10 rules for personal safety. Personal safety rules. Reminder for children and parents. Hide first and last name

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Before giving the child independence, you need to take care of his safety.

Today website Learn how to teach your child to behave properly with strangers. You can show these pictures to your child and discuss any dangerous situations with him.

Hide first and last name

Do not write the name and surname of the child on his things, do not hang personalized key rings on a child's backpack, do not sign a lunch box or thermos. So his name can be recognized by someone else. If a stranger addresses the child by name, he immediately inspires confidence in him and can further manipulate the baby.

It is better to write your phone number on the tag - in case the item gets lost.

Run away from cars in the opposite direction

We teach kids not to get into cars with strangers - that's the right thing to do. Let the child learn one more rule: if a car has braked near him or she is following him, and someone from the car wants to attract his attention, you need to quickly run away in the opposite direction of the car. This will help the child buy time and ask for help.

Create a family password

If a stranger invites a child to go where mom or dad is waiting for him, have the child ask him for the names of the parents and the password. Come up with your child passphrase for an emergency, if you suddenly ask someone you know to pick up your child from kindergarten or school. The password should be unexpected so that it is impossible to guess: for example, "fluffy orange".

Install tracking apps

Wear a watch with a panic button

Panic button gadgets come in the form of watches, key chains, bracelets or medallions. Parents through a special mobile application can constantly monitor the location of the child, and if he presses the button, the signal is received by the parents or the security service.

Screaming "I don't know him!"

Tell your child that if a stranger grabs him, then you can and should be “bad”: bite, kick, scratch and attract attention at any cost, even if it is very scary. You need to shout out loud: “I don’t know him! He wants to take me away!”

Stop talking and keep your distance

The child should know that strangers can chat not only children, but also adults, so it is important to quickly go to a safe place within 5-7 seconds after the start of the conversation. You should stand at a distance of 2–2.5 meters from a stranger; if he approaches, you need to take a step back. Rehearse this situation with your child, show a distance of 2 meters and warn that during the conversation it must be maintained.

Do not enter the elevator with strangers

Teach your child to wait for the elevator with his back to the wall so that he can see everyone who comes up to him. And if this is a stranger or someone unfamiliar, under any pretext do not go into the elevator with him: pretend to have forgotten something, or go to the mailbox. If someone invites you in, the best option is to politely reply that your parents only allow you to ride the elevator alone or with your neighbors. If a stranger tries to drag you into an elevator or cover your mouth, you need to fight, scream and bite.

Fire Safety Rules

- Do not use homemade electrical appliances and fuses, do not use electrical cords and wires with broken insulation.
- Do not connect a large number of current consumers to one socket, do not use faulty equipment, do not use damaged sockets.
- Do not cover or wrap electric lamps and lamps with paper, cloth, do not use electric irons, stoves, kettles without stands made of fireproof materials, do not leave unattended electrical appliances turned on.
- Do not clutter corridors, landings and evacuation hatches on the balcony with furniture and various materials, do not arrange a workshop and warehouse in the apartment.
- Do not leave a burning stove unattended.
- Do not play with matches, lighters, sparklers, firecrackers: a fire may occur.
- Be careful when using household chemicals. Store flammable and combustible liquids in tightly closed containers, away from heating devices.

If the house is on fire:
- Assess the situation, make sure there are dangers and determine where they come from.
- Call the fire brigade on 01.
- Inform neighbors about the fire, turn off gas, electricity, close windows and doors if possible.
- Immediately leave the room, go in the direction opposite to the fire.
- Move to the exit or towards the non-smoky stairwell.

Behavior in case of fire in a building

Call the rescue service on tel. - 01 (from cellular*01# ).
Inform neighbors about the fire, turn off gas, electricity, close windows and doors.
Leave the premises immediately, do not run at random, do not hesitate at the exit.
The elevator cannot be used.
Move towards the exit or towards the smoke-free stairwell.
Get out of the smoky room by crouching or crawling - there is less smoke below.
Cover yourself with a wet cloth (blanket, towel).
Breathe through a wet handkerchief, cloth, clothing.
If it is impossible to leave the room, plug all the gaps under the doors with wet rags; fill the bathtub and other large containers with water, pour water over the floor and doors.
If you can't use ladders, jump out the window. Reduce your jump height by tying the sheets together. Jump on the canvas cover of a truck, the roof of a car, a flower garden, a canopy, or on pre-dropped mattresses, pillows, carpets.
When firefighters arrive, obey their commands completely.

When an electrical appliance catches fire
Disconnect the device from power (pull the plug from the socket or turn off the shield).
Cover the device with a thick cloth or blanket.
If the fire has intensified, close the windows and doors, leave the room.

When clothes on a person catch fire

  • Proceed as follows:
  • Do not let him run - the flame flares up more strongly and can spread to other objects.
  • Drop the person to the ground (floor).

Extinguish clothing using heavy cloth, water, earth, snow, sand, etc., leaving your head uncovered.

Electrical safety measures in everyday life

Do not touch a bare, poorly insulated wire, do not touch a switched on electrical appliance with wet hands.
Do not handle the electrical plug with a wet hand.
Do not use electrical appliances in the bathroom.
When plugging into an outlet, make sure that it is from the appliance you are about to turn on.
If the wires of two electrical appliances are similar, make them different - wrap them with electrical tape or paint them.
Make sure that sockets and other connectors do not spark, heat up, or crackle. If the contacts are dark, ask the experts to clean them and eliminate the cause of the loose connection.

Rules for the use of electrical appliances

- Do not touch bare, poorly insulated wire; Do not touch the switched on electrical appliance with wet hands.
- Do not use defective electrical appliances.
- Do not use electrical appliances in the bathroom.
- Do not play near electrical substations, in attics and basements, near electrical panels.
- Do not approach wires that have fallen to the ground closer than 15 m.

In case of electric shock

  • Try to free the victim from the effects of electric current as soon as possible (using a wooden stick, rubber gloves, etc.);
  • You can approach the victim only in rubber shoes or with a “goose step” - the heel of the walking leg, without leaving the ground, is attached to the toe of the other leg.
  • If the victim shows no signs of life, perform resuscitation measures.
  • If there is a pulse, turn the victim on his stomach, clean his mouth, apply cold to his head.
  • Apply bandages if there are wounds.
  • Call an ambulance at tel. 03.


Touch the person affected by the current until the current stops;

Stop resuscitation until the doctor arrives;

Approach by running to the lying wire.

Domestic gas use

Light a match (electric lighter) and at the same time open the gas cock.

  • Do not leave the switched on stove unattended.
  • When leaving the apartment, turn off the gas.
  • Don't hang on gas pipes.
  • Do not sleep or rest in a room where a gas stove is installed.
  • Do not use gas stoves for space heating.
  • Do not use fire to detect gas leaks (use soap suds for this purpose).
  • At the end of using the gas, turn off the burner and turn off the gas.When you detect the smell of gas in the apartment (house).
  • Do not light a fire, matches, candles, do not turn on or off electric lighting and electrical appliances, do not use an electric bell!
  • Turn off the gas stove immediately.
  • Turn off the gas valve.
  • Open windows or vents for ventilation.
  • Get out of the gassed room and call the emergency service

gas facilities by tel. 04.

If you smell gas
in the basement, the entrance, in the yard, on the street.

  • Do not turn on or off the electric lighting, do not light a fire!
  • Warn people about gas pollution and impending danger.
  • Call the emergency gas service by tel. 04 (from a non-gassed room).Use of the water supply system

How to avoid flooding in an apartment (house)

  • Do not throw foreign objects into the sewer.
  • Do not clog the sink with food waste.
  • When you leave home, make sure all the taps are closed.
  • Monitor the condition of the pipes for the timely elimination of leaks in them.When leaks or flooding of the apartment are detected
  • Turn off the electricity and turn off the water.
  • Call the control room of the REU, tell us what happened, and ask them to send a plumber.

Place basins, buckets, pots or other containers in places of leaks, rather remove the water that has accumulated on the floor.

PaMemo to the viewer

  • Do not get carried away with long continuous TV viewing.
  • So that the eyes do not overwork and the harmful effects of various radiations do not affect, sit no closer than 2-3 m from the screen.
  • Do not watch programs in the dark, it is better that a dim light is on in the room.
  • After watching a TV show, do not immediately start reading, writing, drawing - give your eyes a rest. At this time, you can perform special exercises. Choose a point on the window frame, for 2-3 minutes alternately look either into the distance or at this point.
  • Do not leave a working TV unattended. Be sure to turn it off when you leave the house, otherwise the TV may catch fire due to overheating.
  • If the TV does not work properly (strong buzzing, crackling, disappearance of the image, etc.), turn off the power (unplug the cord from the power outlet). Be sure to tell an adult about what happened.
  • Remember! Watching TV is hard work not only for the eyes, but also for the nervous system.

How to prevent burns

At home, burns often occur. They arise from exposure to the skin of a flame, hot liquid, steam, as well as in contact with hot objects.

Most burns occur in the kitchen during cooking and eating, playing with fire and combustible materials, and in case of fire.

Particularly careful and attentive should be those who, in the absence of adults, warm up their own dinner.
Observe the following personal safety rules:

  • Place the largest pans closer to the center of the stove, while the handles should not protrude beyond the edge of the stove.
  • The oven must always be closed.
  • Carefully monitor the boiling process, do not allow liquids to splash out of the pots: they can flood the fire of the burners, and fatty liquids (oils), on the contrary, ignite themselves.
  • Always have oven mitts and coasters for hot pots and pans on hand.
  • Do not place dishes with hot contents close to the edge of the table.
  • Burning with boiling oil can be prevented by putting some table salt in the pan first.
  • Remember, boiling liquid on the body causes more damage than fire.

Rules for the use of hazardous substances and household chemicals

Household chemicals include detergents, cleaners, disinfectants, pest control and plant protection products, adhesives, paints and varnishes.

According to the degree of danger, household chemicals are:

Safe - there are no warning labels on the packaging;

Relatively safe- there are warning labels on the packaging, for example, "Keep out of contact with eyes";

Poisonous - on the package there are inscriptions "Poison" or "Poisonous";

flammable - on the packaging there are warning signs “Flammable”, “Do not spray near open flames”, etc.

How to avoid poisoning with household chemicals
- Never use unfamiliar household chemicals.
- Do not drink liquids from unfamiliar bottles and cans.
- Do not use matches or open flames near jars or bottles with a strong odor.
- Store chemicals in lockable cabinets.
- When you see that paint or varnish has been poured into another bottle, make a warning label on it.
- Store aerosol cans upright in a cool place. Do not spray their contents near an open flame.

Devices containing mercury

Household appliances containing mercury:
- fluorescent lamps (these are gas-discharge tubes containing inert gases and mercury vapours). All such lamps contain mercury - from 40 to 70 mg.
- mercury thermometers;
- instruments for measuring pressure (pressure gauges).

Thermometers are in every home, they are made of glass and break easily when dropped. At the same time, balls of mercury easily roll into the cracks in the floor or are sucked into the carpet.

Fluorescent lamps are often thrown with household waste into garbage cans, where they break easily, and mercury vapor enters the surrounding atmosphere.

Children and adolescents who break such lamps out of hooliganism usually do not even suspect that they get into their lungs.

Toxic properties of mercury

Mercury is a heavy liquid metal, silvery in color. It has a strongly convex surface. In small quantities, it is collected in very mobile balls. Easily penetrates into the cracks of floors, furniture, walls, is absorbed by porous bodies, including wood, paper, fabric, plaster, remaining there for a long time, is a source of indoor air pollution. Mercury freezes at -38.9°C. Mercury evaporates at room and even zero temperature, mercury vapor is colorless and odorless.

The intake of mercury and its compounds into the body is possible through the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and skin.

Vapors of mercury and its compounds are very toxic. In chronic poisoning with mercury and its compounds, there is a metallic taste in the mouth, friability of the gums, severe salivation, excitability, memory loss. There is a danger of such poisoning in all rooms where mercury is in contact with air. Particularly dangerous are the smallest drops of spilled mercury, crammed under baseboards, linoleum, furniture, in the cracks of the floor. The total surface of small mercury balls is large, and evaporation is more intense.

In children, a few hours after the start of inhalation of mercury vapor, severe pneumonia (pneumonia) can develop - cough, shortness of breath, and fever appear. In severe poisoning, pulmonary edema is possible (this is a deadly condition). Possible diarrhea (diarrhea), drowsiness, followed by nervous excitement.

Actions in the event of a mercury spill

Particularly dangerous are the smallest drops of spilled mercury, crammed under baseboards, linoleum, furniture, in the cracks of the floor. The total surface of small mercury balls is large, and evaporation is more intense.

If the device breaks and mercury gets on the floor, you should carefully collect all visible balls in a hermetically sealed vial, wipe the mercury spill with a rag moistened with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then contact a specialized organization that will check if there are any mercury vapors left in the apartment, and if there are, it will help to remove them.

Mercury fluorescent lamps (fluorescent lamps) in residential premises are best not to be used at all. Be aware that a single mercury fluorescent lamp broken in a medium-sized room can create mercury vapor concentrations in the air above the maximum allowable limit.

How to protect yourself from falls and bruises

- Do not lean out of the open window: quite unexpectedly, you may feel dizzy and fall down.
- When you run fast, do not forget to look under your feet, otherwise you will not notice any object that you can trip and fall on.
- Never jump from a great height.
- When you run down the stairs, hold on to the railing; if you slip off the steps, the railing will keep you from falling.
- Before climbing on a chair, make sure that someone is standing nearby and can secure you.

Behavior at a meeting with a dog and its attack.

  • Do not approach a dog that is on a leash.
  • Don't approach someone else's dog and don't "flirt" with it.
  • Do not touch or stroke other people's dogs.
  • Don't be scared or scream if a dog runs towards you. Stop.

The dog often attacks a moving person.

If your dog is acting aggressive, don't turn towards him.

back and don't run.

Command: “Fu!”, “Stand!”, “Sit!”.

What to do if a dog attacks you

  • Stand sideways to the dog and give a few commands in a firm voice (“FU!”, “NO!”, “SIT!”).
  • Without making sudden movements, call the owner (if he is nearby).
  • If there is no one to help you, walk away from the dog slowly, without speeding up your step.
  • Do not try to scream, wave your arms or stick, throw anything at the dog, run away from it.
  • Do not look your dog in the eyes as this may provoke him into active actions.

    If the dog crouches, it is preparing to jump. If the dog is ready to jump, take a stable posture; put forward a slightly bent left (if you are right-handed) hand and firmly press your chin to your chest. Protect your outstretched arm by wrapping it in a jacket, jacket, scarf. If the dog rushes at you, hit him (very hard and accurately) in the nose, as well as in the groin and stomach, in the eyes and ears.

    In such a situation, humane treatment of the dog is inappropriate.

    If the dog manages to knock you to the ground, protect your throat (pull your chin to your chest and push your elbows forward).
  • You need to walk away from an aggressive dog, without fussing or taking your eyes off it.

- touch the dog when it eats;
- Approach a dog that has puppies;
- to swing at the owner of the dog.

If you are bitten by a dog, tell an adult immediately and go to the emergency room.

Rules of conduct in public transport

- Expect transport only at stops that are marked with signs, do not go out onto the roadway.
- Get on the bus, trolleybus, tram and other vehicles only after they have completely stopped. Boarding is usually done through the rear doors, and disembarking through the front.
- Do not jump on the bus, tram on the move, do not cling to them from behind, do not stand on the protruding parts and steps of the cars.
- Entering the salon, go to the middle, do not stop at the site.
- If there is a free seat, take it, do not stand in the aisle. Remember! The front seats are reserved for passengers with small children, the disabled and the elderly.
- Don't make noise, don't talk loudly. Do not distract from the work of the driver. Don't lean out the windows.
- If you need to get off at the next stop, move closer to the exit in advance.
- Get out of the vehicle only after a complete stop.
- Go around the tram in front, and the bus in the back.

Guidelines for safe behavior in public transport
It must be remembered that public transport is a vehicle of increased risk, therefore:
1. Avoid deserted stops at night, and while waiting for a bus, tram or
trolleybus, stand in a well-lit area near other people.
2. When a bus approaches, do not try to stand in the front row - they can push you under the wheels.
3. You can not sleep while driving, because with sudden braking, you can get injured.
4. Do not lean against the doors, if possible, avoid riding on steps and in the passage.
5. Avoid empty buses.
6. If you have to drive late, sit next to the driver and closer to the aisle.
7. Girls are encouraged to sit next to women.
8. If a passenger enters the cabin acting cheekily, turn away from him, do not
meet his eyes.
9. Keep your belongings "in sight".

In public transport it is prohibited:
- walk without the need for buses, trolleybuses, etc.;
- open doors from both sides (only allowed on the right side of the movement);
- look out of the windows and stick out your hands;
- distract the driver;
- turn on or off any devices (pull the stopcock);
- unnecessarily press the emergency button.

Behavior on the streets and roads

  • Pedestrians are allowed to walk on sidewalks and footpaths, and where there are none, on the roadside or bike path.
  • Move in the direction of traffic, keeping to the right side. The safest way is to walk towards the flow of vehicles on the left side of the road.
  • Do not get out and do not run out onto the roadway, do not interfere with traffic.
  • Roller skating, skateboarding, skiing only in parks, squares with a fence. Don't drive onto the road. If you need to cross a street or a road, get off the bike and drive it behind the wheel, carry the skateboard in your hands.

Caution when crossing roads
the most dangerous on the road are intersections, high-speed sections of traffic, zones of limited visibility, ice;
do not cross the street at a red light, even if there are no cars in sight;
cross the road, after looking in both directions - first to the left, then to the right;
do not run out onto the road because of an obstacle (vehicle standing at the side of the road, a high snowdrift). Drivers will not have time to slow down when you suddenly appear;
at the bus stop, when crossing the road, bypass the bus and trolleybus at the back, and the tram at the front;
walk only on the sidewalk, and if there is no sidewalk, and you have to walk along the side of the road, choose the side of it on which the cars go towards you;
- never count on the attention of the driver, rely only on yourself! Usually at public transport stops (especially during rush hours) there are a lot of people. When a bus, trolleybus or tram approaches, many try to get ahead of the rest in any way. Someone, risking his life, jumps out onto the roadway himself, someone can be pushed onto the road by a crowd, and a too impatient person often finds himself under the wheels. The car cannot stop immediately - you must know and remember this.

Instructions on the rules of safe behavior on the roads and in transport
1. When exiting the street, look first to the left, then to the right, so as not to disturb passers-by.
2. Choose the safest route to the technical school, the one where you need to cross the street or road less often.
3. When walking through the streets of the city, be careful. Do not rush. Walk only on the sidewalk or the roadside.
4. Fewer transitions - less danger.
5. Walk slowly on the right side of the sidewalk.
6. On the side of the road, walk away from the edge of the road.
7. Do not go out on the carriageway of the street or road.
8. When passing by the gate, be especially careful, a car can leave the gate.
9. Carefully walk past a parked car: passengers can suddenly open the door and hit you.
10. Cross the street only at pedestrian crossings.
11. Before crossing the street, look to the left. If the roadway is clear, go. When you reach the middle of the road, stop. If traffic has begun, wait at the "safety stop". Now look to the right. If the roadway is clear, complete the crossing.
12. On a street where there is no pedestrian crossing, it is necessary to cross from one corner of the sidewalk to another, it is safer.
13. If there is a lot of traffic on the street, ask an adult or a police officer to help her cross.
14. Wait for transport at the boarding area or sidewalk at the stop sign.
15. When boarding a bus, trolleybus, tram, follow the rules. Don't disturb other passengers.
16. Enter the bus, trolleybus, tram through the rear doors.
17. Exit only through the front doors. Get ready for the exit ahead of time.
18. Entering and exiting the transport, do not rush and do not push.
19. Go around the tram in front, the bus and trolleybus in the back. After getting off the bus, tram, you need to walk along the sidewalk to the pedestrian crossing and only cross it to the other side.
20. When you cross the street, follow the traffic light: red - STOP - everyone should stop; yellow - ATTENTION - wait for the next signal; green - GO - you can cross the street.
21. While in transport, do not walk around the cabin, hold on to the handrail, do not look out of the windows, do not stick your hands out, do not press the emergency buttons unnecessarily.
22. Do not play games on the road or near the road. Do not ride bicycles, roller skates, etc. on the carriageway.
23. Do not cross the street or road in front of nearby traffic.
24. Do not cling to passing vehicles.

“This will never happen to me…” Such motivation is your main mistake, because danger can wait in the most unexpected place. And knowing these rules (as well as a couple of self-defense techniques) will not be superfluous at all.

If you return home late at night through poorly lit streets, do not be distracted by your smartphone and do not illuminate the road with its screen (attracting too much attention to yourself). Better focus on what is happening around you. Listen for extraneous sounds and try to get to the crowded and illuminated part of the route as soon as possible.
If you feel like someone is following you, seek help as soon as possible. For example, go to a store or restaurant and tell employees about your suspicions. Ask them to call a taxi or the police.
Take advantage of special smartphone applications that allow relatives to track your location at any time. Some developers have also offered functions for setting a route and calculating an estimated time of arrival.
And if you linger for a long time in some place, the smartphone will send a signal for help to the rescue service.
There are also apps that turn your phone into a distraction. If you were attacked and your mouth was covered with a hand, it is worth touching the icon on the screen with your finger, as the smartphone will blink and start making loud sounds. From surprise, the attacker may be confused - and these few seconds may be enough for you to be able to escape. Sound and light will also attract the attention of passers-by.

Pepper spray is one of the most effective means of self-defense. But what is the use of it if at the moment of extreme danger it will be in your bag? When returning home at night, keep it ready in your hand.
In case of danger, try to attract the attention of others in any way: break out, throw things, break a window. And be sure to shout loudly. But at the same time, practice shows that the words “Kill!” or “They are raping!”, alas, more and more often they do not affect passers-by - someone does not believe in what is happening, and some are afraid to intervene.
According to experts, the cries of "Fire!" attract more attention.
Have your car or door keys ready in advance. The few minutes you spend in front of the front door looking for them can be fatal. Having entered the salon or inside the premises, immediately close the front door.
Contrary to popular belief, don't hold keys between your fingers as a potential security measure. If you do not calculate the force of the blow, the ligament will ricochet into the palm, hurting you, not the attacker. It is better to hold one sharp key in your fist so that its sharp edge peeks out from behind the little finger, and inflict short stabbing or cutting blows on sensitive parts of the body with it.
If a stranger entered the elevator with you, press the button for the next floor. If there are signs of danger, do not press the emergency call button - it will only stop the movement of the cab. Better use the automatic door opening function.
If you were attacked for the purpose of robbery, do not resist - life is more precious than any money. Take off your jewelry or take out your wallet and drop it on the ground a few steps away from the perpetrator. And at the moment when he turns away or bends down to pick up the prey, run away from the attacker at full speed.
If you are expecting a physical impact and you have only a few seconds left to make a decision, put one foot forward for stability and deliver a quick and strong blow to sensitive areas - eyes, nose, groin or knees. Do not wait for your opponent to come to his senses - try to immediately run away from him as far as possible.

© George Rodas

There are things that are not only scary to talk about, but also think about. Yes, it is child-related sexual abuse. But hiding our heads in the sand is the worst thing we can do, says journalist Wendy Wisner.

According to statistics published by the U.S. National Sexual Offenders Website, approximately 1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls are sexually assaulted before the age of 18. A 2012 report states that 34% of victims of sexual assault were under the age of 9.

When you think that babies, toddlers and young children can be victims of sexual abuse, it seems like the world has gone crazy. And yet such things happen, and happen every day.

By the time children reach adolescence, about 1.8 million of them will be victims of sexual violence or assault. If these facts don't make you want to bang your head against a wall, tear your hair out, and keep your children in a safe cocoon all your life, then I don't know what else is needed to scare you.

But let's put horror and anger aside for a moment. Yes, we must admit that we are not in a position to control everything that happens to our children, but we have several effective ways to help us protect them. A frank conversation with a child about sex, about the body and its boundaries should be started already at the age when the child has learned to speak. For some parents, talking about such topics is very difficult, and yet it is necessary, it is something that can really protect children from sexual abuse.

Educate2Empower Publishing, which has been publishing books on child safety since 2014, recently released a poster titled My Body: Safety Rules. And it's just great stuff. The poster describes the five rules of "body safety" - these rules are formulated specifically for children, they do not frighten the child, on the contrary, they are written in a friendly way, in a simple and understandable language for children. This poster is an excellent prevention of sexual violence, because it gives both children and parents the opportunity to learn and discuss issues of their own and others' boundaries.

Let's take a look at the poster point by point - what they mean and how they affect our children.

“My body is mine and mine alone!”

“If I don’t want to kiss or hug someone, I can say no. And instead of hugs, you can “high five”, shake hands or send a kiss. I am the master of my body and everything will be the way I want!”

The child is not obliged to hug or kiss anyone if he does not want to. Even if it is a grandmother or an old neighbor. Yes, theoretically there is nothing wrong with innocent kisses and hugs. But we are talking about teaching your child that his body is his own, and only he can dispose of it. Well, except for cases related to health and medical procedures, which we will talk about later.

The child needs to know that he has adults he can trust.

“I have five adults that I trust, here they are. I can tell them everything in the world, and they will believe me. If something bothers me, I'm scared or I feel in danger, I will tell one of them what is happening to me and why.

Let the child know that there are adults in his life to whom he can go in case of emergency. These people will not begin to shame and blame, on the contrary, they will listen to the child and believe him, no matter what is being said. Most children already intuitively know who they can turn to, but it's still better to call them by name, even if this list is very, very short. Let the child himself help you make such a list, because it should be a person whom HE trusts.

So, if something unusual happens, children should know in advance that there are people to whom they can tell everything - no matter how strange, unpleasant or terrible their feelings or the situation in which they find themselves may be.

The child needs to know what are the early signs that sexual harassment or boundary violations are taking place.

“What happens when I'm scared or feel threatened? I may sweat, I may feel nauseous, I may have chills or palpitations. These signs should alert me. If I feel something like this, I will immediately contact an adult I trust.”

The trauma that a child has experienced manifests itself primarily through bodily sensations, but children often do not understand what is happening with their body, and what kind of strange sensations they are experiencing. Be aware that sweating, nausea, palpitations or chills can be signs of anxiety or discomfort. Children need to know that the sensations they are experiencing are real and should not be brushed aside, on the contrary, they should be told about them to an adult they trust.

The child must know that he is not obliged to keep secrets. With no one, none and never.

“I will never keep a secret if it makes me uncomfortable. If someone asks me to keep something a secret and I don't like it, I'll go and tell an adult I trust about it."

Sexual abusers often make their victims swear that they will keep everything that happened a secret. They inspire children that if they tell someone about what happened, they will do very badly. This will have dire consequences for both themselves and the abuser, and make things worse for everyone as a result. Therefore, it is extremely important to explain to children that they are not obliged to keep secrets - never and never. Tell the child that if someone asks them to keep something a secret, and this secret weighs on him, then he should not keep it and can tell an adult he trusts about it.

The child should know that the intimate parts of the body are something very personal. The sooner he learns this, the better.

“Intimate parts of the body are those that my swimsuit or swimming trunks cover. I know what they are called correctly. Nobody can touch them. No one can ask me to touch their private parts. And no one should show me these body parts in pictures or photographs. If something like this happens, I will tell the adults I trust right away.”

It is necessary to start talking about intimate parts of the body as early as possible. Please don't use euphemisms - on the contrary, everything will sound stupid and awkward. Call everything by its proper name: penis, vagina, anus, etc. Don't worry, you can do it, just like your children. Behave confidently and in an adult way, let the children understand that intimate organs are not something to be ashamed of. And, of course, children should know that their intimate parts of the body belong to them and only to them. No one should touch them except mom and dad (when you need to wipe something or change clothes in case of an "accident") or when it is necessary for a medical examination or procedure (in the doctor's office when the parents are right there or nearby). Children need to know that a normal adult will not ask them to touch their private parts or show them anything.

Moms and dads! I know it's not easy to have such conversations with children. But mostly we feel embarrassment, not children. Especially small children, for whom there are no taboo topics yet. Here is another reason for you to start such conversations as early as possible.

Our task as parents is to teach our children to understand what is happening or has already happened something wrong. Children need to have a nose for "bad" situations. You need to teach them to trust their intuition if they feel that something is wrong with this person or the situation they are in. And, finally, we must build our relationship with children in such a way that they come to us with any problems and suspicions.

We cannot prevent every bad thing that can happen to our children, but we can explain to them where and how to seek protection in case of emergency. We can teach them to realize that their body belongs only to them. We can instill in them a sense of confidence and teach them not to be afraid to speak up when someone is violating their boundaries.

It's not much, yes, but it's vital for our children. And they certainly deserve us to do this for them.