Detailed map of the Crimea railway. Construction of a railway in the Crimea. When will the opening take place

In 2018, with the participation of the Ministry of Economic Development of Crimea, a project is being created for a direct railway from the bridge in the direction to Simferopol through the Kerch Strait.

An interdepartmental working group has already considered a project for the development of railways on the peninsula.
The project allows for the possibility of building a railway in a common corridor with the Tavrida highway.

How will the railway in Crimea go

This option has high social significance and undeniable economic benefits. Experts believe that the railway will receive the status of the shortest route between Simferopol and Kerch. Also, this direction will become part of the railway communication through the Kerch Strait.

The head of the project management of the Federal State Institution “Rostransmodernizaciya” announced that the railway was being built without joints. With this type of construction, the rails are several times longer than the standard rail (standard length: 25 meters).

The use of long rails reduces the number of joints on the track. Trains on it will move without the characteristic knock of wheels, almost silently and smoothly. According to the representative of FKU Rostransmodernizatsiya, such a road is convenient to operate, and its service life is significantly increased. The designers call this path "velvet".

The Taman-Passenger station is being constructed at the same time as the railway tracks. Trains will move through it in the direction not only Crimea and Krasnodar Territory, but in regions that are thousands of kilometers from southern Russia.

In addition, the project includes the construction of several more junction railway stations intended for freight trains... Dzhankoy station and a section of the road from Feodosia to Simferopol will be reconstructed. It is also planned to build and reconstruct wagon and locomotive depots, which are now located in Feodosia and Simferopol.

Railroad Russia Crimea from the Taman Peninsula has two tracks. It is formed by sleeper-rail structures up to eight hundred meters long. Sleeper-rail structures are laid on a specially prepared layer of crushed stone and sand, then connected to each other. Construction and installation are carried out along the entire route at the same time.

According to the information center, right now, the construction of the roadbed and embankment is 100 percent completed, and the device of the upper track structure is at the completion stage. 130 turnouts have already been assembled, and more than two thousand overhead supports and reinforced concrete supports have been installed. Artificial structures have different levels of current readiness - from 60 to 100 percent. About a thousand workers work at the facility, more than a hundred units of special equipment are involved.

The concept developers estimate the first stage of the railway construction at 35 billion rubles. We are talking about the section Simferopol - Kerch. The section passes through Belogorsk, and its length will be 215 kilometers. The money for the construction is planned to be taken from extra-budgetary sources on the basis of a bond issue or sponsorship agreements.

When will the opening take place?

As conceived by the designers, the first stage is the launch of the Kerch-Feodosia railway line. The completion of construction is scheduled for 2018-2019. The length of the road is just over 94 kilometers. Then another settlement (Simferopol) will be added, and the path will increase by 27 kilometers. By 2020, it is planned to launch railway stations, TPU and several new stations in these settlements.

The second stage of the project is the launch of the railway direction - Simferopol - Bakhchisarai - Sevastopol. Its length will be a little over 120 kilometers. Also, as part of the second stage of construction, two small sections will be launched:

  • Simferopol - Saki - Evpatoria;
  • airport - railway station (Simferopol).

The second phase is scheduled to be completed by 2022.

The Crimean Railway company is preparing to operate the bridge from the end of 2019. The company managed to prepare a schedule for the movement of trains for 2020, but so far it remains preliminary. Experts suggest that in the first year of the railway connection between the mainland of the country and the Crimean peninsula, the road will be heavily loaded. In 24 hours, 29 passes will pass here. The main load on the railroad tracks will come from short- and long-distance passenger trains. Also, suburban and freight trains will run here every day.

The total throughput of the railway is 47 trains in any direction per day. We are talking about both passenger and freight trains. This information was confirmed by one of the managers of the Infrastructure Projects Department of the Stroygazmontazh enterprise.

As of August 19, 2018, construction work continues at full speed. What is happening today can be seen in the photo:

P.S. As of 11/23/2018, the railway project on the approach to the bridge changes its direction due to the discovery of the ancient Monitra estate. More details.

They again started talking about the possibility of building a straightening branch from Kerch to Simferopol. Which day the topic is being exaggerated. We agreed that it was necessary to build a high-speed line: "The Crimean bridge cannot abut against the old railway (through Dzhankoy - ed.) On diesel traction. For an efficient transport corridor, modern railway communication is highly desirable. There are several options, one of them is the construction of a direct high-speed section from Kerch to Simferopol, - Andrey Melnikov told reporters ... "

It should be noted right away that no "... direct high-speed section from Kerch to Simferopol ..." can be built. A new highway was planned for construction from Vladislavovka (where the turn to Feodosia) to Ostryakovo (Proletnaya) station. It is technically possible to set up a new line directly to the Simferopol-Passazhirskiy station, but not rational. This will require very large costs to change the existing buildings in the eastern part of the city. And you need to remember about Evpatoria. It is not for some Simferopol and Sevastopol to build a new highway. So there is exactly one option: Vladislavovka - Belogorsk - Ostryakovo.

So, just over 100 kilometers -

Maybe they measured the distance from Kerch?

As practice has shown, based on the example of the construction of a new double-track branch "Zhuravka - Millerovo", it is quite possible to build some 100 kilometers of a new railway in modern Russia in a couple of years, without any stress. So there is no doubt: if they decide to start building in 2018, then by 2020, trains will go through Belogorsk. If they start small, with the construction of a single-track line (there are also such ideas), then they will manage even faster.

They write: "The Crimean bridge cannot rest against the old diesel-powered railway ..."

Lord! And he will not rest on anything! First, it has long been clear to everyone: the old Kerch - Dzhankoy road is also being electrified. Even if not immediately, not in one fell swoop, then this will not affect the railway traffic through the Kerch Strait. Secondly, there will be enough diesel locomotives.

Recently there was such news: "OJSC Russian Railways announced a tender for the right to conclude a subcontract agreement for the development of working documentation and construction of approaches to the transport passage through the Kerch Strait. The money is planned to be allocated from the federal budget. The winner will be determined in early December 2017. According to the conditions tender, the subcontractor will have to complete the development of documentation by March 25, 2018 ... "

Maybe some ordinary people are afraid of this? On Taman, new interchanges and roads are being built in full, and there is still no project for the railway line to the bridge. Just a few days ago, a tender was announced and they plan to receive the project documentation by the end of March 2018.

Nothing wrong with that. I have already covered a similar situation with the electrification at Dzhankoy: "The project for the electrification of the Kerch - Dzhankoy section will be made at the click of your fingers. There is nothing difficult in fitting standard solutions to the conditions of the Crimean highways. For comparison, remember: how long it took to develop a project for a transport passage to Crimea ? In April 2014, they announced that they would be building, by the end of the summer everything was ready. Then the time was spent only on examination and approvals. In 4-5 months, they drew a unique structure of two parallel bridges with huge arches ... "

So it's okay that working documentation will only start to be made, no. Today's CAD systems are capable of a lot. No big construction project in Russia is chaotic. Before approaching the stage of working documentation (RD), they go through geology, and geodesy, and draft designs, and simply projects (P) and much more. Construction production technology is always respected. Yes, there are shoals. But such objects are managed by certain project managers, there are work schedules, everything is signed in advance, what to whom and when to do it. Ordinary people see only the tip of the iceberg: the construction work itself and the finished objects. They can be absolutely calm: they are not building from a bulldozer.

So the malicious laughter of the fools: "Ha-ha, but the project is not yet there!" - just a snide laugh of fools. Fools have no idea what the project documentation is, what stages and what sections it contains.

What does the example of the beginning development of working documentation on Taman's approaches show? The fact that in just three months, the builders will be fully provided with all the necessary documentation for the work and will have time to build approaches by the time the railway bridge opens for the transport passage across the Kerch Strait.

Could it (working documentation) be made faster? Of course you can. Was it necessary?

So it is with the new railway to Simferopol. Only a fundamental decision will be made - to build, research, the development of any projects and its construction is just a matter of technology.

They decide to build - great! Do not decide - it's okay. It will be like with a tunnel under the Kerch Strait: they gagged in the media and postponed it for later.

When the speed of movement on the section "Kerch - Dzhankoy" is increased to 120 - 140 km / h, the hook through Dzhankoy will not be felt particularly.

So stop pouring from empty to empty about the construction of a new highway. It will be in demand, but its absence will not bring any negatives. Either let them start building, or let them die out with this topic.

This year, or rather, a week before the new year, something happened that, in principle, was the natural result of the annexation of Crimea to Russia - the complete cessation of railway communication with Ukraine, both passenger and cargo. This meant the beginning of an era of unprecedented stagnation of the Crimean railways until the most important transport artery for the peninsula was built - a bridge across the Kerch Strait, which would connect Crimea with mainland Russia. Everyone who thought and hoped that the holiday season was disrupted - let them break off, because Simferopol airport did an excellent job of receiving tourists to the peninsula, where in the summer planes landed or flew in at intervals of 5 minutes + the Kavkaz-Crimea ferry crossing this year worked like a clock and there were no big queues on the ferry, except perhaps the peak days late August, when people poured out en masse from the resorts.
As for the railway, we have a system of essentially inactive lines with a single passenger train № 561/562 Moscow-Simferopol-Moscow, going through a ferry crossing, not so intensive freight traffic (about 2-3 pairs to Sevastopol, a rare load to Evpatoria) and the prevailing suburban train traffic:
- Simferopol - Evpatoria only 4 pairs
- Simferopol - Sevastopol 5 pairs
- Simferopol - Dzhankoy - Salt Lake about 8 pairs
- and on average 3-4 pairs on locomotives

That seems to be all that the Crimean Railway could boast of this year. The main innovation of this season is the commissioning of commuter trains with all-metal locomotive traction on the electrified sections. This is due to the fact that in connection with the cancellation of trains through Ukraine, the huge staff of conductors and the local crew of the Simferopol depot were left out of work and, so that they had at least some kind of work, they were assigned to suburban routes. + it can be assumed that the fleet of electric trains registered at the Simferopol motor car depot was already in an unsatisfactory condition - the promised trains from the mainland never came, and ER1, which should have been immediately put aside on the day of joining with Russia, had all heavy repairs, starting with TR -2 were carried out earlier in the depots Nikopol and Dnepropetrovsk of the Pridneprovskaya railway - naturally, the road there is now closed. This summer, only 6 trains assembled from more or less serviceable sections worked on the line - of course, such a number of electric trains could not ensure the stable movement of all pairs of commuter trains - here ChS2T and pass cars came to the rescue.

So, about all my trips in order:

July 11, 2015
He made his first sortie on the very first evening after arriving in Crimea. It was traditionally held on the Evpatoria-Ostryakovo branch, next to which I have been resting for 15 years. As I already wrote, on this line this summer, well, at least during my stay there, the minimum number of trains was running in comparison with at least last season - there were only 4 pairs of suburban trains (as in the winter schedule, 4 more were added in the summer), very rare freight to Evpatoria-commodity, and, as you know, there is no more PDS - in general, the line died ... So, the purpose of the sortie was the last train to Evpatoria:

1. Electric train ER1-117 on the Saki-Pribrezhnaya stretch

12 Jul 2015
The next morning I got out there, but behind the suburban on locomotive traction. Unfortunately, a pidovanny tower was caught with him:

2. The electric locomotive ChS2T-1020 with the suburban train Evpatoria-Kurort - Simferopol arrives at the settlement. Technical school, section Coastal - Saki.

In it, I drove to the neighboring station Saki. God, how long have I been on this line in a passenger train car ...

And removed the departure of this train from the station:

3. Electric locomotive ChS2T-1020 with a suburban train Evpatoria-Resort - Simferopol departs from the Saki station

Jul 13, 2015 Free transfer
The lack of movement in long-standing places served as a motivator for trips to new ones (well, at least for themselves new ones, but well known to many). True, for the same minimum of movement - with the world on a string. This time I finally decided to go to Inkerman for the same the section where pilgrimages of ferroequinologists and Orthodox believers are made - whoever is in the subject will understand where I ended up, and for those who did not understand, the answer is further \u003d). But before that, it was decided to remove the only Crimean PDS (say it a year or two ago, they would have mistaken for a madman) before reaching Simferopol. I had to get up at 4 in the morning and take the first train to Evpatoria, and since it went from Ostryakovo to Simferopol without stopping, skipping the platform I needed, I had to change trains to Ostryakovo to an electric train from the Dzhankoy direction. Morning train at Ostryakovo station, carrying people to work in Simferopol:

I left at the next stop - o.p. 1450 kilometer, I shoot my section in the tail:

4. Electric train ER1-199 departs from the station. 1450 km, Ostryakovo-Simferopol section

Before ERka had time to hide behind the curve, a suburban under the tower follows her towards her. And yes, pidovanny again:

5. Electric locomotive ChS2T-1045 with a suburban train Simferopol - Mamut on the stretch Simferopol-Gruzovoy - Ostryakovo

In theory, the Moscow train should follow him, but in the meantime, an electric train arrived from the side of Ostryakovo:

6. Electric train ER2-425 at o.p. 1450 km, section Ostryakovo - Simferopol-Gruzovoy

At the time of filming, it was the newest train in Crimea. The ED4M-0415 skated here last season was declared unfit for operation in Crimea and returned back to the mainland.

The team turned out to be quite friendly. However, it is understandable, because Vladimir Ivanyura is sitting at the controller - a machinist and also a good railway photographer.


I make a shot of ERki in the tail, from the side of Simferopol the PDS is already approaching:

8. Electric train ER2-425 on the Ostryakovo - Simferopol-Gruzovoy stretch

Yes, I'm lucky for these red devils. Considering that out of the 6 remaining on the peninsula, only these are 2 (1020 and 1045), then this, damn it, is "success" ..

9. Electric locomotive ChS2T-1020 with train No. 562 Simferopol - Rostov-on-Don (VBS Simferopol-Moscow) on the stretch Simferopol-Gruzovoy - Ostryakovo

Simferopol-Moscow, in fact, is said loudly. Upon arrival at the port of Crimea, passengers are disembarked and transported to the port of Kavkaz and put in a different train. The carriages were transported only the first month after the appointment of this train, but then this idea was never recognized as rational (although in the Soviet years the ferry went quite well).
The goal of the morning set has been fulfilled - now it's time to go to the Sevastopol branch. I got on the train from Dzhankoy and, having arrived at Simf, made a change to the Elk to Sevastopol.
So, the ferry that interests me, yes, the star of all railway photo galleries - Inkerman-II - Mekenzievy Gory, standing on a par with such "monsters" as Revda-Reshety and Khovrino-Moscow-Tov.))
I go to the o.p. 1528 km and I take a photo of the leaving Elk in the tail - well, it turned out well:

10. Electric train ER1-218 on the section Mekenzievy Gory - Inkerman-II

A shot taken from the platform towards the Mekenziev Mountains. Eh, beauty - here would be a train :(


And I start walking along the boyanchiks of this stretch. After walking a little, I go out to the top place of this stretch)). View of the Kalamitskaya fortress and, as if gouged out in it, the St. Klimentyevsky monastery.


Alas, it was irrelevant to shoot from this place - counterlight. So I went further.
The previous shot was taken from the left cliff:


14. St. Klimentyevsky Monastery, Inkerman

Of the planned rented substation, there was only a return train. Overlooking the caves of the Kalamite fortress:

15. Electric train ER1-140 on the stretch Inkerman-II - Mekenzievy Gory

I didn't plan to linger any longer. It began to return, as after removing something seemed from Inkerman ... Chmukha! Once again, I made sure that spontaneous photos come out better:

16. Diesel locomotive ChME3-4247 on the stretch Inkerman-II - Mekenzievy Gory

That's actually all that the piece of iron made me happy that day. Then he paved the day in the hero city of Sevastopol. By the way, non-railway photos, incl. from Sevas you can see - the album is still being replenished as of 11/27/15.

July 17, 2015
On this day, I again hunted for Teremkovsky suburban Evpatoria-Simferopol. This time I got to the lake Sasyk-Sivash, the bank of which goes around the railway. Here, quite unexpectedly for myself, I crossed paths and met one of the authors of the project railwaysband ... Well, and finally got lucky with the right Czech!

17. Electric locomotive ChS2T-1024 with a suburban train Evpatoria - Simferopol on the stretch Evpatoria-Tovarnaya - Pribrezhnaya

Jul 21, 2015 Free transfer
This year for me was marked by the discovery of Crimea in a new way. The piece of iron did not escape this fate - I finally decided to visit the diesel locomotive railways of the Crimea and got out to Feodosia. So, again getting up at 4 in the morning on the first electra to Simph - there is no particular choice. This time I took some pictures along the way. Electra arriving at my platform (photo taken before sunrise):

18. Electric train ER1-199 arrives at the station. Technical school, section Pribrezhnaya-Saki

We arrive at the Yarkaya station. Here our section departs with the same Teremkovsky suburban. Electric locomotives meet motor cars :).

19. Electric locomotive ChS2T-1025 with a suburban train Simferopol - Evpatroia at the Yarkaya station

Arriving in Simferopol, I headed towards the bus station. And on the way I take a photo of the Moscow train a few minutes before departure:

20. Electric locomotive ChS2T-1056 with train No. 562 Simferopol - Rostov-on-Don at the Simferopol station

I got to Feodosia by bus. In the study program of Feodosia railways, 3 suburban ones were planned, which should be within 2 hours. The first, Chmukhoprigorodny Vladislavovka-Feodosia, was filmed almost immediately upon arrival at the Aivazovskaya station. The popular name of this train is "Volna"

21. Diesel locomotive ChME3-3767 with a suburban train Vladislavovka-Feodosia at the station Aivazovskaya

The following shots were taken on the Aivazovskaya-Feodosia stretch - it runs along streets and parks and, in fact, along the Black Sea coast.
Suburban Armensk-Feodosia under half a Boeing:

22. Section of diesel locomotive 2TE116-1591 with commuter train Armyansk-Feodosia on the section Aivazovskaya-Feodosia

And suburban Feodosia-Kerch under a sneaker. Now I caught the Octobrist in the Crimea on the diesel locomotive:

23. Diesel locomotive TEP70-0195 with a suburban train Feodosia-Kerch on the Aivazovskaya-Feodosia stretch

As a result, I removed all kinds of suburban, or rather all possible locomotives under them.

In the morning of this day, purely for fun, I decided to ride back and forth on a suburban under the teremkom to Evpatoria. 1025 Czech drove me, who took off in a Bright trip earlier. Arriving in Evpatoria, the electric locomotive unhooked and began to make maneuvers:

24. Electric locomotive ChS2T-1025 at the station Evpatoria-Kurort

And went under the composition:

25. Electric locomotive ChS2T-1025 with a suburban train Evpatoria-Simferopol at the station Evpatoria-Kurort

And now the way back. Getting off the train, I made a shot with a suburban at the op. Technical College:

26. Electric locomotive ChS2T-1025 with a suburban train Evpatoria-Simferopol departs from the settlement. Technical school, section Pribrezhnaya-Saki

And in the evening I decided to get out again on the same branch and fish that very rare cargo to Evpatoria-Tovarnaya. According to the EXIF \u200b\u200bphotos of the lucky guys who took the cargo here earlier this summer, I knew the approximate time of the train's passage. I drove closer to him. I decided to choose the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement as a place. The sun between Pribrezhnaya and Evpatoria - I got there by bus and there was already a freight waiting. Alas, in 1.5 hours, except for the train, nothing passed:

27. Electric train ER1-218 on the stretch Pribrezhnaya - Evpatoria-Tovarnaya

Without losing hope for the cargo, I decided to change the place and take the train to the next station. - 54 km - a freight train can be skipped after the train. Unfortunately, this did not happen either. Until the return train, nothing passed and I left with a crowd of vacationers from the beach in this section:

28. Electric train ER1-218 at o.p. 54 km, section Evpatoria-Tovarnaya - Pribrezhnaya

And I drove to the Saki station:

29. Electric train ER1-218 departs from Saki station

This was the last shot from a piece of iron in Crimea this year and, it seems, from ER1, the last shot in my life. As soon as I left, ER2Ks from the Oktyabrskaya and Kuibyshevskaya railways began to arrive in Crimea. Soon they managed to oust all the ERKs inherited from the Crimean railway from the Dnieper.
On all other days, an unbearable heat was established on the peninsula for any trips, so part of the planned remained unfulfilled and all the other days I did not want to do anything other than staying in the sea without leaving. But I am glad of this too, because this year I looked at the Crimea in a new way and not only at the piece of iron. I hope next year I will be able to get there and continue what I started.

Thank you all for your attention and see you soon!

The railways of Crimea and Sevastopol are served by the unitary enterprise Crimea Railways (Crimean Railways). Thanks to the communication routes, communication is maintained between such cities as Simferopol, Sevastopol, Saki, Evpatoria, Kerch, Feodosia, Dzhankoy, etc.

Development of the Crimean Railway

The state-owned enterprise "Crimean Railway" was formed on the basis of the Crimean branch of the Pridneprovskaya railway in March 2014. The railway network does not cover Tarkhankut and the South Coast of Crimea. Passenger traffic takes place between Crimea and Voronezh, Moscow and Rostov-on-Don. The transportation scheme is intermodal: train - ferry - train. The Crimean Railways has 3 locomotive depots: Kerch, Dzhankoy and Simferopol.

In the spring of 2014, Avtodor Group of Companies and Russian Railways OJSC founded Kerch Bridge Crossing LLC, whose main task is to build a road-rail bridge across the Kerch Strait. The bridge will be about 19 km long. It was also planned to build a new railway line Simferopol - Kerch, reconstruction of the line Kerch - Armyansk and the creation of new stations.

The railway bridge across the strait is an opportunity to reduce to a minimum the time of crossing the water area and to increase passenger traffic and cargo turnover. Previously, the Crimean Railways supported passenger transportation between the Russian capital and Kharkov, Donetsk, Simferopol and Krivoy Rog. Currently, communication between Ukraine and Russia has been terminated. You can buy a train ticket online by visiting the website. Railway tickets go on sale no earlier than 45 days before the departure date.

How to get to Crimea by rail

The Crimean Railway offers a route Moscow - Simferopol, which runs through Russian territory. Passengers spend 44 hours on the way. The train goes to the Kavkaz station, then passengers change to a bus and arrive at the Kavkaz port. There they cross the Kerch Strait and arrive in Kerch, where they again take their places on the train and follow to Simferopol.

To get to the peninsula, it is not necessary to use the Crimean railways. It is enough to turn to the services of JSC FPC (a division of Russian Railways). The route involves traveling along the Moscow - Anapa or Moscow - Krasnodar line. Then passengers change to buses and proceed to the port "Kavkaz", where they cross the strait. After arriving in Kerch, they go by bus to Yalta or Feodosia.

There are basically four ways to get to the Crimean Peninsula. The first way, the most expensive and comfortable one, is air travel. A couple of hours on the plane - and you are already in Simferopol or Sevastopol. Buses, trolleybuses, minibuses or taxis will take you from these cities to your destination on direct routes - the choice is yours.
The second is the railway one. After spending a day on the train, solving all the crosswords, and your goal - the sun, sea and mountains will be achieved. The main railway stations in Crimea are Simferopol, Feodosia, Evpatoria.
The third way is to visit Crimea - by choosing a car trip. Choosing this option, you need to think over everything in advance, check with the map, since some routes in fact turn out to be long and extreme. For motorists, the South Coast of Crimea sometimes prepares adventures: the roads here are difficult, mostly mountainous and winding.
The very last fourth way, the most extreme. Every year, every summer, a large number of young people hitchhike to Crimea. Everyone has their own reasons: someone is hungry for adventure, someone does not have enough money. Here you need to have experience with people, be careful.