How to cook apricot jam with a stone. How to cook apricot jam with pits inside . Royal pitted apricot jam - a classic recipe

How long do you think it takes to cook? No longer and no more difficult than the classic apricot jam. As usual, cook in three stages, waiting for the fruit to cool completely, and in addition to sugar, add carefully removed kernels from the stones and lemon juice for flavor. The active cooking period is only 15 minutes. The rest of the time will be passive waiting.

You will get a very tasty preparation of apricots, which will retain its beautiful color and wonderful aroma. Therefore, be sure to prepare apricot jam with stones for the winter, roll up at least a couple of small jars to treat your dearest guests. I'm sure you'll be asked for the recipe!

Total time: 15 hours / Cooking time: 15 minutes / Yield: 500 ml


  • pitted apricots - 500 g
  • sugar - 500 g
  • seed nucleoli - 30 g
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.


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    Dense apricots are suitable for harvesting, necessarily unripe, you can even slightly greenish (but not green!), Juicy, with fleshy pulp. I sort them out, discard the crushed and spoiled ones.

    I wash the apricots in cold water and dry them on a towel. I divide each fruit in half, cutting with a knife so that the cut edges are even and neat. I take out the bones, but do not throw them away, it is in them that the secret of our delicious jam lies.

    Apricot slices fall asleep with sugar. I shake so that the sugar is evenly distributed. I cover the pan with gauze or a towel, leave it for 3-4 hours at room temperature so that the fruits release juice. If you cook in the evening and want to leave it overnight, then be sure to put the pan in the refrigerator, otherwise the apricots may ferment!

    When the apricots start up the juice, bring to a boil over low heat and boil for exactly 5 minutes, removing the foam. Important! It is impossible to mix the jam, it is allowed to shake the pan in the air so that the fruits retain their integrity. After the first cooking, I remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and leave for 6 hours, until it cools completely. During this time, the slices will absorb the syrup and become transparent.

    For the second cooking, we need to prepare our secret ingredient - apricot kernels. Everything is extremely simple here. We arm ourselves with a hammer and split the bones from apricots, inside of which are hidden cute almond-shaped nucleoli. It is they who will give a special, piquant taste to the jam. The next point is important here. Depending on the variety of apricot, their kernels can be both very bitter and sweetish in taste (usually in large fruits). If they are very bitter, then scald with boiling water and remove the upper skin with a knife, exposing the white core. I came across a sweet variety, so I canned the kernels with the skin.

    The second brew is carried out in the same way. I wash the nucleoli and send them to a saucepan with jam. I boil for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling and again leave it to “rest” for 6 hours.

    In the last, third stage of cooking, you need to add lemon juice. It will give a charming aroma to our workpiece, and it will extend the shelf life, acting as a preservative. I squeeze the juice from the lemon directly into the pan, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. If there is foam, then do not forget to remove it with a wooden spoon, otherwise the jam may turn sour or moldy.

    I pour apricot jam into sterilized hot (!) jars, cork. I turn it over, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave it to cool completely. After that, it can be transferred to storage in a cellar, closet or other dark and cool place.

Here is such a wonderful preparation. Apricot jam is very tasty, beautiful, fragrant, the halves are whole, with nucleoli, and the syrup is fragrant and light. Agree, it's worth the effort!

At the height of summer, every housewife who has a summer cottage or a village garden and vegetable garden prepares homemade jam. In the absence of their own land, many people buy berries and fruits in the markets in order to stock up on several jars of fragrant treats for the winter.

Basically, while cooking various dishes, housewives adhere to proven recipes. This gives confidence in achieving the desired result, however, sometimes you want to try something new. Based on the tips of other housewives in the kitchen, you can easily diversify the preparation of familiar dishes.

The most delicious apricot jam is usually obtained from wild animals. It is much more useful than other artificial varieties, and has a richer taste. In addition to the honey sweetness characteristic of all apricots, it has a slight sourness and spicy bitterness. Such taste qualities make jam a masterpiece with an unusual bright taste.

Wild apricots are not pale yellow fruits from Armenia, but bright orange with red sides. Usually the wild game is medium-sized and unsightly in appearance in comparison with its garden relatives. Occasionally, the fruits of wild apricots are covered with small black dots (brown rust). This once again confirms them. naturalness and usefulness, as well as the fact that there were no chemicals in the processing of trees. When there are too many of these points, it is better to cut them out with a knife, although they are not dangerous. Such fruits can be safely eaten fresh, dried, or made into jam.

What are the benefits of apricots

These southern light orange fruits carry not only great taste, but also great benefits for the body. Apricots contain a lot carotene(provitamin A), useful for vision, hair and skin. Best of all, carotene is absorbed by the body together with fats. Also in apricots a lot potassium, which is useful in kidney and cardiovascular diseases. Containing a large amount of magnesium, iron, phosphorus and iodine, the fruit is recommended for the preparation of baby food. But sugary fruits containing a large amount of carbohydrates will not be useful for diabetics.

What is a bone

Cosmetologists and doctors appreciate apricot pits very much. Kernel oil used in the manufacture of moisturizing lotions and creams. The substances contained in it have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, rejuvenate it and give the face a pleasant fresh tone.

Apricot kernels contain a large amount of vitamin B17, which is used to prevent cancer. Also, medicines are prepared from the bones, which are necessary for diseases of the respiratory tract.

Fruit kernels can be used instead of nuts in confectionery, eaten raw, used as an additive in tea, or you can cook apricot jam with them. This additive gives the dessert an original taste and aroma with a touch of almonds.

In our article, we will talk about unusual ways to make apricot jam with pits.

Recipes for apricot jam with pits

apricot jam

The main thing in this recipe is to remove the fruits from the fire in time, otherwise the beautiful whole fruits will turn into porridge.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 kilograms of fresh apricots;
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 3.5 liters of water;
  • 1/4 teaspoon citric acid.

Cooking order:

  1. Wash and dry fruits.
  2. Make syrup from sugar and water.
  3. Place fruits in boiling syrup and leave for 7 hours, reducing the heat.
  4. Bring everything back to a boil.
  5. Cool and pour the dessert into pre-sterilized jars.

Apricot wedge jam

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar.

Cooking order:

  1. Wash the apricots well and cut in half or quarters.
  2. Chop the bones and, removing the kernels, set them aside for now.
  3. Make sugar syrup.
  4. Pour them with fruits and apricot kernels.
  5. Remove the foam and leave to brew for about eight hours.
  6. Bring to a boil again.
  7. After the jam has cooled, pour it into sterile jars.

Royal Apricot Jam

Such jam must be eaten within one year, since apricot stones are released during long storage hydrocyanic acid harmful to humans.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • whole almonds (optional)

Cooking order:

Fruit is better to use mature, soft, but at the same time elastic, otherwise they will turn into jam during cooking.

Spicy apricot jam with pits and lemon

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 kilograms of apricots;
  • 3 medium lemons and 1 green lime (optional)
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of cloves or cinnamon.

Cooking order:

Jam with apricot kernels in a slow cooker

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • some citric acid.

Cooking order:

  1. Wash and dry fruits.
  2. Take out the bones and kernels from them.
  3. Place the kernels back into the apricots.
  4. Transfer the fruits to a slow cooker and cover with sugar to extract the juice.
  5. After three hours, add water and bring to a boil at low temperature.
  6. Cool the finished dessert, let it brew for a day and only then put it in jars.

It's better to cook on a special mode for jam.

Apricot jam with pits and orange

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 900 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 200 grams of water;
  • peel of one large orange.

Cooking order:

Best suited for this jam. solid, small fruits with a slight greenish tint.

Apricot jam with pits and walnuts

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • glass of water;
  • a handful of walnut kernels.

Cooking order:

In the “correct” jam, the pieces of fruit should remain intact, easily separated from each other, while they are soaked through with a transparent thick syrup, which should not be very much. To get just such apricot jam, you need to choose slightly unripe and elastic fruits that will be easier to cut with a knife than to split in half with your hands.

Jam is the sweetest and most diverse way to provide yourself with berries and fruits for the winter. The cooking process is a meditation in Russian: rushing and doing several things at the same time with jam will not work. Some recipes call for a single but long approach, others require a short but daily practice. The latter includes a recipe for apricot jam shared by Olga Tsygankova, mother of our producer Marya Ziganini. Apricots in it remain whole, and sweet peeled bones are hidden inside them. “This is my mom's recipe. I was born in Grozny, in Chechnya, that's how we all did it. We had a tree from which we took 20 buckets of apricots per summer. From one tree! And our dried apricots were not at all the same as everyone buys now. We divided the overripe fruits in half, pulled out the bones, and laid the fruits on huge sheets of plywood and covered them with gauze. They were dried to such a state that through them it was possible to look at the sun. It was very tasty! In winter, dried apricots were poured with boiling water for a couple of minutes and scrolled along with walnuts: this was the filling for pies and pies. My parents had melons in the mountains, and we even boiled watermelon honey: maple syrup is no match. My mother also cooked “rattle”, as she called something like jam from overripe apricots that had fallen from a tree. It turned out a yellow-honey-colored spread, which they ate anyway, and spread it on bread, and put it in the filling in pies. When she cooked it for the first time, I asked, “What is this?” - "But I don't know, some kind of rattle." And so it stuck. In general, we had many different recipes. Imagine my youth: summer - it was God's punishment, continuous work. The holidays are coming, my mother is leaving for work, there is a note on the table: “Olya, pick three buckets of cherries.” Three buckets! And the trees were tall, up to the wires. I asked my dad: “Are these electrical wires or a radio?” He said: "Radio, radio, just don't take it with both hands." That's how high we climbed, and they still scolded us why the crown was badly cut off. You pick up three buckets - mom swears why without a slide. And then you sit down to sort it all out. That's how summer came. 1. This is my mother Valentina Semenovna Ivanovskaya, she is 80 years old in the central photo, on the right she is very young, and in the photo on the left she is 60 years old.

2. Apricots should be properly washed and dried. There are apricots, let's say, cultivated, they have sweet kernels in the pits. We need just those. And there are small apricots, we call them wild, they have unsweetened kernels, these are not suitable for jam. What kind of bones, you need to ask the seller, so it's hard to check.

The larger the apricots, the more cultured they are, therefore, the sweeter their bone. It is better to take mid-ripening apricots, even slightly greenish ones. Not ripe "in meat", nothing will come of them. They will fall apart, they will not be whole.

3. Now you need to pull out the bones from the bones. We used to grind chopsticks (they were very careful not to plant splinters), now I use oriental chopsticks. I push the thick end of the stick into the place where the apricot was attached to the stalk, and push it inward, holding the apricot tightly with my fingers. It sounds complicated, but it's actually very simple.

4. A bone pops out from the opposite side of the fetus. I remember that all our children and nephews were harnessed to pull out these bones.

5. The bones must be broken with a hammer and the kernels removed. My grandfather made a special brick: he hollowed out a recess in it, where part of the bone ideally fit, they hit a hard surface with a brick, the bone fell into two parts.

6. The most dreary thing is to clean the bones. Although, when they are fresh, this is not difficult to do, you do not need to pour over any boiling water. So, the bones must be peeled and the part where the main bitterness is concentrated is removed. To remove it, you need to slightly pry the thick edge of the bone with a knife, remove the peel with a dark spot, as in the photo. Then you can clean the bone to the end.

7. This is how a completely peeled kernel looks like, it tastes very tender and sweet. As children, we loved these bones very much, ate them in tons. It's almost like an almond.

8. Then the apricots must be pierced so that they absorb the syrup better. I came up with such a device: I took an eraser, cut it lengthwise and pierced it with pins with hats, it turned out such a hedgehog.

9. With this device, I prick apricots, trying to pierce the flesh deeper. If you pierce the peel with something large, it will tear and fall apart, and the apricots will lose their presentation. And so they will be saturated with syrup, while maintaining integrity.

10. Then I stick the kernels back into the apricots - with a stick.

11. I put the apricots in a saucepan - tightly, upside down, on which the flowers used to be attached. If you have a bucket of apricots, then you can lay them flat.

12. Then you need to boil the syrup. For 1 kg of fruit you need 1 kg of sugar. But there is a trick. First, I take 600 g of sugar, add a glass of water (this is 250 ml), bring to a boil, stirring constantly. When the sugar dissolves, the syrup is ready.

13. I pour syrup over apricots, so that each fruit is poured on top. I leave everything for 12 hours, in no case covering with anything, otherwise the apricots will become ugly. During this time, they will cool down, give juice and slightly decrease in size.

Amber apricot jam with kernels is the most favorite jam in our family. We brew it every year in large quantities. We keep a part for ourselves, and also give away to relatives and friends.

Apricot jam with delicious sweet kernels we cook from our apricots of the “Red-cheeked” variety. We have two large apricot trees growing in our garden, bringing many delicious and juicy fruits every year. The fruits of this variety are quite large, with sweet seeds, suitable for cooking delicious jam with kernels. It is sweet apricot pits that are suitable for homemade winter harvesting. Bitter kernels should not be used for this kind of jam. I will gladly tell you how to cook delicious apricot jam with pitted slices, and the step-by-step photos taken will help you understand all the important cooking steps.

To make such a preparation at home, we need to prepare:

  • apricots - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • sweet apricot kernels - 200 gr.

How to cook apricot jam with pitted slices

To get fragrant amber apricot jam, you should follow some rules, namely, we will cook it in three steps. For harvesting, we select ripe apricots. Wash the fruits thoroughly and cut them into halves. Put them in a stainless steel basin, cover with sugar. Now, you need to wait until the apricots release their juice. This usually takes 5-6 hours.

Then, the pelvis is set on a slow fire. As soon as the apricots boil, remove it and set aside. The jam needs to cool down. We stand apricots in sugar syrup for 12 hours. The fruits will release even more juice and the syrup will completely penetrate the apricot halves.

Rinse apricot kernels in running water and dry. While the apricot slices are soaked in sugar syrup, there is time to split the pits and prepare the kernels for jam.

Before the second stage of cooking the jam, we pour the apricot kernels into the basin and carefully distribute them in the total apricot mass. I don’t mix the jam, but before the next cooking, I shake the basin slightly so that the apricot slices remain intact. Here's how it looks in the photo.

After 12 hours, we proceed to the final stage of preparation. Cooking apricot jam at the final stage should be 10 minutes after boiling. Remove foam if necessary. This is what the finished apricot jam with delicious nucleoli looks like.

Pour the finished jam into sterile and close the lids. Amber apricot jam for the winter is ready!

How nice it is to get together on a winter evening for tea with friends, open a jar of apricot jam and enjoy sweet nectar from the heart, remembering sunny summer days!

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


At the height of the summer season, all women who have summer or country gardens and orchards at their disposal begin to prepare jam. Those who do not have their own plot can also prepare several jars of fragrant dessert for the family if they buy fruits and berries at the market. One of the most exquisite is considered to be royal apricot jam with pits.

How to cook apricot jam with pits

The secret of this delicacy is in a special, slightly bitter aftertaste and delicate aroma, which arises from the apricot kernels. However, variations are possible here: if you preserve the whole fruit without removing the seeds, then the resulting dessert can only be served separately with tea. If you want to use apricot jam for making pies, casseroles and other dishes, try mastering the recipe for royal jam with kernels: it requires enormous labor, but it turns out very tasty!

Aromatic five-minute apricot jam

For the first experiment, try a simple recipe. The main thing here is not to overexpose the fruit on fire, otherwise you will get an unattractive porridge instead of beautiful whole fruits. For cooking you will need:

  • apricots - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • a pinch of citric acid.

Any housewife who has cooked jam at least once in her life will cope with the task. Do this:

  1. Wash and dry fruits.
  2. Boil strong sugar syrup in 3-4 liters of water. When it boils, load the fruits, reduce the heat, leave for 6-8 hours.
  3. Then let it boil again.
  4. Cool and pour into pre-sterilized jars.

Recipe for apricot jam

To make this easy dessert, you will need:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g.

The preparatory work takes the most time. Do this:

  1. Wash the fruit, cut into quarters or halves. Apricot pits need to be split, the nucleoli removed and set aside.
  2. Boil strong sugar syrup, pour fruit slices and apricot kernels. Remove the foam, let it brew for 8 hours, then bring to a boil again.
  3. Cool and pour the translucent apricot jam with pits into sterilized jars.

Royal apricot jam with kernels

The most difficult recipe is called royal. The peculiarity of such a dessert is that you need to eat it during the first year, because during long-term storage, the apricot seed begins to release hydrocyanic acid and harms a person. To prepare such a delicious option, you will need:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • some citric acid.

In addition, a small amount of whole almonds, which give the jam a spicy tart flavor, is allowed to be added to such a recipe. Do this:

  1. Whole fruits must be washed, dried, then carefully squeeze out the seeds (use a sharp pencil or awl).
  2. Chop the bone and pull out the nucleolus. The shell can be thrown away.
  3. Place the core inside the fetus. It is better to take fruits that are not too ripe so that they do not turn into jam when cooked.
  4. Boil the syrup. Pour the fruit carefully so that they do not stick together. Boil, remove the foam.
  5. Cool and repeat the procedure 2-3 times. A large enamel pot or a handy basin is best suited for making apricot pitted jam.
  6. Reduce the jam by about half. When ready, cool, pour into jars.

How to cook with lemon

The original recipe for spicy gourmet jam involves the addition of lemon, which gives any fruit a pleasant sour taste. If you want to make apricot pitted jam but reduce the sugar concentration, use lemon. For such a delicacy you will need:

  • apricots - 2 kg;
  • lemons - 2-3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • a pinch of cinnamon or cloves.

You need to prepare an unusual delicacy like this:

  1. Rinse apricots, dry, cut into halves. Extract the kernels from the bones.
  2. Pass the lemons through a meat grinder. If you don't want bitter taste, peel them first and use only the pulp. The original version: add one lime green.
  3. Boil the syrup. When it boils, you need to add the lemon mixture, hold for 5 minutes under the lid, and then load the fruits and nucleoli.
  4. Let it boil, remove the foam. Jam must be kept until it is boiled approximately twice.
  5. Then cool and place in jars.

How to cook with oranges

If you want a sweeter but more unusual jam flavor, use oranges instead of lemons. The zest of these fruits is less bitter, so they can be boiled without peeling. Use the same recipe as above. In addition, you can try using apricots and peaches in equal proportions to make the dessert taste more unusual and delicate. Remember that oranges release a lot of juice, so you will need to boil the mass very carefully.