Sargan - interesting facts about fish that live in many seas, including the Black Sea coast. Garfish (garfish) - a description of how to catch and what for Fish with green bones

Wave-like bending of the body of the garfish allows you to move dynamically through the expanses of water. At the sight of prey, this brave fish is able to jump out of the water with lightning speed and overtake the victim, and when frightened, it will jump over any obstacle...

Why should a fisherman be wary of this gambling predator? How to curb it when playing and lure deliciously - you will soon find out ...

1. General description of the garfish

The garfish family is represented by 9 genera with more than 25 species. Sargan is one of the marine inhabitants with an interesting body structure. The arrow-shaped elongated body is covered with small silvery scales. Has elongated jaws. The back has a greenish tinge.

The predator-garfish has small and sharp teeth, allowing it to grab small fish when moving.
The biliverdin present in the skeleton (green bile pigment) shades them to a green tint.

2. Distribution and habitats

The geography of distribution of garfish fish is very wide. It lives in African waters, Iceland and Norway. Also found in the Northern, Baltic, Azov, Black and. The Far Eastern, common garfish inhabits the waters of Russia, and the Atlantic resident of the Mediterranean.

3. Age and size

Life expectancy - up to 7 years. According to Wikipedia, the maximum length is up to 93 cm.

Israeli record

But, in November 2018, an Israeli amateur angler named Vyacheslav denied this information. A trophy 107 cm long and weighing 1635 grams was caught at about 9 am on the rocks of the Sironit beach in Netanya. A huge garfish was tempted by live bait from. And here is a photo report about this handsome man.

Record holder Vyacheslav with a catch

Trophy Gar

Record size

Record weight

However, this is really a record, and the most common are individuals reaching 70 - 75 cm and weighing up to 1.3 kg.

There is another exception, for example, a giant representative of the garfish lives in the tropics - the crocodile, up to 180 cm in size.

Crocodile garfish.

Life expectancy - no more than 13 years. Mostly there are individuals from 5 to 9 years.

4. Lifestyle

Predator keeps in packs. Pelagic fish, that is, lives in the water surface. Found in waters of varying degrees of salinity, able to swim in fresh water.

4.1 Reproduction - time and features of spawning

The fish reaches sexual maturity in 1 year at the age of 4-5 years. The spawning period lasts from May to August. Fish spawn near the shore. The eggs have sticky threads that attach to marine vegetation. A favorable temperature for the ripening of eggs is considered to be a temperature above 10 degrees. Sargan is able to produce an average of up to 15 thousand eggs, larger representatives - up to 50 thousand. The larvae swim in coastal areas on the surface of the water. The difference from adults is the structure of the jaws - shorter. During the first year of life, they acquire the usual elongated structure for large fish.

4.2 Diet - what does the garfish eat

Small fish are the main food of the garfish. It also eats crustaceans and insects.

5. How, where, when and what to fish for garfish

Usually the garfish is located far from the shore. Approaches to catch prey or spawn. The insatiable garfish will always be near a flock of small fish that gather near rocky shores, bays and reefs.

5.1 Biting calendar - at what time of the year and day the garfish peck best

With an increase in the temperature regime of the water, the garfish go to the sea, where they can be hunted from sea transport.

In the cold, fish bite throughout the day. Favorable time for fishing in shallow coastal areas is the dark time of the day and early morning.

5.2 What weather is best for biting

It bites well in autumn and until mid-spring, especially with wind, waves from 1 m and turbidity of water. The water temperature should be less than 10 degrees. Under such conditions, the garfish for the purpose of food comes to the shore, near which small fish swim.

5.3 What are the best places to catch garfish

The best fishing distance is from 40 to 100 m. Coastline, bays, coral reefs and bays. During the ebb period, the garfish hides in drained places, burrowing into the silt up to a meter deep. Fishing on sea spits will allow you to move away from the coast.

A promising place will also be the surf zone, which goes into the sea for many meters ahead.
Fishing from the rocks can make it possible to successfully catch the garfish, as it is fearless in such places.

  • fishing time - early morning;
  • long throw;
  • lead quickly through the water;
  • bringing to the shore sharply with a fishing rod to pull out of the water;

Option 4 "Catching on a petal and a hook"
Two-handed spinning:

  • 0.25 mm;
  • a sinker weighing 10 - 15 g is attached to one end, a factory ring with and is attached to the other;
  • at a distance of 10 - 15 cm from the ring it is attached with a length of 3 - 4 cm with a diameter of 0.2 mm with a small tee;
  • after 10 cm, a leash with a petal of white baubles is attached;
  • then the leash and tee are knitted again.
  • wiring is done on the surface of the water;
  • you can use petals and yellow.

Option 5 "Christmas tree fishing"

  • on leashes - 4 or 5 cm, fasten 2 - 3 oscillating baubles or mormyshki with 2 hooks;
  • silver tee.
  • baits no more than 3 cm;
  • leashes at a distance of 20 - 25 cm
  • closing narrow spoon - 100 - 110 cm
  • use silver metal lures

Option 6 "Catching with a long cast"
Carbon fiber tackle up to 8 m long:

  • or ;
  • fishing line with a diameter of 0.18 mm;
  • a large elongated float with a long antenna;
  • a sinker (olive) with built-in foam is attached to the float itself;
  • weight - a pellet is attached at the end of the fishing line, to which () a leash (0.15 mm in diameter) is tied, 25 - 30 cm long;
  • hook number 4 - 6 ().
  • the float is released to a depth of 1 - 1.5 m;
  • you can use a float with a mounted sinker;
  • perhaps tie a float to the end of the fishing line and a leash at a distance of 1 m from it.

Option 8 "Catching the bombard"
Spinning up to 4 m and test 10 - 40 g:

  • (0.32 - 0.35 mm) or 0.15 - 0.20 mm;
  • hooks No. 6.7 (flattened to the sides and long forearm);
  • tie a shock leader to the fishing line, on which to fix the bombard 10 - 40 g;
  • after the bombard put and;
  • 2 m fasten to the fishing line through.
  • have bombards of different weights, depending on the weather and conditions;
  • use 0.1mm;
  • first you need to collect tackle without a leash, only with a bombard;
  • you need to moisten the fishing line, for this casting is done without bait;
  • when fishing line, cut slowly with a large amplitude;
  • when using a cord, hooking is done only with the hand.

Famous video on how to catch a garfish - part 1

5.5 Bait for catching garfish

At the moment, there is no information about baits for garfish. I would be grateful for any information on this matter.

5.6 What baits and nozzles does the garfish bite on

Animal baits

  • worm (, earthworm);
  • firth worm (Nereis);
  • :) also cut with skin;
  • less durable;
  • to preserve nereis, pour vodka into a jar of worms, close the lid and place in the refrigerator. Keep unlimited time.

5.7 How the garfish peck

Strong fish, loves to fight. The bite is confident: it sinks the float, swallows the bait and abruptly drags it into the water. Do not rush to hook so that the hook does not slip. However, with active fishing, you need to cut quickly. After a hold on, it starts to pull. When fighting, there is a struggle on the surface of the water. Getting ashore, aggressively resists.

5.8 How to catch a garfish? – Basic techniques

  • with a sluggish bite, the cutting is done with a pause for a few seconds, preventing the lure from sinking to the bottom.
  • in shallow water, long-distance casting and wading are used (fishing with entering the water);
  • fishing on a rocky area is dangerous, as the stones have a slippery surface. For this it is better to fish from the water. The cage is attached to the belt;
  • so that the landing net does not interfere during the process, it is worth holding it behind your back.
  • when fishing along with a sandy bottom, a cage is not needed. Such a bank allows you to calmly grab the fish with your hand and remove it from the hook;
  • make fan casts, starting along the coastline, then a semicircle in places where fish accumulate;
  • the wiring speed is fast, allowing the lure to jump out of the water;
  • when a predator breaks, do not stop wiring, as garfish can follow it;
  • in the absence of a bite, change the lure to a different color.

5.9 The most important points when fishing for garfish

  • equipment to choose depending on weather conditions, the behavior of water and wind;
  • observe safety precautions while fishing;
  • have appropriate equipment, clothing and polarized glasses appropriate for the weather and the place of fishing.

6. Interesting, unusual, funny facts about this fish

An interesting way of swimming is through wavy folds of the body. Quickly jumps out of the water. Swims at high speed.

In pursuit of prey or danger (fear), it is able to jump over an obstacle in the way. Large individuals can inflict damage to fishermen on boats at such a moment.

The greenish hue of the bones is caused by the presence of biliverdin (a green bile pigment) in the body, which is frightening for some gourmets. The fish is safe to eat.

7. Interesting videos about garfish fish

The video is in English, but everything is clear. You will learn how to catch a garfish with a bombard, how to properly string mackerel bait, what hooks to use and enjoy the spectacular moments of playing a garfish

8. Gastronomy

The fish is mainly caught fresh for local consumption. Used in fried, baked form. They say that garfish ear is something special.

9. Most Useful Fish Links - a general description of the garfish fish on Wikipedia; - a great article about different types of garfish with many beautiful photos; - a useful article about garfish fishing, what gear to use and how to catch it correctly, with illustrations.

This fish is ideal for frying, as there are practically no bones in it. It will not work to fry it whole, as the fish is rather big.


  1. Cut the fish into portions. Salt a little.
  2. Roll in flour.
  3. Fry in sunflower oil until golden brown.

Sargan turns out to be very tasty, with tender meat and a crispy crust. Such fish can be served with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Garfish recipe

Shkara is a delicious dish that is not so easy to prepare.


  • garfish - 700 g;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • olives - 10 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • spices, salt and pepper.


  1. Gut the fish and roll into rings using toothpicks to secure.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon and cut it into small pieces. Stuff olives with lemon.
  3. Melt a piece of butter in another pan, add bay leaf, heat for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Fry the fish in vegetable oil for 10-12 minutes on each side. Remove the toothpicks, the garfish will keep its shape.
  5. Onion cut into rings. Put about half in a pan in a dense layer, lay the garfish rings on top.
  6. Put olives stuffed with lemon in each ringlet. Add spices and salt to taste.
  7. Put a little butter on each ring. Sprinkle the rest of the onion on top and pour in a little water.
  8. Simmer on low heat for 20 minutes. The lid must be closed.

The dish is very fragrant and tasty.

Fish garfish with vegetables

Fish on a vegetable pillow always turns out tender and juicy.


  • garfish - 800 g;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 5 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 7 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 75 ml;
  • paprika, pepper, salt.


  1. Cut the fish into portions and fry until golden brown.
  2. Coarsely grate the carrots, cut the onion into rings, tomatoes into circles.
  3. Fry onions with carrots. Stew tomatoes in another pan.
  4. Put half of the vegetables in layers in a large pan, lay the fish on top, seasoning it with spices. Put the rest of the vegetables on the fish.
  5. Simmer 20 min.

Serve with rice or potatoes.

Dishes from garfish have a unique taste and aroma, so you need to treat yourself to this fish at least sometimes.

Sargan (lat. Belone belone) or "sea pike" - a fish of the garfish genus.

Habitat: sea
Reproduction: ovoviviparous
Length of a newly hatched garfish: 13 mm
Adult length: 90 cm

The common turquoise garfish is one of the fish that can dance above the surface of the water. Faster and faster they move towards the light, just for fun or to "flight" from danger. This fast and graceful predator has a narrow body. Small sharp teeth on a peculiar beak allow the garfish to grab small prey - herring, crustaceans during fast swimming. In large numbers, garfish are found in the Black and other seas.


In spring, the garfish begin their breeding season: along the coast, they lay round eggs, which are attached to algae and other aquatic vegetation with the help of thin sticky threads. Garfish larvae are born without a beak; it appears only in adults. In winter, garfish move to the open sea.
Many fishermen, especially beginners and holidaymakers, take the garfish for a needle fish that has grown to gigantic sizes. In fact, there are many differences between them. Firstly, the largest of the sea needles of the Azov-Black Sea basin (there are 7 species of this fish in total) - Syngnathus typhle argentatus - long-snouted or high-snouted, has no teeth, and secondly, it is incommensurable with our hero neither in length nor in weight, not to mention the color, and even more so the gastronomic qualities.

Garfish are predominantly marine inhabitants, distributed in tropical, subtropical and temperate zones of the oceans. Some of them reach a length of 1.5 m and a weight of 4 kg. This large family, numbering about 12 genera, is represented in the Black Sea by only one species, Belone belone euxini.

The Black Sea garfish, or, as it is also called, the sea pike, has a typical arrow-shaped body covered with small silvery scales. The back is green. The length, as a rule, is up to 75 cm. This schooling pelagic fish has elongated jaws in the form of a sharp beak.
The garfish is widespread in the Black and Marmara seas, as well as in the western part of the Sea of ​​Azov. Lives 6-7 years, reaches sexual maturity in one year. It breeds from late April to late August. Its migration during the year is associated with spawning, feeding and wintering.
Once the garfish, being one of the most delicious fish of the Black Sea, was rightfully included in the top five commercial species caught off the coast of Crimea. The total annual catch of garfish reached 300-500 tons. Often, large specimens came across in the nets of Crimean fishermen - about 1 m long and weighing up to 1 kg.

The recipes above are prepared by ourselves, not from the Internet and all are delicious!

here is a recipe from an Internet Shkar from garfish

or this one is a little easier than below in the text


Shkara is an old and very local dish, typical for some cities of the Black Sea - Odessa, Yalta, Balaklava.
The main condition of this dish is only freshly caught fish.
You can cook it from different types of fish - horse mackerel, red mullet, bluefish, etc.

So, to prepare the shell, we need:
- fresh garfish - 0.5 kg. You can take other fish - red mullet, horse mackerel, bluefish in sufficient quantities to fit in the container in which you will cook the dish (I’ll tell you later why this approach)
- bow - a lot;
- pitted olives;
- lemon;
- olive and butter;
- sugar, salt, pepper, bay leaf.

One of the features of the preparation of the scale is that the fish in it should be located with their bellies down, and with their backs up, and cling to each other as tightly as possible. That is why it must be taken so much to fill the entire pan, so to speak, to fill it tightly. Sargan is a specific fish, so we will be especially perverted with it to prepare the shkara.
We will roll the gutted garfish into rings, securing the shape with a toothpick. Fortunately, it easily pierces the fish belly.

Onion cut into rings. You need a lot of onions, because. it is laid out on the bottom of the pan in a dense layer, and then covers the fish on top with the same dense layer.

After all the preparatory stages are completed, you can start cooking. Now everything needs to be done quickly.

In a large frying pan, in which the shkara will be cooked, we throw a decent piece of butter and melt it over low heat

Then spread the bay leaf on the bottom of the pan. Let it warm up in butter for a minute.
In the meantime, in the second pan, you need to grab a little garfish carcasses so that they take shape. To do this, pour a little olive oil into the pan, heat it well, lower the garfish rings there and fry literally for 10 seconds on each side. After that, you can remove the toothpicks, because. the rings won't open.

Now spread the onion rings in a dense layer on the bottom of the main frying pan.

And on the onion pillow we lay out the garfish rings, in each ring we put olives stuffed with lemon.

Salt the fish, pepper to taste

At the very end, add a small piece of butter to each ring.

Cover everything with a thick layer of onion rings

And generously pour over everything with lemon. Maybe even two.
Add some water to cover the fish.
More water is not needed, because. The onions release a lot of juice during the cooking process.

Now cover with a lid and for 15-20 minutes on a slow fire

I recommend - do not open the lid while the shell is being prepared.
The fact is that when you turn off the fire and open the lid, you are guaranteed to release the real Genie from under it.
It's going to be just a killer incredible scent, you can believe it.

Everyone eats in the shkar - both fish and broth. True, for those who cook it, this advice will be useless, because. until the pan is clean, no one will be able to stop.