UAE: Which emirate is better? Where to relax and what to see on vacation in Dubai Where to relax in the UAE

Knowing the features of each of them, tourists can choose the best vacation for themselves.

On the coast of the Persian Gulf there is a strange state - the United Arab Emirates. All together - a constitutional monarchy, each emirate separately - an absolute monarchy. At all corners, "the Emirates is a single state" is declared, upon closer examination it turns out - they differ. And if you do not take into account this difference, then the money spent on holidays in the UAE will bring not joy, but torment. Let's make sure this doesn't happen, especially since the best season is now in full swing, when the murderous summer heat is replaced by normal weather for a European.

Fried Manhattan

The capital is also the capital in the East. The island, which has two undoubted riches - a source of fresh water and herds of dabi antelopes - was inhabited by Bedouins in the 18th century. More than any other city in the state, the city owes its rapid and endless growth to petrodollars. The emirate of Abu Dhabi produces the lion's share of all Emirati oil. Another significant source of income is the free economic zones, which have made the UAE almost the main bazaar of the world and the producer of the most inexpensive goods. Here, in Abu Dhabi, mostly not tourists go, but businessmen. Rest is also important for them, and high-class rest, but still the capital is primarily a business center. However, it is worth looking at Abu Dhabi - skyscrapers of the most modern architecture that crowded the entire space of the center, chic fountains on the waterfront, oriented towards moneybags, "brand" boutiques. Since the most profitable guests - "shoppers" and vacationers - are relatively few here, the payback of hotels is not so high. So, in a five-star hotel, it is quite possible to see some kind of archaic type of mixer with two taps...

For an instant acquaintance with Abu Dhabi, you need to break through to the observation deck of the Hilton skyscraper, a hotel one and a half times larger than all other buildings on the island. Looking from above, you will immediately understand everything - both how rich and well everything is arranged here, and that it is better to look for a serene rest elsewhere.

"Yellow Devil" with excellent taste

Unlike the emirate of Abu Dhabi, the second member of the federation - Dubai - is twenty times smaller. But since you and I are indifferent to how much desert someone owns, we will focus on the inhabited territory. Here Dubai is quite on the level - and there are enough skyscrapers, and greenery, and other pleasant little things. Evil tongues - with which the official Emirati version absolutely does not fit - say that the basis of the well-being of local residents in the last century was laid by the smuggling trade in gold. However, the Emirates are still too young for their history to become canonical. If you don't like smuggled gold, let's talk about legal gold. Fortunately, it now passes through the local shores on average 150-170 tons per year, a third of which is consumed ... by local residents. In the "golden quarter" the shops are so crowded with jewelry that the counters are not visible.

Are you going to the Emirates not for gold? We still have something to talk about. Shop tourists spoiled the image of the "Russian friend" great, but not to such an extent that someone tried to recoup you. But the "shuttles" did a good job of making life easier for customers: if in elite stores where you want to get hold of the latest electronics, expensive watches or "haute couture" fur coats, you still need to bargain hard (and a 25-30 percent discount will serve as a reward for perseverance and knowledge of the basics English), then in the shops of Cherkizovo-Luzhnikov consumer goods, when the word "Russian" is used, they immediately name the minimum price. And in the eyes of the seller - complete hopelessness ...

Dubai, of course, is a huge store. But more and more people are coming here for others - otherwise where would fashionable hotels come from? The beaches in Dubai are almost ideal - fine yellow sand smoothly goes into the blue-blue sea, which, in terms of cleanliness and sifting, is quite suitable for filling the hourglass mechanism. The water is clean, warm and gentle. If you are not too lazy and stomp on the beach before breakfast, then it is quite possible to see how local crabs quickly rush along the shore. Later, you will not see crabs - only empty refuge minks and turrets dug nearby, from which crabs look around the surroundings in the morning, will remain.

The surface of the bay is an ideal place for all kinds of water sports, whether it is surfing, jet skiing or water skiing. There are two world-class golf courses, a hippodrome ... In winter, every Thursday and Friday you will find another race - camel races. True, they won’t take you as a jockey - you’re not eight years old, after all, and this is the norm for camel riders, but you can get sick to your heart’s content. They will offer to watch a training run - also do not refuse. Believe me, this is a spectacle: two dozen lathered camels rush along the path, and a similar number of jeeps in a parallel course. It is the owners of one-humped horses who are rooting for their own. Tired of horse races - excellent parks await you (including aqua- and zoo-), as well as ... a skating rink.

The city-cutting Dubai Creek, artificially elongated in the early 70s, is a lively place. You can travel on the water either cheaply, on a small abra boat, a local water taxi, or by buying a special excursion - with dinner, belly dancing and a detailed story about everything that is visible on both banks. Those whom modern youth affectionately calls "nerds", that is, people who do not hesitate to develop their own erudition, will not be left idle in Dubai either. Some of the remains of the British Raj have now been turned into museums, with the main one, located in the restored Al Fahidi Fort, crammed not only with the most interesting exhibits, but also with modern optical-electronic things: a coppersmith, for example, before your eyes sculpts a new coffee pot. And that he is a hologram - does not come immediately.

To be in these parts and not visit the desert - is it possible? Therefore, when planning a trip to the Emirates, prepare money for a jeep safari. This is about $100 per person, and don't be indignant when you find out - they won't let you steer for this money. Why? Yes, because you will go deaf from a woman's squeal (women will go with you, right?) And from the grinding of your own teeth, even when you are next to the driver. Dizzying jumps on a hundred-meter-high dunes require not only courage, but also skill from the driver. To calm the nerves - dinner in the "Bedouin village", a henna tattoo (it disappears in a week) and the same belly dance.

If you intend to just spend a week in an exotic country, then Dubai is the best place for the first time.

Islamic stronghold

A kilometer, no more, separates the development of Dubai and the neighboring emirate of Sharjah. In British times, the main base of the colonial administration was located here. True, the tanned children of Albion went to Dubai to play golf. Perhaps out of opposition to British culture or for some other reason, but the laws in Sharjah are the most draconian. Even in the hotel bar-restaurant you will not be served anything containing even a drop of alcohol.

Prohibition is strictly enforced here. They catch a drunk tourist - the execution is guaranteed. According to the stories of knowledgeable people, only in Sharjah there is still punishment with canes. To make it not so painful and, in addition, the punishment has a pedagogical meaning, the performer does not hit with all his might, but holding the Koran under his arm. Nevertheless, Sharjah competes with Dubai in terms of popularity among tourists. Why is she attractive? First, the same draconian laws. Believe it or not, millions of people around the world do not associate a good rest with the obligatory bullying and subsequent adventures. They want silence, peace, comfort, good hotels and interesting places for walking. All this is present here. In addition, Sharjah is interesting for architecture - not western, like Abu Dhabi and Dubai, but eastern. Much has been preserved here from ancient times.

A walk along the pier of traditional Arab dhows, which are still sailing from the Gulf to India, Sri Lanka, Africa, is a separate pleasure. It does not matter that the goods are modern tires, refrigerators and so on. They load everything by hand, make noise, eat, swear, sleep... Without looking back at the skyscrapers, look at this colorful world of dhow - and you will feel that you have been transported to the times of Sinbad.

And when you remember that you haven’t bought anything for your relatives and friends yet, you will sit in a taxi and pronounce the password “trains” in Russian. The taxi driver will instantly take you to the central square of the city. There is the largest mosque in the local area, accommodating three thousand worshipers, and coveted shopping arcades that really look like two armored trains standing on sidings. There are vegetable and fish markets nearby, and if you want to be curious about what the depths of the Gulf are rich in, take the fish market before sunset, five or six hours in the afternoon.

Emirates monopoly

The smallest emirate is wildly popular with both tourists and the non-Muslim part of the resident population of the UAE. The thing is that he bears the title of "the most drunk." These, of course, are conventions - booze is not sold here on every corner, and prices are noticeably higher than in Moscow, but still, after all ... Many people have a question: is it difficult to come to Ajman for a couple of bottles from any neighboring emirate? Most, in general, do just that, but Ajman has only one neighboring emirates ... one - Sharjah! And the local police consider it a violation of anti-alcohol laws not only drinking and being intoxicated - it is enough that they find a sealed bottle in the car. Yes, and at Sharjah airport, the import of alcohol is completely prohibited. So if you find anything, the only consolation is that the Koran will be kept under your arm...

However, the hotels in Ajman, although few, are good, the beaches are excellent. It will be interesting for amateur shipbuilders to know that the famous dhows, which are still built according to centuries-old technology and covered exclusively with Indian teak wood, are born here. Here, for several centuries, there was a pearl trade, the secrets of which can be found in the museum. Shell divers were left without work because of the enterprising Japanese, who in the 30s developed the technology of domesticating pearl oysters and flooded the market with high-grade, but inexpensive pearls.

Fish with dates

Striving as before to the northeast along chic (and by Russian standards - so generally alien) roads, we find ourselves in Umm al-Qaiwain. There are few hotels. There are also few attractions. Pink flamingos nest on the island nearby. In the evenings, for vacationers, crab hunting is organized in shallow water. Fishing is traditionally developed here (there are still more fishing villages than hotels) and the cultivation of dates. There are more than thirty varieties of them, and in a week you can become a real connoisseur of this most revered fruit in the United Arab Emirates.

spa roulette

Like Umm al-Qaiwain, Ras al-Khaimah is one of the poorest emirates - there is no oil, like in Abu Dhabi, no gas, like in Sharjah, no bazaar with a huge turnover ... However, the climate here is a little milder - it affects the proximity of the mountains stretching along the coast of the Indian Ocean. In both emirates, outside the hotel, you can hardly find anything interesting, but when choosing a hotel, you can get a very good deal. There is nothing surprising here: these emirates are only being promoted as a resort area, so hotel owners sometimes set dumping prices.

"Foreign" exotic

The road to Fujairah, the only emirate that does not go to the Gulf, but lies entirely by the Indian Ocean, is cut through almost lifeless mountains. They are not very high - from the strength of one and a half thousand meters, but this is quite enough to create their own microclimate here.

The main disadvantage is that in the height of summer monsoons blow here, it is stormy. Again, the furthest from the capital and therefore everything looks quite provincial. But there are also pluses: the lowest prices for everyday goods and the best scuba diving in the Emirates.

However, there are not as many diving centers here as it could be with the absolutely incredible saturation of underwater life. This is one of the few places in the world where even a teapot diver can be guaranteed a shark encounter. Moreover, the shark will definitely be quite large (I was "given" a two-meter one) and not biting. I drove the poor fellow to exhaustion, trying to photograph her irresistible smile.

Here, corals are already found not in single twigs-bushes, as in the Gulf, but form full-fledged thickets. Accordingly, there is the entire near-coral assortment - the divine coloring of butterfly fish, moray eels, parrot fish. For those who are obsessed with the underwater world, a separate piece of advice - expect that there will be no super-clear water. And this means that when taking photos and videos, in most cases you will have to limit yourself to close-ups.

In the city of Korfakkan, I had a chance to encounter an unexpected service - a special scraper and a bottle of solvent are sure to be found on the beach.

Ask why? Scraping oil off your heels. After all, Fujairah is a large oil terminal, where oil from the mainland comes through the pipeline. However, if we put all the pluses of a holiday in Fujairah on one side of the scale, and the occasional black oil misunderstandings on the other, then the pluses will definitely outweigh. And I have not yet mentioned the waterfalls - you will not find such a miracle anywhere else in the Emirates.

Tired of the harsh climate, an increasing number of citizens seek to bask in the sun, regardless of the time of year. Looking for a destination, tourists choose an exotic country that surprisingly combines oriental traditions with high standards of service. Rest in attracts with exotic originality and developed infrastructure, allowing you to realize the dream of an oriental fairy tale.

The desire to visit the country of sheikhs today is easily realized. Snow-white sandy beaches, amazing skyscrapers, luxurious and giant shopping centers await tourists.

UAE: location and climate

The territory of 83.6 thousand square kilometers is located in the southeast coast of the Arabian Peninsula. The federal state borders on Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman and Qatar. Washed by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and two gulfs (Oman and Persian), the UAE delights vacationers with a subtropical climate. Warm and sunny on the exotic coast all year round. 20 degrees Celsius is the minimum air temperature. For those who can hardly stand the heat, a holiday in will be the best time to travel. Excellent weather and comfortable temperature will allow you to enjoy a useful pastime to the fullest.

And in the hot season, from May to September, favorable conditions are provided for vacationers on the territory of hotels. For the eastern coast of the mountainous regions of the country, in hot weather, saving winds soften the climate.

Planning a trip to the UAE? Prepare documents

Tourists going on a trip to the coast, where a young country with strict Muslim laws and sacred traditions is located, should take care of a visa. You can apply for a permit to enter the country on your own by contacting the UAE consulate, or trust the agency from which the ticket is purchased. Required documents for obtaining a visa:

a color photocopy of a valid international passport;

a completed application form in English;

color photographs;

· 80 US dollars as a consular fee.

For children who are inscribed in the parents' passport, you will not have to pay a visa fee. Documents are reviewed within three working days. The consulate may require additional documents, and employees also reserve the right not to explain the reason for the refusal to issue a visa. Special attention is paid to unmarried women, unaccompanied by relatives, who intend to enter the country.

If a visa is obtained, then when crossing the border, you must present a copy of it in electronic form, as well as a foreign passport.

Check out the entry rules

Tourists should be aware of the customs rules when traveling to Rest can be spoiled already when crossing the border, if the tourist is carrying erotic products, alcohol over two liters, drugs. They are attentive to imported medicines, so it is better to leave narcotic or potent sedatives at home, because for this you can go to jail or be deported from the country. Visual control identifies people with inappropriate behavior, who are required to undergo a test for the presence of inadmissible drugs, and if suspicions are confirmed, severe punishment follows, according to UAE law.

But there are no restrictions on the import of national and foreign currency.

7 emirates - choose any

An attractive place for tourists attracts holidaymakers all year round. The state represents a confederation of emirates, which includes Sharjah, Dubai, Ajman, Fujairah, Abu Dhabi, Umm Al Quwain and Ras Al Khaimah, each of which differs in size, originality, local laws, cost of recreation, infrastructure and attractions .

When choosing a vacation in the United Arab Emirates, people take a balanced approach to their financial capabilities, because on the tourist map of the world this direction is considered one of the most expensive options.

  • The largest in terms of area is Abu Dhabi, and the city of the same name is also the capital of the state. This emirate is focused on business tourists. Everything here strikes with luxury, incredible skyscrapers and man-made islands are worthy of admiration.
  • Dubai - the second largest emirate is distinguished by liberality. Vacationers with different levels of income will be able to relax in both luxury hotels and budget hotels. Anyone can climb the tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa (828 m) or the record-breaking Rose Tower (333 m). Skiing on ski slopes of any complexity in an indoor ski resort that operates all year round, or entertainment in giant water parks measuring 17 and 6 hectares in size will leave an indelible impression for those who have visited the United Arab Emirates. Dubai, the rest in which will enrich the impressions, attracts with the palaces of the sheikhs.
  • To visit the emirate of Sharjah means to visit the coast of the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf at the same time. Most often, tourists are attracted by gentle waves and golden sand, because it is precisely such associations that the United Arab Emirates go on vacation. The 4 * hotel is a mid-range beach hotel, which is most often chosen by tourists who prefer peace and comfort.
  • The delightful greenery of the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah captivates with its exquisite design. The most beautiful place is washed by the gentle waves of the Persian Gulf. The picturesque landscape is attractive for tourists.
  • Umm Al Quwain is considered the quietest and most provincial emirate, which attracts tourists with architectural monuments. The way of life and national traditions of local residents are preserved here.
  • In Fujairah, tourists prefer to relax, avoiding large crowds. Resort areas are attractive for fans of beach holidays and mountain climbing. Hotels attract food on an all-inclusive basis.
  • The smallest emirate of Ajman, located half an hour from Dubai Airport, is rich in mineral water, which provides the countries of the Persian Gulf. Here, tourists are happy to visit the National Historical Museum.

The mentality of the locals

Before traveling to another country, it will not be superfluous to first familiarize yourself with its national characteristics. An unceremonious attitude towards a woman (foreigner or local - it doesn't matter) is unacceptable here, which cannot be said about Egypt or Turkey.

Tourists from all over the world strive to get a quality vacation in the United Arab Emirates, but in order not to overshadow the trip, you should follow the rules:

· in a country with strict Muslim customs, there is a "dry law", and in public places it is better to abstain from alcohol;

It is forbidden to transport strong drinks from one emirate to another;

alcohol as a gift is a bad sign;

You can not sunbathe topless, only in a bathing suit, outside the pool or the beach it is also not recommended to be in it;

Show respect for Arab women (photographing them is tantamount to insulting, it is forbidden to take a married woman by the arm);

· at the entrance to the house, the mosque must take off your shoes;

Always tip taxi drivers.

beach tourism

Each emirate has a different color of sand on the coast (from dazzling white to shades of red). Well-maintained and clean beaches attract tourists. The territory is equipped for a comfortable pastime with sunbeds and umbrellas for sunbathing. City beaches can be both paid and free. The territory is also provided for family recreation. The coast of Abu Dhabi is marked with the EU flag for cleanliness.

In Dubai, on the beaches of Al Mamzar Park and Jumeirah Beach Park, one day of the week is considered female, so the presence of men is prohibited.

Water sports enthusiasts should visit the coastline of Fujairah. A beach holiday in Sharjah will captivate with picturesque views of coral reefs and amazing blue bays. On a yacht, you can visit deserted places, the pristine beauty of which will leave an indelible impression.

United Arab Emirates: holidays with children

Not only business tourism attracts to the actively developing eastern country. Enthusiasm and a sea of ​​positive emotions guarantee tourists a vacation in the United Arab Emirates.

Feedback from families who visited the exotic region can only be heard positive. A long history and high technologies are intertwined here. Vacationers appreciated the ban on alcohol in Sharjah, where peace is guaranteed for families with children, and they also like the quiet emirate of Ras Al Khaimah with the wonderful Dreamland water park. A friendly attitude towards Russian-speaking tourists makes holidays in the United Arab Emirates more popular every year. And tourists are provided with safety and comfort on the Arabian coast.

Prefer an active holiday?

Tourists who are tired of swimming and serene wallowing in the sun will be able to gain new impressions.

An exciting program is provided for fans of active pastime, making your vacation in the United Arab Emirates unforgettable. The reviews are impressive, because not every country will offer such a variety:

rally in the desert on cars;

Walking on camels or horses;

windsurfing, golf, diving, archery;

races on speed boats;

races on purebred Arabian horses;

camel races;

catching crabs under the cover of night;

falconry or "Birds of Prey Show".

Vehicles in the country

It is customary to use a taxi in the UAE, because public transport is poorly developed. For women, cars are provided, painted in pink, where only women work as drivers. The fare is five - ten dirhams, in the bus - 1.5. There is also a water taxi (boats - "abras"), providing communication between the banks of the Dubai Canal.

Tourists over the age of 21 can rent a car. This requires an international driving license issued more than a year ago. Insurance is required. The minimum rental period is a day. A rental car is most often equipped with a siren that warns of speeding. It is permissible to move on motorways 100 km/h in settlements - no more than 60 km/h.

Hotel fund of the country

Settle in the city or on the beach? Tourists decide this issue based on individual preferences. The United Arab Emirates are famous for their developed infrastructure. Rest hotels guarantee impeccable. Luxurious apartments are offered to tourists on the coast of Dubai, in the prestigious areas of Jumeirah, Sharjah, where the cost of rooms is very high. In Abu Dhabi, buildings are located on the coast, because there is not enough land, the beach line is narrow because of this, which reduces the cost of living. Ajman has a weak hotel base, therefore it is attractive for a budget tourist. In Fujairah, food is established that allows you not to worry about lunch and dinner, because in most other emirates only breakfast is provided for the guest in the hotel.

Tourists who cannot stand the heat are advised to go on vacation in the spring. In the United Arab Emirates in April, the temperature is very comfortable, allowing you to fully enjoy the trip. Each of the hotels has a swimming pool, where guests enjoy relaxing. Almost all city hotels offer a free shuttle service to the beach.

Shopping fans will not be disappointed

A unique country attracts tourists with sales with great discounts. Low duties and favorable laws have made the UAE attractive for vacationers seeking not only to update their wardrobe, but also household appliances, electronics, computers, and jewelry. Holidays in January allow you to purchase new world brands at the annual shopping festival in Dubai.

It is difficult to name a well-known brand that is not represented in the range of goods sold at an affordable price. New Year's tours are not so good for beach lovers, but for fans of sightseeing trips, great prospects open up.

Features of national cuisine

Due to the prevailing religious characteristics, pork in the diet of local residents is unacceptable. Arabic cuisine abounds with various types of meat. Tourists in the menu of the hotel's restaurant will be offered dishes of beef, veal, lamb, goat meat or poultry. Cooked with spices or nuts, guzi, shawarma, kustilet, kebe, meshui-mushakkal, biryani-adzhadzh, saman will delight hotel guests. Seafood fans will be surprised by makbus-samak, biryani-samak, zubeidi, sharks and shellfish cooked on charcoal. Dairy products, vegetables, herbs in grape leaves will be appreciated by vegetarians.

Traditional Arabian will amaze gourmets. And those with a sweet tooth will like pistachio or milk pudding, sherbet, Asyda dessert.

Each hotel is proud of its chef, who adequately represents the national cuisine in the menu of his restaurant.

Currency and language of the UAE

They are spoken in the country in Arabic and English. The influx of Russian-speaking tourists is forcing employees of hotels, restaurants, shops to learn the language of the Slavs. In most hotel complexes, the staff owns the necessary set of phrases that contribute to the understanding of tourists.

Dirham is the national currency of the UAE, it is equal to 100 fils. US dollars are also actively used for settlements, but it is better to exchange them at a bank for local currency.

The cost of a ticket to the country of oriental charm depends on the time of year, the location of the resort, the star rating of the hotel, and the class of service. Although it is believed that a tour to the UAE is an expensive pleasure, you can buy it if you wish. It is real today to choose an option for a budget or elite vacation in a magical land.

The UAE is one of the richest countries in the world. According to Forbes, the country ranks sixth in this indicator. And, despite this, the tourism sector of the United Arab Emirates continues to develop, dozens and hundreds of new hotels, numerous entertainment complexes for tourists appear every year.

And the answer to the question of where it is better to relax in depends on what exactly you expect from the rest.

Where are the best beaches in the UAE?

White sand beaches, picturesque nature and excellent infrastructure - this is what travelers can enjoy in the United Arab Emirates.

In Dubai the most spectacular beaches are in the Jumeirah area. These are islands that resemble palm trees in outline, and they were created not by nature, but by people, so, one might say, they are works of art. Here you will find an idyllic vacation and a lot of new sensations.

Attracts urban beach, on the territory of which there are paid and public areas. A separate place is reserved for small children, so families often come here. The beach is attractive because there are many options for recreation: on the sand, in the shade of trees, and on the grass ...

Holidays in the UAE for lovers of vivid impressions

If you want to relax so that you are overwhelmed with emotions, then you just need to go to. It is a city of contrasts with huge skyscrapers, six-star hotels and two of the tallest buildings in the world. In addition, this is the most loyal of all the emirates, so you should not be afraid to break some oriental tradition here.

Where is the best place for lovers of history to relax?

If you want to get acquainted with the historical sights and traditions of the UAE, then you should go to Sharjah. This city - the capital of the eponymous emirate - is located just 15 minutes from Dubai. Muslim traditions and customs are sacredly honored here, so travelers can plunge headlong into the true life of the East.

In Sharjah, you can’t drink alcohol in public places, walk bare-chested and bare-legged, but there are many interesting places that tourists should visit. Heritage Eria is considered to be the most beautiful part of the city, where the villa of the Sultan ibn Sakra al Qasim is located. Nearby is the eastern market of Souq al-Azra. Another important attraction is the fountain that spouts directly from the bay. It is the third fountain in the world in terms of the height of the jets. There are many museums in the city, so you won't be bored.

Where is the cheapest vacation in the UAE?

Everyone knows that the United Arab Emirates is far from the cheapest country, including for tourists. If you want to save money on a trip, you can choose - the smallest emirate in which there are no oil fields, but rest here can give wellness procedures in mineral springs. From here you can go on excursions to different parts of the country, trips to the Square Watchtower are especially popular. In the main city there is a fort, which houses the rooms of the National Historical Museum, and the old sheikh's palace.

Where is the best place to relax in the UAE with children?

We can say that the United Arab Emirates is a great place for a family vacation. The infrastructure is well developed here, and the cleanliness of the beaches is constantly monitored.

First of all, for a trip with children, it is worth recommending Dubai where the children's playground is located. It includes several exhibition halls, including those dedicated to marine fauna and astronautics. In addition, there is a planetarium, a theater, various attractions.

There are several water parks in Dubai that will appeal to both children and adults. Worth mentioning are Wonderland and Wild Wadi.

Children's rest in Sharjah is also attractive, primarily due to the Arabia Wildlife Zoo. Here you can see panthers, Nubian ibex, baboons, flamingos, etc.

The answer to the question of where it is better to relax in the UAE should be given based on several criteria: with whom, when and for what purpose you are going to this country. In addition, an important role is played by the budget that you are willing to spend on the trip.


The largest resort in the Emirates, having an ancient unique history, the center of the "black gold" (oil) industry, an oasis in the middle of the desert, replete with fountains and interesting buildings of various directions of architecture. parks Abu Dhabi wonder how good, 90 amazing fountains in the middle of the desert is a challenge to nature. No wonder this resort is called a park city. With the general shortage of water in the country, Abu Dhabi looks truly like an earthly paradise, and you will be surprised at such a fantastic natural paradox. However, tourists come here just to be surprised. Such luxury, chic, wealth, impeccable service, architectural extravaganza and year-round beach eden, like in Abu Dhabi, cause delight and are remembered for a lifetime.
The pride of Abu Dhabi is trendy skyscrapers and comfortable modern hotels, where active life takes place day and night, as entertainment complexes, sports clubs and well-maintained beaches are concentrated here.

Welcome to the Family Park or Water Park in Abu Dhabi, where there are plenty of exciting activities for both adults and toddlers.
The cosmopolitan resort of Abu Dhabi is a synergy of luxury, an oriental fairy tale and a fashionable beach holiday, and you definitely need to visit it at least once in your life.

The third largest resort of the Emirates and the cultural center of the country, because the most important historical and architectural monuments of the Emirates are concentrated here, it is not for nothing that UNESCO included Sharjah in the list of the greatest capitals of the globe. Therefore, in order to combine a beach holiday with knowledge of the history of the UAE and acquaintance with the Arab masterpieces of ancient architecture, you need to go to Sharjah. By the way, this emirate is the only one washed by the waters of both the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf, and for a beach holiday destination it is a great temptation. In this regard, many tourists cannot deny themselves a beach holiday in Sharjah, even despite the strict "dry law" (alcohol is not sold even in hotels) and local severe religious customs. Meanwhile, these inconveniences are covered by attractive prices for tours to Sharjah, as you know, holidays here are financially more profitable than in other emirates.

The most popular beaches of Sharjah: Al Khan and Al Corniche, clean, comfortable, surrounded by palm trees, with impeccable service and gentle warm waves.
When you've enjoyed your beach holiday, switch to Al Jazeera Park and then admire the Sharjah National Park, where 63 hectares of green Arabian Eden is spread over 63 hectares - with ponds, barbecue areas, playgrounds, cafes with picturesque terraces, attractions and the famous "tunnel fear." The main highlight of the Sharjah National Park is a miniature of the emirate, made in an interactive style. Holidays in the resort of Sharjah are full of exotic surprises, cultural monuments and delight from beach activities.

A young resort of amazing beauty on the coast of the Indian Ocean, quiet, green, replete with mountains, waterfalls, mineral springs and wonderful beaches on the coast of the Gulf of Oman.
Fujairah is considered the best place for diving. Veteran diving fans gather here, but beginners will always find a place "on the bench" in local diving schools. So, if you have never been under water, but passionately dream about it, welcome to Fujairah. Another local "trick" is bullfights, which are held on Fridays on the city's waterfront.

A beach holiday in Fujairah is recommended to be combined with a visit to the healing springs that the emirate is famous for: the hot spring of Ain Al-Ghamur, which arose on the site of an old volcano and a spring in the Gardens of Ain Al-Madhab. Sulfur baths on Ain Al-Ghamur cure many diseases and restore beauty to the body, and several luxurious hotels operate on the territory of the famous Gardens. As you can see, the Fujairah resort is unique, because here you can combine a beach holiday with treatment and SPA procedures.

Umm Al Kuwait

A tiny resort in the United Arab Emirates, occupying only 1% of the country's territory. Umm Al Kuwait famous for its giant date garden surrounded by picturesque dunes. Local beaches are a godsend for lovers of windsurfing and yachting. This Arabian resort is home to the largest and most famous Nautical Club in the UAE, as well as the legendary Riding Academy. Looking for an adrenaline rush? Then you are in Umm Al Kuwait! After an active holiday, you can taste the charm of a beach holiday. The coastline of the resort is indented and therefore there are many wonderful cozy lagoons on the beaches, where it is so nice to hide from prying eyes, especially if you are a romantic couple on a honeymoon.

The most northern, but the most fertile resort in the country, located on both sides of the bay and connected by a bridge. In ancient times, here was the city of Julfar, which became famous as a pearl trade center. Tourists have not yet fully figured out all the delights of Ras Al Khaimah, but those who have been here once dream of returning again. The fact is that the dense approach of the mountains to the coast creates a special mild climate in this resort, thanks to which the region has lush natural vegetation unusual for the emirates. When you relax on the beaches of Ras Al Khaimah, immersed in greenery, you get the impression that you are on a fabulous island.


Ajman is the only emirate that does not have oil fields, but it is famous for the production of single-masted dhows. The area of ​​​​Ajman is small, out of 600 kilometers of coastline common to the emirates, Ajman owns only 8, but the sand here is snow-white. The presence of mineral springs, comfortable beaches, shopping malls, museums and architectural monuments make Ajman

The quiet, cozy provincial resort of Korfakkan adorns the eastern part of the emirates and is famous for fishing, diving, palm thickets and strawberry plantations. Fishermen from all over the world come here to "hunt" the royal fish, tuna and sea bass and even see sharks. Meanwhile, there is no special entertainment in the city itself, except that you can take a walk in the local green Corniche park, try to see the ruins of ancient houses hidden under the water surface of the Rifais dam, admire the main architectural pride of the resort - the Palace of the Ruler, located on a hill, wander through souvenir shops and taste Arabic cuisine in colorful coastal restaurants. Inveterate fishermen come to rest, striving for the exotic, and sedate couples who value silence, uncrowded beaches and pristine nature.

Whether you are heading to the UAE as a family, solo, youth company or a romantic couple, this amazing country has a place for everyone, as any of the resorts in the emirates will satisfy your expectations in terms of weather, conditions and service.

Most tourists believe that holidays in all resort areas located within the same country will be absolutely equivalent. However, this opinion may be objective for most warm states, but it is erroneous in relation to the United Arab Emirates. Each emirate welcomes its guests in its own way and provides them with its own unique advantages. That is why, going on the road, travelers ask themselves the question: "?".

Maybe it's better to relax in Dubai?

Dubai has been the most popular holiday destination for foreigners for a long time. Its distinguishing feature is that legal relations here are regulated by the most secular legislation, which makes it extremely popular. Clean beaches, warm water, lots of entertainment and a huge shopping space - all this is in Dubai.

Abu Dhabi for the best vacation

The proud and beautiful capital of Abu Dhabi is perhaps the second most popular tourist destination in the UAE. A huge number of attractions, chic fountains, beautiful embankments and residences of the rulers turn the rest into a continuous excursion. Here, modernity and color, business charm and relaxing idleness intertwine in an amazing way. No wonder this city is called the Arab Manhattan.

Holidays in Sharjah

Sharjah is distinguished by the most severe rules. Strict prohibition, appearance control and many other minor restrictions sometimes scare foreign guests. However, this is where the best beaches in the UAE are located. The most famous museums, traditional Arabic architecture, dozens of historically valuable places, beautiful fountains and a large number of parks where you can walk around are also an undeniable advantage of this emirate.

For those who prefer peace and quiet, it is best to relax in Ajman. This is the quietest resort in the UAE. Everything is in moderation here: a small number of shops, museums and entertainment.

Ras Al Khaimah

The main feature of the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah is the presence of lush and beautiful flora, which is so pleasing to the eye. There are also famous thermal springs that are popular with tourists.


Fujairah is located on the picturesque shores of the Gulf of Oman. This is just a piece of paradise for those who love to exercise. The richness of the underwater world of this resort area can strike anyone on the spot. Among other "chips" of the emirate, it is worth noting bullfights and the Friday market.

Umm Al Quwain

The perfect beach holiday can be obtained by heading to Umm Al Quwain. Also, camel races are held on its territory - quite an interesting and exciting spectacle.

It is very difficult to make a choice in favor of this or that place and decide Where is the best place to stay in the UAE?. Each of the emirates is attractive and interesting in its own way. But going to the UAE, it is worth remembering that no matter where in the country you go, you are provided with a luxurious and memorable vacation that will give you a lot of pleasant moments and emotions.