How to register in a contact without a phone number. How to create a fake page in VK without a phone number? How to register another account in VK

The audience of the social network Vkontakte is growing every day. However, not all pages hosted on this resource are real. There are a large number of people who want to have an additional account for business or personal purposes. Today we will talk about how to register in a contact without a phone number and what confirmation of an account via SMS gives.

Why do I need confirmation of VK registration via SMS

Until 2012, there was a workaround - you could register on the site, with only email. However, this freedom led to a huge number of fake and fraudulent accounts, which created a large load on the server and interfered with free communication on the social network.

At the moment, the activity in the profile goes through the phone. The risk of fraudulent schemes with theft of the page has decreased several times. You can track who and where went to the profile. In addition, linking to the phone is a guarantee of the smooth operation of the mobile version of VK.

How to register on a social network without a phone

Although developers are trying to make it as difficult as possible to register fake pages, there is still such an opportunity. We counted four current methods that allow you to join a virtual network via fake page.

We create two pages for one phone number

How it works? Suppose you have a main page that fully matches your personality, but you really want to create a fake account. Leave your page, register a new one - with the necessary data, photos and interests. At the end of registration, the system will ask you for a phone number to which you can send a verification code. You have such a phone. Enter the received code in the required field and that's it - the page can be used!

Now go back to your main account. The system will ask you for a phone number - and you will again you can enter your numbers.

someone else's number

You can follow a simple path - to register a VK, purchase an additional SIM card. This option is good for those who need only one additional page and have the opportunity to communicate regularly on the second SIM card so that it is not blocked.

If there are people in the circle who categorically do not welcome social networks, you can ask for a phone from them. However, if you don’t want to either buy a SIM card or ask your friends for it, you can always register through a landline phone (if you still have it). To do this, enter 11 digit number in the required field and request a code. There is no display on a landline phone, so an automatic program will call you and dictate the required code. In this option, you can register any number of additional pages in a contact.

Login with Facebook

Although Vkontakte is the Russian-language version of Facebook, its owners are actively seeking to capture the audience of their older brother. For foreigners, a wonderful opportunity is provided to enter the site using a Facebook account.

Is it possible for a resident of Russia to use this opportunity? Of course yes. But for this you have to cheat a little and enter the site through the Anonymizer. We are offering to you some popular sites:

  1. "Chameleon":

By clicking on the desired social network, we open a welcome window with the option “register with Facebook”. And to register in a foreign social network, only e-mail is needed, so this option is very convenient for those who want to get a large number of fake pages.

Registration via virtual number

Another interesting way for those who want to get an additional page without bothering to search additional SIM cards or changing the ip-address. On the Internet, you can find several resources that allow you to receive SMS to a virtual number without having to buy and insert a SIM card into your phone. Here are the most popular ones:


We advise you to choose those sites that are focused on residents of Russia - otherwise you may receive an American phone number.

How to work with these systems? Selecting the desired site Sign up via email and buy the option to rent one of the virtual numbers. It is quite inexpensive.

Now enter the rented number in the required field and wait for the system to process your application and send an SMS code. It will be displayed on the screen of your monitor and by copying it, you can finally register a new page.

Summing up

Creating a page without confirming a phone number is quite realistic if you know a few tricks. The disadvantage of these methods is that if you lose access to the page (for example, if it is blocked for spam), it will not be easy to restore it.

Choosing any of the methods, you must decide for yourself whether you need only one additional page or whether you want to create multiple fake accounts. Are you ready to pay for access to a virtual number or suffer inconvenience due to the need to constantly re-register two pages recorded on one mobile?

Registering a new VKontakte user is a simple and fairly quick matter. We will see this clearly now. First, we need to drive in the site address in the search bar and go to the main page of the site. Since you are not yet registered on the social network, you will open in front of you, on the left side of which there is such a window:

Those who register with VK for the first time need to. If you were registered, then simply enter your login (phone or e-mail) and password in the fields above and go to VK. We have a short and simple procedure ahead of us.

1. So, we pressed the button - a page called “Instant Registration” opened.

2. Here, in the fields “Your name” and “Your last name”, you must enter the first name and last name, and below fill in “ “, selecting the day, month and year of the “sad” holiday from the drop-down list. I don't think it's hard, just a matter of minutes. You don't need to explain anything either. When done, click "Register". In the next window, you need to confirm the action - for this, in the "Mobile phone" field, you need to enter your number.

Try to give the number that you use constantly! It happens that you can be hacked, and urgently needed. Do not use the number of your grandmother or other distant relatives. In general, do not be afraid to indicate your phone number. This is a normal security measure during registration, and it has been in place for a long time.

3. We hammer in the number and click "Get Code". Now all the pages on VKontakte are tied to a mobile phone number, do not be afraid. The number is indicated in order for the code necessary to create a new user to come to it. The “Confirmation Code” field will become available, and a combination of several numbers will be sent to the mobile phone in SMS.

Enter the received numbers and click "Send Code". If everything is done correctly, then the “Password” field will become available to you. If you made a mistake, you will see a red message:

4. So the code is entered correctly. Now we need come up with a password. We come up with something more complicated so that attackers cannot hack you (it is recommended to use at least 6 characters, and that it consists of letters of different case and numbers). When entering a password, you will be shown the level of its complexity. Then press .

Filling in basic data about a new VKontakte user

So, we can say that the registration of a new user on VKontakte is almost completed. Soon you will be able to use all . You need to do a little - then you will fill in the basic information about the new user - that is, about you. On the next page, you will be prompted to set a photo (avatar), which will be displayed in your personal profile and when.

1. So, under the girl in a circle, we press “Upload a photo”. A window will open where you can upload a graphic file from your computer or take a snapshot if your device has a camera. We will upload a photo from a folder on the computer. Naturally, before this photo you need to prepare (take a photo or find a picture you like on the Internet). I found a picture on the internet. Next - “Select File”, and find the desired picture on our computer.

Now in the “Photo on page” window we see our avatar. Save.

2. On the next two windows, we will assign the ava area, which will be displayed on the main page, in news, private messages and comments. The main photo always displays a larger photo, in messages and comments - a thumbnail. We can select an area by dragging the white squares along the border of the photo. When the display area is marked, click “Save and continue”. Next, set the area for thumbnails - for this, hover over the photo. When it turns into an arrow-cross, and move the area as you like. When you decide on the display area of ​​the thumbnail, save the changes.

3. Then it remains to take the last step - indicate where you are from (country and city) and indicate the university where you studied. This is done so that you can be easier (or maybe former classmates, etc.). In the window, select the country in the drop-down list, then the city in the drop-down list. Next, the choice of the university will become available. Generally, it is optional to fill in, but we will fill in all the fields. When you choose a university, you can put the date of graduation and the faculty where you studied. Choose from the lists you need and save.

Congratulations, VKontakte registration is completed!

So, the main manipulations are finished, and you get to your profile page. Here you can exhale - now we have created a new user of the social network "Vkontakte". Now you are convinced that registering with VK is a simple matter and does not take much time. So far, our profile is empty, it does not contain any information other than what we entered when creating a new user. We can see here our avatar, the user's first name and last name and the information specified when creating the page. By default, they are collapsed, and to view the full information, you must click on the text “Show detailed information”. We can also see our photo and an empty one, on which there is no record yet. When you first visit the created page, you will be shown hints about sections and design elements.

Click the "Register" button and proceed to create a new user. On the new page, you need to enter the first and last name, add a photo and indicate the gender. We do what is asked of us.

On the third page, you need to confirm the actions - just like when registering from a computer. The rest of the steps when creating a new page from a smartphone are no different from registering from a computer.

Well, the next step is and. Read other articles on the blog - now we will learn how to fill out a profile and set the necessary settings.

The popular social network Vkontakte tightened the rules for registering accounts several years ago. Now, in order to create a page, the user must provide a valid mobile phone number, which will subsequently receive a message with a code.

Only after entering the received digital value will it be possible to create an account and use it. However, there are a number of effective ways how to register in a contact without a phone number. I will talk about them in more detail in this article.

1. How to register in VK without a phone

Registration of "Vkontakte" takes place according to a certain template, and the main step is linking to the user's mobile phone number. It is not possible to skip it, because otherwise it will not be possible to start the page.

But the system can be fooled, and there are at least two ways to do this:

  • use of a virtual number;
  • indication of a valid page on Facebook.

Each of the listed registration options provides for a specific algorithm of actions, by completing which you can count on the quick creation of an account and access to all options of the Vkontakte social network.

1.1. Registration in VK using a virtual number

You can go through the registration procedure in social networks using a virtual number for receiving SMS. To do this, it is best to use the recognized international Pinger service (the address of the official website is

Step-by-step registration in the service is as follows:

1. We go to the site, select "TEXTFREE" in the upper right corner of the options screen.

3. We go through a simple registration procedure in the service by first pressing the virtual “Sign Up” button. In the window that appears, specify the login, password, age, gender, email address, the highlighted letter abbreviation (“captcha”).

4. If all the previous steps are performed correctly, click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the screen, after which a window with several phone numbers will appear. Choose the number you like.

5. After pressing the arrow, a window will appear in which the received messages will be displayed.

It is always possible to view the selected virtual phone number in the "Options" tab. When registering in VK using the method in question, enter the USA in the country selection field (the international code of this country starts with “+1”). Next, enter a virtual mobile number and get a registration confirmation code on it. Subsequently, an account in Pinger may be needed if you lose your password, so you should not lose access to the service.

At the moment, creating an account using the virtual number service is considered one of the most efficient and effective methods of registering on social networks. Its main advantage compared to other options was anonymity, because a virtual phone number cannot be traced or proven to be used by a specific person. At the same time, the main disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of restoring access to the page in case of loss of access to Pinger.

IMPORTANT! Many Internet users have difficulties with the registration procedure in foreign virtual telephony services. This is due to the fact that many providers block such resources in order to prevent illegal actions on the World Wide Web. In order to avoid blocking, there are several options, the main of which is to change the IP address of the computer to a foreign one. In addition, you can use anonymizers, such as the Tor browser or the ZenMate plugin.

If you're having trouble using Pinger, there are a huge number of services on the Internet that provide virtual phone numbers (for example, Twilio, TextNow,, etc.). A number of similar paid services are also actively developing, with a simplified registration procedure. All this suggests that virtual telephony has solved the problem for many users of how to register in VK without a (real) number.

1.2. Registration in VK via Facebook

The social network "Vkontakte" is one of the most advertised Russian sites, which is in demand far beyond the borders of the Russian Federation. The desire of the owners of this resource to cooperate with other world-famous social networks, in particular with Facebook, is quite justified. As a result, the owners of the page in the mentioned service have the possibility of simplified registration of Vkontakte. For those who do not want to "shine" their data, this is a unique chance to register in VK without a phone and deceive the system.

The algorithm of actions here is quite simple and the first thing to do is to use an anonymizer. It is best to go to the Chameleon service, since on the start page there are already links to all social networks or dating sites that are popular in Russia. This resource allows you to access pages in Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Mamba, even if they are blocked by the site administration.

Many will have a completely natural question why you need to use anonymizers. The social network "Vkontakte" automatically recognizes from which country you entered the registration page. The registration procedure for residents of Russia and most countries of the post-Soviet space looks something like this:

And this is how the same page looks, but if you go to it outside the Russian Federation:

There is an inconspicuous button in the lower right corner of the screen. Login with Facebook. We click on it, after which the window for entering the email address and password is instantly displayed:

After filling in the fields, you will go to your own Vkontakte page, which you can later edit at your discretion. To implement the presented method, a Facebook page is required, but the procedure for creating an account in it does not require the mandatory entry of a mobile phone number (only an email box). Facebook registration is one of the most understandable, as a result of which it will not cause any particular difficulties even for an unprepared computer user.

According to the latest rumors, the foreign analogue of Vkontakte is going to tighten the rules for using the resource, so the described method may soon become outdated. But while Facebook remains an accessible way, how to register in VK through mail without a phone number. Its advantages are quite obvious - anonymity and simplicity. It also takes a minimum of time to create a page, especially if you already have a Facebook account. The method has only one minus: it lies in the impossibility of recovering data lost by the user (password for logging in to the account).

1.3. Registration in VK via mail

Many users are concerned about how to register in VK through mail. Previously, one e-mail was enough to create an account, but since 2012, the management of the social network has introduced a mandatory rule for linking to a mobile phone. Now, before specifying an email address, a window pops up asking you to enter a mobile number, which will receive a message with a personal code within 1-2 minutes.

Previously, many users indicated a landline 11-digit number instead of a mobile phone, launched the “Let the robot call” function, and then created a page using the code suggested by the computer. The main advantage of this method was the ability to register Vkontakte for free and an unlimited number of times. In practice, it turned out that an infinite number of pages were registered on the same landline number, from which they sent spam, offensive messages or threats. Due to user complaints, the administration of the social network was forced to abandon the option of creating an account through landline phones, leaving the ability to receive a code only in mobile networks.

Whoever claims anything today registration in VK through mail without a mobile phone number is unrealistic. At the same time, full access should be provided to the electronic box, since with its help there is an additional opportunity to recover a lost password or receive up-to-date news about innovations in a social network. Email may also be needed when a page is hacked. After sending a corresponding request to the technical support service, a letter with instructions on how to restore access will be promptly sent to the mailbox.

Summing up, it should be noted that the topic of how to register Vkontakte for free, without a real mobile phone number and entering personal information is rapidly gaining momentum. Increasingly, hundreds of programs for hacking or bypassing established registration rules appear on the Internet. Most of them are spam or malicious viruses that are not useful in solving the problem. The VK administration is making great efforts to reduce the number of fake accounts and protect its users. As a result, only the two listed methods of creating pages without specifying a personal phone number are considered effective.

If you know other options on how to register in VK without a number, write in the comments!

A few years ago, the social network VKontakte introduced new rules, and now, in order to create your own VKontakte page, you must pass confirmation by SMS. In this article I will tell you how you can get around this and create a page in VK without a phone number.

How to register in VK without a phone number for free:

In order to create a VK account for ourselves, we will use a service that gives temporary phone numbers. There are many such services. I will consider a free service - I must say right away that often VK does not accept numbers from free services - if you want to register a page 100%, you will have to use the paid method, which is described at the bottom of the article.

1) Follow the link to
2) In the upper right corner, click "Sing Up Free".
3) Fill in all the fields for registration as shown in the picture below (you can enter any data, the main thing is a real mailbox):

4) Then you will be asked to enter the country code - enter any you know (or look in Google):

5) After that, you will be given your phone number:

Use this number when creating a VKontakte account. An SMS with an activation code will be sent to your account on the service.

How to register in VK without a phone number for a fee:

And now, the paid way. In principle, it is not much different from the previous one - you will also need to get a phone number on a special service, only this time it will cost 15 rubles, which of course is not so much, but still. But this method is 100% working, because. the service creates numbers specifically for registering Vkontakte accounts - so there will definitely be no problems.

And so, let's get started:
1) First of all, follow the link - and register.
2) Once in your account, you will immediately see the services available for receiving SMS, among which there is VKontakte:

3) As you can see, getting a number for registering a VK costs 15 rubles - accordingly, you first need to replenish the balance. To do this, in the upper right corner of your account, click "Balance" and select replenish. Then replenish the balance by 15 rubles in any way convenient for you.

4) After replenishing the balance, click on "15r" opposite the inscription VKontakte and you will be given a number for registering VK.

5) Use this number to register VK. The code that came in SMS for activation will be shown in the account on the right under the number.

That's how easy it is to create a VKontakte page without a phone number.

If you have any questions, then ask in the comments.

Good day to all. Not so long ago, we reviewed the registration process on the Odnoklassniki social network. You will find more details about this. Today we will see how to register in one of the most popular social network - Vkontakte. This network is very popular among Internet users. With its help, you can meet new people, learn a lot of interesting things about your friends, relatives, acquaintances, etc., find people with whom you were on vacation, sat at the same desk. Today we will talk about how to create a Vkontakte account.

In order to register in this social network you will need: a computer, tablet, laptop, smartphone. Also your cell phone number. Because registration is tied to your phone number. One account can only be created for one phone number.

A little help.

How to register in Vkontakte.

To create a new account in this social network, go to the main page, where we are immediately offered instant registration.

Enter your first and last name. Click Register.

After that, a field will appear for specifying your field. Specify and click Register again

This number should receive an SMS message with a code consisting of 5 digits. Enter it and press " Submit Code»

If the code is entered correctly, then a field for entering the password for entering the social network will appear below. Try to create a complex password. The indicator below the field will tell you how complex your password is. After that press " Sign in».

First, you will be asked to enter the city and number of your school in order to search for possible classmates, friends or girlfriends from school. After you have entered the school number and year of graduation, your possible friends will appear below. See if you can find someone you know, friends. To add a suggested contact as a friend, click the " Add as Friend". Then we move on to the next step - the search for your classmates.

Here we indicate the name of the university, years of study and we will also be offered prospective friends. Move on.

This is how our page on the social network Vkontakte looks like after creation. Empty. Let's fill it up little by little. First, we are offered to set our photo. To do this, click the button " Choose photo". It must be prepared for you. Select it and set it as the main photo. Then gradually, step by step, we fill other sections with our information.

In order to edit your data, change your first and last name, click on the link at the top " Edit Information»

We get to the editing page. On the General tab, we change or add basic information: date of birth, children, marital status, etc. Then we go to other tabs and fill in everything with our data in the same way. Try to include as much information about yourself as possible so that your friends can find you faster.

How to link an email address to your account

In order to link an email address to your page, go to ""

Go to the settings page, go down a little lower.

Here we can change the current password, copy the link to our page, which may come in handy when.

Enter your email address in the appropriate field and click " Save address».

To continue the operation, enter the current password from our page.

After that, a letter will be sent to the specified address with a link to complete the binding of the email address. We click on it.

And we receive a notification about the successful binding of the email address to our Vkontakte account.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments.

That's all for today. We have become a real user of the social network VKontakte. Good luck and good mood!

A married couple is a good match if both partners usually feel the need to fight at the same time.