Fencing on Izmailovskaya swords. Historical fencing. Historical fencing in Paladine

Fencing in Moscow - Overview of various directions

Today in Moscow there has been a fairly significant layer of various fencing schools in a variety of destinations.

The main mass for today among the schools of fencing in Moscow, clubs and schools of knife battle are occupied. In general, this is understandable. By itself, the knife fight itself is one of the most sought-after fencing directions in demand on the household level.

Everyone wants to be able to own a knife. All cherished the blue dream to put on a gopnik's knife in a dark alley, well, and someone cherishes and a dream to suck a decent citizen and his "sworn friend", such, by the way, not enough. All of them go to school knife combat. The main schools of a knife combat in Moscow is, in fact, people from hand-to-hand combat.

That is, their technique is just an upgraded version of the hand-to-hand combat when instead of a fist or a boxing glove - you have in
hand knife. What is it fraught with? But what. For experts, it is no secret that hand-to-hand fight and a fight with a knife are very different things. Different in everything, in the rack, in the technique of impact, in the muscles involved when hitting, in movements, in the ideology of the battle finally. What is acceptable to hand-to-hand combat is completely unacceptable for knife combat. The knife fight professes one accurate blow. This is an axiom.

If you are running and trying to pull a person with a dozen blows, then almost 100% guaranteed to get at least one blow, but in response. And the problem of the knife is such that in it and one missed blow can often be lethal. Consequently, the base of the knife combat is an instant entrance, defeat, and no less instant output, all the rest of the deliciousness, leading to mutual damage, to allow that not just undesirable, and death is like in the direct sense.

Katana Club adheres to the technique of only pure lesion, with maximum security for themselves - by this we are very different from other schools of knife combat in Moscow, and in general from fencing schools in Moscow.

The second point, and more precisely, the curse of the knife combat in Moscow is tournaments.

That is, as all deliciousness, they thought as checking the strength and dexterity of the participants, and how all the deliciousness after a couple of years reached the apogee of dullness. Their rules are designed for the tournament, and not on the real battle on the street, which the instructor is usually told about, taking the newcomers.

It is no secret that the rules of tournaments are far from real battle as Jupiter from the Earth. The tournament rules of most clubs in general
greetings with hands and legs, although in the real knife fighting on the street it almost never happens, and the one who threw the foot to the foot - gets a guaranteed knife in it and lose a fight and often life.

The tournament rules produce full before Debelism lack of fear of the blade of the enemy - well, it would still be, just imitation, which is afraid of her. As a consequence, people climb the blade without disassembled the fusion, they receive multiple blows and apply themselves, without realizing that in real battle these are two corpses that have fallen off from each other with holes in a bouquer.

Another point is the training weapon itself. Short wooden stupid imitation.

This kind of training projectile is distributed in most clubs in Moscow. What is bad. Well, first weight and length. The area is extremely short and easy. If you make it more, that it will take more serious, much more serious protection than just a fencing mask. These are extra expenses and not only participants, but also clubs, including the safety of classes. Heavy and long wooden weapons can be easily killed. In the right sense, I'm not kidding. Or cruelly cripple. Even the weapon, which is usually there is a danger to the enemy when defeating the neck, abdomen, brushes, if they are poorly protected. Up to death. If you are a stupid rustling with all our way to hit the liver or spleen - you certainly do not protrude a person.

But, except for a hectic hematoma, he can get the gap of internal organs and

Die from the strongest loss of blood before the end of the workout. Especially given the fact that 90% of participants do not dress with defensive vests from pure baggage. This is on the one hand. This is enough

The practice of impacting the end point is distributed to the end point so that nonsense does not get a load 200 and a decent term in prison.

And on the other hand, low weight and dimensions do not give normally to fue your hand, training with such a weapon. Some techniques are generally impossible to train with a small weight of the knife, for example, fast shocks in hand. Does not fly ahead of a knife of such improvers and this weight, although taking even the usual
Folding knife you get a completely different picture.

Katana Club uses in his workouts and sparring not hurried mass boards of real knives, heavy - from 200 - 250 grams or more, for example RAJA 2 or ONTARIO. Our imitations do not cause injections, although it is quite realistic to get a bruise on your fingers, if you come to sparring without gloves. All sparring participants are necessarily protective helmets that protect against contusion and reliably closing faces and gloves. In addition, women are encouraged to wear bibs, avoid breast injuries.

Such an approach of Katana Club to training makes it possible not to loosen the blow in its extreme point, to kill a person from fear, and put it in full force. It forms a reflex in a person always to beat this way, strongly and brutally, not allowing lubricated blows. Secondly, real wave allows you to apply fast, accurate and powerful blows, unlike light wooden imitation.

Another direction of fencing in Moscow, quite popular is a duel fencing. Here the choice of clubs and schools and directions is very wide. From fencing on double-handed swords, from the saber and the grooms and to

Heavy historical swords. All of them unites one thing - it's usually weapons from the textolite, weighing more than 1.1 kg, although sometimes there are also clubs, fencing on steel blades.

The main difference of this area is its extreme trauma. Textolite blade, in contrast to steel practically
Do not bend. They beat them, as a rule, in full force and from all over Duri. This kind of fencing is forced to have a sufficiently expensive protective armor, a fencing mask, upgraded, for if you get a direct blow to a person in a standard sports fencing mask, then the consequence of the face mesh and broken nose, well, if broken so can you collect it.

However, protection does not guarantee from small injuries, such as broken fingers, hematomas from injections, injuries of joints and so on.

One of the most unpleasant phenomena in duel fencing is his terrible cutoff of real life. Tournaments that are held on glasses do not give any real battle skills, moreover, they blurry this skill. In general, everyone knows - weapons are not real, the blows are not deadly, and to earn glasses - we climb, without looking at the enemy blade. The same picture is repeated as in the knife. Even worse. Moreover, the practice that pretended in duel fencing does not bring almost anything of sports fencing, and in vain, in sports fencing, despite his entire embodiment there is something to learn.

Katana Club in his training takes the best and of sports fencing, we try to study and techniques for the masters of sports fencing and thoughtfully transfer them to a more severe weapon.

A mansion is a fencing in Aikido, Kendo and other training of techniques with rods.

Unfortunately, today's Kendo is very far from real combat fencing. In it, a number of techniques - for example, prohibited

Sticking strikes in the face, there is no possibility to retreat during the fight and much more. Not much better things are in Aikido.

From its original option - a fight with a sword, today's aikido is far as the sky from the ground. I'm not talking about the fact that Sparring with a sword in modern aikido is not practiced. In addition, all these schools do not teach battle on different weapons, developing techniques only on the two-handed sword - Katana, and leaving aside the techniques with a short sword and a knife.

Another problem is armor for the same Kendo. The test cost is very high, so today it is a sport for very wealthy people.

In his practice, Katana Club is focused on a thorough study of the practice of Eastern martial arts, with different weapons, both with two-handed and one-handed, short and long, unifying and visiting the classics of the fight with a sword. Katana Club introduces elements to it and from sports fencing, which the word has never been used in the classic Japanese combat art, but which are as effective as possible.

Another directions are a reconstruction fencing in Moscow. The undoubted plus of this fencing is a historical entourage. There are many cons.

First of all, this is quite severe restrictions on the bugurts (indicative battles of the type of knightly tournament) on the types of shocks, weapons, fencing techniques. For example, the steel weapons are forbidden to stacking even stupid blades, because of the fear to cause severe
injuries, injury or even kill participants.

Secondly, extremely high trauma. The blades are generally stupid, but they like them from the soul, so that the steel armor is often not saved. Self, someone gets injuries, withdrawing a person in order for many weeks. Thirdly, there is still a big breaklessness from life than a dealer fencing. Well, will you meet in a person's life dressed in heavy armor?

Unlike these areas, Katana Club as a fencing school in Moscow teaches his students such techniques and strikes that are directed at a daily opponent in the first fully universal - you do not care what weapons you have in your hands - stick, sword, machete, Knife, Saber, Palash or Tourist Topor.

You can successfully protect yourself with any weapon. Secondly, all our techniques are applicable for self-defense, and include all
arsenal strikes - both cutting and stuck. The versatility of muscular movements is developing the ability to use any item as a self-defense weapon. Our techniques are not frosted, not artificial than for example, sinning often a duel fencing, we apply the most effective techniques combining both sports fencing, both historical techniques and techniques from the eastern schools of fencing, including the classics.

In Katana Club you will be able to learn the most efficient style of the battle, with it on different weapons and without reappection, separately receiving knife combat, the battle with the machete or sword is both two-handed and one-handed. After learning in Katana Club, any item will become a weapon, any item in your hands will help you to reverse on the street.

The form of old martial arts with cold weapons, which are reconstructed on the basis of historical sources - texts, images and oral traditions. In other words, historical fencing is an attempt to revive martial arts, the traditions of which are not preserved to the present. Basically, the term "historical fencing" refers to the types of cold weapons that existed before the heyday of three classic sports blades - rapiers, swords and sabers. In recent years, as a result of a huge interest in martial arts and the historical heritage, many individuals and organizations are trying to recreate ancient martial arts.

Historical fencing in Paladine.

Our hall is named after the famous Paladin Fencing Club, which has existed for more than 10 years. In early 2002, a number of fighters were separated from him who organized their own club called "Bayard", which soon became generally accepted by the best club of Russia, Europe and the CIS on the tournament component of historical fencing. The fighters of this club from year to year benefit almost all tournaments in which participate. Moreover, almost all "Bayard" participants work in the FFC Paladin coaches. Thus, the FFC Paladin has the most strong coaching school in this sport in the world than we are very proud.

Classes are held in the hall

Coach - Ivan Vasilyev

Starting in historical fencing - since 1999, a multiple winner and a medalist of various regional, Russian and international tournaments on the ESS (both in the fights and in group battles). Two-time winner of the "Battle of Nations" tournament. One of the authors of the concept of professional full-contact medieval battles ("trade means") is one of the most spectacular and rigid species of historical fencing. Winches many victories on a professional ring. One of the founders of the IF club "Bayard". He has an official diploma of higher sports education. Coaching experience in historical fencing - since 2003

Coach - Mikhail Babininin

Beautiful fighter and coach, more than others know about the theory of fencing, the author of the concept of "two strikes", the participant of the "Battle of Nations" and a variety of tournaments, writes a bestseller about historical fencing. Sports past - sports fencing.

general information:

  • The Club "Blade and Line" teaches historical fencing - fencing on blades weapons, which has analogues in the past. Training is divided into several directions: fitness fencing, historical fencing (including the history of costume), cutting targets.
  • Our club unites the directions of comprehensive reconstruction, which means complete immersion in the era (VII-XII and XVII century). As a bonus - learning horseback riding, archery and the marine case on departures (the region participants choose themselves).
  • Since 2018, we have begun to study the traditions of historical European martial arts (Hema).
  • We are members of the Sports Sword Federation. We carry out classes for children on soft weapons.
  • Clothes for training in the hall - sports. On club departures - according to the era, on which the departure is organized.
We train in directions:
  • Classic fencing with one weapon.
  • Sword and Dag.
  • Sword and shield.
  • Ax and shield.
  • Spear / brodex.
  • Sword / saber.
  • Long sword.
  • Duel fencing.
  • Teamwork (Troika, Podtsi).

Club city: Moscow.

Year of foundation: 2010.

Head: Pavlyukova Ekaterina Dmitrievna.

Instructors: Pavlyukov Alexey (since 2009), Kamshilin Alexander (since 2008), Pavlyukova Ekaterina (since 2009).

Conducted tournaments and events:
  • Annual Historical Reconstruction Festival for Early Middle Ages "Varangian Sails": Boat fighting, Marine training, participation in the reconstruction of the Balt rite "Creation of the World" (2015-2018).
  • Annual inter-ophone festival of historical reconstruction "Helga": a combat program, the organization of throwing testers and trade, refereeing (2014-2018).
  • Historical fencing tournaments "Holmgang" (2016).
  • Tournaments on Hubbling on the replicas of the clink weapon "Singing Blade" (2016-2017).
  • Annual Historical Reconstruction Festival for Early Middle Ages "Bogatyr Strength": judging, organization of the tournament in the framework of the festival (2013, 2015-2016).
  • The annual festival of historical reconstruction "GNELDOVO": the organization of throwing testers, the organization and holding of master classes, refereeing (2013-2016).
  • Annual Historical Reconstruction Festival "Rus Priminal": organization and holding of the tournament within the framework of the festival, refereeing (2016).
  • The annual festival of the historical reconstruction of the "epic shore": demonstration performances and master classes on the logging, the organization of throwing testers (knives, axes, sealings), refereeing, boat team (2015-2016).
  • The annual festival of historical reconstruction Rusborg: demonstration performances with the equestrian program (2016).
  • International Exhibition "Blade - Traditions and Modernity", "Blade on Neva", knife exhibitions in Moscow and St. Petersburg: demonstration performances on fencing and cutting, master classes in the slam, (2016-2019).
  • Annual International Exhibition "Equestrian Russia" in KSK "Bitz": an indicative equestrian program (2016).
  • Closed cavalry competitions KSK "Ataman" (2015).

In the attack do not go! Back do not go! Do not take protection! Do not take a counterattack! Do not fall! Straight hand do not!
- And what to do?
- Fehuju!

Additional Information

  • The former name of the club: Skir "Horoir".
  • For fencing we use mass-barber (not sharpened) copies of historical weapons. Fencing technique is restored by historical manuscripts and felbuch. Fencing occurs in the analogues of historical costumes with the obligatory correspondence of the weapon of the fencer.
  • Our club participated in the filming of fencing scenes for music groups: Imperial Age (participation), Rarog "Bed" (participation and production), Kalevala "granted" (participation and formulation of fencing scenes).
  • Club workshop and interview with candidates: ul. Olkhovskaya, 14, Corps 4, room 13 m (m. Bauman / m. Krasnoselskaya).
  • Address of the training hall: ul. Lower Krasnoselskaya, 35, structure K (m. Baumanskaya / m. Krasnoselskaya).
  • To sign up for the first training, fill out the form in the VKontakte group: "