Can a neurologist determine the ADHD in the child. Syndrome deficit attention and hyperactivity - ADHD. Early detection of hyperactivity syndrome

- This is a child with a deficit syndrome and hyperactivity (ADHD), neurological and behavioral violations developing in childhood. The behavior of a hyperactive child is peculiar to non-perfection, distractions, difficulties of focus, impulsiveness, increased motor activity, etc. Hyperactive child requires neuropsychological and neurological (EEG, MRI) examination. Help a hyperactive child involves individual psychological and pedagogical support, psychotherapy, non-medical and drug therapy.


ADHD - syndrome of increased physical and mental activity, characterized by the predominance of processes of excitation over braking. A hyperactive child has difficulty concentration and maintaining attention, self-regulation of behavior, training, processing and holding information in memory.

According to official statistical data, in Russia, the diagnosis of ADHDs have from 4 to 18% of children. Moreover, this syndrome is present in 3-5% of the adult population, since in half cases a hyperactive child grows in a "hyperactive adult". Boys ADHD is diagnosed 3 times more often than girls. ADHD is the subject of close study of pediatrics, child psychiatry, child neurology, child psychology.

Causes of ADHD

Experts are hampered in determining the exact causes of attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity. It is believed that hyperactivity in children can be due to genetic factors and early organic damage to the CNS, which are often combined with each other. Modern studies indicate that when ADHD occurs, the mismatch of the functioning of structures, providing the organization of arbitrary behavior and attention to the attention, namely the associative bark, basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebellum, prefrontal bark.

The genetic mechanism of the ADHD is explained by the inheritance of genes governing the exchange of neurotransmitters (dopamine and norepinephrine) in the brain. Due to the dysfunction of neurotiator systems, the process of synaptic transmission is disturbed, which entails the disagreement of the links between the bark of the frontal fractions and subcortical structures. In favor of this theory, the fact that in the treatment of hyperactivity in children has effective drugs that contribute to the release and braking of the reverse seizure of neurotransmitters in the premiputic nerve endings are increasing.

Among the pre- and perinatal factors determining the development of ADHD should be noted by various kinds of adverse effects that contribute to the development of minimal brain dysfunction at a hyperactive child. It can be:

  • pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth at the mother (predoz, eclampsia, threat of miscarriage, hemolytic disease of the fetus, rapid or delayed labor,
  • consumption of pregnant alcohol or some drugs, smoking),
  • asphyxia, prematurity, generic injuries in a child, etc.
  • infectious diseases and CMT, transferred in the first months and years of life.

In the formation of hyperactivity in children, the influence of unfavorable environmental factors does not rule out, primarily pollution of the natural environment of neurotoxicants (lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, nickel, etc.). In particular, a correlation was proved between the increased lead content in the hair according to spectral analysis and the level of hyperactivity, cognitive and behavioral disorders in children.

The emergence either enhancing manifestations of ADHD can be associated with unbalanced nutrition, insufficiency of admission to the organism of micronutrients (vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, microelements - magnesium, zinc, iron, iodine). Increasing the difficulties of adaptation, behavior and attention from a hyperactive child contribute to unfavorable intimidarian relations.

Classification of ADHD

International Psychiatric Classification (DSM) allocates the following variants of ADHD:

  • mixed - a combination of hyperactivity with violation of attention (found most often). Usually revealed in boys with a certain phenotype - blond hair and blue eyes.
  • inattentive - The deficit of attention prevails. It is more often found in girls, is characterized by caring to his world, violent fantasy, "twist" a child "in the clouds".
  • hyperactive - hyperactivity prevails (the most rare type). With the same probability, both the individual features of the temperament of children and certain disorders of the CNS may be due to the individual characteristics of the CNS.

Symptoms of ADHD

In early childhood, a hyperactive child often has an increased muscle tone, suffers from repeated and unmotivated bits of vomiting, poorly falls asleep and sleeps restlessly, easily excited, has increased sensitivity to any external stimuli.

The first signs of hyperactivity syndrome in children, as a rule, are found at the age of 5-7 years. Parents usually begin to "beat the alarm" when the child goes to school, which requires him of a certain organization, independence, compliance with the rules, concentration, etc. The second peak of manifestations falls on the pubertal period (13-14 years old) and is associated with a teenage hormonal splash.

The main clinical diagnostic criteria of the ADHD serve inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.

  1. Inattentionthe hyperactive child is expressed in the inability of retention of attention; It is impossible to concentrate on the game or perform the task. Due to the increased distraction for extraneous incentives, a hyperactive child allows many errors in homework, cannot fully fulfill the proposed instructions or charged charges. The hyperactive child has difficulties with the organization of independent activities, there is a scattering, forgetfulness, constant switching from one occupation to another, a tendency to incomplete cases.
  2. Hyperactivitychildren involves restless behavior, fidget, excessive motor activity in situations that require conservation of relative rest. When observing a hyperactive child, you can see constant stereotypical movements in the brushes and feet, twitching, ticks. A hyperactive child is characteristic lack of arbitrary control over their behavior, so children with ADHD are constantly in aimless movement (running, spinning, talking, etc.) in unsuitable situations for this, for example, during school sessions. In 75% of hyperactive children, a disptions is noted - clumsiness, nervousness, inability to perform movements and work requiring a certain dexterity.
  3. Impulsivenessthe hyperactive child is expressed in impatience, hasty the fulfillment of tasks, the desire to give a response without thinking over its correctness. Hyperactive child can usually not play collective games with peers, as he constantly interferes with others, does not comply with the rules of the game, conflict, etc.

Hyperactive child often complains of headaches, fatigue, drowsiness. Some children have a night and day enuresis. Among the hyperactive children are disseminated delays in psychomotor and speech development, at school age - disgrave, dyslexia, discalcium. According to children's psychologists, 60-70% of children with ADHD are hidden left-handers or ambidexters.

Intraction and recklessness is accompanied by a decrease in self-preservation instinct, so the hyperactive child easily receives various kinds of injury.

Diagnosis of ADHD

Hyperactive child is a patient of a child neurologist, a children's psychiatrist and a children's psychologist. According to the criteria developed by DSM in 1994, the ADHD can be recognized while maintaining the child, at least 6 signs of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity for six months. Therefore, with a primary access to specialists, the diagnosis of ADHD is not set, and the child survey is monitored.

In the process of clinical and psychological survey, the hyperactive child uses interview methods, conversations, direct observation; Obtaining information from teachers and parents using diagnostic questionnaires, neuropsychological testing.

The need for a basic pediatric and neurological examination is due to the fact that various somatic and neurological disorders (hyperthyroidism, anemia, epilepsy, chorea, hearing impairment, and vision and imparation, can also be hidden for ADH-like syndrome (hypertension, anemia, epilepsy, etc.).

With the aim of clarifying diagnostics, a hyperactive child can be assigned to a narrow children's specialists (children's endocrinologist, children's otolaryngologist, children's ophletmologist, epileptologist), EEG, MRI brain, general and biochemical blood test, etc. Consultation of the speech therapist allows you to diagnose written voice violations and Note a plan of correctional work with a hyperactive child.

Hyperactivity in children should be differentiated from fetal alcohol syndrome, post-traumatic lesion of CNS, chronic lead poisoning, manifestations of individual characteristics of temperament, pedagogical nestness, oligophrenia, etc.

Correction of ADHD

Hyperactive child needs a complex individualized accompaniment, including psychological and pedagogical correction, psychotherapy, non-drug and drug correction.

A hyperactive child is recommended a gentle learning mode (class of low filling, abbreviated lessons, dosage tasks), sufficient sleep, full nutrition, long walks, sufficient physical activity. Due to increased excitability, the participation of hyperactive children in mass events should be limited. Under the leadership of a children's psychologist and psychotherapist, autogenous workouts are held, individual, group, family and behavioral psychotherapy, bodily-oriented therapy, bos technology. In the correction of the ADHD, the entire environment of a hyperactive child should be actively involved: parents, educators, school teachers.

Pharmacotherapy is auxiliary method of correction ADHD. It assumes the purpose of atomical hydrochloride atomsetin, blocking the reverse grip of norepinephrine and improving the synaptic transmission in various structures of the brain; preparations of nootropic row (pyritinol, cortecxin, alfoscerat, phenybut, gopanenic acid); Micronutrients (magnesium, pyridoxine) and others. In some cases, a good effect is achieved by using the kinesiotherapy, the massage of the cervical spine, manual therapy.

The elimination of violations of written speech is carried out within the framework of targeted speech therapy classes for the correction of disgrace and dyslexia.

Prediction and prevention

Timely and comprehensive correctional work allows a hyperactive child to learn how to build relationships with peers and adults, control their own behavior, prevents social adaptation difficulties. Psychological and pedagogical support of a hyperactive child contributes to the formation of socio-acceptable behavior. In the absence of attention to the problems of ADHD in adolescent and adulthood, the risk of social disadaptation, alcoholism and drug addiction increases.

Prevention of hyperactivity syndrome and attention deficit should begin long before the child appears to the light and provide for providing conditions for the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, care for the health of children, the creation of a favorable microclimate in the family and the children's team.

To make an appointment

ADHD: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Many mental disorders begin to develop in early childhood, but it is possible to diagnose them only after the child is 5 years old. The diagnosis of ADHD is most often determined in the younger preschool age, although the symptoms of the disorder can appear earlier. This is due to the fact that the diagnosis of the "attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity" requires an assessment of the child's ability to learn, its social functions, as well as analyzing behavior in different conditions (at home and school).

Attention deficit syndrome is one of the most controversial diagnoses. Among the many ordinary people there is an opinion that this is another "fashionable" disorder, justifying laziness and bad upbringing. But this is far from that. Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, scientific works appeared, in which several children with increased impulsiveness, hyperreactivity and inattention were described. To date, the SMDs symptoms are manifested about 6% of the population, but only 2% of people are addressed for qualified medical help. This psychological disorder is more often diagnosed with boys. Among the girls it meets less often, but its treatment requires a more serious approach. In addition, the symptoms of the ADHD in the weaker sex representatives are less pronounced, and the hyperactivity may be absent at all.

To engage in education and training of children having syndrome is very difficult. Many parents cannot accept the idea that their child may have a mental disorder. They blame in the behavior of their children of others, school and, somewhat less often, themselves. But if you take the necessary measures in time, you can noticeably improve the condition of the child. For this, first of all, it is necessary to understand what is the deficit deficit syndrome and hyperactivity.

Basic symptoms

Children suffering from attention deficit syndrome, learn very badly. It is difficult for them to concentrate on the explanation of the teacher and fulfill the task. This is not connected with the priest or whims. To absorb the information and concentrate on study, they cannot due to the lack of biologically active substances in certain brain departments.

ADHD Symptoms are manifested in the behavior of children, it is noticeably different from the actions and actions of their healthy peers:

  1. Inattention. The child is very easily distracted, suffers for forgetfulness. When performing tasks, difficulties arise, it is not organized, does not fulfill instructions. During the explanation of the new material or task, it may be the impression that the child does not listen to the adult. A large number of errors are due to increased inattention. Such kids often lose their belongings and school supplies.
  2. Hyperactivity. For disorder is characterized by constant location in motion. The child simply cannot stop in place. During class in class, he can get out of place in the most inappropriate time for this. The child seems fussy, impatient, excessively sociable.
  3. Impulsiveness. The desire to achieve pleasure in such children is much higher, they are not able to wait for their turn. Often they shine from the place, interrupt the interlocutor or teachers. If such a child wants something, he will demand it now, to persuade him will not work.

Such symptoms of disorder are basic, but even healthy children can sometimes be inattentive or too active. To be able to talk about the presence of this pathology, it is necessary to conduct a thorough study. The doctor observes a small patient for a long time, not less than six months. In order for the analysis of the child's behavior to be complete and comprehensive, it will be necessary to evaluate its behavior in different conditions.

Causes of attention deficit syndrome

To date, saying exactly why the child appears the SMD symptoms, no one can. Among the factors that give impetus to the development of attention deficit syndrome, you can allocate:

  • heredity. The researchers have noted that the presence of this disorder in parents increases several times the likelihood of its development in children. Attention deficit syndrome often has a genetic nature, therefore it is capable of inheritance;
  • the use of alcohol and tobacocco during pregnancy can lead to a violation of brain functions in the fetus, which entails the appearance of the SMDS symptoms in the child;
  • a difficult pregnancy, transferred at this time a woman infectious diseases can also lead to the fact that the child will have a deficit syndrome. The risk of developing this mental disorder is negotiated several times among children born ahead of time;
  • the predisposition to the development of disorder increases the brain injuries of various severity, transferred by a child at an early age, as well as diseases of infectious nature.

In some cases, attention deficit syndrome arises as a symptom of another mental disorder, for example, a delay in speech or psychorette development. Some life circumstances or pathological processes in the body can manifest as well as the symptoms of ADHD. Among them can be noted:

  1. A sharp change of lifestyle, move, divorce parents or the death of a loved one.
  2. Failure in the work of the thyroid gland.
  3. Heavy metals poisoning, in particular lead.
  4. Depression and sleep disorders.

Experts believe that it is impossible to completely eliminate the symptoms of the ADHD. This disorder belongs to incurable pathologies. But it is still possible to help the child. Competently organized therapy will allow the patient to learn better, get the necessary social skills and adapt in society.

Types of ADHD

Highly qualified specialists practice an individual approach to the treatment of syndrome. This is primarily due to the fact that for successful recovery it is required to eliminate the causes of pathology. To date, several types of this disorder have been revealed, requiring a different approach to therapy:

  • a classic look is associated with violations in the work of the bark of frontal fractions. In this case, classical ADHD symptoms will be manifested, it is instability of attention, and scattered, and disorientation, etc. To achieve sustainable results, drug therapy can be applied, which can increase the level of dopamine in the brain. Patients are encouraged to reduce the use of simple carbohydrates, and products with high protein content in the diet;
  • inattentive type. The main symptoms of the ADHD will be supplemented with a tendency to dwell on themselves, decay forces, detachment and lack of motivation. This type of disorder is usually diagnosed at the older age, it is more common in girls. The development of the inattentive type of ADHD is due to a decrease in cerebral activity in cerebellar and the frontal crust;
  • syndrome of attention deficit with excessive fixation. The classic SDHD symptoms in this case are combined with a tendency to dwell on the thoughts of negative content, obsessive behavior. Patients with such a type of conjunction overly oppressive and restless, often arguing and go to mentors;
  • in case of violations, the symptoms will include high-temperature symptoms. The patient may feel a feeling of anxiety, he is tormented by headaches and discomfort in the abdomen. The appearance of gloomy thoughts, problems with memory, difficulty reading texts, as well as the incorrect interpretation of comments facing the patient;
  • lymbic type. Primary SDHD Symptoms are accompanied by melancholy, the desire to be protected from surrounding, reduced self-esteem, sleep disorders and the lack of appetite. To treat this type of syndrome, stimulants cannot be used, as they can lead to the development of depression.

Also, the main symptoms of the rches of the rches can also accompany the outbreaks of anger and capriciousness, the desire to always be in opposition and increased sound, hypersensitivity to loud sounds and bright lights, as well as hasty thinking.


Many people mistakenly believe that attention deficit syndrome is a disease of boys with excessive activity. But among the patients there are those who are not inherent in hyperactivity. In this case, the symptoms of the disorder are smeared, and it is even more difficult to identify them. Often, such children do not pay due attention to the disease, they are constantly reproaches in laziness, the absence of motivation, and also called stupid.

The main difference of this syndrome from other types of mental disorders is the complete absence of clear laboratory or instrumental diagnostic methods. Specialists in the diagnostic process are mainly relying on the stories of relatives, teachers and other people from the close environment of the child.

The diagnosis of ADHD is preceded by painstaking work. For a long period of time, a child is monitored, whose behavior causes concerns. A pediatrician or children's psychologist conducts a collection of information, polls teachers and other mentors, is interested in the opinion of parents, guardians or other family members. Also, at the stage of diagnostics, a complete medical examination of the child is carried out, this allows the SDHD symptoms to differentiate from other psychological disorders or diseases that can lead to change behavior.

During conversations in order to collect patient information, the doctor pays great attention to the situation in his family. Parents also fill the questionnaires and questionnaires regarding themselves and close relatives. This allows you to determine the presence of problems in family relationships that may lead to the fact that the child will be manifested by the symptoms of ADHD. The mental health of other family members is also assessed, because, as mentioned, the presence of syndrome is due to genetic predisposition.

The final phase of diagnostics is the analysis of the information received. The diagnosis can be delivered if such assertions are confirmed:

  • the main symptoms of ADHD (inattention, impulsiveness, etc.) are intensively expressed, the degree of their manifestation does not correspond to the age of the patient. Disorder manifestations are observed for a long time;
  • disorders penetrate all areas of life, leading to significant complications. Children can be capricious in different situations when they get tired, they will not sleep, they want to eat, etc. But for the diagnosis, it is necessary to find confirmation that the child's behavior creates problems around himself and himself;
  • signs of ADHD appear at an early age and are constantly manifested. If signs of pathology demonstrate themselves from time to time, they are most likely due to other reasons;
  • SDVGSMPTOMS are not related to the presence of other somatic, psychosomatic or mental disorders in a child. To identify such interrelations, the patient's medical examination is carried out.

Despite the fact that specialists use some diagnostic criteria in their work, still the final diagnosis is made exclusively from the subjective opinion of the doctor, which, in turn, is also based on the subjective opinions of teachers and relatives. Therefore, the risk of error is great. To avoid this, it is necessary to approach the diagnosis of attention deficit syndrome with special care.


When treating, medicines are often used to stop the symptoms of the SMD. These include various stimulants, methylphenidad, nootropic drugs, as well as antipsychotic drugs that can reduce the excitability of the child and its hyperactivity are prescribed.

Medicase treatment is aimed at eliminating the physical problem that led to the development of disorder. The main SDHD symptoms become less pronounced due to the normalization of blood circulation in all parts of the brain and the correction of pathologies in the cervical spine, often arising against the background of generic injuries.

But most experts believe that the use of medicines is justified only in isolated cases, many children can be cured using psychocorrection methods. The most successful in the elimination of symptoms of ADHD is an applied behavioral analysis, it is used when working with small children, as well as cognitive behavioral therapy, which is applicable during the correction of the psyche in young people and adolescents.

To diagnose, to diagnose and assign competent treatment of a symptom of attention deficit, only a qualified doctor can. But the recovery of the child largely depends on his parents. First of all, they must take their baby and realize that his behavior is not the result of the upbringing, but by the consequence of the disease.

To eliminate the SMDs symptoms, specialists recommend at home to adhere to such behavioral strategies:

  1. Make up the mode of the day and strictly follow it. It is very important that the child slept enough time. The child did not sleep becomes more capricious, aggressive, loses the ability to concentrate attention.
  2. Follow the nutrition of the child. Many researchers are argued that SDHD symptoms depend on what is included in the daily diet of the baby. Children suffering from attention deficit syndrome often lack Omega-3 acids. Therefore, sea fish must be a mandatory part of the children's menu. You can give a child fish oil or multivitamin complexes containing magnesium and vitamins of groups B. These trace elements also reduce the symptoms of ADHD. In addition, it is necessary to exclude products with high content of gluten (cereal cultures), casein (milk) and polysaccharides from the diet. Carbohydrates should enter the body of fruits and vegetables, and from the use of sweets, potatoes, rice and flour dishes are best abandoned. Toddler diet with attention deficit syndrome should include a large amount of meat, eggs, legumes, nuts and cheese.
  3. Organize the space of the children's room in such a way that all things of the child have certain places. The baby will be less likely to lose them. In different sources, symptoms are described in different sources, and one of the most stable is the inability to the organization. This greatly complicates the process of social adaptation of the child. A clear organization of space will make a little bit easier than life.
  4. During classes, all distracting factors should be eliminated. Be sure to turn off the TV, computer, radio, etc. A child who has the basic SDHD symptoms is difficult to concentrate. Therefore, parents must take care that he bothered nothing.
  5. Let the child have the right to choose. When he dresses, offer two sets of clothing, during meals - several types of dishes. But the number of options should not be too large - otherwise it can lead to the development of emotional and sensory overload.
  6. During a conversation with a child, try to give accurate instructions. All instructions must contain a minimum of information. It is necessary to refrain from persuasion and threats.
  7. Put in front of the baby realistic tasks so that it can cope with them. For the success of the child must be encouraged. Use visual materials to display its achievements.
  8. Help the baby to find a lesson in which he could achieve success. This will allow developing social communication skills, as well as increase the self-esteem of your child.

To overcome the child, the symptoms of ADHD can help his parents help - without their participation, even the most good therapy will be ineffective. The best tool from most psychological disorders in children is love, support and understanding of the closest people - Moms and Pope!

How does adult syndrome manifest

In adults, ADHD symptoms are rarely found. Many of them have passed the course of therapy in childhood, others simply adapted to life in modern society, and some of them do not recognize about the presence of a mental disorder.

Most often, adults are found by signs of ADHD at the moment when this diagnosis is put by their children. Then they understand that depression, concern and the lack of concentration of attention are related to this disorder.

For adult patients, such ADHD symptoms will be the most characteristic:

  • one of the main symptoms of ADHD is instability, but in adults it is not manifested in all spheres. The patient is difficult to concentrate on the fulfillment of routine affairs. He will forget to pay bills on time, take drugs, cleaning in the house, etc. But if it comes to something new and unusual, then a person with ADHD is capable of concentration. Horror films, risky activities and a tendency to create conflict situations - all this is overshadowed by stimulating factors that make us concentrate, even if you usually arise difficulties. In addition, people having a SDHD symptoms are able to concentrate on personal problems, especially in the period of decline in mood;
  • ADHD Symptoms include scattered. The sick person is not able to disconnect from insignificant things. If an annoying factor is present, then all the thoughts and conversations of such a person will spin around it. A small child is difficult to cope with this symptom, but, an adult, a person learns to live with it. They cut all labels on clothes, as they have increased tactile sensitivity. They acquire things exactly in size, otherwise they are in constant discomfort. In order to fall asleep, they use some white noise. Such a sound curtain allows you to abstract from other sounds and fall asleep. Many patients, especially women, cannot be concentrated during sex, which does not allow them to reach orgasm;
  • people having symptoms of ADHD are not organized. Almost always, they are surrounded by mess, things are scattered in their rooms, on the desktop chaos, in the chulaans it is difficult to find the right thing. In addition, patients in large quantities absorb coffee and smoke, because caffeine and nicotine are the most powerful stimulants for them;
  • listing ADHD Symptoms, it is necessary to mention almost complete absence of internal control. People suffering from this disorder do not think before saying something, so they often have problems with surrounding people. They can not set long-term goals, important things turn out to be postponed at the last moment.

If an adult will manifest the symptoms of the ADHD described above, then it will have difficulties with personal life and employment. This disorder leads to the appearance of chronic forgetfulness, constant lateness, the impossibility of controlling the outbreaks of anger and impulsivity.

The diagnosis of ADHD in adults is more complicated than in children. The doctor should evaluate the patient's behavior as a child and in adulthood. If the same symptoms are found, you can talk about the presence of a disorder. The diagnostic methods use a conversation with family members and patient people's close people, psychological testing and a complete medical examination.

If you discovered the above symptoms or your child, be sure to contact the specialists. This disorder is permanent, it cannot be fully cured, but with timely therapy, it is possible to noticeably reduce the severity of manifestations of disorder and improve the quality of life of a patient person.

Or ADHD is the most common cause of violation of behavior and problems in studies in children of preschool age and schoolchildren.

Syndrome deficit attention and hyperactivity in a child - Development disorder manifested in violation of behavior. A child with ADHD is restless, manifests "stupid" activity, can not stop in school at school or kindergarten, will not be engaged in what he is not interested. He interrupts the elders, plays the lessons, engaged in his affairs, can climb under the desk. At the same time, the child correctly perceives the surrounding. He hears and understands all the instructions of the elders, but cannot fulfill their instructions due to impulsivity. Despite the fact that the child understood the task, he cannot bring started to the end, unable to plan and foresee the consequences of his actions. This is associated with a high risk of obtaining domestic injury, lost.

Neurologists consider the deficit syndrome and hyperactivity in a child as a neurological disease. Its manifestations are not the result of incorrect education, neglence or permissiveness, they are a consequence of the special work of the brain.

Prevalence. ADHD is found in 3-5% of children. Of these, 30% will "develop" the disease after 14 years, and about 40% adapt to it and trained to smooth out its manifestations. Among adults, this syndrome is discovered only in 1%.

For boys, attention and hyperactivity deficit syndrome is diagnosed 3-5 times more often than girls. Moreover, boys syndrome more often manifests itself with destructive behavior (disobedience and aggression), and girls are inattention. According to some studies, the disease is more susceptible to blonde and blue-eyed Europeans. Interestingly, in different countries the incidence rate is significantly different. So, studies conducted in London and Tennessee revealed ADHD in 17% of children.

Types of ADHD

  • Attention deficit and hyperactivity are equally expressed;
  • The deficiency of attention prevails, and impulsivity and hyperactivity are negligible;
  • Hyperactivity and impulsiveness prevails, attention is impaired slightly.
Treatment. Main methods - pedagogical measures and psychological correction. Drug treatment is applied in cases where other methods turned out to be ineffective because the preparations used have side effects.
If you leave the deficit syndrome and hyperactivity in a child without treatment increases the risk of development:
  • dependence on alcohol, narcotic substances, psychotropic medicines;
  • difficulties with the assimilation of information that violate the learning process;
  • high anxiety that comes to replace motor activity;
  • tikov - repeated muscle twitching.
  • headaches;
  • antisocial changes - tendency to hooliganism, theft.
Controversial moments. A number of leading specialists in the field of medicine and public organizations, including the Civil Commission on Human Rights, denies the existence of a deficit deficit and a child's hyperactivity. From their point of view, the manifestations of the ADHD are considered a peculiarity of temperament and character, therefore are not subject to treatment. They can be a manifestation of a natural child for an active child of mobility and curiosity, or protest behavior, which arises in response to a psychotracting situation - ill-treatment, loneliness, parental divorce.

Syndrome of attention and hyperactivity in the child, reasons

The reason for the deficit of attention and hyperactivity in the child Install fails. Scientists are convinced that the disease provokes a combination of several factors violating work nervous system.
  1. Factors violating the formation of the nervous system in the fetus, which can lead to oxygen fasting or hemorrhage into the brain fabric:
  • environmental pollution, high content of harmful substances in air, water, food products;
  • receiving a woman during pregnancy drugs;
  • the impact of alcohol, drugs, nicotine;
  • infections transferred to the mother during pregnancy;
  • conflict in the Rh Factor - Immunological incompatibility;
  • risk of miscarriage ;
  • fetal asphyxia;
  • campus cord;
  • complicated or rapid labor that led to injury to the head or spine of the fetus.
  1. Factors violating the work of the brain in infancy
  • diseases accompanied by temperatures above 39-40 degrees;
  • reception of some drugs that have a neurotoxic effect;
  • bronchial asthma, pneumonia;
  • severe diseases of the kidneys;
  • heart failure, heart disease.
  1. Genetic factors. According to this theory, 80% of cases of attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity are associated with violations in the gene, which regulates the allocation of dopamine and the operation of dopamine receptors. The result becomes a violation of the transmission of bioelectric pulses between the brain cells. Moreover, the disease is manifested in the event that in addition to genetic deviations there are adverse environmental factors.
Neurologists believe that these factors are able to cause damage to limited areas of the brain. In this regard, some mental functions (for example, volitional control over pulses and emotions) are evolving inconsistently, late, which causes the manifestation of the disease. This confirms the fact that children with ADHD have found a violation of exchange processes and bioelectric activity in the front sections of the frontal brain.

Syndrome of attention and hyperactivity in the child, symptoms

A child with ADHD is equally shown by hyperactivity and inattention at home, in kindergarten, visiting strangers. There is no situations in which the baby would be calm. This is different from an ordinary active child.

Signs of ADHD at an early age

Syndrome of attention and hyperactivity in the child, symptoms
Which is brighter than all are manifested in 5-12 years, can be recognized at an earlier age.

  • Early begin to keep their head, sit, crawl, walk.
  • We have problems with falling asleep, sleep less norm.
  • If we are tired, do not engage in a relaxed activity, do not fall asleep on their own, but fall into hysterics.
  • Very sensitive to loud sounds, bright light, unfamiliar people, shifting. These factors cause them a loud crying.
  • Throw toys, even before they had time to consider them.
Such signs may indicate a tendency to ADHD, but they are present in many restless children until 3 years.
ADHD imposes an imprint and on the functioning of the body. The child often experiences problems with digestion. Ponos - the result of excessive stimulation of the intestines in the vegetative nervous system. Allergic reactions and skin rashes appear more often than peers.

Basic symptoms

  1. Violation of attention
  • R ebenok with difficulty concentrates attention on one subject or lesson. It does not pay attention to the details, unable to distinguish the main thing from the secondary. The child is trying to engage in all the things at the same time: paints all the details without bringing to the end, reads the text, jumping through the line. This happens, due to the fact that he does not know how to plan. With the joint execution of tasks, explain: "First we do one, then another."
  • A child under any pretext is trying to avoid routine cases, lessons, creativity. It can be a quiet protest when the child runs away and hysteria, or a hysterical with a cry and tears.
  • Cyclic attention is expressed.The preschooler can deal with one thing for 3-5 minutes, the child of younger school age is up to 10 minutes. Then, throughout the same period, the nervous system restores the resource. Often at this time make up the impression that the child does not hear the speech facing it. Then the cycle is repeated.
  • Attention can be focused only if you stay with a child one on one. The child is more attentive and obedient if there is silence in the room and there are no stimuli, toys, other people.
  1. Hyperactivity

  • The child makes a large number of inappropriate movements,most of which he does not notice. A distinctive sign of motor activity at ADHD - it aimlessness. It can be rotating with brushes and footsteps, running, jumping, tapping on the table or by the floor. The child runs, and does not go. Cracked on the furniture . Breaks toys.
  • Speaks too loudly and fast. He answers without hearing the question. Shouting the answer, interrupting the responding. He says the incomplete phrases, jumping from one thought to another. Swallows the endings of words and suggestions. Constantly asks. His statements are often rapidly, they provoke and offend others.
  • Mimica is very expressive. The face expresses emotions that quickly appear and disappear - anger, surprise, joy. Sometimes it is shred without a visible reason.
It has been established that children with ADHD motor activity stimulates the brain structures responsible for thinking and self-control. That is, while the child runs, knocks and disassembles objects, its brain is improving. New neural connections are installed in the cortex, which will continue to improve the work of the nervous system and get rid of the child from the manifestations of the disease.
  1. Impulsiveness
  • Guided exclusively by its desiresand performs them immediately. Acts on the first motive, without considering the consequences and is not planning. For a child there are no situations in which he should sit calmly. In the classroom in kindergarten or at school, he jumps up and runs to the window, in the corridor, noise, shouting out. Picks in the peers like the thing.
  • Can not execute instructions, especially consisting of several points. The child constantly appears new desires (impulses), which are prevented from bringing to the end of the work started (make a homework, collecting toys).
  • Not able to wait or tolerate. He must immediately get or do what he wants. If this does not happen, it is scandalous, switches to other cases or performs ametic action. It is bright noticeable in class or while waiting for your turn.
  • Mood drops occur every few minutes.The child goes from laughter to crying. Quickness is especially characteristic of children with ADHD. Campering, the child throws items, can tie a fight or spoil the things of the offender. He will do it immediately, without considering and without hatching the plan of revenge.
  • The child does not feel danger. He can make actions dangerous to health and life: climb on the height, walk along the abandoned buildings, go to thin ice, because he wanted to do it. This property leads to a high level of injuries in children with ADHD.
The manifestations of the disease are associated with the fact that the nervous system of the child with the ADHD is too vulnerable. It is not able to mask a large amount of information coming from the outside world. Excessive activity and lack of attention is an attempt to protect against the unbearable load on the NA.

Additional symptoms

  • Difficulties in learning at the normal level of intelligence.A child may experience difficulties with writing and reading. At the same time, it does not perceive individual letters and sounds or completely does not own this skill. Inability to study arithmetic can be an independent violation or accompany the problems with reading and writing.
  • Violations in communication. A child with ADHD can show obsessiveness towards peers and unfamiliar adults. It can be too emotional or even aggressive, which complicates communication and establishing friendly contacts.
  • Loge in emotional development.The child behaves unnecessary capriciously and emotionally. He does not tolerate critics, failures, behaves unreasonably, "in childish." The regularity is established that when ADHD is a 30% lag in emotional development. For example, a 10-year-old child behaves like a 7-mile, although intelligently developed not worse than peers.
  • Negative self-esteem. The child hears a huge number of comments per day. If at the same time it is also compared with the peers: "Look how Masha is behaved well!" This exacerbates the situation. Criticism and claims convince the child that he is worse than others, bad, stupid, restless. This makes a child with unhappy, unstable, aggressive, instills hatred for others.
The manifestations of the deficit deficit syndrome are related to the fact that the nervous system of the child is too vulnerable. It is not able to mask a large amount of information coming from the outside world. Excessive activity and lack of attention is an attempt to protect against the unbearable load on the NA.

Positive qualities of children with ADHD

  • Active, actors;
  • Easily read the mood of the interlocutor;
  • Ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of the people who like them;
  • Not malicious, they are not able to drag offense;
  • Fearless, they are not peculiar to most children's fears.

The deficit syndrome and hyperactivity in the child, diagnosis

Diagnosis of attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity may include several stages:
  1. Collection of information - interview with a child, a conversation with parents, diagnostic questionnaires.
  2. Neuropsychological examination.
  3. Pediatrician consultation.
As a rule, a neurologist or psychiatrist makes a diagnosis on the basis of a conversation with a child, analyzing information from parents, educators and teachers.
  1. Collection of information
Most of the information specialist receives during a conversation with a child and watching his behavior. With the children of the conversation passes orally. When working with adolescents, the doctor may ask to fill out a questionnaire form, resembling a test. Additional picture helps information received from parents and teachers.

Diagnostic questionnaire- This is a list of questions compiled in such a way as to collect the maximum amount of information about the behavior and mental state of the child. Usually it has a test type with response options. To identify ADHD used:

  • Diagnostic Questionnaire ADHD for teenagers of Vanderbet. There are versions for parents, teachers.
  • Parent symptomatic questionnaire of manifestations of ADHD;
  • Structured contention questionnaire.
According to the International Classification of Diseases of the ICD-10 Diagnosis "Syndrome of attention and hyperactivity deficit" in a child It is raised when the following symptoms are found:
  • Violation of adaptation. It is expressed in the inconsistency of the characteristics normal for this age;
  • Violation of attention when a child cannot focus on one subject;
  • Impulsiveness and hyperactivity;
  • The development of the first symptoms under the age of 7;
  • Violation of adaptation is manifested in various situations (in kindergarten, school, at home), while the intellectual development of the child corresponds to age;
  • These symptoms are preserved for 6 or more months.
The doctor has the right to diagnose "attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity" in the event that a child is detected and traced for 6 and more months at least 6 symptoms of inattention and at least 6 symptoms of impulsiveness and hyperactivity. These signs are manifested in constantly, and not from time to time. They are expressed so much that they interfere with the child in learning and daily activities.

Signs of inattention

  • Does not hold attention on the details. The work allows a large number of errors due to negligence and frivolity.
  • Easily distracted.
  • It is difficult to focus on playing and performing tasks.
  • It does not listen to a speech facing him.
  • Unable to bring until the end of the task, make homework. Can not adhere to the instructions.
  • He experiences difficulties in performing independent work. It needs leadership and control from the adult.
  • Resists the execution of tasks that require a long mental voltage: homework, teacher or psychologist tasks. Avoids such work under different occasions, shifts discontent.
  • Often loses things.
  • In everyday activity, there is forgetfulness and absentia.

Signs of impulsiveness and hyperactivity

  • Makes a large number of unnecessary movements. Can not calmly sit on a chair. Rugs, makes movements, footsteps, brushes, head.
  • It cannot sit or stay in place in situations when it is necessary to do - in the lesson, at a concert, in transport.
  • Shows rapid motor activity in situations when it is unacceptable. It rises, runs, spinning, takes things without demand, trying to climb somewhere.
  • Can't calmly play.
  • Overly moving.
  • Necessary chatty.
  • Replies without hearing the issue to the end. Not thinking before you answer.
  • Impatient. With difficulty waiting for its turn.
  • Perfers surrounding, sticks to people. Interfere with the game or conversation.
Strictly speaking, the diagnosis of ADHD is based on the subjective opinion of a specialist and his personal experience. Therefore, if parents disagree with the diagnosis, it makes sense to turn to another neurologist or psychiatrist, which specializes in this problem.
  1. Neuropsychological examination at ADHD
In order to explore the peculiarities of the brain, the child is doing electroencephalographic examination (EEG). This is a measurement of the bioelectric activity of the brain at rest or when performing tasks. For this, the electrical activity of the brain is measured through the scalp. The procedure is painless and harmless.
At ADHD beta rhythm is reduced, and theta rhythm is increased.The ratio of theta rhythm and beta rhythm several times higher than the norm. This suggests thatthe bioelectric activity of the brain is reduced, that is, a smaller amount of electrical pulses is generated and passes through neurons, compared with the norm.
  1. Pediatrician consultation
Manifestations similar to ADHD can be caused by anemia, hyperthyroidism and other somatic diseases. Confirm or eliminate them a pediatrician, after analyzing blood to hormones and hemoglobin.
Note! As a rule, in addition to the diagnosis of ADHD in a medical record, a neurologist indicates a number of diagnoses:
  • Minimum brain dysfunction(MMD) - Light neurological disorders, causing violations of motor functions, speech, behavior;
  • Increased intracranial pressure (HBD) - increased pressure of the liquor (spinal fluid) which is in the ventricles of the brain, around it and in the spinal channel.
  • Perinatal damage to the central nervous system - damage to the nervous system, which arose during pregnancy, childbirth or in the first days of life.
All these disorders have similar manifestations, so often and written in the complex. Such a record in the card does not mean that a child has a large number of neurological diseases. On the contrary, changes are minimal and amenable to correction.

Syndrome deficit attention and hyperactivity in a child, treatment

  1. Medication treatment with ADHD

Medicinal preparations are prescribed according to individual indications only if without them fail to improve the behavior of the child.
Group of drugs Representatives Effect of medication reception
Psychostimulators Levmfetamine, Decamphetamine, Dexhethylphenidate The production of neurotransmitters increases, due to which the bioelectric activity of the brain is normalized. Improve behavior, impulsiveness, aggressiveness, depression manifestations are reduced.
Antidepressants, inhibitors of the reverse capture of norepinephrine Atomosis. Desipramine, bupropion
Reduce the reverse seizure of neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin). Their accumulation in synapses improves the transmission of signals between the brain cells. Enhance attention, reduce impulsivity.
Nootropic drugs Cerebrolysin, Piracetam, Instenon, Gamma-Aminaslanyic Acid Improve exchange processes in brain tissue, its nutrition and oxygen provision, the absorption of glucose the brain. Increase the tone of the bark of large hemispheres. The effectiveness of these drugs has not been proven.
Sympathomimetics Klonidin, Atomobsetin, Desipramine Increase the tone of brain vessels, improving blood circulation. Contribute to the normalization of intracranial pressure.

Treatment is carried out by low doses of drugs to minimize the risk of developing side effects and addiction. It has been proven that the improvement occurs only during the reception of drugs. After their cancellation, the symptoms appear again.
  1. Physiotherapy and Massage at ADHD

This complex of procedures is aimed at treating the generic injuries of the head, the cervical spine, removing the spasm of the muscles of the neck. This is necessary for the normalization of cerebral circulation and intracranial pressure. When ADHD applies:
  • Physiotherapyaimed at strengthening the muscles of the neck and shoulder belt. Must be performed daily.
  • Massage of the collar zone courses of 10 procedures 2-3 times a year.
  • Physiotherapy. Infrared irradiation (heating) of spashed muscles using infrared rays. Also use paraffin warming. 15-20 procedures 2 times a year. These procedures are well combined with a collar zone massage.
Please note that these procedures can be started only after consulting with a neurologist and orthop.
Do not resort to the services of manual therapists. Treatment from an unqualified specialist, without prior x-ray of the spine, may cause serious injury.

Syndrome of attention deficit and hyperactivity in the child, correction of behavior

  1. Bos-therapy (biological feedback method)

Bos-therapy - The modern method of treatment, which leads to the norm of bioelectric activity of the brain, eliminating the cause of the ADHD. Effectively used to treat syndrome more than 40 years.

The human brain generates electrical impulses. They are separated depending on the frequency of oscillations per second and amplitude of oscillations. The mains are: alpha, beta, gamma, delta- and theta waves. When ADHD reduced the activity of beta waves (beta-rhythm), which are associated with focusing attention, memory, information processing. At the same time, the activity of theta waves (theta rhythm) increases, which indicate emotional tension, fatigue, aggressiveness and impassableness. There is a version that theta rhythm contributes to the rapid absorption of information and the development of creative potential.

The task of bos therapy to normalize the bioelectric oscillations of the brain is to stimulate beta-rhythm and reduce up to the normal rhythm. This uses a specially designed software hardware complex "Bos Lab".
Sensors are fixed on certain places on the child's body. On the monitor, the child sees how his biorhythms behave and tries to change them arbitrarily. Also biorhythms change during computer exercises. If the task is done correctly, a beep sounds or a picture appears, which are a feedback element. The procedure is painless, interesting and well tolerated by a child.
The effect of the procedure is increasing attention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity decreases. Upgrade and relationship with others increase.

The course consists of 15-25 sessions. Progress is noticeable after 3-4 procedures. The effectiveness of treatment reaches 95%. The effect is preserved for a long time, for 10 years or more. Part of the patients with bos-therapy completely eliminates the manifestations of the disease. Does not have side effects.

  1. Psychotherapeutic techniques

The effectiveness of psychotherapy is significant, but for progress it may be necessary from 2 months to several years. You can improve the result of various psychotherapeutic techniques, pedagogical measures of parents and teachers, physiotherapeutic methods and compliance with the regime of the day.

  1. Cognitive behavioral methods
A child under the guidance of a psychologist, and then independently, forms various behaviors. In the future, they choose the most constructive, "correct". In parallel, the psychologist helps the child to understand his inner world, emotions and desires.
Classes are carried out in the form of a conversation or a game where the child offers different roles - a student, buyer, a friend or opponent in a dispute with peers. Children play the situation. Then the child is proposed to determine what each participants feel. Whether he entered correctly.
  • Anger management skills and expressing their emotions in an acceptable form. What do you feel? What do you want? Now tell me politely. What we can do?
  • Constructive solution of conflicts. The child is taught to negotiate, search for a compruition, avoid quarrels or leave them civilized. (You do not want to share - offer another toy. You do not take into the game - come up with an interesting lesson and offer others). It is important to teach a child to speak calmly, listen to the interlocutor, clearly formulate what he wants.
  • Adequate ways to communicate with the teacher and with peers. As a rule, the child knows the rules of behavior, but does not comply with them due to impulsivity. Under the guidance of a psychologist in the game, the child improves communication skills.
  • The correct methods of behavior in public places - in kindergarten, in the lesson, in the store, at the doctor's reception, etc. Come on in the form of the "Theater".
The efficiency of the method is significant. The result is manifested in 2-4 months.
  1. Game therapy
In the form of a pleasant game for a child, there is a formation of perpetuity and attentiveness, learning hyperactivity control and increased emotionality.
The psychologist individually picks up a set of games taking into account the symptoms of ADHD. At the same time, it can change their rules if the child is too easy or hard.
Game therapy at first is carried out individually, then it can become a group or family. Also, games can be a "homework", or is held by the teacher during a five-minute lesson.
  • Games for the development of attention. Find 5 differences in the picture. Determine the smell. Determine the subject to the touch with closed eyes. Broken phone.
  • Games for the Development of Ampliance and Fighting Possibility. Hyperships. Silence. Sore items in color / size / form.
  • Motor activity control games. Digging the ball with a given pace, which gradually increases. Siamese twins, when children in a pair, hugging each other for the waist, must perform tasks - pat in your hands, run.
  • Games for removal of muscle clips and emotional tension. Aims on the physical and emotional relaxation of the child. "Saltay-Bolta" for alternate relaxation of various muscle groups.
  • Games for the development of memory and overcoming impulsiveness. "Speak!" - The presenter sets simple questions. But you can only answer them after the team "Speak!", In front of which it does a pause within a few seconds.
  • Computer games, Which simultaneously develop perseverance, attention and restraint.
  1. Art therapy

The occupation of various kinds of art reduces fatigue and anxiety, frees from negative emotions, improves adaptation, allows you to realize talents and raise the child's self-esteem. It helps to develop internal control and preferabity, improves the relationship between the child and the parent or psychologist.

Interpretizing the results of the child's work, the psychologist gets an idea of \u200b\u200bhis inner world, spiritual conflicts and problems.

  • Painting Color pencils, finger paints or watercolor. Used sheets of paper of different sizes. The plot of the picture The child can choose himself or psychologist can offer the topic - "at school", "My family."
  • Sand therapy. A sandbox is needed with pure, moistened sand and a set of diverse molds, including human figures, transport, houses, etc. The child himself decides that it is he who wants to reproduce. Often he beats the stories that he unconsciously worried, but he cannot convey it to adults.
  • Clay modeling or plasticine.A child sculpts from plasticine figures on a given topic - funny animals, my friend, my pet. Classes contribute to the development of shallow motility and brain functions.
  • Music listening and playing musical instruments.For girls, rhythmic dance music is recommended, and for boys - march-shaped. Music removes emotional tension, increases protection and attention.
The effectiveness of art therapy is average. It is auxiliary method. Can be used to establish contact with a child or recreation.
  1. Family therapy and work with teachers.
The psychologist informs adults about the features of the development of the child with ADHD. It tells about the effective methods of work, forms of influence on the child, how to form a system of encouragement and sanctions, how to convey to a child the need to fulfill the duties and observance of prohibitions. This reduces the number of conflicts, make training and upbringing easier for all of its participants.
When working with a child, a psychologist is a psychocorrection program calculated for several months. In the first sessions, it establishes contact with the child and conducts diagnostics to determine how important the inattention, impulsiveness and aggressiveness are expressed. Given the individual characteristics, it constitutes a correction program, gradually introducing various psychotherapeutic techniques and complicating tasks. Therefore, parents should not expect cardinal changes after the first meetings.
  1. Pedagogical measures

Parents and teachers need to take into account the cyclicality of the brain in children with ADHD. On average, the child 7-10 minutes gives up information, then 3-7 minutes the brain is necessary for recovery and rest. This feature is be sure to use in the process of learning, performing homework and in any other activity. For example, let's give a child to the tasks that he will have time to perform in 5-7 minutes.

Proper education is the main way to combat symptoms of ADHD. From the behavior of the parents, the child will develop this problem and how successful will be in adulthood.

  • Be patient, save self-control. Avoid critics. Features in the behavior of a child is not his wine and not yours. Insults and physical violence are not allowed.
  • Communicate with the child expressively. Manifestations of emotions in facial expressions and votes will help to keep his attention. For the same reason, it is important to look into the eyes of a child.
  • Use physical contact. Keep your hand, stroke, hug, use massage elements when communicating with your child. It acts soothing and helps to focus.
  • Ensure clear control of tasks. The child does not have enough will of the will complete the started, he is greatly tempting to stay halfway. Knowledge that adult will control the execution of the task will help him bring the case to the end. Provide in the future discipline and self-control.
  • Put the baby tasks. If he does not cope with the task that you put before him, then simplify it next time. If yesterday he did not have patience to remove all the toys, today we ask only to collect cubes in the box.
  • Put the child task in the form of short instructions. At one time, let's one task: "Clean your teeth." When it is completed, ask to wash.
  • Make breaks a few minutes between each activity. Collected toys, rested 5 minutes, went wash.
  • Do not prohibit the child to show physical activity during classes.. If he is waving his feet, turns various items in his hands, varies near the table, it improves his thought process. Well, you limit this small activity, then the baby's brain falls into a stupor and will not be able to perceive the information.
  • Praise for every success. Do it one on one and in the family circle. The child has a self-esteem. He often hears what he is bad. Therefore, it praised him vital. It stimulates the child to be disciplined, to apply even more effort and perseverance in performing tasks. Well, if praise is visual. It can be chips, tokens, stickers, cards that the child can recalculate at the end of the day. Change "Awards" from time to time. The deprivation of award is an effective way of punishment. He must follow immediately offense.
  • Be consistent in your requirements. If you can't watch TV for a long time, then do not make an exception when you have guests or mom is tired.
  • Warning a child that will follow further. It is difficult for him to interrupt the activity that is interesting. Therefore, 5-10 minutes before the end of the game, warn that he will soon finish playing and will collect toys.
  • Learn to plan. Together, make a list of cases you need to execute today, and then strike out done.
  • Make the routine of the day and stick to it. It will teach a child to plan, distribute your time and foresee what will happen soon. This develops the work of the frontal fraction and creates a sense of security.
  • Encourage the child to play sports. Eastern martial arts, swimming, athletics, cycling will be especially useful. They will guide the activity of the child in the correct useful course. Team sports (football, volleyball) can cause difficulties. Traumatic sports (judo, boxing) can increase the level of aggressiveness.
  • Try different kinds Classes. The more you offer the child, the higher the chance that he will find his hobby, which will help him become more perfected and attentive. It will work out self-esteem and improve relations with peers.
  • Protect long-term viewing tV And sitting at the computer. Approximate norm - 10 minutes for every year of life. So a 6-year-old child should not watch TV for longer than an hour.
Remember, if your child has diagnosed with "attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity", this does not mean that he is lagging behind the peers in intellectual development. The diagnosis only indicates the border state between the norm and the deviation. Parents will have to make more effort, to show a lot of patience in the upbringing, and in most cases after 14 years the child will turn out this condition.

Often, children with ADHD have a high level of IQ and they are called "Indigo Children." If the child is passionate about something specific in adolescence, he will send all his energy to it and bring to perfection. If this hobby turns into a profession, then success is guaranteed. This proves the fact that most of the major businessmen and outstanding scientists in childhood suffered from attention deficit and hyperactivity syndrome.

Each mom needs to know the signs of hyperactivity in children under 3 years. Contrary to popular belief, hyperactivity is not just the inability to stream in place, inattention, excessive noise and mobility of the kid. This is a diagnosis that should put you the doctor's neuropathologist who knows your child and watching it for a while.

The brain forms nervous impulses too fast. These processes interfere with a small person to focus on some kind of fact, switch from active games to a relaxing rest, fall asleep. Hyperactivity can begin in a child not in the "difficult" three years, but much earlier. Some symptoms can be recognized in infancy. And the sooner you do, the better you and the child.

Here are some distinctive features of children suffering from hyperactivity:

  • The child is physically developing faster than its peers. Such kids are early sit down, get up, start walking and crawling. They often fall from sofas and reduce these parents crazy, while their peers still peacefully lie in the cradle. By itself, this sign does not mean anything if there is real hyperactivity, it will manifest itself somehow.
  • These children cannot just fall asleep or relax, if they are very tired. Instead of sitting, the hyperactive baby will begin to "cut" the circles around the apartment with shouts on a rabid speed, and then. To put sleeping a child with such a diagnosis is difficult even in infancy, often mom has to download for a long time and carry his child on her hands before finally a dream comes.
  • From the very beginning of life, hyperactive children sleep less than the rest. Newborn spend in a dream most of the day, but not those whose hyperactivity. These kids can be awake at 5 o'clock, for a long time to cry, but do not fall asleep.
  • Another manifestation of ADHD is sensitive. The child wakes up from every row, shudders from any minor noise. Put it to sleep back is very difficult, you have to scold and wear in your arms
  • Changing the situation, guests, new faces - all this for a hyperactive child's trial. He hardestly withstands such an active lifestyle of Mom, can fall into hysterics from a lot of impressions, long restored and comes to itself after the full emotion of the day. From a rapid delight, he goes to a long cry, then falls asleep in gear from tears. The more people indoors, the more the child is tired.
  • Symptom of ADHD, that is, attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity is a strong attachment to mom. The kid is afraid of other adults, does not come to contact, hiding behind the mother. Such children are jealous of mom to a stranger and each conflict turn into hysterics.
  • A girl or a boy with a deficit syndrome and hyperactivity cannot live for a long time. Any toy quickly bored, the baby takes one thing and throws, then it takes for another and also throws.
  • Frequent mood change - an important symptom of ADHD. Just a child laughed, and now screaming and crashes everything from anger. If this happens often, it is worth bringing it to inspection to the neuropathologist.
  • Not only impulsiveness and irritability signals the problems of the nervous system. If the child often floats somewhere in dreams, thinks and does not hear that they appeal to him and does not pay attention to what is happening around - this is also a reason to ask a question to a neurologist.
  • ADHD is often accompanied by the depressive mood of the child, fear. You may notice that the baby began to be closed, looks sad and tired. He seemed to lose interest in games and hobbies. Fears can make a child are unnecessary touchy and disturbing.
  • Hyperactive children often twitch their hands and legs, die on the chair when you need to sit quietly. Standing in the queue for play, they can bounce from impatience. If you play with such a baby in a quiz, there is a chance that it will shine the answer even before you say a question completely.
  • Loss of things, mistakes because of the inattention, switching to things that are not related to the point are the eternal satellites of patients with a diagnosis of ADHD.

All these signs do not say that your child has a diagnosis of hyperactivity. He should put a neurologist. A similar behavior is found in healthy children and is a consequence of their healthy temperament. In order not to raise a good time to panic and not to heal a healthy child, you need to be very responsible to approach the issue of diagnostics and not judge by several symptoms "on the eye".

A healthy child can also run, jump and stand on the head, but he does not fall into hysterics, but will come quietly sit, watch cartoons. Another difference is a healthy child easy to distract from hysteria toy, a song, a bird outside the window. Good long sleep and rapid falling are also a sign of a healthy nervous system.

Syndrome deficit attention and hyperactivity is not quite a disease. With the right approach and behavior of adults, this state will develop the child, and in the future the peculiarity of the brain will not give him problems.

The causes of the child's hyperactivity can be hidden during pregnancy Mom. If she suffered all the pregnancy from toxicosis and increased pressure, and the child is from intrauterine hypoxia, then the risk with a probability is 3 times higher than usual, that the child will be born with a deficit syndrome and hyperactivity.

Stresses, hard work or smoking during pregnancy can also affect the health of the nervous system of the future kid. In addition to perinatal factors on the brain, it may affect the flow of labor. In the risk group, the genus by caesarean section, protracted labor with fetal hypoxia, a long-term anhydrous period and the imposition of forceps, and, on the contrary, very rapid labor.

The doctor asks for a mother about a family history, whether people were in the family with such a diagnosis, asking to give the characteristic to the baby. It is important to tell a neurologist about everything that causes suspicions, whether it is a bad sleep or strong excitability. There are certain criteria for the diagnosis approved by the American Psychiatric Organization, it is with them a neuropathologist relates their parents' stories.

In addition to conversations, there are hardware diagnostic methods, such as electroencephalographic research or research using magnetic resonance imaging. These are completely painless methods that can give a complete picture of the child's nervous system.

How to raise a child with hyperactivity

If you are a hyperactive child mom, try not to overload his psyche with unnecessary bright impressions and noise. Thoroughly think about visitors and family holidays, visits to parks and cultural events. Do not include the background of the TV, long watch cartoons. After watching the cartoons, children often get tired very much, without understanding.

Several tips for communicating with hyperactive children:

  • Clearly formulate your requests and requirements. Do not speak long offers and ornate language, do not load the request to remove toys with extra morality and meaning. The baby with hyperactivity is poorly developed logical and abstract thinking, it will be difficult for him to understand you.
  • Formulate prohibitions correctly. Try to limit the use of denying and the words "no", instead of "do not run around the club" say "run in the sidewalk". Any ban should have a reason, clearly and briefly explain to her child. Offer an alternative. For example, it is impossible to beat the cat, but it is possible to stroke. It is impossible to pour water from the mug to the floor, and you can in the bath.
  • Do not forget about the sequence. You do not need to put several tasks at once. "Clean the toys, my hands and go there," he will most likely not understand. At some stage will distract, will forget that it was required of him, play. I write every request separately, first about toys, when toys are removed, - the time to wash your hands, and only then invite to the table.
  • Help orient time. Instead of dragging a child from a walk home right away, warn it in advance that it's time to go home - 20 minutes to the right time, for example. After 10 minutes, remind again, after five - again. By the time of fees, the child will be morally ready for what you need to switch from the game. The same applies to "It's time to go to bed" and "It's time to turn off the cartoons."
  • Give a choice. Offer the child to choose from two toys, garments, from two or three dishes. This formulation of the usual "dress" and "go eat" gives the child the feeling that he himself can take some decisions, which means that Mom trusts him.

If we clearly see that the child has been transported and does not cope with emotions, fight him in a quiet place, for example, to another room, offer it water. Helps help, stroking the head. The child should feel that Mom is calm and that she loves him. The observance of rituals, a bath with hop chip extract or needles, reading a book helps before bedtime. You can make a light massage, sing a quiet song. It is not recommended before bedtime watching cartoons, a maximum of one short cartoon duration of 10-15 minutes.

Rules for parents

Observe a clear routine of the day. For a child with ADHD it is necessary. , sleep and bathing - everything should happen at the same time. It will help her beloved child tune in advance and will give him a sense of calm and solid soil under his feet. In nutrition, it is worth limiting the consumption of food additives and dyes, the use of chocolate and a large amount of sugar and salt.

In the room, the baby should not have many bright distracting pictures, a large number of scattered toys lying on the floor and dissipating his attention. A completely small child gave the toys one or two, remove them as soon as he will lose interest. 2-year-old can already take part in cleaning.

Every time the child coped with him, the hysterious fear and could calm down on time, praise and encourage him. Positive reinforcement will help him regulate his behavior. Your relationships should be trust. Believe me, he is so hard, you should not exacerbate the deal with swear and quarrels.

Advocacy creates intuitive fear in children and leads to neurosis. For yourself, determine what it is impossible and why, do not retreat from the accepted framework. It is important not to overdo it with the prohibitions. You can note the success of the child with an asterisk, and when they accumulate 5 or 10, to reward the kid with a cute present.

Remember, the baby behaves so much, it does not have called you, he himself is hard to cope with him. He attracts attention to his attention, asking for your help. Be an ally of your child in conflicts on the playground, do not listen to relatives talking that you do not need to take a child in your arms and soothe, and the advisers with the eternal "let" be blunting. " In a difficult moment, a small person needs a loving and calm mom nearby, her support and understanding.

Medication therapy for the treatment of ADHD

A child with ADHD is useful to take multivitamins and mineral supplements, it is worth enriching omega-3 fatty acids. Eico-seated acid (ESPK) and docosahexaenic acid (DZGK) are especially important, they are often lacking in the blood of attention and hyperactivity deficit syndrome. Very useful for the work of the nervous system, the combination of magnesium and vitamin B6. Patients have a decrease in aggressiveness and improving attention, after. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe soft sedatives, such as Valerian and dyeing.

Russian doctors often prescribe nootropic drugs (piracetam, glycine, phenibut, pantogam) to improve metabolic processes in the brain and increasing the tone of the cortex to patients with ADHD. Clinically, their effectiveness has not been proven, but neuropathologists often note in practice the improvement of the state of children with hyperactivity and decrease in the severity of symptoms of attention deficit syndrome.

Diet in the treatment of hyperactivity

Many parents celebrate the improvement of the state of children while respecting the gluten-free diet. Another helps a diet with the exception of sucrose and starch. For patients with hyperactivity, everything is useful for brain fabrics: a large amount of protein from meat, nuts and legumes, carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits, fatty varieties of fish, olive oil. Exclude a child of sweets and snacks from the diet with preservatives and taste amplifiers, dyes.

Experts advise moms and dads to find those products to which the baby can have individual intolerance. To do this, make the product rotation, enter the food diary. Alternately exclude one product from the diet of the child and follow its condition.

If the child goes to kindergarten, talk to the tutor, tell about the problem. Hyperactive children need a special approach and attention. Teachers working with a child should know his diagnosis and features. The same applies to relatives and friends of the family, often among you at home. Hyperactivity - a diagnosis that your baby will definitely grow out if you find out about it in time and provide a child correct care and help. There is nothing terrible in it, mostly adult people suffering from ADHD in childhood, forget about their condition and live just like all healthy men and women. There is a possibility that after a year or two proper treatment You get rid of any manifestations of hyperactivity.

Syndrome of attention and hyperactivity deficit (ADHD) is a neurological and behavioral development disorder, which is most pronounced in childhood. Typical manifestations of ADHD are difficulties in focusing, hyperactivity and uncontrollable impulsiveness. Neurologists view this disorder as chronic and spontaneous sidrome, for the treatment of which has not yet been found in effective ways.

Attention deficit syndrome in children is usually determined only in late preschool or school age, since for the diagnosis, the behavior of a child should be assessed at least in two types of setting (for example, at home and in class). Most often, such a disorder is observed in boys.

Signs of children's deficit in children

Features of the behavior of the baby suffering from ADHD, is made to divide into the following categories:

  1. Symptoms of inattention. Such children are forgetful, easily distracted, hardly concentrate their attention. They have problems with the fulfillment of tasks, the organization and following the rules. It seems that the child does not listen when something is spoken to him. Due to inattention, he often allows mistakes, loses its school supplies and other personal belongings;
  2. Hyperactivity symptoms. The baby seems impatient, too sociable, fussy, he can not stop in place long. In the class, such children seek to break from place at an inappropriate moment. If we talk figuratively, the child is all the time in motion, as if the instituted;
  3. Symptoms of impulsiveness. In school lessons, such students shout up before the teacher finishes his question, constantly interrupt when others meet, cannot wait for their turn. If the child wants something, he should get it short, no persuasion will help.

Related disorders

Often, the shortage of attention in children leads to the following problems:

  • Difficulties in school. Children suffering from ADHD are not able to fully handle certain types of information. Some hard to understand the information presented visually, others do not perceive the data on the rumor. Because of this, the child may have problems in the process of studying school items;
  • Depression. The kid builds the wall among himself and the world around the world, the bulk of he is sad. Children with a deficit of attention is usually understated self-esteem, they show little interest in life. Some of them can sleep or eat much more or less than laid;
  • Fears. Such kids often pursue the alarming thoughts, as a result of which they become buggy and vain. However, it is necessary to understand that fears and depression at a young age are not always associated with a shortage of attention in children - these phenomena may have a completely different origin.

Why develops deficiency syndrome in children

To give an unambiguous answer to this question, experts cannot still. At the same time, doctors believe that the emergence of SDHD symptoms may be due to a whole complex of factors. We give an example of some of them:

  • The shortage of attention in children tends to be inherited, which indicates the genetic nature of this violation;
  • There is reason to believe that smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy, premature birth and prematurity also increase the risk of developing ADHD in a child;
  • The prerequisite for the occurrence of disorder may be injured and infectious diseases of the brain, transferred in early childhood.

The mechanism for the development of the deficit of attention is the lack of certain chemicals (norepinerenaline and dopamine) in certain areas of the brain. This information confirms once again the fact that ADHD is a disease that requires serious diagnosis and proper treatment.

How to deal with attention deficit

Despite the widespread opinion that the deficit of attention in children does not succumb to treatment, the child's behavior can be corrected. The task of parents in such a situation is to help the spell to realize its potential. Treatment can combine educational methods, behavioral and drug therapy. So what should be done to defeat the problem?

  1. Inform the environment. People with whom the kid regularly must know that he suffers from ADHD. You do not need to be afraid to tell about the disorder to the teacher, so it will be easier for him to find the right approach to your child;
  2. Adjust behavior. Chado usually ignores others and behaves badly, but you are able to explain to him how to perceive what is happening correctly. Here you need numerous and long-term classes with a children's psychologist. Behaviced correction helps the child learn to act in accordance with their knowledge, instead of instinctively respond to the impulse, which he felt;
  3. Develop self-control skills. Try to understand that it removes the baby from the state of equilibrium. Perhaps he begins to behave badly if it is forced to share toys or do business around the house. Take time for daily work with the child, show how to react to resentment and anger. This will help him learn to keep himself in his hands;
  4. Fasten success. Children with ADHD are not able to learn from past events. Achievements can be fixed with a reverse positive reaction. If the child coped with the task, encourage it. This can for a long time to remember the correct behavior scheme;
  5. Use medicines. Treatment of attention deficit in children can be carried out using drugs governing the level of chemicals in the brain. Certain sedatives help the baby to focus, contribute to the relief of the learning process. To achieve a good result, medication therapy is combined with behavioral.