Fairy tales who teach good. What we teacher a fairy tale (writing). Fairy Tale of the Food-Bowls or Magic Book of Egor Kuzmich

All adults read fairy tales to their children. And this is a very correct solution, since it is precisely with the help of fairy tales, it is easier to explain to the child what is good what is bad. Classic children's fairy tales often cheerful and instructive, with many colorful illustrations, they can be purchased at any bookstore.

It is not surprising that both adults like fairy tales, and they gladly spend time for a book, with a head plunge into the world of fabulous stories. Below are the most popular classic fairy tales that each of us is probably read as a child:

1. "Ugly Duckling"

"Ugly Duckling" is a fairy tale written by the Danish Prose and the poet, the author of world-famous fairy tales for children and adults, Hans Christian Anderson (1805-1875). The fairy tale tells about a small duckling, which other inhabitants of the bird courtyard are constantly offended. But it continues for a short time, since with time, a small duckling turns into a beautiful white swan - the most beautiful bird among all. This fairy tale like both adults and children, because personal growth is shown here, transformation, change in the beautiful, better side.

The fairy tale, together with three other works of Anderson, was first published on November 11, 1843 in Copenhagen, Denmark, and was very critical to the public. However, the fairy tale was immediately included in the repertoire of the Opera House, based on the fairy tale, the musical was put, as well as an animated film was shot. This work does not apply to any folklore or folk tales, as it was invented by Hans Christian Anderson.

This is one of those fairy tales by reading which, we understand that we are not as they seem at first glance. We are all different, we all differ from each other, but one thing is to know that you are not like others, the other is to be surprised at your own, unexpected, excellent reincarnation. Each of us must learn to forgive former mistakes, learn to change for the better and strive for self-development and self-knowledge.

2. "The boy who shouted the" Wolf "

Entertainment for the boy, the main character of this fairy tale, was to lie to people from their village about the Wolf, who allegedly going to eat Otaru sheep, which the boy rip. He shouted: "Wolf!", But in fact, there was no wolf when people from the village came to the rescue. The boy was amused by this situation and he laughed at those who came to his aid. It happened so that one day the wolf came to raise the Otar sheep. When the boy began to call for help, none of the villages paid attention to it, since everyone decided that the boy was lying again. Ultimately, he lost all his sheep. The moral of this fairy tale is: never undermine the confidence of people, as it is sometimes very difficult to restore it.

3. "Thumbelina"

The fairy tale "Thumbelina" (dates. Tommelise), written by Gansa Christian Anderson, was first published on December 16, 1835 K.A. Ratezel in Copenhagen, Denmark. Together with the fairy tales of the "bad boy" and "satellite", "Thumbean" entered the second collection called "Tales, told for children." In his fairy tale, the author talks about the adventures of the tiny girl of the thumbnail, about her acquaintance with the family of the Zhab, the May beetle and marriage with Mole. Thumbelina passes a lot of tests and at the end of the fairy tale marries the king of the elves of flowers, which was as small as the herself.

This fairy tale is one of the most famous in the world. Children like to read about the adventures of a little girl, about her not easy journey. With his fairy tale, the author wanted to convey to us that the most important thing is not what awaits you at the end of your way, but what happens to you while traveling.

4. "Elves and a shoe"

Be always friendly and kind! Do not forget to say: "Thank you" and really be grateful. These are the main advice that gives us the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm "Elves and Bashmachnik".

The fabulous elves helped the shoes to make very beautiful shoes that were madly loved by many wealthy people. Ultimately, the shoeman is strongly rich, selling wonderful couples to the shoes of the townspeople, but he did not begin and always told the words of gratitude and very respectfully referred to the little creatures, which once helped him bring his cherished dreams to him. Never forget to say "Thank you" to people around you, and you will be rewarded for your respectful attitude hundreds of times more than you expected.

5. "Genesel and Gretel"

This is a fairy tale about the young manzel and Gretel, brother and sister, about their courage and how they challenges the child's old witch - cannibals. But the lesson who carries this fairy tale relates, most likely to adults, namely to the fathers. Morality is: a man, if he marries the second time, must be very responsible to choose the choice of the second wife, especially if he has children from the first marriage; A future wife should not want to get rid of children.

6. "Cat in boots"

"Cat in boots" is a very famous European fairy tale in which it is about a cat with unusual abilities and a sharp mind. Cat, with the help of tricks and thanks to his business grip, helps his poor and rooted owner to get what he wanted: the power, wealth and hand of princesses. The fairy tale was written at the end of the seventeenth century by the French author of fairy tales for Children by Charlf Perso - a former public servant on pensions, as well as a member of the French Academy.

Another version of the fairy tale called "Kaluseo" was published in 1634 Jovani Battista Basile. This version of the fairy tales, in print and with illustrations, appeared two years before, in 1967, a version of the PRR, included in the collection of eight fairy tales called "Histoires Ou Contes Du Temps Passé" was published. Charlet Persian version was published by Barbin. A collection of fairy tales was a great success, and the tale itself about the cat in boots remains one of the most beloved in the world and to this day.

Everything is possible to get with the help of charm and trumps of tricks - this is the main idea that the author wanted to be conveyed to the reader. The fairy tale speaks of a cat that went to the inheritance from the father to one poor young man. Thanks to intelligence, skill and ingenuity, the cat helped his owner to survive the best, rich life. He found for the young man new clothes, I helped impress the king, the cat even coped with the giant-eater, fooling him and turning it into the mouse.

7. "New Dress of the King"

"New Dress of the King" (dates. Keiserens Nye Klæder) - a short fairy tale of the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen about two weales who promised the king to sew such a dress for him, which will be invisible to people who inappropriate king in rank - people stupid, incompetent, poor . When the king walked in his new outfit among ordinary people, one little boy said: "King is naked!". The fairy tale was translated into hundreds of the languages \u200b\u200bof the world.
When you need advice or opinion about something, ask the child. The child will answer you honestly, without a rustle will tell the truth. In fact, there was no new dress on the king, but the people on the street preferred preferred to admire the new outfit, everyone was afraid to seem like a fool. Alone only small child Sincerely told the truth.

We all come from childhood and perfectly understand that fairy tales are needed to children for better worldview and development. The benefits of fairy tales is simply priceless, as the child is immersed in the world of magic and miracles, together with his favorite characters, is experiencing every situation, every adventure, which allows you to develop imagination and memory.

Russian folk tales teach good, good always wins evil, but only the way to victory can be too long. Fairy tales give the child the first idea of \u200b\u200bsuch concepts as good and evil, wisdom and cunning, forgiveness, compassion. If you believe in yourself, not to retreat from your principles - everything will turn out. In the images of fabulous heroes, in their interaction with the surrounding world of the realities of life adapt to children's perception. Children perceive everything, and if they do not guess about the morality, which the text contains, then at least try to be similar to good, responsive and resourceful heroes.

Russian folk fairy tales introduce a child with a huge universe, in which he will have to live, with its physical laws, animals of the world, history and culture.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales

The main character of the fairy tales is always a courageous, fearless. He overcomes all obstacles on his way to his happiness. During the adventures, the hero is transformed: Ivan-Fool, rustic and lazy, at the end of the fairy tale necessarily turns into a young man and marries the princess.

Other characters are help to overcome the test of the hero: wonderful animals, wise dealers. But the help is not given so simple: even Baba Yaga helps the hero if he shows himself hardworking, brought up and purposeful. This is expressed by people's ideas about human morality and morality. Wonderful assistants have magic means (carpet-aircraft, boots, boots), which personify folk dreams.

Women in Russian-folk fairy tales are always unusually beautiful and smart. Mind, beauty, hard work, resourcefulness, a mandatory attribute - spit to the belt (the hair used to be associated with life force) - all this features, which, in the folk view, should be present at any girl.

Protagonists of the main characters are dark, evil forces (sacheling immortal, snakes Gorynych). Oniovarny, cruel, greedy - so in the representation of the people, the concept of violence and evil is expressed. The worst of the monster, the fact it seems the feat of the main character. But the fight against the dark forces is conducted not only with the help of power and mind: popular consciousness sometimes gives villains and comic stupidity, because of which they fall into the traps placed by the main hero.

Animal world

Animals in Russian folk fairy tales personify themselves human qualities. There were "stamps" of images, the same for all fairy tales.

For example, Lisa is a cheating and a cheater. She personifies the trick, deception, a tendency to tricks. She will pretend to be weak, let the eloquence in the course to achieve her. But Lisa is often punished for their practices (he receives a deserved punishment for the deception), especially if her tricks cause serious harm to someone from heroes.

The wolf personifies greed and angry. But, at the same time, he is stupid and easily succumb to the deception of cordones more cunning characters fairy tales. Particularly often encountered the confrontation of the wolf and the fox, and the wolf again and again comes across the fox of the tricks, no matter how he should believe the fox. But the wolf is the personification of death (since he often eats someone). But good and smart characters always defeat the wolf.

Bear in fairy tales is a gross strength, badness, tougominess. It can be either fierce, or kind and naive. Bear, as the owner of the forest, has the power over other animals. In the image of the bear, you can tracerate the parallel with the images of rich penaltifiers. As a result, such a bear always turns out to be defeated. But sometimes the bear personifies the good forces of nature, giving and helping the hero for hard work and honesty.

And small animals in fairy tales (hares, mice) - cowardly, but kind. They are ready to help, this is good friends. And in difficult moments they can wake up and real courage. True, they wore the victory more often by chance, since neither mind nor the force can be compared with other characters.

So Russian folk tales are not so simple, as it may seem at first glance. They teach us a lot, so fairy tales need to read even adults.

What does the fairy tale teach us

competitive essay of dairy Mary, student 3 class

We are delighted when we travel with your favorite heroes on interesting fairy tales, experiencing their adventures with them.

The tale teaches: if the hero listens to his heart, he will find answers to all his questions.

Russian folk tales - an inexhaustible source of wisdom. These are instructive stories based on real and fictional events, they keep huge information about the Russian people, his customs.

Some fairy tales teach to be generous, other fairy tales teach to respect the elders and not offend the younger. Fabulous heroes helps us become bold, fair.

The fairy tale teaches to appreciate the most important human qualities in man - love, kindness, care. She calls a person beautiful only when he is handsome soul. The tale teaches to appreciate the people themselves, understand the difference between good and evil, truth and lies. She teaches us to live.
The best, the most interesting and true fairy tale, a person can make a reality only on his own, because the good heart and faith in the best are the most powerful wizards. Tales teaches us that wonders in the world occur not only thanks to magic and witchcraft.

The correctly says in the proverb "Tale is a lie, yes in it hint."

The main thing is to learn to understand the hint that is hidden in a fairy tale.

For example, in fairy tales a lot of different proverbs. Both explicit and hidden. Ivan -Durak at the beginning of the fairy tale becomes Ivan Tsarevich at the end. Here you can apply the proverb - from dirt in the princes ... and such examples can be given a lot.

It seems that in the fairy tale there are answers to all questions. Maybe it is.

What does the fairy tale teach us

competitive essay of Tuskova Oksana, student 3 class

Probably not in the light of a person who would not love fairy tales.
They love them from childhood.

The fairy tale attracts the fictional world to him, where all the desires are executed. Each boy, reading a fairy tale, represents himself a bold hero, ready for any feats, and a girl - an unusual beauty that destroys evil spells with his kind heart.

In every fairy tale, in front of the main character there are difficulties that need to be overcome. But the hero does not stop before, goes forward.

There are many different fairy tales in the world. And all of them teach us, bring up. For this, it was created. Therefore, still lives. She gives us life lessons.

They teach good, honoring parents, justice, learn to be honest, fair, respond to their actions. For example, the tale of "Kolobok" teaches not to run away from the house. Do not brag, do not trust the first oncoming. Especially someone who praises you.

In every fairy tale, good wins evil. For example, in the tale "Cinderella": justice triumphantly, and Cinderella was rewarded for all his efforts.

All Russian folk tales end well, which means they teach children only in good. And I want to believe that a good start will stay with a person all my life and help keep it good in any life situations.

"The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it a hint - the good young lesson" so the many fairy tales ends. And let everyone who read the fairy tale will rise in this lesson for life.

Rubber! 8

What can the world of fairy tales teach us? If you restrict ourselves to the answer to the victory of good evil, then this is not fully capable of characterizing the fabulous genre. Fairy tales are the most important heritage of national cultures, with their help we can not only bring up high ideals in themselves, but also to join the treasures of world folk art.

The fairy tale is one of the most interesting phenomena of popular culture. Among all the works of oral folk creativity, the tale is engaged in a special place. The works of this genre are able to truly fascinate us, they conquer both children and adults who later return to their favorite fairy tales of their childhood, remember familiar heroes and go with them in an exciting journey.

The fabulous genre in many of its manifestations is too sketchy. The main motive, which is found in the overwhelming majority of fairy tales - the struggle of goodness with evil with an implied mandatory victory of good. It is hardly possible to find such fabulous situations in which this confrontation will be much strongly rethought, where the evil will be drawn positive, and good helpless. It is difficult to imagine such a situation when the fabulous conflict occurred is not between good and evil, but in some kind of different plane, for example, between different characters of people who are difficult to call bad or good.

This conditionality of characters, schematics, compulsory triumph of good ideas, which often diverges with our daily life, often imputed to fairy tales, speaking about the primitiveness of the fabulous genre. But do not forget that fairy tales do not claim to be deeply working out or to put complex topical issues and find them a decision. The fairy tale is just notable for its conventions, its exaggeration, fantasticity. Having lost her simplicity, the fairy tale will lose himself.

What then is able to teach us a fairy tale? When answering this question, it is necessary to remember that the fairy tale is the most important part of the folk tradition. Reading fairy tales, we are not just empathous to the brave Ivan-Tsarevich, do not just follow all the adventures of the gray wolf or the women of Yaga, we find the reflection of these heroes in our character, in their own inner world. The tale helps us touch your national culture and learn more about the culture of other countries. Fairy tales are always glorified by hardworking, loyalty to good and readiness for the accomplishment of great deeds.

Separately, the author's fairy tales should be noted, this genre was widely developed in the work of famous Western European writers, such as Charles Perra, Wilhelm Gauf, G. H. Andersen, A. De Saint-Exupery, O. Wild. The fairy tales of these writers often go beyond fabulous conventions, holistic images are revealed in them, complex characters are presented. Many of these fairy tales are filled with alluzia, they have a parable nature, addressing readers of all ages, in many ways even more to adults rather than kids.

Even more writings on the topic: "What do you teach a fairy tales?"

I love to read fairy tales. They are told about interesting events and adventures, fantastic creatures act, the beasts acquire human traits, magic items are used. To get into the fabulous world, you need to have a rich imagination. Therefore, fairy tales develop our fantasy. Without it, you will not provide a magic heat-bird nor a multi-head Snake-Gorina, nor Babu Yagu, which flies in a step. In the fairy tale there is always a struggle of good and evil. Good fabulous heroes necessarily overlook the winners, whatever obstacles have to be overcome. Gerd from the fairy tale of the Danish writer G. K. Andersen "The Snow Queen" overcame the huge distance, despite the danger, in search of his named Brother Kaya. It would seem that can one little girl do?

But the good heart of Gerda attracts other good people and animals. It helps her forest crows and manual crow, and the prince and princess, and the northern deer, and Lapland and Finca. Even the little robbery relieges next to herdo. This heroine of Andersen teaches us kindness and devotion, proves to us that love and courage is stronger than evil char. The warm heart of a little girl turned out to be more expensive riches of a soulless snow queen and power over the whole world.

In fairy tales about animals in the form of animals, people are depicted. Through the images of animals, the tale teaches how you should not do with your neighbors. In the Russian folk tale, the tricky fox kicked the hare from his hut when her ice melted. But the brave rooster evicted a redhead of the hut bunny and she was left with anything. So the fox and you need, so as not to get on someone else's good!

The tale teaches us that justice will sooner or later take the top over injustice. For a long time I had to endure the mockery of the stepmother of the poor stepdaughter from the German folk fairy tale "Mrs. Meltelitsa." And nevertheless, they came to the end. Fair Mrs. Meltelitsa awarded both sisters in merit. She ozit a good and hard and hard fever, and crushing and lazy native daughter poured a resin.

Although fairy tales talk about unusual events, and in every fiction there is something and from real life. Bright fabulous images help us better see in our everyday life of good and evil, truth and injustice. They teach us to be good, sincere, workers, warned against misuse and falsehood.

Source: Referat.hhos.ru.

Once gave a task in school to draw the hero of his beloved fairy tale. And the sun was shining on the street. So I wanted to play with the guys in football. According to the magic words: "By whining the vein, in my opinion," who taught the fairy-tale hero Emel Pike, caught in the hole, in gratitude for his returned freedom.

Then Emelya immediately spoke on the river - and the buckets with water themselves rose to the mountain, came to the house and became a bench. The ax in Emeyle itself became a knot of firewood. However, I am not Emel and I do not live in a fairy tale. I had to draw yourself. And I drew a happy Emel. Why is it? Because he does not want evil to anyone, and the people around him are dextering, chitryat, but they are not lucky, but Emelya becomes happy. He has, and not in someone else a royal daughter fell in love, and he became rich and impressed.

I like this fairy tale, like others, the fact that their heroes always come out by the winners, and evil punished. Despite the bullying of the stepmother and her evil daughters, Hіvrunk becomes happy. The old man's daughter from the fairy tale "Morozko" is saved from death and returns home with gifts. Morozko spared her for courage and patientity.

The stories of the wolf and fox, goats-Dereza, birds, animals, with which amazing adventures happen, often occur with people. Rolling down the jacket knob and sings on the road: he happened everywhere. From grandfather and grandmother left, did not eat. Used the bun from the wolf, from the bear. And so sought me that it was not afraid to sit the fox to the tongue. Lisa and ate him. Do not such stories happen with arrogant people, lose a sense of measure and therefore suffer in the life of the defeat?

I love fairy tales for being truth in fiction. Fairy tales are permeated with kindness, they warn from bad actions, learn to love friends and not to leave in the well or four-way creature. Stories told in fairy tales are remembered for life.

Source: zarlitra.in.ua.

The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint of good young lesson!
Almost all children (and some adults) love fairy tales. It is known that fairy tales perform not only an entertainment role, but also educational. They teach to be kind, smart, strong, faithful to their word, teaches not to be afraid of difficulties, believe in yourself and their friends. Tales teach us to appreciate friendship, help those who need help. Also, fairy tales explain to us, as it is important to be hardworking, bold and persistent and not to quit the work started, but to bring everything to the end. In addition, each fairy tale contains hidden morality that it is impossible to deceive, you can not be greedy, you can not betray friends.
Fairy tales help to understand that it is not necessary to judge people by appearance. After all, very often Ivan-Fool turns out to be Ivan-Tsarevich, and the princess-frog is a princess beautiful. Also tales teach us love for parents. The hero who fulfilling the instruction of the father or mother always read more of his unrelated brothers and sisters. And it is he who gets a legacy of "Popit in Podchida". In addition, fairy tales teach us patriotism. The protagonist is always readily to protect his native land from the sophisticated invaders.
Fairy tales show us that the world is divided into good and bad, but good is always more. And, most importantly, the tale teaches that good is always returning to the one who helps others, and good always wins evil.

Source: GDZplus.com.

Many of us still love to immerse in the magical world of fairy tales. But they are especially loved by children. But tales not only entertain, but also teach. Let's figure it out: what do you teach a fairy tale? Fairy tale is a small model of the universe. The easiest way to get acquainted with the outside world, through the plot of fairy tales. But such a fairy tale is simple, as it seems to us. Speaking animals and birds, fictional countries, good and evil characters and a miracle - a child in all this believes, which means he believes in a fairy tale.

What is a good fairy tale?
Fairy tales teach to share the world on good and bad people. But since good people are more, then luck on their side.
The fairy tale forms a positive image - good, smart, faithful to his word, strong.
Fairy tales are taught not afraid of difficulties. The main characters are not afraid of work, no matter how heavy it is.
The tale teaches - I do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. And the most faithful way is not to stay without a friend - it helps him at the right moment. The main characters fairy tales are always a lot of friends - birds, animals, plants, etc.
The tale teaches not to judge the appearance of a person. Tsarevna-Frog - Tsarevna, Ivan-Durak - Ivan Tsarevich.
The fairy tale teaches that not everything always turns out the first time. Badge and perseverance are rewarded by victory.
The tale teaches to love parents - the one who fulfills the instructions of the parents in fairy tales, always read by the parents.
The fairy tale always contains a hidden morality: do not deceive, do not greed and do not betray.
The main thing is that the fairy tale is teacher - good is always coming back.
Children intuitively and very easily perceive fairy tales. They live with great pleasure in the magic world and want to return there again and again.

Source: happy-giraffe.ru.

Russian folk tales teach good, good always wins evil, but only the path to victory may be too long. Fairy tales give the child the first idea of \u200b\u200bsuch concepts as good and evil, wisdom and cunning, forgiveness, compassion. If you believe in yourself, not to retreat from your principles - everything will turn out. In the images of fabulous heroes, in their interaction with the surrounding world of the realities of life adapt to children's perception. Children perceive everything, and if they do not guess about the morality, which the text contains, then at least try to be similar to good, responsive and resourceful heroes.

Russian folk fairy tales introduce a child with a huge universe, in which he will have to live, with its physical laws, animals of the world, history and culture.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales

The main character of the fairy tales is always a courageous, fearless. He overcomes all obstacles on his way to his happiness. During the adventures, the hero is transformed: Ivan-Fool, rustic and lazy, at the end of the fairy tale necessarily turns into a young man and marries the princess.

Other characters are help to overcome the test of the hero: wonderful animals, wise dealers. But the help is not given so simple: even Baba Yaga helps the hero if he shows himself hardworking, brought up and purposeful. This is expressed by people's ideas about human morality and morality. Wonderful assistants have magic means (carpet-aircraft, boots, boots), which personify folk dreams.

Women in Russian-folk fairy tales are always unusually beautiful and smart. Mind, beauty, hard work, resourcefulness, a mandatory attribute - spit to the belt (the hair used to be associated with life force) - all this features, which, in the folk view, should be present at any girl.

Protagonists of the main characters are dark, evil forces (sacheling immortal, snakes Gorynych). Oniovarny, cruel, greedy - so in the representation of the people, the concept of violence and evil is expressed. The worst of the monster, the fact it seems the feat of the main character. But the fight against the dark forces is conducted not only with the help of power and mind: popular consciousness sometimes gives villains and comic stupidity, because of which they fall into the traps placed by the main hero.

Animal world

Animals in Russian folk fairy tales personify themselves human qualities. There were "stamps" of images, the same for all fairy tales.

For example, Lisa is a cheating and a cheater. She personifies the trick, deception, a tendency to tricks. She will pretend to be weak, let the eloquence in the course to achieve her. But Lisa is often punished for their practices (he receives a deserved punishment for the deception), especially if her tricks cause serious harm to someone from heroes.

The wolf personifies greed and angry. But, at the same time, he is stupid and easily succumb to the deception of cordones more cunning characters fairy tales. Particularly often encountered the confrontation of the wolf and the fox, and the wolf again and again comes across the fox of the tricks, no matter how he should believe the fox. But the wolf is the personification of death (since he often eats someone). But good and smart characters always defeat the wolf.

Bear in fairy tales is a gross strength, badness, tougominess. It can be either fierce, or kind and naive. Bear, as the owner of the forest, has the power over other animals. In the image of the bear, you can tracerate the parallel with the images of rich penaltifiers. As a result, such a bear always turns out to be defeated. But sometimes the bear personifies the good forces of nature, giving and helping the hero for hard work and honesty.

And small animals in fairy tales (hares, mice) - cowardly, but kind. They are ready to help, this is good friends. And in difficult moments they can wake up and real courage. True, they wore the victory more often by chance, since neither mind nor the force can be compared with other characters.

So Russian folk tales are not so simple, as it may seem at first glance. They teach us a lot, so fairy tales need to read even adults.

Fairy tales who teach good ...

These good fairy tales at night with a happy and instructive end will delight your child before bedtime, will reassure, teach good and friendship.

Good fairy tales for children from the series: like this! It is recommended to read children from 1 to 101, fairy tales with deep meaning, modern, interesting and understandable to children.

If you want to grow a good and responsive child, help him come correctly in difficult life situations, then you must read the baby instructive tales for the night.

A series of good instructive fairy tales about the boy - Fedya Egorova.

1. Meeting Fedi Egorova with a cat in boots or a new transformation of Fedi into a mouse

Brothers Fedya and Vasya Egorov have long wanted to have real slingshots. Sometimes Fedya Mastered himself and brother of aluminum wire slingshot. From these slingshot, the boys shot the targets with paper bulbs, but they wanted to have big slingshots from real wooden rogatin.

The passion for the slingshot from the brothers was appearing, it disappeared. But this time it was exactly the last, because the events associated with shooting from the slingshot were unusual, it was not just events, but real adventures. And the slingshot this time the guys were not from the wire, but there was a real poplar branch with a leather sight on a wide medical harness. From this slingshot could be shifted by real stones. This slingshot sons chisser dad.

Taking the Word from the sons that they will shoot from the slingshot only on a non-residential target marked on the shed wall, dad and sons went to the near forest. With you, they took everything they needed for the manufacture of slingshots: a knife, two leather tongues from old Vasi shoes and medical rubber harness. All three came back to the dinner with a bouquet of flowers for mom, with a cup of aromatic strawberries to tea and with two, fresh slingshots.

Fedya with Vasya was in the habit of excitement. They praised their slingshots in vindicate, they told her mom how far they managed to shoot them in the forest, and even expressed assumptions, who will get to the target on the shed wall. ...

2. The fairy tale about how Fedya saved the forest from the evil sorcerer

In the summer, the boy Fedya Egorov rest in the village to his grandparents. This village stood at the forest itself. Fedya decided to go to the forest behind the berries and mushrooms, but his grandfather with his grandmother was not allowed. They said that real Baba Yaga lives in their forest, and now for more than two hundred years, no one goes into this forest.

Fedya did not believe that Baba Yaga lives in the forest, but the grandmother and grandfather listened and did not go to the forest, but I went to the river to catch fish. The cat Vaska comes to Fedey. Fish rooted well. In the bank, Feda cried three Yersh when the cat overturned her and eaten fish. I saw this Fedya, upset and decided to postpone fishing for tomorrow. Fedya returned home. Grandparents have no grandparents. I removed Fedya Fishing, put on a shirt with long sleeves and, taking a basket, went to the neighboring guys to call them into the forest.

Fedya believed that her grandparently was composed about Babu Yagu that they just don't want him to go to the forest, because in the forest is always very easy to get lost. But I was not afraid of getting lost in the forest, because in the forest he wanted to go with friends who have long been living here, which means that the forest knows well.

To the great surprise of Fedi, all the guys refused to go with him and began to discourage him. ...

3. Promisekin

He lived, was the boy Fedya Egorov. Fedya did not always fulfill his promises. Sometimes, promising the parents to remove toys behind them, he was fond of, forgot and left them scattered.

Once left parents Fedya one house and asked him not to stick out from the window. Fedya promised them that he would not stick out of the window, and would draw. He pulled out everything you need for drawing, settled in a large room at the table and began to draw.

But only Dad and Mom went out of the house, Fedy immediately pulled to the window. Fedya thought: "Well, that, that I promised not to look, I quickly look, I'll see what the guys are engaged in the courtyard, and dad and mom and do not know what I looked out."

Substitute Fedya Chair to the window, got into the windowsill, lowered the handle on the frame and did not even have time to pull the window to the window, as she splashed herself. Some kind of miracle, just like in a fairy tale, appeared in front of the window the carpet of the aircraft, and it was sitting in it unfinished Fed Grandfather. Grandpa, smiling, said:

- Hello, Fedya! Want, do I sing you on my carpet? ...

4. Tale about food

The boy Fedya Egorov decorated at the table:

- I do not want to eat soup and my porridge will not. I don't like bread!

They offended him soup, porridge and bread, disappeared from the table and found themselves in the forest. And at that time, in the forest, I drove an evil hungry wolf and said:

- I love soup, porridge and bread! Oh, how would I hurt them!

I heard this food and flew the wolf straight into the mouth. A wolf was found, satisfied, licks. And Fedya, and did not eat, went out of the table. For dinner, Mom was given potato pancakes with a kissel, and Fedya was again decorated:

- Mom, yes I do not want pancakes, I want pancakes with sour cream!

5. Fairy Tale of the Food-Nervotreep or Magic Book of Egor Kuzmich

Two brothers lived - Fedya and Vasya Egorov. Constantly they stood the fights, the Swarre, they divided something among themselves, quarreled, argued on trifles, and at the same time the youngest of the brothers - Vasya, always cutting. Sometimes the scene and the eldest of the brothers - Fedya. The peak of children was very annoyed and grieved the parents, and especially mom. And from chagrin people often get sick.

So the mother of these boys fell ill, so that even for breakfast, dinner and dinner ceased to get up.

The doctor who came to treat Mom wriggled her medicine and said that her mother needs silence and peace. Dad, going to work, asked for children not to make noise. He gave them a book and said:

- The book is interesting, read. I think she will like it.

6. Tale of the Fed Toy

He lived, was the boy Fedya Egorov. Like all the guys, he had many toys. Fedya loved his toys, he played with pleasure, but one trouble - he did not like to remove them behind him. Play and throw out where he played. They lay toys in a mess on the floor and interfered, all stumbled behind them, even Fedya himself emit them.

And one day it was tired of toys.

- We need to run from Fedi, until we were completely broken. We must go to good guys who protect their toys and clean them, "the plastic soldier said.

7. Instructive fairy tale for boys and girls: damn tail

There was a damn. There was a fool's magic tail. With the help of your tail, the hell could find yourself anywhere, but, most importantly, the tail of the Blacks could fulfill everything that he wants, for this he was worth only to think about the desire and wave as his tail. The hell was very angry and very harmful.

The magical power of its tail used for harmful cases. He arranged on the roads of the accident, to the rivers of the rivers, lay down the ice under fishermen, arranged fires and worked many other atrocities. One day, hell was tired of living alone in his underground kingdom.

He built himself the kingdom on Earth, hurt him with a thick forest and swamps so that no one could approach him, and began to think who else to populate his kingdom. I thought it was damaged and invented to settle his kingdom assistants who would create harmful atrocities on his order.

In the assistants of themselves, the devil decided to take naughty children. ...

Also in the topic:

Poem: "Fedya - Nice Malgan"

Merchant boy Fedya
Riding a bike,
Rides Fedya along the track,
Left back slightly.
At this time on the track
Jumped Murka - a cat.
Fedya VMIG slowed
Cat-Murka missed.
Rides further Fedya Boyko,
The friend shouts to him: - Wait-ka!
Let me swell a little bit.
It's a friend nor anyone
Fedya gave: - Take, friend,
Ride one circle.
He himself sat on the bench,
Sees: Crane, and near the watering can
And on the flower, flowers are waiting -
Who would give water a sip.
Fedya, jumping off benches,
All the flowers were poured from the watering can
And the goose poured water,
So that they could get drunk.
- Our Fedya is so good,
- suddenly noticed the cat, Prosha,
- Yes, he is good for us,
- said Gus, putting the water.
- Woof woof woof! - said Polcan,
- Fedya - Nice Malgan!

"Fedya - boy hooligan"

Merchant boy Fedya
Riding a bike
Without a road straight
Fedya goes - mischievous.
Rides right on the lawn,
Here hit the peonies,
Broke three stems,
And thugged three moths,
He remembered the daisies,
Hooked behind the bush shirt
With the go crashed into a bench,
Pound and overturned the watering can
In the puddle I soaked sandals,
Mud coupped pedals.
- Gray-ga, - said Hussak,
Well, what kind of chudk
We must ride along the track!
- Yes, - said Kothenka,
- It's not the road at all!
The cat said: - He harms a lot!
- Gav-Gav-Gav, - said Polcan,
- This boy is a hooligan!