to think about your life and draw conclusions. If the face was swollen, disappointment, poverty, a difficult test are coming. Among other things, you will soon cry and feel sorry for yourself.

Dream gray

Why see yourself completely gray in the mirror? You are a very wise person, or you just want to appear to them. Sometimes gray hair indicates invisible aging. Seeing yourself as black-haired - to chagrin and failure. Being red is a sign of inconstancy and deception. Was a charming blonde looking at you? The dream book promises an interesting meeting, an exciting trip.

Be scary in a dream

Have you seen yourself terribly scary? Due to lack of organization and connivance, you will not be able to complete what you started. Did you look obviously sick? Watch out for a nervous breakdown. Why do you dream that they suddenly bared huge fangs in a smile? Unleash your emotions and hurt someone. Was the lookalike shaggy and ugly? Contrary to expectations, you will quickly achieve your goal, get rich.

Other values

If a girl sees that she is a bride, then she will not marry for a long time. Along the way, the dream book offers other meanings. Seeing yourself in the mirror:

  • Thin - losses, lack of money, illness.
  • Small - uncertainty, a desire to hide.
  • Dirty - honor, relief, interference in business.
  • Beaten - gossip, slander, a date.
  • Beautiful - happiness, love.
  • Crying - disappointment, loss.

A mirror is a border that unites several dimensions at once, through which even a ghost can enter our world. The mirror surface reflects the past and the future, shows what a person is from the beginning, without makeup, masks and the role played.

See yourself in the mirror according to Miller

Why dream, how did you see yourself in the mirror? Mr. Miller believes that someone's illness will bring suffering. Did the mirror fall and break? In reality, a big trouble will happen. If, instead of his own, someone else's face was found, then Miller predicts disagreements, the unfair attitude of others.

The Muslim dream book claims: to see yourself in the mirror - to close changes, and breaking in a dream - to the collapse of plans. Did you carefully examine the double in the mirror? The interpreter of Vanga prophesies: it will be possible to critically evaluate oneself from the outside. A dreamed fortune-telling using the indicated object symbolizes a passionate desire to know the future.

Seek and not be reflected

Why dream if they could not find their reflection? Changes are coming that will affect the spiritual side of your being. Another interpretation warns of a serious illness. A dream in which you did not have a face at all has a similar meaning.

Did you see a real monster instead of yourself? The dream interpretation insists: in your soul you harbor anger, resentment and other negative feelings that destroy you from the inside. Looking for yourself, and seeing another person, means that it is necessary to adopt some particular qualities.

Why is a broken object dreaming

Even in a dream, you cannot look at yourself in a broken mirror. Otherwise, what you fear most will happen. Even a small crack on the reflective surface promises a fracture and a crisis.

If they hardly recognized themselves in a bat and a cracked product, then the dream book is convinced: it is necessary to completely change behavior and abandon ideas. It is possible that someone is trying to subdue you, suppress you.

It is not better to look at yourself in a mirror shard. Receive sad news, become a participant in the tragedy. If the mirror falls and breaks before our eyes, a loved one will die. If you decide to throw out the unusable product, it will be possible to avoid trouble.

Choose and buy a new mirror

Why dream if you decide to buy a new mirror? You will soon realize what others think of you for sure. It is good to choose the right product in the store. Having shown prudence, and in reality you will make a worthy purchase.

Buying an interesting decor in a dream marks a miraculous healing from emotional sadness or a physical illness. But selling such a product is bad. The dream interpretation prophesies a quarrel with a friend, relative. What does it mean if you had to hang a mirror decoration on the wall:

  • The hallway is a problem from the outside.
  • Bedrooms are irrepressible fantasies.
  • Bathroom - dissatisfaction with yourself.
  • Entrance - conflict.
  • Kitchens are chores at home.

What does an old and muddy mirror mean?

Why dream of a cloudy reflection in an old mirror? In reality, you will be drawn into intrigues, slandered. Another interpretation gives a hint: you are actively looking for your purpose, a place in life, but all efforts are wasted.

Had a dream about an old pier glass? The dream book promises: memories of the past, unfinished business will emerge. In this case, you can see yourself in the mirror for a meeting with old friends. Have you started cleaning the reflective surface, trying to restore its former abilities in a dream? Try to establish the truth.

Wipe and beat a mirror in the night

In a dream, wipe a dusty mirror - to the planned changes that will change you for the better. Are you going to wipe the reflective surface with a wet rag? This is a symbol of inner emptiness, insincerity of promises, inability to make a decision.

Rubbing the trellis, managed to break it? The dream interpretation believes that hopes and expectations will not come true. Have you tried to smash the mirror, but it didn't? This reflects dissatisfaction with one's position and the inability to change something. Consciously hitting your counterpart in the looking glass can also lead to efforts that will not bring results.

Did you manage to walk through the mirror? In your dream, you literally passed into another dimension. In such situations, maximum caution is required, try not to come into contact with characters who themselves impose.

Cover the mirror surface

Why dream of a mirror covered with a cloth? Trouble will come to the house, shocking news. You can specially hang a reflective object before an unpleasant meeting.

Did you hang the dressing table with rags? You are tired of the attacks of others, you want to be alone. At the same time, covering the product with a canvas, according to the dream book, symbolizes an attempt to keep some kind of hobby a secret.

Did you close the trellis flaps? This is a symbol of a voluntary rejection of their memories, communication with the subconscious, and therefore with higher powers.

Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Who dreamed just today. It was on this night ️ 🌃.

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Questions to the author


    I dreamed that my mother and aunt were gathered by the dead for the wedding. At first, I was spinning in front of the mirror as it is. Then she complained to the mirror that "I would like to lose weight." And I saw myself with a thin waist. Immediately the thought came - “you are showing lies, I am not the same”! ... and woke up.

    • Don't worry about the hassle that is coming soon. They will lead you to positive change. Your future seems bright to me - just take your time to make decisions. 😉

      In a dream, I was among the fighting crowd, then I saw my reflection in the mirror - my face was bruised, but there was no pain, an unfamiliar man on a horse tried to crush me, a three-headed horse appeared from nowhere, protected me until I disappeared behind the old door. I woke up screaming in horror.

      • Someone mature and experienced will protect you from negativity. Listen to this person's advice, even if it seems silly and useless. Over time, you will understand their value. 🙂

        • The guy will choose between the two of you. And you will not be able to influence his choice, like the other girl. He himself will decide who is more important to him, he will not listen to anyone's advice and persuasion.

          30-Sep-2019 Anonymous:

          In a dream, I saw myself in the mirror and was pleased with my appearance: long curly hair, incredibly beautiful, I smiled and played with my hair.

          • This is a prophecy of a bright future! There is a chance that you will become a mother or get married. Hair here symbolizes fertility, feminine strength. This means that the future will be associated with the creation of a family. 😊

            In a dream, I smeared my T-shirt and went into the room, then I thought that I should look in the mirror, but in the mirror I was in different clothes and there was some kind of black and blue aura around, I didn't remember my face well, but it seems like it is now, but prettier, then me with a loud sound, as if thrown out of sleep and I woke up.

            Hello! I had a dream today that worries me 🙁 I with a long red tail (in my life a dark blond) looked in surprise at myself in the mirror, did not recognize myself at all, I just understood that it was like I, but very, very thin (in life I'm far from thin) - the bones on my back were sticking out in a beautiful summer dress, open enough ... I didn't see my legs, almost full-length. What could this dream be for? Waking up, I received confirmation that, yes, there are serious health problems, an operation is needed. Upset.

            In a dream, a soul came out of my body and it moved around the room with such a terrible rumble, sound, and then it (my soul) went to the mirror, saw its reflection, I was there, but so angry, and my face tripled in reflection, my the soul looked into the mirror, there was an unusual space, it moved, I took my head away from the mirror and woke up abruptly.

            In a dream, I saw my face in the mirror. The hairstyle and some facial features were changed. I remembered looking at a photo of my favorite Korean singer yesterday and looked like her. Then I just looked at my reflection, admiring.

            I dreamed that I cut my hair in front of the mirror, while I was very offended at someone and thought that by cutting my hair I would do it in spite of the one who offended me.

            In a dream, I looked in the mirror and saw that the reflection was doing other actions. For example, I dreamed that I was brushing my teeth, I look up and see that the reflection does not do this, and realizing that he was "exposed" begins to smile at me and come closer and closer, to which I start screaming and wake up. I also had a similar dream that I went to the mirror and saw my back, I was in some kind of beautiful white dress, my hair was twisted, but it was very short. I understand that the reflection is standing with its back to me and I start screaming, when suddenly something runs up from behind and starts dragging me into the mirror, I resist and hear the phrase "this is how it should be."