Olympics on the history of the municipal stage. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren on the history of the municipal stage

1 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN HISTORY. 2014–2015 YEAR SCHOOL STAGE. 5 CLASS Evaluation Criteria 1 Choose the correct answer. Enter the answer in the table. 1.1. The starting point of our era (AD) is 1) the emergence of writing 3) the emergence of the state in the Nile Valley 2) the birth of Jesus Christ 4) the transition from gathering to agriculture 1.2. The remains of an ancient man date back to 1) 4 million years ago 2) 200 thousand years ago 3) 2 million years ago 4) 40 thousand years ago 1.3. A synonym for the term “primitive” is NOT 1) a prehistoric society 2) a neighboring community 3) a prehistory 4) a primitive communal system 1.4. An element of the spiritual life of primitive man is 1) sacrifice to deities 3) hunting and gathering 2) working with metal tools 4) building fortifications and fortifications Answer: 1.1 1.2 2 3 For each correct answer - 3 points. Total for the task 12 points. 2 1.3 2 1.4 1 By what principle are rows formed? Write the most accurate answer. 2.1. Memphis, Luxor, Abydos, Thebes 2.2. Nobles, scribes, free farmers, slaves Answer: 2.1. cities of ancient Egypt; 2.2. social strata (social groups) of Ancient Egypt. 4 points for each correct answer. Total for the task of 8 points. All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren 2014-2015 2 3 What unites three of the four concepts, which is superfluous? Explain your answer. 3.1. Hunting, gathering, fishing, agriculture 3.2. Stone, gold, iron, copper Answer: 3.1. Agriculture, as the rest relates to the appropriation holding 3.2. Gold, because the rest was material for the manufacture of tools. 5 points for each correctly indicated excess concept with an explanation. Only the full answer is accepted. Total for the task of 10 points. 4 Arrange events in chronological order. Enter the answer in the table as a sequence of letters. A) B) C) D) D) Appearance of a reasonable person Start of metal processing Formation of the Ancient Egyptian state Transition from gathering to agriculture Appearance of the most ancient person D A G B C Answer: The task is considered to be completed correctly only if all positions coincide. Total for the task of 10 points. 5 Are the following statements true? (“Yes” - “No”) Enter the answers in the table. 1. The term "Paleolithic" is equivalent to the concept of "Stone Age". 2. Idol - an image of a deity made of stone or wood. 3. The founders of art were the most ancient people. 4. The only river in Egypt was the Nile. 5. Lower Egypt subjugated Upper Egypt, forming a single state. 6. The first capital of Egypt was Thebes. 7. Egyptian officials were called scribes. Answer: 1 2 3 4 yes yes no yes For each correct answer - 4 points. In total for the task 28 points. 5 no 6 no All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 7 yes 3 6 Solve the chronological problem. It is believed that the unification of Ancient Egypt occurred in 3000 BC. He ceased to exist in 525 BC. e. How many years have passed between these events? How many years ago did the ancient Egyptian state disappear? Answer: 1. 3000-525 \u003d 2475 passed between the appearance and disappearance of Ancient Egypt. 2 points for the correct answer. 2.525 + 2014 \u003d 2539 years ago. However, the correct answer is 2538, since there was no year in the history with serial number 0. This feature of counting is likely to elude the vast majority of participants in the Olympiad. Therefore, the answer 2539 can be considered conditionally true. For the answer 2539 years ago - 2 points. For the answer 2538 years ago - 3 points. The maximum number of points for the task is 5 points. 7 Answer the questions: During the excavations of the ancient settlement, archaeologists discovered a large number of graves with funeral equipment: needles from animal bones, weapons, clothes from animal skins, animal figures, the remains of berries and fruits. 7.1. The journalist of the newspaper "All sorts of things" suggested that these are the remains of the settlement "Skillful Man." Is he right? Justify your answer. 7.2. The appearance and development of a phenomenon of the spiritual life of a person of that time reflect these findings? 7.3. Why do archeologists find objects in burials? 7.4. What activities can people learn from these findings? Answer: 7.1. No, the journalist is wrong. "Skillful man" did not bury the dead, he did not have needles, art objects, clothes. (3 points); 7.2. religion (3 points); 7.3. it was believed that household items will be needed in the afterlife (3 points); 7.4. hunting, simple craft, gathering (3 points). Total for the task 12 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 4 8 Carefully review the map and complete the tasks. 8.1. Write the number that indicates the continent that became the place of occurrence of the producing economy _______________________ 8.2. Write the number that marks the continent, where a reasonable person penetrated in antiquity ______________________ 8.3. Write the number that indicates the continent - the ancestral home of a person ___________________ Answer: 8.1. Number 2 8.2. Number 3 8.3. Figure 1 5 points for each correct answer. Total for the task of 15 points. Total work 100 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 1 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN HISTORY. 2014–2015 YEAR SCHOOL STAGE. 6 CLASS Evaluation Criteria 1 Are the following statements true? (“Yes” - “No”) Enter the answers in the table. 1. The early Middle Ages is considered to be the period from the end of the 5th century. until the middle of the 11th century. 2. Latin in the Middle Ages was the language of everyday life, even the inhabitants of the villages spoke it. 3. The Vandals were the only Germanic tribe to have their own fleet. 4. The dynasty founded by Clovis is known as the Carolingian. 5. Under the medieval chronicles understand the records of counts and dukes about the payment of taxes by their subjects. 6. The names "Eastern Roman Empire" and "Byzantium" are equivalent. 7. The initial event of the Middle Ages is the adoption of Christianity by Constantine the Great. 8. The last emperor of the Western Roman Empire was Romulus Augustulus. Answer: 1 2 3 4 yes no yes no 2 points for each correct answer. In total for the task 16 points. 2 5 no 6 yes 7 no 8 yes Restore the sequence of events by writing their letter designations in chronological order in the table. A) B) C) D) D) the fall of the Western Roman Empire the battle of Soissons division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern defeat of the Arabs at the Battle of Poitiers coronation of Pipin Korotkogo A B D Answer: 10 points for a completely correct chronology. 5 points for chronology with one error. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 D 2 3 Make a correspondence between the Germanic tribes and the Roman provinces that they settled. Enter your answer in the table: ROMAN PROVINCES A) North Africa B) Gaul C) Britain D) Illyria and Italy D) Spain E) Helvetia G) Upper Rhine A B C D 5 3 7 1 2 points for each correct correlation. Total for the task of 14 points. Answer: 4 GERMAN TRIBES 1) Ostrogoths 2) Visigoths 3) Franks 4) Burgundians 5) Vandals 6) Alemannic 7) Angles and Saxons D 2 E 4 G 6 Read the text and write down the three historical errors contained in it. Write down the correct answers. Medieval monasteries became centers of residence for white clergy, centers of culture and education in barbarian Europe. The main postulates of monasticism were solitude, humility, rejection of worldly life. At the head of each Western European monastery was the governor - abbot, who led both the liturgical and the economic life of the monastery. Educated monks spent a significant part of their lives in the scriptorium, a special book-writing workshop. The main material for manuscript books in the Early and Developed Middle Ages was paper, which was obtained using special presses located in scriptories. The cost of the books was very high. So, a large format Bible cost about the same as a herd of three hundred calves. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 3 Answer: Mistakes 1. Medieval monasteries became centers of residence for white clergy. 2. At the head of each Western European monastery was the governor - abbot. 3. The main material for manuscript books in the Early and Developed Middle Ages was paper. Correct answers 1. The monasteries were the centers of residence of the black clergy 2. In fact, the abbot was at the head of the Western European monastery. 3. The main material was parchment. 12 points for indicating errors (4 points for each error) and up to 12 points for explanations (4 points for each correct explanation that does not contain errors and inaccuracies. If the explanation is essentially correct, but does not contain gross errors or inaccuracies, -2 The total score for the task is 24. The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in 2014-2015 4 5 As you know, the first king of the Franks was Clovis, who became the most famous ruler of the Frankish kingdom. related to them camping. Write down the numbers in pairs descriptions of historical events with letter designations correct image by placing the answers in the table. LIFE EVENTS A) Acquaintance with St. Remigius, 1) who later became Archbishop of Reims, influenced the decision of Clovis to adopt Christianity according to the Roman model. ILLUSTRATIONS B) How cunning and cruel 2) the ruler Clovis showed himself by taking revenge on the warrior who prevented him from taking possession of the precious cup. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 5 C) After defeating the Visigoths at Poitiers in 507, Clovis added to his kingdom Aquitaine - the southern part of Gaul. 3) D) Wanting to become the sole ruler of the Franks, Clovis first subjugated his immediate relatives, and then cracked down on them. 4) E) Baptism and the simultaneous coronation of the king of the Franks elevated Clovis to the highest level of power 5) A B C 2 5 1 3 points for each correct correlation. Total for the task of 15 points. Answer: G 3 All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren 2014-2015. D 4 6 6 Write a note in the newspaper about the most significant event in the history of the Roman Empire: name the described event; indicate the period (century) of the history of the Roman Empire when it happened; name at least two participants in the event; Describe the event that occurred Explain what is its significance for ancient Roman history. Answer: Up to 21 points for a note on a significant event in the history of the Roman Empire. Name the event described; 2 points indicate the period of the history of Ancient Rome, when it happened; 3 points name at least two participants in the event; up to 4 points describe the event; up to 5 points explain what is its significance for ancient Roman history; up to 7 points. In total, 100 points for the work. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015. 1 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN HISTORY. 2014–2015 YEAR SCHOOL STAGE. 7 CLASS Evaluation Criteria In tasks 1-3 give one correct answer. Enter the answer in the table. 1 Read an excerpt from the agreement set forth in the “History of the Russian State” by N.M. Karamzin. Determine in the reign of which prince this contract was concluded. “We are from the Russian family, Karl Ingelot, Farlov, Veremid ... sent ... by the great Russian prince and all those under his arm, bright boyars, to you, Leo, Alexander and Constantine, the great kings of Greece, on hold and on notice from many years former loves between Christians and Russia ... "1) 2) 3) 4) 2 What is the name of the document, an excerpt from which is presented below? “The husband will kill the husband, then avenges brother for brother, or son for father, or son of brother or son of sister; if there is no one to take revenge, then 40 hryvnias for the dead. If the murdered one is a Ruthenian, or Gridin, or a merchant, or a yabednik, or a swordsman, or an outcast, or a Slovenian, then pay 40 hryvnias for him ... ”1) 2) 3) 4) 3 Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Oleg Veshchiy Igor Old Svyatoslav Igorevich“ Russian Pravda ”“ Domostroy ”“ Izbornik ”Svyatoslav Sudebnik 1497 Read a passage from a description by a historian of one of the cities of Ancient Russia and indicate this city: “This North Russian city had developed trade with the Hansa, it had specially built guest yards for German and Scandinavian merchants ... More than once the city was threatened with capture, however, even hordes of Batu did not dare to besiege him ... "1) Vyatka 2) Torzhok 3) Novgorod 4) Yaroslavl Answer: 1 2 2 1 1 point for each correct answer Maximum for the task - 3 points All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015. 3 3 2 In assignments 4–6, select some correct answers from the answers provided. Enter the answers in the table. 4 Which of the following Slavic tribes lived on the left bank of the river. Dnieper? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 5 Which of the following rulers of the Old Russian state adopted Christianity? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 6 Volynians Vyatichi Drevlyany Dregovichi Northerners Radimichi Oleg Prophetic Igor Old Olga Wise Svyatoslav Igorevich Vladimir Svyatoslavich Yaroslav Vladimirovich Which of the following state entities were ruined by Batu as a result of the campaign of 1237–1238. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Volyn principality Galician principality Vladimir-Suzdal principality Ryazan principality Principality of Kiev Smolensk principality Answer: 4 5 6 256 356 34 2 points for a completely correct answer. 1 point for an answer with one error (one of the correct answers is not indicated, or along with all the correct answers indicated, one is incorrect). In total for the task of 6 points, the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015. 3 7 The list below shows the reforms carried out by various rulers of Russia. Group these reforms by naming the rulers and writing down the numbers of their reforms in a table. 1. Establishment of pogosts 2. An attempt to create a unified pantheon of pagan gods 3. The adoption of Christianity in Russia 4. The construction of fortified towns against the Pechenegs on the left bank of the Dnieper 5. The legislative introduction of the vira 6. The election of the first Metropolitan of the Russians Answer: Ruler Olga Vladimir Yaroslav the Wise 1 2 , 3, 4 5, 6 Reform If all three names of rulers are correctly indicated - 2 points. If one ruler is not indicated or is indicated incorrectly - 1 point. If only one name is correctly indicated, 0 points for the names of the rulers. 1 point for each correct correlation. Only 8 points per assignment. 8 By what principle are rows formed? Give the most accurate answer. 1. 1224, 1240, 1242, 1268 2. Cutting, grain, filigree, gilding Answer: 1. Dates associated with the reflection of Russo-German aggression in XIII century 2. The types of jewelry processing known in Russia are 2 points for each correct answer. Only 4 points for the task. 9 Give a brief justification of the series - with what events are the years cited and name which one is superfluous: 1. 907, 941, 944, 948, 2. 1223, 1237–1238, 1240–1241, 1245–1246 Answer: 1. Dates of campaigns of Russia on Constantinople. More than 948. 2. Dates of the Mongol campaigns in Russia. Extra - 1245–1246 years 3 points for each correct answer (2 points for the correct justification, 1 point for the indication of excess). Only 6 points per task. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 4 10 Arrange in chronological order: A) B) C) D) D) E) Wedding in the reign of Ivan IV Dissolution of the Chosen One Conquest of Kazan Acquisition of the Astrakhan Khanate Beginning of the Livonian War Augsburg Religious World A B E D G B Answer: 6 points - completely correct sequence. 3 points - a sequence with one error (i.e., the correct sequence is restored by rearranging any two characters). 0 points - more than 1 error was made. 11 Arrange in chronological sequence: A) B) C) D) D) Birth of a brother Ivan IV Death of Elena Glinsky First marriage of Ivan IV Second marriage of Vasily III Wedding in the kingdom of Dmitry the grandson D A B C Answer: 6 points - completely correct sequence. 3 points - a sequence with one error (i.e., the correct sequence is restored by rearranging any two characters). 0 points - more than 1 error was made All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 5 12 Identify the missing names, words, names, dates indicated by serial numbers in the text. If necessary, with serial numbers, explanations are given on the nature of the required insert. Insert the necessary inserts under the corresponding numbers in the table below. Even in the summer (1) of the year, it became clear that Ivan III, having controlled Kazan, was deploying his military-political power to the north-west, to the side (2 - the city). With the support of (3 - the city), he is preparing for a new strike on the "northern Florence" ... The focus of anti-Moscow sentiment was then the house of the posadnik located on the Nerevsky end (4 - surname). The owner himself by this time has already moved to a better world. Affairs were ruled by his widow - imperious and vigorous (5 - a name). Under her arm were the adult sons Dmitry and Fedor - the same implacable enemies of Moscow as their mother. Around them rallied that part (6 - the ruling social stratum in the city), which understood that this time it was not about some frequent concessions to the Grand Duke of Moscow, but about the very existence of the republic. Those who did not want to submit to the impending Moscow dictatorship (as well as lose their original rights and privileges) saw the only way out was to turn for help to another monarch - the king (7 - country) - (8 - name). Having received the letter of the Grand Duke, he in a very arrogant tone called on the appointed (9 - clergy) Feofil to Moscow for delivery, the patriots "starting out ridiculous, and corrupted verbs and coming in the evening shouting:" We do not want the Grand Duke of Moscow, nor be called his fatherland " ". Answer: 1 1470 4 Boretsky 2 Novgorod 5 Martha (Marfaposadnitsa) 3 Pskov 6 nobles 7 Poland 8 Casimir IV 9 archbishop; bishop; Lord - any answer is accepted. 2 points for each correct insert. Total for the task - 18 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 6 13 Before you are four numbered images and a map. 1 2 3 4 All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 7 1. Determine who is depicted in each portrait. 2. Indicate the serial number of the image of the person who headed the campaign, the map of which is placed below. 3. What was the significance of this trip? 4. Where was the commander’s last campaign directed and how did it end? Answer: 1. 1 - Svyatoslav Igorevich; 2 - Prince Oleg the Prophet; 3 - Dmitry Donskoy; 4 - Rurik. 2. 1. 3. The defeat of the Khazar Khaganate. (Other substantiated statements may be given) 4. To the Danube Bulgaria (To Byzantium, the Danube, the Balkans). Svyatoslav made an agreement with the Byzantine emperor John Tzimiskes and died on the way back on the Dnieper rapids from the Pechenegs. 1. 2 points for each correctly named name. Only 8 points. 2. 1 point. 3. 1 point. 4. 2 points for indicating the direction of the campaign. Up to 2 points for indicating the outcome of the campaign (the answer should indicate: Svyatoslav’s military failure (1 point), the death of the prince upon return (1 point)). Only 14 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 8 14 View the signage images in the medieval city and complete the tasks. 1. 3. 2. 4. 1. What are the professions of people whose signs are workshops or shops depicted here. 2. Indicate the common name of organizations in which medieval artisans united. 3. What are the levels of hierarchical structure in these organizations. Answer: 1 2 Bakers (bakers), Workshop cobblers, butchers, winemakers. 1. 1 point for indicating each profession. 2.2 points. 3. 1 point for indicating each level. Only 9 points per assignment. Master, student. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 3 apprentice, 9 15 The following are excerpts from various documents, literary works related to any one historical plot from Russian history. Determine which event unites each group of documents. Write the year of the event and the names of the three historical (domestic and foreign) figures with whom this event is associated. Enter the answer in the table. 1. A. “Having finished the prayer, ... got up and bowed to the archbishop. The archbishop blessed him and let him go. But he left the church, wiped away his tears and began to strengthen his squad, saying: “God is not in power, but in truth ...” B. “There were 6 brave men who came to the regiment ... who fought with him hard. One - He ran into an enemy auger and drove along the board to the ship itself. And the enemies ran to the ship from him, and then turned around and threw him from the board with the horse into the water. By God's grace he left the rivers unharmed and again ran into enemies and fought with the governor himself among their regiment ... "2. A." ... he answered: “Brothers and squad!” No one knows the mysteries of God. God is the creator of both signs and the whole world. We will later see what God will give us — good or evil ... The prince’s and warriors crossed Don ... The next day, on Friday, the Polovtsian regiments met. They gathered from young to old and stood on the other side of the Suyurliy River ... - Brothers, we ourselves were looking for this. Let’s fight with them ... ”B. ..., Prince of Galician! Your city is High under the clouds. You saddled the peaks of the Carpathians And propped up with iron shelves. On your throne with gold Eight deeds, you prince, decide at once, And the people call you around Osmomysl - for a great mind. Locking the door of the Danube, Stepping on the King’s road, You sweep Bremen above the clouds, Judge up to the Danube. Your power flowed through the lands, You enter the Kiev limits, And from the table from the table you launch princely arrows. For the Russian land, For ... wounds - The removed son of Svyatoslavich! .. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015. 10 Answer: Group 1. Event Battle of Neva Year 1240. Historical figures Alexander Yaroslavich, Birger, Gavrila Oleksich (other historical characters may be named) Igor Campaign 1185 Igor Novgorod-Seversky, Konchak, 2. Novgorod Yaroslav Osmomysl (on hoped for his help of Seversky), Yaroslavna against (other historical characters having Polovtsian bases can be called) 2 points for each named event. 2 points for each named year. 2 points for each of the names of historical figures. Total for the task of 20 points. Total work 100 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 1 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN HISTORY. 2014–2015 YEAR SCHOOL STAGE. 8 CLASS Evaluation criteria In tasks 1-3 give one correct answer. Enter the answer in the table. 1 In which year was the document adopted, an excerpt from which is given below? “The summer of 7006, the month of semthevria, was laid by the great prince Ivan Vasilyevich of All Russia, with children and from the boyars, about the trial, as judged by the boyars and the peasants ... 57. About the Christian refusal. But as a Christian, she refused to leave the volost, settled in the village, one term a year a week before St. George’s autumn days and a week after St. George’s autumn days ... "1) 1497 2) 1525 3) 1550 4) 1581 2 What is the name of the union, an excerpt from which is presented below? “We declare this act of ours to all people of the present and future tense, to which it will only reach that, having in mind our debt to our country to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, whose honor, heritage, common good, and most of all, internal and external security, we must strengthen and to ensure ... for both peoples, very important alliance and unity, once perpetrated by our ancestors with the then citizens of the entire Polish crown ... to unite in a union ... ”1) Krevskaya 2) Gorodetskaya 3) Lublin 4) Brest 3 In what year events took place in France tiya described by a Russian resident in this country? “The extravagant French, dissatisfied with the convocation of the General States, showed open disobedience to their rightful anointed of God ...” 1) 1648 2) 1785 3) 1789 4) 1793 Answer: 1 2 1 3 1 point for each true answer Maximum for the task 3 points All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 3 3 2 In assignments 4–6, select some correct answers from the answers provided. Enter the answers in the table. 4 Which of the following territories by the beginning of the XVII century. were ruled by the Habsburgs? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 5 Which of the following events, phenomena, processes occurred in the XVII century? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 6 Austrian lands Spain territory of the former Inca power territory of the former Aztec power Portugal Denmark Augsburg religious world Martin Luther's church reform Nikon's abolition of the Nantes edifice of tolerance Religious wars in Germany The split of the Orthodox and Catholic churches Which from the cultures presented below were actively cultivated by the peasantry in Russia in the X – XVII centuries? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Rye Millet Turnip Tomatoes Potato Barley Answer: 4 5 6 1234 34 1236 2 points for a completely correct answer. 1 point for an answer with one error (one of the correct answers is not indicated, or along with all the correct answers indicated, one is incorrect). Total for the task of 6 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 3 7 Here is a list of events, phenomena, processes that occurred during the reign of three English (British) monarchs. Give their names, enter this information in the table. Under the names of the rulers, put the numbers of events that fell on their board. 1. Correspondence with Ivan IV 2. The voyages of the “royal corsair” E. Drake 3. The defeat of the “Invincible Armada” 4. The execution of Thomas More 5. The proclamation of the king as independent head of the Church of England from the Pope 6. The final submission of Scotland to the royal crown Answer: Monarch Henry VIII Elizabeth Tudor Anna I 4, 5 1, 2, 3 6 Events If all three names of rulers are correctly indicated - 2 points. If one ruler is not indicated or is indicated incorrectly - 1 point. If only one name is correctly indicated, 0 points for the names of the rulers. 0.5 points for each correct correlation. Only 5 points per task. 8 By what principle are rows formed? Give the most accurate answer. 1. Marco Ruffo, Pietro Antoni Solari, Aristotle Fioravanti, Aleviz New. 2. 1606, 1648, 1662, 1682. Answers: 1. Italian architects (architects) who worked in Russia in the late XV - early XVI centuries. 2. The largest uprisings in Moscow in the XVII century 2 points for each correct answer. Only 4 points for the task. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 4 9 Give a brief rationale for the series (which combines the listed elements) and indicate which of the elements is redundant for this reason: 1. H. Columbus, E. Cortes, F. Magellan, F. Pizarro 2. 1618–1648, 1680 –1695, 1701–1714, 1756–1763 10 Answer: 1. Spanish mariners and conquistadors. More - F. Magellan 2. The largest pan-European wars of the XVII – XVIII centuries. Extra - 1680–1695. 3 points for each correct answer. (2 points for the correct justification, 1 point for indicating excess). Only 6 points per task. Arrange in chronological sequence: A) B) C) D) E) The battle of Dobrynichy The creation of the Second Militia by K. Minin and D. Pozharsky The defense of Smolensk from the troops of Sigismund Vaza The creation of the British East India Company The wedding of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom The death of Elizabeth Tudor G E A B B D Answer: 5 points - a completely correct sequence. 3 points - a sequence with one error (i.e., the correct sequence is restored by rearranging any two characters. 0 points - more than 1 error is made. 11 Arrange in chronological sequence: A) B) C) D) E) E) Marriage Anna Leopoldovna Birth of Elizabeth Petrovna The death of Ivan VI The coming of age of Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich Deprivation of power of the Braunschweig dynasty Renunciation of the power of Peter III B A D E G D Answer: 5 points - a completely correct sequence. 3 points - a sequence with one error (i.e., the correct sequence is restored by rearranging any two characters. 0 points - more than 1 error is made. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 5 12 Set the correspondence. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters A) B) C) D) D) Event The Baptism of Russia Opening of the Higher Women's Courses Mastering Siberia Patriotic War Lubesky Congress Answer: A 2 B 6 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) B 1 Contemporary M.F. . Nagaya Mstislav the Brave A.I. Herzen Mstislav the Great A.F. Adashev S.M. Soloviev M.V. Bestuzhev-Ryumin G 3 or (7) D 4 Position G both responses are accepted. 1 point for each correct correlation. Total for the task of 5 points. 13 Set correspondences. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters. A) B) C) D) D) Temple Church of the Intercession on the Nerl Demetrius Cathedral Church of the Tithes Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin on the Moat Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood A B C 1 5 3 1 point for each correct correlation. Total for the task of 5 points. Answer: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) City / village Bogolyubovo St. Petersburg Kiev Moscow Vladimir Pskov G 4 All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 D 2 6 14 Identify the missing names, words, names, dates, indicated by serial numbers, in the text. If necessary, with serial numbers, explanations are given on the nature of the required insert. Insert the necessary inserts under the corresponding numbers in the table below. The Peace of Westphalia (1) of the year put an end to (2 - the name) of the war. It began in (3) as a result of the confrontation between the Austrian dynasty (4 - dynasty) and Protestants, it turned into a struggle of two European (5) fighting for hegemony in Europe. The beginning of the war was the uprising in (6) against the rule of the Austrian dynasty. In (7), Russia entered the war with the Commonwealth, which supported the Catholic League. Having not received the expected help, the Russian army was defeated, and the world was signed (8 - name). In fact, this limited the military participation of Russia in the European conflict. The Peace of Westphalia was concluded as a result of the work of the first international in the history of Europe (9), which took place simultaneously in Münster and Osnabruck. Russia did not directly participate in it, although it became the guarantor of the signed peace. In the Osnabruck Peace Treaty, the king (10 - name) was named an ally of Sweden. Answer: 1648 1. Thirty-year-old 2. 1618 3. Habsburgs 4. Coalitions (unions, groups, leagues) 5. Prague (Czech Republic) 6. 1632 7. Polyanovsky 8. Congress 9. 10. Alexei Mikhailovich 1 point for each correct insert. Total for the task - 10 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 7 15 Carefully review the chart and fill in the blanks in the sentences. 1. According to the Primary Russian Annals in 862 AD in the city indicated by the number 1, the Varangian prince __________________ began to rule, and by the number 2 - the Varangian prince _____________. 2. In the city indicated by the number 3, Prince _________ wanted to transfer the capital of the Old Russian State. 3. In the city indicated on the map by the number 4, the Old Russian Prince ____________ was baptized. 4. In the territory marked with the number 5, from the end of the 9th century there was a nomadic tribe, in honor of the victory over which it was erected ______________________ in the city indicated by the number _________. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 8 Answer: 1. Truvor, Sineus 2. Svyatoslav 3. Vladimir 4. Hagia Sophia, 6 2 points for each correct element of the answer. Total for the task 12 points. 16 Carefully consider the images of the orders of the Russian Empire. Complete the assignments. No. 1 No. 2 1. Name the monarch who established these orders. 2. Name the Russian commander who first became a knight of one of these orders of the first degree in 1770, to whom the empress sent a personal, decorated with diamonds, gold star, writing at the same time: “As I remembered that there can be little gold seamstress in Moldova, I send to you a wrought star, which I myself wear. ” 3. Indicate the number by which the image of the order referred to in the excerpt from the letter is indicated. 4. What is the battle for the victory in which this award took place. 5. What is the region that gained independence from the Ottoman Empire as a result of the war during which this battle took place. Answer: Catherine II 1. P.A. Rumyantsev 2. No. 1 3. The battle of Cahul 4. Crimea 5. 2 points for each correct element of the answer. Total for the task of 10 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 9 17 Carefully consider the image of the medal of the Russian Empire, complete the tasks. 1. What is the battle to which this medal is dedicated. 2. What is the war during which this battle took place. 3. Indicate the two other battles of this war. 4. Name the two combatants to whom the medal is dedicated. Answer: The Battle of Gangut 1. 2. The Northern War –– The Battle of Narva –– the Battle of Lesnaya –– The Battle of Poltava –– The Battle of Grengam –– Other battles may be indicated Peter I 4. Admiral General F.M. Apraksin Admiral Gustav Watrang Rear Admiral Niels Erenschold 2 points for each correct element of the answer. Total for the task 12 points. 3. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 10 18 Here is a report from a famous Russian commander. Read and answer the questions. “I first informed your lordship that the fortress was taken by the courage of the troops entrusted to me. The attack was courageous, the enemy is numerous, the fortress is capable of defense. The rebuff was strong, and a desperate defense turned to the death and perfect crush of the enemy. Here I bring to your lordship the report of all the circumstances of this famous victory, taking from the very entry of my command over the troops, from your lordship entrusted to me.<…> The fortress so fortified, so vast, and which seemed invincible to the enemy, was taken by the Russian bayonets as a terrible weapon for it; the stubbornness of the enemy, who placed his arrogant hope on the number of troops, was lowered. Bringing your lordship with the victory of only the famous victory, congratulations and gratitude for entrusting me with the famous feat, I consider it my direct duty to witness the firmness and courage of the bosses and the unlimited zeal and courage of all ranks and to solicit your favor and patronage of the reward of my employees and comrades. ” Questions: 1. What is the fortress in question in this report. 2. Name the author of this report, as well as the addressee. 3. Indicate the year of the battle. 4. What is the peace treaty that ended this war. 5. Has the fortress referred to in this report gone to Russia under its conditions? Answer: 1. Ishmael 2. A.V. Suvorov, report G.A. Potemkin 3. 1790 4. Iasi Peace Treaty 5. No 2 points for each correct element of the answer. Total for the task 12 points. Total work 100 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 1 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN HISTORY. 2014–2015 YEAR SCHOOL STAGE. 9 CLASS Evaluation criteria In tasks 1-3, give one correct answer. Enter the answer in the table. 1 During what battle Prince Svyatoslav uttered the following words: “Already we have some children, by will or unwillingness to oppose it; Yes, do not shame the Russian land, but lie down with bones, you don’t have shame for the dead ... ”1) 2) 3) 4) 2 Under Dorostol In the battle near the Dnieper rapids Under Adrianople Under Itil In what year the governor became the great prince of Kiev, whose death is described below ? “In the summer ... the noble prince passed away ... brotherly lover and beggar and good sufferer for the Russian land. He enlightened her like the sun emitting rays ... His body was laid in Saint Sophia near his father Vsevolod ... His sons Mstislav, Yaropolk, Vyacheslav, Yuri and his grandchildren cried. ” 1) 1093 3 2) 1113 3) 1125 4) 1155 The situation on the eve of which battle is described below? “An unheard of army has come, godless Moabites, called Tatars, but no one knows clearly who they are and where they came from ... We heard that many countries were captured by Tatars: Yasov, Obuzov, Kasogs; and the Polovtsian godless were captivated by many ... Kotyan, Khan of Polovtsy ... he came with the princes of Polovtsy to Galich with a bow to Prince Mstislav, to his son-in-law and to all the princes of Russia ... ”1) 2) 3) 4) Battle on the river. Bucket Battle on the river. Kalka Battle on the river. Lipitsa Battle on the river. Shelon Answer: 1 3 2 2 1 point for each correct answer. Maximum for the task 3 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015. 3 2 2 In assignments 4–6, select some correct answers from the answers provided. Enter the answers in the table. 4 Indicate which of the presented plant cultures were grown by the Russian peasant in the 10th – 17th centuries. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 5 Rye Bryukva Potato Radish Turnip Tomatoes Cucumbers Barley Which of the indicated Russian principalities were not ravaged by the Mongols in 1237–1241? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 6 actively the Principality of Kiev principality of Murom Principality of Smolensk Polotsk principality Vladimir-Suzdal principality Pereyaslav principality Which of these lands (principalities) were annexed to the great principality of Moscow during the reign of Ivan III? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Novgorod Tver Rostov Vyatka Pskov Smolensk Ryazan Yaroslavl Answer: 4 14578 5 34 6 12348 2 points for a completely correct answer. 1 point for an answer with one error (one of the correct answers is not indicated, or along with all the correct answers indicated, one is incorrect). Total for the task of 6 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 7 3 By what principle are rows formed? Give the most accurate answer. 1. N.N. Novosiltsev, V.P. Kochubey, A. Chartorysky, P.A. Stroganov 2. Australia, New Zealand, India, Canada Answer: 1. Members of the Secret Committee (1801-1803) 2. The largest colonies of Britain in the second half of the XVIII-XIX centuries. 1 point for each correct answer. Only 2 points per assignment. 8 Give a brief rationale for the series (which combines the above elements) and indicate which element is redundant for this reason: 1. The Battle of Waterloo, the Battle of Lutzen, the Battle of Katzbach, the Battle of Leipzig 2. Purchase, Ryadovich, Outcast, Serf. Answer: 1. The battle of the allies with Napoleon in 1813 (VI anti-French coalition). The Battle of Waterloo is superfluous. As an option, it can be said that the Russian troops did not participate in the Battle of Waterloo. 2. Dependent peasants in Ancient Russia. An excess is an outcast. 2 points for each correct answer. (1 point for the correct justification, 1 point for indicating excess). Only 4 points for the task. 9 Arrange in chronological sequence: A) B) C) D) Construction of the Smolny monastery cathedral Completion of the construction of the St. Isaac's Cathedral building that has reached us Invitation to Russia by Charles Cameron Construction of the Nikolaev (Moscow) station building in St. Petersburg D) Construction of the arch of the General Staff Building in St. Petersburg . E) Completion of the construction of the cathedral, in which is located the grave of M.I. Kutuzova Answer: A B E D G B 4 points - a completely correct sequence. 2 points - a sequence with one error (i.e. the correct sequence is restored by rearranging any two characters. 0 points - more than 1 error was made. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 4 10 Arrange chronological sequence of regulations: A) Decree on obliged peasants B) Decree on redemption of allotments remaining by peasants remaining in obligatory relations to landlords C) Decree on permission of industrialists to buy peasants for manufactories D) Decree on free cultivators D) On granting to serfs people the rights of the state of free rural inhabitants and their way of life E) Manifesto of a three-day corvee Answer: V E G A D B 4 points - a completely correct sequence. 2 points - a sequence with one error (i.e., the correct sequence is restored by rearranging any two characters). 0 points - more than 1 error was made. 11 Set correspondences. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters. The Thinker A) Neil Sorsky B) Ivan the Terrible C) Patriarch Nikon D) Feofan Prokopovich D) M.V. Lomonosov E) P.I. Pestel G) Yu.F. Samarin A B B 2 6 5 7 correct correlations - 4 points; 5-6 correct correlations - 3 points; 3-4 correct correlations - 2 points; 1-2 correct correlations - 1 point; In total for a task 4 points. Answer: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) D 3 Opponent T.N. Granovsky Joseph Volotsky Stefan Yavorsky A.S. Kireevsky Protopop Avvakum A.M. Kurbsky N.M. Muravyov A.P. Sumarokov D 8 All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren 2014-2015 E 7 F 1 5 12 Establish correspondence between banknotes and years of reform, as a result of which these banknotes began to be used as a means of payment. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters. A) B) C) D) Banknote Assignment Chervonets Kopek Ruble Answer: A 4 Year of the reform 1) 1839 2) 1535 3) 1700-1718 4) 1769 5) 1654 B 3 C 2 D 5 0.5 points for each correct correlation. In total for a task 2 points. 13 Identify the missing names, words, names, dates, indicated by serial numbers in the text. If necessary, with serial numbers, explanations are given on the nature of the required insert. Insert the necessary inserts under the corresponding numbers in the table below. The beginning of feudal fragmentation in Russia is considered to be the death of Mstislav the Great - son (1 - name) - in (2) year. However, at the beginning of the XII century, each table had its own princely dynasty - for example, Rostislavichi sat in Smolensk, (3 - the princely branch) in Suzdal and Rostov, (4 - the princely branch), the descendants of the infamous Oleg Gorislavich. In a different way, the fate of princely power took shape in Novgorod, a former tribal center (5 - a tribal union). The expulsion of the prince in (6) put an end to his claims to power, and in the Novgorod land a form of government was established, which most scholars recognize (7 - the name of the form of government). The role (8 - the city) as an all-Russian center sharply decreased. So, Andrei (9 - nickname) who captured the city in 1169 did not want to make it the capital of his state. Finally, it will cease to be the main table of Ancient Russia after the Mongols took and plundered it in (10), and the relocation of Kiev (11 - church dignity) in 1299 deprived the former capital and religious primacy. However, fragmentation did not stop the feuds within the new principalities. In 1174, in the Rostov-Suzdal land, a struggle began between the boyars and the princes Mikhalko and Vsevolod, known by the nickname (12). If the boyars relied on the old city centers - Rostov and Suzdal, the young princes were supported by the "suburbs", the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015. 6 of which stood out (13 - the city), which later became the main center of North-Eastern Russia. The further growth of dynasties and the fragmentation of principalities led to the emergence of small territories (14). For example, in 1263, the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky, Daniel, was taken into control (15 - the city). The main foreign policy outcome of the collapse of the Old Russian state was the weakening of the military power of the new principalities, while in the 13th century in the north-west Novgorod and Pskov were threatened (16), and in the south in 1223 the Mongols defeated the Russian princes on the river (17). Answer: 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 11. 13. 15. 17. Vladimir Monomakh Monomakhovichi (Monomashichi) Ilmen Slovenian Republic (Republican) Bogolyubsky Metropolitan Vladimir Moscow Kalka 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14 16. 1132 Olgovichi 1136 Kiev 1240 Large nest of Departments (specific principalities) Knights' orders (crusaders) 17 true inserts - 12 points; 16 true inserts - 11 points; 15 true inserts - 10 points; 14 true inserts - 9 points; 13 true inserts - 8 points; 12 true inserts - 7 points; 11 true inserts - 6 points; 10 true inserts - 5 points; 9 true inserts - 4 points; 8 true inserts - 3 points; 7 true inserts - 2 points; 6 true inserts - 1 point; 0-5 true inserts - 0 points; Total for the task - 12 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 7 14 Carefully review the map and complete the tasks below. II VI I III V IV All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 8 1) Write the name of the war, the fighting of which is indicated on the map, and the years of its beginning and end. 2) Write who was the head of the Russian state at the beginning of the war and who at the beginning of the war led the state with which Russia was at war. 3) Write the number that indicates the city where the peace treaty that ended this war was signed. 4) Write the name of the city founded during this war, and indicate the number by which it is indicated on the map. 5) Are the statements below true (“YES” - “NO”). Enter the answers in the table. A) By the beginning of the war, Russia owned part of the territories indicated on the map by hatching. B) The map shows the city whose walls Russian troops suffered a crushing defeat at the beginning of the war. B) Among the cities indicated on the map, the place of the general battle of the war is indicated. D) The allies of Russia in this war were the Commonwealth, Saxony, Denmark and Prussia. D) The peace treaty that concluded the war was signed by A.I. from Russia Osterman. E) As a result of the war, Russia acquired all the territories shaded on the map. G) The border established at the end of the war remained unchanged until the beginning of the 19th century. Answer: 1. The Northern War, 1700–1721. (in case of error in one of the years, the point is not read) 2. Peter I and Karl XII 3. II 4. St. Petersburg under the number VI. 5. A B C D E F G No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Question 1–4 - only the complete answer is accepted - 1 point. Question 5 - 1 point for each correct element of the answer. Total for the task of 11 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 9 15 Here are images of three congresses in which Russia took part in the 19th century. Define the name of each of the congresses, give an explanation of why you decided so, indicate the date of its holding and name the two decisions made at each of them. 1) 2) All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 10 3) All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 11 Answer: No. Congress, year Explanation 1 Paris, Alexei Orlov is visible among the figures (1856), there are delegates from Turkey, a bust of Napoleon III is on the fireplace. 2 Berlin, (1878) Among the figures Gorchakov, Bismarck and Disraeli are visible, there are delegates from Turkey. 3 Vienna, (1814–1815) Costumes of the beginning of the 19th century, among the figures visible are Nesselrode, Talleyrand and Metternich. Solutions Neutralization of the Black Sea, Russia cedes to Moldova the mouth of the Danube and Southern Bessarabia, the exchange of Kars for the cities occupied in Crimea. Other decisions that may have been made may be called. The independence of Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, the creation of an autonomous Bulgarian principality, Russia acquires Ardagan, Kars, Batum. Other decisions that may have been made may be called. Russia acquires the Kingdom of Poland, the German Union is created, Naples returned to the Bourbons. Other decisions that may have been made may be called. If the definition is incorrect, Congress is not evaluated. 1 point for the name of the congress. Up to 2 points per explanation. 1 point for each named solution. Total for the task of 15 points. the rest of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015. Answer 12 16 Here is a fragment from the Russian-Polish treaty. “They were persuaded and ruled by the Esma that all the cities and lands of the last war were conquered from the Crown of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, that is, Smolensk with towns and counties that are from this region, from Vitebsk, from Polotsk and from Lutinskago counties to Smolensk belong to Dorogobuzh, White, Red, with their places and counties and accessories, as they have until now, under a peace treaty, be on the side of Their Imperial Majesty, and on the other side of Roslavl and where are the Seversky cities, Chernigov, Starodub, Novugorodk To Seversky, Pochep and others, as well as to the whole of Little Russia, sowing the Dnieper side with the city of Nezhin, Pereyaslavl, Baturin, Poltava, Perevolochne and all that Malorossiysk Territory, cities and lands and places, whatever the nicknames and natural boundaries named, with all their counties, villages and villages<…>just as they have now acquired a peace treaty in the direction of Their Tsarist Majesty, they still have Their Tsar Majesty aside forever.<…> And beyond the Dnieper River, Kiev has also remained on the side of Their Imperial Majesty ... ” Answer: 1. Indicate the name of the contract. Eternal peace with Poland 2. What is the year of its conclusion. 1686 3. Indicate the reason for the outbreak of war, the results of which he sums up the decision of the Russian government. on the adoption of Left-Bank Ukraine as part of Russia 4. Indicate the name "truce Andrusovo truce. agreement ”referred to in the text. 2 points for each correct element of the answer. Total for the task of 8 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 13 17 You have to work with the statements of historians and contemporaries about the events and figures of national history. Choose one of them that will be the subject of your essay. Your task is to formulate your own attitude to this statement and justify it with arguments that seem most relevant to you. When choosing a topic, proceed from the fact that you: 1. Clearly understand the meaning of the statement (it is not necessary to fully or even partially agree with the author, but you must understand what he claims). 2. You can express your attitude to the statement (reasonably agree with the author or completely or partially refute his statement). 3. Have specific knowledge (facts, statistics, examples) on this topic. 4. Know the terms necessary for the correct presentation of your point of view. When writing a work, try to proceed from the fact that the Jury, evaluating your essay, will be guided by the following criteria: 1. Justification of the choice of topic (explanation of the choice of topic and tasks that the participant sets for himself in his work). 2. The creative nature of the perception of the topic, its understanding. 3. Literacy in the use of historical facts and terms. 4. Clarity and evidence of the main provisions of the work. 5. Knowledge of various points of view on the selected issue. Topics: 1. “The image of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, which has become a textbook not only in scientific but also in fiction, is distorted. The reason for this distortion was both in the difficult foreign policy situation of Fedor’s reign (the powerful prosperous Russian state aroused the envy of its neighbors) and in the intense political struggle that unfolded after his death. ” (L. Morozova) 2. “The Battle of Poltava was not a simple battle, remarkable for the enormity of the military forces, for the stubbornness of the fighting and the amount of blood spilled; no, it was a battle for the existence of an entire nation, for the future of an entire state, it was a verification of the reality of such great plans that, probably, to Peter himself, in the bitter minutes of failure and disappointment, seemed unrealizable, like almost all his subjects. .. "(VG Belinsky) 3." From the death of Peter I and almost until the accession of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, reigned ignorance was self-interest and the tendency to ancient rites with ignorance and unwillingness of the new ones introduced by Peter fought. (Catherine II) All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 14 4. "Serfdom - a cry of despair emitted by the state." (V.O. Klyuchevsky) 5. "The founders of" Westernism "were no less patriots than the" Slavophiles ", they simply were other patriots ... Their patriotism was not turned into the past and present, but into the future of Russia." (A.I. Volodin) Evaluation Criteria 1. Validity of the choice of topic (explanation of the choice of topic and tasks that the participant sets himself in his work). 2. The creative nature of the perception of the topic, its understanding. 3. Literacy in the use of historical facts and terms. 4. Clarity and evidence of the main provisions of the work. 5. Knowledge of various points of view on the selected issue. Up to 5 points for each criterion. Total for the task of 25 points. Total work 100 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 1 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN HISTORY. 2014–2015 YEAR SCHOOL STAGE. 10 CLASS Evaluation Criteria In tasks 1-3, give one correct answer. Enter the answer in the table. 1 How many soldiers did Jarl Birger have at the beginning of the battle with the soldiers of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich on r. Neve (1240)? 1) 5 thousand. 2 2) 10 thousand. 3) 25 thousand. 4) 50 thousand. In what year did the described events take place? “... a certain prince named Arapsha came running from the Blue Horde behind the Volga and wanted to go with his army to Novgorod to Nizhny. Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich sent a message to his son-in-law, to the great prince Dmitry Ivanovich ... And the army was great ... And the news came to them: Tsarevich Arapsha on Wolf's Water ... They blundered and walked carelessly, they put their armor on carts, and others on sums ... "1) 1375 3 2) 1377 3) 1378 4) 1382 Which land was annexed to the Principality of Moscow in the reign of Ivan III in this passage:" On the fifth of March on the fifth of March the great prince arrived and he ordered from ... to bring to Veche their bell to Moscow. And he was brought, and brought him to the bell tower in the square with other bells to ring ... "1) Novgorod 2) Pskov 3) Rostov 4) Yaroslavl Answer: 1 1 2 2 1 point for each correct answer Maximum for the task 3 points All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 3 1 2 In assignments 4–6, select some correct answers from the answers provided. Enter the answers in the table. 4 Which of the events noted below relate to Russia's participation in the third Anti-French coalition? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 5 Which states' troops fought against Russia in the Crimean War? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 6 Crossing Saint-Gotthard Battle of Austerlitz Battle of Krems Friedland battle Battle of the river. Adda March-maneuver from Braunau to Olomouc Battle at Novi Battle on the river. Trebbia United Kingdom France Austrian Power Prussia Ottoman Power Sardinian Kingdom Denmark Spain Which of the following parties de facto existed before the 1905 revolution? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Bolsheviks Mensheviks Cadets Octobrists Socialist-Revolutionaries Trudoviks Answer: 4 236 5 1256 6 125 2 points for a completely correct answer. 1 point for an answer with one error (one of the correct answers is not indicated, or along with all the correct answers indicated, one is incorrect). Total for the task of 6 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 3 7 By what principle are rows formed? Give the most accurate answer. 1. F.Ya. Lefort, F.A. Golovin, P.B. Voznitsyn 2. Emirate of Bukhara, Khiva Khanate, Ussuri Territory Answer: 1. Plenipotentiary Ambassadors during the Great Embassy of Peter I 2. Territories annexed to Russia under the reign of Alexander II 1 point for each correct answer. Only 2 points per assignment. 8 Give a brief rationale for the series (which combines the above elements) and indicate which of the elements is redundant for this reason. 1. M.B. Barclay de Tolly, P.I. Bagration, F.F. Steingel, A.P. Tormasov 2. A.Kh. Benckendorf, A.S. Griboedov, M.Yu. Lermontov, A.S. Pushkin Answers: 1. Commanders of the Russian armies before the start of the Patriotic War of 1812 Extra - Steinhel F.F. 2. Russian writers of the "Golden Age" (first half of the XIX century) of Russian poetry. Extra - Benckendorf A.Kh. 2 points for each correct answer. (1 point for the correct justification, 1 point for indicating excess). Only 4 points for the task. 9 Arrange in chronological order related to the history of the First World War. A) B) C) D) D) E) events, Violation of neutrality of Belgium The beginning of the Verdun meat grinder Entering the US war The first use of chemical weapons on the Western Front The largest naval battle of the beginning of the July crisis Answer: E A G B D V 3 points - completely correct sequence. 2 points - a sequence with one error (that is, the correct sequence is restored by rearranging any two characters. 0 points - more than 1 error is made. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 4 10 Arrange the facts related to the history of Russian education in a chronological sequence . A) The beginning of schooling from the age of 6. Introduction of 11-year education B) Introduction of universal compulsory secondary education C) Separation of the school from the church D) Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the elimination of separate education for boys and girls E) Start of implementation of the priority national project "Education" E) Creation of labor schools Answer: C E D B A D 3 points - a completely correct sequence. 2 points - a sequence with one error (i.e., the correct sequence is restored by rearranging any two characters. 0 points - more than 1 error is made. 11 Set the correspondence. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters. A) B) C) D) E) E) Sayings Dizziness from success. They need great shocks, we need a great Russia. Europe can wait for the Russian Tsar to fish. Step forward, two back. Europe must now spend the night in Paris. Without our permission, no gun can fire. Answer: A 6 B 4 C 2 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Author Alexander I Alexander III S.Yu. Witte P.A. Stolypin V.I. Lenin I.V. Stalin A.A. Beadless G 5 0.5 points for each correct correlation. In total for the task 3 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 Y 1 E 7 5 12 Set the correspondence. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters. Alias \u200b\u200bA) B) C) D) D) E) V.I. Lenin I.V. Stalin L.D. Trotsky L.B. Kamenev V.V. Molotov Yu.O. Martov Answer: A 3 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) B 1 C 2 Surname Dzhugashvili Bronstein Ulyanov Rosenfeld Skryabin Kostrikov Cederbaum G 4 D 5 E 7 0.5 points for each correct correlation. In total for the task 3 points. 13 Set correspondences. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters. Peace Treaty A) B) C) D) D) E) Head of the Foreign Ministry 1) V.N. Lamsdorf 2) K.V. Nesselrode 3) I.A. Kapodistrias 4) L.D. Trotsky 5) G.I. Golovkin 6) A.M. Gorchakov 7) N.I. Panin. Brest-Litovsk Treaty Nishtadt Treaty San Stefano Treaty Kuchuk-Kainardzhsky Treaty Portsmouth Treaty Turkmanchay Treaty Answer: A 4 B 5 B 6 D 7 0.5 points for each correct correlation. In total for the task 3 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 Y 1 E 2 6 14 Identify missing names, words, names, dates, indicated by serial numbers, in the text. If necessary, with serial numbers, explanations are given on the nature of the required insert. Insert the necessary inserts under the corresponding numbers in the table below. The Livonian war, which began in (1), quickly developed into a regional clash. In addition to Russia and the Livonian Order, Sweden took part in it, striving to turn (2) the sea into its inland sea, Denmark, as well as the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland, united in (3) following the results of the Union of Lublin into a single state - (4) . The reason for the war was the issue of non-payment by the Order of Russia of the so-called “(5) tribute” for the possession of the city, which the knights called Derpt. Initially, the war was developing successfully for Ivan IV: the order was defeated and ceased to exist, and in 1563 the Russian troops after a long siege managed to take (6) - one of the largest cities in Lithuania. However, after the defeat at Chashniki, the prince (7), known for his later correspondence with the tsar and even wrote a literary work about him - “(8)” sided with the enemy. The situation was also complicated by the devastating raids of the Crimean Tatars, which were defeated only in 1572 at the battle of (9). The result of the failures was the king's oprichnina policy, introduced in (10). The defeat under (11), now known as Tallinn, in 1577 opened a new period of war. The Polish king of Hungarian descent - (12) - after the occupation of the Baltic states began a campaign into the interior of Russia. Its advance was stopped by the ancient Russian fortress city (13), which resisted for about six months. The Swedes also participated in the war against Russia, but their advance was stopped thanks to the garrison of the fortress (14) at the source of the Neva, which in Sweden was called the Noteburg. As a result of the war with Sweden, a truce was concluded (15 - name) in 1583, and an armistice with the Commonwealth - (16 - name) in 1582. The unsuccessful end of the Livonian war is usually read as one of the factors of the sudden death of Ivan IV in (17). All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 7 Answer: 1558 1 Baltic 2 1569 3 Rzeczpospolita 4 Yuryevskaya 5 Polotsk 6 Kurbsky 7 The story of the great 8 Moscow Youth 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 prince 17 1565 Revel Stefan Batory Pskov Oreshek Plyuskoye Yam-Zapolsky 1584 17 true inserts - 12 points 16 correct inserts - 11 points 15 right inserts - 10 points 14 right inserts - 9 points 13 right inserts - 8 points 12 right inserts - 7 points 11 right inserts - 6 points 10 right inserts - 5 points 9 right inserts - 4 points 8 faithful inserts - 3 points 7 faithful inserts - 2 points 6 faithful inserts - 1 point 0–5 faithful inserts - 0 ba Total catch for the job --12 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 8 15 Carefully review the map and complete the tasks below. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 9 1. What is the war, the events of which are indicated in the diagram. 2. Name the fortress indicated on the map by the number 1, the three bloody assaults of which never led to its surrender. 3. Name the outstanding military engineer, thanks to whom, after a long siege, the fortress was still forced to surrender. 4. Name the pass indicated on the map by the number 2, whose heroic defense has gone down in history. 5. Name the place indicated on the map by the number 3 where the peace treaty was signed. 6. Are the statements below true (“YES” - “NO”). Enter the answers in the table. 1) This war took place during the reign of Alexander III 2) The emperor was commander in chief of the Russian forces in the Balkans 3) During the war, the Kars fortress was taken in the Caucasus 4) During the war, the first successful torpedo attack in the history of the navy 5) One of the heroes of this war was nicknamed the "white general" 6) One of the heroes of this war subsequently became a "velvet dictator" Answer: 1. Russian-Turkish 1877-1878. 2. Pleven. 3. E.I. Totleben 4. Shipkinsky pass. 5. San Stefano 6. 1) This war took place during the reign of Alexander III 2) The emperor was commander-in-chief of Russian troops in the Balkans 3) During this war, the Kars fortress was taken in the Caucasus 4) During this war, the first naval fortress was made successful torpedo attack of the fleet 5) One of the heroes of this war was nicknamed “white general” 6) One of the heroes of this war subsequently became a “velvet dictator” no no yes yes yes yes Question 1–5 - 1 point. Question 6 - 0.5 points for each correct element of the answer. Only 3 points. Total for the task of 8 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 10 16 Here is the anniversary stamps of the USSR. Arrange them in chronological order and explain your decision by making the necessary calculation. 1) 2) 3) 5) 4) 6) All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 11 7) 8) 9) 10) Brand number 8) 1) 10) 7) 2) 5) 3) 9) 4) 6) Explanation 1648 + 300 \u003d 1948 1929 + 20 \u003d 1949 1776 + 175 \u003d 1951 1654 + 300 \u003d 1954 1755 + 200 \u003d 1955 1903 + 60 \u003d 1963 1944 + 25 \u003d 1969 1957 + 15 \u003d 1972 or 1961 + 15 \u003d 1976 1731 + 250 \u003d 1981 1741 + 250 \u003d 1991 1 point for each correct answer with an explanation. The answer without explanation is not accepted. Only 10 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 12 17 Carefully read the table below and answer your questions. Implementation of the plan of the first five-year plan (1928–1933) as a percentage Indicators Plan for October 1, 1928 - October 1, 1933 Starting Best option / maximum / option I. Produced 82 103 national product II. Gross 108 130 industrial products, including goods 124 164 of group “A”; including goods 95 106 group "B" III. Gross 41 55 agricultural products Actual results, 1933. 62 113 190 63 18 1. Prove that the plan of the first five-year plan has not been implemented. 2. The production of goods of which group was most developed in the first five-year period? What is the reason for this? 3. In which of the sectors of the economy during the first five-year period were the least successes? What factors are associated with this? 4. Why do the two variants of the five-year plan differ so 5. Using the data in the table and the knowledge obtained from the history course, suppose which specific sectors of the economy developed most during the years of the first five-year plan. Name 5 branches. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 13 Answer: 1. The plan was not fulfilled, as for three of the five indicators, the plan (both the starting and the optimal) was not implemented, including the national product produced. 2. The production of goods of group “A” - the production of means of production, since it is this group that forms the basis of civil and military heavy engineering - namely, these industries were then considered strategically important. 3. In agriculture; the reasons are collectivization (including “dispossession”), low yields in 1932–1933, and the state’s main focus on the industrial rather than the agricultural element of the economy. 4. The first plan was drawn up earlier and was mainly prepared by specialists of the State Planning Commission; the second - directly by the leadership of the USSR, headed by I.V. Stalin, who considered the initial version of the plan insufficient. 5. Heavy industry (including automotive, tank building, tractor manufacturing, aviation and shipbuilding industries, steelmaking, cast iron, etc., machine tool building). Answers: they can be given in other formulations, other judgments and conclusions having a basis are accepted. Up to 3 points for each answer. Total for the task of 15 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 14 18 You have to work with the statements of historians and contemporaries about the events and figures of national history. Choose one of them that will be the subject of your essay. Your task is to formulate your own attitude to this statement and justify it with arguments that seem most relevant to you. When choosing a topic, proceed from the fact that you: 1) clearly understand the meaning of the statement (it is not necessary to fully or even partially agree with the author, but it is necessary to understand what he claims); 2) you can express your attitude to the statement (reasonably agree with the author or completely or partially refute his statement); 3) have specific knowledge (facts, statistics, examples) on this topic; 4) own the terms necessary for the competent presentation of their point of view; When writing a work, try to proceed from the fact that the jury, evaluating your essay, will be guided by the following criteria. 1. The validity of the choice of topics (explanation of the choice of topics and tasks that the participant sets himself in his work). 2. The creative nature of the perception of the topic, its understanding. 3. Literacy in the use of historical facts and terms. 4. The clarity and evidence of the main provisions of the work. 5. Knowledge of various points of view on the selected issue. Topics: 1. “Who knows how events would develop in the future, if Svyatoslav’s plans were to come true and the center of the huge Old Russian state would move to the Lower Danube, located in close proximity to the borders of the Byzantine Empire.” (V. Perkhavko) 2. “The image of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich, which has become a textbook not only in scientific but also in fiction, is distorted. The reason for this distortion was both in the difficult foreign policy situation of Fedor’s reign (the powerful prosperous Russian state aroused the envy of its neighbors) and in the intense political struggle that unfolded after his death. ” (L. Morozova) 3. “The Battle of Poltava was not a simple battle, remarkable for the enormity of the military forces, for the stubbornness of the fighting and the amount of blood spilled; no, it was a battle for the existence of an entire nation, for the future of an entire state, it was a verification of the reality of plans so great that they were probably to Peter himself, in the bitter All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in 2014-2015. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 15 minutes of failure and disappointment seemed unrealizable, like almost all of his subjects ... ". (VG Belinsky) “From the death of Peter I and almost until the accession of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna reigned ignorance of their own self-interest and fought a penchant for ancient rites with ignorance and unwillingness of the new ones introduced by Peter”. (Catherine II) "Serfdom - a cry of despair emitted by the state." (V.O. Klyuchevsky) “The founders of“ Westernism ”were no less patriots than the“ Slavophiles ”, they were just different patriots ... Their patriotism was not turned into the past and present, but into the future of Russia.” (A.I. Volodin) “The dying Lenin left the RCP (b) an open model, a search model that is rigid in politics and more or less liberal in the economy.” (M.Ya. Gefter) “History of the 1930s. ambiguous and contradictory, because it includes enthusiasm, the self-denial of millions of Soviet people, and the innocent victims of repression, and the moral condemnation of those who executed the Divine and human laws of executioners. ” (M.M. Gorinov, E.N.Doshenko) “We should recognize that the Russians made a decisive contribution to the war in the West by destroying the main forces of the German army before the first Allied soldier entered the Normandy coast on June 6, 1944.” . (M. Hastings). Evaluation Criteria 1. The validity of the choice of topics (explanation of the choice of topics and tasks that the participant sets himself in his work). 2. The creative nature of the perception of the topic, its understanding. 3. Literacy in the use of historical facts and terms. 4. The clarity and evidence of the main provisions of the work. 5. Knowledge of various points of view on the selected issue. Up to 5 points for each criterion. Total for the task of 25 points. Total work 100 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 1 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN HISTORY. 2014–2015 YEAR SCHOOL STAGE. 11 CLASS Evaluation Criteria In tasks 1-3, give one correct answer. Enter the answer in the table. 1 What is the profession of “thoughts” called today? 1) 2) 3) 4) 2 Geologists Engineers Sailors Police Officers Read the description of one of the first rulers of the Moscow kingdom given by V.O. Klyuchevsky, and call this king. “The king ... was meek, timid, weak-willed, weak mind and indifferent to worldly greatness. On the throne, the Russians saw a faster and a silent person ... ”1) 2) 3) 4) 3 Fedor Ivanovich Aleksey Mikhailovich Boris Fedorovich Fedor Borisovich About which of the following red commanders during the Civil War is mentioned below? “By persistent, swift strikes and skillful maneuvers, he stopped the enemy’s advance and within a month and a half took control of the cities of Buguruslan, Belebey and Ufa, which saved the Middle Volga Region and returned the Ufa-Samara grain district ...” 1) 2) 3) 4) S.M . Budyonny K.E. Voroshilov A.I. Egorov V.I. Chapaev Answer: 1 2 2 1 1 point for each correct answer. Maximum for the task 3 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015. 3 4 2 In assignments 4–6, select some correct answers from the answers provided. Enter the answers in the table. 4 Which of these events occurred during the leadership of the USSR N.S. Khrushchev? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 5 Select from the list below the literary associations of the 1920s. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 6 Caribbean (Cuban missile) crisis XX Congress of the CPSU "Prague Spring" An attempt to withdraw Hungary from the ATS Entrance of Germany into NATO "Pass" Milestones RAPP "Serapion Brothers" "Mighty handful "LEF" World of Art "Note which of the presented and world history occurred in the XVII century. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) events of the Russian Anglo-Dutch Sea Wars Execution of King Charles I in England The Seven Years' War Augsburg World First voyages in the Arctic Ocean Founding of the first ironworks in Russia Start of printing in the Moscow kingdom Adoption of the provision on “reserved years” Answer: 4 1245 5 1346 6 126 2 points for a completely correct answer. 1 point for an answer with one error (one of the correct answers is not indicated, or along with all the correct answers indicated, one is incorrect). Total for the task of 6 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 3 7 By what principle are rows formed? Give the most accurate answer. 1. F.V. Rostopchin, A.A. Zakrevsky, V.A. Dolgorukov, led. Prince Sergey Alexandrovich 2. Bessarabia, the Grand Duchy of Finland, the Kingdom of Poland, the Baku Khanate, the Shirvan Khanate. Answer: 1. Moscow Governor-Generals 2. Territories that became part of the Russian Empire under Alexander I 1 point for each correct answer. Only 2 points per assignment. 8 Give a brief justification of the series (which combines the above elements) and indicate which of the elements is redundant for this reason: 1. 1613, 1618, 1634, 1667. 2. Kerch, Nikolaev, Sevastopol, Kherson Answers : 1. Years of peace treaties and armistice of the Moscow state and the Commonwealth. Unnecessary - 1613. 2. Cities built during the reign of Catherine II (with the active participation of G. A. Potemkin). Extra - Kerch. 2 points for each correct answer. (1 point for the correct justification, 1 point for indicating excess). Only 4 points for the task. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 4 9 Arrange large industrial, transport and socio-cultural objects in the chronological sequence of their commissioning. A) B) C) D) D) E) The main building of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow Metro Ural Heavy Engineering Plant Stalingrad Tractor Plant Volga Automobile Plant Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station Answer: G B B A E D 3 points - a completely correct sequence. 2 points - a sequence with one error (i.e., the correct sequence is restored by rearranging any two characters. 0 points - more than 1 error was made. 10 Arrange in chronological order. A) B) C) D) D) E) Discovery of the strait between the Arctic and Pacific Oceans Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope First round-the-world voyage Discovery of Antarctica Exploration of Kamchatka Discovery of the sea route from Europe to India B E V A (D) D (A) D Answer: Both options can be accepted as true 3 points - completely correct sequence. 2 points - a sequence with one error (that is, the correct sequence is restored by rearranging any two characters. 0 points - more than 1 error is made All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 5 11 Set the correspondence. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters. Author A) B) C) D) D) E) A.I. Herzen P.A. Kropotkin P.Ya. Chaadaev N.G. Chernyshevsky V.I. Lenin L.N. Tolstoy Answer: A 3 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) B 5 The work “What to do?” “Philosophical letters” “The Past and Thoughts” “Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism” “The state and its role in history "" I can’t be silent "" Statehood and anarchy "В 2 Г 1 Д 4 (1) Е 6“ 1 ”can be indicated twice in the positions Г and Д 0.5 points for each correct correlation. In total for the task 3 points. 12 Set correspondences. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters. A) B) C) D) D) E) Government body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR GKChP of the USSR CEC of the USSR Cheka of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Ministry of Armed Forces of the USSR Answer: A 7 B 6 C 1 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) M.I. Kalinin N.A. Bulganin V.M. Molotov B.N. Yeltsin F.E. Dzerzhinsky G.I. Yanaev N.A. Shchelokov G 5 0.5 points for each correct correlation. In total for the task 3 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 Y 3 E 2 6 13 Set the correspondence. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters. Reform A) Price liberalization B) Cancellation of redemption payments C) Monetary reform 1895–1897 D) New economic policy E) Economic reform of 1965 E) Replacing bank notes with credit tickets Answer: A 7 B 2 B 6 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Author A.N. Kosygin P.A. Stolypin V.I. Lenin V.S. Pavlov E.F. Kankrin S.Yu. Witte E.T. Gaidar G 3 D 1 E 5 0.5 points for each correct correlation. In total for the task 3 points. 14 Define the missing names, words, names, dates, indicated by serial numbers, in the text. If necessary, with serial numbers, explanations are given on the nature of the required insert. Insert the necessary inserts under the corresponding numbers in the table below. Peter I was clearly aware of the slowness and antediluvianness of the old management system. Already around 1700 it was destroyed (1 - the authority), which was temporarily replaced by the Near Office. Later, in 1711, the newly created (2 - authority), which did not have clear powers, came to the fore in the system of senior management. The institute that arose during it (3 - position) made it possible to control the actions of all officials. Later, in 1722, P.I. Yaguzhinsky, who became (4 - position). Sectoral central government bodies were created in 1718-1721 (5 - governing body). Their activities were determined by a special act known as (6). However, from the old governing bodies, there was preserved (7 - governing body), which served as a political court and detective. Church administration has also changed. After the death in 1721 (8 - name), the former Locum Tenens of the Patriarchal Throne, real power over the church fell into the hands of (9 - the authority), which was actually controlled by the chief prosecutor appointed by the king. The local government system has also undergone dramatic changes. Large territorial units appeared - (10). In turn, they are from 1719–20. divided into provinces, and provinces into (11). The city government was entrusted (12 - governing body) led by (13 - position). However, Petrovsky local self-government was too cumbersome and clumsy, as a result of which (14 - name) the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren 2014-2015 was held. 7 one provincial reform in (15). 23 provinces were divided into 53, consisting of counties. At the head of each county was now appointed (16 - position). The disaggregation of provinces was the impetus for the increase in the number of local officials, i.e. (17 is a phenomenon). Answer: 1. Boyarsky Duma of the Fiscals of the College Preobrazhensky order of the Holy Synod (Synod) Districts (also accepted - counties) 13. Burgomisters 15. 1775 17. Bureaucratization 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. Senate 2. Governing (Senate) 4. Prosecutor General 6. General Regulations 8. Stefan Jaworski 10. Provinces 12. Magistrates 14. Catherine II 16. The Captain-Corps 17 correct inserts - 12 points 16 correct inserts - 11 points 15 correct inserts - 10 points 14 true inserts - 9 points 13 faithful inserts - 8 points 12 faithful inserts - 7 points 11 faithful inserts - 6 points 10 faithful wok - 5 points 9 of true insertions - 4 points 8 of true insertions - 3 points 7 of true insertions - 2 points 6 of true insertions - 1 point 0-5 of true insertions - 0 points total for the task - 12 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 8 15 Complete the quests using the map below and historical knowledge. 1. Write the names of the industrial regions of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century and indicate their main specialization. No. of the district on the map I II III IV V VI VI VII Name of the industrial region Main specialization Black Sea Transcaucasian All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 9 2. Using the map and the table you filled out, write down what changes have occurred in the Russian economy since 1861. Indicate 3 changes. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 10 Answer: 1) No. of districts on the map I II III IV V VI VI VII Name of the industrial region Central (or Moscow) North-West (or Petersburg) Western Black Sea Transcaucasian Ural South-West Specialization Textile industry Metal processing (mechanical engineering) Coal mining Coal mining ( metallurgy) Oil production Metallurgy Food industry 2) Active railway construction. The emergence of new economic regions. The emergence of new industries. 1) 0.5 points for each correct position. Only 6 points. 2) 1 point for each named element. Only 3 points. Total for the task of 9 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 11 16 Before you are posters of three major military conflicts in which Russia took part in the 20th century. Determine which wars are in question and indicate which war each of the posters refers to. A) B) C) D) D) E) All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren 2014-2015 12 G) I) H) K) M) All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren 2014-2015 K) 13 Answer: Military conflict Poster number World War I Civil war B, D, F, LA, D, Z, AND WWII B, E, K, M 1 point for the name of each military conflict. (3 points) 0.5 points for each correct correlation. (6 points) In total for the task of 9 points. 17 Read a passage from a historical source and complete the tasks below. Why did the king destroy the strong in Israel, and the governor, who was granted to you by God for the struggle against enemies, betrayed various executions, and shed their victorious holy blood in the churches of God, and he drenched the church doorsteps with martyrdom and your goodness, your soul for you he invented those who, unprecedented from the beginning of the world, torment, and death, and oppression, slandered the Orthodox in treason and sorcery and in other indecency and diligently striving to turn light into darkness and call it sweet bitter, and bitter sweet? What are you guilty of and what are the intercessors of Christianity angry at you for? Were they not defeated the high kingdoms and turned them into submissive to you in everything that previously had our ancestors in slavery? Were not the strongest German fortresses given to you by God because of their wisdom? For this, have we, unhappy, paid back, destroying us with all our loved ones? Or you, the king, you think that you are immortal, and fell into an unprecedented heresy, as if you would not have to appear before the incorruptible judge and hope of the Christian, God-given Jesus, who will come to execute a fair trial over the universe and even more so will not pass the proud oppressors and seek for everything and their tiniest sins, as they broadcast<божественные> the words? It is he, my Christ, seated on the throne of the cherubim at the right hand of the greatest of the highest, - the judge between you and me. What evil and persecution I have not suffered! And what troubles and misfortunes did not bring down upon me! And what sins and betrayals did not bring upon me! And I cannot even figure out all the various troubles caused by you in order, for my soul is still embraced by many of them. But in the end I’ll say everything together: I was deprived of everything, and I was driven out of the land of God by you without guilt. And you gave me evil for my good and for my love with irreconcilable hatred. My blood, like water shed for you, cries out against you before my God. God reads in hearts: I constantly thought in my mind, and took my conscience as witnesses, and searched, and in my thoughts looked back at myself, I did not understand and did not find what I was guilty of and sin against you. He led your regiments and performed with them, and did not bring any dishonor to you, he only won the brightest victories with the help of an angel of the Lord for your glory and never converted your regiments from the All-Russian Olympiad for 2014-2015 schoolchildren. 14 with his back to other people's regiments, but, on the contrary, gloriously defeated you for praise. And all this is not one year or two, but for many years worked tirelessly and patiently in the sweat of his face, so that he could see little of his parents, and did not visit his wife, and was away from his fatherland, in the farthest fortresses of yours against your enemies fought and suffered from the bodily torment with which my Lord Jesus Christ witnesses; I received especially many wounds from barbarians in various battles, and my whole body is covered with wounds. But you, king, do not care about all this. And do not hope that I will be silent about everything: until the last day of my life I will incessantly with tears reprove you before the beginningless Trinity, in which I believe ... Do not think, king, and do not think in your error that we have already died and been destroyed by you without guilt and imprisoned and driven out unjustly. Do not rejoice at this, as if boasting about it: those executed by you at the throne of the Lord stand, cry out for vengeance on you, imprisoned and unjustly expelled by you from the country cry out day and night to God, convicting you. Although you constantly boast in your pride in this temporary and fleeting life, you concoct painful executions on the people of Christianity, besides abusing the angelic image and trampling it, along with the flatterers echoing to you and your fellow feast fellows, like-minded people of yours, who are like-minded people who are destroying your soul yours and your body, who sacrifice their children, surpassing the priests of Crohn in this. 1. Name the author and addressee of this letter. 2. About the victory over which “blocky kingdoms" does the author of the letter write? What is the war during which "the strongest German fortresses" were taken. 3. It is known that the author of the message left Russia of his own free will. What is the meaning, in this case, he puts in the words of the message: “He was deprived of everything and was cast out of the land of God by you without fault”? 4. What is the name of the addressee policy of the letter, which further strengthened the measures that caused such sharp criticism? Name those whom the author of the letter calls “flatterers and comrades of your demonic feasts”, give three names. 5. Using your knowledge of history, name what socio-political issues the author and addressee of the letter diverged from. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 15 Answer: 1. Andrei Kurbsky, Ivan the Terrible 2. Kazan Khanate (1552), Astrakhan Khanate (1556). During the Livonian War (1558–1583) 3. Prince Andrei Kurbsky left Russia and went to Lithuania, because in his opinion many noble people were executed without guilt, and he was afraid that he would suffer the same fate. In the letter, he wants to say that he was actually expelled by the king. 4. Oprichnina. Oprichniki - Malyuta Skuratov, Mikhail Cherkassky, Alexei and Fedor Basmanov, Athanasius Vyazemsky. 5. They disagreed on the question of what should be the limits of power of the monarch. Andrei Kurbsky was a supporter of the estate-representative monarchy, and Ivan the Terrible - autocracy. Other grounds of judgment may be given. 1-2. 1 point for each response element. (5 points) 3. Up to 3 points for a complete answer. 4. 1 point for each response element. (4 points) 5. Up to 3 points for a complete answer. Total for the task of 15 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015 16 18 You have to work with the statements of historians and contemporaries about the events and figures of national history. Choose one of them that will be the subject of your essay. Your task is to formulate your own attitude to this statement and justify it with arguments that seem most relevant to you. When choosing a topic, proceed from the fact that you: 1) clearly understand the meaning of the statement (it is not necessary to fully or even partially agree with the author, but you must understand what he claims); 2) you can express your attitude to the statement (reasonably agree with the author or completely or partially refute his statement); 3) have specific knowledge (facts, statistics, examples) on this topic; 4) own the terms necessary for the correct presentation of your point of view. When writing a work, try to proceed from the fact that the jury, evaluating your essay, will be guided by the following criteria. 1. The validity of the choice of topics (explanation of the choice of topics and tasks that the participant sets himself in his work). 2. The creative nature of the perception of the topic, its understanding. 3. Literacy in the use of historical facts and terms. 4. The clarity and evidence of the main provisions of the work. 5. Knowledge of various points of view on the selected issue. 1. "Who knows how events would develop in the future if Svyatoslav’s plans were to come true and the center of the huge Old Russian state would move to the Lower Subunavian, located in close proximity to the borders of the Byzantine Empire." (V. Perkhavko) 2. “The image of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich, which has become a textbook not only in scientific but also in fiction, is distorted. The reason for this distortion was both in the difficult foreign policy situation of Fedor’s reign (the powerful prosperous Russian state aroused the envy of its neighbors) and in the intense political struggle that unfolded after his death. ” (L. Morozova) 3. “The Battle of Poltava was not a simple battle, remarkable for the enormity of the military forces, for the stubbornness of the fighting and the amount of blood spilled; no, it was a battle for the existence of an entire nation, for the future of an entire state, it was a verification of the reality of plans so great that they were probably to Peter himself, in the bitter All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in 2014-2015. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 17 minutes of failure and disappointment seemed unrealizable, like almost all his subjects ... ". (VG Belinsky) "From the death of Peter I and almost until the ascension of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, ignorance reigned for its own self-interest and the tendency to ancient rites with ignorance and unwillingness of the new ones introduced by Peter fought." (Catherine II) "Serfdom - a cry of despair emitted by the state." (V.O. Klyuchevsky) “The founders of“ Westernism ”were no less patriots than“ Slavophiles ”, they were just different patriots ... Their patriotism was not turned into the past and present, but into the future of Russia.” (A.I. Volodin) “The dying Lenin left the RCP (b) an open model, a search model that is rigid in politics and more or less liberal in the economy.” (M.Ya. Gefter) “History of the 1930s. ambiguous and contradictory, because it includes enthusiasm, the self-denial of millions of Soviet people, and the innocent victims of repression, and the moral condemnation of those who executed the Divine and human laws of executioners. ” (M.M. Gorinov, E.N.Doshenko) “We should recognize that the Russians made a decisive contribution to the war in the West by destroying the main forces of the German army before the first Allied soldier entered the Normandy coast on June 6, 1944.” . (M. Hastings). Evaluation Criteria 1. The validity of the choice of topics (explanation of the choice of topics and tasks that the participant sets himself in his work). 2. The creative nature of the perception of the topic, its understanding. 3. Literacy in the use of historical facts and terms. 4. The clarity and evidence of the main provisions of the work. 5. Knowledge of various points of view on the selected issue. Up to 5 points for each criterion. Total for the task of 25 points. Total work 100 points. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2014-2015

It was in St. Petersburg that Dmitry Konstantinovich rose because his parents worked there; Konstantin Tikhonovich worked at the famous Nevsky Metallurgical, Mechanical and Shipbuilding Plant. Despite his extraordinary talent for piano, by the time Faddeev entered his third year of study, he realized that he needed to choose between mathematics and music. However, his love of music continued throughout his life, and in an article written to celebrate his seventieth birthday.

At this stage, the Institute moved from Leningrad to Moscow, but despite this, Faddeev continued to work together with others at the Institute. This had little effect on life in Leningrad. By the next month, Hitler planned to take both Leningrad and Moscow. When German troops quickly advanced towards Leningrad, many people were evacuated from the city, including Faddeev and his family. During the siege of Leningrad, Faddeev lived in Kazan, about 800 km east of Moscow and was considered safe from German invasion.

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Grade 11

The maximum score is 100 points, the duration is 3 hours.

Task number 1. Here is an excerpt from the messageJohn Skilica. Answer the questions(maximum score - 5).

“And the wife of a Russian archon who once sailed against the Romans, named Elga, when her husband died, arrived in Constantinople. Baptized and openly choosing in favor of the true faith, she, having received the great honor of this choice, returned home. ”

Even after the siege was lifted, access to the devastated city was possible for a considerable time only with the help of a special permit. Faddeev and other scientists who received such permission, and again began to operate Leningrad State University.

Most of Faddeev’s early work was carried out in collaboration with Delaunay, in particular with the very significant results that he received. A review of his research provides: -. In the above review of Faddeev's contributions, there is a link to his very significant work in computational mathematics. Most of this work was done in collaboration with his wife Vera Nikolaevna Faddeeva, but his first few papers on this topic were unanimous: sequences of polynomials useful for constructing iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations, On supercooling in solving a system of linear equations, and on the conditionality of matrices .

1.1. What name did the princess receive after baptism? (1 point).

1.2. With what weapons did the Byzantines defeat the princess’s husband, in what year? (2 points)

1.3. What fiscal transformations did the princess in Russia carry out? (2 points).

Task number 2. Match the elements of the right and left columns of the table. (In the list on the right there is an extra characteristic, the maximum score is 12).

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Moravsk Trebov Airport, as well as representatives of the flying club of the Czech Republic. Working together, students will be able to take part in a basic parachute course and non-motor flight. Both courses can help them in their further career in the army of the Czech Republic. The idea to restore cooperation arose at the European aerobatic pilot championship at the local airport.

Expert assembly of equipment personnel

The employment was organized by the Agency for Logistics, which asked the school commander to organize premises for the collection, accommodation and meals of participants.

Training meeting in Moravsk Trebova

  The first day was devoted to secondary education. On the second day, the program for evaluating and planning cooperation in the field of training personnel of the armed forces continued. Previously, they had 6 secondary military schools and 4 colleges in the Slovak Republic. They currently have one college, but no high school.

The formation of independent Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador

Dissolution of the Stated Commission

Boston Tea Party

Cancellation of oprichnina

The beginning of D. Cook's voyage, during which Autstalia and New Zealand were discovered

Most of the march took place in the corridors and in the confined spaces of the Herka fortress with guides during the first republican uniform, which contributed to the general atmosphere of this non-traditional event. Like every year in this school year, we organized a school round of the Olympics for our students in Czech. Students showed great interest, 43 students attended the school tour. Pupils had to solve complex language problems and write a work on this topic.

Teachers from five countries taught classes at school again

His main goal is to meet and bring people together from different countries, to break stereotypes and prejudices. In particular, they were Clara from Indonesia, Jack from Taiwan, Carol from China, Narmin from Azerbaijan and Marwan from Egypt. All teachers were mainly involved in teaching English.

Discovery of the Strait between Asia and America

The beginning of the war of the North American colonies of England for their independence

Uprising of Poland 1830

Bartholomew's Night in France

Provincial Reform

Training is carried out in two stages. At the first two-day stage of training, students went snowshoeing, focusing on snowshoeing, topography and movement in an unfamiliar mountainous area, as well as on cross-country training with emphasis on the development of classic cross-country skiing.

The program of the visit was divided into two parts. Meetings with school leaders and discussion with students. The invitation was greeted by many important guests. A rich cultural program was presented by singer Heidi Jank, who created an excellent atmosphere on the dance floor.

The creation of the League of Nations

The beginning of the Peasant War under the leadership of E.I. Pugacheva

The offensive of Denikin’s army in Moscow

2.2. Match the obsolete terms and their meanings.


Miroslav Filipchik and two other members who are graduates of our military university. The chief of staff introduced people interested in history, traditions, training and service. The students were also familiar with the rules that should be followed by future members of the Castle Guard. After the photo presentation, answers were given to questions, including other news from the life of the castle guard.

Years students survived in the field

The training was conducted in separate platoons. The last of the four graduations took place on Friday, March. Nevertheless, or because of this, it was necessary to underestimate the preparations associated with the design of the hall and organizational security. The solemn onslaught, the course of the screaming and midnight surprise were received by the platoons very personally, variedly and responsibly. On Thursday, March, this year, a meeting of the Teacher took place.

pavilion with music intended for dancing, entertainment

flea trap

device for catching insects on the body: a hollow tube with holes, into which the bait was poured - sweet syrup

ladies suit for riding

The survey results were traditionally announced by the director of the Municipal Library of Ladislav and Boskovich. Monotonous entrance tests were first tested this year by students interested in studying at the Military High School and the Higher Technical School in Moravsk Trebov. A total of 452 applicants applied for all courses, but less than a third can be admitted to study. Even our school has touched on the unification of admission procedures this year. The dates and the start of the exams are predetermined, and we must adapt them to the entire schedule.


long men's pants

short knee-length pants

women's dress with a wide bell-shaped skirt

The answers

Small football in Moravsk Trebova

There were 102 professional soldiers divided into nine cooperatives.

Final step to completion

  All existing seniors of daily and distance learning gathered in the school assembly hall, where they spoke to the school commander, who among other things said: “Each of you should have a bit of luck, everyone cannot be recognized” He praised the distance learning student how to reconcile families, work, school, and now this is just a step from successful completion.

Secondary students completed a study tour to the chemists of Liberec

Under the guidance of Tomasz Reimer, we introduced our school to those who are interested in learning. Thanks to the excellent organization, everything went smoothly and there was definitely something to see. In addition to hundreds of visitors, our booth was also examined by the Minister of Defense - Mr. Martin Stropnitsky. Last week, students of the Moravsk Trebov Military High School took part in a study tour to the Libyan military chemists. Enhanced knowledge of protection against weapons of mass destruction and improvement of their physical condition during military ascent and navigation.

Task number 3. In the text presented highlighted text elements, among which madeseven mistakes . Write down the numbers of mistakenly written words in the table. Please indicate the correct words below.(1 point for each pair of correctly filled passes, the maximum score is 7).

In September 1962 (1)   The newspaper Pravda published an article by a Kharkov scientist E.G. Liberman (2) "Plan, profit, premium", in which he proposed to evaluate the activities of enterprises not on indicators individual (3)   production (what party documents aimed at), and in terms of volume arrived (4) , which remained after its implementation. It was proposed not only to revive the material coercion (5)   manufacturer, but also free him from petty custody in matters of planning and marketing. The proposals were supported by the largest Soviet economists, but also the head of state of that time L.I. Brezhnev (6) who allowed to conduct an "economic experiment" in two textile factories. Endorsed these ideas and L.V. Kantorovich (7) which became in October 1964 (8)   the head soviet government (9)   instead N.S. Khrushchev (10) . He extended the experiment to enterprises in other industries and announced the beginning of the development of full-scale economic reform.

Sixty-third female students completed an internship for chemists as an additional program for a standard curriculum. With the participation of professional soldiers, government officials and school students, a wreath was laid, candles lit by the memorial to the victims, and minutes of silence worshiped the victims of World War II.

Second Victory Day March

The opportunity to participate in this event together with other members of the armed forces, as well as the general public, was also used by our students and professional soldiers with family members, and they completed the route from 9 to 35 km.

Financial collection “Together against Crohn”

  Together we were able to choose the amount of 567 Czech crowns. The proceeds were donated to the Children's Clinical Hospital of the Faculty in Pilsen.

The reform began with agriculture. In March 1967 (11)   plenum Central Committee of the RCP (B.) (12)   adopted a program of restructuring the agricultural sector of the economy. It was decided to significantly increase investment in the development of the social sphere of the village, to increase retail (13)   agricultural product prices, set a six-year solid plan public procurement (14) , introduce a 50 percent premium to the basic price for the over-planned sale of products to the state, and remove debts and arrears of previous years. The prohibitions on maintenance were somewhat relaxed. subsidiary plots (15) .

Revealing a commemorative plaque in French Wormot

She already listened that she met seventeen talented talents in two age categories. Drought in the neck, a trembling voice, nervousness and tears preceded amazing performances at the competition. “Martina has gold,” there was a statement by the jury, which, under the direction of Eduard Kleszl, director of the Conservatory Jaroslav Jezek in Prague, evaluated singing. The fact that we already know Martina Zhvansk, her victory was only confirmed.

The introductory speech of the commander turns into fresh graduates, balances the past period and sets out new tasks for the school. Below is a brief description of the school, a presentation of the teaching staff and a description of the main events of the school year. The largest place is dedicated to graduates of this year.

Task number 4. Correlate the elements of the right and left columns of the table. In the list on the right there is an extra characteristic, the maximum score is - 3).


Task number 5. Below are representatives of Russian culture and the texts of their songs. Write their names and relate excerpts from the songs to them. Which song genre do these illustrations reflect? (The maximum score for the entire task is 7).

This is an important milestone in the dynamics of the school with the participation of distinguished guests. The festive retirement consisted of two parts: academic and military. Both parts are available to the public so proud family members become part of it. The academic part was held in the hall “To Piska”.

Children's Day at Hörk Fortress and Kraliki War Museum

The main demonstration was taken care of by the army units of the mechanized brigade, which, in accordance with the plan for the completion of defense training at the border, when they hit much more enemy units. It was attended by 14 students from the Military History Club and the Musado Club, which were first posted on this site. Their field was a grenade at the target, a cable car, a passage through a tunnel in the dark, or shooting. Other interesting places were taken care of by scouts.


Task number 6. For each building below, indicate