Blue marlin. Angler's Dream - Black Marlin Atlantic Blue Marlin

Marlin fish are representatives of the species Ray-finned fish belonging to the Marlin family (Istiorhoridae). It is a popular sport fishing target and, due to its relatively high fat content, has become an attractive fish species for the commercial market.

Description of marlin

For the first time, this species was described two centuries ago by the French ichthyologist Bernard Laseped using a drawing, but subsequently a variety of species and generic names were assigned to marlin fish many times. Currently only the name Makaira nigriсans is valid.. The generic name comes from the Greek word μαχαίρα, which means "short dagger".


The most popular is Blue Marlin, or Atlantic Blue Marlin (Makaira nigrisans). The maximum sizes of adult females are recognized, which can be about four times larger than the body size of males. A sexually mature male rarely reaches a weight of 140-160 kg, and the mass of the female, as a rule, is 500-510 kg or more with a body length of 500 cm. The distance from the eye area to the tip of the spear is approximately twenty percent of the total length of the fish. At the same time, a fish with a body weight of 636 kg had an officially recorded record weight.

This is interesting! The blue marlin has two dorsal and a pair of anal fins that support bony rays. The first dorsal fin is characterized by the presence of 39-43 rays, while the second is characterized by the presence of only six or seven such retainers.

A feature of the first anal fin, similar in shape and size to the second fin on the back, is the presence of 13-16 rays. Narrow and fairly long ventral fins are able to get inside a special recess, which is located in the side. The pelvic fins are longer than the pectoral fins, but the latter are distinguished by a not too well-developed membrane and a depression inside the ventral groove.

The upper body of the Atlantic blue marlin has a dark blue coloration, and the sides of such a fish are distinguished by a silvery color. On the body there are about fifteen rows of stripes of a pale greenish-blue color with round dots or thin stripes. The membrane on the first dorsal fin is characterized by a dark blue or almost black color without marks or dots. The other fins are usually bright dark brown with a hint of dark blue. At the base of the second and first anal fins there are silvery tones.

The body of the fish is covered with thin and elongated scales. The spear is strong and long enough, and the jaws and palatine bones of representatives of the class Ray-finned fish are characterized by the presence of small, file-like teeth.

This is interesting! Marlins are able to quickly change their color and acquire a bright blue color in the process of hunting. Such color changes are due to the presence of iridophores, which contain pigments, as well as special light-reflecting cells.

The lateral line of the fish contains neuromasts, which are located in the canal. Such cells capture even slight movements in the water and all noticeable changes in pressure. The anal opening is located directly behind the first anal fin. Blue marlin, along with other members of the marlin family, has twenty-four vertebrae.

Character and lifestyle

Almost all types of marlin prefer to stay away from the coastline, using the surface layers of water for their movement. In the process of movement, fish belonging to this family are able to develop significant speed and actively jump out of the water to a height of several meters. For example, sailboats can quite easily and quickly accelerate to a speed of 100-110 kilometers per hour, due to which representatives of the species are usually referred to as the fastest fish in the world.

Predatory fish leads a predominantly hermitic lifestyle, swimming about 60-70 km during the day. Representatives of the family are characterized by seasonal migrations that cover distances of up to seven to eight thousand miles. As shown by numerous studies and observations, the way marlin move in the water column is very similar to the swimming style of an ordinary shark.

How long do marlins live

Male blue marlin are able to live for about eighteen years, and females of this family can live up to a quarter of a century or a little more. The average life expectancy of sailboats does not exceed fifteen years.

Types of marlin

All types of marlin have an elongated body shape, as well as a characteristic spear-shaped snout and a long, very stiff dorsal fin:

  • Indo-Pacific sailboats (Istiorhorus platyrterus) from the genus Sailboats (Istiorhorus). The main distinguishing feature of the sailboat is represented by a high and long first dorsal fin, resembling a sail, starting from the back of the head and running almost along the entire back of the fish. The back is black with a blue tint, and the sides are painted brown with a blue tint. The belly area is silvery white. On the sides there are a large number of not too large pale blue spots. The length of one-year-olds is a couple of meters, and adult fish are about three meters long and weigh one hundred kilograms;
  • Black marlin (History of india) from the genus Istiomrah belongs to the category of commercial fish, but the volume of world catches is not more than several thousand tons. A popular object of sport fishing has an elongated, but not too compressed laterally body, covered with elongated dense and thick scales. The dorsal fins are separated by a small gap, and the caudal fin is characterized by a month-shaped shape. The back is dark blue, and the sides and belly area are silvery white. Adults do not have stripes or spots on the body. The length of an adult fish is 460-465 cm with a body weight of up to 740-750 kg;
  • West Atlantic or small spearman (Tetraturus pfluegen) from the genus Spearmen (Tetrarturus). Fish of this species are distinguished by a powerful, elongated, strongly laterally flattened body, and also have an elongated and thin, spear-shaped snout, rounded in cross section. The pelvic fins are quite thin, equal to or slightly longer than the pectoral fins, which are retracted into a deep groove on the belly. The back is dark in color with a blue tint, and the sides are silvery white with random brown spots. The belly area is silvery white. The maximum length of an adult is 250-254 cm, and body weight does not exceed 56-58 kg.

According to the classification, there are also known species represented by the Short-nosed Spearfish, or the Short-Snouted Marlin, or the Short-nosed Spearfish (Tetrarturus angustirostris), the Mediterranean Spearfish, or the Mediterranean Marlin (Tetrarturus belone), the South European Spearman, or the North African Spearfish (Tetrarturus georgii).

Atlantic white spear or Atlantic white marlin (Kajikia albidus), Striped spear or striped marlin (Kajikia audax), as well as Indo-Pacific blue marlin (Makaira mazara), Atlantic blue marlin, or blue marlin (Makaira nigriсans) and Atlantic sailboat (Istiorhorus albicans).

Range, habitats

The marlin family is represented by three main genera and a dozen different species, which differ in their distribution area and habitats. For example, the sailboat fish (Istiorhorus platyrterus) is most often found in the waters of the Red, Mediterranean and Black Seas. Through the waters of the Suez Canal, adult Sailboats enter the Mediterranean Sea, from where they easily swim into the Black Sea.

Blue marlin is an inhabitant of the tropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and is found mainly in its western part. The range of Black marlin (Makaira indica) is most often represented by the coastal waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, especially the waters of the East China and Coral Seas.

Spearfishes, which are marine pelagic oceanodromous fish, are usually found singly, but sometimes they are able to unite in small groups of one-sized fish. This species lives in open waters, choosing a depth within two hundred meters, but above the location of the thermal wedge. Preference is given to areas with a water temperature regime of 26°C.

Marlin diet

All marlins are predatory aquatic inhabitants. For example, black marlin feed on all kinds of pelagic fish, and also prey on squid and crustaceans. In the waters of Malaysia, the basis of the diet of this species is represented by anchovies, various species of horse mackerel, flying fish and squid.

Sailboats feed on small upper-water fish, including sardines, anchovies, mackerel and mackerel. The diet of this species also includes crustaceans and cephalopods. The larval stage of the Atlantic blue marlin, or blue marlin, feeds on zooplankton, including planktonic eggs and larvae of other fish species. Adults prey on fish, including mackerel, as well as squid. Near coral reefs and oceanic islands, blue marlin feed on juveniles of various coastal fish.

Small or West Atlantic spearmen feed on squid and fish in the upper water layers, but the composition of the diet of this species is quite diverse. In the southern parts of the Caribbean Sea, small spearmen use Ommastrephidai, herring and Mediterranean longfin as food. In the western Atlantic, the main prey organisms are Atlantic sea bream, snake mackerel and cephalopods, including Ornithoteuthis antillarum, Hyaloteuthis relagica, and Tremostorus violaceus.

Spearmen, living in the northern subtropics and tropics of the Atlantic Ocean, prefer fish and cephalopods. In the gastric contents of such marlin, fish were found that belong to twelve families, including hempilidae (Gempylidae), flying fish (Echocoetidae) and mackerel (Scombridae, as well as sea breams (Bramidae).

The sailboat family includes such a species as the Atlantic blue marlin. In some sources it is called blue marlin. This fish is thermophilic. All year round lives in the tropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean. In the warm months, it expands its range to temperate waters, but with the onset of cold weather, it returns to the tropics again. There are more representatives of the species in the west of the Atlantic than in the east. Individual specimens are found in the Indian Ocean, where they swim during migration.


Females are 4 times larger than males. The mass of the latter rarely exceeds 160 kg, but the weight of females varies from 540 to 820 kg. However, the officially registered maximum weight of a female is only 636 kg. A stuffed animal of this fish is located in the city of Vitoria (state of Espirito Santo, Brazil). The heads of marlins are crowned with a long and strong "spear". Its length from the end to the eyes is 20% of the total body length. But the greatest length of the body is 5 meters. But only females grow to such a size.

It has 2 dorsal and 2 anal fins. They are supported by special bone spikes (beams). There are many rays. There are 39 to 43 of them in the first dorsal fin, and 6-7 in the second. The pectoral fins are long and narrow and also have rays. To reduce water resistance and increase speed, the pectoral and anal fins are retracted into special recesses on the body.

Blue marlin, due to the pigment in the cells, can change color. But in most cases, the body is black and blue above and silvery white below. On the sides stretch transverse pale blue stripes. From above, the body is covered with elongated bony scales. The mouth has small teeth. Nerve endings stretch along the sides of the body, catching fluctuations in water and pressure changes.

Reproduction and lifespan

Sexual maturity occurs in males at a weight of 35-45 kg, while in females this figure is 48-60 kg. By age, this ranges from 2 to 4 years. During the season, which takes place at the end of summer and autumn, females can spawn up to 4 times. Larvae emerge from the eggs. They grow rapidly and turn into juveniles. In young fish, the first dorsal fins are very high, but as they grow, they decrease in size in relation to body length. In its native element, the Atlantic blue marlin lives from 18 to 27 years. At the same time, females live 10 years longer than males.

Behavior and nutrition

This species is in high commercial demand. It is also taken as by-catch in fisheries for other fish species. And in addition to this, it is popular among sport fishermen. As a result, blue marlin are listed as threatened by the IUCN.

These marine inhabitants feed on other marlin, tuna, small schooling fish, and squid. The weight of the victim is limited to 45 kg. The “spear” with which the head ends is of great help in hunting. Atlantic blue marlin crash into a school of fish and with the help of a "spear" stun, injure or kill prey, and then eat it. In the stomachs of these marine predators, fishermen often find undigested remains of fish, on which chopped and stab wounds are visible. They are applied by a "spear" during a hunt.

Niramin - Apr 26th, 2016

The famous Atlantic blue marlin or blue marlin (lat. Makaira nigricans) lives in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Closer to the equator, you can perform a kind of fishing feat - to catch blue marlin. Indeed, in order to become the owner of the "Grand Slam", but not tennis, but what takes place in the fishing environment, in addition to other conditions, it is necessary to catch this particular fish.

There are countries where marlin fishing is quite strictly regulated by local legislation. In some of them, the law requires the release of the entire catch into the wild. But the main thing for a person obsessed with fishing is not to eat a fish, but to defeat it. In the case of the blue marlin, the fight will always be long, difficult and interesting.

Judge for yourself, the length of the fish can reach up to 4 meters, and the weight of the beauty is up to 0.8 tons. That's right, beauties. Marlins are among those few animals whose females are much larger than their male relatives. The fish is dark blue in the upper body and silvery on the sides, with unusually beautiful dorsal fins and a spear-shaped snout, capable of accelerating up to 100 km / h. Some nationalities call it the king-fish.

The royal marlin fish prefers open water and shallow depths. But, it can come to the shore, and go to the depths. They live in small flocks, about a dozen individuals. Predatory fish, it is believed that everything else prefers tuna, crabs and shrimp.

In the third year of his life, marlin becomes sexually mature, that is, ready to breed. The female spawns in fairly large quantities, on the order of several million eggs. This happens up to 4 times a year.

Blue marlin in the photo:

Photo: Atlantic blue marlin.

Video: Blue Marlin Action - lots of jumps and fights

Video: Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans)

Blue marlin is a coveted fishing trophy, impressing with its beautiful appearance and impressive dimensions. Representatives of this species of the largest bony fish grow up to 5 meters in length and gain weight up to a ton. But the owners of such a massive carcass are not characterized by sluggishness at all. Blue marlins are capable of speeds up to 120 km/h.

Eyewitnesses of the movement of this fish under water claim that it looks more like a heavenly inhabitant than an inhabitant of the depths of the oceans. But the blue marlin is far from harmless to other marine life and, without much risk to its life, can fight with such a strong opponent as the white one. Thanks to its elongated upper jaw, it can easily hunt even flying fish.

Migratory Predator of the Atlantic

The abode of the blue marlin is the temperate waters of the western. It is here that you can meet this predator, and for such attachment to this region, it is often called the Atlantic marlin. Representatives of this species do not tend to group in flocks, but prefer migration to settled residence in one place.

Brazil and its fishing resorts are in a prime position for those wishing to go fishing for Atlantic marlin. Migration of this species of ocean fish passes through the region twice a year. Therefore, marlin lovers gather in this region every year, from Canavieiras to Rio de Janeiro, from January to March and from October to November.

On the island of Mauritius, which is famous for sport fishing competitions, blue marlin fishing is relevant from November to April. It is during this period that the maximum chances of catching a sharp-nosed predator and at the same time really relaxing in a paradise, famous for its excellent and excellent conditions for, and kayaking.

Features of fishing for blue marlin

Whatever place on the planet you choose to try to catch blue marlin, it is important to remember that finding and hooking it in the water with bait is just the beginning. A smart and strong fish is never easy to pick up.

There are cases when it took up to half a day not to let go of the prey and drag it on board. Fishing for blue marlin is incredibly reckless, because representatives of these fish actively resist becoming a trophy, either going under water to a depth of 200 m, or rapidly jumping up and performing impressive somersaults in the air.

Most resorts have strict catch-and-release rules. But if you manage to try the meat of your own caught blue marlin, then such luck will be the envy of not only other lovers of ocean fishing, but also culinary gourmets.

Blue marlin is a fish that attracts attention with its unusual appearance. It seems that everything is the same with her as with ordinary fish, only her “nose” is very big! Atlantic blue marlin is a member of the class of ray-finned fish.

It belongs to the sailboat family, which is part of the perch-like order. The genus to which this fish belongs is called marlin.

They began to call this fish because of the long outgrowth on the muzzle, which resembles a pile (this is such a working tool for rigging). And translated into English, this tool is called marlinspike. Hence the name - "marlin".

What is the appearance of marlin fish?

It should be noted right away that among representatives of this species, females are much larger than males - as much as 4 times! Body weight sometimes reaches 800 kilograms. The maximum length of these fish, recorded by researchers, is 5 meters.

The color of the blue marlin is multi-colored: the dorsal part has a blackish-blue tint, the belly of the fish is silver-white. Each side of the marlin is decorated with fifteen stripes formed by small dots. These stripes are vertical.

The bow formed by the spear is very strong. Marlin's teeth are like a file - they are quite frequent and small.

Where does the Atlantic marlin live?

His territory of residence is the waters of the western Atlantic of the temperate climate zone. At times, marlin is found in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean. Its usual temperature, suitable for normal life, is from +22 to +30 degrees.

How does marlin fish behave in its natural environment? What are the characteristics of her behavior?

All blue marlin are predators. They get their food in the upper layers of the water. But these representatives of the sailboat family prefer to live away from the coast.

The Atlantic marlin is not a schooling fish, preferring to swim and hunt alone. Although, flocks are still formed, but this happens extremely rarely.

A flock of blue marlin gathered for a feast. The reason is a school of herring.

In the expanses of water, blue marlin are real racers. Due to the special streamlined body structure and fins that fold into special recesses, they are able to swim at very high speeds.

Marlins do not stay in one place, they are prone to constant migrations. The main directions of their migrations are from the Caribbean to the coast of Venezuela and from the Virgin Islands to the coast of Africa.

What is the basis of nutrition for Atlantic marlin?

Marlins are predatory fish. Their main food is tuna, mackerel. In addition, they can consume various cephalopods. Marlins have a special way of hunting: they accelerate at high speed in the direction of a flock of fish, swim sharply through it, and then return and quickly swallow the frightened fish.

How does marlin reproduce?

The mating season for these fish falls at the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. In one breeding season, females can lay eggs 4 times. Just one female lays about 7 million eggs in one season. The size of one egg is approximately 1 mm in diameter. After being born, small marlins are carried by ocean currents to different places.

When the young are 2 - 4 years old, then the individuals become sexually mature and are able to continue to reproduce offspring.

Female blue marlin live in nature for about 27 years, in males, the life span is almost 10 years shorter.