Olympic Games Usain Bolt. Raising the legs to the chest in the hang. Bolt vs Samurai

He spent his last career race at the Olympics. He brought the national team of Jamaica victory in the relay of 4 100 meters and became a nine-time Olympic champion. The ingenious sprinter confirmed that he was not going to the Games in Tokyo, which will be held in 2020, so that he said goodbye to the Olympics invincible.

Bolt vs Samurai

Bolt’s last Olympic race turned out exactly as they were waiting for him - the master took his wand and just ran away from everyone. As he always did. But hardly anyone could have imagined that until the last stage nothing will be clear, and the three teams will finish almost simultaneously.

And if not for one phenomenal sprinter, she could have created the biggest sensation of the Olympics. The Japanese eventually finished second, setting a national record and an Asian record, while the US team finished only third, momentarily ahead of Canadians. However, they were not third for long. The US men's team was disqualified for the improper relay. For the ninth time in major tournaments since 1995.

Jamaica became the first again, and Bolt made an incredible sprint hat-trick: at three Olympics in a row he won 100 and 200 m races and relay races. In Rio de Janeiro, Bolt expected these victories, but they were afraid that age and injuries could affect them. But the second after Bob Marley  (and maybe already the first one) the Jamaican did not just not disappoint - he proved that he had no equal.

Just great

Bolt won nine Olympic gold medals, set world records at 100 and 200 meters and in the relay. “What else can I do to prove my greatness?” Usain asked after winning the 200-meter race in Rio de Janeiro. But still he did, having won in the relay. The Bolt phenomenon was studied by leading scientists who tried to understand what makes it so fast and whether there is another person on the planet who is able to run as fast.

But it’s not only sporting achievements - although they are primarily the ones - that make Bolt so great. He knows how to charge people with energy, fills the whole space. “Fans love energy. Let's hope that young athletes will be able to realize: sport is looking for those who are full of energy, who will be able to convey this energy to the rest. It’s important not just to win, it’s important to live in sports, ”said Bolt.

In the men's sprint, where almost all world champions came across doping, Bolt managed to stay clean. And this is also an important part of greatness. Bolt managed to stay away from any secular scandals and temptations, unlike Michael Phelpsthat came across marijuana and drunk driving. The Olympic Games said goodbye to an outstanding athlete.

“I have proven to the world that sport can be clean. I made our sport exciting, made it so that people go to the sprint and want to see it. I took our sport to another level, ”said Bolt. And he is right.

Dash to Gold

The men's relay with Bolt in the title role left behind everything that had happened at the Olympic Stadium before. Including the women's relay, in which the non-Jamaican team won, which was considered the main favorite. The victory was won by the US team, which fell into this baton due to a dash.

In the final, the Americans were unstoppable, becoming the first team since 1972 to win the relay on the first track. In Munich, the US men's team achieved this result. The Jamaican team with multiple Olympic champions in the composition became the second.

But Jamaica, thanks to Bolt, will not even pay attention to the defeat of the women's team. When the great ones leave, it’s not worth talking about anything else.

I hated the gym. At the age of 12, he already ran faster than anyone else, laughed at his rivals and surprised coaches (one almost threw out his stopwatch, thinking that he had broken), but was not yet a superstar, so he was forced to change distances.

After his favorite hundred meters, Bolt hardly agreed to run 200 meters, but 300, 350, and 400 meters were required of him. Training for the longest distance went like this: first you race 500 meters, then 600, then 700, and only at the end - 400. “For me it was almost impossible - worse than imprisonment. I vomited right on the treadmill, and I constantly begged the trainer for rest, ”the sprinter wrote in his autobiography,“ Faster than Lightning. ”

Bolt also did not like abdominal exercises. One of his trainers, Sergeant Major Mr. Barnett, forced teenagers to do 700 twists daily. But the worst thing is that if someone stopped (for example, dropping muscles), everyone started from scratch. Usain involuntarily built a dry and strong body, but, switching to work with a personal trainer, refused to run 400 meters and deadly sets to the press.

Only at the age of 21, Bolt realized that it was time to strengthen the body, and asked to write him a training program for the gym. “My goal was Beijing, nothing could get in my way. I worked hard, and the results appeared instantly. The physical form improved, the arms became strong and embossed, the press became stiff, the games and hips were covered with veins. Every time I looked in the mirror, I said to myself: "Hey, Usain, you're damn good." The whole body seemed to pulsate, ”Bolt recalled.

He tore everyone in Beijing, then in London, and at the same time finished the intrigue at four world championships: three gold in Berlin, two in Daegu, three in Moscow, three in Beijing. He set world records in running 100 and 200 meters, receiving the status of the fastest person in history.

After that, Bolt went to the third Olympics to win it and leave.

Below are the training principles of a man who for 10 years looks like a god and behaves like a king.

Mode and power

Bolt’s first training routine is scheduled for 10am, but he’s usually late, so he just wakes up at that time.

Usain's diet is distributed as follows: 60% protein, 30% carbohydrates and 10% fat. He used to eat nuggets and french fries for breakfast, now bananas, sweet potatoes (sweet potato) or yams. Another option is the national Jamaican dish (similar to dumplings, consists of flour, water, butter and milk). For lunch - fish (tuna or perch) and bread (whole grains). As a side dish - rice. Dinner consists of chicken (alternatives are pork and beef) and a side dish (usually rice again). In addition, Bolt snacks three times a day: eats vegetables and protein. “The older you get, the better you should eat. Now I rarely allow myself fast food, ”says Usain.

He trains for three hours a day, of which one and a half is cardio: swinging legs, stretching, 10-15 accelerations (warm up muscles) and directly a light sprint. 30 intense seconds alternate with 30 seconds of rest.

The second half of the lesson is running exercises and work in the gym.

How to pump run

“There are no secrets. You just have to develop strength, power, acceleration and technique, ”explains Bolt.

Two-legged jumping

Five sets of 20 jumps

Hopping on a box

Four sets of 8 reps

Jumping forward

Three sets of 10 reps

How to stretch

“Flexibility helps with stride lengths,” assures Bolt, who has stretched the reed so much that he spends an average of 40 steps per hundred meters (rivals 44-45).

Explosive knee extension

Three sets of 10 repetitions. Can be done in the gym with extra weight.

Hanging legs to chest

Three sets of 10 reps

How to pump up the press

Usain was lucky with a physique, but his program has a clear focus on the lower part of the press - the very one that grows greasy before others. Naturally, this does not threaten Bolt.

Lifting legs from a horizontal position

Three sets of 10 reps


Three sets of 10 reps per leg

Reverse twisting on the press

Three sets of 30 seconds

Side bar

Three sets of 30 seconds with bent and straightened legs

Strength exercises

Before the most important starts, the following are added to the Bolt program:

  • Heavy Dumbbell Lunges
  • Weight Squats
  • Explosive steps on the platform (stable and unstable)
  • Lifting the bar for biceps (any bar is possible)

“Firstly, I work in the gym, because it will be painful for me to see someone come running faster than me. Secondly, I’ll tell you honestly, I’m doing this for the girls on the beach, ”said the person who plans to become a nine-time Olympic champion.

Seven people on a treadmill, 55 thousand in the stands and two billion on TV screens - in such an environment, the great Usain Bolt once again rewrote the history of world sports. RG correspondents saw the ten fastest seconds of the Rio Olympics live.

How to get to Bolt

For the first time at the Games, athletics competitions and the opening and closing ceremonies are held in different places. The fire of the Olympics was lit at the legendary Maracan, but Usain Bolt was sent to the Olympic Stadium. It was built in 2007 for the Pan American Games, and in the “ordinary life” the arena is rented by the Botafogo football club. She is more modest than “Maracana” in terms of capacity, but also impressive. But these structures are united by the fact that foreigners are not recommended to walk around their surroundings in the dark. So, the amount of military equipment and armed people around a sports facility, which is absolutely unbelievable for any other country, calms rather than annoys.

The fact that this evening at the "Olympic" will be a special event, we already felt in the bus stop near the main press center. Usually here you need to look for about ten minutes, from where the shuttle to the desired object. Now hung paper sheets with instructions - they say, on athletics  driven from stop B17. Could immediately write something like "straight to Bolt." Because along the way, colleagues discussed only this surname. Everyone needs a bolt, so the buses did not have time to serve. The frequency of their arrival was doubled.

To our great surprise, the men's hundred-meter race did not require any additional tickets for journalists. Apparently, the organizers decided that there was enough room for everyone in the giant press box. In vain - an hour before Bolt went out to the world, we hardly found free places in the corner, already without any tables. And late colleagues and did sit down on concrete steps in the aisles.

To whistle, who delight

It is clear that any sprinters that go on the track with Bolt are doomed to the role of extras. No matter how good athletes they are. But the American Justin Gatlin partially managed to divert attention to himself. True, this hardly pleased him. Gatlin got caught doping twice, which for any athlete means a lifelong disqualification. But in some amazing way, Justin got permission to go to these Games. Why - it is better to ask the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), which outlawed all Russian athletes in general, but supported such slippery guys.

Gatlin in three minutes, the stadium booed three times. At first, when he just entered the arena. Then - when he was officially introduced before the race. Well, "for dessert" - when his image appeared on the big screen after the finish. Then Justin assured reporters that he did not pay attention to such a reaction from the public. Well, from Bolt, the people, on the contrary, were absolutely delighted. Almost like at a football match or a rock concert, the stands together chanted the idol's name. And when the idol appeared, the most impressionable groaned with delight, and began to continuously shoot on the phones every step and every gesture of Usain. The Jamaican has long been accustomed to such a reaction. And enjoyed the moment.

I rolled to the finish

And then there were those very ten seconds for which everyone gathered here. In the case of Bolt, even a little less - 9.81. With such a time, he won the Olympics in Rio. It seems to be just a few moments. But how much happens in ten seconds when the fastest people on planet Earth run along the track. Usain started off pretty badly, and decently released Gatlin forward. It became even scary for the legend - the victory of a double doping specialist, frankly, we would be very upset. But closer to the finish line Bolt rolled so that both Gatlin and all the others remained behind. He felt like a champion even before the finish cells, hitting his chest with his fist. I must say that at the dawn of his career, Usain was poorer. At the 100 meters in Beijing 2008, he was the leader by a wide margin, so he stopped running 20 meters to the finish line and crossed an imaginary ribbon with his arms outstretched to the sides. The then president of the IOC, Jacques Rogge, even called this behavior disrespectful to rivals and spectators. Eight years later, it is on this show that fans come to see it.

Usain is already sweeping past our rostrum, arms triumphantly raised, and begins his traditional afterparty. Of course, it includes a circle of honor in the stadium. And it’s okay that some high jumpers, who at that moment were trying to qualify for the finals, have to wait a bit for their turn to make another attempt. And Bolt relaxedly runs with the flag and the plush talisman of the Games cat Vinicius. Hugs, handshakes, selfies with fans - all this Bolt also welcomes in every possible way. Semiborcs even managed to join the fan holiday, which they had just awarded with the medals won the day before. And suddenly a photo with Bolt will be for London Olympic champion British Jessica Ennis Hill, who in Rio lost the title to Belgian Nafissat Tham, a nice bonus to the “silver”.

The bolt, meanwhile, moves on. Spikes have already been removed from the strained champion legs. The public is chanting the name of the Jamaican in anticipation of a climax. And so Bolt begins to pose for photographers in his signature pose, symbolizing a lightning strike.

Love without borders

When the Bolt disappears into the stands, the stadium becomes empty. Trying to somehow touch the idol, viewers from the gallery arrange a photo shoot with colorful fans from Jamaica in the lobby. Local TV men run up and record interviews with compatriots of the famous sprinter.

In the mixed zone, half of the journalists crowd not so much on the case as on gawking at the legend. When Usain is approaching, colleagues lose their temper and beg for joint selfies, contrary to all the rules of conduct in such places. And one journalist, having received the cherished photo with a star, escorted Bolt with hysterical cries of "I love you!". This craziness will continue on August 18, when Usain runs the 200-meter. Perhaps by this point someone will already be praying, "Marry me!". Bolt’s mother, Jennifer, who also supported her son in the stands, dreams of her son getting married and giving her grandchildren. But he himself only thinks about big sport.

Usain, you made everyone worry about the result of the hundred-meter race. They themselves did not doubt for a second their superiority?

Usain Bolt:  In qualification, the race did not work out as I expected. I understood that Justin Gatlin made a bid to win, but after the semi-final I felt more confident. So I said to myself, "No panic! Calm down and pull up." I tried to relax. I knew that victory would ultimately remain with me.

At the world record - 9.58 - did not aim?

Usain Bolt:  At least I was going to run faster than in the semifinals. But who came up with this stupid schedule, when the semi-finals take place at 21.00, and the final at 22.25 ?! I just did not have time to recover. He was tired, which very rarely happens to me. And this is so stupid, because in the semifinals I felt great, I was in great shape. I really wanted to break the record at a distance of 100 meters. And if I had enough time to rest after the semi-finals, the record could have happened. But in the final, I, above all, did not want to give up the “gold”. It was very important for me to win the fifth Olympic victory in individual types of programs. But until I got to the start, I did not understand how worried. But hundred-metering is always stress, excitement. For 200 meters, I never worry. And at this distance I’ll try to update my world record - 19.19.

Is it true that you constantly dream that they are chasing you?

Usain Bolt:  Yes, and it's a great dream. After all, they never catch up with me.

Is this a prophetic dream?

Usain Bolt:  I came to this Olympics to win three gold medals. Thus, I would consider myself a great athlete. If I fail, I’m very upset. Well, the beginning was not bad, and now I'm just happy and proud of myself. And I will certainly become a living legend. Then do not say that I did not warn you.

Klishina, to the start!

The Lausanne Sports Court of Arbitration (CAS) upheld the claim of the Russian long-distance jumper Daria Klishina to the International Federation athletics  (IAAF). The only Russian athlete allowed to participate in the Games will nevertheless perform at the Olympics.

Recall that at the last moment, the IAAF changed its decision based on new data from the report of an independent commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) under the leadership of Richard McLaren. But the athlete defended her rights in court.

CAS, based on the IAAF competition rules, concluded that the previous IAAF ruling that an athlete meets the necessary criteria for living outside of Russia is still valid, despite additional information from Dr. Richard McLaren, the CAS statement said. - Also, the athlete confirmed that for the indicated period of time she was completely and completely subordinate to anti-doping structures outside of Russia - both in the competitive and out of competition periods.