Triumph of Oncology. What drugs successfully defeat cancer. Treatment of cancer with folk remedies: the most effective methods and means Folk remedies for cancer

Treatment of cancer with folk remedies

A cancerous tumor occurs at the moment when a somatic cell, having gone out of control of the body, begins to divide furiously, creating a threat to a living being as a whole. As a result, a single group mass of cells or a group of smaller formations is formed. This cell reproduces itself by dividing into two cells, which in turn divide again, and so on. This pathology, among other things, is terrible and due to its asymptomaticity, it is recognized, as a rule, in an advanced form (stage) and therefore requires a large amount of time for healing.

(Cancer is a malignant tumor that appears where there is one or another type of epithelial cells, most often in the bronchi, lungs, stomach, uterus, mammary glands, esophagus, intestines, skin. A characteristic feature of cancer is unlimited growth. The tumor germinates and destroys the surrounding tissue, and through the lymphatic pathways it is transferred to any organs, forming new tumors in them.Symptoms and course are very diverse).

Traditional medicine for cancer (cancerous tumor):

1. The bark of a young root or the root of a common barberry in the form of a tincture is taken orally with severe depletion of the body and cancer of the internal organs. Tincture: 25% at 70-40 degrees alcohol, I take a teaspoon 3-4 times a day, once a day before meals for a long time.

2. Grass periwinkle small and other species in the form of an infusion is taken orally as a remedy that has antitumor activity (delays cell division), in acute leukemia and other diseases.
Infusion: 2-3 tbsp. spoons of grass insist 2 hours in 0.5 liters of boiling water and drink 2/3 tbsp. warm infusion 3-4 times a day before meals. Used in oncology.

3. The bark of a young root or the root of Amur velvet in the form of an infusion is taken orally for tumors of internal organs and as a tonic for an exhausted body.
Infusion: art. a spoonful of raw materials insist 2-3 hours in a glass of boiling water and take 1/4 tbsp. infusion 3-5 times a day before meals.

4. All plants (grass and roots) of marsh belozero are taken orally in the form of infusion for stomach cancer, intestinal and other diseases.
Infusion: 1-2 teaspoons of raw materials insist 2 hours in a glass of boiling water and take 2-3 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

5. The fruits of Russian (or horse) beans are useful to include in the diet as a means of inhibiting the growth of malignant tumors, and for the prevention of these diseases. Beans are prescribed without limitation in the form of powder, soups, cereals.

6. Spores (or all plants) in the stage of rapid maturation of the veselka mushroom by themselves or (which is better) in the complex of plants (for oral administration) in the form of an ointment from the powder of the fungus on an oil-propolis basis are used externally as a powerful external antitumor agent.
Ointment: 10 g of veselka powder is mixed by heating with 100 g of 10% propolis oil or other fatty base and used for dressings.

7. The roots of small cornflower in the form of infusion are used externally as compresses or irrigations for cancer and other skin diseases.
Infusion: 1-2 tbsp. spoons of roots insist 3-4 hours in art. boiling water.

8. Flowers, berries or branches of viburnum red in the form of infusion are taken orally for the prevention and treatment of cancer of the internal organs.
Infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials insist 2-3 hours in 2 tbsp. boiling water and drink 1/2 cup of warm infusion 3-4 times a day before meals.

9. Fresh juice from the fruits of cabbage is drunk, and the stalk is eaten without restriction as an available natural antiradiant and antitumor agent for radioactive exposure and cancer.

10. Leaves and roots of stinging nettle in the form of an infusion are taken orally for many diseases, including as an antitumor agent.
Infusion: 2-3 tbsp. spoons of raw materials insist 2 hours in 0.5 liters of boiling water and drink 1/2-2/3 tbsp. warm infusion 3-5 times a day before meals.

11. Burdock root and other species in the form of an infusion is taken orally as a more active antitumor agent for cancer of the internal organs (esophagus, stomach, liver, etc.).
Infusion: 2-3 tbsp. spoons of root insist overnight in 0.5 liters of boiling water and drink 1/2-2/3 tbsp. warm infusion 3-5 times a day before meals.

12. Propolis in its pure form or any component (oil, honey, milk, alcohol) is taken orally for malignant tumors in the internal organs, even if the patient has been exposed to radiation. Propolis and its preparations inhibit cancer cells for a long time, promote the activity of normal cells and restore the normal state of the body. Slows down the development of cancer cells, with prolonged use eradicates them completely. Pure propolis is taken 5-7 g, chewing for a long time, then swallowing, 3-5 times a day, an hour before meals.

13. 15% propolis oil: 1 kg of butter (unsalted) butter in an enamel bowl is brought to a boil, removed from heat and put into hot oil 159 g of propolis, peeled and chopped through a fine grater. Extract (create a homogeneous mass) by stirring the mixture for 30 minutes at a temperature of + 80 degrees until completely cooled. Take a tablespoon for 1/2 tbsp. warm milk or boiling water 3-5 times a day before meals.

Tincture: 30-50% at 96-70 degrees alcohol, take 50 drops of tincture per 1/2 tbsp. warm milk, tea or boiling water 3-5 times a day before meals, if the tincture is well tolerated, the dose can be slightly increased.

14. The root crop of the common beet (red) in the form of freshly prepared juice is taken orally for cancer of the internal organs, anemia and anemia. Juice is mixed 1:1 with honey and taken 1/3-1/2 tbsp. mixture 3-4 times a day before meals.

15. Green tea in the form of a condensed infusion is useful to take without restriction in cases of cancer of any organ. Its preparations improve health in leukemia, which occurs as a result of poisoning the body with strontium - 90, and other diseases.

16. Calendula inflorescences - 10 g, burdock root - 30 g, Chernobyl root - 20 g, large celandine grass - 10 g.
Infusion: half of the collection is infused for 2-3 hours in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Filter, add honey to taste and drink 1/2-2/3 tbsp. warm infusion 3-4 times a day before meals for cancer of the internal organs.

17. The root of the saxifrage femur in the form of tincture or infusion is taken orally for uterine cancer and other diseases.
Tincture: 20% at 40 degrees alcohol, take 30 drops per 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water 4-5 times a day before meals.
Infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of roots insist 2 hours in Art. boiling water and take 1-2 tbsp. spoons of infusion 3-5 times a day before meals.

18. Celandine ointment (fresh juice - 1 part, vaseline 4 parts) treat fever of the lips / herpes / and even skin cancer.

19. For skin cancer, use celandine ointment / fresh juice / 2 parts of juice to 4 parts of vaseline or take a powder.

20. Many treated with ferula tincture (20-50 g of root per 1/2 liter of vodka) breast cancer /mastopathy/.

21. An excellent folk remedy for the treatment of cancer is celandine. The time of its collection is May. Carefully digging the root, remove the entire plant from the ground without damaging it. Cleaned from the earth, put in the water. It is dried for 2-3 hours and passed through a meat grinder onto gauze. The juice is squeezed and poured into a liter jar. Juice should be 1/2 liter. Pour 1/2 liter of vodka into the same container, close well and put in a dark, cool place for 3 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times a day 1 hour before meals with water. In total, take teaspoons for 15 days, and from the 16th, replace a teaspoon with a tablespoon and take 4 times a day until cured.

22. Oncological diseases are treated with cancers. 25 crayfish 10-12 cm long are washed in clean water and placed in a three-liter jar. Then they overturn the jar, allowing the water to drain. After that, fill the bottle with medical alcohol, close with polyethylene. Insist in a dark, cool place for 30 days, shaking occasionally. Then pour the alcohol into another bowl, take out the crayfish and dry them well in a dark place, you can in a warm oven. Crush the crayfish in a mortar or pass through a coffee grinder. Use 1/2 teaspoon one hour before meals 3-4 times a day with a spoonful of this alcohol. Former patients claim that they have received complete healing, others - improvement.

23. Used in hemlock oncology. Before preparing raw materials, it is necessary to pour 2 bottles of vodka and 2 bottles of medical alcohol into a three-liter bottle (so that the mixture has a strength of 70 degrees). Then the flowers and leaves of fresh hemlock are finely chopped. 4 glasses are alternately filled and poured into a bottle. The mixture is shaken and infused for 3 weeks with daily shaking in a dark, cool place. Do not strain. Drink at 8 o'clock in the morning. For 1/2 cup of water, starting with 1 drop of the mixture, add another drop daily. If the body does not accept and you feel bad, you should return, reducing by 1 drop, and as soon as it gets better, increase again by 1 drop. And so to reach 25 drops. Now drink according to the following scheme - the 25th day -25, 15, 15, 15 drops. Hours - 8, 12, 16, 20. 26th day - 15, 15, 15, 15. Then increase again drop by drop, i.e. 27th day - 27 drops 1 time per day /8 o'clock in the morning/. Reach in this way up to 30 drops per day in 1/2 glass of water. 10 days to drink 30 drops, without increasing. Then go up to 40 drops and also drink for 10 days. Allows well-being - it means to reach in the same way up to 50 drops, 60. Distribute them at a dose of 15 drops 3 times a day. Do not forget that hemlock is a poisonous plant, so constantly listen to your well-being. If it is difficult to drink like this for 10 days, then return to 45 drops, after a week add another 15 drops. And thus gradually reach 90 drops according to the time given in the scheme. There are changes for the better - stopped taking 90 drops and reducing their number every day by 1 returned to 1 drop per day. Course completed.

24. Laboratory autoclaved mummy (preparation technology is very important), 3 grains per day. Laboratory kerosene (by no means aviation!). Drink at 22.30. It is possible to combine all means.

25. For stomach cancer, take a decoction of dodder for 30 days, then a break for 10 days. After six months, there is an improvement.

26. For stomach cancer, take 2 tbsp. spoons of aloe juice (from a flower not younger than 3 years old) combine with 1/2 liter of cognac. Separately, 3 fresh leaves from a pelargonium flower, pour 3 tbsp. spoons of boiling water, put in a hot water bath, wrap, insist all night until morning. Strain the resulting pelargonium infusion into cognac with aloe juice and add 3 drops of iodine tincture. Take such a remedy in a glass of cognac on an empty stomach 2 times a day / in the morning and at night /. In the first days, pain will appear, especially at night, and after 2 weeks, bloody discharge will appear with the stool, after which there will be an improvement. After recovery, continue to take the tincture periodically.

27. Burdock root of the May collection is rubbed like horseradish and eaten without a norm for stomach cancer.

28. In case of stomach cancer, they drink glasses of infusion 3-4 times a day: 10 g of calamus, 25 g of burdock / inflorescence / and 35 g / roots /, 50 g of wild thistle / inflorescence /, 5 g of black poplar / buds /. Finely chop everything and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Take after cooling.

29. An aqueous infusion or tincture of vodka from the rhizome of the mountaineer snake and chaga is drunk for stomach cancer.

30. Rhizomes of mountain arnica and celandine herb 1/2 teaspoon per 1/2 liter of boiling water. Drink with cancer.

31. Grated carrots are applied in the form of a plaster to the place affected by cancer and changed after 12 hours.

32. A decoction of 10 g of calendula officinalis per glass of water is used 3 times a day, 1-3 tbsp. spoons for cancerous tumors. Tincture of 25 flowers per 100 ml of alcohol or a glass of vodka. Before use, the tincture is diluted with water.

33. Chaga - birch fungus is used for cancer. Pour a piece of dry mushroom with warm boiled water for 4 hours (to soften), then chop on a grater or meat grinder. Pour one part of the crushed raw materials with 5 parts of boiled water, the water temperature is 40-50 degrees (no more) and leave for 48 hours in a dark, cool place. Then the infusion is filtered, and the residue is squeezed out. Take 1 glass 1-3 times a day. During treatment, a vegetable-oil diet is recommended. The use of penicillin and intravenous administration of glucose while taking chaga is contraindicated.

34. A decoction of dried plantain leaves is very useful to drink without a special norm for peptic ulcer and stomach cancer.

35. Leukemia / leukemia, blood cancer / are treated with buckwheat. Patients collected flowering shoots of buckwheat, prepared an infusion: 1 cup of grass per liter of boiling water. Drink and get relief.

36. Uterine cancer in the stage of gangrenous tissue decay. For treatment, take 1.5 kg of crushed agave at the age of 3-5 years (do not water 5 days before cutting) 2.5 kg of honey, 5 liters of strong red wine 16-18 degrees. Place everything in a dark glass jar and put in a cool place for 5 days, tightly closed. Take the first 5 days, 1 teaspoon per day, and all subsequent days - 3 times a day, an hour before meals, 1 tablespoon. Take 1.5 months. In the first days, an unusual appetite will appear.

37. For cancer and other malignant tumors, take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals (0.5 hours) freshly baked beet juice. Throw the beets with the skin into boiling water for 15-20 seconds. Then squeeze out the juice. And before going to bed, drink 1/2 cup of carrot juice. Drink for 1.5 months, take a break for 2 weeks. Repeat cycles until recovery and 2-3 more cycles. In addition, eat 1 baked beetroot (the size of a fist) with a peel and 1-3 carrots daily. At the same time, eat raw onions, boiled beans. In case of a decrease in pressure, drink 10-20 drops of wormwood tincture 3 times a day directly before meals. 100 g of wormwood per 0.5 l of vodka insist 10-21 days. Shake 3 times a day. Store in a dark cool place.

38. Pour 4 stalks of Veronica with 1 liter of boiling water, cook. Drink 100 g 3 times a day for 1-4 months for cancer.

39. Drink a decoction of potato berries as a compote (thick) for stomach cancer 5-7 times a day until nausea for a month. 2 weeks break. After 3 courses, a cure should occur. If not, repeat.

40. In case of stomach cancer, 1 pea (with a corn grain) of copper sulphate is thrown into 1 liter of water. Insist night. In the morning on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals, drink 50 ml once a day. Take boiled water. Follow the dosage exactly. Toxic!

41. For rectal cancer, do 2 infusions. One to drink, the other to douche. For 100 ml of water rice grain of copper sulfate. Stir with a wooden spoon. Drink everything in the morning 1 hour before meals. After 12 hours, make an enema with this solution. After introducing 25 ml to be absorbed. Follow the dosage exactly. Toxic!

42. An alcoholic tincture of wormwood roots is taken for cancer of the stomach and female genital organs.

43. In case of inflammation of the ovaries and cancer of the uterus, take 1.5 tablespoons of dried grass of the Yakut field, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours in a tightly closed container. Strain. Drink 1 teaspoon every 3-4 hours 4-5 times a day. Contraindicated for pregnant women (acts abortive!).

44. For tumors of the upper respiratory tract, 1 teaspoon of fresh, well-washed, and chopped small duckweed grass, pour 50 ml of vodka and leave for 3-4 days, strain. Take 15-20 drops in 1/4 cup of water 3 times a day.

45. In case of cancer of the stomach and esophagus, take root powder infused for a week on equal parts of alcohol and honey or drink burdock juice.

46. ​​For cancer of the uterus and stomach, pour 1 tablespoon of finely chopped dry peony roots into 3 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes in a tightly sealed container. Take 1 tablespoon 10-15 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

47. In case of uterine cancer 2 teaspoons of dry herb bedstraw with flowers insist 2-3 hours in 1 glass of boiling water in a tightly sealed container, strain. Take warm 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

48. Lotions from fresh bedstraw juice are used for skin cancer.

49. For cancer of the breast and tongue 4 teaspoons of crushed bedstraw herb, leave for 2-3 hours in 2 cups of boiling water, strain. Drink hot 1/2 cup 4 times a day in small sips.

50. In case of cancer, instead of water, drink a decoction of elderberry roots for a long time.

51. A decoction of dried sunflower petals (marginal flowers) is drunk as an anticancer agent.

52. A decoction of 30 g of marsh cudweed herb in a glass of water is drunk without the norm for skin cancer.

For the prevention and treatment of cancer, the patient should eat vegetarian food with minimal heat treatment or juices that have a significant ability to suppress the development of malignant tumors, and in complex therapy to eliminate existing ones. Exclude meat products, pickles from the diet, limit salt.

The diet should contain well-known plants: eggplant, beans, cabbage (stumps and leaves), nettle (leaves), onions, carrots, garlic, etc. Vegetarian cuisine can be significantly supplemented with apitherapy antitumor agents: royal (bee) jelly, honey, propolis and even flower pollen.


God said - "eat their fruits and their seeds."

Vitamin B17 or laetrile, or amygdalin is a substance that rapidly destroys cancer cells. The author cites scientific evidence that cancer prevention is very simple and wonders: why did orthodox medicine declare war on a medicine with which many clinics successfully cured their patients?
Amygdalin (Latin amygdalus) is found in the seeds of bitter almonds, in the seeds of apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, and other plants.
The author finds the answer not in science, but in cancer policy - and it is hidden in the economic motivation of those who dominate the medical establishment. With billions of dollars annually spent on cancer research, and billions more coming from the sale of chemicals, the picture is clear: more people live from cancer than die from it. And if the solution can be found in a simple vitamin, then suddenly a gigantic industry collapses, which, of course, opposes this with all its might. Pharmaceutical companies only conduct research on the compounds they invent; thus, if a drug is approved, they have exclusive rights to sell it. And they don't go to the trouble of doing research on simple foods that can't be patented by them and sold in any supermarket. The cancer-killing substance has been found in most fruit pits, particularly apricots. The apricot seed was declared a cure for all known cancers 35 years ago. Scientists have said that if these seeds are included in a person's daily diet, cancer cells will never develop in him, just as, for example, a person will never get scurvy if he eats at least one orange a day. Multinational pharmaceutical companies, together with the US medical establishment, forced the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to declare illegal the sale of "raw" apricot kernels, as well as vitamin B17 with information attached to them about their anti-carcinogenic effect.
One can disagree with such a position of the author, who suspects the medicine of the world in some kind of conspiracy (in any case, the administration of our site does not agree with this). But pay attention to vitamin B17 is still worth it.

Vitamin B17 is found in apple, peach, cherry, grape, and apricot seeds. It is found in some legumes and many herbs, as well as in bitter almonds.
The hard core in the depths of the apricot is not there at all to be thrown away. In fact, this thick wooden shell protects one of the most wonderful foods on earth.
We are far from thinking that an impeccable medicine has been found that helps all patients and in all cases, but nevertheless, there are cases when DAILY USE OF 7-10 APRICOT SEEDS DECREASES THE SIZE OF THE TUMORS, STOPS THE GROWTH OF METASTASIS AND SOMETIMES EVEN HOPELY SICK PEOPLE BEAT CANCER! !!

WARNING: Ingestion of 50-60 g of nucleoli of amygdalin-containing plants can lead to severe and even fatal poisoning in an adult. For young children, even one kernel of bitter almonds can be dangerous. Therefore, the food industry uses only special (sweet) varieties of almonds with a low content of this glycoside.
Be extremely careful and remember "Everything is a poison and everything is a medicine - the dose distinguishes one from the other."


The patient was treated at the specified Institute with a diagnosis of uterine cancer in the stage of gangrenous tissue decay. Was discharged as incurable. It took a long time, the patient was examined. It turned out that the patient is healthy and gained 22 kg in weight. Medicine became interested and it turned out that she took the following at home to treat the disease:

1.5 crushed agave at the age of 3 to 5 years (agave was not watered 5 days before cutting), 2.5 kg of May honey, 5 liters of strong red wine 16-18g. Place all of the above in a glass dish, preferably dark in color, mix and put in a dark, cool place for 5 days. The jar must be tightly closed. Take in the following order: the first 5 days, 1 teaspoon per day, and all subsequent days 3 times a day, an hour before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon. The longest treatment period is 2-3 weeks (preferably 1.5 months). A mixture with this dosage is recommended for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach ulcers and other organs, inflammatory processes of the named nature. A feature of the mixture is that in the first days of admission, the patient has an unusual appetite.

Portion: agave - 375g, May honey - 675g, grape wine - 375g. In the same way, many diseases can be cured: headache, diseases of the stomach, intestines, women's diseases, tonsillitis, influenza.

The new method of treatment is both therapeutic and prophylactic.


This recipe was given to me by my uncle. He suffered for a very long time due to the fact that he suffered from skin cancer, more precisely, lips. He received chemotherapy several times. And each time the disease not only returned, but also worsened. One fine day, after he left the hospital, a woman met him and advised him this recipe. Take a golden mustache, put it in a half-liter jar and pour vodka (40%). Put in a dark place for 20 days. Then lubricate the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin several times a day. After he started using this prescription, he never went to oncology again. He strongly advises everyone to use this remedy. It is not only easy to manufacture, but also helps very well with this ailment. My uncle was a child in a concentration camp, he has seen enough in this life, he is still alive and well, which we wish everyone!

Possible psychological causes of illnesses caused by certain thoughts, and new thought patterns by which healing can be achieved:

Disease: Cancer.
Probable cause of illness: Deep wound. Prolonged feelings of resentment and resentment. Intense hidden or tinged with grief and sadness, devouring oneself. Carrying hate.
New thought: What is the use of all this? I lovingly forgive and release everything that is connected with the past. I choose for myself the path on which I fill my world with joy and love. I love and approve of myself.

MOSCOW, August 25 - RIA Novosti, Alfiya Enikeeva.“Scientists promise to treat cancer with one injection”, “New cure for cancer discovered”, “Universal cure for malignant neoplasms found” – such headlines appear in the media almost every week. However, doctors rely on long-tried methods: surgical removal of the tumor, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Almost all cancers are incurable. RIA Novosti understands where sensational developments disappear and when science will defeat cancer.

Slow, expensive

Last July, Science magazine published a story that made a lot of noise in the scientific world: as a result of testing a new anti-cancer drug, two dozen people were completely cured of cancer. All of them were affected by different organs - the uterus, stomach, prostate, thyroid gland.

The only thing that united the patients was that their tumors did not respond to standard treatment due to rare mutations in the genome. After taking a new drug - monoclonal antibodies that help the immune system attack the disease - 66 of the 86 participants in the study felt better. Their tumors significantly decreased in size and stabilized, stopping growth. Eighteen patients were even more fortunate: cancer left them forever.

And although testing took place in a truncated form, without the obligatory control group taking a placebo in such cases, within a year the FDA, the main drug regulator in the United States, recommended it for the treatment of several types of cancer in children and adults at once. According to experts, the speed with which the recommendation was given is unprecedented, and the state could make such concessions only if the development really turned out to be a breakthrough.

© Science

In fact, this story is almost 11 years old, because pembrolizumab (that was the name of the new drug) was created by Gregory Karven, Hans van Enennaam and John Dulos in 2007. Trials began only in 2013, and since 2018, patients suffering from aggressive cancers that do not respond to standard therapy have been able to count on treatment. Of course, these are wealthy people: one course costs about 150 thousand dollars.

The long journey from the lab to the patient

"This is a long and difficult path: from an idea to a patient. All promising molecules are first tested on animals, then they undergo studies involving 10-20 patients, then their number grows, the number goes to thousands. The drug passes to each next stage only if it demonstrates effectiveness and safety on the previous one. It takes years, but protects patients from unpleasant consequences," says Marina Sekacheva, head of the Center for Personalized Oncology, professor at the Department of Oncology of the First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenov.

At each of these stages, the drug can be rejected due to zero effectiveness or, even worse, a negative effect on the patient's body. For example, in 2017, during a clinical trial of CAR-T, one of the study participants died. Despite the effectiveness of therapy proven a few months earlier in the treatment of multiple myeloma and leukemia, the experiment was immediately terminated.

A similar story happened with the innovative ROCKET cancer treatment. Phase II clinical trials tested the efficacy and safety of JCAR015 for the treatment of relapsed or therapy-resistant B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In July 2016, testing was suspended for two months due to the death of three patients. A year later, the drugs were abandoned altogether, as two more study participants died of the same cause - cerebral edema.

How to make your immune system work

CAR technology involves the introduction of the patient's own genetically modified T-lymphocytes. In this way, the patient's immunity is connected to the treatment. The immune cells recognize the tumor and attack it. Despite the first negative results, studies in this direction are approved in some countries.

"The last five years in oncology have been a triumph of immunooncological drugs that make the tumor accessible to the patient's own immune system. And we are still in the process of actively studying these drugs: we select the optimal combination, time of administration, sequence; we look at how they affect surgical results" , - specifies Marina Sekacheva.

One in six die of cancer

The annual economic cost of cancer is estimated to be as high as a trillion dollars. Billions are spent every year on drug development. However, despite all efforts, it is not necessary to say that cancer will be defeated in the near future.

© Pathogen-Associated Malignancies Integrated Research Center, Fred Hutch

“Unfortunately, mankind has not yet invented so many drugs that allow to achieve a complete cure for this or that ailment - mainly for infections. In most cases, we can only transfer the disease from fatal or painful to chronic and without pronounced symptoms. This the trend is also observed in oncology.In the rarest cases, drug antitumor therapy leads to a complete cure, but there are more and more examples when it is possible to turn cancer into a long, sluggish process.Let's say, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, breast or prostate cancer.We every day (without exaggeration) we are discovering the molecular features of malignant neoplasms, and this allows us to find new ways to treat them,” the oncologist sums up.

SM Clinic

With the development of science, clinical oncologists learn more and more about the processes of formation of malignant neoplasms. Understanding cellular, molecular and genetic mechanisms makes it possible to develop new means of fighting tumors. Despite the fact that the battle goes on with varying success, doctors manage to win more lives than before.

The classical triad of oncology treatment (surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy) is being replenished with new methods aimed at the tumor and more sparing for the body. Updated approaches to traditional methods of therapy are being formed.

Treatment of oncology depending on the stage of the disease

To classify the tumor process, various indicators are used, such as structural and anatomical features, size and growth rate, localization and risk of metastasis.

In total, there are five stages in the development of cancer. Depending on the stage at which the disease was detected and treatment started, a plan of therapeutic measures is drawn up, and the prognosis is also determined.

The earlier oncology treatment is started, the higher the chances of a full recovery and the less aggressive and large-scale therapy will be.

0 stage- tumors of any localization. The boundaries of the focus do not go beyond the boundary of the epithelial layer of cells from which the tumor originated. Such cancer with timely adequate treatment can be completely cured.

I stage- the cancer spreads within the organ. If such a tumor is detected and removed in time, then the prognosis is generally favorable.

II stage- almost all tumors at this stage are within the boundaries of the organ, but with a large penetration deep into or large sizes. Here, the prognosis depends on the type of tumor and its location.

III stage- The tumor continues to progress, metastasizes to regional lymph nodes, but, as a rule, there are no distant metastases yet. This may give hope for life extension. But the overall prognosis depends on a number of factors: the type of tumor, its anatomical features, dysfunction of neighboring organs, concomitant diseases and the general condition of the patient.

IV stage- widespread. Primary foci of large size, often growing into neighboring organs, impaired blood supply, damage to regional and distant lymph nodes, general intoxication. To alleviate the condition, palliative and symptomatic treatment is carried out.

In the Oncological Center "SM-Clinic" are developed to detect cancer in the early preclinical stages. It is enough to devote only a few hours a year to your health to make sure that nothing threatens your life, or to start oncology treatment as early as possible.

Treatment of cancer with the help of surgery: from radical operations to organ-preserving

Surgery continues to be the standard of care for cancer with very satisfactory results. In this area, oncologists have achieved great skill.

Operations in the treatment of tumor diseases can be:

  • Radical. Complete removal of the primary neoplasm and its metastases is envisaged. After such an intervention in the body, there are no tumor foci that can be determined by any diagnostic method.
  • Palliative. After such surgical treatment, tumor foci may remain in the body. The main task is to prevent severe complications associated with tumor growth (bleeding, compression of adjacent organs and vessels, a sharp narrowing of the lumen or a decrease in the cavity of the organ).

Recent advances in surgical (including robotic) technology make it possible to expand the number of organ-preserving operations, the number of interventions that are performed in one stage, reduce postoperative complications and shorten the rehabilitation period.

In addition, the number of cases of cancer treatment has now increased to 54.3% when the surgical method was used as an independent one. It is especially effective in kidney cancer, skin melanoma, thyroid cancer.

In combination with other methods in the Russian Federation, surgical treatment of tumors is carried out in 85% of cases. This suggests that surgery is leading the way in the treatment of malignant neoplasms. Much more often endoscopic, including laparoscopic, methods have been used, which less traumatize the tissues surrounding the tumor and make it possible to save the organ. Of course, specialists, first of all, evaluate the individual clinical situation, stage, prevalence and type of cancer, and the patient's condition. And only then, collectively (at the oncoconsilium), they make a decision in favor of an open operation or endoscopic intervention.

It has also been proven that the result of treatment for skin melanoma does not depend much on how widely the tissues in the tumor area are excised, that is, it is enough to retreat only 1–2 cm (and not up to 15 cm, as was previously accepted).

The attitude towards the treatment of breast cancer has also changed - from radical mastectomy (complete removal along with a group of lymph nodes) to organ-preserving surgery and one-stage plasty.

Instruments are used (for example, an electroknife) that help to more strictly follow the principles of surgical treatment, such as

  • Ablasty - resection (excision) of the affected organ within healthy tissues to reduce the risk of tumor cells spreading through the blood vessels.
  • Antiblastics - the destruction of cancer cells that remained in the area of ​​​​surgical intervention by washing with special solutions or irradiation.

Modern technologies make it possible to expand the number of indications for organ-sparing surgical treatment and make more radical operations for local or metastatic malignant tumors that could not be operated on before. All this became possible when in large centers, such as the Oncological Center "SM-Clinic", whole teams of specialists (surgeons, chemotherapists, radiologists) began to be created, who are engaged in the complex treatment of one patient.

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Radiation therapy as part of complex or combined is now used in 60-70% of cases of cancer and leads to recovery in half of patients. Methods are constantly being improved in order to achieve the greatest result in tumor removal with minimal impact on healthy tissues.

Ionizing radiation is used for radiation therapy. It may differ in the mechanism of biological action, penetrating power and distribution of energy. In clinical practice, photon radiation is most often used, which includes:

  • Gamma radiation - radiation from radionuclides, penetrating to a depth of 1 m or more.
  • X-ray (using X-ray machines) - radiation due to the transition of electrons in the nucleus from orbit to orbit.
  • Bremsstrahlung - obtained using proton accelerators.

Corpuscular radiation (from nuclear particles) is also used. Types: beta radiation, positron radiation, alpha particles.

The main sources of ionizing radiation are natural and artificial radionuclides (radioactive substances) and special devices - accelerators, neutron generators, X-ray machines.

Perhaps remote, contact and internal exposure, in which radionuclides are administered intravenously or through the mouth.

With remote radiation therapy, the source of radiation (mainly photon) is 80-100 cm away from the tumor. With contact radiation, which is called brachytherapy, the source is at a close distance, up to 30 cm, from the tumor focus or in direct contact. This is a more gentle form of therapy. The main types of contact irradiation: intracavitary, interstitial, application (on the surface of the body).

Under the action of ionizing radiation, free radicals are formed that damage cells, DNA reproduction and cell division are also disrupted, which leads to the destruction of the tumor. In this case, there is an instant action and a delayed one.

In combination with surgical methods of cancer treatment, it is used:

  • preoperative - to reduce the viability of tumor cells before surgery;
  • intraoperative - irradiation of the tumor zone during surgery to prevent the development of relapses and metastases;
  • postoperative radiation therapy - to prevent metastases after non-radical removal of the tumor.

In order to make the general reaction of the body to radiation therapy less pronounced, modern methods are supplemented by methods of tumor visualization, including 3D, as well as fixing devices. This helps to most accurately affect the tumor.

Radiation therapy is well combined with medicinal methods of oncology treatment.


Chemotherapeutic methods of cancer treatment (both monotherapy and combined use of drugs) are associated with the action of drugs on tumor cells in certain phases of their development.

Depending on the place in the treatment of a tumor disease, there are:

  1. Adjuvant chemotherapy is an addition to the main (surgical or radiation) treatment method. It is prescribed at a high risk of developing metastases or relapse - a recurrent tumor, when the primary focus has already been removed.
  2. Non-adjuvant chemotherapy, which is given before the tumor is removed surgically or otherwise. The goal is to reduce the volume of the formation in order to perform a less traumatic operation, possibly organ-preserving.
  3. Primary chemotherapy for inoperable cancer or the development of multiple metastases. The task is to prolong the life of the patient while maintaining its quality. The least toxic drugs that are convenient for administration are used.

In polychemotherapy, drugs with different mechanisms of action are selected.

Possible cytostatic therapy, when the drug slows down the development of the tumor and cytotoxic, if the cancer cells are destroyed.

Depending on at what stage and how the chemotherapy drug acts on the cell, it is assigned to one or another group:

  • Alkylating agents: chloroethylamines, disulfonic acid esters, nitrosmethylurea derivatives, platinum compounds, triazines. They act on cells that are actively dividing, regardless of the phase of the cell cycle. Mechanism of action: damage to the DNA of an atypical cell, mutation and death. They have a wide spectrum of activity, so it is possible to prescribe them for the treatment of any sensitive tumor (cancer of the breast, bronchi, gastrointestinal tract, head, neck and brain). Their disadvantage is high toxicity for healthy cells. Especially important is the inhibition of hematopoiesis, which is very difficult to cope with. In addition, these drugs can cause kidney failure and other urinary problems.
  • Antimetabolites: folic acid antagonists, pyrimidine, purine, adenosine analogs. In structure, they are similar to substances that are involved in the production of DNA and RNA, are embedded in them and disrupt the synthesis of nucleotides, as a result of which the cell dies. They work especially well on cells that are intensively dividing. They are used to treat malignant tumors of the stomach and intestines, breast, bones and soft tissues. They also inhibit hematopoiesis, lead to intestinal damage.
  • Antitumor antibiotics: dox Andabout rubicin (with the broadest spectrum), bleomycin, mitomycin and others. Actively act on the cells of slowly growing tumors. They show a variety of actions - from disrupting DNA reproduction to inhibiting the activity of certain enzymes. Effective for the treatment of tumors of the breast, musculoskeletal system, lymphomas. Toxic to hematopoiesis and cardiac muscle.
  • Antimitogenic: vinca alkaloids, taxanes. Stop or disrupt mitosis (division) of cells, resulting in their death. They are used for chemotherapy of breast and ovarian cancer, bronchopulmonary system. Of the toxic reactions, hematopoietic disorders, neurological disorders, intestinal paralysis, and allergic manifestations are dangerous.
  • DNA topoisomerase inhibitorsIAndII: camptothecin derivatives, epipodophyllotoxins. The mechanism of action is to disrupt the work of enzymes that are involved in the synthesis of DNA, which leads to a break in cell division and their destruction. Effective for the treatment of colon cancer, lung and ovarian cancer. Just like other cytostatics, they inhibit hematopoiesis and can cause severe diarrhea.

Hormone therapy in the treatment of cancer

One of the directions of chemotherapy is hormone therapy, which is also called endocrine therapy. The fact is that individual tumors grow due to hormonal stimulation, therefore, by removing the source of hormones, it is possible to stop the development of the malignant process. At the same time, such an effect can be achieved surgically (removal of the organ in which hormones are synthesized), with the help of radiation therapy and the introduction of drugs (hormones and antihormones).

The main goal of hormone administration is to block pathological signals.


  • Antiestrogens - block estrogen receptors. Used in the treatment of hormone-dependent breast cancer.
  • Aromatase inhibitors - reduce the amount of estrogen in menopausal patients.
  • Corticosteroids - destroy the cells of lymphoid tumors, and are also prescribed to reduce the toxic effect of other cytostatics on the liver and other organs (with nausea and vomiting).
  • Androgens - suppress the division of cancer cells during metastases of breast cancer.
  • Antiandrogens - prevent androgens from binding to tissue receptors in prostate cancer.
  • LH-RH agonists - inhibit the synthesis of testosterone and estrogen.
  • Progestins - in endometrial cancer block the development of tumor cells.


One of the most progressive methods of cancer treatment, which allows you to act on cancer cells with highly specific mechanisms. It is used in combination with other therapies.

Immunotherapy allows the body to form an immune response to the tumor, to show a cytotoxic effect, and also to increase immune defense.

The following groups of drugs are used:

  • Immunomodulators (passive immunotherapy): cytokines (interferons, interleukins), immunoglobulins, substances of microbial origin - for the correction of immunity.
  • Monoclonal antibodies (active immunotherapy)- to influence the surface antigens of tumor cells, which leads to cell death.

Targeted Therapy

This is a new method of treatment of oncology and metastases. It is designed to act only on certain targets. These can be hormone receptors, genes, enzymes. Also, there is damage to the structures that feed the tumor, or the shutdown of intracellular metabolic processes due to disturbances in the chain of biochemical reactions.

Currently used to treat treatment-resistant cancers, it can significantly increase the effect of treatment in combination with chemotherapy. With drugs for targeted therapy, it is possible to treat even advanced stages.

Proven effective for the treatment of breast cancer, lung cancer, melanoma and others.

Cancer treatment can be done at the Oncology Center "SM-Clinic"

The Oncological Center "SM-Clinic" has all the possibilities for the complex treatment of tumor diseases of various types and localizations. A whole team of specialists from various fields works on the treatment plan for each patient.

Under the supervision of oncologists, not only tumor therapy is carried out, but also the treatment of concomitant diseases, prevention and reduction of side effects, as well as a full course of rehabilitation measures.

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Have you ever wondered how effective natural cancer treatments are? Josh Akse writes“About 20 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was crazy for my family at the time, because my mom was a gymnastics teacher, swimming instructor and always considered "healthy".

After being diagnosed, she followed the advice of her oncologists in Cleveland Clinic and had a mastectomy and then many rounds of chemotherapy. I still remember how my mom's hair fell out and how I thought she aged 10 years in just a few weeks of chemotherapy.

Thank God, after all her treatments, she was diagnosed as "cancer free" and is healthy. But over the next few years, she felt worse than at any time in her life and struggled with constipation, candida, depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Then, about nine years after her first diagnosis, a terrible thing happened - she was diagnosed with lung cancer. By this time, I already had enough experience in the field of restoring health with natural methods, so when I flew home, we prayed together and talked about the best strategy for restoring her body. She decided to pursue natural cancer treatments, focusing on diet and lifestyle changes.

My mom started following a natural plan that included vegetable juices, probiotic foods, immune boosting supplements, stress reduction techniques, and prayer. It wasn't until four months later that the tumors on her lungs shrunk significantly, and a year later she was again diagnosed as cancer-free and healthy. Now it's been 10 years and my mom recently turned 60 - and she's in the best shape of her life, regularly water skiing, running and still strong.

I want to be very clear: I'm not saying that what we did with my mother is a cure for cancer. But I believe that these natural therapies, used on their own or in combination with conventional medical treatments, can support the body in its recovery process.

Most Effective Cancer Treatments

I am often asked: “What exactly did your mother do?”. Here are the natural treatments for cancer and the strategies she followed to heal her body.

1. Gerson Therapy and Juices

I see in him one of the most outstanding geniuses in the history of medicine. Many of his main ideas were adopted without tying his name to them. Nevertheless, he achieved more than seemed possible under adverse conditions. He left a legacy that still attracts the attention of many to this day. Those he cured now testify to the correctness of his ideas.

~ Albert Schweitzer, MD (Nobel Peace Prize winner, 1952)

Who was Albert Schweitzer talking about?

He was referring to Dr. Max Gerzon, a German-born American physician who developed one of the most effective natural cancer treatments over 90 years ago. Inventing the "Gerson Therapy", Dr. Gerson has helped hundreds of cancer patients activate the body's extraordinary ability to heal itself by:

  • Organic, herbal products;
  • raw juices;
  • coffee enemas;
  • beef liver;
  • natural additives.

According to the Gerson Institute:

With a holistic approach to whole body healing, Gerson Therapy naturally restores your body's magnificent ability to heal itself - without any side effects. This powerful, natural treatment boosts the body's immune system to treat cancer, arthritis, heart disease, allergies, and many other degenerative conditions.

How does the Gerson Therapy work?

The Gerson Therapy targets the most important metabolic needs in your body. How? Believe it or not, this therapy allows you to reap the benefits of eating 7-9 kilos of organically grown fruits and vegetables every day! Let's go through this in order:

  • Gerson Diet Consists of eating only organic fruits, vegetables and sprouted grains. The Gerson diet is exceptionally rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It is very low in fat, protein and sodium. The meal plan recommends that cancer patients drink 13 glasses of fresh juice, eat three plant-based main meals, and snack on fresh fruit. In addition, the traditional Gerson Therapy recommends eating raw beef liver as it is the most nutrient-dense food on the planet and is extremely high in vitamin B12.
  • Juices- According to Gerson Institute, "freshly squeezed juice from raw foods makes it easy and effective to provide the body with a large amount of high-quality nutrients." The Cancer Control Protocol encourages patients to drink fresh vegetable and fruit juices daily, including carrot, apple, green leafy and leafy vegetable juices. To preserve nutrients, juice should be prepared hourly using a two-stage juicer or a hydraulic press juicer. This helps prevent denaturation - when vitamins, minerals and enzymes are destroyed. (Most juicers spin so fast that they heat up the juice to the point where it's pasteurized!).
  • Detoxification– The Gerson Therapy uses coffee enemas as the primary method of detoxification. It is recommended that patients with cancer take up to five enemas each day. The importance of keeping the body free of toxins is emphasized by Dr. Gerzon's daughter, Charlotte:
    The moment a patient begins 100% use of the Gerson Therapy, the combined effect of nutrition, juice consumption, and medication causes the immune system to attack and kill the tumor tissue, and coffee enemas help flush accumulated toxins from body tissues.
  • Taking Dietary Supplements– The Gerson Therapy recommends the following organic medicinal supplements:
    • Lugol's solution;
    • pancreatic enzymes;
    • Potassium;
    • thyroid hormone;
    • Vitamin B12.

2. Joanna Budwig Anti-Cancer Diet (Budwig Protocol)

I've also been given a lot of different advice over the years, so when I found out about Dr. Budwig's protocol, I was also very skeptical until I tried it. Numerous independent clinical cancer studies published in major medical journals around the world support Dr. Budwig's findings. More than 40 years ago, Dr. Budwig provided clear and compelling evidence that has been confirmed by hundreds of other related scientific studies as essential fatty acids are at the heart of the answer to the cancer problem.

~ Robert E. Willner, M.D., author of "TheCancersolution"

In 1952, Dr. Joanna Budwig was the German government's senior expert on lipids and pharmacology and was considered one of the world's leading experts on fats and oils. During her research, she discovered that many of the common processed fats and hydrogenated oils disrupt our cell membranes and this causes diseased cells and toxicity.

Having developed a diet (in this case, Joanna Budwig's Anti-Cancer Diet) to counteract this cancer-causing process, Dr. Budwig claimed that over a 50-year period, patients following her protocol had over 90% success rates in treating cancer!

How the Budwig protocol works

When you replace deadly processed fats and oils with healthy unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, your cells are repaired and rejuvenated. Dr. Budwig found that consuming cottage cheese, flaxseed, and flaxseed oil produces the best results.

When cottage cheese (rich in sulfur-containing protein and saturated fat) and flax (rich in electron-rich unsaturated fatty acids) are combined, your body can absorb these vital nutrients more easily and quickly.

Updated Budwig Recipe

Due to changes in agriculture, Josh Akse offers an updated version of the 21st century Budwig Protocol:

  • 170 grams of fermented dairy products (cottage cheese, goat milk kefir or natural yogurt);
  • 4 tablespoons sprouted and ground chia or flax seeds
  • 1 tablespoon linseed oil;
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder;
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper.

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl or blender and consume once a day.

3. Proteolytic enzyme therapy

In 1906, John Beard first suggested that the proteolytic enzymes of the pancreas represent the body's main defense against cancer. Beard focused on high-dose enzyme therapy using porcine pancreas and a holistic diet to create an internal environment in which the body can more thoroughly heal itself.

Although proteolytic enzyme therapy was not explored for much of the 20th century, several scientists took up the concept in the 1960s. But it wasn't until Nicholas Gonzalez (M.D.) began evaluating the concept in Cornell University Medical College in 1981, people began to seriously consider this natural approach to cancer treatment.

How does proteolytic enzyme therapy work?

The autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic ("fight" or "flight") and autonomic ("rest" and "assimilation") nervous systems. Based on the research protocol of Dr. Francis Pottenger in the 1920s and 1930s, Gonzales' work focuses on balancing these two systems, as they are believed to be one of the main causes of cancer.

He found that a vegetarian diet suppressed sympathetic function, while a meat-rich diet had the opposite effect. Therefore, after dividing patients into different categories based on their metabolic differences, genetic and physical make-up, the following recommendations are given:

  • People with epithelial tumors, such as lung cancer (see Treatment of lung cancer with folk remedies: the most effective remedies), pancreas, colon, prostate, uterus (see Treatment of uterine cancer with folk remedies: the most effective remedies) - a mostly plant-based diet is prescribed with a minimum amount protein of animal origin.
  • People with cancer of the blood and lymphatic tissue such as leukemia, myeloma, or lymphoma, a diet high in animal protein and fat with minimal to moderate amounts of plant foods is prescribed.

According to Dr. Josef Beuth:

Research related to this natural cancer treatment showed that systemic enzyme therapy significantly reduced tumor-induced and therapy-induced side effects and problems such as nausea, gastrointestinal complaints, fatigue, weight loss, and anxiety, and apparently stabilized quality of life.

4. Vitamin C Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy uses chemicals or natural compounds to remove toxic metals from the body. The word "chelate" means to capture something, which describes the ability of chelating agents to capture toxins.

Generally, only holistic physicians and naturopaths use chelation therapy because it is not an approved therapy for most diseases in medicine today. However, when used in the medical system, it is most often used to remove calcium deposits from the arteries.

In a study published in the journal Free Radical Biology & Medicine, it was found that vitamin C chelation therapy was highly pro-oxidant after only one hour of treatment. This benefit lasted over 16 treatments in the absence of nutrient supplementation and even provided "beneficial long-term antioxidant effects."

Prooxidation is not always good, but in this case it is good.

It was found that “pro-oxidant effects appear to be responsible for the destruction of tumor cells. These pro-oxidant effects may also induce endogenous antioxidant systems in normal tissues that provide protection against carcinogenic damage!

Along with vitamin C chelation, consuming more vitamin C-rich foods may also prevent and fight cancer.

5. Frankincense Essential Oil Therapy

Frankincense essential oil is an effective folk remedy for cancer treatment. Dr. Budwig recommends frankincense essential oil (especially when it comes to fighting brain tumors). And now, research on the potential cancer-fighting properties of frankincense essential oil is filling the medical journals. In particular, Indian frankincense (Boswellia Serrata) has been clinically proven to be a potentially effective treatment for:

  • brain cancer
  • breast cancer
  • bowel cancer
  • pancreatic cancer
  • prostate cancer (see Treatment of prostate cancer with folk remedies: the most effective remedies)
  • stomach cancer (see Treatment of stomach cancer with folk remedies: the most effective remedies)

According to the researchers Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, the potential cancer-related effects of frankincense essential oil are partly due to its ability to influence your genes to promote healing. Researchers emphasize that this power makes Indian frankincense a candidate for natural remedies for cancer prevention and treatment!

How does frankincense essential oil therapy work?

Rub frankincense essential oil on your neck three times a day. Also drink three drops of this oil, after diluting them in 240 ml of water - three times a day.

6. Probiotic Foods and Supplements

Probiotics are microorganisms that promote a natural balance in the intestinal microflora (known as beneficial bacteria). The best way to include probiotics in your diet is to consume raw dairy products such as cheese, kefir, and yogurt.

Recent studies have shown that probiotic supplements can stop tumor growth. And that makes sense, because 80% of your immune system is in your gut. In addition to supporting your immunity to disease, research has also shown that probiotics can improve digestive function and mineral absorption, and help heal a leaky gut, which helps prevent cancer!

7. Sunlight and Vitamin D3

Science continues to support the fact that high levels of heart-healthy fat-soluble vitamins and minerals are the key to preventing the development of cancer in your body. And recently, significant progress has been made in understanding the role of fat-soluble vitamin D3 in cancer prevention.

A 2007 randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial suggests that vitamin D may be a very effective cancer prevention tool.

Study published in the journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, is truly groundbreaking in that it evaluated approximately 1,200 postmenopausal women over four years and tracked how calcium supplementation at 1400-1500 milligrams versus calcium supplementation plus 1100 IU of vitamin D3 was able to prevent cancer.

The results were amazing. After just one year of vitamin D3 supplementation, the risk of developing all types of cancer was reduced by 77%! Compared to a 0 percent improvement in the placebo and calcium groups.

What is the best way to get vitamin D?

Researchers have found that to better prevent breast cancer, you should get your vitamin D3 levels at least 40-60 ng/mL and up to 80 ng/mL.

The golden mean is the level of 50-70 ng / ml. Here is the best way to boost your vitamin D3 levels to this level:

  • Get Vitamin D3 Through Sunbathing- Stay 20 minutes in the sun. This is best done by exposing 40% of your body to sunlight from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
  • Take a vitamin dailyD3 supplements containing 5,000 to 10,000 IU of vitamin D3. Since this vitamin is fat soluble, make sure you take it with some healthy "fatty" foods or probiotic-rich drinks like kefir.

It can be difficult to find a high-quality supplement in today's market, so try to find a combination of astaxanthin, omega-3 fish oil, and vitamin D3.

8. Turmeric and Curcumin

Turmeric is a well-known folk remedy for cancer treatment. While the link between curcumin and disease reversal has been extensively studied, the use of turmeric in cancer treatment is one of the most extensively studied topics.

A number of laboratory studies that have studied cancer cells indicate that curcumin has antitumor activity. It appears to be able to fight cancer cells and prevent their growth. Curcumin appears to be most effective against breast cancer, bowel cancer, stomach cancer and cells skin cancer.

In fact, a 2007 lab study found that combined treatment with curcumin and chemotherapy eliminated more colon cancer cells than chemotherapy alone.

Other laboratory studies have also shown that turmeric and curcumin inhibit cancer development, growth, and spread. The researchers also reported that curcumin blocked the production of cancer-causing enzymes in rodents.

Outcome: Evidence suggests that turmeric is generally good at stopping cancer and is particularly effective in treating breast cancer, colon cancer, and skin cancer.

9. Oxygen therapy and hyperbaric chambers

Absolutely all normal cells need oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - this is the rule without exception. Deprive a cell of 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it can become cancerous.

~ Otto Warburg, MD (Nobel Prize in Physiology, 1931)

Dr. Warburg made it clear that the main cause of cancer is the lack of oxygen, which contributes to the acidification of the human body. He also discovered that cancer cells do not breathe oxygen and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, in which the human body is in an alkaline state.

We have all heard that antioxidants kill free radicals in the body and reverse the oxidative stress that causes chronic disease. This is one of the reasons why I love using blueberries in my morning berry protein shake (says Dr. Josh Akse)! But is eating blueberries enough to cure cancer?

Probably no. This is why the addition of oxygen therapy and the use of a hyperbaric chamber is very beneficial for people looking for the most effective traditional cancer treatments.

Because the air pressure inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber is about 2.5 times the normal pressure in the atmosphere, it causes your blood to carry more oxygen to your body's organs and tissues. This therapy heals everything from infected wounds to radiation injuries, and many people claim to have cured themselves of cancer. So far, this type of therapy has not yet become widespread, but now an increasing number of hospitals are acquiring hyperbaric chambers to help their patients.

10. Prayer and creating a sense of peace

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.

~ Proverbs 17:22

In addition to the many studies that have been done on the healing effects of prayer, maintaining mental peace and a positive outlook is absolutely essential to cancer prevention and treatment.

Some people use oriental methods, such as practicing tai chi or simply feeling grateful, which is very effective in itself. My favorite forms of meditation, however, consist of prayer, gratitude, and reading the Bible (says Dr. Josh Akse).

Whatever your preference, make sure you focus on a stress-free life filled with peace and joy!

Bonus Therapy: Immune Boosting Mushrooms

Mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 4,000 years, and research into mushroom species such as cordyceps and reishi in cancer therapy has been encouraging. These mushrooms:

  • Increase survivability;
  • Help reduce tumors;
  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Reduce the side effects of radiation therapy and chemotherapy, such as nausea and hair loss.

Of course, these results depend on which extracts you choose and their concentration. Some sources even suggest that an extra dose of vitamin C is also needed.

Statements in the material " Treatment of cancer with folk remedies - the most effective methods and means» are not a guide to action and are published for review. You need to treat your disease only under the close supervision of a doctor. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.