An excellent product is located in a plastic case, a convenient and quality product. Beer Guinness: story, views, how to drink, interesting facts with what to drink Guinness

For the first time, having bought the jam beer Guinness, you will find that there is a third-party object inside - a small (2 cm in diameter) a plastic ball with a hole. This is not a gift and not marriage of the manufacturer. Before you one of the greatest scientific achievements of Britain of the last 50 years. I will tell about the functional purpose of the capsule on the functional purpose.

The ball is called "Floating Widget". This patented invention belonging to the Guinness beer brand. The capsule retains the original taste of pouring beer in a tin can, even during long-distance transportation.

Famous Foam Beer Guinness

Most beer varieties enriched with carbon dioxide (CO2). In a closed jar, one part of the gas accumulates at the top of the banks, the other is dissolved in the beer itself. When opening the can and overflow its contents into a glass, the pressure inside drops sharply, as a result of this carbon dioxide is released from beer and forms a favorite "beer hat". As the concentration of CO2 decreases, the foam subsides.

Guinness beer is known for a long time holding a hat. At the same time, the content of carbon dioxide in it is lower than in other varieties. In order not to spoil the unique taste of the Guinness gasizes the low concentration of carbon dioxide by adding nitrogen. The problem is that nitrogen is not dissolved in beer, and accumulates at the top of the bank and immediately goes when opening. Without a capsule, the Guinness foam was not as thick and would keep a short time.

White Bulb Operation Principle

The capsule is a plastic ball with a small hole filled with nitrogen. It is added to a full jar before closing. The nitric capsule increases the pressure within the can, as a result of beer through the hole enters the ball itself, completely filling it.

When opening the pressure drops sharply. Nitrogen begins to displace beer from the capsule back to the jar. The mixing of beer (from the ball and in the bank) contributes to the release of carbon dioxide, forming a beautiful persistent foam (on video).

For the first time, the ball in a beer was used in 1989. And in 1991, the company received a royal award for technological inventions. During the survey, the nitric capsule in beer was recognized as the greatest invention of the UK of the last 40 years :).

Reference. - The most famous Irish beer (Porter), in the manufacture of which is used by burned barley, hops, malt and water. It has characteristic dark color, burned aroma and bitter taste with a long aftertaste. Brewery founded Arthur Hinnes in 1759. At the moment, the brand belongs to the London company Diageo, production facilities are concentrated in Dublin.

When is the conversation about beer, what are you thinking about? About taste, about color, about salted fish? Most people sees in front of their eyes a lush thick beer cap. Plotted beer glasses with a pronounced foam cap, served in bars. Write beer from bottles or tin cans this feature is rarely different.

But there is one beer, it is often called nitrogen beer or beer with a capsule, which forms a phenomenal cap. The cap is not only a lush volume, it has an increased density. Foam completely fills the space of the glass. Slowly settled, foam complements taste. The main thing - such a beer retains its original quality even during transportation for long distances. This is beer Hinnes.


If you are on the first time drinking a cannon or bottle Irish beer of this brand, for sure you will seem strange: inside floats an incomprehensible white ball with holes. Maybe this is a production marriage if a foreign object got inside the beer?

No, this is not a marriage! You will be surprised, but the beer ball is considered the most revolutionary invention in England over the past 40 years. The so-called "opening of British scientists" traditionally cause a smile in all over the world, but not this ball. Let's deal with!

The Guinness company has delivered the task: cooking such beer for bottling into banks and bottles so that the hat from the foam he has, like a spill of barrels or beer kegs. Usually the cap forms carbon dioxide dissolved in beer. How did he get there? Beer worst wanders and highlights this gas. But the gas is not too much. Therefore, the manufacturer has to pump carbon dioxide to the container additionally.

In a tank with nitrogen beer, an additional nitrogen is pumped, and not traditional carbon dioxide. Nitrogen does not affect the taste features of the grinding drink, it is an inert gas. When you open a bottle or a can with beer, because of the nitrogen foam is formed more, and it keeps a longer time. Guinness went further. The company's specialists came up with a beer with a nitric capsule.

This is a plastic ball with a small hole. The diameter of the ball is only 2 cm. Often this ball is called a beer widget.

In front of the sealing of the beer jar in a spherical capsule inject nitrogen. Gas is in a liquid state. Next, the ball filled with nitrogen is lowered inside the cans with beer and it is quickly sealed. A spherical capsule floats inside the can with beer, nitrogen inside it evaporates and comes out of the capsule.

The bank clogged hermetically, out of the capsule gaseous nitrogen increases pressure in the bank. The nitrogen evaporated in the capsule frees the space in the capsule, and instead of nitrogen in the capsule flows beer. So, now in the can of beer, nitrogen, and a floating ball with beer and the remaining nitrogen.

And now we will scold the bank. What happens? The pressure in the bank sharply decreased, dissolved in beer gas expands and forms foam. From the floating capsule fountainly through the hole along with the beer, the remaining nitrogen is broken. This leads to the fact that the capsule begins randomly moving inside the jar, touching its walls, reflecting them. This random movement of the capsule mixes beer and helps the formation of an additional foam. A beautiful foam hat climbs over a glass with beer. So the laws of physics are valid. But it is still better to see this process with your own eyes, having bought a beer Ginness.

This brewer technology has been developed for several years and spent more than $ 10 million on it. The ball is put only in a cannon beer. For bottles came up with a capsule of another form. A bottle capsule looks like a torpedo.

It should not drink this beer beer, it is not suiced, so try to secure more pleasure and cool beer in advance. The optimal temperature is 5-7 degrees.

Pour and drink this beer - a whole ritual. If you comply with several simple rules, a great mood from this drink is guaranteed.


  • From an ordinary glass, this beer is not worth drinking, it is better to drink from the glass, which is similar to the flower of the tulip. Due to this form of a glass, gas bubbles are actively circulated up and down.
  • 0.6 l is the traditional volume of the glass for nitrogen beer.
  • Keep a glass at an angle of about 45 degrees And slowly pour beer for three quarters volume.
  • So that large bubbles are not formed in the foam, do not hold the glass vertically!
  • Let the glass with beer stand in a couple of minutes. During this time, high foam will rise above the beer.
  • Pour beer residues into a glass. Foam should take the form of the dome.
  • Seafood is good to beer, although in itself it will not leave you indifferent.

Try drinking beer in Irish

  • Buy two bottles or ginnes beer banks.
  • One bottle is cool up to 5-7 degrees in the refrigerator, the other in the meantime, let it stand on the table at room temperature.
  • Tilt the glass of 45 degrees. First pour warm beer into a glass, and then cold. The glass should be filled with half! Wait half a minute, a foam hat should form.
  • Follow warm beer top. Do not forget about a place in a glass for the resulting foam.
  • Wait a couple of minutes until the foam falls away. Now enjoy!

The most popular beer made on this technology, of course, Guinness. The company since the end of the 18th century produces only beer varieties with dark color. But there are other brands of beer made by this technology. Mostly it is beer cooked in English or Irish brewery. In Russian stores for sale:

  • Kilkenny Drawht;
  • Belhaven Best;
  • BoddingTons;
  • Double Chocolate Stout);
  • Murphy's Irish Stout;
  • Caffrey's;
  • Brains Black;
  • Brains Smooth.

But tricking all sorts of grades, you stop your choice on the Irish beer of the authors of the technology. Hinnes is Guinness! It's not what gas is added to beer. Brewer in beer adds his soul.

The legendary Irish product has been produced in Dublin more than two and a half centuries. In addition to the main plant in the capital, whose history began in 1759, the company has brewery and offices in other countries, including in Russia.

The guinness beer is surrounded by a huge number of legends and myths: probably no Irish drink boasts such a rich inventory of secrets and sensations.

Also on the account of the company - several original inventions and innovative projects.

The origins of the creation of one of the most popular alcohol brands of Ireland is the famous brewing and Philanthrop Arthur Guinness. It is known not only as the founder of the company "Arthur Guinness Son & Co", but also as a large father.

21 child was born in the family of Irish brewer. Unfortunately, many children died in infancy: only 10 of them lived to mature years. It is noteworthy that the three sons of Guinness decided to continue the case of the Father and also tied life with brewing business.

Arthur himself was interested in manufacturing a foam drink from school years. Together with his father, they cooked Eli at the local Archbishop of Prica, who was a godfather boy. After the death of the clergy in 1752, Arthur was inherited by 100 pounds.

The amounts turned out to be enough to open their own brewery in Lakeslip. However, at this ambitious Irishman did not stop. A few years later, he moved to the capital, where she rented an old brewery at the gate of St. James, thereby putting the beginning of great success.

Exactly after 10 years, the Guinness Elya party went to the sea voyage to the shores of England, and in the 70s the first corporate porter was welded, today known as the National British drink. For Ireland, it was a fundamentally new product. Subsequently, "black beer" became the prototype of foreign extra-stout ("Guinness Foreign Extra Stout"), which was exported and glorified the creator to the whole world.

The new alcohol was so applied to local brewers, which by the end of the 18th century, Guinness refused to produce Ale and focused on improving Porter.

It is noteworthy that the last long time was known as a "drink for hard work workers" and in large quantities consumed by port portors to restore forces. After half a century, the product was actively prescribed by recovering patients, pregnant and nursing mothers due to the high content of iron in it.

After the death of Arthur Guinness in 1803, the company's management passed into the hands of his sons. For a long time, the company retained a family character: the post of head of the company up to the 80s of the 20th century was exclusively representatives of the famous surname.

The most active for the enterprise in terms of expanding production facilities and an increase in export volumes was the 19th century. Supplies were established to America, Africa, Europe and New Zealand. In 1998, the GUINNESS brand passed to the ownership of Diageo, which is engaged in the release of premium categories.

Secrets of brewing Guinness

For a long time, the mixing method of freshly welded and stunned beer was used to create a Guinness Porter, which provided a light milk tint drink and a persistent foam. Later, this method refused, and for the formation of lush caps began to enrich the product with nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

Luxurious playing foam is one of the distinguishing features of the legendary stout. Special attention The creators of Irish beer are paying for selected ingredients and compliance with technology:

    The malt barley is purchased from proven farmers with which the company has been working for several decades. Water is obtained from the local Lake Pulafuka, located in the Ukalau County.

    To give the stout of a characteristic reddish color, a saturated taste and a specific burning aroma to the composition include barley roasted. The heat treatment time and temperature (232 ° C) are strictly controlled.

    The number of hops included in the beer "Guinness" is 2 times more than in similar products of other brands. Thus, the manufacturer enhances the taste of drinks.

    Special yeast, derived by the first generations of brewers, completes the list of components. The valuable strain is generically stored in the laboratories of the enterprise. To create stoves, use the technology of riding fermentation.

    Behind the process of maturation necessary to obtain a balanced taste and thick consistency, leading experts are followed. To assess the quality of the finished drink, use a special test on the "Heavy Height" or "Number of bubbles". They should be about 3 million.

Today, Guinness beer is produced worldwide. Regardless of the country of release, in the manufacture of the high standards, installed on the homeland of the beverage - Dublin brewer of Saint-James Gate.

Types of beer Guinness

    One of the brand's iconic products is a dark draft beer with a velvety texture and a creamy foam cap. At first, it was produced exclusively in kgs, but after the invention, the widget also supplied in bottles and banks. Fragrance: Coffee with malt tones. Taste: bitter-sweet with shades of roasted barley. Failure: smooth, creamy, balanced. Fortress: 4.2%.

    Hop House 13 Lager

    Golden-amber beer with dense foam, including a double dose of Hop: Australian and American. Aroma: lightweight, with floral and citrus notes. Taste: bright, alive, refreshing, with crumpled tones. Fortress: 5%.

    Foreign Extra Stout.

    An eminent drink created for export deliveries capable of carrying long marine travel. The basis of the "West India Porter" formulation was taken, developed at the beginning of the XIX century. Aroma: powerful, with severe notes of burnt grain. Taste: Rich, full, bitter-sweet, with fruit accents and a bright character. Fortress: 7.5%.

    Dublin Porter.

    Another drink made by ancient recipes with minor improvements. Creation date - 1796. Color: Ruby-red, less intense than the stout. Fragrance: thin, hop and Irisok notes. Taste: malt-caramel, without pronounced fried tones. Failure: smooth, easy, sweetish. Fortress: 3.8%.

    West Indies Porter.

    The very first Ruby-Red Porter, having sailing to the shores of foreign countries in 1801. The modern version used American hops. Aroma: Irisky, Caramel, Light Chocolate Notes. Taste: Sweet, with shades of cocoa beans and coffee. Failure: smooth, easy, soft. Fortress: 6%.

    Nitro IPA.

    One of the latest developments of the company belonging to the category "Indian Light El". Color: Golden Honey. Aroma: a combination of acute shades of citrus zest with delicate pine notes. Taste: Balanced mixture of hop and fried barley with fruit accents. The aftertaste: smooth, creamy, saturated, with a pleasant bitter hop cable. Fortress: 5.8%.

In addition to the listed beverages, under a well-known brand come out: "Guinness Original", "Guinness Golden Ale", "Guinness Blonde American Lager", "Guinness Smooth", "Guinness Special Export", "Guinness Black Lager".

How to drink beer guinness

For the tasting of Guinness Stows, a whole ritual was invented with pouring into two sites and the use of a special tulip-like gland with a pint size. It must present the brand logo.

Food prepared with your own hands is tastier and more useful than that which we bought in the trading network. This concerns drinks, canned products and others.

Homemade beer.

The history of beer consumption begins with ancient Egypt. Now the beer has become one of the main low alcohol drinks. But this drink for sale in stores is manufactured according to the accelerated concentrate procedure. In order to extend the timing of its storage, preservatives that kill taste are added to beer. If the beer is a favorite product, then you can spend some time and other resources prepare it at home.

Brewing equipment

For independent cooking, beer will be necessary:

  • emaleted or stainless steel saucepan with a capacity of 30-50 liters;
  • chiller or easier a coil needed to cool beer;
  • capacity with a hydrotherapy of the corresponding volume for the fermentation process;
  • thermometer;
  • mill for grinding barley or rye malt;
  • accurate scales.

Ingredients for brewing

To cook house beer, such ingredients are needed:

  • malt;
  • hop;
  • brewer's yeast.

And, in addition to all ingredients, a lot of patience will be required. Although the malt can be cooked independently, but if possible, it is better to purchase it in the store.

Laboratory of Brewer

In order for yeast (and this is a living organism), sterile conditions are needed. Therefore, it is necessary to create sterile conditions by applying laboratory dishes. There will be hoses and rams for washing bottles. Glass test tubes, flasks, coasters for flasks with a round bottom. Laboratory of Brewer Can be replenished with the necessary objects in our store.

Homemade moonshine - pleasant meeting

To distort the moonshine at home you need to purchase moonshine vehiclesFor example, in our store. The store presents all sorts of devices. Here, devices with two and one drill, copper devices. They also have different volumes.

Items for cooking wine and canning

To prepare the wines will be required oak barrels Miscellaneous tank. All products are made of oak, which passed drying. There are barrels with a capacity of three to twenty five liters. Our barrels will allow you to withstand the wine in them, which will have a delicate taste. It will be stored for a long time.

For canning in banks in the farm, you must have autoclaves with anem. Autoclave TEN. Allows you to effectively process banks when preparing and preserving at home berries, meat, vegetables, other products.

Cooked beer, wine, other drinks and home products are always excellent quality

For such preparation, patience is necessary. In addition, you will need brewing equipment, Other items that can be purchased from us. Our managers are ready to advise on the first request, help with choosing Ingredients for brewing, place the purchase and deliver the purchased items.

Beer is the very heart of the Irish lifestyle, Irish culture and national identity. Beer was cooked ancient Celts, calling it that "Curches", then "feed", then, on the contrary, "smoke." The chronicles tell that beer (that is, "feed") did not disappear and the Holy Patrick.

In the Middle Ages, Irish kings used to devote a Sunday afternoon drinking beer with their yard. And the bad glory went about Tom Kole, the guests of which left the palace without the smell of the beer fume.

Beer bar in dublin

Beer was cooked, naturally, and the monks who also drank him, and they did it in the days of the post, called "liquid bread". For the Irish peasants, the beer in the winter served as the main source of vitamins, since the cows did not die in the winter, and vegetables reserves ended.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, brewers were in every respected Irish city, and Guinness was considered the largest brewery of the world. Subsequently, competitors overtook guinness in the international market, but in the Ireland itself, the dominance of several large brands led to the almost complete disappearance of small brewers. Only at the end of the twentieth century began a movement for the revival of small beer production.

Stout, Porter, El, Lager ...

Before continuing, you should agree on the terms. Since I even remotely can't consider myself an expert on Irish and English beer, it took me some time to realize that, for example, the porter, this, in essence, mostly the same thing, and in Ireland, famous for his stait (siren porter), consume twice the lager than dark beers.

When the foam will fall, beer you need to add

So, the Porter is the name of the dark beer, once popular among London movers, from here its name (Porter - loader, Swiss). The word stout has more long-standing origin, its initial meaning is "proud", "brave"; Subsequently, "strong". Since the XVIII century, both words begin to be used to designate dark beers, which, as a rule, was stronger than light. Although there are some exceptions, today "Stout" and "Porter" denote the same thing: dark beer, which is synonymous with the Irish Guinness (although the founder of this oldest Irish brewery Arthur Guinness was an Englishman). After two, the abstract centuries in the origin of the Irish beer Guinness passed under the control of the British alcoholic company Diageo, but still produced in Dublin, where I tried it and learned the art to correctly fill the Ginnes glass.

Beer bar in dublin

Justice should notice that today Guinness is produced more and consumed in Nigeria than in Ireland, but there they are made from sorghum, and not from barley, as in Dublin. In general, if you drink Guinness, produced outside Ireland, most likely it is made of concentrate. Therefore, the taste of Moscow "Guinness" reminds little Irish. If you drink the draft Irish porter in the bar, it is useful to keep in mind that the famous resistant silky foam Guinness is achieved by enriching the beverage nitrogen.

Street in the city of Kilkennen

The good news about "Guinness" is that this is a relatively low-calorie drink: in one Pint of Irish stout less calories than in a glass of low-fat milk or orange juice.

Irish beer should be able to pour

You can drink "Guinness" as whom it is pleased, but there is one rule that allows you to get the maximum pleasure from this lesson: the first sip must be large, and at the same time you should try to make as little foam as possible in your mouth.

At the Ginnes factory in Dublin

Art correctly filling the glass from under the tap is somewhat more complicated. On the branded glass "Guinness", as everyone knows, there is an image of a golden harp, a symbol of Ireland. In addition to patriotic value, this image has a purely utilitarian value. Driving a glass to the crane at an angle of 45 degrees, you must pour beer with a thin flowing, a pattern in the harp, with such a calculation so that the dark fluid flows through the wall of the glade. Filling a glass of a quarter, you fully open the crane, but you are not trying to pour beer to the edges, but leave a couple of centimeters. Next, you should wait until the foam is asced to which the real "Guinness" will require exactly 110 seconds. And only after that porter can be addered to the end.

Beer bar in dublin

At the Ginnes plant in Dublin, I did all these manipulations, and then with great enthusiasm he dried my glass, having received the corresponding certificate for it.

Although outside Ireland "Guinness" is the most famous Irish beer, when you fall on the island, you need to try drinks made in small family brewery. In our trip, organized by Bord Bia, I had the opportunity to visit Carloow County at the family-owned enterprise, producing O'Hara's beer. Unlike "Guinness", the leading account for centuries, the age of O'Hara's is simple "children's", about a quarter of a century.

In the nineties in Ireland was a boom of small family brewing. Unfortunately, they as quickly appeared on the world, as they immediately ended their existence. O'Hara's is one of the few enterprises established on the legs. In the "zero" years, the revival of family brewing again revived, but so far too little time passed to understand which of them will remain for a long time.

What are good small brewery

The plant, where O'Hara's is based on the southeast of the island, in the region known to its barley production. Because brewing resumed in the County of Carloow in 1998, the beer here was cooked for the last time hundred years ago.

O'Hara's brewery

At the factory, we have shown the whole process of how the bag with a fried barley turns into a barrel with a foam drink. Brothers O'Hara are boiled, red el and wheat beer, using traditional local recipes and only natural ingredients. From the further description of O'Hara's products, I will refrain because everyone can make a personal performance about it. Unlike Ginness, which falls into Moscow stores from the plant in St. Petersburg, the drinks of the O'Hara brothers go to us straight from Ireland. More precisely. Due to the fact that the company has no room for the filling line, the welded unfiltered beer enters Britain, where it is filtered and bottled on the bottle, and then it diverges the world.