Daily hair care at home. Hair care tips at home Proper hair care at home

The dream of every girl is healthy, shiny, beautiful hair. Today, there are a huge number of procedures provided by beauty salons, thanks to which you can change the color and length of the strands, make straight curls from curls, and wavy ones from even ones. But none of them will help to make the hair perfect, if there is no right one, daily care. Let's talk about how hair care should be at home so that the hairstyle becomes the pride of its owner.

Fundamental rules

Surely everyone noticed that depending on the lifestyle and mood, the condition of the hair also changes. Fatty foods, bad habits, stress - all this has a bad effect not only on health, but also on appearance. Therefore, in addition to the basic rules of hair care, there is something important, without which it is impossible to achieve the ideal condition of the hair - a healthy lifestyle. Give up obviously harmful things, sleep more and walk in the fresh air, follow the requirements of hair care by doing:

  • proper washing;
  • a competent choice of combs and accessories;
  • regular trimming of the tips;
  • protection from external factors;
  • hair masks.

It seems that all these points are very simple and clear, but, unfortunately, the errors are precisely in these simple rules and lead to dire consequences. How to care for hair, depending on their type and structure? We tell further.

How to wash your hair properly

After a visit to the hairdresser for a haircut, color or even a simple styling, the strands become shiny and incredibly soft to the touch. What is the secret of how to get the same effect at home?

Choosing a comb and accessories

Say goodbye to split ends

In order for the hairstyle to always have a fresh and neat look, you need to systematically visit the hairdresser. Owners of short haircuts need to keep their hair in shape by visiting the salon every 2-4 weeks, depending on the rate of hair growth. You need to trim the tips on long strands at least once every two months.

Often girls, chasing length, try to cure split ends, but, unfortunately, give them original form impossible. As a result, untidy “antennas” are knocked out of neat styling, and the hair looks unkempt and unhealthy.

Protecting hair from negative factors

After you have properly washed, combed and styled your curls, it is important to protect them from adverse climatic factors. Girls always try to protect their heads from rain and wind in order to maintain styling, but they forget about the damaging effects of sunlight and winter frost.

In the summer heat, it is imperative to use a balm and shampoo with a sunscreen, which will help protect your hair from fading and drying out. Going to the beach, be sure to take a hat with you. The use of various oils is not recommended, as they heat up in the sun and can only do harm.

Winter frosts are even more harmful than the scorching sun. Strengthen the destructive effect of the cold wind and dry indoor air, the latter due to the huge number of heaters and radiators everywhere. Therefore, in winter, it is recommended that you always hide your head under a hat, braid braids or buns. It will be useful to use nourishing shampoos and oils, as well as taking special vitamins and minerals.

Making hair masks

In addition to using the usual products “from a jar”, ​​masks prepared according to “grandmother's” recipes will be very useful. The ingredients should be chosen depending on the type of hair, the season of the year and the result that is expected. Fruits, vegetables, dairy products, various oils and even alcohol are used for masks.

As for the frequency of use, here you also need not to overdo it, since too frequent use of masks can lead to excessive oiliness, dryness of the strands and other negative consequences.

How to care for different types of hair

Hair is divided into four main types:

  • normal;
  • fatty;
  • dry;
  • mixed (fatty at the roots, dry at the tips).

Normal hair does not require special care. It is enough to choose the right shampoo, balm-conditioner. Periodically, curls should be pampered with moisturizing masks and oils. The head should be washed if necessary, as too frequent water procedures can cause an increase in the intensity of sebum secretion.

Caring for oily hair begins with a revision of the diet. It is extremely important to exclude fatty foods and confectionery, increase the amount of fresh fruits, vegetables and clean, mineral water consumed. The head should be washed with a special shampoo that is suitable for frequent use. Home care includes special masks. Useful will be products based on kefir, with the addition of lemon juice, aloe, mustard.

Dry hair is even more inconvenient than oily hair, because it usually looks lifeless and dull. Dry hair care starts with reducing the use of hair dryers, flat irons and curling irons. It is not recommended to wash dry hair too often. It is best to use nourishing and moisturizing shampoos and masks. The masks are based on egg yolk, burdock, olive oil, honey.

The most difficult to care for is mixed hair. The problem of oily roots and dry ends is familiar, first of all, to the owners of long curls. The best solution would be to apply masks that reduce the fat content of the scalp to the roots, and nourishing oils to the tips. Curls must be protected from sunlight, if possible, cut with hot scissors.

Curly care rules

Most women who have been endowed by nature with curly hair dream of straight and smooth strands, and those who do not have curls will certainly make them curly. How to make curly heads beautiful and neat?

Basic rules for the care of naturally curly hair:

The main thing in caring for curly hair is the right haircut and gentle washing. It is also important not to overdo it when using styling products, otherwise the hair will look dirty.

A more gentle procedure for creating curls is biowave. Unlike classical "chemistry", biowave does not destroy the structure of the strands, and the result is fixed with a special fixative. If you do not follow the tips for hair care after a biowave, the result will not last long. Need:

Caring for curls takes a little more time than caring for straight strands. However, styling usually takes much less time: it is enough to apply a styling product and dry the hair with a hairdryer with a diffuser or let it dry naturally.

Hair extensions and extensions care

In order to grow a braid, it is no longer necessary, like our mothers and grandmothers, to wait patiently for several years. It is possible to make long hair out of short hair in just a few hours or even minutes. There are a lot of extension technologies, but there are basic rules for caring for artificial hair that are common to everyone:

Very carefully and carefully you need to treat the strands on the capsules:

Extended curls require regular correction, the frequency of which depends on the growth rate of your own hair. Depending on the technology, artificial strands can be reused for extensions.

Hair clips can be attached not only in the salon, but also at home. Most often, this method of building is resorted to before important solemn events. After the hairpins are easily removed and used from time to time. For artificial hair on hairpins, special care is needed, which will allow them to last more than one year:

Caring for long hair, whether natural or artificial, requires a lot of time and effort. The reward for work will be luxurious, shiny curls, which are the decoration of every girl.

Colored hair care

It is almost impossible to meet a girl who is 100% satisfied with the color of her hair. The hair certainly lends itself to dyeing, bronding, bleaching or toning. As a result of many procedures, the curls look lifeless and dull. Therefore, dyed hair requires special care:


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In order to grow beautiful and luxurious hair, full of health and shine, it is necessary to provide proper home hair care. After all, trips to beauty salons alone are not enough. You don't go there just to wash your hair, do you? Of course not. You are doing this yourself, but probably wrong.

And in principle, many women make a huge number of mistakes when they take care of their curls, which they are not even aware of. That's what we'll talk about now.

Every day we comb our hair several times, without even thinking about what harm we do to them. The thing is that each combing leads to the opening of the scales of the curl, thereby it is damaged and becomes brittle.

But we also cannot help brushing our hair, because today, fortunately, society does not recognize untidiness and slovenliness. Therefore, we have to use a comb no matter what. And in order to somehow reduce the likelihood of hair damage, you need to comb them correctly.

This should be done in the direction from top to bottom with neat smooth movements. If the hair is very tangled, then you can use some kind of emollient that will easily allow you to get rid of tangled hair.

And in order to bring curls more benefit than harm during this procedure, you can use essential oil. You can take absolutely any essential oil that you have at home.
Literally a few drops of oil should be applied to a wooden comb and begin to comb her hair. In this case, you should not use a metal comb, as it promotes oxidation and your curls will suffer greatly from this procedure.

Don't comb your hair too often. This also damages them. 2-4 times a day is enough.

hair wash

Remember how exactly you wash your hair? You wet it, apply the required amount of shampoo on it and start rubbing. So right? But that's just the fact that you rub your hair hard and leads to their loss.

The root of each hair has a so-called nest - a follicle. When you start to fiddle with the hair, the nest begins to loosen and eventually the hair falls out of it. Therefore, it is considered correct to wash your hair as follows:

  • wet hair;
  • dilute a tablespoon of shampoo in ½ glass of water and beat until stable foam;
  • apply foam with gentle movements and leave it on the hair for a few minutes (no need to massage the head);

It is very important to use the right shampoo. If you are worried about excessive oiliness of curls, use shampoos designed only for. In addition to the fact that they perfectly remove greasy shine, they also contribute to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, which will allow you to get rid of this problem over time.

Very good to use . Such products do not contain any harmful components and you can be 100% sure of their quality, since you personally will be involved in their manufacture. Finding recipes for their preparation on the Internet will not be difficult.

After shampooing, it is mandatory to use a conditioner or hair balm. This allows you to give the curls extra shine, softness and, of course, obedience. After using them, the hair is easy to comb and acquire a beautiful appearance.

Today, almost all women dye their hair. Some people prefer to do this only in beauty salons, as there are professionals who can not only color the curls correctly, but also choose the right paint for a woman.

And some prefer to do it at home, thereby saving their money, which others give for the work of professionals. It is impossible to say that this should not be done, since many women can paint themselves at home on their own no worse than a master.

And the point here is not really who paints and where, but what kind of tool is used. It is important that the paint contains as few chemical elements as possible. Of course, ammonia paints give a rich color that lasts a very long time, but they cause very strong damage to the hair.

After all, ammonia contributes to the opening of the scales of the hair, due to which it penetrates into its depth, thereby affecting the color from the inside. The opening of the scales leads to dry curls and brittleness, so the use of ammonia paints, especially at home, should be very rare.

Ammonia-free paints, which are easy to buy today at any cosmetics store, are a completely different matter. They do not penetrate deep into the structure of the hair, but only envelop it, thereby affecting only the outer pigment of the curl. Perhaps this is the reason why they do not give such a rich long-lasting color as ammonia paints. But they are much safer for hair, and they smell nicer.

If you are already completely concerned about the health of your hair, then instead of chemical dyes you can use natural dyes - henna, basma, onion peel, etc. There are a lot of natural dyes and with the help of them you can not only change the color of your hair, but also generally improve their condition.

Henna and Basma are two dyes that allow you to achieve completely different shades of hair - from honey to black. The main thing here is to choose the right proportions and know how long you need to keep the paint on your hair in order to get the desired shade.

Well, it's best not to dye your hair at all. After all, nature has already awarded each of us with “its own” color of curls, which ideally suits our face, the color of our eyes and eyebrows. So, if you want to preserve the beauty of your hair, give them the opportunity to grow strong and thick, then give up the idea of ​​changing the color of your hair.

We constantly use various hairdressing tools to create hairstyles. These are tongs, and straighteners, and hair dryers, etc. But we forget about one thing - when using them, the hair itself suffers very much, as they have a thermal effect on it, drying out the curls and making them brittle.

Therefore, they should be used very rarely. It is advisable to use products that do not cause severe harm to the hair, for example, curlers. They do not heat or supercool the hair, while creating beautiful curls of various sizes and volume.

There are a lot of varieties of curlers today. But the safest and most convenient to use are boomerangs. There is no velcro on their surface that pulls out the hair. They are soft and comfortable to sleep in. But they still have a drawback - boomerang curlers are only suitable for long hair. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to wind them on short curls.

There are situations when you need to urgently style your hair. Naturally, then you have to use forceps and straighteners. But remember that if you already decide to use them, then you should use these tools with minimal heat so as not to overdry your hair.

Hair masks

Of course, hair care at home cannot do without the use of various cosmetic masks. They should be used regularly, at least once a week. In winter, hair masks should be done 2-3 times a week, since it is during this period that they feel an acute deficiency of nutrients.

A variety of ingredients can be used to prepare a cosmetic mask. They should be selected based on the existing problem. For example, if you have, then the main ingredient in the mask may be cosmetic

If you have an oily type of curls, then you should prepare homemade masks from lemon juice or. These ingredients perfectly eliminate greasy shine and long time give hair a fresh look.

If you complain about slow hair growth, then you will need to prepare masks based on or. They perfectly stimulate hair growth due to the warming effect. They improve local blood circulation, thereby increasing the amount of nutrients entering the follicles.

But remember that these masks can burn the skin, so you should be careful and wash them off your hair in time to prevent skin burns. In addition, they contribute to a strong overdrying of curls. Therefore, such products are applied only to the scalp, and the hair itself is pre-treated with some kind of cosmetic oil.

In order to properly care for your hair at home, you should consult a specialist who will assess the condition of your curls and tell you which products are best to use in your case. Be beautiful!

Video with hair care recipes at home

Keeping your hair healthy is quite simple, but you need to know how to take care of it. Hair is made up of proteins, so it is extremely important for healthy hair to eat right and wash your hair on time. If you want to improve the condition of your hair, learn how to properly wash and use conditioner. Then learn how to dry and style your hair without harming their health. In addition, you will need to make some lifestyle changes that will help strengthen your hair.


How to wash your hair

    Wash your hair less often and use a quality shampoo. If you wash your hair too often, they become dry and lose their natural lubricant (sebum), which is harmful to their condition. Try to wash your hair no more than every other day, or only twice a week.

    Use shampoos without sulfates and parabens. Sulfates are the chemicals that create foam. Parabens are preservatives that can cause irritation and eye problems with prolonged use. Both types of substances are harmful to the hair and the environment, so try to use more natural products.

    • Choose a shampoo based on your hair type. Don't buy the first shampoo you see. Pick a product that suits your hair type. There are several types of hair, including the following:
      • Curly or afro. Moisturizing anti-frizz shampoos are suitable for such hair. These shampoos contain natural oils and have a creamy texture.
      • Direct or fatty. Shampoo for daily use is suitable for such hair.
      • Painted or chemically treated. Such hair requires a shampoo that contains extracts and amino acids, since chemical treatment of the hair significantly weakens the hair.
      • Dry. Dry hair needs a shampoo with glycerin and collagen to restore moisture.
  1. Use high protein products with caution. Excess proteins can make hair very dry and brittle. While protein is essential for healthy hair, it's best not to use high protein conditioners.

  2. Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar once a month. This will make your hair shinier and cleaner. In addition, vinegar allows you to get rid of dandruff. Dilute 1 part apple cider vinegar in 3 parts warm water, rinse your hair with this solution, and then wash your hair as usual.

    • The vinegar has a strong smell, but it will go away when you wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. Apply anti-frizz to smooth hair as needed. Anti-frizz serums allow you to smooth unruly hair. A small amount about a pea is enough. If this is not enough, add more, but no more than twice.

    • Do not use too much product - excess serum will make hair dull.
    • Wash your hair once a week with a sulfate-free clarifying shampoo to remove any leftover residue that can leave your hair greasy and lifeless.
  4. Style your hair naturally to minimize styling damage. Styling by itself won't cause much damage to your hair, but if you repeat it several times a week, your hair may suffer.

    • If possible, do not perm, crimp, straighten, curl, bleach, or dye your hair too often. You can straighten your hair before a party once a week, but you shouldn't do it every day.
    • Do not use unsheathed elastic bands to style your hair. Rubber bands without a sheath pinch the hair, making it easy to pull out by the roots.
    • Try not to make your hair too tight. Tight African braids and tight tails injure the hair at the base and unnecessarily load the follicles.
    • Try pulling your hair up. A simple ponytail or bun looks elegant and doesn't require a lot of hair products. You can wear your hair loose or remove it with a hoop.
    • Don't blow dry your hair too often. Frequent use of hair dryers and other hot styling tools can damage your hair.
    • Rinse your hair cold water after applying shampoo and conditioner. This will achieve smoothness and shine.
    • If you towel dry your hair, don't rub it too hard, as this can cause split ends. Use a microfiber towel as this fabric absorbs a lot of moisture.
    • If you must use heat styling tools, apply a heat protectant to your hair.
    • Don't go to bed with damp or wet hair. This will weaken the hair and make it brittle.
    • Dry the roots with a hair dryer on low power before going to bed.
    • Take biotin daily. This supplement strengthens hair and nails.
    • Do not wash your hair with hot water - it is bad for your hair.
    • Do not make your hair too tight, as this can lead to hair loss.
    • Before washing your hair, apply aloe vera to your hair for an hour. This will make your hair healthy, smooth and shiny.
    • If you have wavy hair and want to straighten it a bit, use non-water-based oils and creams. Water can make wavy hair even more frizzy.
    • Do not comb wet hair. While the hair is wet, it is more vulnerable to damage.
    • Do not use more than one hairspray per day. Excess funds can weaken the hair.


    • Protect your hair from excessive sun and dust exposure.
    • Careless handling of curling irons and flat irons can result in serious burns. Be extremely careful when working with these devices.
    • See a doctor if your hair starts to fall out.
Thick and shiny hair has always been considered the standard of beauty and health. By properly caring for your curls and using cosmetics that suit your hair type, you can achieve this ideal.

Proper hair care at home comes down to three rules. The first rule is proper hair washing. Before washing the hair, it is necessary to comb it well with a massage comb or comb. Thus, not only the blood circulation of the scalp improves, but also the washing out of dead skin cells is simplified. Next, completely wet your hair with water, the temperature of which should preferably not exceed 35 degrees Celsius. Apply the required amount of shampoo to the palm of your hand, mixing it with a small amount of water, and distribute it along the hair. Gently massage the shampoo into the scalp. wash away soap suds copious amounts of water. Repeat the procedure for applying and rinsing the shampoo in order to completely wash the impurities from the hair. According to the instructions, use a balm to give your hair a healthy and beautiful appearance. Blot wet hair with a towel without rubbing it between your palms, this negatively affects the structure of the hair, because this is how the hair breaks and splits.

The second rule is the correct combing of hair. Long hair must be combed from the ends, gathering the hair in a ponytail, and then proceed to combing the roots. Short hair should start combing from the roots, moving towards the ends. In no case do not comb wet hair, as they are severely injured. Let them dry slightly by wrapping your hair in a dry turban towel, and then comb your hair using a detangling spray or other similar products.

The third rule is gentle hair drying. Ideally, to preserve the beauty and health of the hair, they must be dried naturally. But there is not always time for this, besides, you can achieve volume or make curls only using a hair dryer, curling iron or other hair styling devices. We recommend blow-drying your hair with a heat protectant. Such a cosmetic product will protect your strands from exposure to the high temperatures of a hair dryer, tongs or curlers that are detrimental to hair.

Also remember that when styling your hair with a hair dryer, it must be kept at a distance of at least 20 centimeters from the head.

Let's supplement these rules with tips for caring for different types of hair.

How to care for dry hair

Hair becomes dry due to frequent hair washing, exposure to high temperatures, or due to health conditions. Therefore, dry hair needs gentle care. It is necessary to wash dry hair using a mild shampoo for dry and damaged hair, which restores the structure of damaged hair, nourishes and moisturizes it, and protects it from overdrying. And special moisturizing aerosols will help the hair replenish its moisture supply, for example, Macadamia and Aloe moisturizing hair spray and others from Avon, Bonacure Moisture Kick from Schwarzkopf, Collection Polynesie from Faberlic.

There are also folk methods solutions to the problem of dry hair. For example, you can make an infusion of peppermint. Pour 2 tablespoons of dried mint with 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Rinse your hair with mint infusion after shampooing. Thus, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated and the hair receives the necessary dose of natural sebum. You can also mix olive and burdock oils and apply this mixture evenly on your hair before washing your hair. Wrap your hair in a plastic bag and a towel to create a warming effect. After 40 minutes, wash the oil mixture out of your hair with shampoo.

How to care for oily hair

Salting of hair occurs due to improper hair care, disruption of the sebaceous glands. Helps with oily hair proper nutrition(eliminate sweets from the diet); taking a vitamin complex, which includes B vitamins and vitamin E, as well as the correct selection of cosmetic products for oily hair. It is not recommended to use masks and all kinds of balms, gels and oils that weigh down already oily hair. Also, increased activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp causes frequent combing of hair, exposure to elevated temperatures, as in the case of drying hair with a hairdryer or washing your hair with hot water. It is recommended to use special shampoos for oily hair and rinse them with degreasing agents, for example, a water-vinegar solution at the rate of 1 liter of water per 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

It fights well with the problem of oily hair and a healing mask of egg yolk. Mix 1 raw egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of alcohol and 1 teaspoon of water. Rub this mixture into the skin of the pre-washed head. Leave it on your hair for 10 minutes and then rinse it off, massaging the scalp gently. Egg yolk is able to suppress excessive secretion of sebum, and alcohol degreases the hair and scalp, making them less polished.

You can also use ready-made products against oily hair. This is a lotion for oily skin Care Line heads from the Keune trademark (Netherlands); lotion to restore the balance of the secretion of the sebaceous glands K05 from the trademark KAARAL (Italy); a mask that regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands from the brand Norgil (France), etc.

How to take care of your hair so it grows faster

It is impossible to significantly accelerate hair growth. After all, a certain rate of hair growth is genetically inherent in a person, the increase of which is beyond the power of world scientists. However, it should be said that due to certain factors, hair can slow down in growth. Therefore, in order to answer the question: “How to make hair grow faster?”, We will consider all the factors that negatively affect the ability of hair to grow “in full force”.

The main reason that slows down healthy hair growth is the lack of optimal conditions for this very growth. First of all, it is a lack of essential vitamins in the human body. Vitamins of group B, vitamin A, C and E are able to stimulate hair growth in combination.

Thiamine (vitamin B1 or aneurin) stimulates hair growth, prevents hair breakage and loss of natural shine. Plant foods richest in thiamine: beans, peas, soybeans, spinach, as well as wheat bread made from wholemeal flour.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) improves blood circulation in the scalp and is generally responsible for the overall healthy appearance of the hair. A clear sign of a lack of vitamin B2 in the human body is such a picture when the hair roots quickly become oily, and their tips remain dry. Sources of riboflavin (vitamin B2) are liver, yeast, mushrooms, almonds, cottage cheese and other dairy products, broccoli, etc.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3, PP or niacin) improves the supply of oxygen to the hair follicles, stimulating hair growth. Early gray hair is a sign of a deficiency in the human body of nicotinic acid, since it is she who is responsible for the formation of pigment in the hair. The largest amount of vitamin B3 is found in beef.

Pantothenic acid (provitamin B5 or D-panthenol) helps to smooth the surface of the hair shaft, forms a protective film, thereby protecting the hair from moisture loss when exposed to high temperatures during the hot season and when using a hair dryer.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) prevents dandruff and dryness, flaking of the scalp, and, as a result, itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations. This vitamin is contained in foods such as buckwheat, wheat cereals and rice, carrots, bananas, avocados, corn, potatoes, soybeans and other products.

Biotin (vitamin B7 or vitamin H) gives hair a healthy shine, and curls of elasticity and elasticity, and also prevents hair loss in men. Biotin is found in liver, beans, cauliflower, peanuts, tomatoes, spinach, boiled egg yolk, and wheat bran.

Beta-carotene (vitamin A) reduces excessive secretion of sebaceous glands, prevents brittleness and hair loss. The action of vitamin A is enhanced when taken together with vitamin E, which also has a beneficial effect on the nutrition of hair follicles. Vitamin A is found in butter, sour cream, fish oil and caviar, and vitamin E is found in vegetable oil, leafy greens, tomatoes, whole grains, soybeans, etc.

A complex of vitamins and minerals necessary to increase hair growth is offered by many modern pharmaceutical companies, for example, Nutrival, Fitoval, Multitabs B-complex + AEvit.

It is important to note that hair health is also affected by general state human body. Improper diet, stress and alcohol and tobacco use also negatively affect hair growth and their condition in general.

Stimulates hair growth and massages the scalp, which helps to increase blood circulation in the skin. This technique is quite simple to perform. All you need to do before washing your hair is to massage the scalp with light circular movements of the fingertips for about 5-7 minutes. To enhance the effect and improve gliding, before massage, hands can be lubricated with natural essential oils, such as tea tree oil, rosemary, coriander, cypress, cedar or mint. And you can use ready-made indelible serums for stimulating hair growth for this purpose, for example, serum of TM "Vielita" of the Vitamin PRO series or burdock serum from TM "Elf".

The main thing to remember is that after a massage, the scalp produces an excessive amount of sebum, so it is better to massage using indelible serums before going to bed so that in the morning you can wash your hair with shampoo and go to work / study with a “fresh” hairstyle. In the case of essential oils, the hair can be washed with shampoo immediately after the end of the massage procedure, however, trichologists (doctors involved in the diagnosis and treatment of hair) are advised to leave the mask from the treatment. essential oil for about an hour, wrapping the hair in a plastic bag and a towel to create a warming effect that has a beneficial effect on the hair's ability to absorb the necessary nutrients.

The third barrier that prevents healthy hair growth is improper hair care. If you have colored or highlighted hair, then they need special care.

How to care for highlighted hair

Highlighted, colored and dyed hair needs to restore and strengthen the hair structure. To do this, use balms and masks marked "For highlighted hair." To maintain color and shine, it is recommended to wash highlighted hair with a special shampoo for highlighted hair, for example, Lumino Contrast shine shampoo for highlighted hair from L’Oreal, Illumi Lights from Schwarzkopf or Lifetex Color protection from Wella.

Traditional medicine offers the following recipes for fully or partially colored hair.

Prepare a fruit mask for highlighted hair. To do this, mix grapefruit juice and kiwi pulp, add a little honey. The proportions of the ingredients depend on the length of the hair. Spread the mixture over the entire length of the hair and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse your hair well with warm water. This mask contains fruit acids that will strengthen your hair and neutralize the alkali residues after dyeing your hair.

A mask of beer and egg yolk can restore shine and softness to highlighted hair. Mix 0.5 cup of warm light beer with 1 egg yolk. Apply the resulting liquid to clean hair and scalp. Wrap your hair with a plastic bag and a towel for 40 minutes. Rinse your hair under warm water without using shampoo. The smell of beer will disappear in a couple of hours, and the hair will become silky to the touch and more shiny in appearance. If you are still afraid that the smell of beer will remain even after a few hours, then it is better to make such a hair mask on a day off, when you can stay at home and devote the day to yourself.

As for the basic care for highlighted hair, it is identical to the care for ordinary uncolored hair. We wrote above about proper hair care at home.

How to care for hair extensions

Hair extensions require a careful attitude to themselves in order to prolong the period of wearing them. We will present the recommendations of hairdressers for the care of hair extensions in the form of the following list:

1. Combing "donor" strands is necessary with a special comb with bristles or with silicone teeth without balls at their tips. You can not use combs and ordinary “massages” with metal teeth for combing hair extensions, since such combs lead to the destruction of capsules that glue native hairs with an extended strand, and they also contribute to the formation of microcracks on the hairs, and as a result, lead to hair loss.

It is necessary to start combing the hair from the middle of the hair length, i.e. from their tips, collecting them with your hand in a tail, and then go to the roots. When combing your hair, make sure that the strands in the places of soldering do not tangle with each other, so it will be more difficult to unhook them during correction. Also try not to cling to the soldering spots!

2. It is necessary to wash the extended hair without tipping it over and without tilting your head forward. The ideal option for washing your hair is standing in the shower or sitting in the bath. As for the selection of shampoos, professionals advise choosing a non-concentrated shampoo for normal hair with a neutral pH balance, since shampoo for oily hair will dry out the extensions, and for dry hair, on the contrary, it will soften, which will lead to combing them out. Or you can buy a special mild shampoo for hair extensions, for example, Keune Hair Extensions from Shampoo.

3. It is strictly forbidden to apply masks, balms and similar hair care products to the hair roots or rub them into the area where adhesions are located, as they can destroy the structure of the glue that holds the extended hairs with your family. All kinds of balms, lotions, etc. funds can be applied only to the ends of the hair, evenly distributing along their entire length.

4. Drying hot hair extensions with a hairdryer is not recommended, but if you still need to dry your hair quickly, then set the dryer to cold drying mode. In general, if possible, minimize the use of hair dryers, curling irons, irons and other thermal devices, and on hot summer days, do not forget to use heat-protective hair products.

5. At night, it is advisable to braid your hair in one or two loose braids to avoid tangling your hair.

How to care for hair after a perm

Any chemical perm, even “sparing” (as one of the types of perm is called), damages the hair structure to one degree or another, so the hair needs especially careful care. It is important to note that perm dries out the hair, and if you already have dry hair, then you are strictly forbidden to use chemical perms. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to restore a healthy look to your hair.

Also remember that on the day of curling, and preferably in the next three days, it is not recommended to wash and blow-dry your hair, because after chemical exposure they are very sensitive to shampoo components and hot air, besides chemical processes continue to happen for several more days, and who knows what reaction may result.

To restore injured areas of the hair, after each hair wash, use moisturizing and regenerating balms and rinses intended for hair after perming. Remember, they need to be applied every time you wash your hair, and nourishing masks must be done once a week. In addition, the emphasis should be placed precisely on the ends of the hair, because usually they suffer the most during a perm.

For hair styling, use foams, gels, fluids with medicinal properties and only for curly hair, as fixatives for straight hair make them heavier and help straighten curls. Natural substances can also be used as styling products, for example, lemon juice, bread kvass or beer, flaxseed infusion. Deep coloring of hair can be done only after 2-3 weeks from the moment of curling, otherwise the hair will be severely damaged.

To comb your hair, use non-metallic combs with a rare arrangement of teeth.

It is not uncommon for women to be outright jealous when they watch advertisements for shampoos, hair dyes, or masks. And for good reason. In the commercials, the models look simply gorgeous: their long, shiny curls simply flow through the body like a stream. It's impossible to take your eyes off.
And more than once, young nymphs wondered what the catch was. Everything seems to be the same, but the appearance of the hair leaves much to be desired.
How to properly care for hair at home, it turns out, not everyone knows.

1. How hair is washed:

  • first of all, it should become regular, and not a ritual performed "when it happens";
  • shampoo is selected purely for a certain type of hair;
  • after the hygiene procedure, do not forget about the air conditioner. Thanks to him, the hair will not fluff and
  • get confused. Just need to smear areas below the earlobe. If the balm is applied to the roots, they will look dirty;
  • hot water severely injures the hair shafts. Thus, women themselves create the conditions for their fragility and section.

2. Hair drying should be relegated to the background. Hot air also spoils the hair, thinning them.

3. Negative result from curling, ironing, curlers. Rubber bands are especially bad. Collecting hair in a ponytail, women pull it and injure it. So there is a problem of section and loss.
They also sometimes need to be abandoned. If injury cannot be avoided, then special hair sprays should be used.

4. You can’t buy the first comb you get out of a sense of laziness. Ideally, it should be made of wood. Worst case, plastic. Metal will definitely not fit. In particular, the hairs are electrified from it, causing a lot of problems.

5. Girls who take care of the length of their hair should learn that they should comb their hair when dry, in the direction from the bottom up. So the hair will be saved without damage. The cut parts are trimmed regularly. All these actions will help keep long hair beautiful.

6. It is important to remember about masks
People don't consider what hair types are when they go shopping for hair care products.
You can talk about oily, dry, mixed and normal. All of them need an individual and careful approach.

If they are severely split, do not shine and are confused, this indicates insufficient production of sebum. Their rapid contamination indicates excessive activity of these glands.
A mixed type can be obtained as a result of everyday washing.

Hair care at home

How to care for different types of hair at home?

Of course, with a normal type of hair it is much easier and easier. It is better to wash your hair no more than twice a week. The main thing is that the water and shampoo are not too hard. Rinsers are prepared on decoctions of hops and chamomile.

Dry hair should be washed less frequently. They need only once every 7-14 days. If you do this more often, then they will start to look like unhealthy. It is worth adding acidifying components to the rinse aid.

Oily hair hygiene occurs frequently, compared to other types. The ideal option is once every two or three days. Useful rinsing with nettle, plantain infusion.

What you need for hair care at home

This is directly determined by what the problem is. According to this criterion, ingredients for masks are selected.
They often have an oil base. Most women are concerned about hair loss, which will help to reduce: wheat germ, burdock, jojoba.

Herbal decoctions of chamomile, burdock, mint and others are useful as part of masks.
Softens and moisturizes hair spoiled milk and its derivative products. You just need to choose them according to the percentage of fat, so as not to provoke even more diligent work of the sebaceous glands.

Honey can be considered the record holder for the amount of nutrients. In this matter, he has no equal. A chicken egg (yolk or white) is often combined with it. Dry mustard and red pepper promote hair growth.
These are not all human products used to improve the appearance of hair.

Consider 5 masks for different types of hair at home:

1. For oily - it is important to reduce the level of sebum secretion. In this case, lemongrass oil and squeezed juice of aloe leaves will come in handy. They are mixed with two tablespoons of honey in the amount of two teaspoons.
The resulting mass is applied to the entire head completely. The whole procedure takes less than an hour.

2. Dry hair requires enhanced nutrition. Effective in combating such a deficiency will be products based on olive, castor and similar other oils. In a nourishing mask, you need to add it in the amount of two teaspoons. A chicken yolk and a little rum are taken. The finished mixture is rubbed into the hair roots until a slight flushing of the skin. It is better to keep it for at least three hours, and then thoroughly wash off the mass, resorting to the use of shampoo.

3. A grated onion mask is suitable for normal hair. Supplement it well with fresh and liquid honey. The proportion of components is 4:1. The resulting mass is carefully smeared with rubbing movements over the entire head. You can forget about it for half an hour. Then it is easily removed with water.

4. Women with a mixed type of hair will be helped by a mixture of yolk, mayonnaise, garlic and honey. Liquid ingredients take two teaspoons. Spread a homogeneous mass evenly over the entire head and do not worry about it for 7-8 hours. It is better to resort to it shortly before bedtime. Immediately after lifting, gently rinse your hair with shampoo.

5. Everyone can try the gelatin mask. She makes her hair as soft as silk. It will take two teaspoons of the main component, six - hot water and half a spoon - the usual balm. Stir the finished mask well so that there are no lumps left, and then distribute it through the hair. The roots are not laminated. Leave it on for at least half an hour. It is washed off without much effort with ordinary warm water.

It is important not to forget, after spreading care products, put on a plastic bag and wrap it with a warm scarf or scarf. So the healing substance will better penetrate into the middle of the hair.

Making them beautiful without visiting the salon is not so problematic. The main thing is to know the characteristics of your type and learn to select the right products to solve a troubling problem. Experience will come with time. You need to experiment and the result will certainly please.