How to replace dairy products: advice and recommendations from leading experts. How to replace milk and where to get calcium? How to replace dairy products with adults

In order to deprive milk of all the shortcomings, namely, to make it hypoallergenic, lactose-free and not offending the self-consciousness of cows and other "dairy" animals, it will be necessary to completely change its essence. From an animal product to turn into a vegetable. Yes, it will be a completely different drink, but who said that it would be bad? Plant-based milk has been drunk all over the world for thousands of years.

Soy milk

This is not milk, of course, but a drink made from soybeans. They are soaked, crushed, heated, and then passed through a filter. Cheap, affordable and the most popular substitute for traditional milk. The taste, of course, is specific, but the nutritional properties are very similar. Protein, though vegetable, and iron - more than in cow, less fat, cholesterol and lactose are not at all. Of the shortcomings - little calcium and B vitamins, especially B12.

Soy milk is sold in bags or as a powder, often fortified with vitamins and minerals. There are "improved options" - with chocolate, vanilla, syrups or spices. It is stored in glass bottles for a week, in plastic - 2 days. Look for packages labeled "non-GMO".

Why drink. Recommended for allergies, lactose intolerance and iron deficiency anemia. In addition, soy contains phytoestrogens, which reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, so the product can be useful for problems with the heart and blood vessels. As for use, feel free to replace milk with them in traditional recipes. Pour even into mashed potatoes, even into pasta sauce. Ready meals will have an unobtrusive nutty flavor.

rice milk

Grain milk is also successful. Oats, rye, wheat - from which they just do not make it. The most popular grain milk variant is made from rice and is traditionally drunk in Asian countries, primarily China and Japan.

Rice milk is usually made from brown rice, less often from refined white rice. The taste is delicate, sweetish - natural sweetness appears during the fermentation process, when carbohydrates break down into simple sugars.

Compared to cow's milk, rice milk is high in carbohydrates, B vitamins, and has some fiber. It is low-fat, the most hypoallergenic of all milk substitutes. There are also disadvantages - lack of proteins and calcium. Why drink. The Chinese and Japanese have been drinking rice milk for thousands of years, according to tradition. Europeans drink it out of curiosity, in the wake of interest in oriental cuisine, plus in cases of reaction to cow's milk. This drink, due to the content of fiber and carbohydrates, saturates well and improves digestion. It is drunk on its own or added to desserts.

Milk: pros and cons

An excellent source of protein.

  • Contains calcium, essential for strong bones. Calcium from milk is well absorbed because it comes with vitamin D and lactose.
  • Milk contains magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A, D and B12.
  • It is a product of animal origin and, accordingly, contains cholesterol and saturated fats.

Often causes allergies.

  • Many adults do not produce the enzymes needed to digest the milk sugar lactose. Lactose intolerance causes digestive problems.
  • May contain antibiotics and hormones treated with cows.

Almond milk

Another source of milk rivers is nuts: walnuts, peanuts, cashews and, of course, almonds. The general principle of preparation is the same - grind, pour water, let it brew, strain. Almond milk was especially popular during the Middle Ages. Firstly, it was the main product for fasting people, and secondly, it was stored longer than cow's.

The main feature of almond milk is that it contains a lot of protein and calcium. From this point of view, it is almost like a cow! It also contains magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, E, B6. Why drink. The combination of magnesium + calcium + vitamin B6 is the ideal formula for strengthening bones. A glass of almond milk covers a third of a person's daily calcium requirement. Vitamins A and E protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, in addition, these are well-known antioxidants that rejuvenate the body as a whole. Potassium is needed so that the heart beats evenly and the nerves do not play naughty.

Smoothies, cocktails, desserts, soups are prepared on the basis of almond milk. True, often the recipe calls for the use of roasted almonds. So it, of course, is tastier, but, alas, it is less useful. Raw foodists are probably right about something.

Coconut milk

Inside each coconut there is a liquid splashing - but this is not milk, but coconut water. Tasty, vitamin, suitable for use in cooking and giving a refreshing effect in the heat. Coconut milk is made from the pulp of a coconut - it is crushed, for example, grated, mixed with water, and then squeezed. The consistency depends on the proportions - the less water, the thicker the drink. Thick is used for making sauces and desserts, liquid - for soups.

Why drink. Coconut milk is quite high in calories - up to 17% fat, it contains a lot of B vitamins. Ayurvedic tradition suggests that the drink helps with dehydration, loss of strength and skin diseases. It can be drunk with stomach problems - recent studies have shown that coconuts also have a weak antibacterial effect.

... unless it's a bird

In general, milk is not driven except from a stool. Hemp, for example, makes an excellent drink. It does not have a narcotic effect, but it contains an excess of Omega-3 and Omega-6 unsaturated acids, there are valuable trace elements like magnesium, 10 essential amino acids, and hemp proteins are absorbed better than soy proteins. Sesame milk is an excellent source of calcium. There is even more calcium in poppy milk. Pumpkin seeds are easily converted into a nutrient substance that supplies the body with iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium, which in the most beneficial way affects the ability to think and not get sick even in the midst of a flu epidemic. Oat milk - from flakes, and preferably whole unpeeled oat grains - a source of valuable dietary fiber that removes "bad" cholesterol from the body.

The general principle of making vegetable milk is simple. Nuts and seeds are washed, soaked for several hours, crushed and mixed with water in a blender in a ratio of 1: 3. Then the mass must be squeezed out. You can add something interesting to the drink: spices, fruits, sweeteners, syrups, poppy seeds, coconut flakes, rose water - in a word, everything that matches your ideas of beauty.

Get yourself a soy cow
Previously, soy milk was made for a long time and manually - the beans had to be ground, the flour had to be boiled and filtered ... Special combines - soy cows - simplify and speed up the process. The unit looks like a kettle, its main functions are to grind and heat. It takes 100 grams of soybeans to make a liter of milk. Time - 20 minutes. In countries where soy milk is traditionally used in cooking, primarily in China, soy cows are found in almost every home. Some models can be used to make nut and rice milk.

Is cow's milk really so useful and necessary for us? Traditionally, we believe in it. The question causes a lot of controversy, but more and more biologists and nutritionists are inclined to believe that milk is not only not necessary, but also not useful for an adult body. And that alternative, plant-based milk is a much healthier substitute for cow's milk. Milk from plant products contains many nutrients, is easily digestible and, unlike cow's milk, does not cause negative reactions in the body, has a pleasant taste, no worse than milk of animal origin.

So drink or not drink milk?

Top Reasons to Replace Cow's Milk

Cow's milk is difficult to digest

In adults, the enzyme lactase, which breaks down milk sugar, lactose, is almost not produced, and there is no enzyme that breaks down casein, the main protein in milk. It is akin to the gluten (gluten) contained in cereals - a protein that is also indigestible for humans.

Pasteurization of milk, which protects us from pathogenic bacteria, simultaneously destroys friendly microflora and destroys the enzymes that are in milk and help digest it. Therefore, pasteurized milk does not turn sour, thanks to beneficial bacteria, but deteriorates. You can not drink yogurt from store milk.

Milk is not fully digested, which can be manifested by bloating, cramps, diarrhea.

Milk gives a quick rise in blood sugar

The glycemic index of milk is high due to lactose, and it quickly raises blood sugar levels, especially when drunk on an empty stomach. In response, insulin levels rise. Sugar-insulin "swing" adversely affect the metabolism, especially in overweight people.

Milk is allergenic

despite the external tolerance of dairy.

Hormones and antibiotics

Cattle receive hormonal supplements to increase milk production and antibiotics to prevent and treat disease. These drugs end up in the milk we drink. Is it necessary to talk about their adverse effect?

Milk acidifies the internal environment of the body

Little is said about this action of milk. Acidification stimulates and supports the course of inflammatory processes and chronic diseases, the growth of malignant cells.

Plant-based milk, on the other hand, has anti-inflammatory properties.

milk and calcium

Is cow's milk the best source of calcium for humans? Will we get a calcium deficiency if we don't drink milk? No, we won't! Just the opposite, milk promotes calcium loss.

Normal blood pH is in the range of 7.35-7.45. When milk is consumed, the pH shifts to an acidic, lower side. The body equalizes the indicator, neutralizing acidity with the help of alkaline minerals, primarily calcium, which is taken for this from our bone tissue.

In addition, during pasteurization and boiling of milk, calcium passes into an inorganic form that cannot be absorbed. Such calcium accumulates in the body, giving salt deposits.

Healthy Sources of Calcium

If milk does not give us calcium, then where do we get it from?

Some of the best plant sources of calcium are sesame seeds, almonds and other nuts, leafy greens, especially dark greens, kelp, and beans. Poppy and sesame seeds contain several times more calcium than milk. Plant sources of calcium, unlike milk, alkalinize the internal environment of the body, do not wash calcium out of the bones and contain many more useful nutrients.

Lots of calcium in herring.

Knowing these facts, it is worth thinking about the place of milk in our menu. If you are not ready to give up dairy products, it would be better to limit them, and if possible, drink natural country, not boiled milk, or yogurt from it, in small quantities. Of course, you need to be sure that the milk is from a pure animal. Such milk contains enzymes that facilitate its digestion, and in yogurt milk sugar has already been processed by lactic acid bacteria.

What can replace cow's milk? 8 Healthy Plant Milk Recipes

What are the types of plant milk? This is, first of all, nut, rice, oatmeal. Their recipes are simple. Homemade plant milk is a healthy and delicious substitute for cow's milk.

How to prepare vegetable milk correctly?

Nuts, rice, and oatmeal should be pre-soaked overnight. This not only makes them softer, but also awakens: it activates enzymes that facilitate digestion, increases the amount of vitamins and reduces the content of phytates - natural plant preservatives that make it difficult for humans to absorb minerals.

Nuts should be taken not fried and soaked in salted water.

Rice and oatmeal for milk are soaked in an acidic environment. To do this, add a little lemon juice to the water, or a tablespoon of whole grain flour (wheat or rye). For oat milk, long-term cooking flakes are taken.

Water after soaking must not be used for making milk! It contains enzyme inhibitors and antinutrients. After soaking, the products should be washed well.

Plant milk is made in both a stationary and an immersion blender. It can be drunk just like that, used for smoothies and baking, cooking various dishes and sauces, added to tea and coffee.

Do not sweeten plant-based milk with sugar, even brown. It will disrupt the absorption of this useful product. If you drink milk just like that, add 2-3 soaked dates for sweetness, or a little honey, maple syrup. If you make smoothies with vegetable milk, then you don’t need a sweetener at all.

If desired, you can add a pinch of salt to the blender. It is better to take sea salt: in addition to ordinary salt, it contains other minerals.

Store nut milk in the cold area of ​​the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar for 3-4 days. Rice and oatmeal - up to a week. Plant based milk can be frozen in molds and used as needed.

The remaining nut cake is good to add to smoothies, pastries, make flour out of it.

We do not consider soy milk here. Most soy is now a genetically modified product. In soybeans, the most powerful protease inhibitors are substances that prevent the activation of enzymes inside the seed and, accordingly, absorption.

1. Almond milk

It is the best and very tasty substitute for cow's milk. One of the best liquid bases for . Almonds are nutritious and high in calcium.

Wash 1 cup almonds and soak overnight.

Rinse, beat in a blender with 3-4 glasses of water at maximum speed for 1.5-2 minutes.

For sweetness, you can add 2-4 dates, previously soaked. Dates will enrich the drink with fiber and micronutrients.

Strain through cheesecloth and squeeze.

Store in a closed jar in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

2. Coconut milk

Coconut milk is more fatty and high-calorie than almond milk, rich in iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, and amino acids. Coconut fats are high-quality vegetable fats that are completely absorbed and immediately used by the body as a source of energy. They do not threaten weight gain. This is a great smoothie base. After a smoothie with coconut milk, you don’t want to eat for a long time.

Coconut milk is easy to prepare, and the cost is comparable to regular milk. One coconut makes about 1 liter of milk.

3. Rice milk

Ideal for those who are sensitive to cow's milk and nuts. Rice milk has less protein than nut milk, but contains B vitamins, calcium, manganese, and selenium. Rice milk is easily digestible.

It is best to take unpolished rice: it has more fiber and trace elements. But you can cook from the usual.

Rice milk recipe that preserves its usefulness as much as possible:

  • 1/2 cup rice
  • 4 glasses of water

Soak rice overnight.

After soaking, rinse well, put in a saucepan and pour two glasses of water. Salt as desired. Bring to a boil and cook over very low heat until fully cooked. Cool down.

Fill the blender bowl with boiled rice with the rest of the water to half the working volume. Pour the same volume of water into the bowl. Beat until smooth for 1-2 minutes. Strain through a cheesecloth funnel, using a spoon or hand, or through a sieve.

The remaining mass can be used in baking.

For chocolate rice milk, put 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder and beat for about a minute.

Store in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar for up to a week.

Rice milk can be used to cook cereals, sauces, desserts, and use for baking. It is used in baby food.

4. Oat milk

It is an easy-to-make and cheap alternative to cow's milk. Oatmeal is the only cereal that contains the valuable protein globulin, which has a composition similar to that of animal protein. Oats do not contain gluten.

  • 1 cup long cooking oatmeal
  • 3 glasses of water

Soak the flakes in water for 6-8 hours.

Drain the water, rinse the flakes well.

Blend in a blender for about 2 minutes. Adjust the concentration of milk with the amount of water.

Strain through a sieve, helping with a spoon, or squeeze through cheesecloth.

If desired, sweeten with honey, add cinnamon, or vanilla.

Store in a sealed jar in the refrigerator for up to a week.

5. Milk from pumpkin seeds

How often do you eat pumpkin seeds? They have a lot of complete protein, including all the essential amino acids - more than in other seeds or nuts. Pumpkin seeds are a storehouse of trace elements. They are rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, zinc necessary for men, vitamins A, B, E. Pumpkin seed milk is another good way to include this valuable product in your diet.

  • Pumpkin seeds 1 cup
  • Water 3 cups
  • A pinch of salt

Soak the seeds for 8 hours. Add some salt and lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to the water.

Drain water, rinse well.

Put the seeds in a blender, pour water, salt as desired. Beat 1-2 minutes at high speed. In a stationary blender, the seeds diverge almost completely, in a submersible blender - less, although it takes longer to beat.

Pumpkin milk can not be filtered, especially if cooked in a powerful blender: this way it will be more valuable. Strain it to obtain a finer consistency for cooking some dishes.

Store in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar for 3-4 days.

6. Milk from sunflower seeds.

It turns out that milk can also be made from ordinary seeds. They are rich in protein and micronutrients. Not fried seeds are taken, soaking time is 8 hours in salted water. Rinse well after soaking.

  • 1 cup seeds
  • 3 glasses of water
  • a pinch of salt

Beat 1.5 minutes at high speed.

The milk is saturated, it can not be filtered to get the maximum benefit.

Seed milk goes well with dates, cocoa powder, cinnamon. Additives are placed in a blender along with seeds and water. If a soft consistency is desired, strain through cheesecloth, pour back into the blender, add the desired additives and beat.

7. Milk from hemp seeds

Hemp seed milk is still rare today, although it is even more nutritious than nut milk. Hemp seeds, unlike the green parts and cones of the plant, do not contain psychotropic substances. Hemp milk is rich in valuable proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, trace elements, B vitamins, amino acids. It is rich and has a slight nutty flavor.

Seeds are suitable both peeled and unpeeled. Peeled ones are soaked for 2-4 hours, unpeeled - overnight.

For 1 cup of peeled seeds, 2-3 cups of water are taken.

For 1 cup of unpeeled seeds - less - 1-2 cups of water.

Rinse the soaked seeds in a strainer, and beat in a blender with water until smooth. Unpeeled seeds beat longer.

Milk from the peeled seeds does not need to be filtered. You can, if you want, pass through a coffee filter. From the unpeeled - strain through cheesecloth and squeeze.

For sweetness, you can add a couple of soaked dates, maple syrup, stevia, vanilla to the finished milk. For chocolate milk, cocoa powder. Optionally, a pinch of salt as a preservative and to emphasize the taste. With additives, beat again in a blender.

Hemp milk is a great base for smoothies and ice cream. For pastries and desserts, more concentrated milk is better.

The cake of unpeeled hemp seeds contains valuable substances. It can be dried and added to cereals, main dishes. It contributes to the cleansing of the intestines and its good work. From hemp cake, you can make face masks, use it as a scrub, pre-resin in a coffee grinder.

Store milk in the refrigerator in a closed jar for 3-4 days.

8. Cashew Milk

Cashews are completely mixed with water even in an immersion blender and the cooked milk does not need to be filtered. Therefore, cashew milk is the most tender, rich and very tasty. These nuts contain a lot of iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, amino acids. Cashew milk smoothies are incredibly delicious.

The only drawback is that the nuts are exposed to temperatures of up to 200 degrees during the cleaning and drying process.

Soak unroasted nuts for 4 hours. Rinse after soaking.

To prepare milk for 1 cup of cashews, 3-4 cups of water are taken.

Put the nuts in a blender, add half the amount of water, a pinch of salt if desired and beat for 1-2 minutes, increasing the speed, until the nuts are completely dispersed.

Add the remaining water to the finished milk, adjusting the concentration.

If your blender is unable to completely grind the nuts, strain the milk through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

For sweet milk, put 2-4 soaked dates in a blender, or a little honey, maple syrup, or agave syrup.

Store in a closed jar in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Plant-based milk is becoming more and more popular. It is tasty, rich in nutrients and micronutrients. Fresh, homemade, you'll love it as a replacement for processed and de-biologically stored milk from the store.

Nut milk is best made at home. Purchased always contains additives, and sometimes sugar. In addition, homemade nut milk will cost much less than imported store-bought. If you are buying a ready-made product, choose without sugar and artificial flavors, prefer organic.

Sergei Rubanov,

Milk contains almost all the nutrients a person needs for life, and they are very well absorbed. Is a good source of easily digestible calcium, thanks to the correct proportion between it and phosphorus (1 to 1). Contained in milk squirrels are also easily digestible and have an almost model composition, contain all the essential amino acids.

Trace elements found in milk: magnesium (regulates the functioning of the nervous system), potassium (supports muscles), zinc (strengthens the immune system) and calcium. Milk is a good source of vitamin A (necessary for vision), vitamin D (promotes calcium absorption), B vitamins (involved in the production of hormones and enzymes), and vitamin E (protects against free radical damage).

Fermented dairy products will replace milk

pay attention to low fat dairy products, but not fat-free, because calcium from such products is less absorbed due to the lower content of vitamin D.

Choose natural yoghurts without artificial colors, preservatives, sugar. Remember that kefir contains slightly less calcium than yogurt. But, due to the content of live cultures of bacteria, it has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and improves the mechanisms of absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

Plant Based Milk Alternative

In addition to soy milk, other dairy drinks are available on the market, such as coconut milk(obtained from freshly squeezed coconut meat) corn milk(from corn syrup) rice milk(brown rice product), buckwheat milk(from buckwheat and soybeans).

They have the advantage that people who are allergic to cow's milk protein can drink them. Their disadvantage is that they contain little (coconut, buckwheat) or no calcium (corn, rice) at all.

Therefore, when replacing cow's milk, we should choose plant-based milk enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Try goat milk

Great alternative to cow's milk- goat's milk and cheese and fermented drinks made from it. This milk contains even more calcium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins than cow's milk and is better absorbed.

Goat's milk is less likely to cause allergies than cow's, so some allergy sufferers may drink it instead of cow's. The disadvantage of goat milk products is the high price.

Cheese instead of milk

Among dairy products rich in calcium, one should pay attention to yellow cheeses, which contain 6-10 times more calcium than cottage cheese. This difference is a consequence of other technological processes used in the production of cheese.

However, due to their high calorie content and high content of saturated fatty acids, yellow cheeses are only allowed to be eaten from time to time. This is especially true for people who are overweight and have high cholesterol levels.

Soy instead of milk

Milk derived from soybeans is high in calcium, lecithin, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, protein, vitamin E, and B vitamins. It has no cholesterol but is high in calories.

It is best to choose an unflavoured milk drink fortified with calcium. Tofu, made from soy milk, is a good source of calcium and protein.

Soy milk and its products should be consumed in moderation. Soy, meat, and egg meals should not be eaten often, because they are real “protein bombs”. The toxicity value of ½ kg of soy flour corresponds to the value of 27 eggs or 1.25 kg of beef.

Milk and soy cheese can cause allergies, and prolonged use can cause thyroid problems.

Add sardines and vegetables to shopping list

Eat at least 2 times a week a can of sardines in oil or tomatoes along with the skeleton, because they have a lot of calcium. A lot of this element is also in dark green vegetables (spinach, cabbage, broccoli, parsley), legumes (soybeans, beans, peas), chocolate, nuts.

Unfortunately, calcium from plant products is absorbed only by 10-13%, while from dairy products by 30%. In addition, some foods (spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, beets, radish), in addition to calcium, contain oxalates, which bind calcium and prevent its absorption, for example, the body receives only 1% of calcium from spinach.

The ancient science of health, Ayurveda, considers milk to be an elixir of mental and physical health. Dairy products, according to her statements, have a positive effect on the mind, psyche and well-being of a person. A highly nutritious and easily digestible product rich in proteins, fats, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, D. Lactose, or milk sugar, is involved in intracellular metabolism, the work of the heart, liver, kidneys, brain and nervous system. A pleasant creamy taste and a generous set of useful components, however, do not save milk from criticism. Experts argue about the advisability of human consumption of dairy products, and vegans, ovo-vegetarians refuse milk in the name of humane treatment of animals. The arguments of milk advocates seem very convincing if it were not for the experience of vegans and their supporters. They proved that life without livestock products is not a myth, but a reality. The main thing is a balanced diet and providing the body with the necessary substances.

Vegetables and fruits

The main component of milk is calcium, which is responsible for the condition of bone tissue, transmission of nerve impulses, muscle tone and psycho-emotional state. Maintaining a valuable component at the right level will help regular consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. White, Savoy and Chinese cabbage, spinach, broccoli, sesame seeds, watercress, parsley, dill and basil are especially rich in calcium. Dishes from such vegetables not only satisfy the daily need for calcium, but also ensure the normal functioning of the digestive tract due to fiber.

Vitamin D is needed for optimal absorption of the “bone element” and prevention of osteoporosis. A half-hour walk on a sunny day contributes to the natural production of a useful component, and exposure to fresh air strengthens the immune system, activates metabolism, awakens appetite and relieves fatigue. It is advisable to take sunbathing in the morning, and if there are gloomy clouds in the sky, then treat yourself to a salad with greens and vegetable oil, oatmeal or potato dishes. These foods also contain vitamin D in small amounts.

Of particular importance is the prevention of deficiency of the "sunny vitamin" should be given to pregnant women and nursing mothers. The process of bearing a child, the postpartum period is accompanied by significant losses of calcium. With a lack of vitamin D, osteoporosis can develop over time, problems with bones and joints can be observed.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits will adequately replace dairy products in terms of the richness of useful substances, and also in terms of their properties. 6-8 medium dried fruits will compete with 1 glass of milk in terms of calcium, potassium, iron, hunger satisfaction. Prunes, dried apricots, raisins and figs also prevent constipation, support the heart muscle and increase the body's endurance.


Almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts and pine nuts are sources of fats, complex proteins, carotene, vitamins, minerals (phosphorus, manganese, iodine, zinc, iron). Regular consumption of nuts has a positive effect on mental activity, stimulates the work of the heart, brain, strengthens the body's defenses. Due to the high calorie content, the daily portion of the delicacy is limited to a small handful, so as not to harm the slender silhouette.

Milk of vegetable origin

Cow's milk can easily be replaced with a plant-based product. It is made from various seeds, nuts, and even cereals (rice, oats). Vegetable milk is successfully used in cooking, and in terms of useful substances it is not inferior to animal milk. Sesame milk is rich in calcium, pumpkin milk is rich in iron and zinc, soy milk is rich in protein and amino acids. Coconut milk is famous for its pleasant tropical taste, content of vitamin C, group B, lauric acid. When cooking, rice, oat, almond milk is also often used. The technique of making milk from seeds, nuts can be easily mastered at home, or you can purchase a finished product in large stores. Be healthy!