When it is better to send a child to school. When you give a child to school. The experience of a psychologist and mom. Psychological readiness for learning

The new century has come, and children appear, many of which are characterized as Indigo. The current generation is very different from the previous one. Many children have certain abilities: can read, write, count, while not being still schoolchildren. Accordingly, the question arises: "How many years to give a child to school?" Some parents in this situation begin to believe that there is another year to school at home the child will be boring. And this means that it will certainly be done to school. But there is difficulty - he has no 7 years yet. Namely, the best is the best for admission to school. And there is the opposite option: the child is already almost 7, he knows a lot and has the skills, but in terms of psychology is still not ready for school. But soon he will become even older. Is allowed to give a child to school at 8 years old, is it too late?

For parents of boys, the release of schools in 18 years is similar to the nightmare. After all, the young man will immediately be taken to the army, but also to select another year of rest somehow I do not want. How to be in this case?

How old is to give a child to school?

Before losing to the psychological aspects of this topic, let's see, from what age on the legislation of Russia, the child can attend school. According to the law, children can attend similar educational institutions to achieve 6.5 years, if there are no contraindications, but no later than 8. When submitting parents and resolving director, the child can take earlier or later.

Consequently, children should go to school from 6.5 to 8 years. It is in this framework that parents fit. Although, of course, permissible and more earlier admission to school, if a weighted decision was taken.

And whether it is possible not to give away must be obtained. Therefore, it is impossible to leave them without learning. In some cases, the child can be on domestic training.

Pre-school preparation is also practiced. Now it is especially common in private schools. There are certain groups of early development for children, something resembling kindergartens.

In grade 1, the child must certainly give up to 8 years. Otherwise, you will deal with the custody bodies and can even lose your parental rights.

How to determine if you can go to school? Before deciding, at what age, give a child to school, we must disassemble a number of factors. Consider them in more detail.

Intellectual features

This is one of the most important factors for school. Parents need to understand whether the child speaks well whether the events can remember. It is important to his attentiveness and thinking. And also need to be determined using a psychologist, as far as the baby corresponds to the norms of the first grader.

The child is ready in grade 1, if:

  • has a coherent speech and the margin of words corresponding to the standards for grade 1;
  • the picture may come up with a plot;
  • the child normally tells the sounds and knows where they are in the Word;
  • knows how to read small words at a certain speed;
  • knows printed letters;
  • distinguishes geometric shapes from each other;
  • determines the properties of objects;
  • knows how to count from 1 to 10 and in reverse order, fold and deduct simple values;
  • distinguishes colors and calls them correctly;
  • well adds puzzles;
  • remembers poems and sings songs, repeats patters;
  • coloring pictures strictly along the contour.

To send a child to school at 6 years old, do not try to fully prepare it, otherwise it will get up very quickly from study. He will have almost all skills and he will be uninteresting. In this case, parents are obliged to consider which school it is better to give a child, perhaps it makes sense to issue a child in an institution with increased demands.

Do not assume that the school will fully traine everything. It gives only initial knowledge that help the child is better adapted in society. Therefore, parents should be prepared for the fact that with the baby you will need to do a lot.

Emotional background

Your child must be collected and able to make deliberate decisions. The thought of sending a child to school in 6 years may arise if he is smart enough for his age. But if it is not ready emotionally, then give up this idea. A child can earn serious problems in mental terms.

Motivation for study and maturity of the nervous system of the future first

The child must have motivation to go to school. According to psychologists, in order to find out the readiness of the baby to learning, it is necessary to ask him a simple question: "Do you want to go to school? And for what?" From the answer will depend, whether he is ready to study. If the only motivation of the child is a game, then it will be right to postpone school for one year.

Before deciding, to send a child to the first class, it is necessary to assess the maturity of the nervous system. If it is too early to give it early, then withstand 45 minutes of the lesson will be very difficult for him. Therefore, think about it in advance.

Pediatrician opinion

What do you need to give a child to school? According to pediatricians, you need to spend several tests. So it will be possible to check the physical readiness of the child to school. So:

  1. The child can reach his hand over his head to the top of the opposite ear.
  2. The baby is correctly formed knee cups and phalanges of the fingers, the bending of the foot is expressed.
  3. There is a change of dairy teeth.
  4. The child is able to hold equilibrium on 1 leg.
  5. Knows how to throw and catch the ball.
  6. Cocks the thumb with handshake.
  7. The minor motor is developed.

An important role is played by the state of health: how often the child is sick, whether there are chronic diseases, etc. If there is a need, then your pediatrician will advise on time to postpone this moment and clarify how many years to give a child to school.

And yet, in whatever age you decide to give your child to school, it is advisable to strengthen his health. To do this, you can go before the start of the school year at sea, for example, and close to the child's day regime, its sleep and nutrition. Be sure to cure all the foci of chronic infection.

Skills of communication and independence

For first grader it is very important to be able to talk with peers and adults, as well as have an adequate self-esteem. Also, the child should not close in society of other people's people.

At what age give a child to school? This will largely depend on its independence. After all, he must be able to dress himself and shove, eat, walk to the toilet and perform other elementary actions.

Paul baby

Paul plays a significant role in immersion in the school environment. So, the parents of boys want to give the sons early, so that they quickly could learn and live in an independent life, and girls, on the contrary, would like to leave near themselves. But in fact, it is small ladies ready for study before the guys.

An important role in readiness for study determines the maturity of the hemispheres of the brain. Girls are rather developing left, responsible for speech and related activities. Therefore, in the elementary grades, they are easier for them.

The boys rather develops the right hemisphere. It is responsible for the spatial-temporal orientation, and this function is not at all required in primary classes.

Anxiety and temperament

Anxiety is an individual trait of every person who is very influenced by how many years to give a child to school. So, boys who have anxiety above average are concerned primarily relations with teachers and their academic activities. While girls having an anxiety level below average are concerned in the main attitude of peers.

Plays an important role to teach children temperament. The most difficult to learn to choleric girls and melancholic boys. Such children have an atypical view of school in school, according to teachers.

Just the boys of such a warehouse of character are too wounded and can cry if someone will upset them or offend. Unfortunately, nor peer, nor teachers take such behavior.

Girls - choleric, on the contrary, very mobile. Therefore, the whole lesson can not sit calm. In addition, they are accustomed to defend their right to the last, sometimes even by fighting.

Child-phlegmatics are too slow and calm. Pupils with a similar temperament are sometimes difficult to learn.

The most favorable temperament for study is a sanguine. These children are moderately sociable and inquisitive, not conflict, fit into almost any team.

The most important thing is this indicator in primary school. Next, neither children nor the teacher do not react on it.

Therefore, before you determine how many years to give a child to school, refer to the specialists. If the child is already 7, but the psychologist claims that it is necessary to postpone, it is worth listening to.

Opinion of psychologists

What do you need to give a child to school? Parents ask this question very often. Therefore, psychologists found out several reasons for which it is worth postponing to school visits.

  1. Psychological features: no motivation for learning, except for game activity; You were born a child when the older was 7 years old; In the family difficult period.
  2. Medical: the child has mental disorders; Recently, he was injured by a head or a vertebral pillar; There are chronic diseases.

What will happen if a child goes to school from 8 years old?

If your child is not ready for a school bench, then it's worth it to think about everything, weigh everything "for" and "against".

When to give a child to school? Komarovsky - a pediatrician famous for the whole of Russia - claims that 6.5-7 years is the perfect age to visit the child of the educational institution. Since it was during this period of time that children change the type of activity with the game to the cognitive. Although Dr. Komarovsky admits that, enrolling in school, the first time the child will become more sick.

Each child is a person. And no one knows his parents. Maybe it is your child who needs to go to school at 8 years old. Only taking a similar solution, remember that, perhaps, your child will feel uncomfortable when I will understand that in his class children younger than he himself. To remove all doubts, consult with a children's psychologist.

When should I think about the design of the child to school?

The purpose of upbringing is to teach the child to be independent. So, you raise it from his very birth, trying to teach him every way. As a result, by 5-6 years, he accumulates the necessary "baggage" knowledge for learning in school.

And then the question arises: "When to think about the design of a child in an educational institution?"

As you probably understood from our article, the process of training for learning is quite complicated and multifaceted. Therefore, you need to think about nine months before the first of September. Be sure to consult a psychologist, because it must check the child for readiness for school.

If it turns out that your child is not entirely ready for school, then you will have time to modify what is needed.

The decision to decorate the child to school is a very important and responsible step. You need to think about everything and weigh.

It is necessary to create an atmosphere of the holiday on the first day of child's studies. Decorate the apartment and make a family celebration. After all, the child should know that a new stage begins in his independent life, full of takeoffs and falls.

December Child and Study

When to give to the school of the December child? Parents ask this question quite often psychologists. And they answer the question like this: "It all depends on the child." Since everyone is a person. Someone is ready to learn earlier. Because with perception and intelligence, everything is normal. And other and at 7 years old is not ready for school.

Be sure to first need a consultation of the psychologist. And he will tell you how to make a choice. Perhaps the specialist will tell you what needs to work to fill the missing "gaps". If the kid is crazy and significantly less than all others in the class, it is also desirable, of course, wait a bit.

Little conclusion

After reading the article, we hope you have found answers to exciting questions. Now it is clear that seven-year-old age does not mean that your favorite child is time to school. You must consider, of course, other factors. We hope that now you can take a really right decision.

It is clear that each child develops in its pace, and with the same capabilities, one will be ahead of the other in something else, to give up to him. But there are criteria for the readiness of the child to school, to neglect whom psychologists do not advise.

Experts do not speak about the readiness of the child to learn in general, they allocate its following types: physical, physiological, mental, psychological, personal, motivational, speech, intellectual, etc. And, of course, it will be better if the preschooler who is going to become a first-grader , was prepared for such an important step in all these directions.

Psychological readiness

This aspect is determined, first of all, as far as the child is aware that the new stage in his life begins - the period of apprenticeship. Determine how psychologically ready for him is psychologically, psychologists can. For this purpose, there are testing of future first graders in children's preschool institutions and in the centers of psychological and pedagogical counseling. It can be said that the psychological readiness of the child to start school training is determined by the entire system of its upbringing and development in previous years.

Personal and Motivational Readiness

This component of the overall readiness of the child to school is determined by how little man understands that he has to prove himself in a new social role - the role of a student, a schoolboy. It is important here how much the future first-grader is striving to get new knowledge, building new relationships (with school comrades, teachers), as far as he is generally positively tuned to future school life.

An important role is played by the motivation of the child. If the question "Why do you want to go to school?" He confidently replies that he wishes to recognize a new one, to learn something interesting, etc. - In this case, the learning motivation is pronounced, which is definitely good. If, in response to the question, the child says that at school he will lead new friends with whom it will be interesting to spend time, play - this indicates that the most important motive for such a child is gaming, and psychologically for school training he not ready yet. They talk about insufficient psychological readiness and external ("Because Mom with dad said so"), and social ("I will learn, because it is necessary," to get a profession and work ") motives.

Physical and mental readiness

It is also important how harmoniously a child has developed into a pre-school period, as far as successful, all the psychophysical stages of early adults have passed, whether its physical and mental health is in the norm, there is no lagging in development from this point of view.
If the child is practically healthy and developed normally, it is believed that he is ready for school learning aged 6.5 - 7 years. One of the indirect signs of the physical readiness of the child to school is the beginning of the process of replacing dairy teeth indigenous. There are more exotic tests of physiological readiness. Thus, Tibetan children are considered suitable for school, if they can, stretching out a hand over their heads, reach the upper edge of the opposite ear.
It is more accurate to determine how much the child is ready for school life physiologically, a pediatrician and physician specialists will help. The medical commission before entering school in our country every child is obligatory.

Intellectual and speech readiness

Many parents motivate their desire to send a child to school early precisely the fact that their baby "reads from 4 years old, and with 6 speaks and knows the multiplication table." Of course, the overall luggage of knowledge is important for the future schoolboy, but, defining his intellectual readiness for schooling, specialists are looking not only and not so much on the amount of knowledge and skills accumulated by the preschooler to the beginning learning activitiesHow much to the degree of formation of such mental operations as an analysis, synthesis, the ability to make logical conclusions, allocate the main thing, understanding the causal relationships and spatial-temporal relations.

Closely associated with an intelligent aspect and speech. It is clear that if the speech of the child is not developed enough, the vocabulary is poor, then many thinking operations for him are still unbearable. By the beginning of school education, the child must correctly pronounce all the sounds of his native language, to be able to grammatically to build suggestions - its successes in the study of the Russian language directly depend on this. The dictionary of the future first grader should be at least 1500 - 2000 words.

Thus, whether to give his child to school from 6 years old, or wait for 7 years of age - to decide, of course, parents. But to listen to the opinion of the specialists still stands.

What time to give a child to school? Our reader Vera is confident that it is better than before, and ready to prove it

Source photo: www.2dl.com.ua

Preparing for the school begins long before September 1 and not at all with the purchase of a beautiful backpack, not from the choice of school and not even from the preparatory courses, but with such a simple look at the question - what time to give a child to school, in 6 or 7 years old?

All individually

The answer to the surface, it is lung and folded at the same time: everything is individually, each child is unique, so there should be no general approaches.

Photo source: www.mg1.liveinternet.ru

But at the head of all concerns about her child will stand physical and emotional health.

Physical health first grader

By 6 years, the child has a well formed a motor sphere, it owns thin movements of complex order, it becomes more deft. With these qualities, its performance, endurance is also increasing.

Source photo: www.doblex.ru

But nonetheless, he still needs gentle modeSo it is easily tired in conditions of monophonic school activities.

Therefore, the health of 6-year-old first-graders are in greater danger compared to the health of seven-year-old schoolchildren.

Photo source: www.4.bp.blogspot.com

Speech about school diseases

The main "school" diseases are considered:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: posture and flatfoot;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • vision.

Photo source: www.okozaoko.ru

Take, for example, eyesight. Anatomical eye is formed completely only by 7 years, in 6 years, this process is in the final stage and visual acuity at the level of 0.8-0.9.

Following logic, if at this moment the child is subject to greater visual loads (if heredity is also present), the likelihood of vision loss increases.

Psychological and emotional spheres

Not so long ago, I got on my eyes a completely wonderful monograph edited D.B. Elkonin.He with a group of scientists an experienced way showed the difference between 6-year and 7-year schoolchildren.

Photo source: www.vospitatel.com.ua

  • Attitude to school reality

In 1981 in Moscow an experimental class of 6-year-old children was recruited.The program was passed with excellent results, because the cognitive abilities of 6-year-old children are somewhat higher than that of 7-year-olds.

Source photo: www.pravdaogrippe.ru

But level anxietycompared to the class of seven, it was significantly higher.

  • Low level of formation sound analysis

6-year-old children do not distinguish the word and the subject behind it. Correspondence on Word is only a form of communication with adults, masking a real understanding of the child about the subject.

  • Bad formed inner "I"

Six-year children, rather play school - beautiful shape and briefcase. They are hard to understand why learn and how bad the profession of the janitor.

It becomes clear that the stress that the child is experiencing in the first grade is huge. The older and most of the child, What is perfect its emotional psychological sphere, the easier and painless is the first grade training.

  • Cognitive sphere

Cognitive abilities of the child at 6 years aboveThan in seven-year-old children are all researchers.

Photo source: www. Children-coloring.

But the specific perception of 6-year children of symbols (to the listing, rather than to the description) plays with them a sore joke.

External impressions are a strong distracting factor, therefore the attention of 6-tutets is distinguished by a small volume and weak concentration.

Source photo: www.profilaktika.tomsk.ru

Why then give earlier?

Not the fact that if you start - the result will be better. Large-scale studies conducted by Carolina Sharpe and covered 55 countries did not reveal the relationshipbetween age of admission to school and academic performance.

Did you have doubts how much to give a child to school? And justified or your decision?

After graduating from the preschool period, the child is more and more seeking to go to school. He begins to realize that schoolchildren perceive as an adult. From what age is it made to give a child to school?

According to the adopted Law "On Education" in Russian FederationTo school takes children, starting from 6.5 years and no later than 8 years. Many parents often give their child to school from 7 years. If in September, the child marks 6 years and 7 months, then this time is quite suitable for receiving in the first class.

Many parents drive a desire to have no developed child, so they intend to give it to school from 6 years. A special pedagogical medical commission defines the readiness of the child to school. This commission presents:

  • Experienced teachers of kindergartens;
  • Children's psychologists;
  • Speech therapists;
  • Children's psychiatrist.

The presence of a psychiatrist as part of the Commission should not scare parents, his task is to ask a child a couple of questions, find out the degree of readiness for school. Usually ask questions to test the logical thinking and the ability to conduct a mathematical account to 10. After the passage of this commission, the child receives an official admission to school.

Sometimes there are such situations when the child is fully ready for the school visit, and the parents have a strong desire to give it back right now. The reasons for this can be the most different: all his friends in the yard have already been taken to school and he strives there, parents are convinced that their kid is the smartest.

Often, the opinions of parents in this case are not entirely objective. To pass the commission, it is not enough to be easy to intelligently and in many ways, the psychological readiness of the child to school plays a decisive role at the same time. The child may have shyness or modesty in character, insufficient physical form. School for such children can turn into a serious test with which they may not cope.

Therefore, experts advise parents not to rush to give their children to school. First, they must be completely confident that the child in school will be comfortable. Before making the decision to give a child at an early age, it is necessary to weigh all the arguments for and against.

How to determine if the child is time to give to school?

For the readiness of the child to teach and successes at school, a number of important factors are influenced, which should be appreciated before making a decision to give it to school.

  1. The development of intelligence is an important student of school preparation. Parents need to pay attention to the development of the child's speech, attention, memory and thinking.

The baby will easily be studied if he:

  • Talks connected, possesses a good vocabulary;
  • Can make a small story in the picture;
  • Excellent pronounces all the sounds, can distinguish and find them in the word;
  • Fluctuates words consisting of 2-4 syllables;
  • Knows and calls all geometric shapes;
  • Considers up to 10 and in reverse order;
  • Distinguishes colors and calls them;
  • Gather puzzles well;
  • Tells the poems by heart, repeats patters, sing songs;
  • Gently paints the shapes, without getting off for the contour.

There are situations where the parent desire to prepare a child in the intellectual plan gives the opposite effect. At school, the desire to learn from such children disappears, because they already have basic knowledge.

  1. Emotional maturity of a child. The presence of a child of such qualities as the collendment, the ability to weigh the solutions, first think, and then do. If the child did not dose to the school emotionally, the early hike to school can cause serious psychological problems.
  2. The presence of motivation to study. The beginning of the school year in the life of the first grader is a period of restructuring in the life of a child, a transitional moment from a carefree preschool life. So that the study is successful, the child's motivation is important to learning. Find out the motivation of the child to study will help the simple question: "Why will you go to school?" At the same time, it is important that the child's motivation was informative to seem to know something new.
  3. Physical maturity and child health is playing an important role. Before recording a child to school, it is necessary to figure out the maturity of his nervous system. In the plan of physiology, the child is considered mature to visit the school, if:
  • It has well-formed knee cups, a well-pronounced army of the foot;
  • Loses the first milk teeth;
  • Deftly jumps on one leg;
  • Good throws the ball and catches it;
  • Holds a thumb with handshake.

At the same time, it must also be developed small motor skills: the ability to cut with scissors, work with soft plasticine, buttons zipper, cord boots. The state of health also plays an important role in determining the readiness for school. If he often sick, has chronic diseases, it is better to consult about his readiness for school with a specialist.

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The main document regulating the issue of learning a child in school, the law "On Education in the Russian Federation". Article 67 determines the age of starting school school from 6.5 to 8 years, if he does not have contraindications for health. With the permission of the founder of the educational institution, and this, as a rule, the management of formation in the field, age may be less than or more of the specified one. The basis is the statement of parents. Moreover, nowhere in the law is not explained whether parents should indicate the reason for their decision.

What should a child be able to

The child is ready for school if his skills are formed:

  • corresponds to all sounds, distinguishes and finds them in words;
  • owns a sufficient dictionary reserve, it uses words in the correct meaning, selects synonyms and antonyms, forms words from other words;
  • has a competent coherent speech, the proposal is properly, constituted small stories, including in the picture;
  • knows the names of the middle name and place of work of parents, home address;
  • distinguishes geometric figures, times and months of the year;
  • understands the properties of objects, such as a form, color, size;
  • collects puzzles, paint, without going beyond the boundaries of the picture, sculpts;
  • retells fairy tales, says poems, repeats patters.

The ability to read, consider and write is not necessary, although the schoolless schools require this from their parents. Practice shows that the ownership of skills to school is not an indicator of the success of learning. And vice versa, the lack of skills is not a factor in unaware of school.

Psychologists about the readiness of the child to school

Psychologists in determining the age of readiness of the child pay attention to the personality scope. L. S. Vygotsky, D.B Elkonin, L.I. Bozovic noted that the presence of formal skills is not enough. Much more important personality readiness. It manifests itself in the arbitrariness of the behavior, the ability to communicate, concentrate attention, self-esteem skills and the motivation of teachings. Every child is individual, so there is no universal age to start training. It is necessary to navigate the personal development of a particular child.

Opinion doctors

Pediatricians pay attention to physical readiness for school and advise to conduct simple tests.

Better sooner or later

What is better - to start training in 6 years or at 8 years old - this question does not have a definite answer. Later, go to school children having health problems. At 6 years old, few children are physiologically prepared for learning. But, if at 7 years old did not come school maturity, it is better to wait.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The famous Dr. Komarovsky recognizes, entering the school leads to the fact that the first time the child is more often sick. From a medical point of view, the older child, the more stable it nervous system, stronger adaptive forces of the body, the ability to self-control. Therefore, most specialists, teachers, psychologists, doctors agree: better later than before.

If the child was born in December

More often, the problem of choosing to start learning arises from the parents of children born in December. December children on September 1 will be either 6 years old and 9 months or 7 years and 9 months. These figures are laid in the framework specified by the law. Therefore, the problem is seen contrived. Specialists do not see the difference in a month of birth. By December children apply the same recommendations as to the other children.

So, the main indicator of the parental decision is its own child, his personal development and readiness for learning. There are doubts - refer to the specialists.