How to get true pacifist root. "Andernetal": passing a neutral path, pacifist and genocide paths

Forgot to mention, but music here in 8-bit execution (or is it already 16-bit?) Elegant. Although in Intro and in the ruins, she is still simple. But at the time of Makhycha with Undina on genocide or with Sansh, you can safely put in the player.

There are a lot of controversy around the game, one is praised, and others scold. I do not deny the fact that the graphics here is the last quality that Toby Fox paid. Therefore, when I started playing, I still had some doubts about her advantages. Location ruins are generally the most pale location in the game, and its puzzles are very simple. RPG system, and the search for treasures is even more primitive. There are no caches at all. Standard DEF and ATK, Standard Exppass Set

But gradually the game begins to seem to leave stereotypes, make more and more jokes, discovered over JRPG cliché and tear the layer layer templates.

At first, I just grinned over a joke with spikes that drove Toriel for the handle and on how the frog doubted the usefulness of Fulskrin's function or complained how the players do not like to read dialogs by passing the dialogue button.

Then she laughed at the possibilities of "dogs" -mastrov and how they can be defeated by an alternative method.

Then she died over the communication of the San's brothers and papyrus, as they communicate, arranging the traps for me.

Then I broke through that the store can not sell old things.

Then I was fascinated by friendship with a pyriety and a conversation with Sansh in the bar.

Then he captured the spirit over the very atmospheric location of the waterfall and its beauty and a beautiful soundtrack. The moment when with an armless monster you go under the rain with an umbrella and admire the castle together, finally demolished all doubts about the game.

She is really beautiful. For a long time, still joint cooking with Undine, changing the status of Alfis on the phone, the transmission of metatton, the ashort is the spreading flower and the final boss of the neutral ending.

I was even more broken by the fact that Flavi could persist than and used when you defeat him. The moment when he downloads the file and sets the Trollface is the best moment in the game on a neutral path. Toby Fox straight felt that the player would feel and made a two-person pause there so that the player could return his roof into place.

This boss remembered as the most creative and best boss of all games that I met.

After this, the path of genocide is very hard at the emotional level. Despite the fact that the monsters themselves and bosses are easy to kill, and most of the puzzles have already been solved for earlier. Only the final boss as the result of the whole path makes it throw in sweat due to hardcore. As if Toby Fox again felt the entire state of the player, which he would have to go. The game presses not only a strong change of the attitude of the characters to the player, but also a more gone and slow saundtrack in locations.

Mahach with Sansians occupies a second place after Flavia on the strength of memorization brightness. In addition to the steep soundtrack, it is difficult to disgrace, and it is possible to win only because of the laziness of Sansa and his thrust to sleep.

Yes, this game is more like an amateur. The graphics are very retail, the entire setting is disclosed with signs and flowers in a waterfall, and it is logical to the final for GG only on the path of the genocide, but at the same time more attractive the ending of the pacifist, where it is better to reveal other characters than the GG itself.

But I like how the game finds various ways to bypass the 4th wall, despite the fact that it becomes mainstream (The Stanley Parable, Superhot, UNEPIC, even the released film Deadpool) and very responsibly makes approach the choice, changing the entire attitude of the characters to the player And the fact that many functions of the game are part of the world itself. For example, an explanation of EXP-S, level and saving. And this I have never met anywhere. Even lost treasures have an explanation of their origin.

Yes, and humor there is very fun. I can not imagine how it can be translated into Russian because of the huge number of words game.

So yes, this is a brilliant game.

One developer created such that many AAA class developers can safely resign. For lovers new in JRPG is perfect.

Alfis girl: with

but the music here is 8-bit execution

No, the music is made here in Frutilups using a pseudo-bit plugin, and it is not everywhere - in the house Toriel plays an acoustic guitar, for example.

Otherwise, I fully agree, the game is great. The only game forcing me to experience emotions since the first passage of the chronopross in 7 years.

Perhaps this is the car in the workshop and is associated with the possibility of Sansa to preserve and create its minions of blasters. It also indirectly explains experiments with Flavim, which he also gave the opportunity to persist as well as a person, but without determination. Probably it is Sans and wanted to show the player when I saw how it was preserved with it. It also explains the photo in the Santa Workshop, which is changing if the game go on the pacifist.

I am all the time covers the feeling that there is an even more true ending in the game, which will reveal immediately and Friska and Chara, including the Gaster himself, and not one of them, specifically, and which will finally close the game, not allowing to go again, unlike Genocide and pacifist endings that only affect the continuation. Well, or completely restarting it.

Yes, I know everything. From a month after passing, I went through YouTube and watched all things. And about how Lost the eyes of Andayine, and about that, did not make Alfis Suicide at the usual ending, and even about the color of the Metatton soul "A :) There will be no such ending, of course. And continue, I think it will not be either. Attitude Toby to speculate relatively opened sources of the game is ideal for interviews! And in general, enter the Gaster name selection screen. Very significant: p

The "underground fairy tale" from Toby Fox became known in 2015. She was welcomed with positive reviews. Despite its simplicity and to some extent, primitiveness, still the game has become for many hits.


Before understanding the passage of the "Andernetal" game, it should be understood in its essence. Toby Fox worked on this role-playing game. Of course, he was not the only one who put her hand to the project, but still the most important feathers of the game. In addition to the gameplay, the plot and soundtrack, he was engaged in the design along with Changa.

The main task of the player is to manage the child who falls into the dungeon. This is one of the locations in which the main events are waiting for you. Monsters live here, which were here after the war with people. Not all of them are our enemies. Moreover, it all depends on the solution of the gamer. The child can be friends with them or kill. It is from this that will depend on the ending of the game.


In "AnderTil", the passage directly depends on the gameplay. According to the classics of the genre of indie games there is nothing unusual. Toby Fox used standard mechanics of role-playing toys. There is experience and the external world, the use of weapons, as well as the amount of health.

By the way, I mention the main character, it is worth noting that the gamera is unknown, the boy is or a girl. The name of his Frisk, so most often still belongs to the male floor. He can travel through the dungeon freely, enter various locations. Sometimes he faces non-player characters, sometimes decisters puzzles.

In order to continue in the "Andernate" passage, the player must pass special points that will not only retain a certain point, but also restore health. The battle looks not as usual. A battlefield appears on which the player must control the heart. It should be deviated from attacks.

Crab variability

But besides battles, the gamera is available to choose in the "Andernatet" game. Passage may differ from how you feel about non-game characters. But it is worth considering if you spared monster, you do not get experience. As a result, if during the "battle" you will be diluted from attacks and at the same time do not apply forces, then the monsters will be kinder and less aggressive.

As a result, the plumbing of the plot will lead to one of the three endings:

  • Neutral path;
  • Pacifista path;
  • Genocide path.


The first option is the most common. Probably it is no coincidence, since for its passage it is necessary to be neutral: to punish someone for the audacity, someone to pardon. At the end of the neutral path, we will meet Photoshop Flaui. Despite the fact that this option is one of the three ends of the game, it also has its own variations. Nevertheless, the main plot remains unchanged. Ashor dies, Flaui collects human souls, Frisk returns home through the barrier, and the monsters remain in the dungeon.


But if you chose the path to the passage of the "Andernetal" pacifist, then a positive ending is waiting for you. Therefore, it will be very difficult to achieve it. After the neutral finals, the child will take a call that will lead it along the path of the pacifist.

In order to get the most positive result, it is impossible to kill anyone, in battles you need to use mercy, escape or what will help complete the battle. Next, you need to visit the house of the papyrus and complete the date with it. After it is necessary to help Andine come to yourself. She will chase long for you, but quickly gets tired and lose consciousness. Then you need to pour out water.

After visiting Andine's house, and there will have to talk to Papyrus again. Ahead of you we are waiting for a "culinary lesson" and another battle, but already fake. In the final it is necessary to undergo the area of \u200b\u200bthe "core", but there is no one to kill anyone, as well as pass ashora. At the end of the child will be waiting for the battle with Flaui, which will need to be defeated.


The third end is the path of genocide. This is the most bloodthirsty version, which can be achieved only by crossing the corpses of monsters. It is worth remembering that if the player chose this path, he will not be able to collapse from it, as it would be in the case of neutral.

So, in order to "Andernetail" the passage of the most malicious path is simple, it is necessary to follow the main rule - to kill everyone in each location. The child must "go out" on the fights and do it until the monsters do not stop appearing on his way. In addition, it is required in order to fight the mini-boss.

In addition, the main thing is to check the murder counter all the time, it is an important aspect. The fact is that if the hero killed not all monsters in the location, it can be returned to other events that resemble a neutral path.

In the "Andernetail", the passage in the Russian path of the genocide is not good. After restarting the game will not. In front of the player there will be only a black screen and wind sound. No interface elements will appear. Only in 10 minutes, the conversation of Chara will begin, which will once again indicate you that the whole world was destroyed because of you.

In general, this project really turned out very saturated, despite his primitive schedule. The plot may be extremely happy and drastically tragic. Disturbance, cardinality is what attracted many gamers to the sad story about the journey of the child.

True pacifist path: after the end of the neutral ending, the player will receive a phone call with credits, which provides prompts to the requirements for the true pacifist path. If Flaui is pardoned when the neutral path passes, it will appear after and he will give you a hint for the pacifist path. If the player does not earn an opt and UR during passage, it can download this storage file: otherwise, if there is an opt and ur, it needs to reset the save file. Note that the killing of ashora or flaui will not affect the wholesale and the save file, because After their murder, it is impossible to preserve. Cases of requirements in the sequence: passing the game, do not kill anyone, the UR should be on the first; Do not use deadly victory methods in the battle, use it to merge, escape, or actions ending the battle. After the battle with Papyrus, visit his house and complete a date or hang with it. After Andayine will lose consciousness, pursuing you, type water from the nearest cooler and pour it on it. Return to the waterfall and visit the Andine House. Papyrus will wait outside. Talk to him to go inside. Complete the "Culinary Lesson" and the false battle with Andine. Continue to play the game as well as in the neutral path (without murder) until you get to the kernel. Go through the location of the kernel and do not kill the Mettaton EX. Pass and merry ashora. After winning Photoshop Flaui, raise it. If you killed someone during this passage, then you will need to reset this preservation and start re-without killings. After that, go back to the MTT resort, from where you went to the kernel. Along the bridge connecting the resort with the kernel, Andine will call you with a request to deliver a letter to her, saying that it will wait for you outside the house of the papyrus, where she will give you it during a conversation. This event will only happen if you have passed a neutral ending. If you have completed a neutral ending in the previous passage (but not the path of the pacifist), you will receive a letter during a "date" with Andayine or at the papyrus house, if your inventory is full. Return to the Lab Alfis and go to the "Bathroom" to go to the True Laboratory. Find four keys scattered throughout the true laboratory, place the keys in their special notches to open the room with a source of energy. Turn on the source to start a conversation with Alfis. The exit from the true laboratory will postpone the player to a new home with a blocked vine. This means that the true pacifist path will occur. If the neutral path was passed without killing any monsters before the last preservation, the player has the opportunity to download it and return to complete all friendships; When this is done, Papius will call and will incite you to visit the Lab Alfis, which will lead to the scenario of the true laboratory. Friendship with characters If you did not make friends with papyrus, go back to his house in the village of Snowodin for a date / hang with him. If you did not make friends with Andine, go back to her house in a waterfall. Papius will wait for the player there. Before entering the kernel, Andine calls the player with a request to deliver her letter Alfis. If you made friends with Andayin after passing the neutral pacifist path (neutral passage without killing), then she will give you a letter right after your visit to her house, saying that Papyrus suggested her before, but Andine still hated you at the time. After delivering the letter Alfis, that by mistake perceives that it was written by the player himself and goes on a date with him. During a date with Alfis, they go to the garbage dump near the waterfall. They face Andine, which decides to deliver a letter to the most. Alfis tells Andine the truth about her "scientific" work, which was the idleness, view the anime and reading manga. Andayine expresses its support and sends Alfis to train with papyrus. Then she asks the player if anime really exists. After a date, Papius calls the player and very specifically advises that to go to the Laboratory of Alfis, referring only to the "good premonition" and for any other reason.