The child gnawing his nails to do. The child nibbles nails: how to wean, causes and consequences. What to do if the baby gnaws nails

Not only adults, but children can have bad habits. One of the most common is nail sprinkling. In this article we will look at how to wean a child nibble nails.

Causes why children gnaw nails

Spraying nails has a scientific name - onyhofagi, which suffer 30% of children aged from 6-10 years. At the same time, the boys are much more likely nibble nails than girls.

Interestingly, with consideration the number of rodent nails increases almost twice in: from 10-17 years old nails gnawing 50% of children. Naturally, the numbers are very impressive.

Onyhofagi begins most often on the soil of stress, but there are a number and other reasons. One of the factors is a bad example. Peers or someone from native, ricking nails can become the very reason why the child nibbles nails.

Another reason why the child nibbles nails is unwillingness to get out of the comfort zone. At one time, you looked down the crumb from the chest, then he grew, and you began to teach him from the nipple, the fingers became an alternative to her, and with time - nails.

Non-compliance with hygiene is one of the factors of nail splashing. If you are inadequately cast a nails to a child, then it will get rid of them by your way.

Bans and idleness also lead to onouchophagia. If you prohibit the baby to eat sweets, it is likely that the baby gnaws the nails because of this ban. Therefore it is very important to find a fascinating occupation for the baby. This will help him forget about his nails for a while.

Among very unusual reasons is the influence of the computer and gadgets. If the baby is staying for watching the TV shows for a long time or loves to play at the computer, it can cause nail springs. Most often, precisely the plots of violence affect the fact that the child nibbles nails. Control that your baby looks and what games play to minimize the level of stress.

If you saw that the child nibbles nails, perhaps the reason for this is a change in life rhythm. What does it mean? This happens if the baby fell ill, began to attend kindergarten or went to school. Periods of adaptation Children are transferred differently, and therefore, onyhofagi can become a faithful child's companion in the fight against emotional tension, fear and indecisiveness to voice his problems to parents.

Spraying nails is the same neurotic reaction as tick or sucking your finger. That is how your baby is trying to cope with nervous tension, experiences, overexcitation and anxiety. If, instead of detecting the root cause, you scold the crumb or even beat by hand, as a result you can gain exacerbation of the situation. The child will be closed in herself, and on any of your morals over time will react aggressively. Naturally, such a child will be an insecure personality, with many complexes and complaints. Such kid may need a specialist help. Sometimes doctors prescribe a course of soothing.

Few people know, but physically consequence of nail splashes can be inflammatory processes in near-gas tissues, worms and periodontitis.

What will happen if you gnaw your nails?

The pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky suggests that if the child gnaws his nails, then with a high probability, this habit will show himself in adulthood, which will give a lot of problems with an adult:

  • virus diseases and microbial diseases;
  • tract tract infection;
  • deformation of the nail plate and cuticle;
  • nails can stop growing;
  • teeth over time become mobile;
  • problems in social adaptation, as nail springs are very often associated with the Africaning of a person, his experiences.

Evgeny Komarovsky considers this problem with decent attention of his parents and does not recommend letting the situation on Samotek. Ignoring this habit only aggravate it and entail the consequences that you already know.

Methods that will help wean a baby gnawing nails

Naturally, the child at any age will not think about how to learn to gnaw nails. But caring parents must make decisive actions in this direction. Wean a child nibble nails today is not difficult - there are a lot of ways and methods. The most popular we describe below. At the same time, moms and dads should understand that the process of getting rid of the harmful habit can stand a lot of effort, patience and time.

  1. Get rid of stress. The struggle with stressful situations can be permanent, since any of the situations in the life of a child can bring him negative emotions. Teach the crumb to several express techniques of struggle with stress. If the kid is upset, let him be deeply inhaling and exhaled, listening to the process of breathing. Also, the crumb can compress and squeeze the cams to remove the voltage.
  2. Hygiene care. Parents must be an example of their children in everything. If you want to wean a child nibble nails, give him positive example Nail care. If your daughter grows, you can make manicure with it. The baby will be pleased that her marigolds resemble a manicure model. Baby's nails cut shortly, do it regularly so that he does not have time to dress them. If you yourself love to nibble nails, try to get rid of this habit. While you are working on yourself, do not herole the nails in the presence of the baby.
  3. Switch attention. If you see that the child nibbles nails, distract it. You can ask for his help or just find an exciting occupation. Naturally, you are not able to keep track of him constantly, but over time you will achieve a positive result.
  4. Tactile creativity. If you want to wean the baby gnawing your nails, you can attract it to drawing with paints, laying plasticine or clay. Dirty hands he definitely does not want to take in his mouth.
  5. Remuneration. One way to wean a child to gnaw nails is to receive a gift or a cash bonus. Perhaps this is not a completely pedagogical method, but for some children it is very effective.
  6. Formation of conditional reflex. Buy a child an elastic bracelet and every time he will drive his fingers in his mouth, click on his wrist. This method is quite effective when it is regular.
  7. Work with a psychologist. Another option of getting rid of the habit of gnawing nails is a visit to a specialist. The psychologist will help to identify the true cause that provoked nail springs and turned it into a real habit.
  8. Get rid of criticism. Another opportunity to get rid of nail splashes is a decrease in the number of criticism that you proclaim to your child. Try to talk with a baby in a more friendly tone to arrange it to conversation. So you can figure out what Croch is experiencing, what fears he has. This information will help you in the fight against his habit of gnawing nails.
  9. Be patient. We have already remembered that in order to wean a child to nibble nails, you need to show as much patience as possible. Only attention, care and time are able to save your crumb from negative habits and turn everything into the right direction.
  10. Educational conversations. Speak with your child as with adults, regardless of his age. You must explain to him that nails nibble - not only ugly, but also nonhygienically. This habit can bring a lot of negative moments into the life of crumbs. We told about them above. Make the same thing: give the baby exhaustive information about everything negative consequencesSo that he understood how his harmless occupation could end.
  11. Sport. To reduce emotional stress and improving health, sports workouts are perfectly suitable. If your baby earlier did not attend any sports sections, then be sure to discuss his sports preferences with him. You can also watch the activity of the child and choose the sports section yourself. Sport has a positive effect on children, as it makes them more balanced, strong and hardy.
  12. Fairy tales. You can read the baby instructive fairy tales, and you can invent them with a cloth. Let your first tale be touching the Hero's Life, who gnaws the nails. The child should at the "example" of fabulous heroes to understand the seriousness of the situation.
  13. Attention and communication. It is very important to pay attention to the child that he felt his need. This will allow not only to grow a person confident, but also reduce the level of psychological injuries.
  14. Soothing. With such means, parents should be very careful, as they can be addictive, as well as cause certain diseases. In addition, the use of even natural soothing funds should be coordinated with the pediatrician.
  15. Visit to the neuropathologist. In some cases, the child needs an inspection of a neuropathologist. Serious neurotic disorders can be the root cause that your child nibbles nails. Therefore, do not postpone the visit to eliminate the disease at an early stage.

If, after consulting with experts, you made sure that your baby gnaws nails, for example, from boredom, you can start using special cosmetics. Bitter transparent lacquer will help wean a child gnawing nails. Today you can see on the store shelves a lot of such varnishes from a variety of manufacturers. It is worth noting that the composition of the bitter varnishes is safe for the health of children, but their taste can forever repeal the desire to gnaw nails. It is recommended to update the lacquer on the nails every three days. Before buying and using such funds, you must familiarize yourself with the instruction in which all the nuances of application, composition and precautions are described.

The use of bitter varnish

Unfortunately, the habit of gnawing the nails is observed with most children, so today a special bitter varnish has been developed, which knocks off the whole desire to stick his fingers into the mouth. Varnish has absolutely harmless to the child. But despite this is a great risk to the fact that the kid will simply get used to this taste. Varnish should be updated every 3 days. In stores you can buy bitter varnishes under the following names: "Not Sherozy", "Belweder", "Nekusyka".

If it does not help or parents do not trust this tool, you can use proven methods using the following components:

  • bitter pepper;
  • mustard;
  • salted juice.

Do not forget that the child fuss fingers not only in the mouth, but also eyes. Feelings will be not very pleasant, the consequences can create a new problem. It is better to stick the plaster on the nails. This method is safer for a child.

  1. Introduction
  1. Habit or ailment?
  1. Possible reasons
  1. What is it fraught
  1. How to deal with it: tipspsychologist
  1. Conclusion

If you are currently reading this article, then probably and not once found our childfor very much like him It seems a fascinating occupation - biting nails. Often, kids do it unconsciously, in thoughtfulness or being passionate about. The spectacle is not very pleasant, you will agree. But an adult, constantly pulling the fingers in the mouth and that's biting nails look even more impartial. Yes, this is a problem, the situation requires correction, and it cannot be allowed to be allowed on samothek. Tell me todaywhy children gnaw nails And what to do, how to deal with it.

Habit or Nedug?

You may be surprised now, but a fairly common habit of nailing nails has the official name - "Onyhofagi" - and, imagine, can appear as a diagnosis. Indeed, onhuphia has its own code in the international classification of disease and is considered a full-fledged disease. But how to understand that the kid "fell ill"?

Despite the fact that we so want to call the biting of the nails and the skin on the fingers of the harmful habit (obsessive repeating action), yet experts tend to call it a disease and treat it, and not limited to educational conversations.

If you turn to statistics, the children's fucking nails are a very common phenomenone. According to her, about a third of doshtalk and students nachale classes go with overtakenobles, and boys make up the lion's share of the total number of children. Teens beat all records: half of the guys under 18 abuses "nail snacks". It is bad that 25% of the former children, growing, do not leave this occupation, and already adults, they gnaw their poor nails. Brock!

The problem is delicate and difficult, it is necessary to agree. Here you need an integrated approach, a whole strategy, because only medications are not treated with medications. Althoughit would be nice, really because?!

Possible reasons

Let's understandwhy children gnaw nails, That is The cause of this bad habit (read: diseases).

As in any complex situation, straight and concreate cause can not be. ABOUT performing a set of multiple factorswhich, entertainment pursuing each other, turn intoedaki Snowball and pour here in Takoe who is an impartial investigation. Butmany specialists are confident that the main cause of this behavior is stress. Acute, chronic - no matter. Stressful situations make children nervously bit their fingers, thensubconscious levelaccepted as a common thing and turns into a steady, harmful need to nibble nails and skin on your fingers.

I would not want to recommend the old grandfathers from the series "to smear the nails with green", "you will gnaw nails,i am a pepper to the fingers of Natru "and the likemock over the child (sorry, otherwise it is impossible to call it).

It is better to choose a long but working tactic constant,sequential and soft correction. If youcaught a child for this lessonm, gently remind him what to do is not worth it, you may be removed (not sharp and not rude), a handle from the mouth.Do it always when you see thatthe child nibbles nails.But how to wean if the baby trying to hide this Fact or none "Soft Odergivan. ia "until the proper effect is given?

If the child is already frantic enough, it will be useful to tell him about the consequences of such an ugly habit. In no case can you make a child or somehow put pressure on his self-esteem. Make focus onnegative impact on the health and appearance of nails in the future.

Perhaps the child needs emotional support and it is difficult for him in connection with certain life circumstances.

Offer his support and love to him, show that you protect him that you love him. In the end, if you feel that the child is worth relaxing, then Sign up into the pool, make it a massage or drink a coupling course (of course, after consulting a specialist).

And what if you just send the baby to another bed?If a child Thus, trying to cope with his emotions, it will be useful onw. his multiple relaxation techniques or energy splashing methods. Let him drawle. pete doing some kind of mindactivities. There are many ways expressed in a game form and interesting for children.

Perhaps it will work here the "Wedge Wedge" method. Do not need to nibble nails? Let nibble nuts, There are pieces of fruit or candied. In reason, of course, the limits.

We must not forget about elementary hygiene and care. Watch out the nails and cuticle on a child's handles, delete the abnormal plates and burrs in time. By the way, pay attention to how exactly you cut your nails to your child. Perhaps you cut too much, do it rudely, the child hurts and he agrees to gnaw his nails himself, but do not give to you.

And what if you reconsider the course of the child's day and its workload sections and school / kindergarten?Perhaps the child must periodically arrange "unloading days" and reduce the bar of expectations from it. Make a day mode for it is comfortable to stay time for playing, recreation and real childhood.

If you have a girl, then the small "rodent" candisgust From this habit of cunning, simple and very interesting way: manicure.

That's it simple. Make a manicure with my daughter to each other. Play the beauty salon, cover your nails with bright varnishes or markers.

Emphasize that such beautiful nails should not look untidy, you should not bite and nibbling them. It is likely that the baby willrefuse this venture with each look at color notch.


By summing up the foregoing, I would like to say that in many ways the successes of our children, including in the fight against bad habits, depend on us, parents, from our behavior, pedagogical talent and patience. Yes, it is patience, perhaps, in this case, you can call the most faithful medicine.

What if the child gnaws his nails?Be a loving, soft, but persistent parent, explain to the child why it is bad and what it can lead to. Never punish the baby for it, do not be angry and do not raise your voice, and even more so do not raise your hand.

After all, the model of behavior children copy from us. You do not want to grow ignoranceah, besides nails nibble!

We are sure that you will succeed! However, if you think the problem is much more serious,than It seems initially, then do not refuse the consultation of the psychologist, and maybe the neurologist. Do not let the problem on the samonek, the child will not turn around, but will only secure the harmful addiction. And with age, get rid of the habit developed for a long time, is very difficult.

Good luck to you!

Agree, blurred nails, neglected cuticle, shaggy burrs look not too neat. This, of course, is not fatal, but from isolated cases develops into a permanent need. And if a child ricking the nail plate can be justified by small age, the adult man causes rejection.

Often parents who have noticed such a tendency appeal to doctors with the question why the child gnaws nails. Let's try to figure out together.

Habit or illness?

The uncontrolled biting of the nail plates is known as Onico Fagi. Experts are convinced that this term describes not only the harmful habit, but also a mental violation.

Most often, they suffer from 7-10 years old. According to statistics as the number of lovers, the nails gnawing increases to 45%. Psychologists are associated with transitional age and adolescence.

At any age, the process takes place on the machine: a man reflexively puts his fingers into the mouth, not aware of the action itself. Subconsciously, he seeks calm down, returning to infancy and imitating the act of feeding.

Physiological reasons

If you notice that your child gnaws his nails on his hands, it may be a consequence of physiological processes. Specialists consider these factors:

Psychological reasons

One physiology is too little to explain why the child gnaws his nails in his arms. In most cases, the habit is explained by psychological reasons:

  • Adaptation to the new setting. When moving to kindergarten or school, the child is broken away from the mother, falling into a new world. Poor socialization contributes to stress that the child is trying to "barth". Increased learning load associated with this nervousness is also the root of evil.
  • Home atmosphere. Scandals, squabbles, manual attribution negatively affect children's psyche. Feeling guilty, the baby sends aggression on himself.
  • Genetics, copying other people's movements. Hereditary predisposition, the tendency to adapt to the habits of peers or adults can explain onihofagi. Therefore, you should not be surprised that the child gnaws nails per year.
  • Early Relief OT breastfeeding. The kid just replaces the maternal breast with his finger.
    Thus, the main driving forces of the harmful habit are stress and anxiety. Primary, but the fact - some nibble nails simply from boredom.


Few people thought that the "harmless" biting of the nails leads to serious consequences. Doctors warn that such a violation entails:

  • slowdown in nail growth, deterioration of aesthetic species;
  • hit in the mouth of dirt, bacteria located under the nail plate;
  • deterioration of the state of the gum, teeth;
  • reducing self-esteem due to ridicule of others.

How to stop gnawing nails

We need to teach the child immediately as soon as you caught it with political. But not from the position of force, but with the help of certain tricks. Instructions, how to wean a child nibble nails will help parents cope with onyhofagia:

Take the child, switch its attention to the execution of other tasks. With girls, you can play a manicure salon, along the way, telling them about the beauty and health of the nails.

Show on your example, how beautiful to have neat marigolds without sprayed edges. Boys arrange an emotional discharge by active games: football, salts.

Tell us that every finger is a kind of friend who helps to write, fold the designer, eat. And it is impossible to hurt friends.

Take advantage of the admission of American Dr. Milton Erikson, who recommends that a small time interval on the bad habit.

Let's say that 1 hour. In the evening, the child is allowed to nibble nails. It simultaneously makes the baby happy, because he got approval, and binds to a temporary framework. Soon he gets tired of gnawing the nails in the regime, and the habit will gradually come down.

In no case do not humiliate the child, do not compare it with those who do not bite nails. It will aggravate the situation and will lead to even more willing to throw out aggression on yourself.

Use varnish

In addition to psychological impact, you can purchase special varnishes that give nails an unpleasant taste when trying to bite.

One of the popular transparent means is "Nekusyka". It is a small bottle with a thin tassel. Effective for both children and adults. There are no harmful substances, formaldehyde and resin. So that the child did not guess, put the lacquer during sleep.

Folk recipes

Also our grandmothers knew what to do when the child nibbles her nails. Modern mothers consider such methods outdated and unnecessarily rigid, but for the completeness of the disclosure of the topic we will list them:

  • application on the fingers "Natural bitterness" - pepper, aloe, mustard;
  • footing the fingers in the greencraft, which should turn away with their own species from the habit of pulling the nails.

Such experiments are ambiguous, they affect only two or three-year-old kids. The main thing is to remember that the disposal of any habit takes a certain time. You should not wait for quick results, it is better to patent patience and do not scold a child if something does not work.

Funny, untidy, uneven nails - a problem with which most parents meet sooner or later. What to do, what are the reasons for this harmful children's habit and how to deal with it - our article will tell about all this.

What is this bad habit or serious illness?

The habit of nibble nails has a completely definite medical name - " onychophagia" Another term is "dermatophagia", means an insurmountable desire or craving for brushing or pinching the cuticle. Most often, such a habit is observed in children, starting from about 6 years of age. At the age of 10, it suffers from about every third child. Older children "nibble nails" more often - approximately every second.

Girls suffer from these disorders less boys. This is quite explained: they are by nature their highest stress resistance.

Psychologists believe that such a phenomenon should not be considered as a bad habit, but as a certain problem. And it is not worth it to let her. It is necessary to determine the reasons for its appearance so that it can be easier and more efficiently cope with it.

The reasons

The habit of bite the nails never occurs in an empty place. Usually it is preceded by changing life circumstances. It may be a change in preschool institution or school, class, moving to another apartment and any serious change in the life of a child with which he cannot cope psychologically.

The nervous tension accumulates inside the child and turns into the appearance of a bad habit. In other words, blurred nails are nothing more than an attempt to "unrink" or get rid of the problem oppressive child.

Reasons associated with physiology

Causes of a socio-psychological nature

  • Loss of relative or a loved one. Psychological trauma and stress most often lead to the emergence of any harmful habit.
  • Strong fright It can easily contribute to the emergence of such a phenomenon. A loud sound, a sharp movement and other reasons especially strongly affect the child's psyche 2, 3 years. A child at 4 years old can be very screamed or barking dogs.
  • Intense atmosphere between parents. An unfavorable psychological climate in the family, constant swearing, conversations on elevated tones, aimed at each other aggression, one way or another, will definitely leave their mark on the rapid children's psyche. Especially if the child is in such an atmosphere constant and for a long time.
  • Sharp decimal change.Most often it is associated with shift kindergarten, schools, place of residence. Such a problem may arise after a long break in visiting a pre-school institution or school.
  • Today, many parents seek the best time for children with tutors, circles, sports sections, developing activities. This, of course, is not bad, but each child is individual and the load should be their own. Someone will easily endure a few additional classes, someone will just have one. The psychological overload of the child leads to increased fatigue, scattered and neurosis.

  • Direct opposite to the previous point is a weak employment of the child.He does not know how to take himself and begins to nibble nails from boredom.
  • Bad example. If someone gnaws nails in the family or close surroundings, then the child will try to do the same sooner or later.
  • Incorrect mealsUncontrolled consumption, such as carbonated drinks or sweets, leads to an increase in the excitability of the child.
  • Violation of sleep mode.Most often, this is due to the fact that the child is staying behind the TV, a computer, a tablet. Regular lack of sleep leads to irritability, to shoot which the child is trying through the bite of nails.
  • Low self-esteem. Most often, such problems arise with children 8, 9 years old and older. Studying at school, visiting sports sections or circles: Parents begin to demand from a child to achieve certain results, which he, due to different reasons, cannot achieve. Hence the irritation of parents and reducing the feeling of their own significance in the child. He begins to be afraid that parents will scold him and begins to nibble nails, splashing, thus, offense.

Side effects

Regular bite of nails can lead to a variety of problems, including:

  1. damage to nails and cuticles;
  2. nail growth violation;
  3. oversized cuticles;
  4. increased infection in open wounds;
  5. regular bite of nails can be brought to a number of dental problems, for example, damage to the gums, followed by their infection;
  6. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as diseases caused by viruses and microbes;
  7. psychological problems (closedness, lack of communication, etc.).

Naturally, in order to eliminate the problem itself, it is necessary to begin to identify the causes of its occurrence. And the faster it happens, the less painful passion from the bad habit.

This is what psychologists advise on this issue:

  • you never need to scold a child for this habit, the more having to beat the hands on the hands or smear the fingers with something sharp and bitter;
  • talk to the child about potential diseases and problems that may occur when biting nails;
  • comply with the age of sleep, waking and nutrition set by age;
  • develop a shallow motorcycle (modeling, drawing, game in the designer, on musical instruments, etc.);
  • regular hand hygiene;
  • ensure a normal psychological situation surrounded by a child;
  • encourage the child for the expression of its emotions, and it does not matter - positive or negative;
  • chat with a child for his anxiety. A child can express his problems not only in a conversation, but also in the figure, for example.

Folk Methods

If the psychologist's tips do not lead to the desired result and the child, rather, the habit continues to bite the nails, then you can use one of the folk remedies.

  1. Lubricate the baby's nails with something bitter.Many parents use mustard for this purpose or a meal juice. The method is ineffective and not very pleasant to the child. It is best to use a specially created lacquer for this purpose, for example, "non-food". The baby's nails are covered with varnish, and now every time you bring the fingers to your mouth, the bitter taste will not give the baby to forget that it is impossible to do so.
  2. If the appearance of this habit is associated with constant psychological stress, then you need to teach a child to shoot it with the help of a simple exercise or respiratory gymnastics. The first option consists in frequent compressing and squeezing fists. Respiratory exercise: a child for 5 minutes makes breaths and exhalations slowly and deeply. Such constant breathing control will help significantly reduce the level of emotional tension of the child. So that the exercise is interested in the baby, you can give him a favorite toy, for example.
  3. Beautiful manicure. Mom, making a manicure, can attract to this process and his daughter. Show a set of tools for nail care, explain why you need one or another thing to make a baby manicure and even cover the nogot with a special baby varnish - a wonderful and very visual way to show how great when the nails are in perfect order. And this applies not only to girls, but also boys. Neat, smoothly trimmed nails - it is always beautiful, you must often remind children about it!
  4. Formation of reflex. To do this, you can wear a child on your hand, for example, a soft bracelet on an elastic band. As soon as the fingers stretch to the mouth, you need to gently pull the gum and "click" to her baby. The method is quite cheerful and efficient.

Starting the struggle for tending a child from a bad habit, one should not forget that this process requires perseverance and patience! The main thing is not to retreat from the intended goal and then everything will turn out!

On how to wean the baby gnaw nails, look at the transfer "Live Great".

  • Nibble nails

Child gnawing nails - The scientific name of the problem is "Onyh Fagi". That is, an uncontrolled desire to bite the nail plate. Ends all the same: unpleasant to the base of the nails, unpleasant burrs, wounds on the skin around the nail. It is with this problem that parents often appeal to a children's psychologist, since the most common opinion on the causes of blurred nails is the nervous tension. Indeed, this is not only not aesthetically hygienic, but also acts as an alarming signal of problems with the psycho-emotional state of the child.

Why baby nibbles nails

Among parents there are two opinions of the relative how to perceive the blurred nails of the child: as a bad habit with which you need to fight, or a disease that needs to be treated. First, the habit of, which, under the prolonged impact of certain factors and the lack of attention to it, is able to grow into a disorder, in the fight against which it is not possible to do without the help of doctors.

Causes of Onyhofagia:

  • Stress. A child can experience the condition of stress for many reasons. Some children are worried about bad performance at school and are afraid that they will punish them for the next deuce. For other stress factor, there are not a folding relationship with teachers and classmates;
  • Heredity. In many respects, including in bad habits, children copy parents. Perhaps similar problems have a mother or dad and a child just repeats what he sees;
  • Internal aggression. This is the deeper cause of the occurrence of Onyhofagia. When a child for some reason is dissatisfied with himself, he may have a complex of inferiority, self-esteem is strongly understood. The reason for this again there may be problems and conflict situations in school or surrounded by peers and houses;
  • Physiological reason It is not as often found, but sometimes it is more contributes to the fact that the child begins to nibble his nails. Perhaps due to genetic features, lack of vitamins or weakened immunity, the kid has a detachment of the nail plate, the nails break are broken, dialing around the edges, delivering discomfort. In this case, the easiest way to solve the problem for a child becomes a bumping piece by teeth;
  • If the child is bored and uninteresting in the lessons, he is not engaged in additional developing classes in the extracurricular period, the habit of nailing the nails can develop from him at the unconscious level, in the desire to take himself.

Sometimes the reasons why on whom the child develops onchifagi is literally on the surface. Parents should show more attention, look at the child, more often talk to him. There are cases when problems are so deeply in the soul of a child, which is required for children or family psychologist. It will not only be able to establish the cause of the psyche of the baby, but also helps you adjust the behavior line and methods to combat the bad habit of comprehensively with the participation of all family members.

How to wean a child gnaw nails

Noticing false fingers, parents immediately begin to scold the baby, or even worse - to beat the hands, which is impossible to do in any case. Since the problem is at the junction of psychology and physiology, parents are advised to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not scold and not focus the attention of the child on the problem. This recommendation is based on the fact that at the subconscious level, the child often wants to do what he is forbidden. As they say, the forbidden fruit is sweet.
  • If a child does not suffer from allergies, aromatherapy sessions can be held at home. Lavender, Melissa, Mint, have a soothing and relaxing effect. You can add them to tea, so used when bathing a child.
  • Tea or warm milk with a spoonful of honey before bedtime are also capable of rendering a relaxing, warming and soothing effect;
  • You can try to teach a child with easy ways to remove stress. For example, when annoying or disturbing situations occur, it is necessary to breathe deeply, compress and squeeze fists.
  • On manicure sites, a large number of photos of beautiful nails are contained. There you can find options like a male classic manicure and female, distinguished variety of design and colors. They need to show the child, explaining that neat nails are a sign of well-groomed both men and women. With a girl, you can go to the manicure master, where to make a beautiful nonsense nail design, showing how beautiful it may look on neat marigolds when they are not biting.
  • In most cases, the child "pulls his fingers in the mouth" unconsciously. Noticing this moment, you can distract it, speak with him, ask for something to do or bring. Together, you can find some exciting occupation, play an interesting game, see which circles and sections can interest the child.

As noted by psychologists, children who are brought up in a favorable psychological climate of the family are less susceptible to harmful habits. It is necessary to be more sensitive to your children, without allowing the prolonged stress and experiences settled in the children's soul.