Scandalous facts about Miley Cyrus. Miley Cyrus' performance at MTV Video Music Awards shocked stars Penis Cake

Christian Baker

Singer Robin Thicke and actress Paula Patton were one of Hollywood's sweetest and most beloved couples. Having met from both teens and teenagers, the duo was what everyone thought there was love, but the marriage began to crumble before our eyes in 2014. In October of that year, after nine years of marriage, Patton filed for divorce, marking the end of the romance many came to respect and the beginning of a dark, split ends, which shocked their fans. From allegations of child abuse and drug addiction, to career tanking and embarrassing behavior, there are many reasons couples flushed out.

He disgraced himself with Miley Cyrus

Thicke and Miley Cyrus staged a raunchy play at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards. To this day, it is still named one of the dirtiest and most talked about moments in the show's history. We suspect that the critically prepared exhibit served a lot of embarrassment for Patton and helped drive the Wedge through their marriage.

Consider: Cyrus and Tick teamed up to analyze their hits “We Can't Stop” and “Blurry Lines,” but the fun the duo took on a fornicatory feel when Cyrus, in a flesh-colored ensemble, became twerk from Tick in the crotch, performing questionable gestures with a finger and licking his neck. Insiders told Us Weekly that Tick was upset with Cyrus “hijacked the performance,” but Cyrus told The New York Times her partner was just trying to save face after. “He acted like he didn't know what was going to happen. You were in rehearsals! You knew exactly what was going to happen, ”she said. “And actually he was the one who approved of my outfit, so I thought it was very funny. He wanted me to be as naked as possible, because it's like his video. There was a lot of work together. ”

According to TMZ, that WMA performance pushed Patton over the edge. Plot Claim Deja Vu (2006) The actress felt “completely disrespected” for her husband's antics on stage.

After this unfriendly performance by the WMA with Cyrus, Thicke soon found himself embroiled in even more drama from the stage. This time, a photo of Tick posing with a fan caused an uproar. As the story goes, a beautiful blonde named Lana Scolaro is shot with a pop singer on MTV after a party. She didn’t know there was a mirror behind them, showing Tick helping her ass Scolaro’s ass. “I knew that his hand was on my ass, but I don’t know that there was a mirror,” she said to E! News after image spreads like wildfire across the internet. She also denied claims that she Photoshopped the image to make it more scandalous. “Even I don't know what the reflection was until I Uploaded it and someone commented on it,” she said. “I was like,‘ oh, I’ll be Instagram this photo with Robin Thicke, like everyone else. ””

Fans immediately started tweeting Patton about the image. In response to the drama, an insider for the couple told E! Anchoring racy news was “no question” that could have been the code for brewing war at home. Days after the confusion of what appeared to be damage-control photography, a happy family appeared online.

Does she feel overshadowed?

While Thicke's career exploded with a white-hot hit “Blurred Lines,” Patton's career has cooled, and perhaps some have rekindled jealousy between the two. For years, she has been a spouse whose star has been on the rise, having starred in blockbusters such as Mission: Impossible: The Phantom Protocol (2011). It was her name, which was given unfastened when mentioned in the media by the couple, but that all changed in 2013 when Tick transforms from a mediocre R&B performer to a Grammy a-lister.

Although Patton continues to work steadily, the quality of many of her projects is lacking. The romantic comedy Just Wright (2010) was terribly wrong, earning only a 45 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The 2012 thriller Disconnect Don't Connect with Audiences, earning only $ 210,744 the first weekend, according to IMDb. Baggage claim (2013) and perfect match (2016) were also unremarkable. In fact, Patton did not appear in the wildly successful film with her twist opposite Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible.

His costly court dramas

Although Thicke and Pharrell Williams achieved the chart topping success with “blurry lines,” the family of Motown icon Marvin Gaye claimed to be pop stars stolen their hit from Gaie's catalog. The family filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit claiming the duo ripped off Gay's famous 1977 song “Got Got To Give It Up,” We Weekly reported. After a lengthy trial, during which Tick admitted that he could not fully participate in the writing process while on drugs, a jury ordered Tick and Williams to pay a stunning $ 7.3 million.

Williams testified in court that their song was not a “violation”, but rather a general “feel” of the melody with Gaia. “While we respect the litigation, we were extremely disappointed in the ruling issued today, which sets a terrible precedent for music and creativity to go forward,” the duo said in a joint statement (via the newspaper). “The 'Blurred Lines' was created from the hearts and minds of Farrell, Robin and and. so, and not accept from anyone or anywhere else ... "

In time for the deposition of the trial (through the people), the lawyer asked Thicke, "Do you consider yourself an honest person?" This provocative question got an incredibly dumb answer. “No,” Tick said. “That's why I split off. I told my wife the truth. That's why she left me. "

His apology album fell on deaf ears

When the teak marriage turned sour, he turned to music for healing. After all, many of the timeless album was forged in the fire of suffering. Thicke decided to make a whole album about the return of his wife. As romantic as it sounds, she was a complete dummy. It was one of the biggest flops of 2014, according to Afisha, selling only 25,000 copies in its first week. Outside of the room, the content was awful — 14 with shameless track titles such as “you're my fantasy,” “take it back,” and “love can grow again.” A review in Atlantic described the project as follows: "It's messy, it's generally grammatically incoherent, it's humiliating for everyone involved."

But the embarrassment doesn't end there. During the promotion of the album, Thicke started to burst into tears during various performances. During the award ceremony in 2014, he opened his play “Eternal Love” to groveling (via the newspaper), “I want to dedicate this song to my wife, and say, 'I miss you, forgive me.” “His performance was emotionally moving ... for him, at least. ”Tick even stopped a few times to wipe off his panting.” Meanwhile, Patton's public silence during his apology tour was deafening.

He admitted that drug and alcohol problems

Tick \u200b\u200bwas open about his battles with drug and alcohol addiction. In the April 2014 deposition for his "blurry lines" lawsuit, he confessed to drug addiction. In court documents (via people), Tolstoy says that he is “not a sober interview” while promoting the song. “Every day I woke up, I would take Vicodin to start the day, and then I would fill a bottle of water with vodka and drink it before and during my interview.”

In the meeting, Tick also said that he had nothing to do with making his smash song. “I was under the influence of pills and alcohol when I came into the studio,” he said (via Hollywood Reporter). “… Nine months later, it became a huge hit and I want a loan. So I started by kind of convincing myself that I was a little bigger than me ... But the reality is that Farrell had a beat and wrote almost every part of the song. " At the end of the deposition, Teak claimed to have abandoned Vicodin, but did not drink.

Rape Does 'blurry lines' justify?

As the “blurry lines” began to burn before the airwaves, critics took a closer look at the lyrics, and many argued that the catchy track encouraged rape. Thicke tried to clear up the controversy by telling BBC Radio 1 (via a Hollywood reporter), “I can't even answer that; that's funny." He said that there were words about "blurring the boundaries between men and women, and how we are the same" and "blurry lines between a good girl and a bad girl." He noted that “even very good girls have a little bad side. You just have to know how to get him out of them. "

As for the accompanying videos and nude women? The director's Tick shifted the blame to Diane Martel, claiming it was her idea. He said he didn’t want the video to be “launched” and wanted to shoot, only the clothed versions of the video. “I've always been a gentleman. I have been with one woman since I was a teenager. Therefore, I do not want to do anything that is unacceptable. " Tick \u200b\u200badded that reportedly his wife and her friends suggested that he release a naked version.

She accused him of child abuse

In January 2017, a custody battle between Tick and Patton erupted over allegations that the singer might be abusive towards his 6-year-old son, Julian. According to TMZ, Julian recounted how school officials spank and beat him, prompting the school to file a complaint with the Los Angeles County Department of Family and Children. In legal documents, Patton told Julian and told her that Tick spanked him “very hard,” TMZ said.

Thicke defended his upbringing in legal documents: “On very rare occasions and only as a last resort, I will use a light slap, but this is consistent with the law - an open palm on the ass,” he said (via the newspaper). "This is the kind of discipline that Paula and I agreed to during our marriage."

Patton reportedly tried to restrict Teak's visits with the baby. According to the American Weekly, she filed an emergency drug test request and only monitored visits from Tick, but the source said that "the judge dismissed all [Patton's] complaint" and that "Child Welfare Services see no evidence of wrongdoing."

However, for January. On 26 2017, a judge issued a court order prohibiting the singer's domestic violence from coming into contact with Paula and Julian, TMZ reported. Sources told the Tab the court decision was caused by Tick to “knock” Patton's door when he came to her home for a scheduled visit with his son, and she refused to answer. Tick \u200b\u200ballegedly denied this version of events.

He blamed her for emotional abuse

Patton isn't the only one to be abused. The lawyer claims the tick is being investigated by Patton in Los Angeles. Cafe. children for family and emotional abuse, TMZ reported in January 2017, claiming she deliberately tried to alienate Julian with her father.

This batch of mud was thrown a week after good stories surfaced about counseling the family. A source told People that "both parties are working with a therapist who advises on the Julian's ... Ms. Patton will continue to do what is right for her son." A second source added, "Robin wants to have Julian's best interests at heart." This sounds great, but we suspect progress will stall if these parents keep diving into court.

In law drama

Some of this family stress stems from the tension between Patton and her father-in-law, the rise of star Alan Thicke? Robin claims that there was little love between his father and his ex-wife. When Alan died unexpectedly of a heart attack, aged 69, Robin reportedly banned Patton from attending services. In court documents relating to the aforementioned battle of custody, Robin allegedly (by TMZ), “Paula did not have a positive relationship with her father and often made negative comments to me about my father. As such, she is not welcome at his funeral. ”

Patton and Robin started dating as teenagers, so how much of this feud had to brew? It is unclear given that Patton shows no signs of ill will towards his former father-in-law. After his death, she posted a loving tribute to Instagram: “I knew Alan when I was 15 and he had a huge impact on my life. I loved and respected him so much! So many great memories and laughs together. We will miss him very much! His grandson is pretty sure he is still here with us in spirit. "

Will they make up?

As long as this puppy-love couple has a long history together, it is unlikely they will revive the romance. At best, maybe they can figure out a way to co-parent their son amicably and keep their privacy from the headlines.

Robin clearly gave him a go, and with a younger lady. Model April Love Gehry, who celebrated her 22nd birthday in December 2016, is not shy about plastering her Instagram with bikini, PDA-packed photos of her beau turning 40 in 2017.

Text: Elizaveta Vereykina

Photo: EAST-NEWS; Getty /; Rex /; Instagram

The number of 20-year-old Miley Cyrus at the MTV Video Music Awards, like her, caused a real scandal. We've known for a long time that Miley has grown out of her former Hannah Montana nymphet image. But so much ?! Not everyone was ready for this ...

By far the highest number at the recent MTV Video Music Awards was 20-year-old Miley Cyrus. Many viewers, including stars, turn their nose up in disgust! At the same time, there are those who admired the young rebel ...

The singer took the stage surrounded by life-size teddy bears, dressed in a gray swimsuit, and performed the single We Can "t Stop. Miley briskly twisted her hips to the beat of the music, took candid poses, showed her tongue, grabbed the dancers' fifth point.

Then on stage she was joined by Robin Tike, with whom the star sang Blurred Lines. Miley, with one movement of her hand, took off her gray swimsuit and remained in beige latex underwear, in which she continued her candid dances.

During this performance, the star periodically touched herself or her partner between her legs, again showed her tongue and shook her hips.

From the reaction of eminent stars in the hall, one could understand that some of them were in shock. The camera captured Jaden and Willow Smith, along with their dad, actor Will Smith. As soon as Miley entered the stage, their faces twisted in bewilderment. Despite the fact that Jaden and Willow themselves are in no way inferior to Cyrus in their youth and enthusiasm, their expressions indicated that the star was overstepping boundaries.

31-year-old singer Kelly Clarkson hastened to express her dissatisfaction with the "fall in morals" at the ceremony, who wrote on her Twitter:

“I saw a couple of shows at the VMA last night. Some strippers who can't sing! "

To this, Miley's best friend named Cheyne immediately reacted by insulting Kelly. On his Twitter account, he wrote:

"Kelly Clarkson called Miley a" non-singing stripper. " Don't you think she's angry because her last singles failed miserably and she was not invited to perform at the ceremony? Plus she is fat and over 30. ”

But if Cheyne is going to respond to every criticism about Miley's performance, then he will have to try pretty hard. Thousands of spectators at the ceremony, including many celebrities, were quick to condemn Miley's recklessness.

American TV presenter Bethenny Frankel tweeted the following:

“Miley Cyrus, 20, is clearly going in the wrong direction. I hope she agrees with this. What were the thoughts of the one who choreographed the act and came up with all these bears ?! "

Film producer Judd Apatow tweeted the cover of the 2012 movie "Undercover Agent", which depicts Cyrus in his old girlish image - with long hair, pink tank top and skirt. Judd captioned this picture: “I will always see this Miley in front of me. Let's better all turn to the past - this will help us not to go crazy. "

The following entry appeared on the page of the American news portal E! Online: "Raise your hand, those who, after Miley Cyrus's performance at the VMA, felt themselves to be her victims!" Country singer Josh Gracein tweeted: "Now I have to explain to my 11-year-old daughter why she can no longer be interested in the work of Miley Cyrus."

Positive reviews were in the minority. One of them Miley reposted on her Twitter. The star was praised by the rapper Trinidad Jame $ with the words: “Miley, keep it up! Our girl! "

It is worth noting that, before going on stage, Miley admitted in an interview with MTV that her performance would be insane. The star said: “Remember that scandalous kiss between Madonna and Britney Spears? My performance will be even crazier! "

Indeed, Miley managed to shock the public worse than the queen of outrageous Madonna herself.

How do you like the image of Miley Cyrus at the MTV Video Music Awards?

Singer Miley Cyrus at the Oscars afterparty, March 4, 2018

Growing up in front of the whole world is not easy, but Miley Cyrus is not the first and not the last artist to earn fame through her childhood roles. Baby Hannah Montana grew up like any normal teenager: she went through crises, explored her own sexuality and, of course, rebelled. Perhaps this is no different from other celebrities raised under the wing of Disney: neither from Britney Spears, nor from Christina Aguilera, nor from Justin Timberlake. However, Miss Cyrus contrasts especially with the "Disney" people of her generation. At one time, for example, Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato made a bet on sexuality, but Miley definitely went further, trying on not only the image of a diva, but also the image of a shocking starlet, whose concerts were not allowed to children under 16 years old.

However, today we see a completely different Miley: her latest album "Younger Now", which the singer presented last year, marks the girl's creative return to country roots. Here's how the single of the same name to him begins: “It seems that I just woke up, as if I had been sleeping all the time before. Even though I am different now, I do not regret who I was before. " Pixies were replaced by romantic curls, mesh bodysuits gave way to dresses, promiscuous sexual relations came to an end along with a renewed relationship with Liam Hemsworth. Growing up?

Or something more?

Twerk marketing

Almost five years have passed since that performance, and they still cannot forget it: a 20-year-old Disney star in latex underwear, with harnesses-horns on her head, sings that she can “kiss whoever he wants” and demonstrates invitingly frank poses paired with singer Robin Thicke. The performance raised a buzz from the first minute - and no, not only in the concert hall, but also on Twitter, where a record high user activity was registered at that time. Posts dedicated to Cyrus's performance appeared on the social network at a speed of (just think) 300 thousand per minute. The 2012 VMA record was 98,000 posts every 60 seconds. Miley's success was so great that it came close to the hype that was observed on Twitter after the night of the 2012 US presidential election.

At the same time, the Google search engine recorded more than 10 million requests for Cyrus and her performance. Interestingly, the next day, "Syria" appeared in the top of the search engine - in connection with reports that the United States, presumably, is planning strikes on Damascus. But the possible war with Syria provided the search engine with only 100 thousand queries, while Miley's twerk - a hundred times more.

Miley arrives at the VMA, August 25, 2013

Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke performing at the VMA

In a word, the performance with frank dances and teddy bears produced the effect of an exploding bomb. Naturally, not all of those 300 thousand tweets per minute were positive, but this was the case when quantity was more important than quality. Some Western columnists have even introduced the neologism "twerk marketing" into everyday life in order to illustrate how just a few minutes of active fifth point movements can ensure popularity for months or even years to come.

However, someone who, and Miley Cyrus is definitely not a pioneer in the art of making money on outrageous. So what really happened on that colorful scene in Brooklyn?

On screen and in life

A couple of days before Miss Cyrus finally unveils that provocative Bangerz album (and this happened a couple of months after the VMA), Opposing Views will write: “Like most Disney immigrants, Miley is a very mediocre singer, so she compensates for the lack of talent, like that of Ariana Grande (meaning vocal - ed.), with entertainment. " Meanwhile, if the girl's musical talents are still a subject for discussion, then the fact that in Miley's career the image always went a little ahead is obvious.

The story of the ascent of little Cyrus to the musical Olympus is in the slightest degree known to everyone who at least once had to spend more than 10 minutes on the Disney Channel. The series "Hannah Montana", where a very young Miley plays the main character, leading the double life of an ordinary schoolgirl and a pop star, is still considered one of the most popular and, importantly, profitable projects of Disney. Four seasons and two full-length films - Miley Cyrus lived in the role of obedient baby Miley Stewart for five years.

Miley Cyrus with her father Billy Ray on the set of "Hannah Montana", November 11, 2005

Miley as the main character, December 2005

How the daughter of the famous country performer Billy Ray got into the project is also not a secret, at least in words. They say that she got the role of Miley, as it should be - having passed the casting and charmed the producers with her initiative and vocal abilities so much that they offered her the main role, despite the fact that Cyrus herself was much younger than her character. Legend also says that Miley originally auditioned for the role of Hannah's friend, but the girl's talent did not allow her to remain in the shadows. What is true and what is a beautiful fiction still remains a mystery, but in any case, a good story about how a little girl, having seen the musical "Mama Mia!", Was determined to become an actress and easily the most popular Disney show, has become widely known. It is no coincidence that in 2009, at the age of 17, Miley will even write an autobiography, which will have unprecedented success among teenagers.

The story of young Destiny Hope (and this is the name the parents gave the baby initially - a nickname, and then the girl will take the official name "Miley" later) is generally like a script for a separate series. At least in her memoirs, the artist quite colorfully describes how her, a simple girl from Tennessee (Cyrus, by the way, was born in Nashville, the capital of country music), was offended by bullies at school and how she trusted all her experiences to music. In this sense, her role in "Hannah Montana" did the best in strengthening this image.

However, if you believe the same legend, the producers of the series themselves were looking for an actress with an impeccable reputation - one whose on-screen image of such a daddy's daughter, completely uncorrupted by the tests of fame, would completely coincide with the image of the real one. Well, Miss Cyrus, who regularly went to church, had tutoring and wore a "chastity ring," was perfect for the role.

By the way, at some point, "chastity rings" - became one of the mandatory elements of the image of Disney children.

The trend was often ridiculed in the press, considering it to be another PR move of the company to sexually de-objectify its young artists. And yet, the rings have been worn by many stars (from Selena Gomez to The Jonas Brothers), because the Disney Channel model child is a mischievous and kind teenager, whose puberty should be very selectively covered.

Miley Cyrus at Virgin Records Megastore recording another soundtrack to "Hannah Montana", October 24, 2006

In any case, Cyrus's work as Hannah Montana was a resounding success, largely due to the fact that it was really difficult to separate the actress from her on-screen image. It is interesting that initially the heroine of the series was not even called Miley - the creators of the project borrowed this name from their lead actress, who gladly allowed it to be used, in fact, for commercial purposes. “Perhaps I was paid the least on this show,” Cyrus recalled in an interview with American Elle in 2016. - I just didn't know all the subtleties. I was glad that I got to Disney. My heroine was named Miley - but in those days it was just my nickname (the performer will officially change her name only in 2008 - ed.), We didn't even think about it (in a legal way - ed.). It wasn't until then that my mom began to understand how they were, in fact, benefiting from me, so she quickly hired smart people who were able to defend my rights. ”

Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana performing at Radio Disney's gala concert, July 2006

Hannah's father was played by Miley's father, and the girl herself at some point began performing soundtracks from the series on a very real stage. Disney signed contracts with Cyrus for everything: for movies, for TV shows, for television, for music, and even for the production of goods. In the second half of the 2000s, it was difficult to enter a children's store and not find a product with the symbols of the project or with the face of a young star. The transition of Miley, the actress of the series, into Miley, the independent singer, was so smooth that the girl's first studio album combined both songs from "Hannah Montana" and the compositions that she performed on her own behalf (the album, by the way, was called: Hannah Montana 2 / Meet Miley Cyrus).

Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana performing at the Good Morning America Summer Concert, June 22, 2007

Given the girl's young age, it was a great business strategy and very Disney-like. The channel's management will try to implement a similar pattern with Demi Lovato, who played in the movie "Camp Rock: Musical Vacation", and with the stars of "High School Musical", but the effect of Miley will hardly be able to overshadow. Hannah Montana became the embodiment of the hopes of millions of teenagers around the world, a story that unfolded not only on the screen, but also in life. And also, importantly, Miley Cyrus was an outlet for parents who were happy that their children finally had a really worthy role model (it's funny that when in 2015 MTV invites her to host the next VMA, the first, who will oppose this decision will be the parents, who once adored baby Miley themselves).

In July 2008, Miley Cyrus will release her first "independent" studio album, Breakout, immediately debuting at number one on the prestigious Billboard 200. In the same year, the American Forbes recognized her as the richest teenager in Hollywood.

Miley and her father perform at the CMT Music Awards, April 14, 2008

From sex diva to enfant terrible

From that moment on, neither Miley nor her team needed to be explained how to make money. The Disney platform gave the artist a dizzying start, and from now on, all she had to do was to sing, try herself in other genres of cinema and voice acting for cartoons and go on tours. Cyrus grew up and gradually moved into the phase that all the wards of children's labels go through - attempts to break out of the shackles of their image. And, perhaps, the very "smart people" with whom, according to Miley, her mother once began to cooperate, would not receive their salary if the girl continued to live in the form of a sexual diva.

Miley at the City of Hope Annual Benefit Concert, October 25, 2009

Miley presents the single for the album of the same name Can "t Be Tamed, May 18, 2010

In the role of an adult girl who took shape, preparing to marry handsome Liam Hemsworth and flaunting in tight dresses, Miley lived for only a couple of years. Of course, like everyone else in her position, she had to face remarkable criticism. Public disgrace was, for example, her candid photo shoot for Vanity Fair in 2008, or her admission that she has always liked the series "Sex and the City." However, these are all perfectly normal stages of the transformation of an artist from a teen idol to an adult celebrity.

With lover Liam Hemsworth at an event organized by the Elton John AIDS Foundation, March 7, 2010

Miley at the American Idol Show, April 15, 2009

But, as it turned out, this was not at all what Miley needed.

How exactly the Cyrus team, headed by the famous music manager Larry Rudolph in early 2013, came to the conclusion that from a sexual icon Miley should turn into an enfant terrible, is unknown. There may be many reasons for this, but, most likely, several factors have developed: firstly, the character of the girl herself, who is sincerely tired of the image of "daddy's daughter", and, secondly, the outright stereotyped strategy "from a child to a sex diva ". The latter is not so hard to believe: yes, the album "Can't Be Tamed" brought Miley a lot of money, however, according to critics, the young star had every chance to fade in a couple of years against the background of all those starlets that were released from Disney and Nickelodeon at the same time as her.

In any case, Rudolph himself commented on the controversial performance of his new ward at the VMA: “Her performance could not have gone better. The fans loved it. The rest, in the end, will also accept it. " Larry knew what he was talking about, because at one time it was he who was involved in the "transformation" of children such as Avril Lavigne or Britney Spears. Miley will be compared especially with the latter, but the manager himself will immediately emphasize that Cyrus is changing more original.

Miley Cyrus concert in Vanukver as part of the Bangerz Tour, February 14, 2014

In the same place

Miley lost the lion's share of public support - first of all, from angry adults, who from now on did not allow their children to listen to the songs of a scandalous girl promoting soft drugs and promiscuous sex. The singer's concerts as part of the tour in support of Bangerz received an age limit of 16+, as a result of which Miley said goodbye to a huge segment of her potential audience.

The art of metamorphosis

Since then, diversity has become Miley's main focus. The image really turned into her main weapon - the blessing, and Cyrus herself, who somehow admitted that her participation in Hannah Monatna had seriously shaken her psyche, was sincerely ready to transform in all directions. Within the framework of the enfant terrible concept, she did it brilliantly. On the one hand, there is a star who violently rebel against conservative morality and lives on provocations, on the other, a philanthropist (her Happy Hippie Foundation supports oppressed youth) and, according to her own assurances, “just a good person”.

Miley Cyrus performing at a concert hosted by 102.7 KIIS FM's, May 13, 2017

Miley Cyrus at The March for Our Lives, March 24, 2018

Miley Cyrus is actively “humanizing” her own brand, living all her ups and downs in public (show business loves drama, and the performer knows this for sure), communicating with her target audience via Twitter and non-target audience through the ultra-popular American show Voice. Her main strategy is to change so quickly that the public can barely follow her metamorphosis. Her controversial antics embarrass and even outrage, while her touching performance with Ariana Grande at a charity concert in Manchester delights and breaks down to tears.

Together with colleagues on the show "The Voice" (season 12), May 23, 2017

And now we see the updated, but still the same Miley, who still swears and defends her right to stick her tongue out in front of photographers, but who, according to her admission to Billboard magazine, no longer smokes marijuana and believes that “now is not the time to give a damn about people". Miss Cyrus is a master at playing on feelings of contradiction and does not give the world time to get used to her current image before she tries something else. And that certainly doesn't make her an innovator in PR and entertainment (although her talent for maximizing popularity should be noted), but it definitely gives her a strategic advantage over those who grow out of Disney according to the standard template.

With lover Liam Hemsworth at the Oscar afterparty, March 4, 2018

At the GRAMMY Awards, January 28, 2018

Miley Cyrus at the Met Gala, 2018

Miley Cyrus turns 25 on November 24. The real name of the artist is Destiny Hope. Naming the newborn with names that mean "Destiny" and "Hope", the parents hoped that their daughter would have a great future. They were not mistaken: for 15 years in show business, Miley managed to be a cute child, no less cute teenager, and as a result, she turned into a cheerful monster whose sea is knee-deep. ELLE is about the scandals that have made Cyrus' current worldwide fame.


What Cyrus gave out at the MTV Video Music Awards (VMA) in 2013 is shocking. At first everything was relatively decent: Miley sang We Can "t Stop, she was wearing a gray leotard, nothing foreshadowed surprises. That is, the artist, of course, grabbed the guys from the dance group in different places, but it looked like harmless hooliganism. Then she took the stage Robin Tike, the hit of the season Blurred Lines sounded - and the air smelled of thunderstorm. Miley threw off her swimsuit, remaining in her latex flesh-colored underwear. And it began. Cyrus poked at her colleague with a giant cardboard hand, touched herself wherever possible, and then made a twerk buffoonery, to which Robin reacted by joining her from the rear. All of this, especially from afar, looked like natural sex. You should have seen the faces of celebrities sitting in the hall, first of all those who came to the ceremony with children. The scandal was terrible, and in the end, when discussing the VMA, they talked only about Miley, the rest of the artists were of little interest. Cyrus herself repeated the same trick a few months later at the Christmas ball to consolidate her success Jingle Ball. Happy Santa Claus took the place of Robin Tike.


Soon after the triumph at the VMA, Miley broke up with Liam Hemsworth - it is believed that not least because of her antics: they say, Hemsworth did not like such an image and a career turn of a friend, and he did not want to put up with her transformation. A wedge is knocked out like a wedge: the singer glued her broken heart with the help of even more trash and frenzy, releasing a video for the song Wrecking Ball. “All I wanted was to break your walls, and you ended up destroying me,” Miley sang, swinging on a ram-ball. The video, directed by Terry Richardson, caused an unheard of excitement - in the first day, it scored more than 19 million views. The enthusiasm with which Cyrus licked the sledgehammer embarrassed even the well-worn British journalist The Daily Mail, who wrote that this time the artist went too far. It's only the beginning.


I must say, Hannah Montana's mutation into a monster with an always sticking out tongue was not entirely unexpected. When Miley was still dating Liam Hemsworth, wore skirts and a "decent" hairstyle, she shocked her boyfriend several times with non-standard antics. At his birthday party, Miley came with a cake. The confection was a filigree copy of a male genital organ. Only Cyrus laughed, and the birthday boy and his well-mannered friends were surprised.


The main element of Miley's scandalous image is the protruding tongue, which the artist demonstrates to the public for any convenient or inconvenient reason. Before Cyrus, rockers used this trick, primarily the Rolling Stones, who made the image of the tongue their logo. But the "Rolling" still had a drawing (although its author John Pasche, as he himself told, when he came up with a picture for the album Sticky Fingers, was inspired by the outstanding external data of Mick Jagger). The real godfather of Miley in this sense was Kiss bassist Gene Simmons, whose demonic image was ideally complemented by his 12-centimeter (!) Tongue. Cyrus cannot boast of such dimensions, but she managed to make it part of the brand. Miley first grimaced at the same MTV Awards in 2013 - and hasn't stopped since. The language has become part of the set for her show, a logo replicated on T-shirts, and even a role model for older colleagues like Madonna. At the same time, according to Miley, she did not do it on purpose. It turns out that she is very shy and does not know how to behave when she is being filmed: “I am lost and therefore I stick out my tongue. I just don't know what else can be done here. "


Miley knows very well that it is very easy to shock the audience. Nowadays, a cigarette in your mouth is enough to cause a scandal. And so it happened when Cyrus publicly lit a cigarette at one of the secular parties. While the parents of Miley's young fans were recovering, the singer went further. Recently, on her Instagram, she posted a photo with a drug smoking device and captioned this ambiguous picture with the word "dessert".


Miley doesn't like to put on a lot of clothes. This is especially true for the upper body. For her own comfort, it is enough for her to cover her nipples with stickers used by strippers. In this form, the singer comes to parties, for example, at the afterparty after the Alexander Wang show in New York. It is easy to guess that reporters immediately stopped paying attention to other stellar guests of the afterparty.

Based on material from ELLE.RU