Cool grandmothers give heat! The sexiest bbws in the world Fat Russian grannies

For 170 rubles.

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I urgently needed a quote from a song performed by Lyudmila Zykina. I didn’t remember the name, only the line remained in my memory: “In the villages of the Ryazan region in the villages of the Smolensk region ...”

I rummaged through my library, found two collections of pop songs. There is no such! I expected the same result from the music library.
What to do, go to the store. I go to the nearest one: there is a Zykina disk, the price is 360 rubles. No, it's expensive for me - I'm going to the next store. The farther away from home, the cheaper that disc. For 5 rubles ...

Another shop just opened.
There are no buyers. Two skinny girls are bored at the cash desk. Their bellies are on display, their navels have tiny shells, their trousers barely rest on their thighs. They both look like 16-17 years old.
I walk along the shelves: rap, hip-hop, metal, rock and its offshoots.…
In a remote corner of the Kazan orphan is a modest rack "Domestic Performers". Solid pop, age spots of a rock band. I don't see Zykina.

One of the girls runs up to me:
- Hello. Can I help you? What are you interested in?
- Lyudmila Zykina. And so that there are more songs on the disc.
- Zykina ... Zykina ... - the girl wrinkles her forehead, pulls her chin, finally shouts to her friend: - Vika, do you know Zykina?
Girlfriend also wrinkles her forehead, clumsy plastered lips twist in a bewildered grimace.
- Zykina? A-ah ... THIS IS SUCH A BIG FAT OLD WOMAN SINGING FOLK SONGS WITH A LOUD VOICE. Yes? No, we don't have Zykina.

Speaking in youth slang, I quietly precipitate ...

I still bought R.S. Zykina, at the end of Petrogradka, bypassing it all.
For 170 rubles.
The same disk that is next to my house costs 360 ...

Being a young grandmother is quite unusual. Often such grandmothers at one time were very young mothers. We learn about the young grandmothers of Brazil and who was the youngest grandmother in history.

The youngest grandmother in history

The name of the youngest grandmother in history is Mum-zi. She was born in Nigeria in 1884. At eight years and four months, the girl became a mother, having given birth to a daughter. She also gave birth very early. She was eight years and eight months old at the time. Thus, Mum-zi became a grandmother at only seventeen.

It sounds incredible, but it turns out that when Mum-zi's peers were preparing for the graduation ball, she was already raising her grandson.

Young grandmothers of Brazil

The young grandmothers of Brazil deserve special attention. In this country, there is a special beauty contest for them. Women participate in it, about whom you can’t even say that they are grandmothers. The age of the participants is from forty years. The competition is called "Abuela". It's amazing how these beautiful women look, how they take care of themselves. They can be a great example of what grandmothers can look like.

Young grannies are made by young moms

To become a young grandmother, one must first become a young mother. Every girl who has become a mother at a young age can claim the title of a young grandmother in the future, if her child continues the tradition she started. According to the site, the youngest mother in medical history is Peru-born Lina Medina. When she gave birth, she was not even 6 years old. Our website has a detailed one.

Young grandmothers often boast of their age. Children of young parents are usually glad that they can communicate with them, as with friends, in the same language. Young grandmothers are full of strength and enthusiasm, care for children is still close in their memory, the problems of a young mother are understandable, therefore such grandmothers often become the first helpers to their children who have become parents early.

There is also a reverse situation. Having become a young grandmother, a woman does not believe that she should devote herself to her grandchildren in adulthood, she has her own goals. Often they motivate this by the fact that they have already put the child on their feet and now they can only take care of their own lives. Sometimes the emphasis on the word "young" is not put at all, and young grandmothers do not make a problem of the fact that they are now grandmothers. These women simply proceed from the situation in the family at the time of the birth of their grandson.

Psychologists advise young grandmothers not to worry about the fact that diapers will appear in the family again and so early, caring for a small child, again you will have to get up at night. It is important to remember that, first of all, a newborn is not your child, but the child of your daughter or son. After all, children should also take place, and there is no need to resist this. The task of a young grandmother, according to experts, is to be herself, adore her grandchildren and get a lot of positive emotions from communicating with a small new family member. It is important to remember that it is not a matter of age, the main thing is the state of a young and cheerful soul.

The youngest grandmother in the world

The title of the youngest grandmother in the world was given to Rifka Stanescu. At the age of eleven, she ran away from home to her lover. The young man was only thirteen years old - this is Ionel Stanescu. They merried. Rifka became pregnant and at twelve she already became a mother, having given birth to a girl. She named her daughter Mary. A year later, her son Nikolai was also born.

When Maria grew up, she decided to take an example from her mother. At eleven she became pregnant, at twelve she gave birth to a boy. They named him Ion. Rifka's daughter did not finish school, because of which the young mother was worried, wanting a different fate for her daughter. According to the youngest grandmother, she would like her daughter to achieve something more in life than just motherhood.

Rifka became the grandmother of little Ion at the age of twenty-three. She says she is happy to be a grandmother. The whole family lives in the gypsy community. Such early marriages are not uncommon there. Gypsies have such traditions. Surprisingly, when Jonah was only two years old, he was engaged to a girl who at that time was eight years old. If they marry and have a child at a young age, Rifka may well become the youngest great-grandmother.

Rifka said that when she was two years old, she was already engaged, but at eleven she fell in love with her future husband, to whom she ran away, against the engagement and the will of her parents. The girl's young husband, at thirteen, already worked as a jewelry seller.

The thing is that in the culture of gypsies, virginity is highly valued. After spending her first night with Ionel, she, one might say, "put an end" to her engagement to another young man. The parents had to break the agreement and marry their daughter to Stanescu. At first, Rifka's father, out of indignation, attacked his future son-in-law with a knife. Over time, the relationship improved. When Ionel and Rifka had their first child, the young man's family paid the dowry to Rifka's parents in full. So the conflict was over.

It is known that until recently the record belonged to another young grandmother. She is from the UK and became a grandmother at twenty-six. There is a woman in America who became a grandmother at twenty-eight. She became a mother at thirteen, and her daughter gave birth to a child at fourteen.
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Gone are the days when grannies sat in front of the TV, baked pies and knitted socks. Modern grandmothers play drums, go in for sports and fight wolves. Such grannies will give odds to anyone!

Grandmother drummer (63 years old)

This was the name of an elderly woman who constantly came to the Coalition Drum store (Wisconsin). Videos with her just flooded the Internet. Sixty-three-year-old Maria Hvisda started playing drums when she was 15 years old, and from the age of 16 she has been performing with various bands. In 1990, she completed her "career" as a musician.

Grandmother-athlete (90 years old)

A 90-year-old Australian great-grandmother is confidently earning the respect of gym goers half her age. Edna Shepherd is a regular customer at the Broadmeadows Leisure Center in Melbourne. She enjoys attending classes in aerobics, taijiquan and even goes to exercise on the simulators.
She attends water gymnastics classes every other day, and in the meantime she goes to a ballet class to dance. She has an amazing fitness schedule. She says that playing sports is as natural for her as knitting socks for her peers - but, unfortunately, she does not have much time for this. When she's not at the gym, she takes separate, special dance classes, and every Wednesday she does a walking marathon with a group of other walkers.
No one can argue with the fact that she is old enough to make the decision to get a tattoo. 101-year-old Mimi Rosenthal left her wand at the entrance to the salon and sat down in a black leather chair. At a height of one and a half meters, her feet did not touch the floor, and for her third tattoo, she wanted to get comfortable. "Let's find something for your feet," said tattoo artist Michelle Gallo-Kohlas, a longtime family friend who was honored with tattooing Rosenthal's arm.

Grandma with tattoos (101 years old)

At the age of 99, Rosenthal got her first tattoo, a tiny blue butterfly the size of a dime. Gallo-Colas remembers how Rosenthal looked at her finished tattoo and said it was too small. When she turned 100, Rosenthal tried again, this time deciding to get a larger tattoo on her other leg. The $1 coin-sized flower was much more to her liking, but she had to lift up her pant leg to show it off. The next time she decided to get a tattoo on her arm.

Grandma tractor (73 years old)

Her name is Wang Xiaobei and she is 73 years old. This granny lives in Jinan City, in the eastern Chinese province of Shandong Province. In 2006, when she was 72, this Chinese granny pulled (with her teeth!) a 4-ton truck loaded with people. The next year, she surpassed herself and pulled two trucks with her teeth, with a total mass of 5 tons.

Highest-ranking judo wrestling coach (99 years old)

Keiko Fukuda was the first female judo wrestling coach to earn a rank of 10 black belt and the honor of being the very first woman to reach that rank in judo. She started practicing judo when her peers were supposed to learn the Japanese tea ceremony and calligraphy.
When Fukuda was 21 years old, Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, invited her to join the newly formed division of the Kodokan, the first school of judo. Fukuda trained women in judo and later opened his own dojo.
Fukuda died on February 9, 2013 in San Francisco at the age of 99. She taught the art of judo until the last weeks of her life.

Grandma skydiver (93 years old)

The 93-year-old woman deservedly received the title of the oldest female skydiver in the UK. Great-grandmother Pat Oakes won the title from the previous record holder, who was only 60 years old, by jumping from an airplane from a height of 3048 meters.
Pat, originally from Solihull, West Midlands, has been a lifelong thrill seeker. Thirteen years before the parachute jump, she, along with her grandson, participated in a charity rappelling. Her grandson fell on his head from a height of 15 meters and lay in a coma for eight days. But when he fully recovered, they made another rappel.

Granny Yoga Instructor (83 years old)

Yoga instructor Bette Calman may be 83 years old, but she's still capable of making the bridge to bring the benefits of an ancient Indian discipline to as many people as possible. The nimble grandma does incredible stunts, and her hair and pearl earrings give her a glamorous Greta Garbo look in a pink tracksuit. An Australian prodigy who has taught yoga for 40 years is living proof that devotion to yoga will help you stay flexible like rubber.

Graduate Granny (98 years old)

Eighty years ago, Josephine Belasco was forced to drop out of school to care for her sick sister and help support her family. Her only regret in life was that she never finished school. However, in 2006, the grandmother of three grandchildren finally received her high school diploma. She worked as an accountant for 36 years and had a long and happy marriage. She has a son, three grandchildren, her own apartment on the top floor in Nob Hill, and she still drives with her friends to the city to chat over a couple of cocktails.

Dressed in a white hat and dress, holding a rose, just like all the other girls, Mrs. Belasco finally graduated from Galileo High School - 80 years later.

Granny who killed the wolf (56 years old)

A granny from Russia told how she killed a wolf with her bare hands and an ax after he attacked a calf. Aishat Maksudova said she was tending her cattle and herd of sheep when a wolf attacked their Novy Biryuzyak village in Dagestan. The 56-year-old woman was able to save the calf, but the wolf pounced on her, closing his jaws around her arm.

Sitting in the hospital with her hand bandaged, Aishat Maksudova said she was "not scared at all" during the wolf's attack. The brave woman explained how she wanted to strangle the wolf, but was forced to use an ax when she failed to open the animal's jaws.

I'm on the train today. 18:30. Rush hour. There is not even room for legs. You have to go almost on weight. Sitting down is out of the question. All the way people huddle together. At each station, even more people get into the car. You almost stop breathing - firstly, it is impossible to straighten your lungs, and secondly, there is nothing.
Of course, when you drive this transport for several years in a row, you get used to everything. There you can get dirty, beaten, doused with something, insulted, doused (I beg your pardon) ... This is not the subway for you, where you can get off and wait for the next train. Here the next train leaves only in half an hour. Therefore, you can not go out - you will be late everywhere! And you have to be patient. After a year, you stop paying attention to smells and sounds, and you don’t notice at all when checking the brakes. Legs become as if on hinges - a person can adapt to anything !!!
So today is an unremarkable day. In Reutov (approximately in the middle between Moscow and Zheleznodorozhny, where I live), about 10 violent people are blown up towards the exit. Before that, they sat quietly, played cards, drank cocktails. And then suddenly everyone rushed to the exit. The doors have already begun to close. People from the platform climb into the train, the vestibule is packed to capacity. And these 10 are trying to break out! But as you know, public transport is a loose concept like a condom - and all this pile, like a blood clot, concentrates near the doors, cannot get out, and a crush begins! And in Reutov, a woman with a small child entered the car. The girl must be a year and a half old! They are crushed in the vestibule, the tension grows. And then the girl how to cry! Just awful, it felt like something had been broken! In the end, these 10 break out into the street. A woman and a girl are walking into the car. The little one is crying in her mother's arms. I have tears rolling down my back! Here are the degenerates around! After all, you can normally enter and exit - nifiga! It's easier to walk over someone's head, no matter that sometimes these heads turn out to be children's!!!
And here they are in the car. The girl is crying. I stand, I think: I would sit, I would gladly give up my seat! But I stand! And grandmothers are sitting. The scourge of all trains!!! They sit with their fat priests on the seats, glare with terrible eyes, stink - at least one place has given way !!! I'm shocked! Suddenly, two girls are blown up, they were sitting far away, but they also saw this woman! The woman and the baby walked over, sat down.. The girl cried a little more, then calmed down.. someone even found apple juice. The girl was treated with juice. And everything is fine again. Everything is great. Everything is quiet.
And for a child, it's stressful. And those who gave way to the place were also probably in shock. I still remember this episode, and such an insult to the whole world wakes up ...

Why do people treat their neighbors so cruelly?

Z.Y. I remembered one rhyme - I wrote it in my first year - when I was shocked by public transport:

Yellow teeth, steel throats
Iron claws, forgotten name!
They trample under the bones of the buttocks,
They tear the living udder into pieces.
Angry, gloating, fighting in ecstasy!
The feeling of the crowd is nerve-wracking!
And with every minute the same scum
More and more people are entering the wagons!
They do not notice that it infuriates!
I stand on one foot in their crowd.
It weighs a thousand stresses
And I can't stand and I'm FALLING!

Remember the common phrase about the fact that after fifty life is just beginning? We absolutely agree with her, especially when there are so many colorful examples before our eyes.

85 year old lover to take matters into her own hands

Elena Nikolaevna lives in Moscow. She has two children, eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. This incredible woman never sits still: she has traveled half the world, does yoga, swims and ... goes to sex training.

Elena Nikolaevna has a man, and he is 20 years younger than her. It seems, what can young coaches teach, if they already have a huge experience behind them? The lady is sure that it is necessary to improve her skills, whether it be a foreign language or the same sex. In an interview for the media, Elena Nikolaevna mentioned that modern men lack skills, which is why they have to take everything into their own hands. Including accessories for sex, which are discussed in detail at the training. The last time Elena Nikolaevna visited the training center Sex.RF - she went to the course "". One should not think that such events are the height of vulgarity: much more than “toys”, trainings pay attention to sexual health and how to properly lead an intimate life at age.

Sexologists say that sex is not just a natural pleasure, but also a way to keep fit and increase life expectancy. Now a promotion is taking place in the center - all pensioners are provided with the training “Sex at a Beautiful Age”, you just need to present a pension certificate.

81-year-old Instagram star from Nakhodka