Baked apples in the microwave while breastfeeding. Benefits of baked apples for breastfeeding. General rules for baking in the microwave

For a young mother who is breastfeeding her baby, it is very important to monitor her diet. After all, the products, vitamins and minerals that enter the female body are processed and passed into milk, after which they penetrate the child's body. Many pediatricians, taking care of the health of the newborn, require the mother to switch to a certain diet, in which such a dish as baked apples is present.

Benefit and harm

A few days after the birth of a child, a young mother cannot even guess which foods should be included in her own diet and what should be discarded. Doctors-consultants come to the rescue, who will tell you what to eat and what to exclude for the period of breastfeeding. For a nursing mother, first of all, the use of baked apples is recommended. This fruit contains about 15 important vitamins and about 18 beneficial trace elements. In addition to the benefits for the baby, the apple composition restores the female body after childbirth, and the abundance of iron helps to raise hemoglobin in the blood.

Another rather important quality is the presence of pectin in apples. This type of fiber is generally not absorbed by the female body, it acts as an enterosorbent substance that absorbs harmful bacteria, fights their reproduction and acts as a bactericidal agent on the intestines. In simple words, pectin fights constipation, which every woman suffers from during the first time after childbirth.

By the way, young mothers are worried about the possibility of an allergic reaction in a baby during breastfeeding. Because of which, they can limit themselves in all foods, vegetables and fruits. Doing this is strictly prohibited. Especially when it comes to apples. It is this fruit that has a hypoallergenic composition and is not terrible for most allergy sufferers.

But if fears about allergies do not leave alone, you can turn to the standard method and choose apple varieties that have no contraindications. They are usually divided by color scheme. The list of allowed apples includes varieties of green and yellow. It is important to note that when breastfeeding, it is advisable to consume home-grown products where no chemical feeding was used.

Along with useful qualities, apples also have several harmful indicators. The main unpleasant property is an increase in gastric acidity. Malic acid itself can harm tooth enamel. It is important to remember that after eating sour fruit, you cannot brush your teeth for about an hour, but rinsing with plain water is recommended immediately after the end of the meal

Calorie content

Apples that have undergone heat treatment practically do not differ in calorie content from fresh fruits and are 47 kcal per 100 g. This number corresponds to pure fruit, without the addition of sweeteners. Only not every mommy will be able to use just baked apples, for some, a little sugar will be an ideal addition, and some will like honey seasoning. In each recipe, the calorie content of ready-made apples will change, and not downward. For example, in 100 g of apples baked with cinnamon, the calorie content will be 55.8 kcal. A honey supplement will give apples 74 kcal per 100 g.

Subtleties of use

The first month after giving birth for every woman becomes a turning point in life, where she rethinks not only her behavior, actions, actions, but also nutrition. It is very important for Mom to eat healthy foods, including baked apples. There is an opinion that apples in any form cause unpleasant gas formation, both in the mother and in the child on HB. Therefore, apple dessert needs to be introduced into the female body gradually, however, like any other products.

In fact, heat-treated apples cannot harm the intestines. For the first time, it is enough for the mother to eat half a baked apple, and always in the morning.

If the child's body does not accept the fruit, then in the afternoon this fact will manifest itself. If the baby does not react, the next day, mom can increase the amount of apples consumed.

Basic baking rules

Every nursing mother can bake apples in the microwave. In principle, the process of baking apples does not require the use of the chef's culinary skills, but to get an unusually tasty fruit, you need to know some rules.

  • It is best to buy apples from decent gardeners who do not use chemical fertilizers in the process of growing. If the purchase is possible only in stores, it is important to remember that before baking, the fruit must be thoroughly rinsed and get rid of the wax application, which contributes to a long shelf life.
  • The apple variety chosen for cooking should not be sour. On the contrary, it should be sweet, fragrant and full-bodied.
  • For the first preparation, do not use sweeteners such as sugar, honey or cinnamon. It is very important that the very first slice for a young mother and child on GV is simply baked in their own juice.
  • Initial use requires the use of one apple variety without adding any other varieties.
  • The most viable option for baked dessert is to use the oven, but for faster cooking, you can use the microwave.
  • Heat treatment of apples affects the density of the fruit, causing it to burst. To eliminate this nuance, you must first make a couple of punctures in the apple pulp with a toothpick.


It is very important for a nursing woman to follow the diet during the first half of the year of the child, more precisely, before the start of the first complementary foods. Only after that, mom's diet can be supplemented with a variety of products that were previously strictly prohibited for use. But this does not mean that dietary products will be tasteless, bland and uninteresting. From the very first day of the diet, baked apples are included in the diet. In finished form, they will pass for a perfectly acceptable dessert.

An important feature of this dish is its short cooking time. In this case, it is not so important whether a microwave oven or an oven is used for baking. So, to bake apple fruits in the microwave, you will need to do the following.

  • Selected fruits are washed under running water. You can use a brush to clean the skin thoroughly.
  • Then the apples are cut in half. The pith must be removed.
  • Prepared fruits are laid out on refractory dishes and sent to the microwave.
  • The temperature regime is set at 220 degrees. Time is fixed at 15 minutes.

It is important to remember that at first, you can not add sweeteners to the apple dessert. Their presence can negatively affect the well-being of the baby, because what the mother uses is fully received by the baby. Sugary supplements can cause the baby to bloat, discomfort can cause a moodiness, and in some cases, the baby may refuse breast milk altogether.

An attentive attitude to the diet in time should last the first two months, and after that a little sweet additives can be added to the diet, but in no case prohibited foods that can cause allergies.

If you don't have a microwave oven, apples can be baked in the oven. The cooking process is identical to microwave cooking. Only the temperature regime should be set to 180 degrees, ten minutes for baking will be enough. There are a lot of recipes for baking apples in the microwave. But they all involve the addition of fillings, for example, in the form of curd mass or cinnamon. But for the first sweetener in apple desserts, sugar is better. For cooking you will need:

  • apples;
  • granulated sugar;
  • butter.

Let's consider a cooking method.

  • The fruits are washed under running water and cut in two.
  • The core is removed from the seeds and dense walls. It is best to use a teaspoon for a good removal.
  • Next, the preparation of apples for baking begins. A small piece of butter is laid out in each half and granulated sugar is poured. Half a teaspoon should be sufficient.
  • In order for the apples to be completely baked, you need to pierce each half in several places with a toothpick.
  • The microwave must be set to medium temperature and set the time to 4-5 minutes. If during this period the apples are not baked, the cooking time can be increased. It all depends on the size of the apples and their variety. Firm fruits take a little more minutes to cook.

After the baby is 3-4 months old, you can add honey filling of baked apple dessert to the diet of a nursing mom. For cooking you will need:

  • apples;
  • nuts.

The cooking method is simple and does not take much time.

  • Rinse the apples, cut off the top part of them - a hat, but do not throw it away. This piece will play an important role in the lid.
  • With a teaspoon, you need to get rid of the core of the fruit.
  • A little honey and nuts are laid out in place of the core. Top stuffed apples are closed with a lid and sent to the microwave.
  • It is necessary to bake the dessert at a temperature of 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Thus, Mom brings sweets to her diet and shares these goodies with the baby through breast milk.

For information on how to properly bake apples in the microwave for a nursing mother, see the next video.

Hello dear readers of my blog! Fresh fruit desserts are packed with vitamins.

And baked apples are a healthy dish that can be used by young children, breastfeeding women and with problems with the digestive system.

You can prepare such a dish very quickly if you know a few tricks. So let's find out how to bake apples in the microwave. After all, there are a large number of recipes with a variety of fillings.

Did you know that baked apples are almost as healthy as fresh ones? Vitamins are retained in fruits even after heat treatment.

Baked fruits contain iron, calcium and potassium. And, as you know, potassium helps to strengthen the heart muscle, and also helps to stabilize blood pressure.

In addition, such a component prevents congestion.
The benefits of baked apples are undeniable. In this case, you just need to know how to cook them correctly. This product contains a significant amount of fiber, which activates the digestive system.

In addition, it allows you to restore the composition of lymph and blood.

In the prepared fruits, a substance such as pectin is retained, which absorbs and removes harmful components from the body. This is an excellent option for.
In addition, these apples have a low calorie content, so the baked fruit recipe can be used for weight loss.

Baking rules

Before making a delicious dish, you need to familiarize yourself with some baking rules, as well as find out how many minutes the fruit is cooked.
If you will be cooking the whole fruit and with the peel, first wash it with a brush.

Then remove the top and remove the pith core. This must be done even if the fruit is without filling.
If you will be using fillings, make a cylindrical cutout.

This will help fill the fruit easier.
In order not to bother, you can cut the fruit in two and then remove the cores. The video shows how some recipes are prepared.

Remember to puncture the skin with a toothpick, fork, or knife. This will prevent the fruit from cracking.

How much time you need to spend on baking depends on several factors:

  1. Fruit sizes - the larger the fruit, the longer it will take.
  2. From the variety. For sour fruits, the time should be increased.
  3. The composition and quantities of the filling.
  4. Power indicator.

For baking medium-sized fruit with sugar will go away 5-10 minutes... Sauce will cook quickly, while filled fruit will take longer.
By the way, sour varieties of apples can be prepared with honey, and sweeter varieties with viburnum, currants or cranberries.

Delicious toppings options

Different products can be used for the filling. You can add sugar, fresh fruit, butter, jam, cottage cheese, or nuts with honey.

If you are wondering if you can use non-sweet fillings for baked fruits, then this is worth trying. For example, soft cheese with herbs will do.

The best recipes

So, try the following recipes.

Apples with cinnamon

Prepares quickly enough with cinnamon. To prepare it, you will need two fresh apples, a banana, vanillin, and a cinnamon stick. The filling is made from mashed banana with the addition of cinnamon and vanillin.

The core is removed from the apples, and the filling is introduced inside. Fruits are baked for - 7-8 minutes.

Honey recipe

The sweets contain a large dose of vitamins, which helps. That being said, the list of ingredients includes apples, honey, walnuts, and cranberries.
Fry the kernels in a pan, then grind them in a meat grinder or using a rolling pin. Add honey and cranberries to them.

All components mix well. The center is removed from the fruit. And the empty grooves are filled with the prepared mixture.

Dessert with cottage cheese

This dish with cottage cheese can be a substitute for dinner. It is better to take cottage cheese pureed. For cooking you will need three apples, 150 grams curd, raisins, dried apricots and brown sugar.
First, pour dried apricots and raisins with boiling water. After half an hour, the water must be drained and rinsed again with boiling water.

The composition should stand for a few minutes. The fruits are dried with a paper towel and cut into large pieces. Cottage cheese is ground with sugar and dried fruits.

The core is removed from the fruit, which is filled with the filling. Baking times may vary. To get soft curd for baking, 10 minutes.

And to keep the density - about 7 minutes.

These are the simple desserts you can make. If you know any more, then write about it in the comments. Subscribe to blog updates and share useful information with your friends.

Until next time, dear fans of my blog!

The microwave has long been a good helper for many housewives in the kitchen. Thanks to her, we take a fresh look at the preparation of our usual dishes, desserts, save a lot of time and effort. At the time of fruit harvest, the microwave oven is also not idle.

Apples can be baked quickly and easily with a variety of additives

For example, you can cook in it one of the classic European desserts and simply the healthiest dish - baked apples. Moreover, apples can be baked easily and quickly with a variety of additives.

Why this dish can be fed to everyone

This tasty and healthy dessert has been familiar to us since early childhood. Once in Russia, apples were baked in a Russian oven, then an oven came to replace it. In any case, there are so many recipes in the history of cooking in various countries that everyone can choose a cooking method to their liking.

Baked apples with various fillings are not only very tasty, but also good for the body.

But it's not just the aroma and taste that makes baked apples so popular. Doctors have long been talking about the beneficial properties of this dessert. And taking into account the quick cooking in the microwave, the fruit does not have time to lose both its appetizing appearance and nutritional qualities. Pectin plays a huge positive role here, which is very abundant in baked apples. So, the benefits of baked apples include:

  • elimination of cholesterol and toxins from the body;
  • beneficial effect on the functions of the cardiovascular system;
  • helping the body to restore the composition of lymph and blood;
  • regulation of metabolism and bowel function, which helps to get rid of diarrhea and constipation;
  • improving skin condition, smoothing wrinkles;
  • normalization of weight, reduction of body fat;
  • saturation of the body with useful trace elements and vitamins, strengthening immunity, restoring strength.

Doctors recommend eating baked apples even during postoperative rehabilitation. And people who lead an active lifestyle and keep fit appreciate the excellent combination of these fruits with healthy oatmeal.

This dessert can be eaten without fear for health by nursing mothers, and even give it to their babies as the first fruit complementary food when the child is 6-8 months old.

Of course, if you are cooking for a baby under one year old, it is advisable not to add sugar, honey, solid additives such as nuts and foods that can cause allergies to apples. A green (by variety) baked apple in its pure form, without peel and any additives, is suitable for the baby for the first feeding. In the future, the dish can be diversified with the filling of cottage cheese, banana, and then, when the crumb learns to chew well, and pieces of dried fruit.

Success secrets

First of all, you should decide on which apples to choose for baking in the microwave. Fruits with a strong, hard skin and not very sweet flesh are ideal. The best varieties for making dessert:

  • "Rennet";
  • Antonovka;
  • "Mac";
  • "Semerenko".

The microwave will cook baked apples for you much faster than the oven, in just 5-7 minutes.

In a microwave oven, apples are baked for 5-7 minutes at a power of 600 W

Before microwaveing \u200b\u200bthe apples, wash, dry, cut off a small circle at the top and carefully remove the core. The easiest way to do this is with a special knife. If you plan to add the filling by cutting out the core, leave the bottom about 1 cm thick.

The tube-shaped knife makes it easy to cut the core of the apple, but you still have to tinker in order not to pierce the fruit through

It is worth chopping the apples with a needle or a toothpick so that the peel does not burst during cooking.

To prevent the peel from bursting, prick the apple with a toothpick

To make the apples bake faster, it is better to pour a little water on the bottom of the microwave dish in which they will be baked and cover the top with a glass or ceramic lid without metal parts.

When cooking under the lid, the fruit is additionally steamed

We have outlined the basics of baking apples in the microwave, and now we invite you to familiarize yourself with several interesting recipes of varying degrees of complexity. Believe me, here you will find something that will please the whole family and your friends both on a weekday and on a holiday.

How to bake apples in the microwave: the most delicious recipes with photos

Baby's first dessert - baked apple without filling

This light and nutritious dessert will also come in handy for an adult when he wants something tasty, but there is not much time.

If you are cooking for yourself and you have very sour apples (for example, the "Semerenko" variety), pour sugar in the middle or add a little honey when serving. For sweeter varieties, you do not need to add anything.


  • 2 medium sized apples;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of honey or sugar - optional;
  • icing sugar for serving.


For complementary foods, choose apples of a moderately sweet taste, do not add sweeteners or spices, and be sure to cool the dessert to almost room temperature.

Stuffed apples with cottage cheese and dried fruits

And such a dessert, thanks to the cottage cheese filling, is more nutritious and perfect for a light dinner, since the calcium contained in the cottage cheese is best absorbed in the evening. You can safely treat them to children and adults and eat in any quantity, even if you are on a strict diet. All products included in the composition are dietary and will not harm the figure.

Curd perfectly complements the light taste of apples

You will need:

  • 2 apples;
  • 70 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 tablespoon raisins
  • dried apricots;
  • cinnamon if desired.


Autumn dessert with ginger, honey and cinnamon

The sweet, spicy scent of cinnamon matches perfectly with apples, and if you add to them fragrant summer honey and piquant, warming ginger!

Baked apples with honey and cinnamon are best served hot

You can cook it in any quantity, and for 1 apple, take the following products:

  • 1 tablespoon of liquid honey;
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground ginger;
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon and cinnamon stick, serving.


Important! It is known that when heated, honey loses its beneficial properties. This problem can be solved by replacing some of the honey in the recipe with brown or regular sugar. Put spices mixed with sugar in the filling, and add honey just before serving.

With oatmeal breakfast muesli

These apples are perfect not only for dessert, but also as an excellent breakfast. Please note that they are prepared in two ways: you can stuff the fruits, as in the previous recipes, or you can cut them. We will not stuff whole apples, but cut them into pieces.

Stuff the apples with toasted oatmeal if you like.

So, you will need:

  • 3 apples;
  • 4 rounded tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut flakes
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • nuts and raisins to taste.


If you are stuffing apples with fried cereals, cook them for 5-7 minutes at 600 watts.

Video: apple wedges with honey and oatmeal

Apples with raisins and cinnamon with white sauce

Try to prepare such a dessert for your guests for a festive tea party - no one will remain indifferent! The creamy taste of the sauce will perfectly set off the apple sourness.

Baked apples can be paired with a variety of sweet sauces, both warm and cold

Take these products:

  • 2 apples (sour);
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 1 tablespoon raisins
  • 1 tablespoon brown (cane) sugar

Suitable as a sauce for a couple of apples:

  • yogurt - 150 ml:
  • custard - 150 ml;
  • condensed milk - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • vanilla ice cream - 2 balls 50 g each

For a custard, the easiest way is to buy a dry mixture (you can find it in any supermarket) and prepare the cream according to the instructions on the package. This will take 10-15 minutes.


  1. Core the apples without leaving the bottom.

    Core apples

  2. Mix sugar and butter.

    Mix butter and sugar

  3. Put the apples in a mold, put half the sugar and butter mixture in them.

    Put some of the filling inside the apples

  4. Now put in half the raisins, add the remaining oil on top.

    Add raisins and leftover oil

  5. Place a cinnamon stick in each apple. Pour a small amount of water onto the bottom of the mold.

    Add cinnamon to the apples, pour some water into the mold

  6. Pour the remaining raisins into the mold. Put the apples in the microwave, bake for 5-7 minutes at 600 watts. After that, remove the apples from the oven, cool for 5 minutes and pour with custard, yogurt, condensed milk, or place on top of each ice cream ball. Serve immediately.

    Top the baked apples with the sweet sauce of your choice before serving

Serve this dessert with tea, coffee or fruit juices.

With nuts and berries or jam

For this recipe, you can take any jam of your choice or just berries from it. You can experiment with fresh berries or jam. In the first case, take apples of sweet varieties, and in the second, give preference to sour ones.

In principle, apples can be baked with any berries you like, including fresh ones, or not with jam, but with your favorite jam.

You will need:

  • 3 apples;
  • 3 tablespoons of jam, jam or berries;
  • 25 g of walnuts;
  • cinnamon and powdered sugar to taste.


A variation of this recipe with the addition of dried fruits is presented in the video.

Video: apples baked in the microwave with dried apricots, raisins, nuts and berries from jam

With baked banana

An excellent recipe for those who follow the figure - apples and bananas go well and are perfect for a second breakfast.

Kids will love this dessert, only in this case use hypoallergenic acacia honey or sugar. Sugar must be added before baking, but only ready-made and slightly cooled fruits should be watered with honey.

It is unlikely that you can find a person who would know what benefits the consumption of vegetables and fruits can bring to the body. One of the most healthy and tasty fruits is the apple. It is eaten fresh, added to cereals, juice is made from it, and also baked in the microwave.

Benefit and harm

From ancient times, incredibly tasty dishes were prepared from ripe apples by baking them in the oven or in the oven. If you cook such a dish in the oven, it will take quite a lot of time. To do this, you will need to prepare baking trays, and then wash them after the fruit juice that will stand out during the preparation of the dish. Baked apples in the microwave cook much faster, because this does not require lengthy preparation, washing dishes and other laborious work. The whole process of baking fruits is simple, because after that you can taste the aromatic dish in a few minutes.

Apples in any form are very useful for the body - these juicy fruits contain quite valuable substances. They contain a large amount of minerals necessary for the human body, for example, such as zinc, potassium, manganese, and also contain B vitamins, vitamins A, C, E, PP, and pectin.

  • With a lack of iron in the body. Thanks to their use, you can get rid of anemia, this product will help with anemia.
  • They help to strengthen the immune system, since with their help special enzymes are produced that affect the maintenance of the immune system in optimal condition.
  • Apples are essential for the prevention and fight against colds.
  • Due to the high content of vitamin C, the product helps relieve inflammation, strengthens blood vessels and destroys viruses.
  • They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Antioxidants present in the product make it difficult to develop cancer.
  • Pectin, which is found in baked apples, helps to remove cholesterol and toxins from the body.
  • Thanks to vitamin A contained in this delicious product, it is possible to reduce age-related changes with a decrease in vision.
  • This product should be included in the diet for people who have problems with blood pressure, because thanks to it, the condition of the blood vessels will improve.
  • Baked apples should be included in the diet to ensure healthy shine and thicker hair.

These tasty fruits should be regularly consumed by those who are deficient in certain vitamins and trace elements.

Baked apples are very often recommended for use in various diets, because the result after eating fruits will not take long. Apples have a large amount of vegetable fiber, thanks to which you can quickly normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Using this product, you can quickly satisfy your hunger, and satiety comes for a long time. Thanks to the fiber, toxins are removed from the intestinal walls.

But when introducing baked apples into your diet, it is important to remember that with prolonged use of only one product, aggravation of the work of the gastrointestinal organs is possible. To avoid diarrhea or metabolic disorders, it is important to include other foods in your diet, as the mono diet is not recommended for long-term use. The fruit must be whole, with no signs of spoilage or rot. You should not purchase products that are imported from other countries, as they are processed with special means for their long-term storage. The paraffin film, which is applied to the fruits for their long-term storage and giving the fruits the desired appearance, must be thoroughly washed off, and for this it is better to take a special brush and wash the apples with warm water.

If you leave the fruit unwashed, you can catch diarrhea or other disorders of the digestive system, allergies to the composition, and even poisoning with harmful substances.

The best varieties for baking

For baking, it is better to take varieties with a denser peel, since during cooking apples with a delicate surface often burst and become soft, the appearance of the dish is lost. It is worth choosing sweet and sour varieties, then the taste of the dish will be more interesting and refined.

Among the most famous varieties that are best for baking in the microwave are:

  • Antonovka;
  • Rennet;
  • Mac;
  • Simirenko.

In the microwave oven, such varieties will be baked in just a few minutes, while in the oven they will take much longer to cook.

General rules and subtleties of cooking

It is important to do this correctly to keep the apples juicy and not fall apart during cooking in the microwave. You can cook the fruit whole or cut it in half and bake it sliced.

Before cooking apples in a microwave oven, wash them, cut off the top and cut out the middle. The last action can be performed with an ordinary knife or use a special knife for this.

If the apples are baked with any filling, then leave about 1 cm on the bottom. Many housewives prefer to simply cut the fruit in half and remove the middle. To bake the fruits much faster, they can be cut into thin slices. It will take less time to prepare such a dish than if you cook the whole fruit or with the filling.

To reduce the baking time of the dish, you can pour a little water into the container where the apples are cooked, while closing the container with a lid.

There are a huge number of recipes for cooking baked apples in a microwave oven, without additives and with various additions. Those who follow their figure and lead a healthy lifestyle should eat baked fruits in their pure form without additives. The same can be recommended for little kids. Sugar, honey and various spices should not be added to dishes. For children from one and a half years old, you can add a small piece of butter - in this case, the pulp will become tender.

For those with a sweet tooth, it is recommended to add ½ teaspoon of sugar, sprinkle with cinnamon or vanilla. You don't need to add sugar to sweet fruits, but for sour varieties, like Simirenko, you should add a little granulated sugar. You can bake the fruit without adding any sweetener and sprinkle it with honey while serving.

If apples are prepared for the first feeding, then you should choose the sweeter green varieties. After baking, be sure to cool the fruits and only then give them to the baby.


The fastest and simplest recipe is the one where you just need to wash the apples and cut them into slices. It is better to choose a variety that has firm flesh. For such a dessert, you should find sweet and sour apples.

Essential ingredients for a healthy dessert:

  • 4 apples;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
  • one orange;
  • 20 g butter;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

To cook baked apple slices, you need to select ripe juicy fruits, cut them into slices. Using this recipe, you do not need to cut off the skin from the fruit, otherwise, during baking, they will lose their shape and will fall apart.

Squeeze orange juice into a separate container, add cinnamon and honey and mix well. In the bowl where the apples will be baked, you need to grease the bottom with butter. Slices of apples should be dipped in a mixture of honey and orange and laid out in a circle. It is better to put a glass of water in the center of the container.

The fruits are sent to the microwave. The baking time is 2-3 minutes. The slices are prepared very quickly, but the cooking time may differ depending on the type of fruit and the power of the microwave oven.

The slices prepared in this way are very tasty. Such a dish will decorate even a festive table. You can put baked apple slices around the dish, and inside it place ice cream balls drizzled with honey-orange syrup.

A recipe in which, in addition to apples, cottage cheese is used is very popular.

Recipe for baked fruit with cottage cheese

This recipe is perfect for those on a low calorie diet. These fruits can be used for breakfast or dinner. To prepare it you need to take:

  • 4-5 apples;
  • 200-250 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • egg;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar.

To prepare a dish according to this recipe, you must follow the steps outlined below step by step.

  • The apples should be prepared. They are examined so that there are no traces of rot on the fruits, and washed with water.
  • It is necessary to cut off the top of the fruit and remove the middle with a knife.
  • An egg and vanilla sugar are added to the curd, the mass is mixed. Since there is no honey or sugar in this recipe, the calorie content of the dish will be low. Add pieces of dried fruit, raisins or banana if desired.
  • The curd should be filled with apples and placed in the microwave for baking.
  • Cut caps are laid out on top of the fruits. To give the dish a more interesting taste and aroma, you can stick a clove into the top of the apple.

Baked apples for babies

You should especially consider options for dishes that are prepared for a small child. It is important for the baby that all products are fresh. The apples must be free of stains and must not be wormy. For toddlers, apples should be baked without using foods that could cause bloating or fermentation in the baby's stomach or intestines. You should also exclude foods that cause allergies. Nuts, eggs and honey should not be added to dessert. Dessert prepared in this way can be considered the most suitable and safe for the baby. Heat treatment reduces the risk of various allergic reactions to this product. At the same time, the dish is better absorbed, and a large amount of nutrients remains in it.

When the baby is 8 months old, you can add fresh baby curd to the dish. At 2 years old, you can prepare this dessert with cinnamon, and at 5 years old, add nuts and honey to the composition, but you should always monitor the child's reaction to new products introduced. For the first feeding, they usually take small apples, wash them, cut them in half and remove the middle. The apple halves are placed in the microwave for 3-4 minutes. After that, the fruits are taken out, they are allowed to cool and the pulp is selected with a teaspoon, which is given to the baby.

Later, when the baby is growing up, you can use a blender to make mashed baked apples. It is worth noting that the fruit should be peeled off.

Dessert with prunes

To prepare a delicious and aromatic dessert with dried fruits, you need to use the following products:

  • 2-3 pcs. apples;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
  • 2-3 pcs. prunes;
  • 1 tbsp. l. raisins.

It is necessary to select whole, ripe fruits, wash them and wipe them. The top is cut off and the core is removed. If the apples are stuffed with filling, then you should choose large or medium-sized fruits.

Dried fruits should be covered with water for a while and allowed to soak. After 5-7 minutes, drain the water and squeeze out the dried fruits. After that, the prunes should be finely chopped. All dried fruits are mixed, honey is added and the apple baskets are filled with mass. The fruit should be pierced in several places with a toothpick and then placed in the microwave to bake. After 7 minutes, you need to check the readiness of the dish, let the apples cool slightly, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

Another option for cooking is worth considering. Apples prepared this way are often served in restaurants, but you can also cook them at home yourself.

Dessert with herbs and spices

Required products for making dessert:

  • 3-4 pcs. medium-sized apples;
  • 3 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tsp ginger - it is better to take the ground version;
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • cinnamon sticks to decorate the dish.

To prepare a dish according to this recipe, you should follow the sequence of steps described below.

  • Choose fruits that are free from spoilage and rot. Apples should be well washed and dried.
  • Then you need to take a sharp knife and cut off the top of the fruit along with the tail.
  • After that, you need to remove the middle, clean out the seeds.
  • Use a toothpick to pierce the apple basket in several places. Do not make large punctures, otherwise the filling will leak out during the cooking.
  • In a separate container, mix cinnamon and ginger with honey.
  • Fill the fruit baskets with the resulting mass and cover them with apple tops.
  • Place fruit on a baking plate and turn on the appliance.
  • Baking time at medium power is about 5 minutes.

After cooking, the baskets are taken out of the microwave, laid out on a beautiful dish. Next to the baskets, they put the tops from the apples, sprinkle with cinnamon and put a cinnamon stick in each basket. This dish looks very original. Many housewives will surely appreciate its spicy taste and amazing aroma.

With bananas and kiwi

Those who prefer not to add sugar to the product should make an incredibly healthy dessert. For him they take:

  • 2 or 3 medium sized apples;
  • 1 or 2 bananas;
  • 1 PC. kiwi;
  • 30 g walnuts;
  • fruit syrup (take one teaspoon per serving);
  • berries.

Banana and kiwi are peeled and cut into small pieces. If desired, you can add a handful of berries to the filling. A few walnuts need to be finely ground in a mortar or blender, a couple of them should be left to decorate the dessert.

Chopped nuts are mixed with fruits - apple baskets are filled with this filling, which must be prepared in advance. After baking the dessert in the microwave for 5-6 minutes, pour the apples with syrup and decorate with walnuts. Dessert is ready and ready to be served.

With chocolate and almonds

For chocolate lovers there is also a delicious dessert. The following ingredients are prepared for him:

  • 3-4 apples;
  • 30-50 g of chocolate;
  • 20-30 grams of almonds.

Chop the nuts, rub the chocolate on a coarse grater. Wash the apples, remove the center and bake them in the microwave for 3-4 minutes. Remove the ready-made fruit and sprinkle hot chocolate-nut mixture on top.

In addition to this filling, you can decorate baked fruits:

  • finely chopped almonds with raisins, sugar and 1/2 tsp. butter;
  • a mixture of sliced \u200b\u200bdried apricots, sweet pumpkin, poured with fragrant honey;
  • any berry jam;
  • sprinkle with cinnamon, powdered sugar or chopped nuts.

It's worth experimenting a bit and making your own recipes, or using these tips and tricks. Such a dish will become not only an original and tasty delicacy, but also benefit the body.

For how to cook delicious cinnamon apples in the microwave in 5 minutes, see the next video.

Baked apples in the microwave - one of the simplest desserts, the preparation of which takes only 15 minutes, or even less. Dessert is good both warm and cold. The taste can be varied with different additives (which you water - sprinkle on your apples), and also the taste depends on how sour or sweet the apples were.

Of course, baked apples can be cooked in the oven, and this is also a wonderful dessert, but in the microwave, firstly, it's faster, and secondly, sometimes you want to bake only 2-3 apples, and use the oven in such a situation, gently speaking, it is irrational.

You will need microwave-safe utensils. It is better not to take a shallow plate: when baking, a certain amount of liquid is released, which will easily leak from a shallow plate in all directions. It is convenient to use small ceramic baking dishes or heat-resistant glass dishes; a low plastic container is also suitable if it can be placed in the microwave.

Need to:

  • Apples - in the desired amount, in relation to the size of the microwave ovenware (we usually bake 3-4 medium sized pieces)
  • Honey or jam - at the rate of 0.5 to 1.5 teaspoons per 1 apple (we have jam made from, just lingonberries rubbed with sugar, raspberries, strawberries are also good, you can try your own options), in the end, you can just sprinkle the apples with sugar.
  • Cinnamon (optional) - about 1/3 teaspoon for 3 apples, you can experiment with other dessert spices or "sprinkles" (for example, you can add almond petals, crushed walnuts, vanilla sugar)


We suggest that you consider three basic options, which will differ in taste and "level of softness", as well as shape. In any case, apples must first be washed and wiped.

Option 1. Cut the apples in half, remove the stalks. We remove the core with the seeds and make a small indentation (it is convenient to do this with a teaspoon or a small spoon for ice cream). We put the apples in the bowl in which we will bake them, with the cut up.

Put some honey or jam into the grooves in the center of each half of the apple. Sprinkle with cinnamon or something else, if desired (we haven't done that yet).

We put it in the microwave, it is advisable to cover the form with apples with a special cap for microwave ovens (comment for teapots: this is a plastic cap with a hole or several for steam out, sold in the kitchen goods departments). Please note that baking time depends on several factors: microwave power, apple mass, and how hard or soft the apples were. In our case: three small apples, not very hard and not very soft, with a power of 850 watts, we baked for 8 minutes. We take out the baked apples from the microwave, let them cool slightly - and you can eat! We remind you: cold this dessert is no less tasty, so you can cool it down to room temperature. The advantage of this cooking method is that the apples will retain their shape, and the disadvantage is that the peel may turn out to be too tough and slightly spoil your pleasure from the dessert. Therefore, consider another option.

Option 2. Peel the apples, cut them off with a thin layer, cut them into quarters or even into 8 slices, if the apples are large, remove the core, stalks and "butts", and put them in a baking dish in one layer.

Lightly pour the apples on top with jam or liquid honey, if you want, sprinkle with cinnamon or other "powders".

We put it in the microwave, cover it with a cap, and bake for about 10 minutes. You will get a very delicate dessert, very soft, but (and this is a minus) apple slices can lose their shape. If you bake for a few minutes longer, you will generally get almost applesauce, by the way, the children really like it. Well, there is also an "intermediate" option.

Option 3. We also peel the apples, cores and other things, cut them into 8 slices and put them in a mold in one layer.