The concept, structure and stages of the development of the main educational program of higher education. The main educational program of the highest pofessession education

Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

Federal Railway Agency

state educational institution of higher vocational education

Irkutsk State University of Communications


Basic educational program

Higher recommendation education

Directional direction _____________

(specifies the code and the name of the preparation direction in accordance with GEF VPO)
Training profile / specialization__________________________________________


(leave the desired phrase)
Qualification (graduate degree)__________________________________________


(indicated by Bachelor / Master / Certified Specialist)
Regulatory learning date ___________________________________________________
Form of study_________________________________________________________________

(indicates full-time, correspondence, etc.)
Faculty / Institute _______________________________________________

(leave the right one)

Released by the department _________________________________________________



Main educational program

SECTION 1. Characteristics of the main educational program

1.1 General

1.2. Regulatory and legal documents for the development of the main educational program

1.3. Mission, goals, OOP tasks

Section 2. Characteristics of the professional activity of a graduate of the main educational program

2.2. Commercial Objects

2.3. Types of professional activities of a graduate

2.4. Challenges of the graduate

Section 3. Competence of a university graduate as a cumulative expected result of the development of the main educational program

3.1. Requirements for the results of the development of the main educational program

3.2. OOP structure according to GEF VPO

3.3. Matrix of compliance competencies and formative parts of the main educational program

Section 4 Documents regulating the content and organization of the educational process when implementing the OOP

4.1. Program documents of integrating, interdisciplinary and cross-cutting, ensuring the integrity of the competence-oriented OOP

4.1.1. Composition, basic content and structural and logical connections of the content of disciplines, practices, Nirts included in the OOP

4.1.2. Syllabus

4.1.3. Calendar training graph

4.2. Disciplinary Disciplinary Documents Competence-oriented OOP

4.2.1. Annotations of work programs of training disciplines

4.2.2. Working programs of academic disciplines

4.2.3. Working programs of educational and production practices Working Program Work Programs programm Nirs Working Program of Industrial Practice

Section 5.Methodical materials on the summary state certification of graduates

5.1. Program of the state exam


Characteristics of the main educational program
1.1. General provisions

The main educational program (OOP) of the university is a systemically organized complex of educational and methodological documents, regulating the goals, content, form of organization, learning and evaluation technologies to achieve students established by the university in the form of competences for the level of graduate of relevant qualifications (degree) of bachelor, master or specialist.

1.2. Regulatory and legal documents for the development of the main educational program

  • Federal laws Russian Federation: "On education" (dated July 10, 1992 №3266-1) and "On the Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" (from August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ), with subsequent changes made in the prescribed manner;

  • Typical position on the educational institution of higher vocational education (higher education institution), approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2008 No. 71 (hereinafter - the Model Regulations on the university);

  • Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (GEF VPO) in the direction of preparation ________________ (undergraduate / master / specialist), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from "____" __________ 20___ № ____;

  • Regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;

  • The approximate basic educational program of higher professional education (PRP) in the direction of preparation _________________________, approved _______________ ________________ (wears a recommendation);

  • Charter IRGUPS.
1.3. Mission, goals and objectives of the main educational program

Social significance (mission) OOP HPO, its reveals the main objective For development of individuals, as well as the formation of general cultural (universal, general scientific, socio-personal, instrumental, etc.) and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of GEF VPO in this direction of preparation.

At the same time, the wording of the objectives and objectives of the OOP, both in the field of education and in the field of training, are given taking into account the specifics of the specific OOP HPO, the characteristics of groups of students, as well as the characteristics of the scientific and pedagogical school of the university and the needs of the regional labor market.

For example:

In the field of education, the common goals of the main educational program of the undergraduate are:

formation of socio-personal qualities of students: purposefulness, organizedness, hard work, responsibility, citizenship, communicativeness, tolerance, increasing their common culture.

In the field of training with the common goals of the basic educational programs of undergraduate, are:

preparation in the basics of the fundamentals of humanitarian, social, economic, mathematical and natural scientific knowledge, obtaining higher professional profiled education, allowing a graduate to successfully conduct development and research aimed at creating and ensuring the operation of automatic and automated systems and controls, control and control, to have universal and Specialized competences that contribute to its social mobility and sustainability in the labor market.

Section 2.
Characteristics of the professional activity of a graduate of the main educational program
2.1. Professional activities of a graduate
The characteristic of the area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity is provided for which the bachelor / master's training is underway / specialist in accordance with GEF VPO in this direction of preparation; The specifics of the professional activities of the bachelor / master / specialist, taking into account his training / specialization profile, are indicated by the types of organizations and institutions in which the graduate can carry out professional activities in this area and the profile of training / specialization HPE.
2.2. Commercial Objects
The objects of the professional activities of the bachelor / master / specialist in accordance with GEF VPO in this area of \u200b\u200bpreparation are indicated, if necessary, the specifics of the Bachelor / Master's professional activities / specialist, taking into account its training / specialization profile, are described..
2.3. Types of professional activities of a graduate
The activities of the Bachelor / Master's professional activity are indicated / specialist in accordance with GEF VPO in this area of \u200b\u200bpreparation. For example: production and technological, organizational and managerial, research, project, pedagogical, etc.professionalactivities are complemented by the university together with interested employers. If necessary, the types of professional activities of the bachelor / master / specialist, taking into account its training / specialization profile, are described..
2.4. Challenges of the graduate
The tasks of the professional activity of the graduate are formulated for each type of professional activity in this area and the profile of training / specialization HPE based on the relevant GEF VPOs and PRPC and are complemented, taking into account the traditions of the university and the needs of interested employers.

Section 3.

Competence of a graduate of the university as a cumulative expected result of the development of the main educational program

3.1. Requirements for the results of the development of the main educational program

As a result of the development of the OOP, a graduate must have the following competencies:

The competence of the graduate, formed in the process of mastering this OOP HPO, is definedon the basis of GEF VPO to the appropriate direction of training, the PRP under this profile of training / specialization and are complemented by professional specialized (and if necessary)competences in accordance with the objectives and objectives of the OOP HPE.

The code


Name of competence



Communication Competence of a graduate (OK)





Professional graduate competencies (PC)





3.2. OOP structure according to GEF VPO

The structure of the OOP from GEFVPO at the appropriate training area, supplemented with the preparation / specialization profile.

3.3. Matrix compliance competencies and forming them parts of the OOP

The matrix

compliance of the competences and the formative of their component parts of the OOP HPE

Cycles, disciplines of the OOP curriculum

B.1 Humanitarian, Social and Economic Cycle

B.2 Mathematical and Natural Science Cycle

B.3 Professional cycle

B.4 Physical Culture

B.5 Practice / Nirs


B.1.1 Basic part

B.1.2 The variable part

B.2.1 Basic part

B.2.2 Variative part

B.3.1 Basic part


B.5.1 Training

B.5.2 Nirs.

B.5.3 Production

State exam




















Communication competencies





Professional competencies




Section 4.

Documents regulating the content and organization of the educational process when implementing the main educational program

In accordance with paragraph 39 of the Model Regulations on the university and GEF in this areapreparation The content and organization of the educational process in the implementation of this OOP is regulated by the Bachelor / Master's training plan / specialist, taking into account its preparation / specialization profile; working training courses, subjects,disciplines; Materials providing qualitypreparation and upbringing students; training programs I. production practices; calendar training schedule, as well as methodological materials that ensure the implementation of the relevanteducational technologies.

Educational programs determine the content of education.

Educational program, Developed on the basis of the Federal Educational Standard (educational standard) is a complex of the main characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions and forms of certification. The complex of the aforementioned characteristics is presented in the form of a curriculum, calendar learning chart, working programs of training items, courses, disciplines (modules), other components, as well as estimated and methodological materials (Article 2 of paragraph 9 of the commented law).

In art. 3 commented law among the basic principles of state policies and legal regulation of relations in the field of education are enshrined by the humanistic nature of education. In accordance with this principle, the legislator in part 1 of the commented article found that the content of education should contribute to "mutual understanding and cooperation between people, peoples, regardless of racial, national, ethnic, religious and social affiliation, take into account the diversity of ideological approaches, to promote the realization of the rights of students on Free choice of opinions and beliefs, to ensure the development of the abilities of each person, the formation and development of his personality in accordance with the spiritual and moral and sociocultural values \u200b\u200badopted in the family and society "

With regard to the content of vocational education and vocational training, it should ensure qualifications - the level of knowledge, skills, skills and competence characterizing the preparedness for the implementation of a certain type of professional activity.

Legislation shares educational programs on basic and additional depending on the level of education on which these programs are implemented.

Basic educational programs (OOP) are implemented on the levels of general and vocational education, as well as on vocational training.

Additional educational programs Implemented by additional education.

The system of educational programs can be represented as follows.

Educational programs in the Russian Federation

1. Basic educational programs

1.1. Maintenance general education programs :

1.1.1. educational programs preschool education;

1.1.2. educational programs of primary general education;

1.1.3. educational programs of basic general education;

1.1.4. Educational programs of secondary general education.

1.2. Maintenance professional educational programs:

1.2.1. Educational programs of secondary vocational education

1.2.1.A. training programs for qualified workers and employees;

1.2.1.B. programs for training mid-level specialists;

1.2.2. Educational programs of higher education:

1.2.2.A. undergraduate programs;

1.2.2.B. specialist programs;

1.2.2.V. Master's programs;

1.2.2.g. training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture);

1.2.2.d. programs of the ordinature;

1.2.2.E. Assistant-internship programs.

1. 3. Basic professional programs learning:

1.3.1. training programs for workers' professions, employee positions;

1.3.2. Programs retraining workers serving;

1.3.3. Programs to improve the skills of workers serving.

2. Additional educational programs

2.1. Additional general educationprograms:

2.1.1. Additional overall programs;

2.1.2. Additional prefest programs.

2.2. Additional professionalprograms:

2.2.1. advanced training programs;

2.2.2. Professional retraining programs.

By general ruleThe organization exercising educational activities independently develops and approves its educational programs.

Educational programs of pre-school education are developed and approved by the Organization exercising educational activities, in accordance with the GEF of pre-school education and, taking into account the relevant exemplary educational programs of pre-school education (part 6 of the commented article).

Organizations engaged in educational activities with state accreditation educational programs develop educational programs in accordance with the FGOS and taking into account the relevant exemplary basic educational programs (part 7 of the commented article).

From this rule, the exception provided for educational institutions of higher education, which has the right to independently develop and approve educational standards. Such organizations are developing educational programs of higher education on their own on the basis of their own educational standards.

The list of educational organizations endowed with such a right is established by the 10th century. 11 commented law. It includes:

Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov and St. Petersburg State University;

Educational institutions of higher education in respect of which the category "Federal University" is established;

Educational institutions of higher education in respect of which the category "National Research University" is established;

Federal State Educational Organizations of Higher Education, the list of which is approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2008 No. 1332 "On Approval of the List of Federal State Educational Organizations of Higher Education, which are entitled to develop and approve independently educational standards for all levels of higher education") .

As already noted, the educational organization forms its educational program based on GEF and consideration of relevant exemplary basic educational programs.

Under approximate basic educational program Meeting documentation is understood that defining the recommended volume and content of the formation of a certain level and (or) of a certain direction, the planned results of the development of the educational program, exemplary conditions of educational activities, including approximate calculations of the normative costs of public services for the implementation of the educational program.

The composition of such educational and methodical documentation includes:

Approximate curriculum,

Approximate calendar learning schedule,

Approximate work programs of training items, courses, disciplines (modules).

Exemplary programs are developed by:

basic general education programs:

Educational programs of pre-school education;

Educational programs of primary general education;

Educational programs of basic general education;

Educational programs of secondary general education;

basic professional educational programs:

- educational programs of secondary vocational education (programs for training qualified workers, employees, programs for training middle-level specialists);

Educational programs of higher education (undergraduate programs, specialist programs, graduate studies, training programs for scientific-pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture), internship assistant programs, arbitrary programs);

Basic educational programs in part of training items, courses, disciplines (modules).

The procedure for the development of exemplary basic educational programs, conducting their expertise and register of exemplary basic educational programs is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of May 28, 2014 No. 594 "On approval of the procedure for developing exemplary basic educational programs, conducting their expertise and register of exemplary major educational programs ").

Projects of exemplary basic general education programs are developed by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. They are sent by developers to organize expertise to the Federal Educational and Methodological Association for General Education (UMO for General Education), the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. If the Federal UMO is a developer of the project of an approximate basic general education program, it independently organizes the examination of the project of an approximate basic general education program.

The examination of exemplary basic general educational programs, taking into account their level and orientation (in terms of regional, national and ethnocultural characteristics), authorized state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are involved.

Exemplary programs in terms of training items, courses, disciplines (modules) aimed at obtaining learning knowledge about the foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation, on the moral principles, the historical and cultural traditions of world religion (world religions), are examined in centralized religious Organizations for compliance with the creation of the creation, historical and cultural traditions of this organization in accordance with its internal institutions.

Projects of approximate major professional programs are sent by developers to organize an examination in educational and methodological associations in the system of vocational education.

The development of exemplary training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in adjuncture provide federal executive bodies, in which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for military or other service equivalent to it, service in the internal affairs bodies, service in the control bodies of drug trafficking and psychotropic substances. These federal executive bodies include the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Service for Drug Control, etc., in accordance with Federal Law of June 4, 2014, No. 145-FZ "On Making Changes to the individual legislation of the Russian Federation on military service in the bodies of the military prosecutor's office and military investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "the investigative committee of the Russian Federation will be assigned to the number of such bodies.

The development of exemplary-internship assistant programs is provided by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, and ensuring the development of exemplary programs of the ordinance is assigned to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Part 10 of the commented article, the exemplary basic educational programs are included in the results of the examination in the register of exemplary basic educational programs, which is a state information system. The information contained in this registry is publicly available.

Organizations that are given the right to maintain the registry are established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Registry maintenance is carried out by the operator by:

Entering into the register of details of the decision to approve the approximate program, details of the decision on the transfer of an exemplary program to the Archive section on which such a decision was made;

Technical support of the registry function;

Automated processing of information contained in the registry;

Providing access to exemplary programs contained in the registry;

Ensuring the safety of the information contained in the registry;

Ensuring the protection of information contained in the registry.

The approximate program after approval is sent by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation or a teaching and methodological association in the professional education system to the operator, which places the program in the registry.

The Department of Vocational Education explains that by the decision of the Collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 25, 2011 (Protocol N PC-2VN) universities, the right to independently establish the profiles of the main educational programs (OOP) of the undergraduate and specialization of the OOP of training specialists, if in the structure of the relevant GEF profiles (specialization ) not defined.

Currently, the Department of Professional Education carries out a procedure for making relevant amendments to paragraph 7.1 of all GEF in the field of training (specialties) for undergraduate programs and specialist training programs, as well as at paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of the Department of State Policy in the field of education of May 13, 2010 N 03-956.

The procedure for the implementation of universities of profiles (specializations) by the OOP of undergraduate (specialist training) is given in.

The procedure for the formulation of the registry of profiles and specializations of the OOP VPO, the rules for accounting for profiles (specializations) in state educational statistics, the procedure for monitoring the quality of the implementation of universities of profiles (specializations) and the interaction of universities within the framework of state-public associations will be brought to universities until June 1, 2011.

On the procedure for implementing universities of profiles (specializations) of the main educational programs of undergraduate (training specialist)

1. General Provisions

1.1. The profiles (specialization) of the main educational programs (OOP) are part of the direction of training (specialty) of higher professional education, in which they are implemented (which is implemented, and assume to obtain learning more in-depth professional knowledge, skills and skills in various areas of activity.

1.2. Profile (specialization) reflects the focus of the main educational program (hereinafter referred to as the OOP) of the highest educational institution for a particular type, object and (or) tasks of professional activities defined by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (hereinafter - GEF VPO) or independently established by the Higher Educational Institution Educational standard.

Profiles (specializations) on the name and meaningful filling should develop the name and content of the appropriate direction (specialty). The name of the profile (specialization) should not coincide with the name of other areas of preparation (specialties) of higher professional education.

1.3. The universities independently establish the distribution rules (in some cases - enrollments) of students on profiles (specializations) preparation.

1.4. OOP profiles (specializations) are indicated in the attachment to the diploma on higher professional education.

2. The procedure for establishing and classifying profiles (specializations).
Structure and content of profiles (specializations)

2.1. The higher education institution independently establishes the profile (specialist) of the OOP of undergraduate (specialist training) or selects it from the list of profiles recommended by the approximate basic educational program at the appropriate training area (specialty), if the profiles (specialization) of the OOP in this area of \u200b\u200bpreparation (specialty) are not defined in GEF VPO.

If there are two or more exemplary basic educational programs in the direction of training (specialty), universities can focus on the list of profiles (specializations) presented in these approximate OOPs.

Universities can develop basic educational programs and without specifying the preparation profile, specialization (wide profile programs).

2.2. If the profiles (specializations) of the OOP are established in the GEF VPO in the appropriate areas of preparation (specialties), the university must choose profiles (specializations) from those specified in GEF. The introduction of new profiles (specializations) in this case is carried out through the procedure for making changes to the GEF VPO.

Universities that have received the right to implement the OOP on the basis of independently established educational standards (OS) in the development of OS and OOP in the areas of preparation (specialties), for which profiles (specializations) are defined in GEF VPO, have the right to independently establish profiles (specializations) of the Bachelor's OOP (preparation specialists).

2.3. If the list of competencies of the graduate for the profile (specialized) part of the OOP is defined in GEF, the university must provide a student to master these competencies in accordance with the profile (specialization) of training. If the global list of specialized competencies is not defined, the university determines the list of these competencies on its own or in accordance with the recommendations of the approximate basic educational program.

2.4. The structure and content of the profile (specialized) training are formed by the highest educational institution independently or in accordance with the recommendations of the approximate basic educational program on the basis of the requirements for the structure of the OOP established by GEF VPO in the direction of training (specialty), within which the profile is being implemented (specialization).

2.5. The Department of Professional Education The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia organizes the registry of profiles (specializations) of the OOP, implemented by higher educational institutions, which establishes the rules for the classification and codification of training profiles (specialties) to account for them in state educational statistics.

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2011 N 12-532 "On Profiles and Specializations of the OOP of Higher Professional Education"

Overview of the document

Universities are granted the right to independently establish profiles (specializations) of the main educational programs (OOP) undergraduate (specialist training), if they are not defined in the structure of relevant federal state educational standards of higher professional education (GEF VPO).

The procedure for implementing universities of these profiles (specializations) is determined.

The profiles (specializations) of the OOP are part of the preparation direction (specialty) VPO, within which (which is) they are implemented. They assume to receive learning more in-depth professional knowledge, skills and skills.

Profile (specialization) reflects the focus of the university's OOP to a specific form, object and (or) of the tasks of professional activity, certain GEF VPO or independently established university educational standard.

Universities can develop an OOP and without specifying the preparation profile, specialization (wide profile programs).

The university can independently determine the list of competencies of a graduate for a profile (specialized) part of the ODP, if it is not installed in the GEF.

The structure and content of the profile (specialized) training is formed by the university on their own on the basis of the requirements for the structure of the OOP established by GEF VPO in the appropriate direction of training (specialty).

The university to solve these tasks can also appeal to the approximate OOP.

The Department of Professional Education The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia organizes the register of profiles (specializations) of the OOP implemented by universities. It establishes the rules for their classification and codification for accounting in state educational statistics.