Show is the best Misha Osipov. The fate of the prodigy: Misha Osipov on his way to the Guinness Book of Records. Never cry

The most touching show about children "Best of all!" Is returning to the air. His heroes are kids from all over the country who can do something very well. Sometimes even better than adults! One of the main stars of last season's project was 4-year-old Misha Osipov from Moscow, who has been playing chess since the age of two. Teleprogramma magazine found out how Misha develops his skills and whom he had already defeated. Never cries As we remember, the baby appeared in the show "Best of all!" in November 2016. Then he played a game with the living chess legend, world champion Anatoly Karpov. The boy lost - twice refused a draw, and then, when his time for a move was up, burst into tears. As it turned out, he lost not because he was weaker. “Misha, in principle, does not cry after defeats,” the boy's dad Yuri explained to KP. - But then there was an exceptional case. He cried not because of defeat, but because of resentment and injustice. The fact is that we play with an electronic clock and he does not know how to determine the time by a mechanical one. Therefore, I did not understand what happened and why he lost. After losing to Karpov on a TV show, the boy was upset - after all, he did not know the rules by which the game was going. Photo: Channel One Entered the Olympic Reserve School Misha first saw chess when his father and grandfather played them. Nobody believed that at two years old a person can seriously get carried away with chess. But Misha asked more and more questions on the topic, kept up with his dad, and at 2.5 years old he was sent to the section. The trainer came up. The guy literally fell in love with chess, started playing and learning etudes. There are first results. And, by the way, largely thanks to Misha's performance in the show "Best of All!" After the broadcast, the boy was invited to the Chess School of the Olympic Reserve. T.V. Petrosyan. There he began to play and consult with grandmasters: Moscow champion Klimentiy Sychev, European champions Ivan Popov and Ernesto Inarkiev. Misha trained hard, went to training camps and reached the final of the Moscow Championship, gaining 50% of possible points. He successfully performed in the Russian Championship U9, won the rapid chess tournament. As early as three years old (!) Misha played at championships, where everyone was 4 - 5 years older than him. A colossal gap for this age. Played with Karjakin and Yevkurov At the end of 2016, the little chess player again came to the “Best of All!” Program to play a “consolation match” against Sergey Karjakin. This time Misha accepted the opponent's offer - a draw. “I was shocked by Mikhail’s game,” Karjakin later admitted. - I often play with children during simultaneous sessions, but I have never played against such a young chess player who made such deliberate moves. I would like to believe that he will become the world champion, since he has the makings for this. And in May, Misha drew with the head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov. Beat the great theorist Not so long ago, a significant event happened. At the Chess Day at the Ostankino television center, where Sergei Karjakin gave a simul, Misha sat down at the board with the eminent Soviet chess player Yuri Lvovich Averbakh. He is a debut theorist who researched the endgame, a master of sports of the USSR. The system in the King's Indian Defense is named after him, the opponent of Botvinnik, Tal, Spassky ... Now he is 95, but the veteran played at full strength with Osipov. Misha's family believes in him and is preparing to take the young genius to the European Championship. Photo: - Documents for the record in the Guinness Book of Records have already been submitted, - explains the father of the prodigy. - There has never been such a match in history, so that the age gap between the players was so great. Although Yuri Lvovich did not give in in any way, his age must be taken into account. He is perfectly conscious and thinks well. But Misha's tactics were not calculated - it happens. "Blundered" the rook - that's all. Preparing for victories School is still far away, so Misha has at least three happy years that he can devote to chess. Now he is preparing for the quarterfinals of the Russian U11 Championship, which is due in September. In 2018, Misha is going to compete for first place at the European Championship. By the way In the new season of the project "Best of all!" there will be many, many little geeks. Milana Romanenko at the age of 5 knows how to decipher MRI images, she has only radiologists in her family. At the age of 8, Zlata Rebro achieved extraordinary success in kudo (a kind of karate), the girl does 100 push-ups and can easily beat the boy. At the age of 4, Stepan Triputen knows how to put animals to sleep - on the air he lulls a toad, a rabbit and a chicken.

Fairy with an ax


The teacher sent a list of stationery, in it "oil pastels and ordinary" and a folder for drawing A4, yesterday they climbed the whole DM, but they did not find it ...

Please tell me where to look for this pastel and what a drawing folder is, I just can't figure it out.

Thank you and have a nice day everyone!))


Suessy sss

To daughter 6.7. She herself is not pugnacious, she can defend herself at a maximum if the offense is too strong. Yesterday we had a fight with the girls in the garden, well, how we had a fight. One daughter was holding, the other was sleeping on her head with sand. Well, the child told me this before going to bed.

In the morning I talked with the teacher, with the dad of one of the girls (coincided in the dressing room). Teacher: "Ayayay, well, why didn't she tell me right away, yes I, yes me ...," .. Well, everything, like the topic is closed. In the evening, my daughter says that I did not have time to leave, the teacher and the nanny called her in front of everyone a sneak. Well, bon appetite before breakfast. Label and teacher education are not accessible like?

In general, taking into account that two against one, I understand my child. And I had to talk about the sand theme. Or what, like, sit, be quiet. Well, then she won't come to me for protection. It was only the second time in all years that I went to the kindergarten to sort it out. Usually we just advise our daughter something when she talks. Now what to advise? They are on your head, and you in their eyes, so it’s not okay? Therefore, I went into the garden to speak.

And tomorrow to go again, already about, sneak, talk. Or maybe it's a real sneak, but I don't understand that.


Larisa Ivanova

Girls, how do you take care of yourself? What is the norm for you to do every day, every week, every month? Has anything changed with age? How much are you willing to invest in yourself? Time and money?
I look at my friends - most of them from 25 years old at least once every two weeks at a beautician, cleanings - peels - massages - injections - something else.



We were told today that this year they canceled the ceremonial lines in Moscow. At first, the people were so taken aback that they were not even indignant. Then questions started pouring in. Teachers cannot answer them, they themselves are upset. On Yandex they write that for security purposes.

They only said that there will be a solemn meeting of first graders and eleventh graders.

It's sad. I was going to go to stand, although this is not the first time)
Lived .... What will be the next step?
How are you this year?


Charm OSV

2 years before school, they decided to send the child to kindergarten. The senior group is 5-6 years old. Immediately stayed for the whole day, several days were already leaving. Now we have one permanent teacher (the second is on vacation, she has not been seen yet), the second is temporary.

The one who constantly says that ours is frightened by noise and children, does not eat certain things, does not sleep during the day (just lies still), does not say anything good. I myself observe that this teacher constantly shouts at children, this is her manner of communication. The second teacher, on the contrary, praises. She says that our daughter eats, sleeps during the day, plays with children, recites poetry. This teacher has a completely different temperament and style of communication with children (but it is temporary). These are the two opposite opinions.

Our neighbor goes to the group, so I know for sure that they are playing with my daughter in the garden (therefore, the teacher's first opinion is strange). I myself can say that my daughter can behave in different ways, depending on the situation. But why does the first teacher in a negative way expose everything, because the child got into a new team? What are your opinions on how to interact with such teachers?


The mother of 3-year-old Misha Osipov, who fought in chess with Anatoly Karpov “Best of All”, told how she was raising her son.

Misha Osipov, who bravely entered into an unequal battle with the 12th world chess champion Anatoly Karpov, moved the viewers of Channel One. The video with the recording of the chess game of the famous grandmaster and toddler, who does not speak for the time being, is gaining more and more views.

Misha Osipov Photo: Channel One

The three-year-old chess player Misha Osipov was calm and collected on stage, and only at the very end, having suffered a defeat in time, could not hold back his tears. Some social media users exclaimed angrily: "Was it really difficult for Karpov to succumb and lose to the child?" To this, Misha's mother Ksenia reasonably replied: “Karpov should not have succumbed under any circumstances! What then is this grandmaster who loses to a 3-year-old chess player? It would be completely wrong, and for Misha it is also absolutely not useful. And so my son got an even greater incentive to study chess, now he also wants to become a grandmaster. "

The three-year-old chess player Misha Osipov was calm and collected on stage Photo: Channel One

Ksenia said that when he saw how dad and grandfather were playing. At first, the parents worked with their son at home on their own, and at 2.8 they took him to the coach. “Recently, my son has taken a great interest in online chess,” said Ksenia. "Misha is delighted with the opportunity to play with some chess player from Malaysia, for example."

Skolkovo + chess \u003d big children's tournament. | Photo of the Chessqueen Cup.

The Cup was held from 17 to 18 November at the Moscow School of Management in Skolkovo near Moscow. Alexandra Kosteniuk ... Interest in the competition was aroused not only by the presence of the prize-winner of the World Women's Championship at the closing of the tournament, but also by the victory in the tournament "under six" Misha Osipova, known for his participation in media projects.

This weekend, the Moscow School of Management welcomed young chess players to its walls.

Recall that in November 2016, three-year-old Misha, on the air of the popular TV show "Best of All", played chess with the 12th world champion Anatoly Karpov, and a year later

Misha regularly participates in competitions, for example, in September he scored 50% of the points at the European Under-Eight Championship in Riga, and in March this year he entered the top ten strongest Moscow chess-players “Under-nine”. At the "Kosteniuk Cup" in his age category, he was the second in the rating.

If four years ago, when Misha's parents were looking for a coach for their two-year-old child, all chess sections were accepted for training only from the age of six, at least from the age of five, now it was the tournament "under six" that turned out to be the most populous, and Misha was opposed children who started playing chess, perhaps thanks to his example.

The most massive tournament is under six years old. | The photo Chessqueencup.

Of course, children always remain children, and on weekends, within the walls of Skolkovo, not only the merry knock of the clock was heard, but also the loud sobs of the losers. Most of the fights, which took place with a control of 20 minutes per game + 10 seconds for each move, ended up rather quickly with the victory of one of the young participants; the struggle could only drag on on the first tables. In the penultimate round, Misha's game lasted more than an hour, he stubbornly defended in the worst endgame, but ultimately lost.

For the round before the end of the competition, Misha shared 3-4 places, half a point behind the leaders. Mathematically, this seems almost impossible, but in the last round, both leaders lost, and Misha won, sharing first place with Igor Nikishin, which he bypassed only on the third additional indicator.

The tournament did not provide for the recording of moves, but the correspondent managed to record the game of the two winners, played in the fourth round.

Do not forget that both opponents are not even six years old, and they played rapid chess. The chairs in the tournament hall were so high that they had to climb onto the seat with their legs.

The strongest are lucky. Yuri and Misha Osipovs are studying the standings.

Yuri Osipov, Misha's father, talks about his first steps and what is happening to him now:

When Misha was two and a half years old, my father and I played chess in the country. Misha watched us for an hour, then he started asking questions. He still did not know how to speak, but he quickly memorized the moves of all the pieces except the knight and began to play himself. At first I thought that a child in two and a half years old will get tired of it quickly, but a week, a month passed, and he still played.

I decided that if I now teach him myself, I will do it wrong, and I will have to retrain. The coach was not easy to find, but I saw the site Ekaterina Popova, who taught chess to children from the age of four and agreed to take Misha, although he was two years old. Later we began to be friends with her and her husband, grandmaster, European Rapid Chess Champion 2016 Ivan Popov, but at first she was very surprised by our call.

Misha studied with Katya for about a year, but after a while she began to get ready for maternity leave. Again I had to think about the coach. When I said that my son is three years old and he plays chess, they asked me: "How does he play? Chews pieces?" Then Katya offered to participate in the show "Best of all" on Channel One. In many ways, we were lucky with a favorable coincidence of circumstances: on the eve of the match between Magnus Carlsen and Sergey Karjakin television paid a lot of attention to chess.

November 2017. Misha Osipov vs. GM Yuri Averbakh .

What has changed since then? Firstly, we were taken to the School of the Olympic Reserve named after T. Petrosyan. Secondly, we began to receive offers of cooperation. We are deeply indebted to the Constellation of Good Foundation to them. Oleg Zhuravskywhich supports three chess players: Lisa Solozhenkina, Ilya Makoveeva and Misha, sponsoring away tournaments. Misha also wears Little Jentrys clothing at tournaments - we have been cooperating with this online boutique of children's clothing for a long time.

How much time does Misha devote to chess? Three times a week he attends group classes at the S. T. Petrosyan with a coach Evgenia Kuchumova, once a week - individually workshops via Skype with Ekaterina Popova. Misha plays in tournaments at least once a month. He even learned to write to write down his moves, so his first letters were English. In the "Petrosyan School" there was a tournament with forms - Misha looked at the board and wrote down the coordinates. The scribbles were scary, but he understood the principle.

Alexandra Kosteniuk, Ekaterina Popova and Misha Osipov with a trophy. | Photo from the archives of the Osipov family.

And Misha constantly plays on the site - more than 1400 games in two years. No blitz: 30 minutes per game in a relaxed atmosphere. One day he does not have time to play a single one, on the other, on the contrary, there are several games, but he visits the site constantly.

Misha has recently become very interested in genetics. He looked in the mirror and began to ask us: "What kind of eyes do I have? - Blue. - And you have brown. And what kind of mother? Also blue. And if you had green? I had to tell you how dominant and recessive genes work, print out table, with the probability of having children with a particular eye color in percent. He studied this table, walked with it, looked ... I think he has a natural-scientific mindset. We will not be surprised if Misha becomes not a chess player, but a biologist or a mathematician, for example, he learned the multiplication table in one day.

At the Kosteniuk Cup, children could play not only chess, but also outdoor games.

We were able to ask Ekaterina Popova about the secrets of preparing chess prodigies, who, according to Yuri Osipov, remembers Misha from the age when "he literally walked under the table."

It just doesn't fit in my head: how to teach chess to a child at the age of two?

The younger the child, the more difficult it is to maintain interest in activities and play. At the beginning of training, a long period of time passes when there are no results yet, and it is impossible to win a tournament, medal or cup, when you need to enjoy the lessons and the game, and this can be difficult.

Misha was not only interested, but the results came quickly, it was an ideal situation: he quickly understood, the first successes quickly appeared and, accordingly, a sharp rise.

Someone better start later in order to develop faster. After Misha, little, little, less children are brought to me, and I honestly offer some to wait six months.

Does face painting help to put a checkmate? | The photo Chessqueencup.

Do you have any methodological secrets?

In the first place is chess itself. Having mastered the moves of the pieces, my child and I immediately begin to use them for their intended purpose - not to collect conditional strawberries on the board, but to eat the opponent's pieces. And the most important thing in chess is checkmate. This is the goal of the game. All the pieces are needed to checkmate, they help each other, hunt, make friends ...

The approach to learning depends on the child himself. The main thing is to get him interested in chess, but this happens to everyone in a different way. With someone you need to play puppet theater and explain literally on the fingers, and it was enough for Misha to encourage him for correctly decided positions.

The more serious your opponents become, the more you have to work to defeat them, and this is always difficult. At his age, Misha is one of the best, but every year it will be more and more difficult for him.

I teach a lot of online classes and I advise all students to play on the site and. This is not only useful, but also saves a lot of time in setting up a position on the board.

Junior Chess Players Ranked 4-8 in Each Age Group Receive Annual Premium Subscriptions | The photo Chessqueencup.

In total, three tournaments were held as part of the Alexandra Kosteniuk Cup: for children under 6, under 8 and under 10 years old. It was the 11th Cup, but the first in Skolkovo. The first two tournaments were held in Moscow, but then the Cup had to wander around the country: Elista, Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad, Podolsk ... "I associate myself with Moscow," says Kosteniuk, "and this place is generally wonderful. It is very, very spacious here, and space is important for children. Not many participants came to us, but 200 or 300 people - that would be a different level of organizational load. But we have big plans for next year to make this tournament even brighter. "

Parents and children in the interiors of Skolkovo. | The photo Chessqueencup.

Speaking of other participants, it is worth noting one hundred percent success Alexey Belov, the winner of the tournament under 8 years old with a score of 8/8.

A seven-year-old chess player from Kovrov, Vladimir region, came to the tournament with his parents Raphael and Olga Belov and younger brother Andrey. My father says that Alexei learned chess at the age of five, and during this period his progress is amazing.
On weekends, the Belovs go with the whole family to tournaments in Vladimir or, more recently, to Moscow. The Alexandra Kosteniuk Cup was one of many victories. In October, Alexey took third place at the regional "Golub Cup", where chess players under 18 years old played, and in his immediate plans - to take first place in the tournament for children as part of the Moscow Open.

Here is an interesting game played by a young chess player six months ago.

Parents are concerned about the lack of study opportunities that young chess players have in major cities. Now Alexey is assisted by the trainer of the Palace of Pioneers Andrey Dubov and the head of the chess club "Erudite" Vasily Antropov, but I want to get into a famous chess school.

The game helps out and solving problems on the site. Seeing that Alexey's rating in solving tactical problems exceeded 3000, I could not resist showing him the novelty of the site - after several attempts, Alexey almost reached 30 problems, which is far from being possible for every chess player.

Alexandra Kosteniuk presents the cup to Alexey Belov and Anna Okruzhnova, the winners of the tournament under 8 years old. | The photo

Three-year-old Misha Osipov played chess with Anatoly Karpov in the show “Best of all!”, Where the wonder-child impressed the champion with his level of play and the will to win.

As befits a three-year-old, Misha still does not speak quite clearly. But he plays chess well - recently he even defended the second youth category. After talking a little with the chess prodigy, the host of the show, Maxim Galkin, invited the renowned world champion Anatoly Karpov to the studio. When the chess players came together over the board, Misha never tired of surprising the grandmaster with his knowledge. Moreover, he recognized Karpov:

- I watched how you played with Viktor Korchnoi!

It turns out that at home Misha watches recordings of the best games in the history of chess and not only knows how to play at an incredible level for a child, but is also perfectly grounded in theory. For example, he easily named the method of protection he used when Karpov asked him about it.

Not too much experience let the boy down. Having twice refused the proposed draw, Misha did not meet the allotted time - the flag of the clock fell, and the young chess player was defeated. At this point, emotions let him down: the boy could hardly restrain himself so as not to cry. Fortunately, my mother was there - Misha calmed down and even found the strength to brilliantly solve the three proposed studies.

“All your victories are still ahead,” Karpov said goodbye to him and kissed him on the forehead.