Where can I celebrate the birthday of 12 years. Baby birthdays. How to create a children's birthday

Museums can be an original answer to the question: Where to hold a children's birthday for curious? Many institutions of Moscow are held celebrations, including excursions and additional thematic studies, quizzes, master classes or banquet.

Children can be part of one of the eight cognitive entertainment, which are devoted to the study of ancient people and animals, reptiles and insects or evolution. Many of them include interactive games and visiting expositions. Among additional services - tea drinking and a game in a maze. You can choose a suitable program for children from 3 to 13 years.

An unusual children's birthday is acquainted with acquaintance and photos with animal birds, dogs and horses. Upon completion of the excursion and the quest, there is a tea party on one of the sites, among which there is hunter hunter and the Mongolian yurt.

The program of the museum is designed for children from 5 to 12 years. The script includes a theatrical concert, contests, tea drinking, acquaintance with fabulous heroes. Participants are changed in well-known characters, and after the quest continue to celebrate in Kharchevna.


7 interactive programs were provided to the choice during which children are reincarnated in residents of a particular era, get acquainted with life ancestors and learn to be new in master classes. Among the themes there are ancient Rome, Egypt and India, medieval Japan, the stone age. Entertainment lasts 2.5 hours, and after it you can order a banquet with a cake.

The program is devoted to meeting the heroes of fantastic films, games and comics, including the Terminator, Iron Man, Transformers, as well as futuristic animals. The program for a children's birthday includes excursions, rental hall for solemn feast, photo shoots and virtual attractions.

During festive events intended for children from 4 to 13 years, participants get acquainted with the laws and phenomena of nature. The company will look at the Focus Shows, will try himself in experiments and is blind in the atmosphere of various scenarios, for example, with a detective or magical plot.

Active children's birthday in Moscow can be noted in one of the sports centers. They offer festive programs during which children are under the supervision of instructors and animators. In most cases, it is possible to order a solemn table or hall.

Batuta Park

During the holiday with a scenario, children participate in twenty entertainment and competitions. Animated program includes costume shows and loose jumps. You can complete the celebration in the banquet hall.

At the celebration, children not only roll on trained ponies, but also participate in competitions and an animation program. During the event, the Center offers homemade dishes in a glade for a picnic, in a cafe or in a banquet hall.

Children participate in competitions, sports starts and assignments that have a positive effect on the development of motorcy and logical thinking. The park offers several plots, for example, "in the footsteps of the White Panda", during which everyone is waiting for reincarnation in the Indians.

Sports and entertainment center

Children's birthday party includes Q-Zar laser battles, futuristic playgrounds or automata. The hostname works and animators work with the company, and after laser team entertainment passes a feast. Scenarios are calculated for several age groups: 6-10, 11-13 and 14-16 years.


During the holiday with a birthman and his company, professional coaches work. They are equipped with zones intended for children from 4 to 17 years old. The event includes a quest with riddles and a fabulous scenario.

Festive events are held in banquet halls or on the veranda, in the pools and on the hills. Programs are designed for children of different ages. For the youngest, there is a costume show with the participation of Disney cartoon characters, for teenagers - a pirate party or a feast in a cafe.

It is possible to celebrate the birthday of a child in Moscow in one of the major entertainment centers in which there are game rooms and interactive entertainment, thematic zones and master classes.

Programs are designed both on babies from 1 year and adolescents up to 14 years. A costume show with the participation of actors lasts one and a half hours, and ends with tea. Among the scenarios there are detective, fantastic, fabulous and scientific topics.

In these centers you can arrange a holiday for children from 2 years. Programs include musical design, games, congratulations, as well as various surprises, such as salute from soap bubbles, chocolate fountains, attractions. The network provides video and photographing services, aquagrim and banquet rooms.

Holidays in the game center are some large and mini-quests, hide and seek, Lazertag, virtual reality. Places can be closed for individual events. They also have their own cafes for banquets. Programs are designed for companies from 4 to 14 people and have different levels of difficulty.

Costumed shows and performances are designed for the birthdayricans of all ages, including for children from 1 year. The themed parties, tea drinking, balls, detective quests and much more are conducted in the theater. You can also order a show of magicians, scientific experiments, master classes, photo and video, cake from confectioners.

Children's birthdays in Moscow can be noted in cafes and restaurants. Many of the establishments of the capital specialize in holding a festive banquet for young customers. They arrange thematic parties, invite animators and actors, offer a special menu.

The network has more than 30 festive halls that can be chosen for the celebration. Professional leaders conduct a program for children from 1 year to 14 years, while scenarios are oriented both active actions and creative. Each cafe has an equipped play area.

For a holiday, you can choose one of the plots, which involves a special scenario and the stylistic design of the hall, costumes. Among them, "Alice in Wonderland", "Bremen Musicians", "Harry Potter", "Cold Heart" and many others. The restaurant has several banquet rooms designed for different number of people. You can also order exclusive cakes and confectionery.

Child's birthday is the most important holiday for the whole family. The first anniversary is looking forward to both a little birthday and his parents. 10 years - conscious age, the first ten. The child already has its own preferences, the best friends with whom he wants to spend this important day. Where to celebrate the birthday of a child?

Unusual birthday

Ways, how to celebrate the birthday of a child in 10 years a huge set. The choice will depend on what the perpetrator of the celebration is enjoyed. If the parents of birthdaynickers are creative personals and know how to organize holidays themselves, invent contests and quizzes, you can take the preparation of the event in your hands. In the summer you can organize a ride on nature with a picnic and cheerful starts, and what to do if it rains and snow goes. Where to celebrate the birthday of a child in Moscow?

10 years is the most mischievous age, both for boys and girls. How to celebrate the celebration so that it remains for a long time in their memory? Young birthdaynikes will boil energy, they are able to make any exploits. Many wander with computer games, aliens from space, superhero. Laser Land will offer a great option, where to celebrate the birthday of a child at 10 years. This is the largest Lazertaga Arena in Moscow. The child can call the whole class on his holiday. There is everything for active and fascinating rest. Children's birthday in Laser Land is a dear program for any age that consists of: laser battles, bowling, entertainment from the best animators, the sea of \u200b\u200battractions and slot machines.

For cosmos lovers, the original thematic program of Star Wars has been prepared. Children will be able to take part in exciting battles with cosmic aliens.

Space Museum

And boys and girls will appreciate the star holidays in the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics. Here for young guests a real journey into space on a comic ship is organized. For the birthday girl and its guests are a fascinating tour, after which children will be able to visit the real spacecraft. Museum staff organize a fascinating quiz, and after young cosmos conquers will be invited to a solemn tea party.

Birthday with fairy tales

Who among children does not like toys. No one will be. Unforgettable will be for the perpetrator of the celebration and his friends. Celebration in the store of toys Hamley's. Here they will be able to play with cars, collect Lego, sit behind the wheel of a large London bus.

Lovers of Smesharikov will have to carry out time with Rostov dolls Nyusha, Croeshe, Barash. Such a celebration will help organize the "Smeshariki Friends" club in Megakhimki. The organizers will hold fun events, will make aquagrim, and the entire festive salute will be completed.

And maybe small guests will want to find the magic door, which opens the golden key of Pinocchio, and solve the mystery. There is nothing impossible in the most important day. At the Museum of Pinoche-Pinocchio with them will hold funny events from Buratino, Basilio Cat, Lisa Alice.

Birthday with benefit

Birthday can not only have fun, but also to spend it with benefit. Celebration can be combined with a cognitive event. In Moscow, there are tremendous opportunities for organizing such a holiday. To this end, it is suitable:

  • zoos;
  • museums;
  • children's research and educational centers.

Museum of Darwin

This is one of the biggest museums in Moscow. Employees organize programs specifically for the perpetrators of the celebration. It will be an interesting and informative pastime, both for the birthday room and for his guests. The program contains interactive excursions with the organization of tea drinking. As part of excursion programs, you can get acquainted with the neighbors on the planet, listen interesting stories about the giants disappeared from our land. For small grievances, programs are offered to choose from which may consist of:

  • only from the excursion part;
  • excursions combined with fascinating quiz and contests;
  • excursion programs with elements of independent activity.

At the request of parents, an animation program can be organized. For example, master class on focus.

It will not leave indifferent young birthdays the opportunity to spend a festive evening in the hall of slot machines. Yes, not simple, and still those in which their mothers and dads played. The Soviet slot machine museum does not offer special programs for holding a children's holiday, but here you can rent a hall. Guests will be able to play any vehicles without restrictions. In the process of the holiday with them, an employee of a museum will be located, which will tell in detail about the submitted exhibits and will help deal with the game.
No birthday is without treats. The museum offers its guests to stay on the balcony and arrange a small tea party.

Museum of live history

In the Museum of Living History, you can organize a scientific and entertainment program for children on historical topics. A birthday with guests will be able to go on excavation of ancient Egypt, to visit the knightly tournament or feel like a treasure seeking treasures. Museum staff organize excursions for children, master classes.
The uniqueness of this museum is that most exhibits can be touched with their own hands, try on ancient clothes.

Active Birthday

Where can I celebrate the birthday of a child of 10 years, when guests cannot stop in place. For the most active invited there are options for organizing an active holiday. For active children's Day Birth in Moscow in many water parks organizes festive programs. This is a completely safe rest. Next to children will always be an experienced instructor who monitors their safety. Mark Birthday Offer Water Parks: Qua-Kwa Park, "Caribby", "Fantazi Park".

The boys will be delighted with your idea to unusually play the birthday in the karting center. Here you can organize races for a time with a festive treat. The club "10 Duma", "Silver Rain", "Club 21" will help such a celebration.

And how to actively you can celebrate the birthday in the summer?

At this time, the most successful option will be celebrating in nature. An excellent option will be a visit to Panda Park. These are six rope towns. Employees will help you choose the right tracks with rope tracks, staggering bridges and networks.

In country clubs, you can order horseback riding with a picnic organization in nature. Such services offers the Equestrian Club "Izmailovo", "White Dacha".

Culinary master classes

For young owners, you can organize a birthday in a cafe or restaurant, where culinary master classes are held for children. Guests and birthday rooms will be able not only to relax, but also get useful skills.
In the family cafe "Lilac" children will teach a beautifully to serve the table, decorate dishes. But that's not all. Cafe employees will teach young guests to knit, embroider, decorate clothes. In addition, you will be able to show the performance, concert. In the cafe you can order all the food you need.

Culinary studio Eve will help to play birthdays. Here, young guests will be taught the oven the most delicious pizza, prepare the delightful desserts that they will be friendly.

The organization of creative holidays for children is engaged in the Jenius club. Here, for your guests, not only the master class on the creation of original dishes are organized, but also will arrange a fascinating program. Among the animators are a magnificent princess Sofia, funny fixes, pets of all children and adults Masha and the Bear. Children will be able to neutralize the evil sorceress of Ursul with the help of the Mermaid Aryel.

On the birthday of birth to a small birthday language, Favorite Princesses Elsa and Anna Cold Heart can come. They will take young guests to a snowy country with ice castles, blizzards and huge icicles.
Club Jenius organizes not only the master classes in cooking. For young researchers, there is the opportunity to take part in the program crazy laboratory, where the guys will be able to feel self-real scientists.


The popularity of quests every day is becoming more and more. Many children are no longer surprised by clowns with balls, Lazertag, Bowling and other fun. And the quest will give new impressions and make a little work a little.

The quest can be held in the classroom, at home, on the street. For full immersion with reincarnation in fairy-tale characters, you must invite leading animators who will hold the quest-game in the designated place.

In Moscow, there was no little quest of organizations that created rooms with different riddles and secrets. In them, children will be able to solve intellectual tasks among colorful scenery, communicate with the characters of favorite cartoons, and the fun will celebrate his birthday in friends.


  • Serious games;
  • Kid.Delcom;
  • Street quests

In Moscow, a huge number of places where you can cheap and very fun to celebrate the birthday of 10 years. The place for holding a celebration will find themselves to taste: from active chali, to serious, passioned by the sciences of children.

If another 5-10 years ago, there was a fairly good scenario with games and contests for organizing a good children's holiday, then modern 10-year-old children will not surprise even the thematic birthday or a professional entertainment program with the animators invited to the holiday. The entertainment industry develops with space speed.

In addition, children by 10 years have time to visit the many days of birthdays - 26 will not cause boys and girls delight. So you have to try to surprise the children's company, find the original idea. Therefore, we will look for interesting options where you will celebrate the birthday of a child for 10 years.

Some mothers are firmly convinced that the best animator and the organizer than themselves are difficult to find. Well, in this position there is a share of truth. Who, like her mother, knows better inclinations and hobbies, tastes and character of the child. But the biggest problem of domestic birthdays is the beability of the topics and scenarios. Children on such holidays are simply boring.

Choose a home anniversary also families who cannot afford to pay expensive entertainment, animators services, visiting interesting places. It is not necessary to dump from the scales that in small towns and villages, the hard-to-reach area of \u200b\u200bthe entertainment industry simply has not yet reached. This does not mean that children at 10 years will remain here without an interesting birthday. We will tell me how home holiday make interesting and unforgettable.

Thematic birthday to the child for 10 years

If nevertheless decided, where to celebrate the birthday of 10 years, go out creatively to the choices of the topic. Immediately give up standard scenarios, last year's programs and the same type of competitions. At this age, the interests of children are much wider - they are fond of fantastics, try to find themselves in the surrounding world, reveal the secrets of nature. On these features of age and it is worth building a thematic program. We offer several topics suitable for this age.

The idea is good for the birthday, where children are going with a big difference in age - up to 10 years. Many balls, fun, ridiculous funny costumes.

Contests For such a program, we also select circus: walking on a rope, juggling, focuses, execution of teams "trained animals".

There will be no problems and with outfits - caps and noses, funny ears and funny glasses, masks, cheeks, wigs, aquagrimm - everything will be useful.

Pirate or Sea Party

One of your favorite children's topics. Who did not dreamed of the boys to find a mysterious treasure. Follow the vests, bundans with turtles, toy knives and pistols.

And, of course, do not do without a treasure chest. We will distribute black marks, drowning ships, arrange sea battles, catch fish and collect treasures.

Favorite fairy tales, cartoons

You can arrange a fabulous mix or a holiday dedicated to a certain fairy tale, a favorite cartoon. Multi options, starting with Pinocchio and the Snow Queen, ending with Shrekom, Fixiki and Masha and Bear.

Reloze the guests to the cowboys or Indians, Romans or Egyptians, primitive people or comrades Robin Hood, Papuans or Vikings. Requisite select the appropriate.

The fabulous birthday of the girl is 10 years old, where little beauties are going to celebrate the holiday, you can arrange in a beautiful princess style.

Girls will learn ballroom dancing, good manners, sleep on the pea, trying to try a crystal shill.

Cosmos and aliens

Space robots, humanoids, flying plates, cosmic food, star and flying ships - and many more attributes associated with aliens.

Develop a birthday can be defined or several professions.

Competitions will compete fire or doctors, vendors or cooks, police or cosmonauts.

A good idea for the birthday, where few children are going to 5-6 people, and there is no place for mobile games.

You can independently arrange a master class on a culinary topic, to collect bouquets of their sweets, painting stones, laying from polymer clay.

Mysterious castle, island, forest, etc., night in the museum - insanely interesting ideas for the children's holiday. Where to spend such a birthday to a child for 10 years? At home, in nature, in the courtyard of a private or country house, in the nearest park.

Be sure to need a common story, around which will unfold a detective, fantastic or historical story.

Children have their own roles and tasks. In the game of the game, they not only solve complex puzzles, but also find new evidence, "artifacts".

It is better to bring professionals to the organization better to organize a quest, but if you wish and creative approach, it is possible to arrange such a holiday on your own.

Ready sets for holidays

If a place where to spend a birthday to a child of 10 years, limited or no time to prepare, you can buy a ready-made set for the organization of the holiday.

It usually enters detailed instructions For the organizer-leading, tasks and contests for children, props.

It remains only to print the box and clearly follow the instructions.

For the birthday of 10 years, boxes are suitable on the topic "Sleeps of Spies", "Pirates Quest", "Journey to the Enchanted Forest".

Hike to nature is a real adventure. Therefore, this option will always be win-win.

Not only are the limitless opportunities for the organization of rolling games, quests, competitions, quiz, and the problem is still solved than feeding children.

In nature, with a bang go, and baked vegetables baked on the fire. And if you organize the preparation of a kuleum or pilam, the ear in the cauldron, the delight of children will not be the limit.

The main difficulty in organizing a children's birthday in nature, especially in the forest, is to ensure security.

It is not worth one adult to take responsibility for 15-20 children. Be sure to invite several parents invited or resort to the help of relatives.

Birthday with animators

Invite the birthday of the animator for the birthday - this is not shifting on the shoulders of professionals the organization of the holiday, and the ability to arrange a real theatrical show.

And places where to celebrate the birthday of a child of 10 years with an animator, there are several.

Home holiday

You can choose not just leading, but also the topic of the day of birth. Moreover, the choice of topics is usually much wider than traditional princesses and pirates.

Also concerns the actors - you can invite one leading or the same group of animators. Definitely, the holiday is much more fun if there is enough space for competitions in an apartment or house.

But there are show options for small rooms, where, in addition to comic program, children will be offered board games, creative master classes.

An interesting version of the holiday with the animators is an exit quest.

At such a birthday, the events unfold around the festive festival.

Animators just entertain children, inviting participating in games, dancing, competitions. It is interesting to take a holiday if there is a games room in the cafe.

But the substantial minus of this birthday is the presence of foreign people in the cafe. Often, Children who also count on prizes join the company's guests of the birthday name.

By the way, a culinary master class can be organized right in the cafe at the bottom of birth.

Pluses of the birthday organization in the children's club set, starting with a large room and festive design, the presence of sound and lighting equipment, gaming places, ending with visual sites and cleaning after the holiday.

There are regular animators in such clubs. So you have to choose not an animator, but the club directly, where to celebrate the birthday of the girl 10 years.

A significant minus of most such institutions is the absence of its own cafe. So treat children will be only brought from home sandwiches, sweets and drinks.

For sports

If you are going to arrange a birthday 10 years to an active boy, where to celebrate the holiday, there should be no problems, especially in large city or megalopolis.

There are many places for moving entertainment and sports competitions. Although it is impossible to definitely say that these are boysterial options. 10-year-old girls also with pleasure take part in sports games.

Consider that special children without adults are not allowed. Be sure to be accompanying.

Command game on ice, where children launch stone targets, trying to take advantageous positions and push the opponent target. The game has interesting, but simple rules. To participate, 2 teams need, each by 4 people.

If a multi-year company is going, a great-entertained option will be bowling. And these are children of different ages, and mixed companies from children and adults.

It is so interesting and scary. After all, this shelling is carried out, truth, paint, and not real bullets. For children's war guidelines in clubs offer individual programs.

Impressions from this birthday will be the sea and the birthday and guests. Girls also play paintball with peers.

Another version of the game in the war. Only in this case the shooting is conducted by a laser.

Opponents are protected by special vests, and the number of hits is recorded by a special program.

At the end of the game the winner is determined. Some clubs offer substantial discounts for group Games.

In almost all sports clubs, there is an opportunity after entertainment to arrange a small festive table to "preserve" the name day.

Active holiday is a dream for parents. Children are so fond of the proposed games that they simply do not remain on the balobiness.

Moreover, in many such places, animators or organizers are engaged in children.

This is a variant of the real sports holiday. The recreation program usually leads an animator in a sports suit, children are offered to participate in various sports quiz or the Olympic competitions.

Some establishments are offered to spend part of the holiday in the children's pool.

Important! Fitness clubs offer the behavior of sports children's holidays only on condition that someone from parents is a regular visitor or has a long subscription.

Birthday in the water park - it is incredibly interesting. After all, water attractions are insanely like the kids.

Consider that the animators' program is paid separately and usually does not last longer than half an hour. Therefore, you will have to engage in children yourself.

Yes, and after a birthday, you will need to dry your hair, check the dressing process.

So or initially, invite 4-5 people for your birthday in the water park or warn that your girlfriends come for a holiday with their moms.

Rope strips of obstacles are in large parks. It is easy to arrange competitions during the birthday celebration. The holiday on the rope ladders is fun and gambling.

In some parks, there are programs on rope structures with animators in thematic suits.

The idea is good for family birthday. If the holiday decided to spend mom, dad and 2 children, the best option is not found.

But if a big company is going to, in the entertainment center, children simply run out each of the fun attractions or games.

As a result, the birthday officer remainsless. Also concerns the amusement park. The idea is interesting, but not for a large number of children.

The interests of children are 10 years old are associated not only with games, entertainment and fugitives. They gladly learn something new, absorb information.

Therefore, various creative and scientific shows, master classes - a great option where you can spend a birthday for 10 years.

An interactive show with scientific experiences is a colorful and fascinating spectacle. And I like both children and adults.

Here you can find out the unexpected properties of various substances and items, to get acquainted with the essence of physical and chemical reactions.

Such interesting interactive adventures are arranged not only various museums, n and art galleries, oceanariums, theaters, museums and estates, planetarium.

Here, children can literally "touch" science with their own hands. Boring excursions are the last century.

Now children offer new formats with the participation of guests and actors. Here they can do experiences, look for exhibits, make discoveries, solve mysterious riddles.

New birthday format, which already has enthusiastic parental reviews. Moreover, organize a master class for children can be at home, in a cafe or in a specially equipped room, depending on the type of lesson.

Children here can learn how to cook chocolate candies, burning gingerbread furnaces, to do real pizza and sugar mastic. It is only part of the culinary lessons.

And also offer master classes on painting ceramics, toys, glasses, stones, soap and making candles, jewelry, sand paintings. I like children for decorating lessons, painting T-shirts, in a pottery case, etc.

You can choose a master class for a limited number of guests or for a large company.

Video: Top 10 places for children's birthday

Meet the review of the 10 best places for organizing a child's birthday:

If you are looking for where to celebrate a birthday in Moscow for a child, children themselves will be prompting. Moms tell us that the children ask for fairy-tale heroes, a large cake, quests, gifts, animal performances, disco. They want to jump on trampolines, conquer the peaks of the cliff, climb on the ninja-arena and the rope park. And we are distinguished by the fact that all this can provide in one place!

You save time, strength and money. And get a holiday that a child will say: "This is my best birthday, thank you mother and dad!".

Holidays for children and adolescents

For kids from 3 to 6 years

The guys will be delighted when their favorite fabulous heroes will come to their holiday! The actors in the role of fabulous characters are carried out by action games on the battlery arena, which teach children good, justice, family values \u200b\u200band friendship. On master classes, children make beautiful gifts and unusual sweets.

Conducting a children's birthday in the Sky Sports and Entertainment Park is not only entertainment on the battlery arena. Kids can also be in a fabulous maze, climb on the volcano and explore the wonders of the gravity tower in the Children's Center "Tusa Jus"

At this age, children are happy to participate in active games. We have ready-made thematic programs on the plots of cartoons and films. Want another plot - you will write a script for free specifically for your child!

Animators carefully prepare props, revise cartoons and films with chosen heroes to be in the subject. After all, children are the most stringent critics. You can not miss the plot!

For teenagers from 12 to 16 years

Thematic parties for adult children are a driving wave with incendiary leading. Birthday and guests will learn how to make flip, flying on the canvases, will show fearless on the most difficult paths of the rope park!

The program will continue disco on trampuses under DJ sets, a bartender show, retrose parties and 30 more amusements in the park on one festival. We are limited only to our fantasy!

What will happen on the holiday?

  • Active programs.In our collection, 40 ready-made thematic games in which all the locations of the park are involved. Children waiting for a swirling plot with obstacles, tasks, puzzles and an unexpected end.
  • Family cafe. Each park has a cozy cafe "Sky" with home confectionery. When children are hungry after active games, they will find a festive table with children's dishes and homemade desserts. We care about the children on the holiday if only fresh dishes.
  • Atmosphere. The feast part of the holiday takes place in banquet halls or in a cafe. Decorators decorate space in accordance with the party style.
  • Animation with show program. Choose your favorite hero, and he comes a holiday! To surprise guests, order a show with liquid nitrogen or electricity, master classes, circus numbers or performances of magicians.
  • Congratulations from the park "Sky". The most touching moment, when at the end of the birthday of trampolines, the corporate hare Skye puts the cake and congratulates the birthday officer. Children adore this moment and wait for him with a fading heart.

How to create a children's birthday

Children's holidays are our chip. For three years, the "Sky" team thoroughly worked for festive programs and took into account all the subtleties of children's birthdays. Our task so that the children are well have fun, and the parents have rested at the same time. Therefore, we take all the troubles.

How everything happens:

  • Come discuss the details of the holiday with the child so that it tried for free to entertain the park.
  • You will tell us about desires: what the child wants and what to enjoy guests.
  • The child will choose a fabulous hero, with whom he wants to see his birthday.
  • The manager considers timing so that children are not overwhelmed and did not bounce. Suggest a menu of the festive table and sweet treats. Add to the program thematic games, disco and master classes.
  • We will prepare the schedule of events so guests easily oriented.
  • To the appointed time and the date everything will be ready: the hall is decorated, the festive table is covered, the show program is waiting for its o'clock.

How to cheap birthday in Moscow

In the centers "Sky" celebrate magnificent celebrations and small holidays. The cost depends on the number of guests, the day of the week, the saturation of the entertainment program, menus and decor. Tell your wishes on the budget manager, and it will collect suitable options for choosing.