Satellite map of Chuvashia. Satellite map of Chuvashia Physical map of Chuvashia

Satellite map of Chuvashia. Explore the satellite map of Chuvashia online in real time. A detailed map of Chuvashia was created on the basis of high-resolution satellite images. As close as possible, a satellite map of Chuvashia allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and sights of Chuvashia. The map of Chuvashia from the satellite can be easily switched to the regular map mode (diagram).

Chuvash Republic located in the very center of the European part of the Russian Federation. In short, this region is simply called Chuvashia. The administrative center of Chuvashia is the city of Cheboksary, which was founded in the middle of the 15th century and is located 630 km away. from Moscow.

The climate of the Chuvash Republic is temperate continental. It has four distinct seasons. Winter is moderately cold, with an average temperature of -13C in the coldest month of January. The average summer temperature in July is + 19C.

The Chuvash Republic is a territory that abounds in natural and cultural attractions. AT Chuvashia there are 682 objects of cultural value. Of these, 54 are monuments of federal significance. The most valuable historical monuments of Chuvashia are connected by religious and Orthodox buildings: the Kiev-Nikolaevsky women's monastery, the Vvedensky cathedral, the Ascension church, the Tikhvin women's monastery, etc. Many of them have been restored.
The most interesting from a natural and historical point of view is Mariinsky Posad. There are several park areas in it, and one of the most important sights of nature is Gosudareva Gora, which is famous for its healing springs gushing at its foot.

Coming to the Chuvash Republic, it is a sin not to visit and - a pearl on the banks of the Volga. This old town blends modern architecture with medieval architecture. There are also many protected areas, parks and museums in the city.

AT Chuvash Republic ecological tourism is very developed in national parks and reserves. Tourists go hiking and trekking in the parks, relax on the lakes and observe the life of such wild forest animals as marmots and foxes. The most famous national parks of Chuvashia are the Prisurskiy state nature reserve and the Chavash varmane national park.

The satellite map of Chuvashia shows that the republic borders on the Republic of Mari El, Mordovia, Tatarstan, Ulyanovsk and Nizhny Novgorod regions. The area of \u200b\u200bthe region is 18 343 sq. km. The largest waterway in the region is the Sura River.

The territory of the republic is divided into 21 administrative regions, 9 cities, 1,700 rural settlements and 8 urban-type settlements. The largest cities of Chuvashia are Cheboksary (the capital), Novocheboksarsk, Kanash, Alatyr and Shumerlya. The economy of Chuvashia is based on agriculture, electricity, phosphorite mining and chemical industry.

National Park "Chavash Varmane"

Brief history of Chuvashia

In 1920, the Chuvash Autonomous Region was founded. In 1925 it was transformed into the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1990, the Chuvash SSR was created. In 1992, the region received the status of the sovereign Republic of Chuvashia.

Bell tower of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Alatyr

Sights of Chuvashia

On a detailed satellite map of Chuvashia, you can see some of the natural attractions of the republic: the rivers Sura and Tsivil, the national park "Chavash Varmane", the Prisurskiy nature reserve and more than 700 lakes.

You can get acquainted with the history and national culture of Chuvashia in the Chuvash National Museum (Cheboksary), ethnocultural parks "Yupa" and "Suvar", as well as in the Ibresinsky open-air museum. It is also worth visiting the monument to the Mother Patroness, the Chapaev Museum and the Tsar's Hill in the Mariinsky Posad.

Ethnocultural Park "Suvar"

Chuvashia has preserved many cult sights: the Vvedensky Cathedral in Cheboksary, the Holy Trinity Monastery in Alatyr, the Tikhvin Mother of God Convent in Tsivilsk, the Trinity Cathedral and Kazan Church in the Mariinsky Posad and the “Three Companions” cathedral mosque in the village of Shygyrdan.

Tourist notes

Gulrypsh - a summer cottage for celebrities

There is an urban-type settlement Gulrypsh on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, the appearance of which is closely associated with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to his wife's illness, they needed to change the climate. Case decided the matter.

Located on the right bank of the Volga on the East European Plain. Its length - from north to south - 190 km, from west to east - 160. And the total area is just over 18 thousand square kilometers.

Chuvashia adjoins:

  • From the West - Nizhny Novgorod region;
  • From the East - Tatarstan;
  • From the South - Ulyanovsk region. and part of Mordovia;
  • From the North - the Republic of Mari El.

The region of the region with a temperate continental climate is characterized by mild winters, when the temperature rarely drops below -13 degrees, and cool summers - with an average temperature of + 19- + 20 degrees.

Transport links of the Republic

Chuvashia is the main transport hub connecting Moscow, Siberia, the Urals, and the southern regions of Russia.

Transport presented by:

  • Railway;
  • Motorways;
  • Shipping.

One of the largest logistics centers in Russia is the Chuvash city of Kanash, through which there are railway lines connecting the whole country - both its northern and southern parts, as well as west and east. Main directions:

  • To the Urals;
  • To Tatarstan;
  • To Moscow.

Chuvashia's railway tracks are 397 km long, 330 of which are departmental.

Highways of both local and federal levels are laid through the region. You can choose the desired route on the satellite map of the republic. Developed logistics is important for the development of the social sphere of local residents, and for the economy of the region and the country as a whole. In Chuvashia, heavy engineering is developed, in particular the production of bulldozers and pipe-laying equipment. It is the highways that provide the largest volume of traffic in the republic. Their length is about 5700 km.

The Volga and Sura rivers allow for transportation by water transport.

Chuvashia map with large and small settlements

The region includes 21 administrative districts with 9 cities, 5 of which are of republican significance and 4 are district ones.

Also in the region there are 1,700 rural settlements, 5 urban-type settlements. The total number of people is 1.3 million.

  • In villages - more than 67 people per square meter;
  • In cities - 62 people.

A map with districts, large and small settlements allows you to determine the largest area in terms of area - Alatyrsky, the smallest - Krasnoarmeisky, also the most densely populated - Batyrevsky, the smallest - Shumerlinsky.

Satellite map of Chuvashia

Satellite map of Chuvashia. You can see a satellite map of Chuvashia in the following modes: a map of Chuvashia with the names of objects, a satellite map of Chuvashia, a geographic map of Chuvashia.

Chuvash Republic located in the very center of the European part of the Russian Federation. In short, this region is simply called Chuvashia. The administrative center of Chuvashia is the city of Cheboksary, which was founded in the middle of the 15th century and is 630 km away. from Moscow.

The climate of the Chuvash Republic is temperate continental. It has four distinct seasons. Winter is moderately cold, with an average temperature of -13C in the coldest month of January. The average summer temperature in July is + 19C.

The Chuvash Republic is a territory that abounds in natural and cultural attractions. AT Chuvashia there are 682 objects of cultural value. Of these, 54 are monuments of federal significance. The most valuable historical monuments of Chuvashia are connected by religious and Orthodox buildings: the Kiev-Nikolaevsky women's monastery, the Vvedensky cathedral, the Ascension church, the Tikhvin women's monastery, etc. Many of them have been restored.
The most interesting from a natural and historical point of view is Mariinsky Posad. There are several park areas in it, and one of the most important sights of nature is Gosudareva Gora, which is famous for its healing springs gushing at its foot.

Coming to the Chuvash Republic, it is a sin not to visit Cheboksary, a pearl on the banks of the Volga. This old town blends modern architecture with medieval architecture. There are also many protected areas, parks and museums in the city.

AT Chuvash Republic ecological tourism is very developed in national parks and reserves. Tourists go hiking and trekking in the parks, relax on the lakes and observe the life of such wild forest animals as marmots and foxes. The most famous national parks of Chuvashia are the Prisurskiy state nature reserve and the Chavash varmane national park.