All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren. Tasks for the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren were leaked to the Internet. the main thing

All-Russian Olympiad for students in history

Municipal stage

8th grade

1. Indicate the extra name in the row, explain your choice.

1. a) V. Shuisky; b) G. Otrepiev; c) I. Bolotnikov; d) Mazepa.

2. a) S. Razin; b) B. Godunov; c) E. Pugachev; d) K. Bulavin

2. Determine by what principle the rows are formed, and write down your answer. Complete the row or fill in the gap in it.

1. 1497, 1530, ..., 1833

2. Viceroy, labial headman, governor, governor.

3. Enter the correct letter or letters instead of the gaps (where necessary).

1) ab ... Olya ... ism;

2) to ... l ... egy

3) pr ... ku ... op

4) f ... in ... um

5) with ... cool ... r ...

4. Here is a list of historical sources and literary monuments of different historical periods. Determine which of them belong to the XVI century., XVII century., XVIII century.

1. The Life of Protopope Habakkuk

2. “The Little Mineas”

3. The Apostle

4. The "foreman"

5. "Liberty"

6. The newspaper "Vedomosti"

7. The first primer V. Burtseva

8. "Domostroy"

9. "Vanka-Cain"

10. The “Legend” of Abraham Palitsyn

In the form of answers draw a table and write the sequence numbers of events in the corresponding column of the table

XVI century

XVII century

XVIII century

5. If you agree with the statement, write “yes”, if you do not agree, “no”, and correct the error.

1. During the Battle of Narva (1700) Peter, the Swedes completely defeated the Russian fleet.

2. Capturing from 1702 to 1704, Nöteburg, Nyenschanz, Yam, Koporye, Narva and Derpt, Peter offered Charles XII the world that the Swedish king had rejected.

3. St. Petersburg became the capital only 10 years after its founding.

4. Near Poltava in 1709, the army of Charles XII was defeated by the allied forces of Russia, Poland and the Ottoman Empire.

5. Peter canceled the recruitment and established universal military service.

6. Peter abolished the patriarchate in the Russian Church and established the Holy Synod.

6. Solve historical problems.

A) In the 11th century in Suzdal, a local resident accused a neighbor of stealing cattle. At the trial, the peasant testified that he had bought cattle in another principality and was found guilty. Why didn’t they believe him?

B) Byzantine Emperor Constantine wrote around 948: “When the month of November arrives, their princes immediately leave with all the Russians and go on a roundabout just to the Slavic lands. Being fed there during the whole winter, in the month of April, when the ice on the Dnieper melts, they again return to Kiev. Then they take their ships ... outfit and go to Byzantium. " Who are these princes, and what phenomenon was described by the Byzantine emperor?

7. From the above words, make definitions of historical concepts. What are these concepts? Words and phrases cannot be used twice. In this linguistic constructor, you can add prepositions and change words by cases.

1. The economy, landowner, peasant, forced, working, serf, labor, own, inventory.

2. Hereditary, possession, landowners, secular, privileges, estate.

8. The following are ten numbered sentences. Divide them into three groups. Draw a table in the answer sheet and enter the numbers of the sentences in the appropriate columns, depending on which of the historical figures indicated in the table refers to a particular proposal.

Ivan III

Peter I

Alexey Mikhailovich

1. He made a trip to Europe.

2. He inherited from his father, Vasily the Dark, blinded in his youth by rivals, the great Principality of Moscow, whose territory was 400 thousand square kilometers.

3. He built the capital in a new place.

4. Under him there was a split in the Russian Church.

5. The royal court was likened to the Byzantine one, since it was the son-in-law of one of the Paleologists and wanted to restore Greece with us, observing all the rites of its church and court: it surrounded itself with Roman eagles and received foreign ambassadors in the Golden Chamber, which resembled Justinianov.

6. Under him, a Council Code was issued, which finally approved serfdom.

7. In the Moscow Kremlin during his reign, famous Italian architects built magnificent churches and the Faceted Chamber.

8. He carried out a radical reform of the state system of Russia.

9. He stayed on the princely throne for 43 years. He left a huge power to his heir, its area during his reign has grown five times and exceeded 2 million square kilometers.

10. Under him, Ukraine joined Russia.

9. Arrange the events of the reign of Peter I in their chronological sequence.

A. Poltava battle

B. Azov campaigns

B. Foundation of St. Petersburg

G. Creation of collegiums.

D. Establishment of the Senate

E. The Great Embassy

10. Analyze a fragment of a historical document and answer questions.

“He made a Cossack town out of it, divided the inhabitants into thousands, hundreds, dozens with elected atamans, Yesauls, Thousands and Tenths; the circle rustled, the old veche ... Kozaki, old and new, walked, in the morning everything was already drunk; ... drunk driving around the streets or drunk sitting at the Metropolitan’s courtyard on the street ... There was no passage for the wives and daughters of beaten noblemen, centurions and servants from the curse of the Cossack wives; but curses didn’t end: the chieftain began to marry them to his Cossacks, the priests were ordered to marry according to the chieftain’s seals, and not with the blessing of the bishops. ”

What time are the events described in this document (indicate year)?

What city are you talking about?

What was the name of the leader of the rebels?

Near which city were the rebels eventually defeated?

11. By description, recognize the picture, name its author.

"The main idea in writing the picture is to show the viewer not the effect of the execution, but the previous execution of the minutes, the experiences of both the archers themselves and their relatives who are in deep tension, knowing that the death of their loved ones is inevitable."

12. The capital of the Siberian Khanate in the XVI century.

A) Tyumen

B) Kashlyk

B) Tobolsk

D) Astrakhan

13. Insert the missing name:

he was not afraid of popular freedom, the inevitable consequence of enlightenment, for he trusted his power and despised humanity, perhaps more than Napoleon ... History represents universal slavery around him ”(A. Pushkin).

14. Identify the historical person (the head of the Russian state of a certain period) from the image and name it. Indicate the age in which this person ruled.

A   hello_html_m745e62d1.pngB   hello_html_431e250a.jpg





serossian history school olympiad

Municipal stage

8th grade

Answers and criteria

1. 1. g - Cossack hetman of the era of Peter I, the rest are historical figures of the Time of Troubles.

2. b - the Russian tsar, the rest are leaders of anti-government protests.

(For the correct answer - 1 point, for the correct explanation - 1 point, only 4 points).

2. 1. 1649 - Cathedral Council. These are the dates of the adoption of legislative documents.

2. Viceroy. These are the positions of people who manage the places in different historical eras.

The maximum score is 4 (1 point for indicating the principle of row formation, 1 point for correctly indicating a missing element).

3. 1. absolutism; 2. board; 3. the prosecutor; 4. favorite; 5. secularization

The maximum score is 5 (For a correctly spelled word - 1 point).


XVI century

XVII century

XVIII century

2, 3, 8

1, 7, 10

4, 5, 6, 9

The maximum score is 10 (1 point for each correct answer).


1. No, this battle was a land battle.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

4. No, Poland and the Ottoman Empire did not participate in the battle.

5. No ..

6. Yes.

The maximum score is 9 (For each correct answer - 1 point, for the correct explanation of the correction - 1 point).

6. A - Under the dominance of subsistence farming (2 points), both the purchase of livestock in another principality and the purchase phenomenon itself (2 points) were almost unbelievable (2 points).

B - Kiev princes (2 points). Polyudier (2 points).

The maximum score is 10.

7. 1) Barshchina - forced labor of a serf peasant working with his own inventory in the economy of the landowner.

2) Nobility - the estate of secular landowners who possessed hereditary privileges.

The maximum score is 4 (for indicating the term - 1 point, for the definition of a concept - 1 point).


Ivan III

Peter I

Alexey Mikhailovich

2, 5, 7, 9

1, 3, 8

4, 6, 10

The maximum score is 10. (1 point for each correct answer).








The maximum score is 5 (For an absolutely correct sequence, 5 points, if 1 mistake is made - 3 points, more than 1 error - 0 points).

10.1.1670 (2 points)

2. The capture by the rebels of Astrakhan. (4 points)

3. Stepan Razin. (2 points)

4. Near Simbirsk (2 points)

Maximum score - 10

11. V.I. Surikov "Morning of the Archery Execution".

Maximum score - 2

12. The answer is B.

Maximum score - 1

13. The answer is Peter I

Maximum score - 1

14. A) Rurik, IX c. B) Olga, X century. C) Yaroslav the Wise, X – XI centuries. D) Boris Godunov, XV-XVI centuries

The maximum score is 12 (for a guessed person 2 points, for indicating the century another 1 point).

Maximum Points 87

Olympiad tasks. 8th grade. Municipal stage.

Part 1

Who, during the next palace coup, dressed in grenadier uniforms, turned to the guard with the words: “Do you want to follow me, are you ready to die with me if you need to?”

1) Anna Ioannovna

2) Peter III

3) Anna Leopoldovna

4) Elizaveta Petrovna

The domestic policy of Catherine II is characterized by

1) the limitation of absolutism

2) the strengthening of serfdom

3) the liquidation of the nobility self-government

4) the elimination of class differences

Russian foreign policy in the second half of the 18th century characterized by:

1) the struggle with revolutionary France

2) the struggle for access to the Mediterranean Sea

3) the desire to defend the land in the Amur region

4) the desire to increase the territory in Central Asia and the Caucasus

The "Golden Age of the Nobility" is called the rule:

1) Peter III

2) Peter II

3) Catherine II

4) Paul I

Read a fragment from the recollections of an eyewitness of the nineteenth century and determine what event is involved?

“In the house of the peasant A. Frolov a military council gathered, on which M.I. Kutuzov invited the generals: MB Barclay - de Tolly, L.L. Bennigsen, D.S. Dokhturov, A.P. Ermolov, P.P. Konovnitsin, A.I. Osterman - Tolstoy, N.N. Raevsky, F.P. Uvarov, Colonel K.F. Tol. The duty general P.S. Kaisarov. "

1) Council at Fili

2) Tarutin maneuver

3) Arrival of Kutuzov M.I. to the troops

4) Chashnikov fight

Read an excerpt from the recollections of an eyewitness to the 19th century. it refers to the first appearance of the emperor in the Winter Palace. Indicate the name of the emperor.

"He walked slowly .... his eyes were tearful .... The gait and his posture portrayed a man dejected by an unexpected blow of rock. It seemed that his face expressed one heavy thought: "They all took advantage of my youth, inexperience, I was deceived, did not know that, pulling out the scepter from the hands of the autocrat, inevitably put his life in danger."

1) Alexander I

2) Nicholas I

3) Alexander II

4) Paul I

The first Russian poet, Simeon Polotsky, built in the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, called the "Eighth Diva of the World"

1) a wooden palace in the village of Kolomenskoye

2) Petroff Palace

3) Winter Palace in St. Petersburg

4) Terem Palace of the Moscow Kremlin

For the socio-economic development of Russia in the second half of the 17th century. characteristic:

1) the growth of new forms of economy based on market relations

2) the appearance of the first manufactories

3) the emergence of store sales in cities

4) development of factory production

Part 2.

1. Establish a correspondence between historical figures and the facts of their activities

Historical figures


A. Peter I

1. Convocation of the Stated Commission

B. Anna Ioannovna

2. Decree on a three-day corvee

V. Elizaveta Petrovna

3. Prohibition of the death penalty

G. Catherine II

4. Creation of the Cabinet of Ministers

5. Establishment of the Senate and Collegia





Set the correspondence between the types of cultural monuments of Ancient Russia and the names of the materials that were used to create them.

Cultural Monuments Materials

A) temples 1) smalt

B) mosaics 2) egg-based paints

3) plinth

C) books 4) paper

5) parchment

D) icons





Arrange in chronological sequence the names of the settlements where the main events of the Patriotic War of 1812 unfolded.

A) Tarutino

B) Borodino

C) Shevardino

D) Maloyaroslavits

From the proposed geographical names, trace the trade route "from the Vikings to the Greeks." The path ran from north to south

Constantinople, Lake Ladoga, Lake Ilmen, Volkhov River, Dnieper River, Lovat River, Western Dvina River, Gulf of Finland, Black Sea, drains.

5. Determine which piece the passage is taken from.

A. ... And the king began to fight ... cursed ... the earth, and went to the hail .... And besieged the city, and fought for five days relentlessly ... The army was changing, and the townspeople fought constantly. And many of the townspeople were killed, while others were wounded, while others were exhausted from great labors. And on the sixth day, the filthy ones entered the city early — some with lights, others with vices, and still others with countless stairs — and they took the city ... of the month of December, on the twenty-first day ...

B. ... This prince ... was born from a merciful and philanthropic father, and most of all - a meek prince, the great Yaroslav, and from the mother of Theodosius. As Isaiah the prophet said: “Thus saith the Lord:“ I make princes, they are sacred because they are, and I lead them ”...

B. “Mr. Prince the Great ....! No, sir, we have forty boyars of Moscow, twelve princes of Belozersky, thirty Novgorod posadniks, twenty boyars of Kolomna, forty boyars of Serpukhov, thirty panars of Lithuania, twenty boyars of Pereyaslavl, twenty five boyars of Kostroma, thirty-five boyars of Vladimir, fifty Murom, seventy boyars of Ryazan, thirty-four boyars of Rostov, twenty-three boyars of Dmitrov, sixty boyars of Mozhaisk, thirty boyars of Zvenigorod, fifteen boyars of Uglich. And it was set upon by the godless ... two hundred and fifty-three thousand. "

G. “In the summer of 6983 (...) of the same year, the writing of Ofonas the merchant’s tveritin, who had been in Yendey for 4 years, went around and says, says Vasily Papin. As far as the experiments were concerned, if Vasily went with the Krechat as an ambassador from the Grand Duke, he said that he came from the Horde a year before the Kazan campaign, if Prince Yury was near Kazan, then he was shot near Kazan. But this thing is not written, it went, in some years, or in some years came from Yndey, died, and. They say that, dei, Smolenska did not reach, he died. And he wrote the scripture with his own hand, even those tetrati brought his guests to Mamyrev Vasily, to the diak to the Grand Duke to Moscow. ”

1. "Zadonshchina"

2. "Walking over the three seas"

3. "The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky."

4. "The story of the capture of Ryazan Batu."





6. By what principle are rows formed? Find the extra item in each row. Give an explanation.

1. Iskorosten, Novgorod, Rostov, Smolensk, Constantinople - ________________________

2. Veles, Dazhbog, Poseidon, Perun, Lada - ______________________________


3. Icon, amulet, lamp, robe, censer - __________________________________


Part 3

Review the historical situation and answer questions

In the fall of 1812, being with his army in Moscow, Napoleon three times turned to Alexander I with a proposal to begin negotiations on peace.

What circumstances prompted Napoleon to take this step? (Indicate at least two reasons).


What were the retaliatory steps of the Russian side? (Name at least two actions).


Read an excerpt from a poem by K. Ryleyev. What is the name of the era in the history of Russia referred to in the poem? What kind of Michael is the poem about?

“Where did you lead us?” - the old man cried out.

“Where you need to go! - Susanin said .-

Kill! Torture! - my grave is here!

But know and be eager: I saved Michael!

Traitor, thought you found in me:

They are not and will not be on Russian soil! ”

8th grade

Part I

1. One form of protest against enslavement at the end XV - XVI   centuries were

1) peasant wars

2) palace coups

3) flight "to the Cossacks"

4) appeal for protection to the Turkish Sultan

2. Kamchatka expeditions in the first half XVIII   century, paved the eastern sea route from Russia to North America, headed

1) V. Bering

2) S. Dezhnev

3) S. Khabarov

4) V.Atlasov

3. Which of the following applies to the consequences of Senate reform by Catherine II

1) The Senate was vested with legislative functions.

2) The Senate was deprived of legislative functions

3) The Senate has become the highest court

4) The Senate became the government of the empire

4. One of the political goals of the Great Embassy (1697-1698) was the conclusion of an alliance between Russia and European states to wage war on (1 point):

1) Turkey

2) Persia

3) Sweden

4) Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

5. What is the phenomenon of socio-economic life of Russia XIX   in. proverbs testify: "I went to the extravaganza, tied up the toe", "There is no need to go far, while it is good here

1) corvee

2) shareholding

3) month

4) rejection

Part II

1. By what principle is the following row formed

1. 1606, 1648, 1662, 1682

2. I.F. Kruzenshtern, Yu.F. Lisyansky, F.F. Bellingshausen, M.P. Lazarev

3. viceroy, laborer, governor, governor.

2. Here is a list of historical sources and literary monuments of different historical periods. Determine which of them belong to the XVI century., XVII century., XVIII century.

3. About whom of the Russian emperors the following poetic lines are written:

1) I have not seen in this sinful world

Queen in a festive uniform

Preobrazhensky Regiment.

And here is the raspberry peal

Stands over the northern capital

In honor of the ascension to the throne

The young empress.

And it seems, just yesterday -

Augusta-Sophia-Frederica ...

And now the world is trembling with a cry

Thousands of "Hurray!"

2) Brought up under the drum,
Our king dashing was captain:
He ran under Austerlitz
In the twelfth year, trembling,
But there was a fruit professor!
But the hero is tired of the frune -
Now college he is an assessor
Regarding foreign affairs!


3) You took your day ... Seen from the ages
By the great grace of the Lord -
He moved the slave image from a man
And he returned to his family - the smaller brother ...


4. Determine which great military figure of Russian history is involved, insert the missing words in the text: (9 points)

N ( _______________________ ) - a national hero of Russia, one of the founders of Russian military art. Born into a noble family, father and grandfather were military. From 12 years oldN   begins service simple_____ ____ in the guards__________________   Shelf and goes through all the steps of the military ladder. Career takeoff began during____   war, during which he repeatedly showed his prowess and was awarded for courage and courage. The most vividly talented commander showed during the warrior against_______________ _ in 1768-1774 and 1787-1791 The troops under his command won a number of brilliant victories, including the capture of an impregnable fortress.______________ . IN_________   the year began the famous Italian campaign, during whichN   inflicted a number of serious defeats on the French army and occupied almost the whole of northern Italy. Then he made his famous passage through________ _. During forced idleness, he wrote the work "Science___________ _ ", In which he outlined his richest military experience.

5. Analyze the images of architectural monuments (12 points)

Fill the table:



Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat (St. Basil's Cathedral)

tent style

Ivan groznyj

Barma and Postnik


Winter Palace


Elizaveta Petrovna

F. Rastrelli


Summer Palace of Peter I


Peter I


6. What kind of king are we talking about? ( 7 points)

    Both the grandson and grandfather bore the same name, patronymic, last name. Name it Full Name (Petr Alekseevich Romanov)

    Who was the first representative of the Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne (Peter 3)

    Glinka's opera Ivan Susanin was called Life for the Tsar. Which king was saved by his feat Ivan Susanin (Mikhail Fedorovich)

    This empress is also known as a writer - a memoirist, playwright and satirist (Catherine 2)

    He was called the “Russian Hamlet” (Paul 1)

    In the history of Russian architecture, the reign of this emperor was called "the war of palaces with castles." (Paul 1)

    Who ruled in Russia in the era described in The Three Musketeers by A. Dumas (Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov)

7. Relate the modern and ancient Slavic names of the months (12 points).

A) January 1) sickle

B) February 2) grass

B) March 3) chest

D) April 4) section

D) May 5) Berezozol

E) June 6) heather

G) July 7) Jelly

H) August 8) fierce

I) September 9) pollen

K) October 10) Worm 4

L) November 11) Lipets

M) December 12) leaf fall

A4. B8. AT 5. G9. D 2. E10. G11. S1. I6. K12. L3. M7

45. Carefully consider the image of the medal of the Russian Empire,

complete the tasks.

1. What is the battle to which this medal is dedicated.

2. What is the war during which this battle took place.

3. Indicate the two other battles of this war.

4. Name the two participants in the battle to which the medal is dedicated.


1. The Gangut battle

2. The Northern War

3. - The Battle of Narva

Battle of the Forest

Poltava battle

Grengam battle

Other battles may be indicated.

4. Peter I

Admiral General F.M. Apraksin

Admiral Gustav Watrang

Rear Admiral Nils Erenschold

2 points for each correct element of the answer.

Total for the task 12 points.

November 3rd, 2013

We conclude the presentation of the best in knowledge of the history of schoolchildren with a story about the winners and prize-winners All-Russian Olympiad   schoolchildren among students in grade 11.

Of the ten winners of the final part of the competition, two participants each represent Moscow and the Moscow Region.
Winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren on the history of 2012-2013. Grade 11.

Moscow takes the first place among the regions - among its winners and prize-winners are 6 of its representatives. The second place is shared by the Krasnodar Territory and the Moscow Region.
The full list of winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for students in history can be found at 0_Total% 20 olympiads.pdf.

rosolymp   September 21st, 2013

We begin our acquaintance with the tasks of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in history by introducing the first theoretical tour. In it, participants were offered tasks covering various time periods.
In the first of these, school coats of arms were shown to schoolchildren, as well as excerpts from historical documents related to them. It was necessary to determine the names of cities and compare them with the arms. The second exercise was devoted to sculptural and architectural monuments of St. Petersburg, for which it was necessary to identify the authors. Then the participants explained the origin of a number of surnames. In the next task, it was necessary to distribute the descendants of Prince Alexander Nevsky among generations. The fifth part was connected with the peace treaties concluded by Russia with one of the states. It was required to determine this state, as well as indicate the names and years of signing the treaties. The sixth section contained portraits of the leaders and military leaders of the states with which Russia fought. In the seventh exercise, it was necessary to arrange the images of commemorative coins in accordance with the dates of minting. Further, the participants worked with data on the ambassadors of other states. The ninth task was dedicated to the World Festival of Youth and Students. In the next section, the students were offered a fragment of the text about the resignation of Khrushchev. Then it was necessary to correlate reproductions of maps of Belgorod land with dates. In the twelfth task it was required to determine the fidelity of the allegations of Belgorod. The last part was dedicated to the Prokhorovskoye Pole Museum-Reserve.
The tasks of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for students in history 2012/2013 are fully available on the website at the link

On Tuesday, January 17, tasks on the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Russian for schoolchildren appeared on social networks - the stage itself takes place the next day. Prior to this, the network turned out to be tasks in four other subjects; the organizers managed to replace only part of the tasks with backup options. Such leaks at the All-Russian Olympiad, having won which you can enter a prestigious university, have not yet happened. Teachers are sure that as a result, unscrupulous participants will end up in the final stage of the competition. The Ministry of Education does not comment on the situation. "Medusa" tells what is known about the large-scale discharge of the Olympiad tasks.

The Internet got the tasks of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren - in several subjects at once. On January 13, lecturer of the Literature Olympiad (held on January 13 and 14) was reported by Sergei Volkov, associate professor at the HSE Department of Humanities. The discharge, he said, occurred, presumably, in the Republic of Mari El. On the evening of January 17, Volkov told about the leak of tasks in physics (the Olympiad is held on January 17 and 19) and the Russian language (January 18).

As the administrator of the publication “Typical Olympiad” told Meduza (it unites participants school olympiads   different levels) on VKontakte Sergey Antonovsky, subscribers informed community administrators about the leak of assignments in literature, the Russian language and physics, as well as in the French language (held on January 11 and 12) and law (January 16).

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is held annually in four stages - school, municipal, regional and final. Winners and prize-winners of the last stage can enter any university in a specialized field without exams.

Only in some subjects managed to replace the tasks published in the network with reserve ones.In particular, as Volkov writes, the literature competition was held on an additional set of tasks. “It is as if equivalent to the rest - but precisely what is“ as it were, ”wrote Volkov; He noted that “more debatable” texts are used for the additional version, and it “turns out to be more complicated than a perfectly balanced main one”.

According to Antonovsky, the French language Olympiad was also held on reserve tasks, while the tasks of law and physics (on the first day) were not replaced. He added that probably in some regions assignments in the Russian language were not replaced. “From somewhere they write to us that the Olympiad is held according to old tasks, from somewhere - that according to new ones,” said Antonovsky. He stressed that the leak of tasks to the organizers of the Russian language Olympiad was known even before the regional stage.

The current leak is unprecedentedly wide, believes Antonovsky. “Previously, if they poured something, then for more money through personal contacts. The current situation recalls 2013, when the results of the exam were merged (then tasks and answers appeared on the Internet at once in several subjects; for some of them - a week before testing - approx. "Jellyfish"), endless VKontakte groups also proliferated. The organizers of the Olympiad in the regions and Moscow collaborate with VKontakte, close these groups, but they still appear even more. Everything is in panic and confusion, ”said Antonovsky. He added that one of the subscribers was able to buy a set of tasks for one of the items for a thousand rubles.

Sergei Volkov notes that on the Internet now you can find “fakes and originals” of tasks for the olympiads. He connects the leak with the lack of effective measures to protect information. “Tasks for the regional stage are sent to the regions in advance, a day before the start of the Olympiad, responsible persons receive an access password and open these tasks in order to have time to propagate“ by tomorrow ”. And here the situation is completely out of control. The federal center has to rely on the honesty of the regional organizers, ”he writes. As a result of the leak, according to Volkov, the passing score for the final stage will be overestimated, and “many [of the schoolchildren] who would fall in conditions of fair play, who should fall” will not get into it.

On January 18, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation demanded that access to the tasks be opened no earlier than two hours before they begin. This is stated in a letter sent to relevant regional officials.