Rules for admission to the university. Reception day Date of submission of documents in universities

If you enter the university after the 11th school class, then in most cases a single state exam (USE) should be passed. What items are needed to enter the selected direction or specialty, you can see in the list of entrance tests in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation On September 4, 2014 No. 1204, as well as in the list of entrance tests in the receiving rules established by the university in which you plan to do.

In some cases, along with the exam, it may be needed to pass additional entrance tests:

  • upon admission to budgetary training in the specialties and areas included in, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of January 17, 2014 No. 21, for example, to "architecture", "journalism" or "medical case";
  • upon admission to Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow State University). The list of specialties and directions for which additional introductory tests must be passed, MSU determines independently;
  • if you enter the university, learning in which suggests a state secret or public service, for example, at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The rules of admission to such universities define the federal bodies that supervise them.

2. Is it possible to go to the university without the exam?

You may not take the exam and enroll on the results of the entrance exams, which the university conducts independently, if one of the following categories:

  • disabled people and disabled children;
  • foreign citizens;
  • applicants entering the middle or higher diploma professional education;
  • applicants that received a certificate The certificate must be obtained no earlier than a year before the date of the end of the admission of documents in the university. "\u003e Not more than a year ago And never gave the exam. For example, instead of him, we gave the state graduation exam (HBE) or received education abroad. If the applicant passed on some subjects of the EGE, and in the rest - HBE, the internal exam in the university can only pass on the subjects for which HBE passed.

3. When should I submit documents for admission?

The budget personary and inhabitual form of undergraduate training and university specialists begin to take documents no later than June 20. Subject to accept documents no earlier:

  • July 7, if, when admission to the specialty or directions of the specialty, the university has been conducting additional creative or professional tests;
  • July 10, if, when admission to the specialty or directions of the specialty, the university has been conducting any other additional introductory tests;
  • July 26, if you do only according to the results of the exam.

For all forms of paid training and on the correspondence form of budgetary education universities, the timing of the reception of documents independently is determined. The deadlines for submission of documents can be found on the websites of universities.

At the same time, submit documents to enter the undergraduate or the specialty you can in five universities. In each of them you can choose up to three specialties or preparation directions.

4. What documents are needed for admission?

Upon admission to the university you will need to fill out an application for admission. As a rule, it can be downloaded on the website of the university. To the application you need to attach:

  • passport or other document certifying the identity and citizenship of applicant;
  • document on previous education: certificate of school graduation, diploma on the initial, middle or higher professional education;
  • information on the results of the EGE, if you passed it;
  • 2 photos, if you receive additional entrance tests when you arrive;
  • appointment certificate or military ID (if available);
  • medical certificate forms 086 / y - for medical, pedagogical and Their list approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 2013 No. 697. "\u003e Some other specialties and directions;
  • if, instead of you, the documents will file your representative, you will additionally need a notarized power of attorney and a document certifying his identity;
  • if you will be less than 18 years old at the time of filing the documents, take with you the form of consent to the processing of your personal data signed by the parent or guardian, - without it, the documents will not be accepted. Download the form on the university website or ask for employees of the Admission Office to send it to you by email;
  • documents confirming individual achievements; Documents confirming special rights and benefits.

You can imagine both the original documents and their copies. Require copies of the notary optional. You can submit documents personally at the University's Admission Office or in one of its branches if they are. In addition, documents can be sent by mail by registered mail.

About all methods for submitting documents, including In some educational institutions it is possible to receive documents on the road: in this case, you can transfer the documents to the representative of the university in the mobile reception points. In addition, university, at its discretion, can receive documents expelled by e-mail.

"\u003e Alternative, specify by phone of the receiving commission of a particular university.

5. What you need to go to the budget?

To submit documents to the selected university, you must score on the exam for each subject the number of points equal minimal score or exceeding it. The university itself determines the minimum score for each specialty and directions, but cannot establish it below the level approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Among the applicants who submitted documents for admission is the competition. The first to credit applicants, the total scores of the most points for For some individual achievements of the university can add scores to applicant - a total of no more than 10. Such achievements can be a school medal, a certificate or a diploma of medium vocational education with honors. A complete list can be viewed in paragraph 44 of the procedure for admission to educational training programs. higher educationapproved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of October 14, 2015 No. 1147.

With a list of individual achievements, which are taken into account in a particular university upon admission, it is possible to familiarize themselves with the rules of admission to the university. Reception rules are published by the university on its official website no later than October 1 of the previous year.

"\u003e Individual achievements and for the USE - only on subjects that are needed to enter the selected directions or training program.

According to the results of the competition determined passing score - The smallest number of points that was enough to enroll. Thus, the passing point changes every year and is determined only after enrollment. As a guide, you can see the passage point to the selected directions or the preparation program for the past year.

Applicants that come across quotas have the right to take part in the general competition, if they did not pass through the quota, but participate in the competition as part of their quota. To do this, they should also dial the number of points equal to or greater than the minimum value established by the university.

You can get a higher education in Russia once. But it is worth considering that after the passage of training on the undergraduate, you can enroll in the magistracy on the budget department.

6. Who can do without exams?

Without entrance examinations in the university can come:

  • winners and winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren or IV Stage of All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads, if they come in specialty and directions, "\u003e The corresponding profile of the Olympiad - for 4 years, following the year of the Olympics. The university independently determines how the Olympiad's profile corresponds to what directions and specialties.
  • members of the national teams of the Russian Federation and Ukraine (if they are citizens of the Russian Federation) participating in international Olympiadsah on general educational subjects, if they come in directions and specialty, The university independently determines how directions and specialties is the profile of the Olympiad."\u003e the corresponding profile of the Olympiad, in which they participated - for 4 years, following the year of the Olympics;
  • champions and prize-winners of the Olympic, Paralympic or Surdoolmpic Games, world or European champions and athletes who took the first place on the championship of the world or Europe by sports included in the Olympic, Paralympic or Surdoolmpic Games programs can do without exams to enter the specialty and directions in the field of physical Culture and sports.

Winners and prize-winners Olympiads from the list, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of August 30, 2019 N 658, can count on receipt without exams within 4 years following the year of the Olympics. However, the university himself determines the winners and winners of which Olympiads from the list to accept without exams (or provide them with other benefits when admitted), in which class, the applicant had to take part in them and how directions and specialties corresponds to the Olympiad profile.

In addition, in order to take advantage of the beneficia, the winner or the winner of the Olympiad from the List of the Ministry of Education and Science should score a certain amount of points that the university also establishes independently, but not less than 75.

7. What is "target learning"?

Some universities hold a reception to targeted training in the specialties included in the list defined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The applicant incoming as part of the target quota sends to training the region of the Russian Federation, the state body or the company with which the university has been concluded on the admission of applicants for targeted training. To clarify whether such agreements have been concluded in the university chosen, you can in the Admission Commission. Applicants entering the target quota are not involved in the general competition.

When submitting an appointment of admission to targeted training, in addition to the main documents, you will need to provide a certified copy of the Targeted Treatment Treaty Agreement or presented the original later. Sometimes information about the agreement concluded with you enters the educational institution directly from the organization that orders training.

Information about applicants within the target quota is not recorded in the general list of applications for admission, are not posted on official sites and information stands in the interests of the state's security.

8. What other benefits are when entering the university?

Most benefits can be divided into 4 groups:

  • admission within a special quota * - passing score for these applicants, as a rule, But not lower than the minimum score established by the university. "\u003e Belowthan for the rest. Applicants with disabilities I and II groups, children with disabilities and disabled from childhood, children with disabilities and disabled people, disabled, children with disabilities and disabled people, disabled during military service, orphans and children who remain without parental care (retain the right to enter According to special quota up to 23 years), Categories listed in the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans" (see Article 3, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1-4). "\u003e Veterans fighting. Within the framework of a special quota, the university allocates at least 10% of budget places from the volume of control numbers for each set of conditions for admission to undergraduate programs and specialist;
  • the right to 100 points - if the applicant has the right to enter without exams, but wants to enter the program or direction of training that does not correspond to his profile of his Olympiad, it can get 100 points for one of the entrance tests by automaton if it For example, the winner of the All-Russian Olympiad in Physics does not want to enter the physico-mathematical faculty and chooses astronomy, where it is also necessary to take to physics, - in this case, he will receive 100 points for physics without passing it. "\u003e Corresponds Profile of his Olympics. In addition, in order to take advantage of the beneficia, the winner or the winner of the Olympiad from the List of the Ministry of Education and Science should score a certain number of points that the university also establishes independently, but not less than 75);
  • privileges for individual achievements - medalists, the winners of the Olympiad (which university does not accept without exams and does not provide the right to 100 points) and
  • champions and prize-winners of the Olympic, Paralympic and Surdlimpian Games and other sports competitions;
  • applicants with a certificate with honors;
  • gold and silver medalists;
  • volunteers;
  • winners of the Championship of Professional skill among disabled people and persons with disabilities, ABILIMPIX.
"\u003e Other categories of applicants can get additional points - but not more than 10 - or the right to advantageous enrollment. The university independently determines which achievements and what benefits to provide;
  • the right of preferential enrollment is if two applicants will raise the same number of points during admission, then they are credited to that of whom has the right of preferential enrollment. These right possess applicants that can come on a special quota, and Full list is shown in Article 35 the procedure for admission to training on educational programs of higher education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of October 14, 2015 No. 1147. "\u003e Some others categories.
  • If you want to do more than places by quota, these categories of applicants are involved in the competition among the scored points. At the same time, applicants within the quota can simultaneously apply for participation in the general competition. Upon admission, in the general competition, the preferential right of admission is maintained - with the coincidence of other conditions, priority is given to having this advantage.

    9. How is the enrollment?

    Until July 27, inclusive on its official website of the university publishes lists of applicants entering the undergraduate or specialty for the budgetary branch of full-time or part-time education and overcoming the threshold of the minimum score.

    The lists are ranked in the number of points, that is, higher positions occupy applicants who have a cumulative number of points for the USE, additional entrance tests and individual achievements above. The amount of points is considered excluding individual achievements, then the profile subject and further in order of priority. If two applicants coincides with the entire list - the priority is given to the one who has a preferential right.

    After that, the enrollment begins. It takes place in several stages:

    • the priority enroll stage is credited with applicants that come without exams, within a special or target quota. These applicants must be submitted to the university until July 28, where they decided to act and where the exams were passed, the original document on the previous education and an application for enrollment to enrollment. The order of enrollment is published on July 29;
    • The first step of enrollment - at this stage of the university, can fill up to 80% of budget places that remain free after priority enrollment, for each specialty or direction. Applicants are credited in accordance with the position they occupy the list of applicants - the first enroll those who occupy a higher position. At this stage, to submit the original document on the preceding education and the application for enrollment to enrollment is needed no later than August 1. The order of enrollment is published on August 3;
    • II Stage enrollment - university fills the remaining budget places. Applicants that will be credited at this stage must submit the original document on previous education and an application for enrollment for enrollment no later than August 6. The order is published on August 8.

    The deadlines for enrollment on the paid department and the correspondence form of training university determines independently.

    Each year before school graduates, a very important issue of admission to universities and the exam. After all, every year the rules of receipt are changing and how to find out what to do on the faculty you are interested in? In addition, I want to get to the specialty that will be really interesting to you. What documents do you need? How many scam points need? Answers to all these questions are collected in this article.

    For receipt, minimum points:

    • For Russian Language - 36
    • For mathematics - 27
    • For biology - 36
    • For informatics - 40
    • For history - 32
    • Chemistry - 36.
    • Foreign languages \u200b\u200b- 22
    • Physics - 36.
    • Social Studies - 42.
    • Literature - 32.
    • Geography - 37.

    Calculator EGE 2018-2019 for admission to universities

    To certainly find out what university and at what faculty you have enough points on the exam, you can use the online calculator. To use it, it is enough to choose the university you are interested in and introduce the results of the exam. After that, the system will give you a specialty for which you can do.

    New for applicant 2018-2019

    In October last year, all universities have announced their rules for accepting applicants. Such universities like HSE hungry threshold three times. Therefore, in order to do it necessary in mathematics to have at least 75 points. And if you want to enter foreign languages, you will need at least 70 points on this discipline.

    Also, Moscow State University and HSE, in addition to checking points will be considered writings. In addition, in Moscow State University, since this year, it is possible to get a joint diploma with the Beijing Institute. In addition to MoscowSU, more and more universities are starting to offer a double diploma program and a chance to learn abroad.

    Applicant Calendar 2018-2019

    When will the reception of documents in universities begin

    This year, in all universities, without exception, the reception of documents will begin on June 20. Starting from this day, additional testing dates will also be appointed. It will be possible either to come personally and give them to the admission committee. Or submit them in electronic form.

    Finish the reception of documents not earlier than July 7. At the same time, each university sets its time frame to complete the reception. The distribution will be held in 2 stages on budget places. First fill the first 80 percent of budget places. At the end of the reception of documents will be filled with other budget places.

    How many universities can be submitted

    Each graduate class 11 can fill out applications in 5 educational institutions. This is done so that graduates have more opportunities to enter their specialty.

    How many applications can be submitted to universities 2018-2019

    In each of the selected institutions, the applicant can participate in the competition for 3 specialties. At the same time, if you could not immediately get on the specialty of interest to you, do not hurry and try to wait a bit. After all, many applicants who submitted documents after being determined in the university free another seats in which they submitted documents.

    How to apply to university

    Before applying, it is better to prepare in advance and download an application for admission on the website of the university. Filling it on your own at home you shorten your waiting time. After all, in very many adopted commissions, they can miss without a queue of those who have already completed all the necessary documents.

    List of documents for admission to university 2018-2019

    • Passport;
    • Photocopy with 2 sides. This is the main page with a photo and place of registration;
    • Certificate;
    • Certificate O. surchase EGE (although in many institutions it is not necessary to provide it because they have the opportunity to view the results through the site);
    • 6 or 8 printed photos in 3/4 format;
    • For military-cancer, you also need an asscript certificate, or a military ID;
    • Also in some institutions may require a medical certificate in 086-y;
    • And if you come together to go to a creative specialty, you may be asked to show examples of your work;
    • In addition, it will be necessary to show the certificates of completion of additional courses, diplomas about the victory in competitions. In a word, everything that additional points can add to you and allocate you among other applicants.

    Do you need to assign copies of documents to university

    When submitting copies of documents or documents in electronic form, you need to be prepared for the fact that after publishing the results of enrollment, you may need to provide the originals of all documents. If you initially provide the originals of all documents, then you will not have any problems and, accordingly, the copy you do not need.

    Electronic documents at university

    Send documents in the institution can be remotely in two ways:

    1. This is sending documents via the Internet. To do this, you need to download a copy of the application for admission in electronic form, after that it needs to be filled and sign. To apply scanned copies of documents to the application and send the entire package to the email address of the Admission Commission. After a couple of days, as the Commission consider all documents, she will send an answer.
    2. Send all the necessary documents by mail. For this option of filing the documents, you also need to download and fill out a sample application. After that, attach a copy of all the necessary documents to it.

    Deadlines for submission of documents in universities

    For 2018, the filing of documents begins on June 20. At the same time, through the postal shipment, it is better to send them about three days earlier so that they have time to reach, and then have time to wait for the answer. The submission of documents ends in early July. On average, it ends on July 7-10. After this period, the distribution of places for training and orders for enrollment begins.

    In which universities you can submit documents

    This year in electronic form you can submit documents to the following Moscow universities:

    • State University "Dubna";
    • State University of Humanities;
    • Literary institute;
    • Moscow Institute of Tourism Industry;
    • Moscow State Legal University;
    • State University of Geodesy and Cartography;
    • Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov;
    • Moscow Polytech;
    • Technical University of Communications and Informatics;
    • National Research University "MIET";
    • Moscow Physico - Technical Institute;
    • National Research University MISIS;
    • Research Nuclear University "MIII";
    • State Agrarian University of MSHA;
    • State Agricultural University;
    • Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov.

    Documents for admission to a military university

    Unlike civilian specialties in military institutions, you need to choose only one university and then send all the documents to it. Therefore, for the safety net, you can submit your documents to four more civil institutions.

    Also, it should be specified separately that those people who served in the army to get to military universities are much easier, because they are given benefits.

    Admission to such educational institutions begin with a complete examination of the applicant. And only after that it is allowed to the second stage of enrollment - the delivery of standards.

    The minimum indicators should be:

    • In the run of one hundred meters - 15 seconds;
    • In running three kilometers the minimum indicator - 14 m. 40 s;
    • Tightening at the crossbar you need at least five times;
    • In swimming a hundred meters freestyle - 2 m. 16 s;
    • In swimming in Brass - 2 m. 32 s.

    After passing all these tests, the last test comes for applicants is the passage of traditional exams in Russian, mathematics, and other profile subjects. And in military establishments, this process is slightly different from civilian. If everywhere now exams pass in the form of tests, then in a military university as in the old days - in the form of control.

    In addition to all this, you will need to provide the following documents to the military educational institution:

    1. Filled out application form with questionnaire;
    2. Certificate;
    3. Copies of the passport, military ticket and birth certificate;
    4. Autobiography;
    5. Characteristic from the last place of study or work;
    6. Photos;
    7. In the presence of benefits, you need to bring documents confirming this;
    8. If there is a service man's service card.

    Documents for the target direction in the university

    The target direction is as if the request of the employer or the state to send applicant to training. At the same time, documents can only be submitted to one educational institution and one specialty, and after the end of training, it will have to work on the employer a certain amount of time, on average this is about five years.

    To obtain the direction to come to the administration and write there an application for targeted learning. It is also necessary to provide the original certificate, the results of the exam, a copy of the passport and all other necessary documents.

    Double diploma program, what is this program

    An increasing number of prestigious universities across the country open programs of a double diploma. These programs are implemented in cooperation between Russian universities with educational institutions of other countries.

    Training itself is carried out as follows: the student is studying on the relevant training program, passing all the tasks and work to be checked twice. In the native university, where he is studying and in the partner's school institution. At the same time, an assessment for the work exposes an overseas partner on its rating system, and after this assessment is transferred to our rating system and is recorded in the journal. After graduation, the student receives two diplomas for training at once: a university diploma, where he was trained and a diploma of the partner's educational institution.

    Budget places in universities 2018-2019, on which specialty budget places more

    This year, the largest number of budget seats receive the pedagogical faculties and universities, IT directions, medical, as well as agricultural institutions.

    This is done because it is in these areas that the greatest demand in employees and having received an education in one of these specialties you will have more chances to get a job in the specialty. For the law faculties, theology, nursing, stage art and literary creativity, the opposite of budget places has become less.

    Additional scores for individual attainments of applicants in 2018-2019

    This year, for individual achievements, the applicant may additionally get 10 points. Additional points are added to the scores for the exam. Even if the achievements are more, or the USE points will be equal to 100 with all other achievements to get 110 points.

    Additional points are credited for the following achievements:

    • The certificate with the sign of differences or marked on the receipt of the gold medal adds 5 additional points to an approacenter;
    • If you have a diploma of medium vocational education, he will also add to you an additional 5 points;
    • Prize status Olympic Games estimated at 10 additional points;
    • The gold sign of the difference adds 1 point;
    • Intellectual, creative or sports achievements received over the past year since June 2017 are also evaluated by one score.

    Benefits when entering the university 2018 \u003d 2019, a list of preferential categories

    Benefits help to receive education to excellent members, participants of the Olympiad, as well as unprotected segments of the population.

    There are several different species Benefits:

    • Allowing to enter training without any exams and contests;
    • Allowing to enroll on preferential terms
    • Allower to take advantage of training with an equal number of points with other applicants.

    The first type of benefits, allowing to enter training without any entrance exams are provided:

    • Asbiturients who participated in the All-Russian School Olympiad and took one of the prizes;
    • Participants of international schools on school subjects;
    • Applicants, surrendered the exam on one five;
    • Champions of the Olympic Games.

    The winner diploma acts at the same time for four years to receive benefits.

    Quotas that allow the applicant to enter budget places if he scored the minimum number of scores on the exam.

    • Disabled first or second degree;
    • People who got injured during the war;
    • Orphans;
    • Veterans of hostilities;
    • People who under 20 years old and at the same time brought up by the parent - disabled.
    • Children of parents of the Heroes of the USSR, the Russian Federation;
    • Children whose parents died during the service;
    • People who were exposed to irradiation during the Chernobyl catastrophe;
    • Children of prosecutors who died during the passage of the service;
    • People who are irradiated with the tests of nuclear weapons or substances associated with radiation.

    At the same time, to obtain any of the listed benefits, you need to provide documents confirming your right to receive benefits.

    Is it possible to take entrance exams in the university

    According to the law, it is possible to obtain a higher education in absolutely any age. Therefore, many who graduated from school for a long time and their results of the USE are not valid, or graduating from school before the introduction of a single exam may also enroll in high school. At the same time, for admission to the school, they instead of a single exam pass internal exams in the university itself.

    In order to pass the exam in the university itself, you must first decide on the profession and decide on the educational institution. Because in this case there is no possibility to submit documents in 5 establishments at once. After that, you need to go to the site of the educational institution, or come personally and learn the schedule of entrance exams.

    Who can handle entrance exams in high school, list

    • People who graduated from school before the introduction of the USE;
    • People having a secondary vocational education;
    • People who received secondary education abroad;
    • People having a higher vocational education.

    What year's exam can be served when entering the university 2018-2019

    According to the law, the results of the EG operate for four years since the exam. Consequently, this year there are results obtained in 2014 and later. But the results of 2013 and earlier are already considered invalid.

    How to pick up documents from the university at your own accord

    In order to pick up the document, you need to come to your educational institution, go to the rectorate and write a statement in which you need to register the cause of deductions. At the same time, the reason for the deduction is desirable to confirm the relevant document.

    After the order, you will need to take a workaround and bypass all the teachers so that they confirm that you have no debts. After passing the workaround, you will tell you the date when you can come and pick up your documents.

    Two months later, on June 20, 2018, the reception of documents in the universities of the Russian Federation will begin. What sites should we use the 2018 applicants to select a university and arrival? What will be the passing score on a particular specialty? What's new in the work of the reception commissions? The creators of the resource "Universities of Russia: Navigator of Asbiturian 2018" and representatives of domestic universities are told.

    In 2018, 483 state and 116 non-governmental universities from 83 regions of the Russian Federation, which have a valid license and accreditation participate in the reception campaign.

    The number of budget places on engineering and pedagogical specialties has grown, and it will be, on the contrary, it is reduced, since, according to the Ministry of Education and Science, there are no more than half of graduates with such diplomas. There will be a total of 315 thousand low cost places for bachelorate, 74 thousand places for the specialist and 207 thousand places in the magistracy.

    The highest competition in 2018 is expected in the specialty, where they take the results of the EGE on social studies, english language And stories - it was these exams this year chose most of the graduates. However, only 17% of Russian universities have suitable specialties - and more than half of applicants will rush at them.

    The cheapest training is 30 thousand rubles, in the East Siberian Institute of Economics and Rights in Irkutsk and the Orthodox Holy Tikhonian University of the Humanitarian University in Moscow. The most expensive - in Kazan, at the University of Innopolis, in the specialty of informatics and computing - from 1,200 thousand rubles. However, university students do not pay this amount independently, says the head of the reception and attracting applicants of the University of Innopolis Catherine Poto: "Every year we take the best candidates who receive a 100% grant for training, as well as a monthly scholarship from 12,000 to 42,000 rubles. In 2018 We will take 250 students who will learn from the grant. "

    What new trends will be shown during admission to universities in 2018 and what should be ready applicants and their parents?

    Compare the conditions for admission to various universities and choose a suitable educational institution (both in terms of education and at prices) no first year helps a specialized resource - "Navigator of Applicant 2018". Each university is presented here with a card with detailed information and the possibility of transition to its official website.

    But if on the website of the university in orders about the enrollment of 2017, a common score, which scored every applicant during the receiving campaign, is in the "Navigator" - "clean" scores of the EGE received, without scores for individual achievements.

    Why is such information important? According to the existing rules, the applicant brings a set of points to the university, which he received on the exam, as well as - individual achievements, the so-called portfolio. It may include a medal (now it is called "for special successes in the teaching"), the GTO icon, the diplomas of the winner of the Olympiads - and each position gives additional points, and in each university achievements "weigh" in different ways.

    So, for example, the GTO gold icon in Misi is estimated at 5 points, and in the MIPT - just 2 points. And in the MGPPU, which positions itself as a "university for not indifferent people," you can dial 7 points if you confirm your volunteer activities. This is due to the fact that they are taught here many helping professions.

    Accordingly, scored 320 points in different universities will mean differently. Select the EGE points from them to evaluate their strength, and helps the "Applicant Navigator 2018".

    The minimum score points that give the right to enter universities are determined by Rosobrnadzor in the fall. These are 36 points in the Russian language and 27 points in mathematics. However, most universities establish their passing score for each subject, and they may differ from the minimum 2-3 times - look for this information on the website of the university. So, in the NITE "MISIS" in 2017, the middle score of the exam was 82.7, and every third enrolled certificate with honors.

    In addition, the information on the points of the EGE received gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of students. Who are they are good, honors? The desire to enroll in the top university is clear, but you need to soberly assess your capabilities. Will the strength to perform high demands, withstand the intensive pace of training?

    If earlier the applicant "ran" behind the university, now the university is trying to attract the most interesting guys for himself, "says Vice-Rector of Tyumen state University Ivan Romankuk. - And high-quality education is impossible without high-quality reception. After all, it is no secret that sometimes pulling the student to the desired level is not possible - he has no basic knowledge.

    The task of attracting talented university students is solved in different ways. Thus, at the school of promising research, the Tyula, designed to prepare young scientists, there are budget places, and a discount on training up to 100% depending on academic performance.

    And the National Nuclear University of Miphy takes into account the results of the Olympics of schoolchildren as much as 4 years before admission. He became the winner of Vosh, say, in the 9th grade, then confirmed my knowledge of 75 points on the exam - you will learn.

    Programs for disabilities with disabilities are actively developing Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University. Here are ready to accept guys with restrictions on health of any nosologies and accompany such students from the first day - for this, volunteers are working at the university.

    The Moscow City Pedagogical University in turn attracts employment guarantees and close connections of the university with employers - schools and children's gardens. It is important that the average salary of GRUP graduates during the year after the release is 44,500 rubles. (Employment monitoring data of graduates, which is conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science on the results of tax deductions).

    Attract applicants help and innovations in the reception commissions. So, to submit documents to MISIS and many other universities can now not only personally or by mail, but also online, through the personal account. In the same place, the applicant can track its competitive situation. In Tyula, where comes from a variety of cities and Siberia, the convenience of applicants has a 24-hour advisory line.

    How to enroll in "your" university

    All rectors and vice-rector, with whom we managed to talk, noted that the new generation of applicants has grown - they are differently suitable for the selection of the university, otherwise the priorities arrange and ask questions.

    One of the important criteria is still geography, however, here centrifugal trends - to study only in Moscow and St. Petersburg - gradually weaken, the universities of Tyumen, Tomsk, Kaliningrad, Vladivostok, Kazan, Yekaterinburg are enjoyed.

    The selected professions gradually cease to share on prestigious and not very by themselves - the prestige of one or another specialty is increasingly determined by what university does it offer, what is the difference between his programs, which teachers are working there.

    Another criterion for choosing a specialty and university is the question of whether the family is ready to invest in the child's education. The former scheme is to submit documents to the budget, and you will not do, go to extrabudget - it works more and less, because the processes of receipt are now often running parallel. And to decide, learn on the budget or not, it is better at the start of the receiving campaign.

    The first plan when choosing a university comes out the study of programs for the selected specialty. But they can do this not all applicants and their parents. Evidence of this is the statistics of the last two years on "reuses". Enrolled in the university and earning one or two courses, young people understand that they are not learning what they wanted, or not as expected - and change the specialty or even the university.

    Universities respond to such a situation, developing vocational guidance among schoolchildren - and creating new learning conditions for students.

    Part of the set to our university we are not on the program, but in the direction of training, - tells the Vice-Rector for academic work MgPU Dmitry Agrant. - For example, applicants come to the direction of "pedagogical education", and after six months, the moderation procedure is undergoing when the Special Commission estimates their merits, personality quality and helps choose one or another profile. The first yearrs have time to dig in themselves, take questions and make a decision.

    Similar project - "individual educational trajectory"- acts in Tyula. It allows you to choose a profession only after 1-2 years of study and form it under itself. The choice of profession at the time of study is possible today in many universities.

    In this material you will find all the most important dates of the coming receiving campaign.

    When will the reception of documents in the university start?

    When does the reception of the documents end?

    Not earlier than July 7 - Completion of the reception of documents necessary for admission, from persons entering training on the results of additional entrance tests of creative and (or) professional orientation.

    Not earlier than July 10 - Completion of the reception of documents necessary for admission, from persons who come to study on the results of other entrance examinations conducted by the Organization of Higher Education independently.

    Not earlier than July 26 - The deadline for the completion of the institution of higher education by independently introductory tests, the completion of the reception of documents necessary for admission, from persons entering training without the passage of these entrance tests.

    When universities place lists on the site?

    No later than July 27 - Placing the lists of entering the official website and on the information booth.

    Stage of priority enrollment - enrollment without entrance tests, enrollment to places within a special quota and target quota:

    July 28th - the receipt of applications for consent to enroll from persons coming without introductory tests entering places within the quotas, if these persons simultaneously filed applications for admission to two or more institutions of higher education in accordance with paragraph 69 of the Procedure;

    July 29 - the order (orders) is published on the enrollment of persons who submitted an application for enrollment, from among those incoming without entrance tests entering places within the quotas;

    When does the first wave of income begins?

    a) first stage (first wave) enrollment on major competitive places - enrollment of 80% of these places (if 80% is a fractional value, rounding is carried out to the biggest):

    August 1 - the reception of applications for consent to enroll from persons included in the lists of incoming competitive places and those who wish to be enrolled at the first stage of enrollment on major competitive places; As part of each list of applicants, persons submitted to the application for enrollment to enroll, before filling in 80% of the main competitive places (including rounding);

    August 3rd - the order (orders) is published on the enrollment of persons submitted by the application for enrollment, before completing 80% of the main competitive places;

    When does the admission end with the university (ends with the second wave)?

    b) second stage (second wave) enrollment on major competitive places - enrollment of 100% of these places:

    August 6. - applications are completed on consent to enroll from persons included in the lists of entering the main competitive places;

    as part of each list of applicants, persons submitted a statement of consent to enrollment, before completing 100% of the main competitive places;

    8 August - The order (orders) is published on the enrollment of persons submitted an application for enrollment, before completing 100% of the main competitive places.

    Approaching undergraduate programs or specialist programs is entitled to apply (applications) on admission at the same time as not more than 5 institutions of higher education. In each of these organizations, the incoming entitled to participate in the competition no more than 3 specialties and (or) areas of preparation.

    The documents required for receipt are presented (sent) to the organization in one of the following ways:

    • 1) are submitted to the organization personally entering (trusted), including:
    • 2) are sent to the organization through public postal operators;
    • 3) are sent to the Organization in electronic form (if such an opportunity is provided for by the reception rules approved by the Organization independently).

    The beginning of the reception of documents in universities is nearing. Today we will talk about how not to miss your chance due to the little things.

    Rules of receipt are quite simple. Do not miss the deadlines and have time to submit the original documents; Examine the additional conditions of the selected educational institution, go through the medical examination, if necessary, - and everything will turn out. Now let's consider each step in more detail.

    Without panic! If you keep all the terms, there will be no problems with admission

    The most important thing about documents

    If you prepared in advance to enter, the meeting with the reception office will take 10-15 minutes from you, not counting the possible queue from those who want to become your fellow students and friends over the university. For ordinary public and private universities, a standard package of documents is needed:

    • statement;
    • copy of the passport;
    • copy of the certificate with the application.

    In 2019, the results of the EE 2, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 will be valid.

    Some universities may require medical certificate 086 / y. The need for its provision, as well as the list of other documents, can be found on the official website of the university.

    Also assemble documents that will confirm your benefits upon admission if they are. In the selected university you need to bring the originals of these securities. This rule is valid for all beneficiaries, designers, winners of Olympiad and specialized professional competitions.

    • winners and winners of the All-Russian School Olympics;
    • gold medalists of the Olympic, Paralympic, Surdlympic Games;
    • world or European champions in any sport;
    • members of Russian national teams International Olympics on general education subjects (specialized areas).

    Athletes can do without entrance tests only in the direction of training related to physical education and sports.

    Applicant calendar: filing deadlines and other important dates

    Asbiturines of military universities, academics of internal affairs and educational institutions that make special requirements for physical training of students, it is necessary to prepare much earlier. Complete the standard medical examination in November or December. It will save your time.

    Below are the dates current for 2019 receipts.

    Approximate date (accurate recognize in the selected university)


    Applying documents from applicants, the primary right of admission based on the results of additional creative or professional tests

    The reception of documents in universities, which carry out additional introductory tests

    ✓ The reception of documents from applicants that do not pass additional exams (standard arrival on the USE).

    ✓ Universities are required to finish their own entrance tests for all applicants

    A complete list of applicants from the standard protocol appears (information stand, website of the university)

    The reception of the originals of documents from applicants coming without exams (athletes and winners of creative, professional, intellectual competitions)

    Ready to enroll in university applicants coming without quota examinations

    "The first wave of income." The university registers statements from received and expressed consent to study (80% of competitive places are filled)

    Order of the enrollment of applicants "First Wave"

    "The second wave of arrival." The university registers consent to training from applicants (the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof competitive places is filled)

    Order on enrollment of applicants "Second Wave"

    After July 27, all your attention should be riveted to the site of the university. You can not miss the moment when you need to apply for consent to enrollment and original documents. Without these papers, even with the best results of the EGE, the university will not consider you as a future student. You see that pass by rating, run to apply.

    The main tool of receipt - the site of the university, there will be regularly updated the rating of the incoming

    Changes in 2018

    This year did not bring global changes to the procedure for admission to higher educational institutions, but some amendments should be taken into account when preparing. What's new?

    • Universities will independently determine the requirements for coming with Diplomas SPO (College, Technical School). Applicants will undergo entrance tests in the educational institution.
    • The total number of competitive sites on the correspondence form of training will decrease.
    • For a variety of achievements during school learning and sports career, you can now get up to 10 points (in 2017 - to 20).
    • Victories and prizes in all-Russian Olympiadah Will giving benefits for 4 years. Win the Olympics in the 9th or 10th grade and do not think about the future arrival at all.
    • For another year, Crimeans can hand over a general-season test or undergo special introductory tests in universities upon admission. In 2019, the Crimean schoolchildren will also begin to pass the exam.
    • One of the main changes in the process of admission to higher educational institutions will affect the designers. Now the contract will be concluded between the applicant, the university and the employer. Earlier in this scheme only incoming and university were involved. After successfully learning, the applicant is obliged to work for three years in an organization that issued the direction.
    • The universities themselves will determine how much additional points will receive an essay ascriber (1-10).
    • Applicants who choose the "intellectual systems in the humanitarian sphere" destination will hand over mathematics with any selected learning date.

    Typical errors and incoming questions

    So now you have complete information about when and how to act in universities. But not always and not everyone gets perfectly, so we picked up a few examples of typical errors of applicants and their correction options.

    There is another situation that sometimes brings applicants that prefer the "blue in hand".

    What if I enrolled in the university of my dreams with a second wave, but already gave the originals to another educational institution?

    So, you enrolled in one of the universities, the originals of the documents took there and calmed down. But a little pity that the same best-prestigious and popular-comfortable-interesting University did not take you to training. You open the site of the desired educational institution and see that your surname is already in the list of recommended receipt. What to do?

    Evaluate the timing of the filing of originals and its position in the ranking. Registration of the order of deductions and the fence of documents from the university of the first wave will take about a day, after which the original documents should be transferred to the new university and have time to apply for agreement on training. You must have a minimum of 2-3 days on the revenue process.

    Act! Some universities are specifically, although they are not recognized in the issuance of originals. Especially if the educational institution is not too popular, and you have good results. Therefore, do not tell in the receiving commission about your dream. Tell me that family circumstances appeared, so you and take the documents.

    Very soon you will become students and begin a new life, but for now prepare for several weeks of stress. Good luck and let everything work!