Military patriotic camp rattage. "Cossack Zavadnaya" - the youthful military-patriotic ethnoturistic vacation in nature! Specialized events for each of the programs


Summer holidays came - you can relax fun and with benefit. Already for the third time, for the Cossack Cossack Cadet classes of Moscow from July 17 to July 26, 2017, a real Cagracy camp will be held! And these are hiking, competition, even more!

Vintage Cossack songs, acoustic sound of folk instruments, epics and Cossack rites will revive the nature of the Moscow region in the campaigns, on privals, dances, games, guys and girls from 13 to 17 years, where to learn how to handle educational weapons, compass, card, tent And other tourist equipment - the faithful companion of the modern warrior.

The Cossack Children's and Youth Camp "Cossack Zascha" will be held in the framework of the implementation of the president Russian Federation "Strategies for the development of the state policy of the Russian Federation in relation to the Russian Cossacks until 2020" and the foundations approved by the Government of the Russian Federation the basics of the state cultural and state youth policy. Organizes the Cossack Camp of the Cossack Cossack Society "Central Cossack Army" together with the Preobrazhensky defense and sports center of the Special Forces Foundation of the Airborne Forces, with the support of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on the Cossacks and Government of the city of Moscow, as well as with the participation of the All-Russian Public-State Children's and Youth Organization "Russian Schoolchildren's movement "and the association support for the development of the youth Cossack Movement" Union of Cossack Youth "in the face of the Association" Youth Cossack Organization of the Cossack Society "Central Cossack Army".

The base of the Preobrazhensky defense and sports center of the Special Forces Foundation of the Airborne Forces (hereinafter - the Center, the site -, the specialists of the center and the military Cossack Society "Central Cossack Army" are waiting for guests! And this means - the dreams of young Cossacks and Cossacks, bold boys and girls will come true! This will happen under the supervision of experienced instructors, the Cossack mentors from among the activists of the "Union of Cossack Youth".

Objective: Organization of a children's-youth leisure on nature on the basis of the original Cossack culture and various directions of military-patriotic education with an emphasis on the "Young Fighter" course, which includes everything necessary for the pre-examination preparation of the future Defender of the Fatherland.

  • human harmonization based on centuries-old traditions and spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the Russian Cossacks;
  • development of personal and leadership qualities;
  • preservation and popularization of the original Cossack culture in modern society;
  • education of a courageous nature and the development of faith in oneself;
  • popularization of family values \u200b\u200bin the youth environment;
  • psychological and physical training;
  • strengthening cohesion and ability to work in a team;
  • the development of the ability of knowledge of oneself, their capabilities;
  • education of the will of the will, martial spirit, endurance.

Relevance: a shortage of knowledge in the area of \u200b\u200bCossack culture and its importance in the history of Russia among students of the senior classes of Cossack educational organizations, as well as the lack of initial military training.

Justification: Adaptation of children and young people in the environment with the help of the harmonious atmosphere of the original Cossack culture and passing by young Cossacks and the Cossacks of initial military training programs.

Audience: Children, boys and girls focused on an active lifestyle and spiritual and moral education based on the historical and cultural traditions of the Russian Cossacks.

Venue: p. Shapovskoe, village of Kuzenevo, Transfiguration Defense and Sports Center of the Special Forces Foundation Airborne Forces.


  1. The distinctive Cossack culture.
    • The significance of the Russian Orthodox Church in the traditional culture of Russian Cossacks;
    • folk traditions of Russian Cossacks;
    • the history of Russian Cossacks and his role in modern society;
    • male dance;
    • people's applied creativity (weaving leather, modeling of clay, needlework, etc.).
  2. Regional science.
    • study of the history of the region, nature;
    • cartography.
  3. Safety of vital activity.
    • first aid;
    • healthy nutrition.
  4. Combat training.
    • bar of obstacles;
    • target practice;
    • militarized games.

Work forms depend on the goals set and may be as follows: planned classes, training, seminars, competitions, role-playing, leisure programs (evenings, conversations, concerts).

All programs of the program are associated with one multi-day military-historical game "Cossacks", in which all children are involved without exception.

SCALODROM, STRIP OF Obstacles, Tir, Cossacks, Cossack fun and ownership of a checker - Only a small part of classes in our military adventure Cossack camp! During the passage of thematic classes, participants will be able to learn:

  • Fundamentals of singing, dance
  • Principles of the game on folk instruments
  • Various forms of folk contest
  • Cossack Shash Show
  • Rifle case
  • First aid
  • Basics of civil defense
  • The basics of leadership and vocational guidance
  • Locality orientation

and much more, as well as - to pass the statutes of the GTO!

List of necessary things.

  • Personal hygiene items.
  • Hiking seasonal clothing: warmed jacket, pants, sweaters or sweater, rubber boots.
  • Sportswear and footwear for physical culture; Summer clothes: T-shirts, shorts, sandals, simple socks (5 pairs); Girls preferably sundress or long skirt; Headdress (necessarily to everyone), girls - scarf on the head).
  • If desired: flashlight, camera, remedy for mosquitoes and insects.

May 11, 2017 at 19.00 the parent meeting will be held on the Cossack Children's and Youth Camp "Cossack Zascha". You can ask all your questions and issue the necessary documents. Venue: ul. Shkuleva, 2 - Palace of creativity of children and young people. A.P. Gaidar.

More information is in the attached documents. On issues related to the completion of the contract and the statement, as well as - the general issues related to the Cossack Camp to contact the Cossack Cossack Society "Central Cossack Army".

Representatives from the military Cossack Society "Central Cossack Army": Ufimtsev Oleg Olegovich, Nesterov Stepan Yuryevich (tel. + 7-966-051-11-45,).

Contact person to collect applications for participation: Ufimtsev Oleg Olegovich (tel. + 7-916-852-57-91,).

Sites partners

Summer comes. You can relax fun and with benefit. And in 2016, for the first time, for the first time, for the Cossack Cossack Cadet classes of Moscow from July 9 to July 26, 2016, a real Cagracy camp will be held! And these are hiking, competition, even more!
Vintage Cossack songs, the acoustic sound of folk instruments, the epics and Cossack rites will revive the nature of the Moscow region in the campaigns,at the privals, dances, games, contestants, guys and girls from 13 to 17 years, where to learn how to handle educational weapons, a compass, a card, a tent and other tourist equipment - the faithful companion of the modern warrior.
The Cossack Children-Youth Camp "Cossack Zascha" will take place in the framework of the implementation of the Russian State Policy Development Strategy for the Russian Cossacks before 2020 and the foundations of the state cultural and state youth policy approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Organizes the Cossack camp of the Cossack Cossack Society "Central Cossack Army" together with the Preobrazhensky defense and sports center of the Special Forces Foundation of the Airborne Forces with the support of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on the Cossacks and the Government of Moscow.
The base of the Preobrazhensky defense and sports center of the Special Forces Foundation of the Airborne Forces (hereinafter - the Center, the site -, the specialists of the center and the military Cossack Society "Central Cossack Army" are waiting for guests! And this means - the dreams of young Cossacks and the Cossacks - bold and real boys and girls will come true! It will happen under the supervision of experienced mentors and instructors.
Objective: Organization of a children's-youth leisure on nature on the basis of the original Cossack culture and various directions of military-patriotic education with an emphasis on the "Young Fighter" course, which includes everything necessary for the pre-examination preparation of the future Defender of the Fatherland.

- Human harmonization based on centuries-old traditions and spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the Russian Cossacks;
- development of personal and leadership qualities;
- preservation and popularization of the original Cossack culture
in modern society;
- upbringing a courageous nature and the development of faith in oneself;
- popularization of family values \u200b\u200bin the youth environment;
- psychological and physical training;
- strengthening cohesion ability to work in a team;
- the development of the ability of knowledge of oneself, its capabilities;
- Education of the will of the will, martial spirit, endurance.
Relevance: Deficiency of Knowledge in the Cossack Culture and its meaning
in the history of Russia, students' senior classes of Cossack educational organizations, as well as the lack of initial military training.
Content: military-patriotic education and ethnotourism.
Justification: Adaptation of children and young people in the environment
with the help of the harmonious atmosphere of the original Cossack culture and passing by young Cossacks and the Cossacks of initial military training programs.

Audience: Children, boys and girls, - an active lifestyle and spiritual and moral education based on historical and cultural traditions of Russian Cossacks.
Venue: S / P Schapovskoye, D. Kuzenevo, Preobrazhensky Defense and Sports Center of the Special Forces Fund of the Airborne Forces.
1. Original Cossack Culture.
- the value of the Russian DistributionSercus in the traditional culture of Russian Cossacks;
- folk traditions of Russian Cossacks;
- The history of Russian Cossacks and his role in modern society;
- Male fighting dance;
- Basics of hand-to-hand combat;
- People's applied creativity (weaving leather, modeling of clay, needlework, etc.).
2. Regional science.
- study of the history of the region, nature;
- Cartography.
3. Safety of vital activity.
- hiking;
- device of shelters, fires;
- first aid;
- Healthy nutrition.
4. Combat training.
- bar of obstacles;
- psychology, tactics;
- training shooting;
- militarized games.
Work forms depend on the goals set and may be as follows: planned classes, workouts, seminars, hiking, competitions, role-playing, leisure programs (evenings, conversations, concerts).
All measures of the program are associated with a multi-day military-historical game "Cossack Zascha", in which all children are involvedwithout exception.
The climbing, a strip of obstacles, a shooting, assault, fell, Cossack fun and ownership of a checker - only a small part of classes in our military adventure Cossack camp! During the passage of thematic occupations, participants will be able to learn:
Fundamentals of singing, dance
Principles of the game on folk instruments
Various forms of folk contest
Cossack Shash Show
Rifle case
Military diplomacy
Throwing knife
Receptions of hand-to-hand fight
Survival in extreme conditions
Overcoming natural obstacles
Mastering the principles of the assault group
Organization of the defense of rear structures
Object demining activities
Tactical and special preparation (fighting, assault, disguise)
Radiation-chemical and biological protection
First aid
Basics of high preparation and climbing.
List of necessary things.
1. Personal hygiene objects: body towel, feet, soap, toothpaste, brush.
2. Hiking: Jacket Insulated, Pants, Sweatshirt or Sweater, Rubber Boots, Wool Socks; For food: mug, spoon, bowl.
3. Sportswear for physical culture, sneakers or sneakers.
4. Summer clothes: T-shirts, shorts, sandals, socks are simple - 3 pairs.
5. Girls preferably a sundress or a long skirt.
6. Tour. Rug, sleeping bag, x / b liner, headdress
7. Optional: flashlight, camera, repellents, tourist sidewa.
More information is in the attached documents. On issues related to the completion of the contract and statement, as well as - general issues related to the Cossack Camp to contact the Cossack Cossack Society "Central Cossack Army".
Contact person from the military Cossack Society "Central Cossack Army": Bredichin Anton Viktorovich (tel. + 7-917-510-23-12, e-mail: