Daria shashina - biography, information, personal life. Ivan Chebanov and Daria Shashina: honestly about her own wedding Dasha got married from silver

The most honest, frank and detailed information, the most interesting opinions, the most acute and exciting questions. In our section "Interview" - the opinions of the stars of the wedding industry and professional discussions on current topics.


Last summer, the presenter, participant of the "Voice" show and the ex-soloist of the SEREBRO group Daria Shashina got married. The beautiful one took place on the territory of a country estate. The agency took on the trouble of organizing the celebration. We met with the groom, the bride and the organizers to talk about how the wedding went, what difficulties the newlyweds had to face during the preparation and to tell something that the guys did not even know about.

website: Dasha, Ivan, tell us how you met Olya, the organizer of your wedding?

: Olya found me herself about two years ago. Then she invited me, as a host, to take part in one very large and interesting project. It was the format of an immersion theater, when the guests got into the very epicenter of the actors' action. There were almost as many artists as there were guests. For me, this wedding is still one of the most difficult. In addition, the guidance was in two languages.

: Vanya, in turn, also showed an extremely responsible approach to business. A presenter who came to several rehearsals with all the participants, and did not just go out and hold the event.

Ivan: And then I realized: if Olya was able to implement such a complex project - at one point there even a car drove into the hall, I still don't understand how I managed to do this - then you can trust her unconditionally.

Daria: Therefore, when I asked Vanya how we would look for an organizer, he answered without hesitation: "I know the coolest!"

website: Did you have the idea of \u200b\u200ba wedding concept before you turned to Olya, or already in the process of communicating with her?

Daria: Vanya and I traveled to Abkhazia together, where initially we even thought of doing a wedding. I am attracted by the Soviet Empire style, which is in all of Russia and in Abkhazia, in Sochi, in the Crimea, where we were also looking for places to hold our holiday. To this style, I wanted to add unusual images for Vanya and me. In addition, I like lanterns, light bulbs, lights: they create a special comfort and atmosphere. It only remained to harmoniously combine all this together.

Ivan: In Moscow, we met and talked with Olya. We began to sort out suitable sites and absolutely by chance found the Sukhanovo estate, which ideally corresponded to our idea.

Olga: True, during the preparation process, and at the wedding itself, questions arose more than once with the site. "Soviet" means not only style, but also service (laughs)... But from a visual point of view, this was exactly what Dasha imagined.

website: Wan, what was important to you? For the bride, this is always more of a visual part of the holiday: dresses, decoration. And for the groom? Moreover, with such experience at various events.

Daria: Vanya is a pro in this area and, indeed, nothing will surprise him. In my opinion, the most important thing for him was that at his wedding he could both relax and be surprised at what was happening.

Ivan: This is true. Plus, when we were choosing a site, it was important for me that this was the place where I had not worked yet. And the main moment for me was the arrival of my relatives from Barnaul - my grandparents.

? Did you take Lenya's microphone away to start leading the party yourself?(note: the host of the wedding of Daria and Ivan was Leonid Margolin)

Ivan: I held myself back, but it was hard for me (laughs)... In fact, I was not at all worried or worried before the ceremony. And only before registration, when I had already put on my jacket to go out to the guests, I felt an unusual feeling for myself: for the first time I found myself in a completely different position, which I had previously looked at from the side.

Daria: Before the wedding, I also did not understand what reasons to worry about. I have a stage experience that helps me not to worry at crucial moments. I never understood what could cause tears at the ceremony, when by this moment people already, as a rule, live together. And in the end, she roared all day from the moment I saw Vanyushka's eyes ... And then everything was so touching: every congratulation, every warm word spoken to us.

website: Olya, tell us what was the most difficult in the process of organizing?

Olga: The most difficult thing was connected, first of all, with the estate. The first time when Vanya and I arrived at the site, we had to knock on the door, because the manager was asleep. Although we made an appointment in advance. Many agreements were not observed and forgotten. Another nuance is that there was a heavy downpour before the wedding.

Ivan: By the way, we still don't even know how you did it. Dasha and I looked out the window, saw what was happening there, waved our hand, saying: "Thank God, Olya is with us!" And fell asleep calmly.

Olga: Installation had to start in a day. We brought in all the equipment and decorative elements and put it on the street. As soon as I arrived, a heavy downpour began. For about an hour, we just dragged all the boxes so that nothing would go bad. After that, contractors began to approach me one by one and say: this will not work, this will not happen. For example, we had a complex projection on a cake planned, and the projectors had to be hung from trees. Moreover, if moisture gets on this equipment, then due to automatic protection it is cut down. We stopped editing and waited until five in the morning, until the rain stopped. Then everyone returned to the site and began editing.

Daria: Where have you been all this time?

Olga: We went to a hotel nearby, slept for literally three hours and came back. According to the weather maps, the rain was supposed to end at five, so we agreed to meet at that time.

website: Wan, let's talk about the choice of the presenter: how, being the host, can you entrust your holiday to someone? Have you seen how Leonid works before?

Ivan: I haven’t seen Lenya work before. Together we are a member of the "Club of the best presenters" and often talked. Then I realized that we are absolutely on the same wavelength, we think about the same, are close in the format of conducting. In the end, everything was very cool, professional, I myself laughed the way I hadn't laughed for a long time. All guests were delighted.

Olga: I would like to add about Lenya: he had an impeccable start to the evening, which was not at all easy. The guys did not see each other before the ceremony, and we had to take a few shots before the sun went away when they met. Therefore, the first forty-minute block was held exclusively by the host, when there were no newlyweds in the hall. But he communicated in such a way that the guests felt comfortable, laughed, and everything went well. This is entirely the merit of Lenya, who feels confident and calm in any situation.

? Was it hard to make a choice?

Daria: I have been following for a long time, and they are ideal for me. I myself wrote to them for the first time, during our first meeting we discussed the upcoming wedding with such enthusiasm that we could not leave for a long time. We absolutely approached each other energetically, they are easy-going, professional and did everything better than I even imagined.

Ivan: Although it seemed impossible ...

website: What did you especially remember during the evening itself?

Ivan: The wow effect was caused by an unrealistically beautiful projection onto the rotunda, although initially the agreement was only about the projection onto the cake. I was very impressed by this. It was cool! And fireflies became the theme of the wedding with Olya. During the preparation, Olya suggested an idea: at the time of darkness, small fireflies appeared in the grass ...

Olga: What we did ... We bought LEDs from the radio market and just scattered them in the field.

Ivan: I think you can open your own agency - "rent fireflies for an event" (laughs)... And I also remember Dasha's beautiful dress very much, I could not even imagine that such a thing happens, but she herself would better tell about him ...

Daria: Initially, the idea to make such a dress was inspired by photographs found on the Internet. A special luminous fabric is sold in France. Quite by accident, I found the account of a Russian designer who sews dresses from this luminous fabric. Then the story was not entirely pleasant. I immediately turned to her and we started working on my dress. This was in March. And until the beginning of August, the dress was not ready. Two weeks before the wedding, the designer disappeared ... I still have not talked about this anywhere, because every time I remember this incident, I feel unpleasant.

website: Two weeks! As far as I know, the dress was made especially for you anyway. That is, in such a short time, you still managed to implement your plans?

Daria: The main requirement was the luminous fabric. But, as it turned out, the French are on vacation in August, and it is simply impossible to order fabric at this time. I searched the entire Internet, but there was too little information. As a result, two places were found, in Krasnodar and Yekaterinburg, where people are engaged in sewing from this luminous fabric. From Krasnodar I was told that they have a small piece of tablecloth in stock ...

Ivan: Seriously?! Tablecloths?

Daria: ... and I replied that I do not care, I am buying it right now. Then a frantic search began for a designer who could implement my idea. And it was oh, how difficult.

website: Wan, you also had a very unusual image ...

Ivan: In principle, I did not want to wear what I usually work in for my wedding, so I found a slightly different option for myself. I picked up the jacket in England and ordered it over the Internet. I really liked him, and I was worried that he would not sit down, but in the end everything was fine.

website: Tell us about the song "If tomorrow", which Vanya dedicated to Dasha?

Olga: Oh, it was a surprise even for me! I found out that Vanya gives Dasha a song on her wedding day. The next day, anyone could already listen to it in iTunes.

Ivan: I haven't told anyone about this. Even the presenter, Lena, said almost at the very last moment. This was planned shortly before the wedding. I went to the studio every day, but I did everything so that Dasha did not even suspect anything. I'm glad I was able to surprise her like that.

Daria: It was just incredible. Nothing has ever touched me so deeply to my heart. It was my dream day!

website: What impressions did you have on the day after the wedding?

Ivan: For people from show business, the second day after the wedding is the beginning of painstaking work. We went to bed at half past four and got up at half past eight in the morning. By ten, we had to send a selection of photos for the magazine, our Internet connection was poor, and we had to leave for the nearest city, where the network was catching. Although when we returned, the day was simply delightful, surrounded by people close to us.

Daria Shashina is a popular singer, ex-soloist of the Silver girl band and a growing Instagram blogger and video blogger.

Daria Shashina, familiar to fans of Russian pop music as one of the soloists of the Serebro group, was born in September 1990 in Nizhny Novgorod. In the family in which Dasha grew up, music sounded constantly. Darya Shashina's grandmother worked as an accompanist at the local conservatory. Dad, Yegor Shashin, who later became an arranger and composer, also graduated from this educational institution. Dasha's mother, Alexandra Kovtyreva, was a violinist. At one time she graduated from a music school. So Daria inherited a good ear for music and a wonderful voice from two generations of relatives.

When Dasha was 2 years old, another girl, Tatiana, was born in the family. And after 5 years, the parents divorced. Daria and Tanya stayed with their mother.

Dasha, like her parents, graduated from a music school. She studied in two classes at once: piano and violin.

After a while, Alexandra Kovtyreva married a second time. Englishman David Chatterton became her husband. A British citizen worked in Nizhny Novgorod under a contract. The family went to England. Daria Shashina lived there for some time.

According to some reports, Alexandra's marriage to David Chatterton did not last long. The woman returned to Russia. She now lives in Moscow.

As for Dasha, the girl, upon returning home, entered the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory named after Mikhail Glinka, where her grandmother and father were well remembered. Here Shashina studied 4 courses and, having completed a 2-year training under a special program of the local institute of foreign languages, left for the USA in 2012. The girl has long dreamed of moving to the homeland of her beloved jazz.

In America, Daria continued her studies at vocal and language courses. To make a living, the young vocalist worked as a fashion model and sang in a restaurant in Brighton Beach.


The creative biography of the singer could have taken a completely different path. Dasha Shashina was not going to return to Russia. But one day, accidentally learning about the announced casting for a new soloist of the group "Silver", of which the girl was a fan, the singer arrived in Moscow.

Daria wanted to try her hand and get into a popular group. Happiness smiled at the singer: she successfully passed the casting and was accepted into the project by its producer. The girl is a departed soloist.

As part of the team, where they already were and, Daria Shashina began performing in October 2013. The girl starred in 6 clips of "Silver" and took part in the creation of a new album, tentatively titled "925". Subsequently, the recorded material for the new album was stolen, and the official release of the disc was postponed. A year later, the band announced the release of another album, which was called "The Power of Three".

The first appearance of the girl in the group was the premiere of the video for the joint with DJ M.E.G. single "Ugar". Daria starred in the video, and also re-recorded the vocal part, which was originally performed by Anastasia.

Together with the group "Serebro" Dasha recorded several hits, among which "I will not give you up", "Do not hurt more", and "Mixed up". Shashina participated in the recording of clips for the named compositions. The composition "I won't give you up" became the first track originally released by Daria.

In addition, this song became the only composition recorded by the trio Seryabkina, Temnikova and Shashina. In 2014, Elena Temnikova left the group. The singer said that she wanted to take care of her family and have a child, and a record appeared on the official website that the soloist had left for health reasons. She became a new member of the group.

On April 29, 2015, the band released a new single "Kiss". The song targeted an English-speaking audience and promoted the upcoming album overseas. The Serebro group performed this song at the Coca-Cola Summer Festival.

The last Russian-language single in support of the new album was the track "Let Me Go". In 2015, clips were released for the compositions "Kiss", "Mixed Up" and "Let Me Go".

At the end of March 2016, it became known that Daria Shashina. The singer named the reason herself: serious health problems. The girl informed the fans about this on her pages in social networks.

Everyone who closely watched Dasha's career and the singer's performances noticed not so long ago that the singer recovered and began to move less on stage. With an increase of 164 kg, the singer initially weighed 52 kg, which corresponded to the conditions of selection for a musical group. As Maksim Fadeev openly declares, the weight of the "Silver" soloist should be up to 55 kg, and the age up to 26 years. Daria recovered to 55 kg, and the singer's weight continued to grow.

Everything became clear when Shashina told about her illness. It turns out that the soloist started to hurt her knee about six months ago. Over time, the pain intensified, it became more difficult to move. When Daria turned to specialists, the singer heard a disappointing diagnosis: congenital dysplasia of the knee joints. Due to the huge loads that the singer has endured recently, the disease began to progress. In early March, a disaster struck: a meniscus ruptured in the right knee.

Daria Shashina said that doctors recommend her not to move and have surgery. Dasha not only cannot go on stage, but the singer is not even allowed to climb the stairs. Daria is awaiting a response from one of the Israeli clinics, where, on the advice of Max Fadeev, she sent an MRI scan. The producer hoped that the girl would not have to leave the group, but the doctors insisted on the operation and a quiet regime.

The group "Silver" first performed in a reduced composition, then a new soloist came to the group - who replaced Daria Shashina and added to the trio.

In 2016, the group presented the album The Power of Three, which became the last joint album of Daria and the group. The songs "The Power of Three" were recorded as part of the trio of Olga Seryabkina, Polina Favorskaya and Daria Shashina. The only song in the recording of which not Shashina, but a new soloist, took part, was the track "Chocolate". The album includes 16 tracks, including a number of singles previously released in support of the album.

Due to the scandalous story with the materials for the album "925" it turned out that the disc "The Power of Three", which is based on the same recordings, was in production for three years, which the fans also recognized as symbolic. Also "The Power of Three" was the first album of the group that was not released on CD.

The disc won the "Real MusicBox Award" as the album of the year, and the music Internet portal Yandex.Music also named the disc the best album of the year.

Personal life

Personal life of Daria Shashina in full view of fans. Due to her enormous amusement, for a long time Dasha did not start novels with anyone - the girl constantly worked. Tours, filming, rehearsals - these activities "ate up" leisure and did not allow to be distracted by something else.

It is known that the girl maintains a relationship with her own father. Yegor Shashin also moved to the capital and, as an arranger and composer, collaborates with such stars as, and.

In 2011, Daria starred in the video "She", written for the song by Yegor Shashin.

Daria Shashina now

With the departure from the group, the singer's life did not end. In early 2017, it became known that Daria Shashina. An offer of a hand and a heart to the girl was made by the ex-participant of the show "Voice-3" Ivan Chebanov. In August 2017, the lovers. The wedding of the musicians took place near the town of Vidnoe, Moscow Region, in the Sukhanovo estate.

The singer does not regret leaving the group and does not maintain communication with former colleagues. Daria did not start a solo career, as is expected from the vocalists leaving the group. To fans who regularly ask such questions, the girl reminds of problems with her legs.

Today Daria Shashina is gaining popularity as a blogger. The girl maintains a page on Instagram, to which 450 thousand people are subscribed, and a YouTube vlog, which is watched by 200 thousand people.

In the spring of last year, the SEREBRO group said goodbye to one of its soloists, Daria Shashina. The artist did not hide the reasons for her departure, frankly talking about serious health problems. Much has changed since that time: Daria is preparing for a wedding with Ivan Chebanov, a participant in the third season of the Voice show, maintains an Instagram page with 450,000 subscribers, and a YouTube vlog that is watched by 196,000 and is also undergoing surveys. Recently, Daria released a video in which she honestly and in detail answered the most popular questions from fans. Most of them concerned the SEREBRO group. Does Daria regret leaving the band, does she communicate with one of the soloists, does she plan to return to the group, and is she going to start a solo career - this and not only Daria told about this in the vlog. We publish excerpts.

About his life after leaving SEREBRO:

I confess honestly, life has changed for the better, because I have become a free person again, I myself can decide what and how to do, what to wear and not to wear, if I recovered, then what should I cover, and if I am thin, then what open for me. Freedom is one of the best things in life, so I'm 100 percent happy. I am happy that I met my man, and, in my opinion, this is the main thing for a girl. All careerists end up with cats at 50.


About the reason for leaving the group:

I left for health reasons, I have big problems with knee joints. They started back in 2007, when I was studying at the theater. My left kneecap fell out of my leg, they set it back, pumped out all the liquid ... I could not study at the school for about six months, and I had to leave there and re-enter the conservatory. There I continued to dance, but problems with my legs started again, and the teacher allowed me to do all the exercises on one, right, leg. Thus, apparently, I overloaded my right leg ... And in the SEREBRO group there are constant flights, lack of sleep, stress - emotional, psychological, physical ... Naturally, the body malfunctioned, legs not that they gave up, but it was a nightmare.

I practically could not walk, I still cannot squat, scrub the floor, squatting, or if something falls under the table, I cannot quickly sit down and pick it up. Whenever I get up from a chair or sofa, I do it only with my hands. This continues to this day.

Daria Shashina at the university

On whether she misses the band:

No, I don’t miss or sad. For me it was an extremely difficult period in my life, and, perhaps, I am glad that everything is now as it is. The only thing I'm missing is touring. I really love to travel and am grateful to fate that now I can realize myself in the blogging theme. I am invited to different press tours, these are the same tours, travels where I get high.

On a possible return to SEREBRO:

No, I will not return. What for? Instead of me, an amazing girl came who enjoys being there, I wish her good luck!

About friendship in a team:

I don't know if it exists there. For me, everyone was only colleagues, so I think that it would be more appropriate for you to ask all these questions to other girls who may have it.

About continuing communication with the soloists of the group:

No, we don't communicate. Why? I don’t know, in my life I still communicate with people who are close to me in spirit, with whom it is easy for me ... And simply - we were colleagues, we parted, we are not friends.

About solo career:

I do not continue it because, as I said, I have difficulties with my legs. If I could jump around the stage like a horse, I would gladly continue to make my underground music. I hope that I will deal with my health, and then we'll see.

About the wedding:

It will take place in mid-August. Imagine, I have always wanted a magnificent wedding, but now, in the process of preparation, I understand that ideally I would like my parents, sister and husband and the closest friends to be at my wedding. Maximum people 15.

Ivan Chebanov and Daria Shashina

One day an ex-boyfriend suggested that I cut my straight bangs, as was fashionable in 2007. I did so, which I later regretted, because she had to be constantly straightened. Then it turned out to be not enough for him, and he wanted me to dye my luxurious blond hair chocolate! And what do you think? Together with his mother, he painted me right in his kitchen ... My mother, when she saw what I had done, burst into tears. Then I washed the color for a long time, dyed it blond, grew my hair and dyed it blond again, after which the hair began to fall out in clumps. Fortunately, for the second year now, I have not done anything with my curls and am happy that I can wash them with absolutely any shampoo.

About manicure and the need to use hand cream

Last year I prefer to do exclusively beige manicure. I don't like Shellac as it spoils my nails very much. I also have an eternal problem - very dry hands. So the creams are scattered all over the bags (smiles)... Fortunately, I found the best solution for pimples and cracked skin - Weleda cream in green packaging.

Former SEREBRO soloist Daria Shashina and ex-participant of the "Voice" show Ivan Chebanov became husband and wife. The couple played a gorgeous wedding at the Sukhanovo estate in the Moscow region.

In the Sukhanovo estate, located near the town of Vidnoe, Moscow Region, the magnificent wedding of the former SEREBRO soloist Daria Shashina and the ex-participant of the Voice show Ivan Chebanov took place.

The couple prepared very carefully for the celebration, thinking over every detail in advance.

As Shashina told fans, she wanted to create a romantic image. The girl chose several wedding dresses. The bride turned to a popular Russian designer for help.

They organized on-site registration. Vanya and Dasha exchanged vows, standing against the backdrop of a beautiful arch decorated with flowers. The bride's face was covered with a veil, and the dress ended with a long train. A few hours before the event, Chebanov said goodbye to his bachelor life.

The former soloist of the popular trio arranged a grand bachelorette party before the wedding. The girls were enjoying the pool party. “All the girlfriends were in swimsuits with white and pink stripes, old boy, pear cider, cupcakes, cheese and fruit, a rooftop pool, dancing. Yes, that's how I dreamed of spending this day! ”, - shared her emotions Daria.

On the day of the wedding, the newlyweds were surrounded by relatives and friends. In order to amaze the audience with a wedding dance, the guys took lessons. The hot salsa impressed the guests of the evening. Dasha put on a short dress and special dance shoes. The host of the evening was Leonid Margolin, who works in television and radio. The guests were also entertained by the magic tricks of the illusionist Damir Valitov.

At the end of the solemn event, all those present lit sparklers and lined up along the road leading to the gazebo. Apparently, at this moment the bride was throwing a bouquet, and the groom was throwing a garter.

Fans of the artists noted that they were perfect for each other. Ivan likes to surprise the girl with pleasant surprises. It was thanks to him that she believed in herself as a solo artist. The beloved gave her a song that Dasha recorded under the pseudonym Luuna.